
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

author:Zhang Qingfeng of the ancient and modern

Text | Edited by Feng Chun

What kind of blow made the once popular star become a "madman"?

I don't know how many male stars became popular with a "Boys and Girls Over Flowers" back then, whether it was Wu Zun or Ruan Jingtian, or Wang Dongcheng, their development was very good.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Especially Ruan Jingtian, with the release of "Removing the Three Evils in the Week", he successfully became popular all over China, and became one of the "TOP" stars, and his career development is bright.

But Tang Zhiping is an exception, after 2014, his career plummeted, and only 3 works came out in 10 years, and they were all little-known small roles.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Even on June 28, it was revealed that he had disappeared and been found, and when he was found, he was in a trance, skinny, and naked, just like a homeless man on the street.

After seeing someone filming him with his mobile phone, he ran desperately, as if he was afraid of something, and didn't give people a chance to communicate at all.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

I can't help but wonder, what happened to Tang Zhiping?

The source of this article comes from the authoritative report [China Entertainment Network] [People's Daily] [China Net] (detailed sources are attached at the end of the article). In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Tang Zhiping from a beautiful man to a homeless man

In early June, his mother committed suicide at home and was found dead two days after she was found.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

This was unacceptable to Tang Zhiping, and his mother's death caused him a serious blow, and even began to have psychological problems.

At that time, Tang Zhiping was extremely resistant, he didn't admit that it was his mother, and even refused to claim the body, and even played "disappeared".

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

From this time on, everyone found out that he was "abnormal", but he insisted that he was not sick and that there was no problem with his mental state.

So no one can really do anything to him, just think that he is too sad for a while, and maybe he will get better after a while.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

It's a pity that he didn't, his mental state became worse, and the whole person was in a trance, and his behavior was very strange.

For example, his last behavior before disappearing, he was wearing a blue shirt and holding a can of beer in his hand, and he suddenly thought of something and shook his head on the side of the street alone, which was not normal at first glance.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Then he seemed to have made up his mind, and as he walked, he picked his direction, his fingers pointing back and forth, and his body movements were very rich.

When he was sure, he nodded his head and gave himself a big affirmation, and then followed the direction of his finger all the way.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Then there was no news of him, and no one knew where Tang Zhiping had gone and how he lived.

The only thing I know is that on June 28, he was met by netizens, and he was sloppy and skinny.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

When he saw someone filming him, he ran away, and he didn't forget to take his shirt when he ran, and for a while he didn't know if he was really crazy or escaping reality.

In fact, his mother's death was just the last straw that broke the camel's back, and he has not been doing very well in the past few years.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Although he is a star, his resources are not very good, coupled with his poor financial management, which causes him to be riddled with foreign debts and live in a rented house with his mother.

And in order to relieve stress, Tang Zhiping also developed the bad habit of "alcoholism", which directly led to a mess in his life and a vicious circle.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

It seems that the entertainment industry is not without pressure, and there are such a small number of people who can come out, following the "Twenty-Eight Law", 80% of the resources are in the hands of 20% of the people, and even the "Nineteen Law" is not necessarily.

It is very likely that the rest of the people are the same as Tang Zhiping, and they can't even take care of their own lives.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

It's just that Tang Zhiping is even more pity, obviously he has cooperated with so many big names and has been popular, but now he has become like this.

Even if he recovers in the future, his career will come to an end, after all, no one will use an actor who has mental problems, which is too controversial.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Although it would seem impersonal to say this, the reality is such "reality"!

Coincidentally, Tang Zhiping is far more than one star in the entertainment industry because of poor financial management, and there is also the "gold medal supporting actor" Zheng Zeshi that we are familiar with.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

"Gold Medal Supporting Actor" Zheng Zeshi

Speaking of Zheng Zeshi, most people will definitely be stunned suddenly, saying who is this person? The name is familiar, but I don't know what he really looks like.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

But when it comes to his nickname, everyone must instantly remember that he is the "fat cat", as Hong Kong's "gold medal supporting actor", he has participated in countless works in his life, many of which are classics among the classics.

The people who cooperate with him without exception are the big guys among the big guys, such as Andy Lau, Ren Dahua, and Peng Yuyan...... Powerful actors covering multiple age groups.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Of course, his own acting skills are also very exquisite, although he has been playing supporting roles, his face has left a deep impression on the audience.

In the eyes of Hong Kong's supporting actors, Zheng Zeshi and Wu Mengda are the targets they want to surpass.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

It stands to reason that Zheng Zeshi has such a big reputation in the Hong Kong circle, and his old age must be very happy, and he doesn't have to worry about material life at all.

It's a pity that people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and Zheng Zeshi in his later years wants to go further in his career and shoot movies independently, but the money is not enough.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

So on the recommendation of his "friend", he invested in a lot of projects that he didn't know at all, and as a result, he lost all his money and owed a lot of foreign debts.

If it weren't for the reputation he has accumulated in the industry for many years, he would definitely not have turned over.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

After Zheng Zeshi's investment failed, Andy Lau extended a helping hand to him and wanted to help him tide over the difficulties.

Although he was very resistant to this in his heart and didn't want to owe favors, he couldn't live a life, and he still accepted Andy Lau's kindness after many psychological struggles.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Since then, Zheng Zeshi seems to have changed as a different person, filming crazy in his seventies, and losing all the bottom line!

He filmed a lot of scripts that he wouldn't have read at all at the beginning, and was ridiculed as "just bad money" and "no bottom line", and the former actor is now the "king of bad movies", which is indeed extremely embarrassing.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

But he didn't have the slightest opinion in the accident world, and his only wish now was to earn a little more money, earn a little more, and pay off the arrears as soon as possible.

In the face of the pressures of life, the so-called self-esteem and pride become worthless.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

can only say that without the suffering of others, don't persuade others to be kind, if Zheng Zeshi doesn't film, he can't even solve his own food and clothing, how to talk about repaying the money, and how to talk about the backbone?

"Tears of the Times" Liu Jiahui

I believe that friends who love to watch Hong Kong films must know that there was once a profession called "Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist" in Hong Kong, and many famous Hong Kong stars started from "Dragon and Tiger Martial Artist".

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Lau Ka-fai was one of them, he had been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he had a serious martial arts foundation, which was very popular in Hong Kong at that time.

He has cooperated with Stephen Chow, Li Jiaxin, and Chen Haomin, and also has his own place in the Hong Kong circle.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

However, as the market for "martial arts films" continues to shrink, his star career has also plummeted.

Although he also thought about transforming, his appearance is not very popular, and he has repeatedly hit a wall, only the "Evil Sword Fairy" played in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III" left a little impression on the audience, and other than that, they are all marginal roles.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

But this is also completely acceptable to him, after all, he can enjoy his old age with his savings.

But who would have thought that the world is impermanent, he was deceived by his assistant in his later years because of the middle storm, took away a large amount of money from him, and then was calculated by his wife and children.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

Everyone wants to come over and get a piece of the pie, and there is quite a posture of not squeezing Liu Jiahui dry and swearing not to give up, which is simply a realistic version of "Tiger Falling in Pingyang and being bullied by dogs".

If it weren't for Fan Yimin, a friend in the circle, who spared no effort to help him and find a lawyer to make a will for him, I don't know how long this farce would last.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

In his old age, there is no one to rely on, just thinking about it is extremely sad, and the taste may only be clear to Liu Jiahui himself.

Write at the end

Stardom, a profession that looks glamorous, but there is also pressure behind it that we can't imagine.

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

These three are all because of money, and if they have a choice, they may want to live an ordinary life.

I hope you should be optimistic about your "wallet" and don't invest easily, sometimes one failure is enough to ruin your whole life. #长文创作激励计划#

It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny
【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.
The information in this article comes from: [China Entertainment Network] [People's Daily] [China Net]
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny
It's so worrying! The missing actor Tang Zhiping was found, ran away when he saw people, refused to communicate, and was skinny

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