
Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

author:Lane North South Cat
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Text: Yiye

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article


Recently, the Magnolia Award was finally announced, which caused a heated discussion on the Internet!


And this year, the crew of Magnolia "Flowers" was the biggest winner, but Tang Yan missed out on the best actress and lost to Zhou Xun.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Magnolia controversy

Recently, the Magnolia Award has finally settled, this award is the most famous film and television drama awards ceremony in China, and the 29th awards ceremony held in Shanghai two days ago has also attracted much attention.

This year, the biggest winner must be the crew of "Flowers", not only won this year's "Best Chinese TV Series", but Hu Ge won the Best Actor again because of this drama.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Hu Ge also won the Magnolia Award for the second time, and the first time was in 2016 because of "Langya Bang", and Tang Yan, the heroine of "Flowers", lost to Zhou Xun to become a companion.

"Flowers" received a lot of attention as soon as it was released last year, and this drama mainly tells the story of "Bao", a self-made poor boy played by Hu Ge in Shanghai in the 90s.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

With the help of the noble uncle, he seized the opportunity of the times and turned into a monopoly boss, and the two supported each other to fight wits and courage with various forces in the business field.

Mr. Bao has a story between this ever-changing Shanghai and women, including "Wang Mingzhu" played by Tang Yan, "Flowers" is very attractive in terms of character setting and plot.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Everyone in the play has their own very distinct personalities, and a large number of bright tones in the shooting technique are easy to remind people of the big Shanghai of that era.

Hu Ge portrayed Ah Bao's vitality, intelligence, and love in the play very well, and he deserved to win the best actor in Magnolia in one fell swoop this time.

Information source: Qianjiang Evening News 2024-06-29Magnolia Award announced! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads
Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

However, many netizens are upset with Fan Wei, thinking that this time the actor should belong to Fan Wei, and "The Long Season" starring Fan Wei was also very popular.

This time, Magnolia and the two were nominated for Best Actor together, and Teacher Fan Wei's defeat surprised many people, and some netizens even ridiculed that "Magnolia is a Shanghai orchid".

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Because "Flowers" is a work that is screened in Shanghai, Hu Ge is also a Shanghainese, and even Tang Yan and Ma Yili, who were nominated for the best heroine, are all Shanghainese.

But Xin Zhilei, who also starred in the role, was not even nominated, and the full name of the Magnolia Award is "Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Award", no wonder some netizens will ridicule it like this

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Although Tang Yan was a Shanghainese and was nominated for the best actress, she failed to win the award in the end, and Zhou Xun won the actress with her wonderful performance in "Imperfect Victim".

Tang Yan's nomination for the Magnolia Award itself has caused a heated discussion, and no one has been able to win this award among the "85" flowers, so many netizens are looking forward to going to Tang Yan's "corner overtaking" to blame others for the limelight.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

When the drama "Flowers" was not broadcast, many people were not optimistic about Tang Yan, because compared with other 85 flowers, she was the only one who had been entering the group and filming variety shows.

Even netizens said that she was the laziest of the "85 Flowers" and the bottom of her career, but what people didn't expect was that she relied on "Miss Wang" to kill back, and Tang Yan once again proved herself with her strength.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Although she failed to win the award this time, Tang Yan was very satisfied, she said that "nomination is affirmation", and being able to walk into the award ceremony of Magnolia is a great gain for her.

Although Hu Ge is controversial in this list of winners, it is undeniable that Hu Ge's acting skills and the explosion of "Flowers" are traceable.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Hu Ge's experience

Hu Ge's acting career is like a movie full of ups and downs, full of unknowns and challenges, Hu Ge was born in Shanghai, a city where every inch of land is valuable.

But his family is not wealthy, he can only live in a 30-square-meter house with his parents when he is young, Hu Ge's father is a tennis coach, and his mother is a teacher.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Since he was a child, his parents have been very strict with him, and they rarely praise him, even if he seems to be very good, which makes Hu Ge not a confident person since he was a child.

When Hu Ge was in kindergarten, his parents signed him up for an art troupe of a TV station in order to change his personality, and only 60 people were selected out of thousands of applicants.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

And Hu Ge is one of them, he always sits in the last row in the class, this experience laid the foundation for his later acting career, Hu Ge became the host of the children's channel at the age of 14.

Later, Hu Ge was admitted to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy, and began to systematically learn acting.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Although Hu Ge has been a host, he has no acting experience, and in that era with no background and no experience, he can only start by playing tricks.

At that time, Tang Ren made a bold decision to adapt "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", which was an attempt that no company could make, and Tang Ren was the first person to eat crabs, which made the outside world look forward to and doubt.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

So as a newcomer, Hu Ge was sent to audition, and then he got a small role with only five episodes, and then fate was always unexpected.

Hu Ge once went to try out the costume and was seen by an actress, she said that she asked, "Are you playing Li Xiaoyao", it is precisely because of this sentence that Hu Ge was noticed by the director.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

The director found that Hu Ge's appearance and personality were very consistent with Li Xiaoyao, and in the end, the director of "Fairy Sword" boldly chose Hu Ge, which also changed Hu Ge's fate.

"Fairy Sword" received a lot of attention as soon as it was released, Hu Ge also became an instant hit, "Li Xiaoyao" became the white moonlight in the hearts of many people, and after he became popular, he filmed several ancient puppet dramas one after another.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

However, a sudden accident almost ruined Hu Ge's career, and Hu Ge had a serious car accident during the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which led to the death of his assistant on the spot.

Hu Ge's right eye was also severely impacted, and his face was injured to varying degrees, Hu Ge's face and neck had more than 100 stitches, and he had two major surgeries in four days.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Before driving, Hu Ge's agent asked him to go to the back seat to rest, and he sat in the co-pilot, which was also the reason why Hu Ge couldn't let go, and Hu Ge was only 24 years old that year.

For a popular actor, this disfiguring blow can be said to be a bolt from the blue, and Hu Ge fell into the darkest moment of his life, because of this sudden situation, half of the filming of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was also shelved.

Information source: Jiupai News2023-08-29Hu Ge posted the scar on his right eye and recalled the car accident 17 years ago, saying that he was sorry for many people, before the female assistant died in the car accident, he once said that he would blame himself every time he thought about it
Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

For Hu Ge, the car accident was not only a physical injury, but also a psychological blow, and the death of his agent made him difficult to let go of for a long time.

Although Hu Ge filmed several works after his comeback from injury, he felt powerless, and went back to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Hu Ge's personality has changed significantly.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

The staff said that he often became silent after filming a film, and often used a pair of black-framed glasses to cover his scars, which made the crew very worried about him.

After filming a few films, Hu Ge couldn't hold on any longer, and Hu Ge was in urgent need of transformation when he was at the bottleneck of his career, so he disappeared in front of the audience.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

He disappeared from the screen overnight and ran to the theater to play "Patient No. 5" for 6 years, Hu Ge loved this character deeply, and he also used this drama as encouragement when he saw his fans seriously ill.

After that, Hu Ge ushered in the second spring of his career, and he returned to the film and television industry with a "Pretender", but it was Langya Bang that really ushered in the peak of his career.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

This drama was not optimistic when it was first broadcast, but with excellent word-of-mouth ratings, the ratings gradually exploded, and the word-of-mouth gradually reversed, Hu Ge played "Mei Changsu" in the play, a sick and weak body with a strong will.

won the first Magnolia Best Actor by virtue of the role of ranking, and Hu Ge let the audience see his profound acting skills through the role of Mei Changsu.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

In the glory moment, Hu Ge once again chose to leave him, he went to study abroad in his prime, and went to pick up garbage at an altitude of thousands of meters.

Hu Ge has been pursuing his own path, even if he has great achievements and honors, Hu Ge once said, "I see my ceiling, even if I work hard, it is difficult to surpass the current achievements."

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

However, the appearance of "Flowers" has pushed his acting career to a new height, he has never given up breaking through himself, and Hu Ge has been doing public welfare for so many years.

Using his own practical actions to convey love and warmth, perhaps because he has experienced life and death to understand what is the most important, Hu Ge has always insisted on using his ability to help more people.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Hu Ge, the agent who died in the car accident that year, later donated a school in his name and has been taking care of her parents for so many years.

In the film and television industry, Hu Ge will always have his own place, no matter how long he disappears, he is still the first when he comes back, and now Hu Ge has experienced open-mindedness after life and death, but he always has humility in his bones.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock

Now that Hu Ge has his own family and children, he focuses more on family and life than on the exercise, and lives more and more freely.

From Hu Ge's own point of view, he has never been a star but an actor, Hu Ge is a different color in the entertainment industry, and he is also a model of both virtue and art.

Who would have thought that the double seal of Magnolia Hu Ge and Zhou Xun made Fan Wei and Tang Yan a laughing stock


The Magnolia Best Actor award Hu Ge can be said to be well-deserved, not only for his acting skills, but also for his character, and Hu Ge has always been a kind and humble person.

Hu Ge's growth path is seen by others, from an unknown trick to a famous actor, only he knows the efforts behind it.

He always treats life with a humble attitude, no matter what he achieves, he is still the Hu Ge in the eyes of the audience. #长文创作激励计划#

Sources of information:

Jiupai News2023-08-29Hu Ge recalled the car accident 17 years ago with the scar on his right eye, saying that he was sorry for many people, and the female assistant was killed in the car accident before, and he once said that he would blame himself every time he thought about it

Qianjiang Evening News2024-06-29Magnolia Award announced! Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best male and female leads

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