
"Huaqiang North Edition Vision pro" is sold at 1,000 yuan, and it is listed earlier than Apple, what is the actual effect?

"Huaqiang North Edition Vision pro" is sold at 1,000 yuan, and it is listed earlier than Apple, what is the actual effect?

National Business Daily

2024-06-30 11:42The official account of National Business Daily

Every reporter: Kong Zesi Every editor: Wei Guanhong

On June 28, Apple's Vision Pro was officially launched in China, with a starting price of 29,999 yuan. In the electronics market of Huaqiangbei, Shenzhen, a headset device very similar to Apple's Vision Pro has already appeared, and the price is only more than 1,000 yuan.

The reporter of "Daily Economic News" found that this device called "Vision SE" has been well-known on social media, and the product is located in the price band of 1,000 yuan, which also makes many consumers call it "real fragrance". However, the reporter noticed after actual experience that the "Huaqiangbei version of Vision Pro" is still difficult to compare with Apple's headset.

山寨版Vision pro现身华强北

On June 28, the reporter visited Huaqiangbei and found that the Huaqiangbei version of the headset is very similar to Apple's Vision Pro, which has appeared on the market at the beginning of this year, with prices ranging from 1300 yuan to 1900 yuan. When the merchant introduced the headset marked "Vision SE", he bluntly said that it was Apple's replacement.

"Huaqiang North Edition Vision pro" is sold at 1,000 yuan, and it is listed earlier than Apple, what is the actual effect?

Image source: Photo by reporter Kong Zesi

According to the merchant, this "Vision SE" can be inserted into the card to play movies, music, can be connected to Wi-Fi to log in to mainstream video software, and can also be used to use mobile phones to project the screen. Compared to Apple, a lot of the software in this product is free to use.

After experiencing in different stores, the reporter found that the "Vision SE" is similar to Apple's Vision Pro in appearance, but there are obvious differences in experience. The shell of the "Vision SE" is made of plastic, which is lightweight, and some merchants say that it is basically the same as Apple except that it cannot be operated with gestures. But in reality, this product can only be operated by moving the head and buttons, and the clarity is low, and there is ghosting on the edges of the screen.

In addition, Apple's Vision Pro also features AR effects, allowing users to see the real scenes around them. Huaqiangbei version of the "Vision SE" is equipped with a camera, but it cannot achieve AR experience, can only watch the external environment through the camera software, the picture will still appear ghosted, and the reporter will feel dizzy after watching it for less than half a minute.

In fact, although this Vision SE headset has a price advantage, it is not like watches, headphones and other products, which can be seen everywhere in Huaqiangbei, and the quality and experience also make this product a little embarrassing. However, some merchants said in the promotion that a new generation of headsets with AR functions will be launched after October, and the price should be more than 3,000 yuan, and the current products are still very cost-effective. In a store with a price tag of 1,880 yuan, the merchant said that if he sincerely wanted it, he could get the goods for as low as 1,399 yuan.

"Huaqiang North Edition Vision pro" is sold at 1,000 yuan, and it is listed earlier than Apple, what is the actual effect?

Image source: Photo by reporter Kong Zesi

Vision pro市场不如预期

As a revolutionary spatial computing device, the Apple Vision Pro is essentially an AR device. According to a research report released by Open Source Securities, the biggest difference between Vision Pro and other headset devices is that the eyes will not be covered by Vision Pro. Equipped with a high-resolution display and multiple sensors, it has powerful image processing capabilities and positioning tracking functions, and can display virtual information combined with the surrounding environment within the user's field of vision, deeply integrating the virtual world with the real world.

However, the high price of the Vision Pro also makes it difficult for the product to continue to be popular. According to a previous report by the Daily Economic News, in January this year, Apple opened the pre-sale of Vision Pro in the United States, and the purchasing price of a domestic e-commerce platform even reached 80,000 yuan, but in mid-June, the price of the third-party platform of the American version of the product was basically 22999 yuan ~ 30599 yuan, which was even lower than the price of the official website in the United States. After the official sale in China on June 28, the reporter did not find the phenomenon of scalpers hoarding in the Apple direct store in Sanlitun, Beijing.

"My observation is that many people (including my own experience) buy a Vision Pro and use it a few times before it works. If this is a common user situation, then such a problem cannot be solved by simply making a lower-priced version. On June 19, Guo Mingchi, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, said on social media. In April, he also said that Apple had revised down its Vision Pro shipments in 2024 to 400,000 to 450,000 units (the previous consensus was 700,000 to 800,000 units or more).

For consumers, the actual demand for long-term wearing of headsets may not be so strong. When the reporter visited Huaqiangbei Market, a merchant joked: "Who will wear this everywhere every day?" If you have 30,000 yuan to buy an Apple Vision Pro, you might as well give it to your wife. ”

National Business Daily

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  • "Huaqiang North Edition Vision pro" is sold at 1,000 yuan, and it is listed earlier than Apple, what is the actual effect?
  • "Huaqiang North Edition Vision pro" is sold at 1,000 yuan, and it is listed earlier than Apple, what is the actual effect?

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