
Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

author:Ling dared to dare

In the new season of the Glory of Kings battlefield, the shooter hero of Baili Shoujo has undoubtedly become the focus of heated discussions among players. Its unique skill mechanics make Promise Keeper an unprecedented strength in the game. So, how strong is the new season's Baili Shou Covenant? Does he really have the range of Garo, plus the three-stage displacement of Gongsun Li, as rumored? Today, we're going to take a closer look at the up-and-coming shooter overlord.

Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

First of all, we have to mention the range of the covenant. In the game, Covenant Keeper's second skill, Breath of the Tempest, allows him to snipe enemies at great distances, with a range that is almost comparable to that of Garo. This skill not only allows Covenant to be safely exported in teamfights, but also allows him to easily suppress opponents during laning. When an opponent tries to get close to Covenant Keeper, he can simply cast the second skill, which can deal high damage and knock them back.

Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

However, the strength of the Covenant is not only reflected in his range. His three-stage displacement skill "Escape" makes him a smart killer on the battlefield. This skill not only allows Shouyo to easily escape when being pursued by enemies, but also allows him to flexibly move around in teamfights to find the best output position. When Covenant Keeper activates "Escape", he jumps backwards and gains three additional jumps for the next short time. These three jumps not only allow Shouyo to quickly adjust his position, but also allow him to burst into amazing damage in a short period of time.

Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

It is with this skill mechanic that Covenant has shown great dominance in the new season. Even Sanjay, a Yuange player known for his difficulty in operation, decisively gave up Yuange in the new season and chose to keep the promise for 100 miles. Sanjay said in the live broadcast that he will only play two shooter heroes now, one is the Shadow Spear, and the other is Keeping the Covenant. He bluntly said that the Covenant is almost invincible in the current version, and it can play a powerful role in both early development and mid-to-late team battles.

Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

However, despite his prowess, there are still some heroes in the game who are able to restrain him. For example, some heroes with the Silence skill can effectively interrupt the output rhythm of the Covenant. At the same time, some Assassin heroes with high explosive abilities can also kill them before the Covenant has yet to develop. Therefore, when choosing a hero in the game, the player needs to make a reasonable choice based on the opponent's situation.

Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

So, how exactly do you play with the promise? Sanjay shared his experience in the live broadcast. He said that the observance of the covenant needs to be carefully developed in the early stage and try to avoid a head-on conflict with the enemy. After the mid-to-late stage equipment is formed, Shouyo can play a huge role in team battles with his range and displacement skills. At the same time, Sanjay also emphasized the choice of the output environment of compliance. He stated that keeping the promise requires finding a safe position in the teamfight to output and avoid being attacked by the enemy in close quarters. When an enemy tries to get close to the Covenant, he can use the "Escape" skill to counterattack or retreat.

Sanjay: There are only two shooters to play this season, one is called the Shadow Sharpshooter and the other is called Covenant Keeper

In addition to Sanjay's sharing, we also need to pay attention to some details of keeping promises. For example, when releasing the second skill, you need to pay attention to predicting the enemy's position; In team battles, you need to keep an eye on the status of your teammates and the movements of your enemies. When chasing enemies, you can use the "Escape" skill to move quickly, and more. These details can make the Promise Keeper perform better in the game.

Overall, the new season's Baili Shoujo is undoubtedly a formidable shooter hero. He has a long range and flexible movement skills, which makes him able to play a huge role in the game. However, in order to truly grasp the skills and essence of keeping the covenant, players need to constantly practice and summarize. Only in this way will we be able to become a real shooter overlord on the battlefield of the glory of kings.