
Heavy! US media: The United States has not been invited to participate in lunar exploration and lunar rock research, netizens: sour or not

author:Smell the Tao and practice

Recently, there has been a heated discussion about China's failure to invite the United States to participate in the research of moon rocks.

On June 29, according to the Russian Satellite News Agency, NASA spokesman Faith Marco said:

China has made significant progress in space exploration – and while other countries would benefit from this advancement, Washington is not involved.

This week, China, in partnership with France, Italy, Pakistan and the European Space Agency, completed a mission to collect samples from the far side of the moon, but NASA was not invited to participate in the mission.

Moreover, China has not directly invited NASA to study the collected lunar rocks, although China welcomes scientists from all over the world to participate in the research.

Heavy! US media: The United States has not been invited to participate in lunar exploration and lunar rock research, netizens: sour or not

Many netizens said that through the screen, they could feel NASA's sense of loss, and he seemed to be complaining: Science knows no borders, space exploration, how can you not play with the United States?

Americans seem to be very fond of selective forgetting.

As a veteran space power, the United States has never looked at other countries in its eyes.

On July 20, 1969, the United States completed the first manned landing on the moon in human history, marking that the United States has become unique in the world in the field of space technology.

Since then, in order to prevent other countries from competing with the United States, the United States has used all means to maintain its leading position.

In 2011, the U.S. Congress passed the Wolf Amendment, which explicitly required that NASA seek specific exemptions from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) if it wanted to cooperate with China.

Since then, China can no longer have any cooperation with NASA, and everything can only be done on its own.

After more than 10 years of hard work, China has made remarkable achievements in the field of space, and this moon rock collection on the back of the moon is one of them.

Heavy! US media: The United States has not been invited to participate in lunar exploration and lunar rock research, netizens: sour or not

In 1969, the United States completed the first manned landing on the moon, which shocked mankind unprecedentedly.

For all countries in the world, this is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Because space technology, essentially missile technology, can be easily converted into military use.

Just imagine, if the United States uses this technology militarily and attacks from space, how many countries will be able to resist?

So, after the American manned landing on the moon, all countries of the world succumbed, including the Soviet Union.

In the face of unequal strength, you can only bow your head.

Although the United States' manned mission to the moon was later questioned by countless people, NASA also said that all the information on the previous moon landing was gone, and the United States now has no ability to send astronauts to the moon again, but at that time, it did bluff all countries.

In this way, the impression that the United States is far ahead in scientific and technological strength has been deeply implanted in everyone's minds.

Add to that the 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the United States, and all countries shudder.

All this, with the rise of China in the space field, began to become delicate.

The United States knows very well what it means for China's Chang'e-6 to land on the back of the moon.

Heavy! US media: The United States has not been invited to participate in lunar exploration and lunar rock research, netizens: sour or not

At that time, the United States and the Soviet Union were in the lead in space hegemony, and the United States was anxious, but later, unknowingly, it overtook it, and Soviet experts were also stunned, and they never understood how the United States did it.

This time, it was America's turn.

The United States has let go of its arrogance, and not long ago, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that he hoped China would share samples and analysis data collected on the far side of the moon with the United States.

Many countries have begun to re-examine the United States, a former space power, may not be as strong as everyone thinks.

Lincoln said: You can deceive all people for a while, you can even deceive some people forever, but you can't deceive all people forever.

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