
Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

author:Brand Officer
Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?
  • Brand Officer
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Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Introduction: As we all know, in the past two years, the sales and brand awareness of Japanese car companies have become more and more bleak, and many netizens are looking forward to whether Japanese brand cars can reappear and lay a solid foundation again.

During this period, according to the sales data of Japanese cars in China in April released by the Passenger Car Association, the sales of the vast majority of Japanese cars showed a downward trend;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: Passenger Association

Indeed, in the past two years, whether it is a first-tier luxury brand or a second-tier brand, sales have been surpassed by other car companies; Such a low sales share in the Chinese market is indeed very embarrassing, so many Chinese people even call for revival of Japanese cars in the domestic auto market.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Pictured: Honda's vehicle sales fell sharply in March 2024

What's going on here? Let's find out!

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?
Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Japanese cars are no longer glamorous?

Netizen: The sales of the god car in China have also plummeted

At present, the development speed of new energy vehicles has been getting faster and faster, and there are even signs of replacing a series of fuel joint venture vehicles.

Judging from the current development of Japanese cars, the situation of Japanese cars in China is indeed not very good in recent times, both local Japanese netizens and domestic friends have expressed great worries, and also hope that Japanese cars can strengthen their innovation capabilities, and then regain the scenery of Japanese car companies.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

According to the first financial report: Japanese manufacturer Toyota's sales in 2023 will be 1.9076 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 1.7%; The overall sales of the Nissan motor brand in China were 793,800 units, down 24% year-on-year

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: CBN News Network

Many netizens also said: "Japanese cars are going through the darkest moment in the Chinese market, and if they want to regain confidence, they must strengthen their innovation capabilities." And indeed there is nothing wrong with that.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Although Japanese cars are cold in China, judging from the sales volume of global car companies in 2023, the delivery data of Japanese cars still shows a relatively obvious upward trend.

According to data from China Automotive Digital Research Institute, Toyota's global car sales in 2023 will reach 11.23 million units, a year-on-year increase of 7%;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: China Automotive Digital Research Institute

For this reason, the author also wants to sigh for the Japanese car brand here: "Domestic independent brands are really rising now, and under the pressure of competition in the global auto market, Toyota car companies can still sit first in the global sales list, which is really resilient."

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

However, why has the sales of Japanese cars represented by Toyota been declining in China, is it because of the decline in the competitiveness of its own brand or the further development of domestic car technology?

For example, in terms of the results of Japanese automakers operating in China, its performance is indeed not satisfactory;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Among them, the relatively large negative impact is mainly due to the recent quality fraud of a series of Japanese cars such as Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi, and Dongfeng Nissan;

In particular, the recently announced news that "Mazda failed the crash test" was criticized by the official name.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: China Automotive News

Even the airbags of the main driver and co-pilot are limited by the countdown function? Isn't this just a joke on the lives of consumers who want to buy Japanese cars?

If there are really some unforeseen car accidents and collisions on the road in the future, most of the results are: when Japanese car drivers are collided, they have to wait for the sound of the countdown of the airbag driving a Mazda car to end before they can successfully turn on the airbag.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Pictured: Mazda airbags

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

The joint venture fuel vehicle has been completely defeated?

Huawei's M9 sales surpassed that of BBA in an all-round way

2024 is a year of rapid development of new energy vehicles; Many first-tier luxury car brands that used to dominate the domestic market have lost in the past two years, and their sales have declined seriously.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Judging from the delivery data in the second week of April this year, the luxury car brand that has dominated the domestic market for nearly 30 years has also faded from the infinite scenery it once exuded; And in the field of sales of more than 500,000 yuan, Huawei Wenjie M9 has topped the weekly list of luxury cars with a proud attitude.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: Passenger Association

Judging from the performance of relevant data, most of Huawei's car price pricing is in the range of 200,000-500,000 yuan;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

From this point, we can see that Huawei has abandoned the low-end automobile market in a real sense, and completely switched to the mid-to-high-end automobile market.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

On the contrary, the delivery of foreign fuel joint venture vehicles is not so optimistic, especially the sales data of Japanese joint venture brands are declining faster and faster.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

According to the statistics of China Automotive Digital Research Institute, on the sales list of auto brands in May 2024, the sales of BYD and Tesla have increased significantly;

The sales of other car brands led by Volkswagen and Toyota have shown a downward trend; In particular, Toyota Motor and Changan Automobile saw the most significant declines, with year-on-year declines of 15.8% and 31.1% respectively;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: China Automotive Digital Research Institute

On the other hand, the delivery data of domestic car brands, especially the Huawei Wenjie M9, showed an overall upward trend in May, which is in stark contrast to Japanese cars.

Yu Chengdong also said on the official Weibo: "Since its launch 6 months ago, the cumulative number of Huawei M9 has exceeded 100,000 units, and it has continuously ranked first in sales of more than 500,000 luxury cars; ”

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: Yu Chengdong's official Weibo

Yu Chengdong also commented on Weibo that the delivery speed of Huawei Wenjie M9 has broken the transaction speed of traditional luxury car brands in a real sense, and it can be regarded as setting a new record for the delivery speed of domestic luxury cars.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Pictured: Huawei Technologies R&D Conference 2024

Some people rejoice and some are sad; On the one hand, there are rising domestic new energy vehicles, and on the other hand, there are traditional fuel luxury cars whose sales continue to decline; How to effectively balance the relationship between the two is a concern for most car companies.

In a sense, traditional fuel vehicles do not have an advantage in today's era of "electricity is lower than oil"; If traditional fuel vehicles want to regain their halo, it is essential to strengthen their innovation capabilities;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Source: BYD's official website

In today's era, the so-called luxury brand title can no longer fully impress the hearts of consumers, whether a car has a high enough cost performance, is the key to grasp the psychology of people to buy a car.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Independent brands have risen,

The Japanese say that the Chinese should buy Toyota joint venture cars?

However, as for the plummeting sales of Japanese cars in China, many netizens also have different opinions;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Pictured: Japanese netizens are worried about the sales of Japanese cars

Some people believe that the rapid decline in sales of Japanese cars in China is due to the high uncertainty of the current market economy, which has led to the continuous decline of more and more consumers' willingness to buy cars.

Of course, this is also one of the important factors, but the author still believes that the reason why fuel vehicles can be crushed by new energy vehicles is that the most important thing is that the ability of independent innovation is not enough;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

If the innovation ability of the fuel vehicle itself is strong enough, and the black technology attached to the car can completely impress the psychology of consumers to buy a car; So even if the development momentum of new energy vehicles is fierce, I believe that the vast majority of Chinese people will still choose to buy fuel vehicles.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

According to the normal thinking of buying a car, whether to buy a fuel car, a pure electric car, or a hybrid electric car, the choice should be reasonable in the hands of consumers, rather than being led astray by some companies.

With the rise of domestic brands, it is natural that the competitive pressure in the global automotive market is becoming more and more intense; In fact, the Japanese brand itself has been slowly depleted in its own reputation and image in the past two years, which is the main factor that led to the collapse of its sales.

After all, for a car brand, price is not the only factor that determines the sales volume;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Because in addition to considering the price, the quality of the car, the brand influence, and the innovation ability of the car company can affect the sales of the car and the desire of consumers to buy.

As far as the previous collective quality fraud incident of Japanese car companies was exposed, it has greatly affected the sales volume and brand reputation of Japanese brands in China and even around the world;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Pictured: Japanese car companies previously falsified production quality

In the final analysis, if Japanese car brands want to win the recognition of consumers, they still have to work steadily and improve the technology and quality they should have, rather than blindly deceiving and deceiving consumers;

But it is undeniable that the strength of Toyota among Japanese brands is still very strong;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Pictured: Japan's Toyota Crown press conference

Although Toyota is showing a downward trend in the Chinese market as a whole, it still maintains its position as the king of sales in the global market.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Write at the end

If the development of intelligent and digital automobiles is the main external reason for the quagmire of Japanese automobiles, then Japan's self-proclaimed "craftsman spirit" has also gone downhill.

In the past, everyone said that there were not many big prospects for the development of China's automobiles; But now looking back and looking back, the domestic automobile manufacturing technology has surpassed many countries that we simply did not dare to imagine before.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

The emergence of a series of domestic automobiles such as Huawei, BYD, Ideal, Xiaopeng, and Great Wall can be regarded as directly entering the base camp of the automobile market;

You can also think about it from another angle, it is the emergence of new energy vehicles such as BYD and Huawei that makes us more confident and proud of the prospects of domestic automobiles.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Is this a bit like the phenomenon of China opening its eyes to the world and running around to learn from its neighbors? It's just that this time it's just the opposite, and now it's time for other countries to learn technology and technology from our country.

Therefore, in layman's terms, if Japanese cars want to fight a beautiful turnaround in the future, then regaining their image and strengthening their innovation ability are the problems that must be solved;

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Otherwise, it is difficult for Japanese cars to regain their feet in the domestic market under such fierce competitive pressure in the domestic auto market.

Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

Have you been aware of the recent serious collapse in sales of Japanese cars in China? Or if it were you, would you choose to buy a Japanese car? Or are you optimistic about the future of Japanese cars? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss and express your opinions or opinions, thank you.


Sales plummeted 15.8% in May! BYD encircled Toyota, netizens: Fuel vehicles are not good?

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