
(END) I was annoyed when I frequently picked up injured handsome men, but my mother pinched the handkerchief and looked at it

author:Entertainment has melons

This story is fictional, please do not sit in the right seat, please read it rationally

Please like, collect, and comment from all the beautiful and handsome guys


I don't know why,

I always meet handsome men who are injured when I go out.

What a wounded enemy prince, an amnesiac general's son, a down-and-out son of a family, all of them have a good background.

And always fell in love with me at first sight, either to marry me or to accept me.

Since I was a child, my mother told me that men on the side of the road should not pick it up.

Unless, there is a mother who is particularly hardworking and rich.

I can turn my little hands, which are always unladylike, into small hands that attract wealth and treasure.

(END) I was annoyed when I frequently picked up injured handsome men, but my mother pinched the handkerchief and looked at it


When the peach blossoms bloomed on the mountain, I picked up an injured man by the creek where I was fishing.

I'm upset.

This guy who floated down from the upstream scared all the fish in the creek away.

In order to let my mother eat the fish soup that replenishes her body early, I had to take some trouble to pull people out of the water.

The other party has been drowned half dead.

He is unconscious, his eyes are closed, but his face is deeper than that of ordinary people, and he looks very good at a single bone.

He is a handsome man full of heroism.

Because the blood flowed too much, his face was as white as a ghost.

When the lush hair is wet, it curls up like a clump of aquatic plants, and it looks more like a water ghost.

I can't get sick of it.

I was so angry that I threw the person on the rocky beach, and stepped on the bulging belly of the water ghost man with my foot.

When the stagnant water is spit out, I will do my best and plan to continue to go down to the river to fish.

Unexpectedly, the man suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had fallen into an evil spirit, and looked at me with a straight look in his eyes and said:

"The girl is a fairy in the sky, did she come down to save me?"

I was so impatient that I raised my fist and threatened him: "Shut up, if my mother can't eat fish soup tonight, you will apologize with death." ”

Don't think I'm going to get dizzy if you call me a fairy.

Since I was a child, my mother warned me that you can pick wild flowers on the roadside at will, and men on the roadside must not pick them up indiscriminately.

Now I have broken the commandment, but if I really want to see death and not be saved, I will not be happy to go in conscience.

If this curly-haired water ghost wants to get acquainted, it is best to return to the bridge with me in the future, and the road to the road, which has nothing to do with each other.

Under my death threats, he cleverly learned to remain silent.

It's just a pair of paws that are restless, always circling around me in a sly way.

When the sun was about to set, I finally caught a big fish.

As I was humming a cheerful little song and was about to take the fish home, the half-dried water ghost stopped me:

"Girl, my name is Batu, I can't repay the grace of saving my life, I am willing to marry you."

I rolled my eyes and scolded him: "If you think so beautifully, if you really want to repay your kindness, you should take the initiative to give money, instead of deceiving your benefactor to be a cow and a horse." ”

This guy, I'm stupid.

How hard the little daughter-in-law who married in the village is.

I have to serve my in-laws, I have to take care of the children, I have to take care of the work outside the house, I have to be scolded if I eat a little more, and I have to be beaten by my husband if I am unlucky.

I really didn't expect that I would save people with kindness and even rescue the enemy.

The man who called himself Batu was stunned, reacted, and couldn't help laughing.

Then he said proudly:

"I don't have a wife yet, you have to marry me, so that you don't have to be a cow or a horse, but you have to be a slave and a maid to call you, and eat meat every day."

I only felt unlucky, and I didn't feel angry and said: "I don't marry you, I can eat meat every day on my own." ”

Batu suddenly became anxious: "I, I, I can make you a princess!" ”

"Look at you like this, where are you like a prince, like a beggar, it's almost the same, blowing nonsense, tricking children."

I didn't believe it at all, and turned around and walked away quickly.

Who knew that this man was following after me, and he was in hot pursuit.

It happened that my mother came to pick me up: "Xin Yi, who is that person, do you know?" ”

I scratched my face a little embarrassed, and honestly told me everything: "Mother, he was fished up from the water by me, and he said that he wanted to marry me as his wife to repay the grace of saving his life, and said that he could make me a princess." ”

When the mother heard this, her eyes flashed, and she looked at the man carefully.

Then he pinched the handkerchief, covered his mouth and coughed a few times, and said softly:

"This little brother, you want to marry my daughter in order to repay the favor?"

Batu listened to my mother speak so gently, and felt playful.

He hurriedly stepped forward and made a nondescript gesture:

"Yes, ma'am, I fell in love with your daughter at first sight, even if she didn't save me, I am willing to marry her."

Seeing this, my mother couldn't help but smile, and her voice was softer: "It's nothing to raise your hands, look at the little brother who looks like a talent, and his appearance is not bad, he must be from a big family, and we are a small family, I'm afraid we don't deserve it." ”

I couldn't help but shudder as I listened.

When my mother wants to cheat people, it will be like this.

The man didn't notice it at all, his heart became more and more urgent, and he defended it repeatedly:

"We steppe sons and daughters don't talk about that, my father...... Well, father, he loves me very much, and if I beg him, he will agree. ”

Although he changed his words quickly, my mother and I clearly heard him call his father father.

This guy may really be a prince.

The mother eased her face, smiled more and more kindly, and her attitude became more considerate: "Can you really make my daughter a princess?" ”

"Of course, among my father's sons, I am the bravest, and I can make your daughter a more honorable person than the princess in the future."

Batu patted his chest boldly.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally slapped the wound, and suddenly bared his teeth and groaned.

Seeing this, the mother said with concern: "The little brother is not feeling well? The complexion is good or bad. Xin Yi, go to the village chief, give him the fish, and then borrow his family's ox cart, and send people to the town with his mother to find a doctor. ”

I received the look of my mother's secret envoy, and I hurriedly responded and ran fast.

Batu didn't doubt him, covered his chest, and said with a forced smile: "I accidentally encountered a bandit robbery on the road and was stabbed, but it's okay." ”

When I came to the ox cart, he chatted happily with his mother, and he did not hesitate to get on the car.

The town is close and it didn't take long to get to the hospital.

After reading the doctor and grabbing the medicine, the mother touched the money bag and screamed badly:

"The money is not enough, Xin Yi, you are here to take care of the little brother and drink medicine, I will go back to the village chief to borrow some silver."

Batu listened, and without hesitation, he took off the jade wrench in his hand and handed it to his mother:

"Don't ask someone to borrow it, my wrench is still worth some money, see if it's enough to pay for medicine."

The mother took it, looked at it, and said, "Why don't I take it to the pawnshop and ask, and buy some food by the way." ”

Batu seemed to have regarded my mother as a mother-in-law, and his attitude was courteous and respectful: "Trouble Mrs." ”

The mother smiled and narrowed her eyes: "It's not troublesome, it's not troublesome, it should be." ”

The jade wrench finger is not something that ordinary people can afford to wear, at least it has to be an aristocrat.

Batu thought that his mother regarded him as his own family, and he was so happy that he couldn't stop laughing.

When I brought him the boiled medicine, he didn't have the slightest doubt, and he raised his head and drank it dry.

Soon, the sleeping ingredient in the medicine worked, and I slept soundly.

Under the astonished gaze of the medicine boy and the doctor, I tied Batu with a rope and tied him tightly, but he was still unconscious.

At this time, my mother came back.

Behind him were the garrisons of the border towns.

The mother pointed to Batu unhurriedly, and said to the young general led by him: "This is the man who looks like a grassland man from outside, with a fishy smell on his body, he calls himself Batu, and he has a father who is a prince, and I heard that he is still very favored." ”

The young general roughly pulled the person off the bed, looked at it again and again, and laughed:

"It's really a great credit for nothing, I didn't expect that the fifth prince who the general was chasing would throw himself into the net."

As he spoke, he took out a money bag from his arms and threw it to his mother: "This is a reward for silver, take it, well done!" ”

The mother took it and put it in her sleeve pocket, and said with a smile: "Thank you military master, it is an honor for us and other people to do a little bit for the border soldiers." ”

In this way, the fifth prince of spies from the enemy country was sold by my mother for five hundred taels of silver.

I was scolded by my mother.

My mother scolded me for having no brains, and I didn't know how to protect myself first when I saved people.

So, half a year later, when I met the injured man again and had to save people, I learned to tie people up and save them again.

(END) I was annoyed when I frequently picked up injured handsome men, but my mother pinched the handkerchief and looked at it


By this time, my mother and I had moved away from the small villages on the border and moved to the countryside near the provincial capital.

The border is fighting again, and it is safer to be close to the provincial capital.

The fifth prince was cut down the sacrificial flag, his father had a deep cold, and led the army to menacing, and the rich people in the provincial capital were panicking, and they were all abandoning their homes and businesses and running to the hinterland of the Central Plains.

Relying on that huge amount of silver, the mother bought a big farm at a low price.

I also had my own maid, from a little lady in the Orion family to a young lady in the landlord's family.

As long as I make up the account book that should be discarded every day, my mother does not restrict me from going out to have fun.

Therefore, I still have time to drill into the mountains and forests, like a wild girl.

On this day, I took my bow and arrows and chased a stupid roe deer all the way until I reached the bottom of a cliff before shooting it down.

I was so happy to go hunting for loot.

Unexpectedly, after picking up the grass, a man with a bloody head lay next to the stupid roe deer.

Although my mother does not approve of me picking up a man from the side of the road, but this barren mountain and wilderness, I really don't care, this man does not have to wait until tomorrow, he will be gnawed by wild beasts and his bones will be gone.

I hesitated for a long time, but decided to save people.

But before saving people, I first used the techniques taught by my mother to tie the other party's hands and feet to death, and then drove back with people on my back.

Because the man was tall and big, and his weight was not light, I had to give up the roe deer.

When I got home, I found my mother as soon as I got home.

My mother had no choice but to poke me: "You stupid girl, why don't you listen to what you say, and do stupid things." ”

I covered my forehead that was poked red, and defended: "Mother, the last man I picked up was exchanged for five hundred taels." ”

The mother snorted: "If it weren't for the mother's circumstance, you would have been taken away if you hadn't been deceived and become one of the many wives of the family, if the man died, he would have to be inherited by the man's brother and continue to be a cow and horse for children." ”

The barbarians are not only barbaric and ferocious, but their customs are also barbaric and ferocious.

"So what about this? I had so hard to carry it back, and I even threw away the roe deer I hunted. ”

I was so angry and depressed that I couldn't help but regret it.

The roe deer I hunted is such a big one.

The mother rummaged through the man, and replied to me: "What can I do, I have been saved, let someone go and invite a doctor, how bad it is to die on our Zhuangzi." ”

The subordinate went away.

I watched my mother take out a jade pendant, and couldn't help but say, "Isn't it okay to just take people's things like this?" ”

My mother glared at me: "Stinky girl, is it too early for you to turn your elbow out?" Do you need no money to ask a doctor to buy medicine? Do you know what year it was, and the landlord's family had no surplus food. ”

I was defeated in a second.

On the way of running a family, the mother recognizes the first, and no one can recognize the second.

The doctor was invited, and the man was cleaned up by his subordinates, revealing a young and handsome face.

After the needle, the person woke up, but he lost his memory and did not remember anything.

The moment he opened his eyes and saw me, his eyes were also straight, and he said:

"Girl, you are so good-looking, are you my daughter-in-law?"

Good fellow, this is even more outrageous than the enemy prince.

The enemy prince also knew to propose marriage first, and this one skipped the proposal and got married, and directly made me, a twenty-eight-year-old girl, married.

The mother was very unhappy: "What is your daughter-in-law, my daughter is your life-saving benefactor." ”

I'm also upset, but I'm not very happy to deal with a fool who has no memory.

The fool who lost his memory didn't seem to be really stupid: "There is no way to repay the grace of saving your life, but to make a promise with your body." ”

I was dumbfounded.

How can men in these years be so virtuous?

Will it repay the favor in the end?

Didn't you really mean to take advantage of me?

I have to pay for myself to save people.

How can men be so confident?

Do you think you are a treasure of gold and silver that everyone loves?

The mother looked indifferent: "Make a promise with your body, right?" Okay, too. Seeing that there is nothing wrong with your body, you are asked to do all the rough work in the kitchen, chopping wood, carrying water, oh, and cooking pig food, feeding pigs, cleaning the pigsty, all left to you. ”

This time it was the man's turn to be dumbfounded, his mouth open, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

How stupid it looks.

In the evening, my mother taught me: "Don't look at the amnesiac man who looks like a man and looks good, just look at it the other way, people may have raised seventeen or eighteen concubines in their homes a long time ago." ”

The man with amnesia will never be touched, and he can't tell when he will be thundered.

I was speechless: "Mother, is your daughter such a superficial person?" ”

My mother shook her head and said to me seriously: "It's better to be superficial as a woman, don't just know the true heart of a man." Appearance, character, money, family background, ability, can all have a choice of pictures. ”

"Well, it depends on what you like, what kind of life you want to live, what kind of life you can live, and then make a choice. Daughter, you are also older, and my mother told you that the most important thing in a woman's life is not the man's liking, but her own joy. ”

In this way, even if you make the wrong choice, you can jump out.

I couldn't help but ask my mother, "Is Dad your wrong choice?" ”

It's just curiosity.

I've never seen my father, it's my mother who pulled me up.

My ancestors were hunters, and they had a knack for making fur.

My mother's physical condition is not good, and her hunting skills are not good, so she relies on this craft to support her family.

Therefore, although I am a country girl, I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, and everything is worry-free.

I don't have any attachment to my negative father.

It's enough for me to have a mother.

My mother stretched out her hand and pulled my face, and said with a smile: "Yes, because of such a little joy as you, my mother jumped out quickly." ”

I threw myself into my mother's arms, giggled happily, and said while laughing, "My mother is the best mother in the world." ”

After waiting for a few days, most of the man's injuries I picked up were healed, and his memory had not yet recovered.

Fortunately, he is still obedient, and his mother and I will do whatever he tells him to do.

At first, it didn't work well, but then it looked like it.

It's not good at all, he likes to circle around me and call me "daughter-in-law".

He didn't listen to me no matter what I said, and he didn't listen to him.

The mother couldn't stand it, so she went into the city, touched the largest pawnshop in the city, and gave him the best jade pendant.

Served as a thousand taels.

If you want to die, you can be higher.

I couldn't help but speak: "Mother, I can't see it, Da Niu is quite rich." ”

By the way, because of amnesia, my mother temporarily gave her a name, called Da Niu.

Not only is the strength as an ox, but the amount of food is also as big as an ox.

But a piece of jade pendant can be worth so much money, which is also very revealing.

I was a little uneasy: "Mother, isn't it not good for you to let the big cow feed the pigs like this, and clean the pigsty, his family background must be unusual, and he will definitely feel distressed when he knows it." ”

The mother was very calm, with a steady appearance: "It was he who wanted to make a promise, and I just helped him get his wish." ”

Not two days after Yu Pei was in office, the farm suddenly broke into a group of soldiers with knives and guns.

The one who took the lead held a jade pendant and couldn't wait to ask my mother: "You took this jade pendant?" Where is the owner of the jade pendant? Say it. ”

The mother led the people directly to the pigsty, pointed to the big cow who was shoveling pig manure and said, "Oh, the person you are looking for is there!" ”

The soldiers were dumbfounded, standing in place, unable to believe their eyes.

The one who took the lead shouted first: "Oh my God, little general, how can you do such a rough job!" ”

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers glared at my mother angrily, and their eyes seemed to be able to breathe fire.

The mother spread her hands very indifferently: "What can I do?" Your little general has no memory, what kind of life-saving grace should be promised by himself, I can only fulfill him. ”

I hugged my mother's arm and said nervously: "My mother is a jade pendant, I just want to help him find relatives in this way, and I am also kind." ”

At this time, there were already soldiers in the pigsty to pull the little general out.

When the amnesiac little general saw me, he happily called me: "Daughter-in-law! ”

I said impatiently: "Don't call me a daughter-in-law, I'm not your daughter-in-law, don't take advantage of me." ”

The mother also looked irritable and waved her hand to drive away: "You have also seen it, this is the case." Take people away quickly, treat them as soon as they are sick, don't slander my daughter's innocence out of thin air, my daughter will still be recruited. ”

It was as if the soldiers were petrified.

probably didn't expect his little general to be disliked like this.

It's just a loss, and I can't pay back.

The little general was still reluctant to go, and rolled around like a child.

The soldiers who received the person did not dare to do anything to him because of their identity.

I really couldn't look past it, and under the eyes of my mother, I gave him a knife and successfully cut people out.

The farm is finally clean.

My mother breathed a sigh of relief and squinted at me: "Stinky girl, see if you dare to pick up a man next time." ”

I shook my head again and again: "Mother, don't dare, don't dare, pick me up again and chop my hands." ”

Mother, the man who fell on the side of the road is a strange race, who dares to pick it up.

However, I was determined to chop my hands and never pick up men again, but there were men in distress who fell from the sky, so I had to pick them up.

(END) I was annoyed when I frequently picked up injured handsome men, but my mother pinched the handkerchief and looked at it


Things have to start with the little general.

The little general I picked up was the youngest son of the general who guarded the frontier.

On the way to patrol, he was killed by a spy lurking in the army and fell off a cliff.

Because the brain disease was difficult to treat, he was sent to Beijing overnight on the day he was found and treated by an imperial doctor.

Later, someone from the General's Mansion sent another 10,000 taels of silver tickets to thank him for saving his life, and added another 5,000 taels, saying that he would make up for me in advance.

The mother accepted it quietly, and as soon as the people left, she immediately sneered: "What kind of makeup money, it doesn't matter if my daughter marries or not, it looks like I'm afraid that we will stick to climb the high branches, it's really shameless." ”

I couldn't help but feel guilty: "Mother, it's all my fault that makes you feel this kind of anger." ”

The mother was speechless: "Xin Yi, don't take other people's mistakes on yourself." It's not the turtle king, what are you doing to endure humiliation? You should scold the villain with your mother, instead of blaming yourself for being unladylike. ”

There are so many scum villains in this world, and there will always be a few of them.

Scold when you should scold, and beat when you should beat.

Just like the little general, people should still be saved, money should be taken, and villains should be scolded for being cheap.

No conflict, no conflict at all.

To be a person and do things, there should be clear grievances.

After some persuasion from my mother, I was finally relieved.

With such a rich sum of money, my mother set up a big shop in the provincial capital and began to try to start a fur business.

This time, it is no longer to help make fur, but to buy fur and sell it by yourself.

My mother's heart couldn't help but start to move.

She said to me: "Xin Yi, the wind and snow in the north are too blowing, and women are especially easy to grow old here, let's go to the water town in the south of the Yangtze River to settle down, where the mountains and rivers nourish people and maintain health." ”

I was also very excited, but also a little reluctant: "What about our farm?" ”

The mother said casually: "Sell it, the general won the battle, the land price has risen again, and as soon as our farm is handed over, we can earn a few hundred taels, and we have the money to hire the dart bureau to charge the goods." ”

"Charge? Mother, do you want to sell in the south? ”

Niang said confidently: "Our fur in the north is easy to sell, I have a source of goods, you can try it, anyway, it will be shipped to the south, no matter what, we can also go in and out, buy and sell all the way, maybe we can make more." ”

I immediately expressed my support: "My mother's vision is right, and my daughter supports you." ”

It's nothing if I fail, the cost is no different from the white one, at most it's back to the original point, I can also hunt and fish to feed my mother.

Of course, I only said this in my heart, and saying it would be too damaging to my mother's enthusiasm.

So, when autumn came, my mother and I sold the farm, took a group of reliable loyal servants, and set out on the road south to the south of the Yangtze River under the escort of the dart board. Before arriving in Suzhou City, the fur was sold out.

Along the way, most of the reselling goods picked by the mother also made money, and only a little loss.

In short, Niangniu Knife tried for the first time, and made a lot of money with blood.

I have also changed from a little lady from a rich family to a little lady from a huge rich family.

As I was about to enter the city, the convoy passed a small dirt slope when suddenly a man rolled down from it, hula hula rolled down the road, and stopped in front of the carriage I was riding.

If it weren't for the strong arm of the coachman who pulled the carriage in time, I am afraid that someone would have died on the spot.

I bumped my head into the maid in the carriage.

Suddenly rolled down to the point where the man was kicked by the horse's hooves and broke two ribs, vomiting blood on the spot.

In this way, I have to pick up this injured man if I don't pick it up.

I panicked and got out of the car to check.

The man suddenly woke up, grabbed the corner of my skirt, looked at me stupidly, and exclaimed affectionately, "Fairy! ”

Although his brocade clothes are covered with mud, his face is clean and clean, and his facial features are quite handsome.

I froze in amazement.

My mother only felt unlucky.

But he had to pinch his nose and arrange for someone to send the man to the city for medical treatment, and he also paid the medical expenses in advance, which is also benevolent.

Half a month later, my mother and I rented a yard in Suzhou City and settled down.

The injured man suddenly came to the door to thank him.

It just so happened that my mother went out to look at the shop, and I stayed to watch the house when I was not feeling well.

When the other party saw me for the first time, he subconsciously called out: "Fairy".

I couldn't bear to raise my eyebrows: "Who are you, if you have something to say, let go if you have a fart!" ”

The man came back to his senses and frowned: "Girl's family, how can you be dirty and insulting." ”

I was speechless: "How do I talk, it's your business." ”

The man shook his head: "You are going to enter my house, but you can't talk like this anymore, there are no rules." ”

I let out a long "ha" and slapped over:

"This son, if you don't wake up, you are dreaming in the blue sky, girl, I will help you wake up for free."

The man's white face was as white as jade, and it was suddenly imprinted with a bright red slap.

He covered his face and said angrily: "Even if you save my life, you shouldn't do anything with me." And the husband is the sky, you are just a concubine, how can you be so arrogant, not like a good woman! ”

It's messy, inexplicable.

But as soon as he said I had saved his life, I recognized him.

It turned out to be the man who rolled down the hillside that day.

After pondering the meaning of his words, I laughed angrily: "What is it? Since you say that I saved your life, how can you be embarrassed to accept a life-saving benefactor as a concubine? It's just revenge, shameless. ”

The man was shameless, and said with a proud expression: "I am a son of a family, my ancestors are known to be virtuous, you are just a merchant girl, accepting you as a concubine is enough to repay the favor, don't think about my wife, it is reserved for the noble daughter." ”

I kicked people away: "Get out!" Who rarely gives you a concubine, girl, it's better for me to save a dog than to save you! ”

Such a man who is arrogant and talks to himself is really unprecedentedly cheap and unspeakably cheap.

The man was angry, his cloak was scattered, and he held his heart and said: "I am kind enough to repay the favor and give you a good way to change the court, you don't know how to cherish it, you don't deserve to have a face as good-looking as Qianniang." ”

It's really the worst thing I've ever picked up a man.

I was trembling with anger.

At this moment, my mother came, and she hid outside the door and listened to the whole process.

She was so angry that she immediately appeared, and directly asked someone to throw the other party out of the house, and said: "Young Master Fang, you are a down-and-out poor sour son, don't catch a good-looking girl and call it a fairy, and don't touch a rich merchant girl under the guise of a family." ”

"You want to collect both people and money, and the abacus is so loud that the whole city of Suzhou can hear it. If you know how to write the word shame, hurry up and roll as far as the old lady is! ”

Fang Gongzi was told the truth by his mother, so he was so scared that he hid his face and fled.

I was stunned on the spot: "Mother, this, this, is it touching porcelain?" ”

The people in the south are fun.

The mother snorted and said: "No, the famous shabby settlement in Suzhou City specializes in foreign merchant girls." ”

I couldn't help but wonder, "How do you feel like he doesn't have a good brain?" ”

Niang looked disdainful: "That's because Niang didn't respect Luo Shang, nor did she respect his good face, and directly sent people to the hospital to be released, disrupting his original plan." ”

"Moreover, he didn't grasp the timing of rolling down, and he was stunned on the spot, and he had no chance to play at all."

It turns out that this Fang Gongzi is really a son of a family, that is, his ancestors do not accumulate virtue, his father's gambling has ruined the family business, and when he is a son, he is spoiled by his family, and even the noble wife who married him before was angry.

Now if you want to eat soft rice, you have to put on the appearance of asking someone to kneel down and beg him.

"Mother, how do you know so clearly?" I couldn't help but wonder.

My mother smiled and touched my head: "Mother sees that you also like it here, and I plan to settle here and buy some properties for you, so that you can recruit money in the future, and I just inquired about the ancestral property of the Fang family, and the Chinese told me." ”

It dawned on me.

But when I think of Fang Gongzi, I still have palpitations, and my diaphragm deserves it:

"Mother, you have to help me pick well, don't pick the Chinese son, otherwise, I'm afraid I will kill my husband."

My mother glanced at me and quipped, "Will the men on the side of the road pick it up in the future?" ”

I shook my head into a rattle: "No, no, no, in the future, people will die in front of me, and I won't blink my eyes." ”

It's a big loss this time.

It's a lesson in blood and tears.

Even if my mother finds someone to secretly put on a sack and beat that Fang Gongzi three times a day, she can't make up for the psychological shadow he caused me.

The wild man on the side of the road is terrifying.

The only thing that can be comforted is that the income of those Fangjia shops and fields bought by my mother is very good, and the net worth accumulated for me continues to soar, and I soon become the most envied upstart in Suzhou City.

Niang's business talent seems to have been fully stimulated, and her fighting spirit has become more and more excited, and she made a grand wish to let me sit on the throne of the richest man in Jiangnan in my lifetime.

As for the little general, who looks quite normal, I heard that after he was cured of his brain disease, he became a relative in the capital and never returned to the border pass.

When I was eighteen years old, my mother carefully selected and found me a obedient, sensible and good-looking husband whose parents died.

Xiaofujun is also born in Orion, not only has a good waist and kidneys, has great strength, but also is very diligent.

Since I had him, if a man falls in front of me, I don't need to do anything, someone will move his feet first.

A world where there are no wild men falling, it's so refreshing.


(END) I was annoyed when I frequently picked up injured handsome men, but my mother pinched the handkerchief and looked at it

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