
The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

author:Gu Sheng explained


How does it feel when you see a doctor and the doctor is seeing a doctor?

However, patients go to the doctor in the hope that the doctor will give an answer. But the doctor is also seeing a doctor, and he will see a doctor through Baidu and give you another answer.

This process seems to be only one more step, but it makes patients feel "uneasy".

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

On June 26, 2024, in a hospital in Chengdu, a patient was bringing his family to see a doctor, and found that the doctor did not tell the patient directly after seeing the patient's illness, but picked up the mobile phone on the side and flipped through something.

The patient did not disturb the doctor, and the patient's family was standing just in time to see the doctor looking at Baidu. The family couldn't help it, so they sent a photo of the doctor Baidu, wanting everyone to see, is this doctor not very professional?

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

It stands to reason that doctors should not look at their phones when making a diagnosis. If doctors use the Internet to find out, do they still need to go to the hospital?

Wouldn't it be nice for patients to go directly to Baidu on their mobile phones and find an online doctor to take a look? Originally, patients just wanted to go to the hospital so that the doctor could more clearly diagnose what their disease was.

But I didn't expect that when I arrived at the hospital, the doctor did the same thing, and directly picked up the mobile phone Baidu, which didn't make the patient feel that the other party was unprofessional, and it was not as good as an online doctor?

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

For a while, everyone discussed whether the doctor should use his own judgment or Baidu when he saw a doctor? In fact, doctors are not omnipotent, and when they can't determine a certain disease, they will also take a look at it and judge what the problem is based on the judgment of others.

Nowadays, the Internet is developed, and it is reasonable for doctors to communicate and discuss with each other.

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

Moreover, everyone goes to the doctor and sees the same disease. Even if it is a small cold, it can be divided into viruses, bacterial infections and other diseases.

Isn't it normal that doctors can't remember so many knowledge points? Maybe this doctor is prescribing medicine, but he can't be sure what contraindications this drug has, so isn't it safer to check Baidu?

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

So many people oppose doctors to check Baidu, in fact, they are worried that doctors are not proficient. I always feel that doctors can't make judgments on their own, so is it really useful to check Baidu?

What if the doctor's Baidu also makes a mistake and misleads the patient and affects the patient's recovery?

In fact, patients don't have to worry about this problem at all, even if the doctor is not sure, they will use various methods to determine what the disease is.

You must know that there are CT and blood tests in any hospital now, and as long as you pass these tests, you can clearly determine the condition.

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

The doctor's medication is not easy to prescribe, and it will be left behind. Therefore, when hospitals recruit doctors, they will choose doctors with certain experience, and they will never recruit people randomly.

Doctors who are able to work in regular hospitals, in addition to their own knowledge, they will also take various exams every year to enhance their professional knowledge.

Even if there are some things they don't understand, they will re-learn and understand the symptoms in order to enhance their professionalism.

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

For patients, it should not be that the doctor is unprofessional, but that they are very professional. When I don't understand, I am most afraid of pretending to understand, and I would rather be criticized than inquire clearly, which is responsible for patients.

Therefore, there was nothing wrong with this doctor's operation. If he is scrolling through Douyin, watching videos, and chatting with others during work hours, this is really unprofessional, and people are worried about his poor medical skills.

No one is perfect, and doctors can't understand everything, and occasionally they will encounter one or two diseases that they have not been exposed to, and they will clarify it, which is also for the good of the patient.

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

There was a news before, which was about whether the police could use their mobile phones to check the relevant laws when handling cases. For this, many people feel that if they don't even understand the basic laws, why should they be police officers?

But do you know how many laws there are in China? Any matter that comes out, it can involve multiple laws, and the police are not lawyers, where can they remember so much?

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?

Doctors see Baidu patients, it's the same, any disease has different symptoms, how can they ensure that they have been exposed to every situation?

Therefore, it is also the safest way to determine it through Baidu. Experience is gained from life, and when we experience it once, it becomes experience.

This is why doctors are becoming more and more respected, because they are exposed to many diseases, and they can also determine the problem of the disease without the help of external forces.

The doctor sees a doctor in front of the patient and is questioned! Netizen: Isn't the medical skill refined?


Although the patient does not trust the doctor very much, fortunately, netizens have expressed their approval of this behavior. No one is born with a certain thing, only by constantly studying and groping can we learn more things.

The same is true of this doctor, there is nothing wrong with learning from old age.

Being able to pay attention to the patient's illness and not prescribe medication indiscriminately is a sign of responsibility. I hope that this family member can understand the doctor's difficulties and not judge whether a person is excellent or not in this way.