
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

author:Nanfeng entertainment circle
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

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Edited by Nan Feng

Congratulations to Hu Ge, finally sitting on the throne of Emperor Shi!

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

After a long wait, Magnolia finally won the lottery.

This time it can really be described as a group of stars, which can be regarded as a gathering of the most popular works in the past two years, as well as the most popular Mesozoic powerhouse.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Sure enough, everyone is in good spirits, and there are works that are really different.

Taking advantage of the afterglow of "The Story of Rose", Liu Yifei and Wan Qian, Tong Dawei and Lin Yi reappeared in the public eye.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Hu Ge and Tang Yan are really eye-catching.

As soon as the two of them appeared, the whole event instantly improved by several levels, and the low-key and luxurious style was highly adaptable.

The battle was fought beautifully, and the two generals were majestic enough.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

It is worth mentioning that Chen Xiao is really handsome this time.

shaved his head for the new play, but his hair didn't grow, and this brother came directly with a bald head and a black body.

The more plain it is, the more three-dimensional the facial features are, but if this face has a little crotch pulling, it will definitely not be able to hold up.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Of course, this year's Magnolia, what everyone is most concerned about is who will win the award.

Not much to say, this time, let's take a look at the most real reaction of the stars after the results are revealed.

Ning Li Jiang Yan won the award in an upset

In fact, this year's Magnolia's best male and female supporting actress is also relatively competitive.

The one who won the best supporting actor was Ning Li.

His acting skills are really worth it, but many people really didn't expect to win the first place with "Under the Prosperous City".

When this brother heard his name, he was even a little confused.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

is worthy of being an old drama bone who has seen a big scene.

Ning Li's acceptance speech was logical and clear, and he was indeed delighted, but he was not so excited that he was overflowing.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

On the other side, Jiang Yan is different.

"South to North" has indeed achieved remarkable results, but even if Jiang Yan is a little out of the circle, the discussion and popularity are not amazing enough.

And this time there are also Song Jia in "Asking the Boundless", and Chen Chong in "Asking the Heart", no matter how you look at these two awards, there is no dispute.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

When Jiang Yan's name sounded, she herself was already excited to fly.

The star next to her was obviously really happy for her, Jiang Yan first looked at her partner Ding Yongdai, and at the same time, Wang Yang and the others behind her also had a smile on their faces.

It can be seen that Jiang Yan's popularity in the entertainment industry is also good.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

came to the stage to accept the award, Jiang Yan's mouth was about to reach her temples.

Thanks for a slip of the thirteenth time, the more I talked, the more emotional I became, from this moment on, Jiang Yan's coffee position is different from the past, and she is indeed worth it.

Looking forward to more highlight works from this sister in the future.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Hu Ge defeated Fan Wei, and Tang Yan and Yan Ni defeated Zhou Xun

I think that Hu Ge won the Magnolia Emperor with "Flowers", which has long been the ending in everyone's hearts.

It's a little uncomfortable, but, it's reasonable.

When announcing that Hu Ge was the winner of this year's Magnolia Best Actor Award, Tang Yan seemed to be even more excited than Hu Ge.

Hu Ge happily lowered his head directly, while Tang Yan directly covered his mouth, and the completely irrepressible joy had already been revealed from his eyes.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Hu Ge turned around and first high-fived Director Yang Yang, while Tang Yan raised his hands early and waited for Hu Ge to interact with him.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

On stage, Hu Ge didn't make too many speeches, only thanks.

It's brief, but it's also very humble.

However, of course, the organizer couldn't just "let go" Hu Ge, and the host came to the stage with a scarf that meant a lot to Hu Ge and mentioned his deceased mother.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Tears followed, and it could be seen that Hu Ge had been bowing his head to suppress his tears.

On the contrary, Dong Yong in the audience was already teary-eyed, and Fan Xiangyan, who was nominated for Best Supporting Actress, was obviously more moved.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

It is worth mentioning that Wang Yang's absence this time surprised many people.

After being besieged by top fans, after Wang Yang's social platform comment area fell, this brother's state is still very full, and the host has also given a lot of affirmation.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Of course, the most "exciting" thing is to sit on the award scene of the best actress throne.

As the "traffic leader" of this Magnolia, Yang Zi did not come, which disappointed people who wanted to watch the play.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

However, the final winner was Zhou Xun, which was the biggest "surprise" of this event.

Not to mention the audience, even Zhou Xun was shocked when he heard his name.

subconsciously showed some complicated expressions, and looked at the director next to him for the first time,

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Here, I have to talk about the other two actresses who were nominated for Best Actress and were present.

One is Tang Yan.

During the interview before the results were announced, Tang Yan couldn't hide her smile as soon as she stood up, and the microphone was not handed to her mouth.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

And when Zhou Xun walked onto the podium under the applause of the audience, Tang Yan's state was very different from before.

There is no cold face, but the smile is long gone.

Hu Ge kept a straight face throughout the whole process, maybe he didn't pay much attention to the things on the stage after winning the award.

It can be seen that Tang Yan should be disappointed.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

In addition to Tang Yan, there is another nominated Yan Ni.

"Grandma's New World" is a pure online drama, and it is already very good to be shortlisted for the Magnolia Award, and it seems that the production team did not come to the scene.

Yan Ni sat in a row with the crew of "The Long Season", alone next to her, and when everyone looked at Zhou Xun on the stage, she looked at the water bottle in her hand lonely, and she really couldn't laugh.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

However, although "Grandma's New World" does not have much attention, I still recommend this drama.

Yan Ni plays two roles by herself, and completely loses her image burden and paints elderly makeup, which is warm and healing and very moving, but the subject matter is really unable to compete with other big dramas.


The award has come to an end, but there is a drama that has only won one award, but it still makes many netizens unforgettable-

The Long Season

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

This drama is also a phenomenal online drama of the previous year, and it has won four heavyweight nominations in this Magnolia.

They are Best TV Series, Best Director Xin Shuang, Best Actor Fan Wei and Best Supporting Actor Chen Minghao.

And in the end, only Xin Shuang won the best director.

In fact, in terms of weight, it is enough to defeat Director Wong Kar-wai, who no longer needs to be proved by awards.

However, the best actor and the best supporting actor did not get a name, which is really uneasy.

I don't know if it was influenced by my subjectivity, but when Director Xin Shuang delivered his acceptance speech, I felt that he was actually a little aggrieved, and he also had something to say.

In the end, it turned into a song.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

And the actors of "The Long Season" in the audience were not full of joy and tears like when other crews won awards.

Especially Chen Minghao, I think the audience who knows a little bit about Chen Minghao should know that this brother is true temperament, and I really saw the words "forced smile" on his face.

It's not that I'm unwilling or unconvinced, but I'm a little disappointed and a little lonely.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

The most terrible thing is that the host even took the initiative to mention Chen Minghao on the spot.

We don't know why the director won the award, why did he take out an actor and praise him violently, saying that he learned to dance by himself (a classic clip in the play) when he had a fracture, and then, he really let this brother come to a while.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

And the crew of "The Long Season" happened to sit in the back two rows of "Flowers", and in the middle row there was also a "Imperfect Victim" by Zhou Xun and others.

I don't know how Director Xin Shuang feels when he watches "Flowers" win five awards in a row, anyway, it is really murderous and heartbreaking for fans of the show.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

Since it is an awards ceremony, it is natural that a few families are happy and a few are sad.

"Flowers" became the biggest winner, Yang Zi and Fan Wei did not attend, so naturally there is a later itinerary.

But then again, Yang Zi and "Sauvignon Blanc 2" are about to debut, and Fan Wei has already won the actor and continues to attack the ceiling-level awards in the film industry.

The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh
The Magnolia Award star reaction is too exciting! After Zhou Xun was upset, some people couldn't laugh

The last wave of big dramas has ended, and there are more masterpieces to come.

I don't know what kind of wonderful topics will appear in the next Magnolia, and who will be upset to win the award.

Who do you think deserves to win this time? #记录我的2024 ##第29届白玉兰颁奖典礼现场#


Nanfeng entertainment circle

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