
My sister was violated, and I chased the murderer for eight years

author:A pot of warm wine for the rest of your life
My sister was violated, and I chased the murderer for eight years

A few years ago, Wang Wei was so anxious and scared that his sister was violated by the black boss. Since then, he has planted the seed of avenging his sister. Will he succeed in revenge? Please look at the story -


On the evening of June 5, 2010, when I was on duty at the unit, a teenager named Wang Wei suddenly broke in and fell in front of me with a "poof".

It took me a long time to figure out that his sister had been violated a week ago, and his parents were afraid to call the police because of the other party's threats, so he tried his best to run out today.

My name is Chen Qiang, I am 42 years old, born in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and I am a criminal police officer. The boy's name is Wang Wei, and he was 17 years old when he was in the first year of high school in a middle school in our city.

My colleague and I rushed to the scene. After arriving on the ground, Wang Wei's father was very surprised when he saw our police ID, and the queen mother on the side seemed to have something to say, but was pinched by the royal father, and then lowered his head.

I knew something was going on, so I asked Wang Wei to take us to his sister.

The girl's name is Wang Ting, and she is a junior at the College of Arts. Seeing us, she couldn't help but shrink into the corner, Wang Wei wanted to pull her in front of me, but she didn't succeed several times, so she had to give up.

"Don't be nervous, little girl, just say what you have to say, we will definitely protect you, and we will keep it secret for you."

Before the words fell, Wang Ting opened her mouth suddenly, as if she remembered something, and sat on the bed like a deflated ball. Through the dim light, I saw tears in her eyes, but she quickly held back them.

The room was quiet, Wang Wei paced back and forth in the small room, the footsteps were thin and tight, and Wang Ting shrunk into a ball, and the sound of breathing became heavier and heavier.

I don't know how long it has been, I have run out of patience and am ready to get up and leave, after all, it is a complete waste of time to go on like this, and it is better to start with a different breakthrough.

But Wang Wei blocked the door of the house with his body to prevent me from leaving, his hand holding the doorknob was already bruised, and a layer of fine beads of sweat overflowed on the door of his head.

"Sister, you can say something!"

After a while, Wang Ting made a few muffled noises in her throat, but she still shook her head. There was no way, I could only let Wang Wei come out with me first, and some questions needed to be asked to him alone.

In the corridor, Wang Wei told me that the person who violated Wang Ting was called Zhao Baofeng, the boss of the underworld, and his current father was his stepfather, who died of illness in 2002.

In the summer of 2004, his mother was introduced to his stepfather Li Dongqiang and soon got married, when Wang Wei was 11 years old and Wang Ting was 16 years old.

After marriage, the stepfather and the queen mother jointly ran the sausage stall left by Wang Wei's own father.

Although Wang Wei and Wang Ting did not change their stepfather's surname, their stepfather regarded the two as his own, so that Wang Ting could be admitted to the local art academy, and Wang Wei was also admitted to the district's key high school.

The stepfather has a cowardly personality, but he likes to gamble, three months ago he lost thousands of dollars playing fried gold flowers, so he asked Zhao Baofeng's subordinates to borrow 5,000 yuan from usury, and the other party asked him to pay off the principal and interest of 10,000 yuan within a month. The stepfather finally scraped together the money and handed it over to the other party, but the other party came to the house to collect the debt the next day, not to say that the stepfather did not pay it back.

In this way, the stepfather gave the other party more than 30,000 yuan one after another, but the other party seemed to be timid and did not dare to call the police, and continued to blackmail him even harder.

One night a week ago, Zhao Baofeng brought his five younger brothers over, and his stepfather knelt down in front of him and begged: "I really have no money, please let me go." ”

But Zhao Baofeng replied with a disdainful face: "It is natural to repay debts, if you want to be like you, what will my brothers eat?" ”

Soon, the younger brothers beat their stepfather to the point that his nose and face were swollen, and some people threatened to remove some "parts" from him and sell them if they didn't see the money today.

Wang Ting, who has been living in the school, went home that night, and bumped into Zhao Baofeng and others when she entered the door.

A group of thugs saw that Wang Ting was beautiful, and foul language was naturally indispensable, but Zhao Baofeng had a "whim", since the father had no money, just let the girl offset the interest.

So, he dragged Wang Ting into the house and violated her. Wang Wei wanted to save his sister, but he was held down by several gangsters and couldn't move.

After the thugs left, Wang Wei struggled to get up from the ground, and just as he was about to dial 110, he was snatched by his stepfather and hung up.


The reason is very simple, Zhao Baofeng is the boss of the underworld, and he does all kinds of evil, if he knows about the police, he has to kill them.

Wang Wei shouted heartbreakingly: "What should I do then? Just cheap those bastards? The stepfather didn't answer, and sat on the couch and smoked cigarette after cigarette.

Wang Ting's low sobbing sound came from the bedroom, and after a long time, Wang Wei stomped his feet, even if he died, he had to pull Zhao Baofeng to accompany him to the funeral, he quickly got dressed and prepared to report the case.

Just as he was about to leave the house, his stepfather hooked him around the neck from behind, then dragged him into another bedroom and locked the door.

For the next week, he ate and drank all the time in the house, while his stepfather stared at the toilet. On several occasions, Wang Wei took advantage of his stepfather's absence to ask his mother to let him out.

But her mother didn't agree: on the one hand, she felt that her husband was right, innocence is important, but life is even more important; On the other hand, if this matter spreads, how can my daughter get married?

There was no way, Wang Wei could only pretend to compromise. Until dinner that night, he took the initiative to apologize to his stepfather, and then under the pretext of buying alcohol for his stepfather, he secretly ran to the criminal police team to report the case.

After listening, I sighed, this kind of case is the most difficult to handle: the rape case is reported within 24 hours is the golden period, and after 48 hours, the evidence of body fluids has not been extracted, and it is basically hanging, and I also learned that Wang Ting was afraid that after calling the police, her parents were retaliated against by Zhao Baofeng and dismissed the idea of calling the police, so the underwear she wore when she was violated was also thrown away.

In addition, Wang Ting and Wang Wei's father and mother are victims and witnesses, and if they do not cooperate, we really have nothing to do.

Thinking of this, I asked Wang Wei to go back to do the work of my sister and parents first, and the next morning, I went to Zhao Baofeng with my colleagues through the address provided by the informant. He insisted that Wang Ting was voluntary, and said to me a little provocatively, should he be administratively detained for prostitution?

I was angry enough, but he couldn't, and then we went to find Wang Ting and her parents a few times, because Zhao Baofeng consciously took the blame, and did not blackmail Wang Ting's parents again, and strengthened their idea of not calling the police, resulting in every conversation in vain.

Wang Wei looked for me several times, and every time he took a book and sat on a bench in the corridor, he couldn't get rid of me. Until half a year later, there was still no progress in the case, and the criminal police team was the busiest case-handling unit, and we still had many other cases to deal with.

Seeing that I no longer responded to him, Wang Wei had a big quarrel with me, and framed me for accepting Zhao Baofeng's money in front of everyone, so I deliberately shielded him.

I had a brain fever and grabbed him by the collar and threw him outside, but he smashed the glass of my car with a brick.

For the sake of his young age, I didn't pursue it after I found Wang Wei's parents to criticize him, but fortunately Wang Wei has never harassed me since then.


In 2018, a nationwide crackdown on crime was launched. On September 2, the Municipal Public Security Bureau dispatched 120 young police officers to support the grassroots anti-crime work, and my criminal police squadron was assigned 3 people.

To this end, the squadron leader specially opened a small welcome party, as the three energetic figures walked into the door of the conference room, I slowly opened my eyes, one of them I saw familiarly, but I can't remember where I have seen it, so I grabbed the list of colleagues to support the police, and the second line reads "Kexinhua Detachment, Wang Wei".

He knew me and winked at me, but I always felt that something was wrong, and a sense of unease came over me.

At that time, after our squadron's telephone calls were sent to various communities, in just a few days, we received dozens of reports about Zhao Baofeng's underworld criminal organization crimes, violent collection of minor or serious injuries to others, picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and illegal detention.

As I expected, five days later, the police station accepted a case of fighting, the suspect was Zhao Baofeng's younger brother, he paid the bill after eating, and beat the restaurant owner.

Wang Wei had never handled a case at the grassroots level, and when he saw that the boss's diagnosis certificate said that the bone was cracked, he determined that it was a minor injury and handed over the police station to the criminal police team without authorization.

In the end, because the opinion given by the legal department was that the injuries were minor, he could only be administratively detained for 15 days and fined.

In this way, it will undoubtedly alarm Zhao Baofeng, after all, the criminal police team rarely cares about such cases, and the only possibility is that the police have already targeted him and want to pry open the mouth of the little brother. The captain was furious and scolded us. Wang Wei didn't suffer this, and he returned to the office angrily after a while.

When I went back to him, he had a cigarette butt in his can.

I couldn't bear it, and the young man was also inexperienced, so I comforted him a few words when he did something bad with good intentions.

But Wang Wei seemed to have been greatly wronged, and his voice suddenly choked up, and he told me that in fact, he was the one who called Wang Ting home back then, and if it weren't for him, Wang Ting would not have had an accident.

When he was a child, Wang Wei's parents lived by selling powder sausages, and they were busy from morning to night every day, and it was his sister who took care of him all the time.

was beaten by other children, Wang Ting was angry for him, stole the family's money, and Wang Ting was scolded for him.

The deepest impression is that when he was in the second grade of primary school, Wang Wei watched other classmates in the class play game consoles, and when he went home, he asked his parents to buy them too, but when his parents asked for 15 yuan, his face suddenly turned purple and blue, and he refused at first, but Wang Wei argued for it, and then beat him up.

Wang Ting felt sorry for her brother, and secretly said to him when she went to bed at night: "Don't worry, my sister has a way." ”

Early the next morning, Wang Ting carried Wang Wei's empty schoolbag to various corridors to "steal" waste, at that time, many people stored beer bottles and beverage bottles in the corridors, don't underestimate these things, a can or two plastic bottles can be sold for a dime. Then, the two took it together and sold it, earning three dollars a day.

However, just as the two were doing the last batch of waste "collection", they were discovered. Wang Ting asked Wang Wei to run first, and she stayed behind to be scolded.

The other party also had no quality, and scolded a little girl, Wang Wei squatted behind the van not far away, watching his sister keep wiping her tears, wanting to go up to help but didn't have the guts.

I don't know how long it has been, the other party was angry and asked Wang Ting to go home, Wang Wei stuffed the money into his sister's hand and said, I won't buy game consoles, and the money will be given to my sister.

But Wang Ting suddenly squeezed out a smile and said that she was a liar and didn't cry.

That night, Wang Wei shrank under the covers and played with the newly bought game console for a night, and he could feel that his sister on the top bunk was not asleep, because the bed had been shaking slightly.

But he rolled out of bed to call his sister, but found that the quilt was tightly wrapped and he couldn't move.

Therefore, in Wang Wei's heart, his sister is a superhuman-like existence, and what he can't do, his sister can do.


On the night of the incident, his stepfather was beaten by Zhao Baofeng's younger brothers, and his nose and face were swollen, and everything that could be smashed at home was smashed.

During that time, Wang Ting often shrunk herself in the room alone, and the queen mother was afraid that she would not be able to think about it, so she forced her to go out for a walk.

One night, after twelve o'clock, Wang Ting still didn't go home, and the whole family searched everywhere, and finally found Wang Ting on the rooftop of a high-rise building.

Although Wang Ting repeatedly emphasized that she did not want to commit suicide, they all knew that the shadow in Wang Ting's heart was difficult to erase for a while. For this reason, her parents had to take a one-year leave of absence for her, and Wang Ting's original plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination was also ruined.

Fortunately, Wang Ting had a good relationship with the art school teachers she tutored during the college entrance examination, and stayed in the art school as a teacher of broadcasting and hosting classes after graduation. There, she met Liu Cheng from the Academic Affairs Section, and the two gradually fell in love, and held a wedding on August 5, 2015.

On the surface, Wang Ting is in a good state, because no one dares to mention what happened back then. Only Wang Wei knows that his sister is bitter and has not been able to completely come out so far.

This incident has also become an unsolvable knot in Wang Wei's heart, so much so that when he applied for college, he chose the police academy, and after the city bureau issued a notice to deploy police forces to support the grassroots, he resolutely signed up and asked to come to our jurisdiction.

Speaking of this, Wang Wei's voice was a little hoarse, and he apologized to me, saying that he shouldn't be in such a hurry. I tapped him on the shoulder with a pretended indifference, and the words of encouragement came to my lips but I couldn't say it, because I knew that the hunter had only one chance to set a trap, and if he didn't succeed, it would get harder and harder in the future.

Since we have been startled, after a night of discussion in the team, we decided to let go of our hands and feet, and sent people to keep an eye on Zhao Baofeng and his cronies in groups, so that they can't do anything, and when the days go by and the money is spent, when they can't hold back, they will definitely show their feet.

After thinking about it, the captain agreed to the plan, but asked Wang Wei and Liu Zhi, one of the core figures in charge of Zhao Baofeng's gang, to avoid a head-on conflict with Zhao Baofeng.

At noon on November 8, 2018, Liu Zhi has been stared at by us for two months, during this time he did not dare to ask for accounts, did not dare to go to entertainment venues, and even had to be careful when looking for a lover, which caused him to be a little irritable, and he came up angrily to provoke me.

I didn't pay attention to it from a distance, but now that I am closer, I find that the whites of his younger brother are cloudy, photophobic and accompanied by tears, probably due to too much heroin, and the nervous system is often excited first and then inhibited.

Therefore, I kept an eye on it, and when the younger brothers dispersed in the evening, Wang Wei and I arrested them back to the team.

His name is An Ran, and he has been administratively detained for 15 days for taking drugs, and this time the urine test result is positive, according to the regulations, he will be sent to a forced rehabilitation center for compulsory drug rehabilitation for two years, which is more uncomfortable than killing him.

Wang Wei asked me what to do? I thought about it, and then walked into the house unhurriedly, and told An Ran that there were two ways to give him, either to provide us with information as an informant, or to go to the forced detention center.

He quickly chose the first one, but this kid was inexperienced and not smart, and in the days that followed, he openly called me several times to inform Zhao Baofeng of his next arrangement.

I warned him that if there was a situation, he would just order takeout and inform the owner of the Northeast restaurant near his home, and he would tell us at that time.

But An Ran didn't listen, saying that he had been with Liu Zhi for three years, and he was very familiar with it, so he would not arouse suspicion.


On January 13, 2019, I couldn't contact An Ran for a week, so I panicked and asked various police stations about the situation, and soon received a reply.

Four days ago, a man in a KTV in the area under the jurisdiction of the Xiyuan Road police station died of injecting drugs in his neck, and his family was still parked in the hospital morgue because his family had not been found.

After Wang Wei and I rushed to the scene, we were sure that it was An Ran, and I wanted to call up the KTV monitoring to see the people who were traveling with An Ran, but that KTV had an escort service, and I was also weak-hearted, and the key probes were not opened.

The medical examiner's advice was accidental death, after all, there were no injuries on the body, and it was common for addicts to inject drugs into their necks in pursuit of thrills.

But I didn't think so, and sure enough, two days later, the criminal police team of the Chengbei District Public Security Bureau received a voluntary surrender, and a young man named Wang Fei claimed that he had killed someone, and finally the case was transferred to us.

According to Wang Fei's confession, An Ran once hallucinated after taking a lot of drugs, saying that he was an informant, and then Zhao Baofeng borrowed a knife to kill people, and asked Wang Fei to lure An Ran into neck injection.

Because Wang Fei kept an eye on it and secretly recorded the recording of Zhao Baofeng entrusting him to kill people, we submitted a detention summons report to the sub-bureau on the spot, and when it was approved, the colleague in charge of tracking Zhao Baofeng called, saying that he was a little abnormal today, and there were a lot of guests at home.

My intuition told me that this kid wanted to slip away, and it was likely that he wanted to kill Wang Fei together, so he sent someone to assassinate him, but I didn't expect to see him enter the police station, but we can't rely on intuition to judge the case, and the detention summons has not been approved, so Wang Wei and I went to find out the information first.

Soon, we met our colleagues on Yuquan Road, and the uneasy premonition became stronger, because further on, we entered the village, which was densely populated and narrow, and it was extremely difficult to control.

There was no way, the four of us discussed improvised, ready to stop at the next intersection, when I was in charge of the main attack, Wang Wei and two other colleagues controlled the left and right hands and feet respectively.

However, something unexpected happened to me, in the process of arresting, Zhao Baofeng jumped out of the car and ran into the resettlement housing community next to it, and the four of us only scored to intercept him, and he was also dizzy and actually got into a building.

Wang Wei because of his inexperience, rushed to the front, but I was the main attacker, he was at a loss, had to grab Zhao Baofeng's right hand, at this moment, Zhao Baofeng broke free and jumped from the third floor, but he smashed to the guardrail downstairs to buffer, butt to the ground, but Wang Wei followed closely and jumped down, because of the jump, fell straight to the concrete floor, and broke his leg.

The person was caught, Wang Wei was also admitted to the hospital, looking at him smirking on the hospital bed, I had an indescribable feeling in my heart, so I asked him: "Is it worth it?" Even if you don't catch Zhao Baofeng this time, you will be able to catch it sooner or later in the future. ”

Wang Wei replied without thinking about it: "It's worth it, because I can wait, but my sister's heart hurt can't wait, once I saw her and the newly moved male neighbor upstairs taking the elevator, they didn't do anything, but she was so scared that she shrunk in the corner." ”

thought that this matter would go according to Wang Wei's expectations, but in the follow-up interrogation, Zhao Baofeng confessed to various cases such as murder and violent collection, but he refused to admit that he had violated Wang Ting back then.


After all, rape is a serious crime, and we don't have tangible evidence at hand, who will pour dirty water on ourselves?

I have a way to let Wang Ting and Wang Wei's parents testify as victims and witnesses, although there is no physical evidence, they can also be handled, but the sentence will be lighter.

So, the next morning, I came to the hospital, when Wang Ting and the queen mother were taking care of Wang Wei in the hospital, seeing me walk in with a serious face, the queen mother retreated with interest, and Wang Ting pretended to sweep the floor with her back to me, but I could feel a pair of eyes looking at me.

After a long time, Wang Wei opened his mouth and said: "Sister, Zhao Baofeng has been caught, but he doesn't admit what happened back then, we need you to ......"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Ting interrupted him, saying that he was doing well now, and besides, he had children, and it didn't matter whether Zhao Baofeng admitted it or not.

"Then it's cheaper for him? What the hell are you afraid of, sister? Wang Wei slammed the table, and the water in the teacup spilled, but Wang Ting still had a calm face, she thought that something had happened, even if he was sent to prison, what was the use? Can time be repeated?

The atmosphere in the room became tense a little bit, Wang Wei lit a cigarette angrily, Wang Ting hurriedly went up to extinguish it, but he who had always been very obedient to his sister actually lit another one, and took a few puffs angrily, spitting out a large cloud of smoke towards the sky.

Wang Ting had no choice but to sit on the bed and sigh loudly, and the air seemed to be quiet at that moment.

I persuaded Wang Ting that once the seeds of infringement are planted, it is impossible to be wiped out by time, the bad guys have not been brought to justice, and the trauma in my heart may erupt one day, and the best way to get out of the shadows is to send Zhao Baofeng to prison with my own hands, so that this thorn can finally be pulled out. Besides, Zhao Baofeng was punished for several crimes, and it was impossible for him to come out again, so he didn't have to worry about safety.

As she was talking, tears suddenly flashed in Wang Ting's eyes, and she ran out silently and did not come back.

I thought things were turning around. Three days later, Wang Ting took the initiative to call me, and she said that she had figured it out and was willing to testify against Zhao Baofeng in court!

Because, this is not only to get justice for herself, but also to be worthy of her brother's leg, and to let the bad guy get the punishment he deserves, so that he has no chance to harm others again. And her husband also encouraged her to walk out of the past bravely, and he was willing to bear and face it with her!

Wang Ting also told me that life is in the future, not before, and she believes that she will get better and better.

On September 25, 2019, Zhao Baofeng was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve. A week later, Wang Wei had to invite me to dinner, accompanied by Wang Ting, the steaming hot pot was tumbling mutton, the sisters and brothers chatted passionately, and the most important thing was that their eyes reproduced the light that young people should have.

In May this year, when I was on duty, I accidentally ran into Wang Wei, and he happily told me that my sister had come out of the shadows, and now he often sees a bright smile on her face, which is different from the gloomy her her before. Now she is the real Wang Ting.

Author | Sunlight

In order to avenge his sister, Wang Wei became a police officer, and after ten years, he justifiably brought the villains to justice, which is amazing. Dear readers, do you think Wang Wei's approach is worth it?