
After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

author:Little bean sprouts parenting

How many mothers think that they can't spoil their babies before the baby is born, but after the baby is born, they always don't have enough kiss and love, but it is some behaviors that seem to love the baby that are invisibly hurting the baby.

Especially the following 6 things, many mothers not only often do it to their babies, but even think that it is the right good thing, but in fact, for the health of the baby, these behaviors are really not recommended to do, even if you try it.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

After your baby is born, there are 6 things you should not try lightly

1. Don't kiss your baby's mouth

After the baby is born, even if she loves it, she should not easily kiss the baby's mouth. There was a news report about a family kissing a three-month-old baby, who contracted the virus and had a fever of 40 degrees.

The reason for these dangers is mainly due to the weak immunity of the baby, and the mother may carry bacteria or viruses, especially when kissing the baby, the mother may transmit the bacteria and viruses in the body or mouth to the baby, causing the baby to get sick.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

2. Don't kiss and knead your baby's face easily

Because your baby's skin is very delicate, with thin skin on the face and low muscle tone, excessive kissing can cause damage to tissues and vascular nerves.

In addition, the baby's parotid gland is not fully developed, and frequent kissing can damage the parotid gland, causing the baby's saliva to flow out, increasing the risk of drowning the neck. Not only can you not kiss the baby, but you can't pinch the baby's small face too hard, so as not to affect the facial tissues and vascular nerves.

In fact, even if you don't kiss the baby's mouth and face, when the mother goes out and comes home and comes into contact with the baby, even if she hugs her, she must wash her hands and clean up the bacteria and viruses brought in from outside.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

3. Don't give your baby a pillow too early

Some mothers want the baby's head shape to be round and cute, so they will let the baby sleep from birth, and some mothers will even prepare pillows for the baby, but the baby should not sleep on the pillow too early, especially the newborn baby does not need a pillow!

There are four physiological curvatures in the human body, the first of which is the cervical curvature, which takes about three months to form. If the mother gives the baby a pillow in advance, it will not be conducive to the development of the spine and affect the formation of cervical curvature, so the mother should not give the baby a pillow too early.

4. Don't shake vigorously to put your baby to sleep

Many mothers like to shake gently when soothing the baby, which will indeed give the baby a sense of security, soothe the baby's emotions and help the baby fall asleep.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

But mothers should remember that when we shake the baby, we must move gently, not too hard, and not too much.

Because shaking your baby too hard may cause damage to your baby's brain, leading to adverse effects such as mental decline, and may even cause intracranial hemorrhage. Not only that, shaking your baby too hard can also cause damage to your baby's spine.

5. Don't squeeze the white dots on your baby's face

Careful mothers will find that after the baby is born, there will be dense little white spots on the face, which looks like fat particles or acne, and some mothers have "obsessive-compulsive disorder" and always can't help but squeeze it. But I advise my mother not to do it! So as not to hurt the baby's skin.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

The white dots on your baby's face are not the fat particles or acne you think, they are milia, which is caused by the clogging of skin pores due to the strong secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands in newborns.

These little white spots are neither painful nor itchy, and have no effect on the baby, but if you start to squeeze them, it really hurts the baby's skin.

In this case, Bao Ma does not need to be too worried and anxious, just wait patiently for a week or two to disappear on its own.

6. Don't pick at the "dirty" on your baby's scalp

Some babies are born with a clean and tidy head, but after a few days they may develop a lot of "dirty" things, which are a bit like dandruff and a bit like scabs.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

These things look particularly ugly and disgusting, but despite this, mothers must hold back, do not peel them, let alone forcibly peel them.

These dirty things are actually cradle cap, which is a mixture of sebum and dust caused by the rapid metabolism of newborns and the vigorous secretion of sebaceous glands.

But if the mother can't bear the palm of her hand to peel it, it may lead to damage to the baby's scalp, and the important thing is that the baby's fontanelle is still developing, which can easily lead to infection.

In fact, babies with cradle cap do not need to be over-treated, just clean it normally. If there is more cradle cap, the mother can help the baby cut the baby's hair short first, which is more conducive to cleaning.

After the baby is born, there are 6 things not to try or even do easily, all for the baby's health

Before bathing the baby every time, the mother can use emollient oil and edible oil to soak the cradle cap for 1-2 hours, and then gently clean the baby with warm water, which can effectively reduce cradle cap.

Small bean sprouts are crumbled

In addition to the above 6 things, the mother also needs to pay attention to a lot, such as do not give the baby leggings, do not cut the baby's eyelashes, do not pinch the baby's nose, etc., many things are rumors that are not credible, and the mother should not blindly follow the herd.

Remember to pay attention to the little bean sprouts, there are a lot of little knowledge waiting for you!

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted)
