
Is the son of Genryu strong? Xuan Miyue can deal with it, and he beats up new heroes

author:Ling dared to dare

In the S36 season of "Honor of Kings", the son of Yuanliu, as a side hero, has indeed become a nightmare for many players with its unique survivability and high HP. In the face of such an almost inexplicable opponent, many players will feel helpless, especially when the opponent chooses the son of Yuanliu in seconds, which makes their opponents feel pressure. However, among the many hero choices, there is indeed one hero who can effectively restrain the Son of Yuanliu in both the early and late stages, and that is Aaron.

Is the son of Genryu strong? Xuan Miyue can deal with it, and he beats up new heroes

As a mixed-damage hero, Aren's unique skill mechanics allow him to easily deal with the high HP and high recovery ability of the Children of the Genliu. First of all, Yalian's damage output is very impressive, whether it is skill damage or basic attack damage, it can pose a great threat to the son of Yuanliu. Especially when Yalian was equipped with the core equipment of the Red Lotus Cloak, his continuous damage ability was greatly improved, which greatly weakened the health regeneration ability of the Son of Yuanliu.

Is the son of Genryu strong? Xuan Miyue can deal with it, and he beats up new heroes

In the early laning, Aron can take advantage of his high mobility and high damage characteristics to constantly harass the Children of Genliu and disrupt its rhythm. Since the son of Yuanliu is mainly based on development in the early stage, its damage output is not high, so Yalian can make it impossible for the son of Yuanliu to develop with peace of mind through continuous consumption. At the same time, Yalian's second skill also has a certain control effect, which can interrupt the skill release of the son of Yuanliu at a critical moment, further limiting its output.

Is the son of Genryu strong? Xuan Miyue can deal with it, and he beats up new heroes

In mid-to-late team fights, the Son of Genliu may become the core of the enemy team due to his high HP and recovery ability. However, in front of Alian, these advantages of the Son of Yuanliu will be lost. Arlen's high damage output can quickly reduce the HP of the Children of Yuanliu, and the continuous damage of the Red Lotus Cloak can greatly reduce the health of the Children of Yuanliu. In addition, Yalian also has a certain survivability, even in the face of enemy multi-person siege, he can rely on his own skills and equipment to hold on for a period of time to buy more output time for his teammates.

Is the son of Genryu strong? Xuan Miyue can deal with it, and he beats up new heroes

Of course, in order to truly exert the effect of Aaron's restraint of the Children of the Yuanliu, players also need to master certain operational skills and tactical awareness. For example, when aligning the line, it is necessary to be good at using terrain and grass for concealment and raiding; In team battles, you must find the right time to cut into the enemy's back row, and give priority to attacking core heroes such as the Son of Yuanliu; In terms of builds, it is necessary to flexibly adjust according to the enemy's lineup and changes in the situation, etc.

In short, when facing an over-the-top hero like the Son of Yuanliu, we don't need to panic and be too frustrated. As long as we choose the right heroes, and have good operational skills and tactical awareness, we will be able to effectively restrain them and fight for more chances of victory for the team. In the S36 season, let's protect our glory with Yalian, the hero of the son of Tianke Yuanliu!

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