
The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

author:Gu Sheng explained


After the college entrance examination, there is no college entrance examination candidate who does not breathe a sigh of relief, and there is no parent who is not excited.

This excitement is not only because this life test has finally come to an end, but also because we have witnessed the process of a child from immaturity to maturity.

And those children who just saw the score couldn't help but cry, thinking back on their twelve years of hard work, which became very precious at this moment.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

Getting a high score in the college entrance examination not only makes the whole family excited, but also makes the people around you feel such an honor.

A female student in Zhejiang scored 726 points and went to a key university, and the community even set off fireworks to celebrate...... This joy gradually walked out of the small family and into every household in the community, becoming a role model for everyone to educate their children.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

On June 25, after the Zhejiang college entrance examination inquiry, Wang Yiwen achieved a high score of 726 points, which spread throughout the school and the community where he lived for a while.

Because of some delays, Wang Yiwen did not return to live in the community, but did things in other places. However, her community has prepared a celebration gift for her in advance, and directly hung banners and fireworks in the community.

Residents in the community said that although they had not seen this girl much, every time they saw her, she was studying, occasionally reading books, occasionally listening to classes on headphones, and her efforts were really a role model for the children in the whole community to learn.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

Because of this, the owners' committee decided to celebrate her in a high-profile manner, so that the children in the whole community can know that there is such a powerful school bully sister.

Of course, it is also to let more children have an expectation that as long as they work hard, there are infinite possibilities.

According to this girl's score, Tsinghua University and Peking University are all casually attended, and if you are lucky, you can also apply for the opportunity to study abroad, and the future is promising.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

Wang Yiwen's parents, after knowing the score, have received blessings from many people. Among them, relatives and friends have the most, and some even sent red envelopes to the child to congratulate her on doing well in the exam.

The residents of the same community are also in the community group, and they have congratulated her. I have to say that Wang Yiwen really relied on the power of one person to make the whole family attract attention.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

It is reported that Wang Yiwen is a native of Ruian and only went to Zhenhai to study after junior high school. The family has bought a house in Zhenhai, but usually returns to their hometown to live.

She is usually a child who loves to learn, even on the way home, she will hold a book in her hand and continue to absorb knowledge.

She herself was a little surprised by the high score this time. After the exam, she measured her score, which was about 700 points, but she didn't expect to get a good score of 726 points.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

Wang Yiwen's family said that when she saw the results, she was quite calm and not particularly excited, but when she saw everyone celebrating her, she was very happy and felt that her efforts for more than ten years were not in vain.

Indeed, overnight efforts will not be able to catch up with good results. Only ten years of perseverance can get such good results.

No matter how talented a student is, he also needs to learn in order to have a huge amount of knowledge. Learning ability is a part, and being able to keep learning is the most important point.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

For Wang Yiwen, she wants to do more things that are good for society. She hopes that her family can help her open an internet platform and share her learning experience with everyone.

She wants to share her efforts in the past few years with more people who are going to college. I also want to study more knowledge with more top students and create more miracles for the country.

Being able to progress with other top students is what she is most eager for at the moment.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

For some people who do not have good grades, they may only have more than 300 or 400 points, and they can only go to a junior college or ordinary undergraduate school.

For the future, the future is not so clear, but it is not without merit.

Some netizens joked that when people's scores came out, the whole community was so excited that they set off fireworks, and when their college entrance examination scores were released, the whole family was very excited, and my father was even more excited to find a stick.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

The treatment faced by the top students and the scumbags is indeed very different. But in any case, as long as you work hard, you will definitely make achievements for society.

Grades are the key to a greater ocean of knowledge, but if you find the right direction, you can overtake in corners, and maybe you can live the life you want earlier.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated


The end of the college entrance examination means entering the university, and the learning path of these top students has not been relaxed.

For them, university is another threshold, some of them go to work after finishing college, and some of them have to go to graduate school or doctoral studies to lead to a higher level of knowledge.

The girl scored 726 points in the exam, and the community property set off fireworks to celebrate, and the family: the state is very stable, 20 higher than estimated

For those students who have not been admitted to a good university, there is no need to be discouraged, where is the road of life smooth, maybe the potholes at this time are just an experience.

It is not necessarily bad to enter the society in advance, at least you can have a certain amount of experience value. It's just that for parents, it may feel like more than ten years of silent dedication seem to be in vain at this moment.