
Yayoi: Brunei's peace and warmth

author:Dongying is a jack of all trades
Yayoi: Brunei's peace and warmth

Chinese Herald Dongying years

Artist: Yayoi

Coming back from Brunei, the weather is back to the late spring and early summer, the flowers of the wood-scented roses on the fence wall of the courtyard begin to wither, while the roses on the right side of the door begin to bloom, and the various flowers in the neighborhood also exude a variety of sweet fragrances. Brunei is like a beautiful leaf on my forehead, and it is bustling with light.

I think of the scene of watching the cable-stayed bridge that spans the east and west banks of the Brunei River, it was evening, the sun was slowly beginning to end after a day of burning enthusiastically, and the crimson orange sunset flew together, and the triangular plum blossoms blooming on the shore formed a warm and touching farewell, it was the end of the meeting, and it was also very much like the farewell of those of us writers and friends from all over the world.

Yayoi: Brunei's peace and warmth

When I was invited by Sun De'an, the new president of the World Chinese Writers Association, to participate in the Brunei World Congress, I didn't know where the country of Brunei was in Southeast Asia......

It turns out that the world is really big, and even if the land area is small, each country still has its own characteristics, its own style, its own beauty, and its own beliefs. I remember what Chairman Sun said at the opening ceremony: "Brunei is a country with nothing, no war, no earthquake, no typhoon, no winter cold, no autumn scenery, but no beggars, no guns...... Yes, Brunei has peace, serenity, abundance, faith, and everyone in Brunei is free from anxiety and anger.

Yayoi: Brunei's peace and warmth

With a population of only 450,000, Brunei is really a small place compared to Tokyo, which has a population of 15 million, but Brunei is wealthy, a place where you will be drawn to it once you visit, and its culture and the smiles and satisfaction displayed by its people are rarely seen anywhere else in the world.

The full name of Brunei Darussalam is "Negara Brunei Darussalam", referred to as Brunei (Brunei), located on the north coast of Borneo in Southeast Asia. Together with Sarawak and Sabah in Malaysia, it is known as the three states of North Phra, which is an absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchy is a form of government defined in the concept of political science, which refers to a centralized political system with ancient kings as the core. Of the total population of 450,000, 69.3% are Malays, 10.8% are Chinese, and 19.9% are of other races. The state religion is Islam. With a land area of 5,765 square kilometers and the country divided into 4 districts, the opening and closing ceremonies of our conference were specially arranged by the organizers in different locations in the two districts, so that we could also watch the ordinary life of the people here and the children's schools all the way, and what impressed me the most was the peaceful and quiet expression on everyone's face, their smile was from the heart, and they never seemed to have to worry about tomorrow.

Brunei was peacefully independent from the United Kingdom in January 1984, and is also one of the countries that joined the "Association of Southeast Asian Nations" or "ASEAN".

Brunei's forest coverage rate is 72.11%, and 86% of its forest reserves are primeval forests, with a variety of animals and plants growing in the tropics.

Brunei has 162 kilometers of coastline, 200 nautical miles of fishery area has rich fishery resources, because the waters are not polluted, and there is no typhoon, the scenery of the bay is even more amazing and fascinating, we walked on the boulevard of the six-star hotel built by the king along the coast, saw the blue sea, the dazzling sun shining on the calm sea, when the writers of the same country told me, "This is the South China Sea", how I wished, the peace and tranquility here also spread a little more, Because that's how human beings are supposed to get along and live in the first place.

Yayoi: Brunei's peace and warmth

If someone asks me what is the deepest feeling of going to Brunei, it is probably these two words, one is peace, and the other is enthusiasm. Peace is a word that is easier said than done, especially in today's world when there is still war, and Brunei's peace is especially pleasant and enviable. In addition to the hot weather in Brunei, the word enthusiasm is the warm reception and warm care given to us by the colleagues of the Brunei Chinese Writers Association during the conference, whether it is the drums and dances performed by the students of the two Chinese schools, or the Chinese food and dinner hosted by the principal, I am extremely moved.

Brunei, your peace and enthusiasm will remain in my memory for the rest of my life.

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