
The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

author:Plain sailing


Recently, a TV series "The Story of Rose" is on the air, which tells a love story spanning 20 years, and the choice of the heroine Huang Yimei in the play has aroused heated discussions among the audience. Huang Yimei's choice to divorce and pursue self-realization is often questioned and criticized in traditional concepts, and her insistence has also triggered deep conjectures about marriage and self-realization. Fu Jiaming, the male protagonist in the play, also bears the torture of terminal illness, his emotional experience of Huang Yimei is full of twists and turns, and the audience also has questions about his true motives. Through the choices and experiences of the characters in the play, the audience can guess the meaning and values of life in the collision of emotions, and can also feel a new understanding of marriage and love. This article will start with the characters and emotional experiences in "The Story of Rose", explore the relationship between marriage and self-realization, as well as the growth and dilemma of modern women, hoping to bring some inspiration and conjecture to the audience.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

1. Huang Yimei's choice sparked conjecture

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

In "The Story of Rose", Huang Yimei is a very independent and assertive woman, she is very good in her career, and she also has her own pursuits and dreams. When faced with marriage and family, she fell into confusion and struggle. On the one hand, she hopes to have a complete family and warm love, on the other hand, she is not willing to be bound by marriage, and hopes to achieve her inner pursuit through her own efforts.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

It is precisely because of such contradictions and struggles that Huang Yimei finally chose to divorce, she feels that marriage is not the whole of her life, and it should not become a stumbling block to her pursuit of happiness. Such a choice is often criticized in the traditional concept, and many people think that Huang Yimei is selfish and irresponsible, and she can abandon family and love for her dreams, which is a harm to both the children and her husband.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

From another point of view, Huang Yimei's choice is actually calling on women to have their own lives and pursuits, and marriage should not become a shackle for women, but should become the driving force for each other's growth and progress. When a woman has her own career and pursuit, she can better manage her family and love, and she can truly obtain inner satisfaction and happiness.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

When the audience looks at Huang Yimei's choice, they can also guess from different angles that her persistence and courage may inspire more people, so that everyone can pursue their dreams and happiness more bravely.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei
The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

Second, Fu Jiaming's emotional experience caused conjecture

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

In addition to Huang Yimei, Fu Jiaming, the male protagonist in the play, also bears the torture of terminal illness, after he knew his condition, he did not choose to tell Huang Yimei, but silently arranged everything for her, hoping to create more happiness and warmth for her in her lifetime.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

In Fu Jiaming's eyes, Huang Yimei is like a beautiful rose, she should have more attention and care, and he himself is willing to be the person behind this rose, silently guarding and accompanying her.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

When Fu Jiaming's condition gradually deteriorated, he could no longer hide his identity, he hoped that after he left, Huang Yimei could live a good life, so he left his wishes and expectations in his will.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

When Huang Yimei saw Fu Jiaming's will, she found that he didn't have as deep feelings as he imagined, he just regarded himself as a complex, and Huang Yimei began to doubt Fu Jiaming's original intentions, she felt that her choice was wrong, and she didn't know what kind of motives Fu Jiaming had to make such an arrangement.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

Through the emotional experience of the characters in the play, the audience can also have deeper conjectures about marriage and love, Fu Jiaming's behavior seems to be thinking about Huang Yimei, but in fact, there are many conjectures and questions behind it, whether he is out of love or responsibility, and whether his choice can really bring happiness and stability to Huang Yimei.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

This kind of emotional entanglement can make the audience more deeply realize the true meaning of love, love should not become a burden and burden, but should become a sincere emotional exchange and support between each other, whether in marriage or in love, you need to have courage and wisdom to face, but also need to know how to tolerate and understand each other, and jointly manage and protect this relationship.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei

3. The growth and plight of modern women

In addition to marriage and love, "The Story of Rose" also shows the dilemmas and challenges faced by modern women on the road to growth through Huang Yimei's life experience.

Huang Yimei is a very independent and strong woman, she has a very good performance in her career, and she also has her own pursuits and dreams, but in the choice of family and marriage, she is caught in the contradiction of being unable to choose.

On the one hand, society's expectations for women are still stuck in the traditional role positioning, they believe that women should put the family first and sacrifice themselves to run the family and marriage, and when women have their own careers and pursuits, they are often criticized and questioned by all kinds of criticism, and are considered "leftover women" without family concepts.

On the other hand, modern society has also given more and more care and support to women's emancipation and independence, they believe that women should have their own life and pursuits, and marriage should not become a shackle for women, but should become the driving force for each other's growth and progress.

It is in the midst of such contradictions and struggles that modern women often face great pressure and difficulty in making choices, and they do not know how to balance family and career, nor how to pursue their own happiness and growth.

Through "The Story of Roses", perhaps we can give modern women some inspiration and encouragement, no matter what kind of environment and choice, they should have their own persistence and courage, should pursue the true desire of their hearts, whether in career or in love, they should know how to choose and let go, and should also believe that only by truly loving and perfecting themselves can they be respected and loved by others, and can they obtain true happiness and satisfaction.

The story of the rose: Why Fu Jiaming gave all the inheritance to Fu Jiamin was because he looked down on Huang Yimei


Through "The Story of Rose", the audience can feel a new understanding of marriage and love in the choices and experiences of the characters in the play, and can also get some inspiration and conjectures about life and growth.

Whether in marriage or on the road to self-realization, everyone will face a variety of choices and challenges, and these experiences are also a part of life, which can make us more mature and strong, and can also give us a deeper understanding and perception of life.

I hope that after watching the TV series, the audience can have their own gains and touches, and they can also get some inspiration about emotions and growth, no matter what kind of emotional experience they are in, they should have the courage and wisdom to face it, believe in their own choices, and believe that love and happiness will definitely come to them.