
Jin Shizi lost the bet and picked up a bride to be the princess

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC


Ye Qingran opened his eyes with difficulty, a huge pain came from his head, and a human voice gradually came from his ears: "This Miss Ye family won't die, right?" ”

"It's hard to say, if I am rejected by my husband on the spot on my wedding day, then what face do I have to live in this world, don't I have to die headfirst."

"This Shoukang Hou Shizi is also really not like words, he almost lost his life at the beginning, and asked to marry with grace, but now he actually dislikes the humble status of others, although he is a student in the outer room, but it is also recorded in the name of Mrs. Zuo Xiang, then it is considered a concubine, in this way, isn't it a slap in the face of Zuo Xiangfu?"

"Shh......h Be quiet, be careful if you're heard—"

Ye Qingran closed his eyes and waited for the pain on his head to pass, then slowly opened his eyes, a little girl next to him was crying, a man in front of him wearing a wedding dress, sitting on a horse, Qingjun's face looked at Ye Qingran's master and servant expressionlessly, Ye Qingran struggled to get up, and suddenly a huge pain hit again, and a strange memory poured in.

This woman is also called Ye Qingran, is the daughter of Ye You'an, the left minister, today is the day she left the cabinet, although she is a daughter-in-law, but her biological mother is an outer room, it is said that Ye You'an raised in Wuzhou's hometown, Zuo Xiang's wife Lin did not allow the outer room to enter the door, but I don't know why she agreed to record the concubine born in the outer room in her own name, so Ye Qingran became the only concubine of the left prime minister's house.

A month ago, the biological mother Yun died of illness, and the Lin family was merciful and agreed to Ye Qingran to take over the imperial capital, and within a few days, Yang Shaochen, the son of the Shoukang Hou Mansion, had an emergency and urgently needed to marry a wife Chongxi, but who would be willing to marry Chong Xi, and the Shoukang Hou Mansion with too low a portal could not be looked down upon, so the old lady of the Shoukang Hou Mansion remembered that the old Hou Ye had a favor to the Zuo Xiang Mansion, and she begged to marry the Ye family's daughter Chongxi.

Mrs. Ye was worried that this concubine was in the way, so she directly agreed to marry Ye Qingran, because human life is at stake, so the two family affairs were in a hurry, and everything was done in just seven days, and then the marriage date was agreed, but things are so magical, after the family affairs were discussed, Yang Shaochen's body gradually improved.

It stands to reason that this family affair must be subordinate, and this Miss Ye family is indispensable, but Yang Shaochen is unwilling, and confesses to his family that he has long been in love with Miss Zhang Ruoxue of Anguo's family, and he has to withdraw from his family. But the wedding date has come, if you withdraw at this time, won't you slap Ye Youan in the face?

Today, Yang Shaochen was forced to come over to get married, dressed in a wedding dress and rode a high-headed horse in front, walked to the downtown area, and inadvertently saw Zhang Ruoxue in the crowd, Zhang Ruoxue cried with red eyes and pear blossoms with rain, so resentfully looked at Yang Shaochen on the horse, her beautiful face was full of accusations, and Yang Shaochen, who was watching, turned around as soon as his brain was hot, and proposed to destroy the marriage to Ye Qingran, who was sitting in the sedan chair.

Yang Shaochen said to Ye Qingran that he would not marry her today no matter what, and was withdrawn in public in broad daylight, how could Ye Qingran carry it, so he rushed out of the sedan chair and crashed into the pillar on the side, Ye Qingran went, she Ye Qingran came.

After Ye Qingran digested the memories in his mind, he opened his eyes with great effort, and then reached out and stood up by pressing Bai Lu's body, his already delicate body was even more shaky after this collision, and Bai Lu hurriedly helped his young lady.

Ye Qingran looked up at Yang Shaochen, "Shoukang Hou Shizi is afraid that he forgot, it was your Yang family who came to my Ye family to ask for marriage, and you don't want to admit it when you are good?" Thinking about demolishing the bridge before the river is over? How could my Ye family let you be so humiliated? ”

The woman in front of him shouted, Yang Shaochen looked at the beautiful woman in front of him and was also stunned, he didn't expect this Ye Qingran to be so stunning, but no matter what, he couldn't live up to Xue'er, so he replied righteously: "You are just a concubine, didn't you stuff it into my Shoukang Hou Mansion because your mother didn't like it?" Back then, my grandfather was kind to your Ye family, and now we haven't visited the church, so we can't be considered married, and the Yang Ye family is good to get together and disperse, so how about the grievances between our two families have been written off?"

Ye Qingran met such a subordinate man as soon as he walked through, and he was also quite unappetizing, and now Yang Shaochen readily agreed when he said this, and the two hit it off and sent someone to the government to get the marriage certificate, and tore it up directly in front of the onlookers, and agreed that from now on, men and women will marry irrelevantly.

In the Fuman Building in the south of the city, several brocade boys sat together drinking and playing dice, "Jinxing, how about we have an exciting time?" The eldest young master of the Yongkang Hou Mansion, Qian Jing, asked the son opposite with drunken eyes.

Gu Jinxing was dressed in a crescent white brocade robe, his posture was as heroic as a bamboo, a light blue jade belt around his waist, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling at this time he also looked at the people in front of him drunkenly, a handsome face like a carving, with clear and handsome facial features, a shallow smile on the corner of his lips, and his whole body was full of nobility and elegance, "What to play with the son of this world, there is nothing that the son of this world can't play." ”

"Okay, Lin Mo, you make a stool, if he comes out, he can't be tricked, if this is out, the tenth person from the north, whether male or female, how about you marry directly?" Qian Jing drank into a big tongue, and his brain couldn't move, so he blurted out directly.

"No, no, if Jinxing marries a man and goes back, my grandfather will have to cut him with a knife." Before Gu Jinxing could speak, Lin Mo shook his little head and refused for his cousin.

"That's—that's a kiss from a man, how about a woman marrying back?" Qian Jing also changed his mind after thinking about it, if Gu Jinxing married a man and went back, then the old Qingguo Gong might go to his house with a knife, and he was also afraid......

"Okay, that's it, this world will not let you lose today." After a few people finished speaking, they decided on the size and opened the cup directly.

"Hahahaha, you lost, you lost, Gu Jinxing, you actually lost, Lin Mo, hurry up and go to the window to watch, the tenth one to come over is your cousin-in-law, if a big man comes over, it will be fun." Qian Jing danced excitedly, and several sons at the same table were also ready to watch Gu Jinxing's jokes.

Lin Mo staggered up and looked out the window, "A ...... Nine...... Ten, hey, cousin, just happened to be a bride. Lin Mo looked at Gu Jinxing again in a daze, and everyone hurriedly got up and poked their heads out when they heard this.

Ye Qingran walked alone in front with her head in a wedding dress, Bai Lu behind her followed her a step or two, and then the sedan chair man behind carried the wedding sedan chair, and then there was the wedding prepared by Ye Fu, and a group of people walked on the street in a mighty way, attracting a group of pedestrians on the road to look sideways.

"Okay, don't cry, I'm not dead yet." Ye Qingran finally couldn't help it, turned around and said helplessly to Bai Lu behind her, this girl has been crying since the beginning, what should I do after being rejected on the street, what lady If she knew that her baby daughter was bullied like this when she first came to the imperial capital, she would definitely not be blind, she was even more nagging than a grandmother, Ye Qingran already had a headache, and she was about to break her defense by Bai Lu's broken thoughts.

"Okay, okay, I'm not afraid of what you're afraid of, if my father is angry because of today's incident, I'll take you away from Zuo Xiangfu, anyway, we'll be fine without him for so many years."

When the original owner came to the imperial capital, Japan was not long, and he often hid in the backyard and didn't dare to see people, so he only saw his cheap father twice in his impression.

Mrs. Zuo Xiang is very good to herself, and her clothes and jewelry are all according to Miss Yan's regulations, but when the original owner was in Wuzhou, she often heard the grandmother next door say that the stepmother was vicious, and if there was a stepmother, there would be a stepfather and the like.

Also because his mother is an outer room, there is an innate fear of Mrs. Zhengfang, and Mrs. Ye has not much contact, she hesitates all day long when she comes to the imperial capital, just this time the Yang family is courting, and she agrees to Chongxi regardless of the opposition of Ye Xiang and his wife,

So I don't know much about my cheap father and grandmother, I don't know how to behave, and now I am being refused to marry on the street, and I don't know what storms will be set off in Nafu.

Ye Qingran was looking down and pondering, a gust of wind passed in front of him, and a white figure jumped down from the second floor to block Ye Qingran's way, and when he looked up, he saw a noble and handsome man staring at him, "Are you willing to marry me?" ”

Gyeongkook Mansion

"Oh no, no, old lady, the prince is worshipping with a woman on the street."

The subordinate rushed into the Buddha hall like a gust of wind, and the words that came out made the Buddha beads in the old lady's hand fall to the ground, and she turned her head to look at the person in disbelief: "What did you say?" How could the prince marry someone on the street, quickly, quickly, arrange a sedan chair to lead me over. ”

The old lady of the Qingguo Mansion got up busily, and she couldn't put down the Buddhist scriptures in her hand before she got up and rushed out of the Buddhist hall like a gust of wind, "Where is the grandfather of the country?" Where are the people? Have you ever sent someone to look for it? ”

"The old prince went fishing with the old marquis of the Junbei Hou Mansion, and he has already sent someone to find it......"


"Madame, the big thing is not good, the young lady and the people are married," the people of the Zuo Prime Minister's Mansion also ran to the flower hall in a panic, and Mrs. Ye Lin looked at the person speechlessly, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about, today is the day when the eldest lady leaves the cabinet, she doesn't worship with people today, isn't that a joke?" ”

"Today, the Yang family greeted the relatives halfway, and suddenly refused to marry, Miss herself dissolved the marriage with the Yang family, and on the way back to meet the prince of the Qingguo family, the two worshiped on the street, Mama Zhao couldn't persuade her, so she asked the villain to come back quickly and report it." The person who came was tired and panting like a cow, and quickly told what had happened.

When Lin Shi heard this, the tea cup in his hand also fell to the ground in shock, the best tea set shattered to the ground, and he hurriedly got up and walked out, "Master, where are the people?" ”

"I've sent someone to tell the master, and the master has taken the lead to pick up the young lady." The subordinate trotted all the way behind, returning to the road as he ran.

In front of Fuman Building, Ye Qingran and Gu Jinxing looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and everyone on the side also looked at all this incredulously, Ye Qingran was still holding the jade pendant handed over by Gu Jinxing in his hand. Half an hour ago, Ye Qingran was stopped by the handsome white-clothed man in front of him: "Are you willing to marry me?" ”

"Why should I marry you?" Ye Qingran looked at the person speechlessly, this product has drunk too much.

"I am the only son in the family and have no brothers and sisters, my grandfather and grandmother are very good, and you don't have to set the rules of the provincial station in the morning and dusk when your parents die," Gu Jinxing worked hard to promote himself.

"Do you know that today is my departure from the cabinet, I-"

"Did you pay a visit to the church?" Gu Jinxing interrupted Ye Qingran and glanced behind her, there was a bride of whose family who didn't see the groom getting married, not to mention that the bride didn't even sit in a sedan chair, and walked around the street with an embarrassed face.

"No, but—"

"This is the heirloom of my Gu family, and I am giving it to you today as a dowry." Gu Jinxing untied the jade pendant on his waist and handed it to Ye Qingran's hand.

Ye Qingran looked at the jade pendant in his hand and knew that it was not ordinary, and the man in front of him was also extremely handsome, and now he was also like this, and he didn't know if the Zuo Prime Minister's Mansion could accommodate him when he went back, so he made a decision: "Then let's get married." ”


A group of people watched the two of them worship heaven and earth on the street in such a daze, Qian Jing and the others were stupid, and they woke up half of the wine in an instant, thinking of such a bad idea today, Gu Jinxing actually worshipped directly with a woman, what did the old Qingguo Gong know...... The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, so he hurriedly called the people next to him to report to the Qingguo Mansion.

The housekeeper who married Ye Qingran by the Lin family couldn't stop it when she saw that the momentum was wrong, and she hurriedly sent someone to send a letter to her wife, but when the people of the two mansions converged, the daylily was cold......

When Ye Youan arrived, he glanced at his daughter with a complicated expression, and then went up to salute the old lady of Qingguo: "Xiaguan meets the eldest princess, the eldest princess Wan'an." ”

The old lady of Qingguo, the sister of the first emperor, has a very good relationship with the first emperor, and the aunt of the saint is deeply respected by His Majesty, and Emperor Jing is neither a concubine nor a prince, and she can ascend the throne of God, and this eldest princess is also indispensable.

At that time, the first emperor also loved this sister very much, and the eldest princess married Gu Zheng, the Duke of Qingguo, at the age of sixteen.

During the period of Taizu of the Northern Xuanguo, he set up an ancestral motto: as long as the princess of this dynasty wants to resign from the official position and delegate power, she can only be an idle horse, but Qingguo Gongwen Taowu is a great talent, if you become a horse and be an idler, it is really a tyrannical thing, and the first emperor directly changed the rules set by the ancestors for this sister of his own.

After the two got married, they did not relieve Gu Zheng's military power, and for many years, the Qingguo Mansion was also loyal to the royal family, and the couple had a deep affection, and gave birth to a son and a daughter after marriage.

Son Gu Yunkai died on the battlefield when Gu Jinxing was two years old, his wife Luo Shi was grief-stricken with the loss of her husband, depressed and ill, and died with Xiang Xiaoyu a year later, leaving only a little grandson, daughter Gu Kaiyan married to the Marquis Mansion in the north of the county and gave birth to a son Lin Mo.

The eldest princess first glanced up and down at the woman who was married to her grandson, she looked good, but she worshipped with her grandson on the street so unexplained, and finally lost her dignity, "Can Ye Xiang explain to me, what is going on?" The eldest princess suppressed her temper and turned her head to look at Ye Youan and asked.

Ye Youan hurriedly bowed his head and pleaded guilty, and he was also confused in his heart, he couldn't have imagined that he would send his daughter to marry in a good manner, and it would become such a field.

"Qing Ran has seen grandmother." Ye Qingran walked to the eldest princess at this time and generously knelt down and saluted.

"Miss Ye, is this grandmother shouting early?" The eldest princess asked with a shelf, not to mention that this delicate daughter's family calling her grandmother is indeed more pleasant than her own stinky boy's shouting, especially the woman with bright eyes and bright teeth in front of her is extremely beautiful, and a pair of smart big eyes saluted herself respectfully with a smile, and her heart was happy...... No, no, no, think far.

"Qing Ran has already worshiped Xiang Gong, so in Qing Ran's heart, Xiang Gong's grandmother is his grandmother, how can it be too early." Ye Qingran continued to be patient with the old woman in front of her, there were enough jokes today, especially now that her body is really unbearable, if the matter can't be solved quickly, then it will be you who will lose face.

"Grandmother, the person is chosen by the grandson himself, and the grandson is very satisfied with her." Gu Jinxing, who was on the side, spoke, stepped forward and took two steps, and whispered in the ear of the eldest princess: "What's more, our two halls have already finished worshipping, if you don't recognize it, tomorrow, those officials will definitely find Your Majesty to crusade against your grandson, and then your grandson's face will be lost."

And I have already inquired clearly, Ye Qingran originally wanted to marry the Shoukang Hou Mansion, think about it, her family's original granddaughter-in-law was married by me, so wouldn't the old lady of the Yang family be even more angry when she found out? ”

"You kid Hugh is talking nonsense, the Yang family didn't want it to be picked up by my grandson, and the angry thing is that I'm not the old woman." The eldest princess was not fooled by her grandson.

"You don't understand, the Yang family is ungrateful, refusing to marry on the street, this is forcing women to die, isn't there a speech tomorrow to impeach them? Besides, the two of them did not visit the church, that is, they are innocent, grandmother, you should marry a wife as a grandson, and pass through the door like ordinary people. After Gu Jinxing finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Qingran, Ye Qingran really couldn't hold it at the moment, and fainted gorgeously.

The eldest princess......

Gu Jinxing......

When the Lin family arrived, the entire street was scattered, and his own Xiangye stood aside like a wooden stake, "Master, where is Qingran, why are the people gone?" ”

"They were taken away by the eldest princess."

Mr. Hayashi......

When Ye Qingran woke up, it was dark outside, red candles were burning on the candlestick on the side, the whole room was quiet, Ye Qingran struggled to get up, and looked at the surroundings, this was not Zuo Xiangfu's own boudoir.

"Miss, are you awake?" Bai Lu came in with water, saw her young lady sitting on the bed, hurriedly put down the basin, and stepped forward to check the wound on the young lady's head.

"Where is this?" Ye Qingran asked with a confused expression.

"This is the Qingguo Mansion, Miss today, you fainted, and the prince of the Qingguo Mansion directly carried you back to the Qingguo Mansion, and the lord almost looked stupid on the side."

Bai Lu remembered the terrifying expression on Xiangye's face when he hugged the girl and left, and he felt very funny.

Ye Qingran wanted to react at this time, and today he worshiped in the street with others, "What about the prince?" ”

"This slave doesn't know, the prince took you over and put you down, called someone to invite a doctor to come and bandage you, and then left, and I haven't seen you come back for several hours."

The master and servant were talking, the door opened again, and a slender figure like a bamboo stepped in, the two turned their heads to see that Gu Jinxing came in with a brocade box in his hand and walked in front of Ye Qingran, Bai Lu bowed and retreated when he saw this.

"Are you awake?" Gu Jinxing said hello casually, as if the two had known each other for a long time, "This is from your grandmother, you can take it." After speaking, he stuffed the brocade box in his hand into Ye Qingran's hand, then walked to the table, lifted the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, and lowered his head to drink.

Ye Qingran opened the brocade box and saw that it was a jade bracelet of Hetian jade, with exquisite workmanship, and it was from everyone's hands at a glance, Ye Qingran looked at Gu Jinxing puzzled, "I don't understand, the old lady obviously doesn't like me very much, why did she give me such a valuable gift." ”

Gu Jinxing looked at the woman sitting on the bed when she heard the sound, she got married today, and she was wearing a red undershirt at this time, which made her already fair skin even more delicate, and due to excessive blood loss, her beautiful face was a little pale, and she looked even more cute.

Gu Jinxing looked at the delicate woman in front of him and turned his face to the side unnaturally "You don't need to care about this, grandmother is not an unreasonable person, and besides, you are a victim of today's incident, so she will not be dissatisfied with you."

Ye Qingran was not a tangled person, so when he saw this, he casually put away the brocade box, and looked at Gu Jinxing again: "Even so, I'm not welcome, don't worry, I will treat your grandmother as my own grandmother in the future." ”

Gu Jinxing looked straight at Ye Qingran, "As far as I know, Ye Xiang's parents died early, where did you come from, grandmother." ”

Ye Qingran......

Gu Jinxing saw that it was getting late, so he went out directly to call the subordinate at the door to set up the meal, and called Bai Lu in to serve Ye Qingran for dinner, and after the meal, the subordinate removed the leftovers, and Gu Jinxing went directly to the bathroom to wash.

Bai Lu also waited for her own lady to freshen up and then retreated, Gu Jinxing walked to the edge of the bed and sat down in a snow-white undershirt after bathing, wiping her wet hair with a fine kudzu cloth in one hand, the two were speechless, and they didn't stay for a long time.

Gu Jinxing dried his hair, then directly threw the fine kudzu cloth into the basin on the side, and glanced at Ye Qingran, "Sleep." After speaking, he lay down and pulled the brocade quilt on the side over and covered his body, and closed his eyes.

Originally, he was drunk in Fumanlou, and then he visited the church, Ye Qingran fainted again, and after returning home, he was busy appeasing his ancestors, and he was really tired today.

Ye Qingran saw that the man next to him was so adapted, and his heart relaxed, and he also lay down next to Gu Jinxing, closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

The next morning, the sunlight outside shone into the house, and fine dust was scattered in the hazy light, Ye Qingran opened his eyes, there was no one around him, the quilt was cold, and Gu Jinxing didn't know when he got up.

Ye Qingran sat up with difficulty, and the pain in her head made her take a sharp breath, alas, she still has to prepare some medicine by herself later, otherwise she will suffer a lot more.

Bai Lu and Mama Zhao, who were waiting outside the house, heard the movement coming from inside the house, so they pushed the door and walked in, "Miss, you're awake." Bai Lu greeted Ye Qingran happily.

"Bai Lu, Miss is already married, she can't be called Miss anymore, from today onwards, she will change her name to Princess Shizi, so as not to be laughed at by others."

Mama Zhao scolded Bai Lu with a straight face, she was married to the Prime Minister's Mansion with her wife when she was young, and later when she reached the age, she was assigned to the housekeeper by her wife, and the two of them only gave birth to a daughter.

Mrs. gave her to Ye Qingran this time, just thinking that Ye Qingran was no better than the ladies in the imperial capital, who had been taught all kinds of rules since she was a child, and asked her to marry into the Shoukang Hou Mansion as a housekeeper, so that she could take care of the backyard for Ye Qingran, and by the way, she also taught Ye Qingran the rules, so as not to be laughed at in the future, but what happened yesterday made Mama Zhao very melancholy.

She didn't expect the eldest lady from Wuzhou to act so boldly, first she was refused to marry by the Shoukang Hou Mansion and hit the wall, and then suddenly wanted to cancel her marriage, Zhao Mama didn't think about how to go back and explain to her wife, but the people found a husband for themselves halfway, and the two of them did not listen to the dissuasion and went directly to the street, and then a group of people followed to the Qingguo Mansion in a daze.

That's it, anyway, I married with the eldest lady, and it is the same wherever I marry, and now that I have become a person from the Qingguo Mansion, I should also abide by my duty and teach the eldest lady well.

What's more, the Qingguo Mansion is higher than the Shoukang Hou Mansion, and it is necessary to be cautious in what you say and do in the future, so as not to step on the wrong side and cause a big disaster, and now seeing Bai Lu like this, she can't help but scold.

Bai Lu was reprimanded by Mama Zhao so quickly admitted her mistake, lowered her head to listen to Mama Zhao's rules, and quietly stuck out her tongue at Ye Qingran with a bitter face, Ye Qingran couldn't bear Bai Lu's small expression, so she interrupted Mama Zhao with a smile: "Mama, I'm getting up." ”

Mama Zhao then remembered that she had come in to serve Ye Qingran to get up, and she would have to serve tea to the old prince and the eldest princess later, so she stopped and then sent Bai Lu to get her clothes, and she waited for Ye Qingran to get busy.

Now that she is newly married, Bai Lu chose a pinched flower placket for Ye Qingran, a red pleated Ruyi moon skirt, and Mama Zhao gave Ye Qingran a flying fairy bun, and two pinched gold wire hollow peacock hairpins on each head, the whole person is also festive, even with a pale face due to blood loss, Ye Qingran is also more satisfied with Mama Zhao's craftsmanship, it is worthy of following Mrs., and doing things is reliable.

In the study of the Moon Pavilion, Lin Mo slumped on the chair with a hanging look, holding a brush in his hand and sketching on the rice paper boringly, with a few brushes, a pig with clear eyebrows jumped on the paper, "Hahaha......" made Lin Mo laugh himself.

Gu Jinxing, who was sitting on the side drinking tea, glanced at his cousin like a fool, Lin Mo immediately put away his laughter, threw the good wolf pen on the table, and then a cute baby face with a flattering smile leaned in the direction of his cousin and squeezed his eyebrows at Gu Jinxing, "How is it?" Well? ”

"How's that?" Gu Jinxing glanced at Lin Mo puzzled.

"Pretend, you pretend again, yesterday was your wedding night, and you didn't have ...... Well? Hey, hey, hey, ......" Lin Mo continued to ask Gu Jinxing with a lewd smile.

Gu Jinxing really didn't want to see Lin Mo's face, so he reached out and grabbed Lin Mo's head and pressed it on the table, knocking directly on the pig that Lin Mo had just finished drawing and the ink had not yet dried up, regardless of Lin Mo's struggle, until all the ink on the paper was stained on Lin Mo's face.

Lin Mo, who was freed, took out the sweat towel he was carrying with him and cleaned it up for a while, who expected that his whole face would become darker and darker, "Gu Jinxing, don't go too far, I was worried that you would be cleaned up when you went home yesterday, so I asked my mother to come over early in the morning to save you, and you actually treated me like this." ”

"Are you sure your mother didn't come early in the morning to see my jokes?" Gu Jinxing ignored Lin Mo's teeth and claws, and opened his mouth coldly, Lin Mo couldn't believe a single punctuation mark in what he said, he didn't believe that his aunt, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, would be so kind.

Lin Mo stuffed the sweat towel into his sleeve and greeted him cheaply, now his face was black with only the whites of his eyes and a mouthful of white teeth, and that ugly appearance made Gu Jinxing's head hurt, but he himself moved forward unconsciously.

"You don't know, Qian Duoduo was killed by his father when he went back, in the past, his father did his mother to protect him, but yesterday it was his father and his mother who beat him together, and he was beaten up and down and miserable, it is estimated that he can't get out of bed for ten days and half a month, just when I entered the house with my mother, I also saw Qian Duoduo and his father went out of your house, it is estimated that he came to the door to ask for sin......"

Qian Jing's mother, Xuanwei, the lord of Kaiyang County, has to call Emperor Jing his cousin according to his generation, and is the pearl of Emperor Jing's uncle, when he married the Yongkang Hou Mansion, it is said that the dowry sent by the escort has entered the Yongkang Hou Mansion, and the head has not come out at home, so Qian Jing is often teased by several of them, and he can't call Qian "net", he should be called Qian Duoduo.

Of course, Gu Jinxing knew that it was because Qian Rin came to the door early in the morning that he was called up by his grandfather, and Qian Rin was crying in front of his grandparents and grandchildren, and he couldn't persuade him.

It's not that the little beast in his family is used to being lawless by his mother, and he ruined the second half of Jinxing's life, and he can't live with the old Guogong, he can't live with Jinxing, and he can't live with Jinxing's dead parents, and he really doesn't have the face to go to the door of the Guogong Mansion again.

The ancestors and grandsons persuaded for a long time before they were persuaded to stop, and Gu Jinxing only knew for the first time that Uncle Qian was so able to cry, and all the anger he had suffered in front of the county lord of Kaiyang for so many years was vented today......

Gu Jinxing didn't bother to stay in the study anymore and have some unnutritious topics with Lin Mo, so he put the teacup in his hand on the small table on the side, stood up, and brushed the undusty brocade clothes casually.

"Why are you going?" Lin Mo was talking about saliva flying and dancing, but when he saw that the only audience member got up, he stopped and looked at Gu Jinxing with his black face.

Gu Jinxing didn't look at Lin Mo, and walked straight out, "The bride is going to give her grandmother tea." When Lin Mo heard this, he immediately got up and went to Gu Jinxing.

After Ye Qingran freshened up, Mama Zhao called someone to put breakfast in, Ye Qingran walked to the dining table and asked Bai Lu: "Can you call someone to call the son?" As soon as the words fell, I heard the voice of the people outside the door asking for peace, and turned my head to see Gu Jin walking in.

Gu Jinxing saw Ye Qingran's dress today, a hint of surprise flashed under his deep peach blossom eyes, he knew that Ye Qingran was very beautiful, but the woman who was carefully dressed gave people an unattainable temperament, noble and vulgar, like a fairy descending to earth, wearing red clothes is indescribably beautiful and elegant.

Ye Qingran saw that Gu Jinxing was back, so he greeted Gu Jinxing with a smile: "I was thinking about letting people look for you, Mama Zhao said that she would give tea to her grandmother later." ”

Gu Jinxing nodded, came to the table and sat down, picked up the chopsticks in front of him, picked up a chopsticks and put the vegetables in the bowl, "Well, yesterday my grandmother said, you don't have to go too early if you have an injury, eat first, and I'll lead you over after eating." Ye Qingran nodded and sat opposite Gu Jinxing.

The two were just about to eat, a gust of wind struck, Ye Qingran looked at the man sitting at the table in front of him, seventeen or eighteen years old, a wet baby face was looking at him with a smile, with a clear stupidity in his eyes.

Don't ask Ye Qingran how she knows, because that's how she feels. "Hello cousin, I'm my cousin's cousin." Look at this introduction, a row of black lines crossed the front of Ye Qingran's head......

"My aunt's child is called Lin Mo." Gu Jinxing looked at Ye Qingran and looked at Lin Mo speechlessly, and then opened his mouth to solve his doubts.

"Yes, yes, cousin, you're pretty good-looking, you know? Yesterday I counted people by the window, and I counted you-" Lin Mozheng excitedly invited credit with Ye Qingran, and suddenly his mouth was blocked by a chicken leg, and then he looked at the initiator, eating with a look of indifference.

After a while, Lin Mo successfully explained all the life and past of himself and his father, how his father tricked her mother home, including how he was still wetting the bed when he was a child, and he didn't hide it when he ran out secretly and was almost sold.

Ye Qingran was about to die of laughter, and when she saw Lin Mo's mother, Gu Kaiyan, when she went to the tea ceremony, she finally knew where Lin Mo's stupid cuteness was inherited.

As soon as Ye Qingran and the others entered Chunhui Courtyard, they saw Qingguo Gong and the eldest princess sitting in danger, Gu Kaiyan looked at Ye Qingran excitedly with a pair of big eyes on the side, Ye Qingran looked over, and immediately pretended to sneer at Ye Qingran and rolled his eyes, and his face twisted to the side.

Ye Qingran......

Ye Qingran knelt in front of the second elder with a standard demeanor, and the maid on the side handed over two cups of tea in her hands, Ye Qingran picked up the teacup and handed it to the old Qingguo Gong: "Granddaughter-in-law gives tea to grandfather, I wish grandfather good health and all the best." ”

Qing Guogong looked at the woman in front of him with a confused expression, even if he woke up from a sleep, he didn't understand how to go out to catch a fish, and why his grandson worshipped the woman who was not married to the Yang family.

He didn't drink this cup of tea before he felt that his stomach was a little topped, but the eyes of his grandson on the side were just that, he couldn't be the master anyway...... sighed deeply, took the tea in Ye Qingran's hand, opened it and took a sip, then took a red envelope and handed it to Ye Qingran, "Thank you, grandfather." ”

Ye Qingran smiled and thanked her, then got up and came to the eldest princess: "Granddaughter-in-law gives tea to grandmother, I wish grandmother good health and all the best." ”

The eldest princess took the tea in Ye Qingran's hand with a cold face: "I won't say much about the side, now that you have entered the door of my Qingguo Mansion, you must keep to yourself, don't think that Jin'er will be able to do whatever you want if you protect you, don't do some ridiculous things to shame my Qingguo Mansion, otherwise I won't be able to spare you." ”

After speaking, he raised his head and took a sip, then put the teacup heavily on the tray held by the maid, and did not give a meeting gift.

Ye Qingran only then knew why Gu Jinxing brought the jade bracelet over yesterday, he was a concubine who was rejected in public, she was the princess of the Northern Xuanguo, what could others say if she really didn't let herself enter the door yesterday?

But she finally agreed to enter the door by herself, but when she was serving tea, she had to give a meeting gift, if she didn't give it, she would be tongue-in, and if she gave it, she would have no face, so she gave it in advance, at least on the bright side, she was under Ye Qingran's face today.

How could Ye Qingran, who was as smart as Ye Qingran, couldn't figure out the reason for this, and couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart, what a little old lady who was awkward, Ye Qingran felt that Gu Jinxing and his grandmother were really cute.

Gu Jinxing......

It sounds like an insult

Qingguo is scarce, and Gu Kaiyan, as Gu Jinxing's only aunt, has to drink Ye Qingranjing's tea, and Gu Kaiyan was originally going to take a shelf.

Who knew that Ye Qingran stared straight at Gu Kaiyan: "Auntie, has she not slept well at night recently, is prone to insomnia and dreams, red cheeks in the afternoon, and night sweats and irritability?" Gu Kaiyan looked at Ye Qingran with a magical expression, "How do you know?" After asking, he felt that something was wrong, so he pretended to be cold and raised his chin and raised his posture.

Ye Qingran chuckled: "I lived with my mother in Wuzhou when I was a child, my mother knows some yellowing techniques, I have been exposed to it since I was a child, so I also know some, today I see my aunt's eyes are yellow, and her skin is not very good, I think it is caused by the internal fire."

It's too late today to prepare, wait for me to go back and prepare some pills for my aunt, and then write you a prescription, as long as my aunt does what I wrote, within five days, keep my aunt's skin is better than snow, and my skin is like cream. ”

Gu Kaiyan stroked his face excitedly when he heard this, and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I feel that my skin has been much worse during this time, and our family master doesn't look at me much anymore, I asked him if he thought I was ugly, and he didn't admit it and said that I thought too much."

I'm telling you, this woman's sixth sense is often very accurate, and sometimes men's words can't be believed, you have to pay attention in the future, if Jin Xing is ......"

When Gu Zheng was young, he married the eldest princess of the Northern Xuanguo Kingdom and gave birth to a son and a daughter, the husband and wife were affectionate and eyebrows, and his son Gu Yunkai married the granddaughter of the former Taifu, Luo, who was also harmonious and beautiful.

Gu Kaiyan has been favored by his parents since he was a child, his brother loves him, and his father and brother have not taken concubines, his mother loves his sister-in-law and sister-in-law, and his family is harmonious.

The eldest princess on the side looked at her daughter angrily, she knew that her daughter was unreliable, but she didn't expect it to be so unreliable, and she didn't know who came over early in the morning to promise her, saying that she would wait and see how she gave Ye Qingran a dismount.

In just a few words, he began to dig out his heart and lungs to others, and taught the art of husbandry, This will be a heated discussion between the two of them on how to take care of their skin, and the affectionate appearance is really unsightly, so he coughed lightly, Gu Kaiyan immediately paused and smiled awkwardly at his mother, mainly because Jinxing, the daughter-in-law, knows too much......

Gu Jinxing sat aside and drank tea silently, but Lin Mo magically watched his wife chatting with Ye Qingran hotly, especially when he saw Gu Kaiyan take off the bracelet he was wearing, and his jaw dropped even more when he had to put it on Ye Qingran despite Ye Qingran's objections.

I don't know who said that the jade bracelet was given to him by his father-in-law, and it was his favorite, and he also said that in the future, when Lin Mo married his daughter-in-law, he would pass it on to his daughter-in-law as an heirloom, but before he said a few words, his Lin family's heirloom was given away by his own mother?


Ye Xiang's wife, the Lin family, was waiting for Ye Youan to wear court clothes, "When you see Shou Kanghou today, you must remember to suppress the fire."

"Madame's words are redundant, she is also a scholar, not to mention that she is still in front of His Majesty, how can she be like a reckless man in the countryside who does not know what to do regardless of the occasion." Ye Youan raised his head and fastened the button.

Yugan Palace

Emperor Jing sat on the dragon chair and looked at the two people who were arguing in front of him with a headache, and the heads of all the adults in the court also turned back and forth with the speaker.

"Yang Congshan, you fart, this is a good daughter, the front foot just received the imperial capital, and the back foot relied on the kindness that my father owes you to the Hou Mansion to force you to marry, and the official and the daughter were forced to give their daughter to your family without even cultivating a father-daughter relationship.

But it's good for you to marry and throw away Lao Tzu's daughter halfway, is my Ye family's face so humiliating to you? Ye You's face and neck were flushed,

All the adults nodded in unison: That's it, whoever has a good daughter is married half of them and doesn't marry, they all have to be angry.

"Ye You'an, you're okay, for more than ten years, you have thrown her in Wuzhou with your outer room and ignored it, who doesn't know that although your daughter is recorded in the name of her mother-in-law, she is a concubine born in the outer room, and my dignified marquis doesn't think that your daughter has a low status and comes to ask for marriage, which is enough to prove the sincerity of my Houfu, what kind of loving father are you pretending to be here at this time."

Besides, my son and your daughter made it very clear, the past kindness was written off, and your daughter repaid this love for your Ye Mansion, you are cheap and obedient, not to mention that the dowry of my Hou Mansion was also deducted by your daughter......"

"Bah, you say it's a concubine? That's my Ye You'an's only daughter, Miss Chang of Zuo Xiangfu, and she still wants to return the dowry, and that little thing is not enough to compensate for my daughter's mental injury. ”

Ye Qingran married Ye You'an, not only prepared a rich dowry for Ye Qingran, but also gave Ye Qingran a dowry gift sent by the Shoukang Marquis Mansion when he was recruited, and let her take it back.

Yang Shaochen is not as thick-skinned as Ye Qingran, not to mention that he refused to marry the onlookers who had already provoked him on the street, and if he chased and begged for a dowry on the street, he really couldn't pull this face, so he could only watch Ye Qingran leave with a rich dowry, and as a result, he turned his head and entered the Qingguo Mansion.

Everyone just looked at the two adults in the Yuqian Palace, and they scolded each other like shrews. Emperor Jing looked at the sky speechlessly, and the entire early dynasty looked at Ye Xiang with an expression of wanting to say something, alas, he asked so much, and now a good court has become a busy city.

"Ahem...... Emperor Jing coughed lightly, looking at the two people below as if they hadn't heard, their faces were still blushing and their necks were thick, so they coughed harder, and everyone below stopped at this time, and then looked at Emperor Jing together.

Emperor Jing looked at the two: "I have already heard the general situation, Shoukang Hou is not right in your Hou Mansion, if you have the intention to marry that day, then you shouldn't ruin the marriage in public, can't it be solved in private, it will have such a bad impact on the reputation of other women, how will your daughter discuss marriage in the future?"

In this way, I will punish you for leading your son to Ye Xiangfu to apologize to Miss Ye in person, and as for the dowry, you should make amends to the woman—huh? Seeing that Shou Kanghou still wanted to refute, Emperor Jing coldly warned him.

Shou Kanghou was so aggrieved that he didn't dare to make a sound, so he had to respond in a low voice, and Emperor Jing turned his head to look at Ye You'an again, "I deal with it like this, Ye Xiangke is still satisfied?" Ye Youan knelt down and kowtowed to thank him, and then raised his head: "The minister still wants to ask for a favor, I hope Your Majesty agrees." ”

"What grace?" Emperor Jing thought that Ye Fu had also been wronged in this family matter, as long as he was not too satisfied, he would be satisfied, which emperor could do his job, and he had to give the ministers family affairs a lawsuit from time to time.

"Yesterday, the minister's daughter was rejected in public by the Shoukang Marquis Mansion, so she and Gu Jinxing, the son of the Qingguo Mansion, worshiped in public on the street, and a good daughter of the minister could not return to the family for the reputation of the Prime Minister's house, and the minister was married in such a hurry, the minister really felt ashamed of his daughter, so the minister wanted to ask His Majesty to give the minister's daughter a marriage decree, so as to complete the marriage."

Jingdi ......

Only then did he know why Shou Kanghou Gang wanted to stop talking again, and it was not a problem to dare to marry Miss Ye's family, so he immediately married himself again......

After the tea, Ye Qingran and the others retired, Lin Mo saw that the two of them were gone, so he also got up and followed, returning to the Moon Pavilion, Ye Qingran often visited the entire courtyard first, and then had a plan in his heart, so he went to the study to find Gu Jinxing, "Is there an empty room in the southwest corner of the courtyard for me to use?" ”

Gu Jinxing sat in front of the desk with a travelogue in his hand and watched, Lin Mo on the side was still studying how to draw a better pig, Ye Qingran asked, and the two of them looked up at Ye Qingran together, "Yes." Gu Jinxing glanced at Ye Qingran, and then turned his attention to the book in his hand.

Lin Mo put down the brush in his mouth, and stared at Ye Qingran with those big stupid and cute eyes, "Cousin, what are you going to do in an empty room, do you want to sleep in a separate room with my cousin?" But that yard is not big, and there is not much land to set up a bed. ”

Ye Qingran......

"I want to change to a small pharmacy." After thinking about it, Ye Qingran still said, if you use other people's things, you have to let people know what they are using.

Gu Jinxing looked up and saw that Ye Qingran was staring at his serious explanation, pondered for a moment and then spoke: "You are the princess of the mansion, except for the courtyard of your father and mother and the courtyard of your grandfather and grandmother, you can call the shots in other places." ”

"Cousin-in-law, you really know how to heal, come on, come on, you give me a pulse, I feel that I don't eat very well lately, will I have any terminal illness." Lin Mo put the pen down again, and then stretched out his wrist in front of Ye Qingran.

"You're too busy on weekdays, so it's good to eat less in the future." Ye Qingran glanced at Lin Mo and spoke directly

Lin Mo ......

Gu Jinxing was happy after listening to it on the side, Ye Qingran glanced at the pig drawn by Lin Mo, then picked up the pen and quickly changed a few places on Lin Mo's painting, then put the pen and turned around and walked out, Lin Mo looked down and said, "Wow, it's amazing, cousin, look at it, isn't my pig much better." ”

Lin Mo excitedly held the pig and handed it to Gu Jinxing, only to see that the pig on the painting had been changed by Ye Qingran a few times, and it was actually perfectly presented in spirit and shape, which was quite expressive.

"Lord Shizi, the holy decree has arrived, the old prince asked you and the princess to hurry to the front yard to receive the decree." Without saying a word, Gu Jinxing and Lin Mo glanced at each other, then put down the book in their hands and walked out.

"Fengtian carrier, the emperor said: Ye Qingran, the daughter of Ye You'an of the Zuo Prime Minister's Mansion, has a good temperament, is gentle and kind, and has outstanding appearance. Ye Qingran, who was kneeling below, listened to the holy decree boasting about himself, and a row of black lines crossed his head.

After the announcement was completed, Ye Qingran kowtowed and stepped forward to accept the decree, only to learn that it was his cheap father who won such a big gift for himself in the court.

The main reason is that Ye Qingran's marriage is really a bit mysterious, on the day of marriage, he was rejected in public and then worshiped Gu Jinxing on the street, there is no order of his parents, and there is no matchmaker, and it is not good to say it.

Now that this is the case, the marriage of the two has become justified, and they will go out in the future, and others will not dare to talk about this, after all, it is not His Majesty who gave the marriage personally, especially when he heard that Shou Kanghou's father and son not only came to the door to apologize, but even the dowry that was withheld by himself yesterday was awarded to him by His Majesty as compensation, Ye Qingran was even more happy to thank Ye Youan in his heart, father, this is definitely father.

Besides, Yang Congshan had a big quarrel with Ye Youan in the court regardless of his face, and if he lost, he had to take his uncompetitive son to the Qingguo Mansion to find Ye Qingran to apologize.

In order to save his son's life, Chong Xi begged to marry Miss Ye's family, and the dowry was also full of sincerity, giving the prime minister enough face, but now it is good, and a box will not come back, if my son marries again in the future, I will ...... He still don't marry, who marries a daughter-in-law is as shameful as his Yang family.

The more Yang Congshan thought about it, the more angry he became, and when he returned to the mansion, he directly called Yang Shaochen in front of him and scolded him, Yang Shaochen was scolded by his father, especially when he heard that he had to come to the door to make amends to Ye Qingran, and his whole face turned blue.

Aunt Hua on the side posted it empathetically at this time, "Don't be angry, sir, let's get rid of your anger, it's not worth it to be angry again, the left and right are just some things outside the body, or you won't come back."

It's really not good, when the eldest young master gets married again, he will give the share to the second young master, if the master is angry about these things, then the slave and the second young master will have to worry about death. ”

The second young master Yang Shaoding was born to Aunt Hua, Yang Shaochen and her mother Wang couldn't see Aunt Hua's foxy appearance dangling in front of her, at this time, listening to Aunt Hua say this, she gritted her teeth angrily, Aunt Hua was originally a maid who served Yang Congshan, three years older than Yang Congshan, the two had a love for growing up together since childhood, and after Yang Congshan got married, the old lady was the master of the face and became an aunt.

Aunt Hua is also a smart person, not to mention that she grew up with Yang Congshan since she was a child, and she knows Yang Congshan's temperament the most.

She was blushing when she looked at it from the side, but now she was so good that Yang Shaochen did this, and it directly turned into a meat bun to beat a dog, she mentioned it this time, if Yang Shaochen marries a wife again in the future, Yang Congshan will definitely not let his wife do whatever he wants, so as not to have a child left when it is her son's turn to marry in the future.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Congshan heard this, he turned his anger at the Wang family again, "And you, a loving mother and many defeats, he is used to the way he looks now, if he dares to take the things of my Shoukang Hou Mansion like this in the future, you will take your dowry to make up for him as much as he loses." ”

After saying that, she flicked her sleeves and left, and Aunt Hua hurriedly saluted her lady when she saw this, and then hurriedly chased out, leaving only the Wang mother and son secretly sulking.

After working for most of the afternoon for a long time, Ye Qingran's pharmacy was finally sorted out at dinner, she asked Gu Jinxing to help with the whole set of medicine cabinets, and after he went out, the group was carried over.

The medicine mill, the medicine stove, and some of the ordinary pharmacies were also prepared, during which Ye Qingran listed another recipe for people to go outside to buy medicinal materials, and after finishing it, smelling the fragrance of the medicine in the room, Ye Qingran's whole person became comfortable.

When Lin Mo left, he took the gold sore medicine prepared by Ye Qingran in his hand, Qian Duoduo was beaten by his father and couldn't get up, as a brother, wouldn't it be a pity that his cousin-in-law didn't take advantage of this convenient condition, he said in passing at dinner, Ye Qingran asked him to wait before leaving after finishing the meal, and he came out after working in the pharmacy for almost an hour, and after coming out, he directly threw him a bottle of gold sore medicine.

The original words of his cousin-in-law: That Qian Shizi can also be regarded as the matchmaker of the two of them, if it wasn't for his idea, then the two of them would not get married, not to mention that they are still good brothers, so they have to repay it, he can get out of bed and move after three days of this medicine, and he will be alive and kicking in five days.

Lin Mo hurriedly sent Qian Jing over when he heard this, mainly because he wanted to see if the effect of this medicine was really as divine as his cousin said, if it really worked, then wouldn't they be able to suffer less if they were beaten in the future.

After a busy day, Ye Qingran rubbed his sore neck and entered the bedroom, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Gu Jinxing sitting on the low floor by the window with something in his hand, the dim and trembling candlelight illuminated his dark jade-like hair with a faint luster, and the amorous peach blossom eyes under the sword eyebrows seemed to fall into it if he looked at it more, with thin and lightly pursed lips and angular outlines, the whole person looked cold and noble but domineering.

Seeing Ye Qingran stunned for a moment, he immediately came back to his senses and secretly scolded himself for being a nymphomaniac, Gu Jinxing looked up and saw Ye Qingran, so he stretched out his hand and handed over the gift slip in his hand, "Steward Zhao just sent over the gift list for tomorrow's return gift, do you see if there is anything that needs to be added?" ”

Ye Qingran then remembered that according to the rules, he was going back to the door tomorrow, and the gifts on the gift list were very rich, Ye Qingran didn't know what to prepare in this ancient period, and the housekeeper was all ready, so he shook his head and handed over the gift list, "No, these are already very good." ”

"Since you have no opinion, then it's decided, I'll go and tell the housekeeper something, you can rest first." After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out, Ye Qingran didn't say anything when he saw Gu Jinxing leave, called Bai Lu to come in to remove his makeup and then wash, and fell asleep after finishing it.

The injuries on his head are not healed, he is really tired after another busy day today, Gu Jinxing came back late at night, Ye Qingran felt that someone was lying down beside him in his sleep, and he wanted to open his eyes and say hello with his efforts, but he was really sleepy and fell asleep again.

The next morning, Ye Qingran opened her eyes, and she was left alone in the whole room, yawning and stretching comfortably, Ye Qingran felt that the bones in her body clicked.

Bai Lu, who was waiting outside the house, heard the movement inside the house, so she hurriedly came in, "Princess Shizi, you are awake." Bai Lu, who was reprimanded by Mama Zhao, still has a long memory, so she changed her words today.

As soon as Ye Qingran freshened up, Gu Jinxing came back, at this time he was dressed in a strong suit, with fine sweat on his forehead, he said hello to Ye Qingran and went to the bath room to wash.

After cleaning up, the husband and wife sat in the side hall and began to eat breakfast, during the banquet, the two would discuss a few words from time to time, Ye Qingran knew that Gu Jinxing would practice for an hour every morning, thinking about his weak chicken body, Ye Qingran asked Gu Jinxing to call her the next time she got up, and she would also exercise.

Gu Jinxing was skeptical about whether Ye Qingran could get up, but he knew how dead Ye Qingran slept at night, but Ye Qingran insisted, so he agreed, and after eating, the husband and wife went to Chunhui Courtyard to greet the old couple of Qingguo.

But today, the eldest princess can't take care of the trouble of finding Ye Qingran, and when she got up in the morning, Lao Qingguo got up, stretched her waist and made up the old injury, and she was lying on the bed at this time and couldn't even get out of bed.

When she was young, she fought on the battlefield and was injured, and the eldest princess sent someone to ask for a doctor.

When Gu Jinxing and the others came to their grandmother's room, they heard that their grandfather was comforting his old wife, and now that the two of them came in, the eldest princess only glanced up, and then put her energy on the old Qingguo Gong.

The two glanced at each other, Ye Qingran looked at Lao Qingguogong's face, it was too painful. At this moment, Lao Qingguogong's face turned white, and beads of sweat on his head also came out painfully.

Ye Qingran stepped forward and came to the bedside, "Grandmother, my granddaughter-in-law learned some medical skills from my mother when she was young, and she knows some simple massage, can you let me try it for my grandfather to see if I can alleviate the symptoms." ”

The eldest princess looked at Ye Qingran questioningly, "Are you going to practice with your grandfather?" Don't think that you know a little fur, just think that your medical skills are superb. ”

Ye Qingran......

"Grandmother, just let me try it, maybe it's okay, anyway, the imperial doctor hasn't come over now, let's drag it like this, how much will my grandfather suffer."

Ye Qingran didn't care about the eldest princess's ridicule of her, and continued to plead with a coquettish tone.

"I told you to—"

"Grandmother, let Qingran try it, maybe she can, you see that grandfather's pain will pass immediately."

Gu Jinxing looked at his grandfather from the side and said, then reached out and pressed it lightly on his grandfather's waist, causing the old man to scream.

Lao Qingguo Gong ......

This little king and eight lambs began to harm Lao Tzu early in the morning......

Lao Qingguogong startled the eldest princess with a howl, and she didn't care about questioning Ye Qingran anymore, so she got up and let go of the position next to the bed, "I'll let you try, you remember it for me, if the old prince has a mistake, you wait for me." "Let everyone get out of the way, and don't forget to say cruel words

Ye Qingran stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand and touched Lao Qingguogong's body, then took out the silver needle he was carrying, and pierced it towards Lao Qingguogong's kidney Yu acupoint and large intestine Yu.

When the eldest princess saw Ye Qingran take out a silver needle and prick it directly at Lao Qingguogong, she was startled and almost screamed, and she was afraid that she would scare Lao Qingguo Gong and hurriedly covered her mouth, and looked at Ye Qingran with a frightened face, this woman's courage is too big, she will prick it without looking at it?

Ye Qingran calculated the time with a fixed expression, the hour had come, and then he directly raised his hand to pick up the needle, and after putting away the silver needle, he helped Lao Qingguo Gong massage for a quarter of an hour, and Lao Qingguo Gong was so comfortable that even the sound of humming and chirping stopped.

If it weren't for looking at Lao Qingguogong's expression of closed eyes and enjoyment, the eldest princess would have thought that Lao Qingguogong had passed the whole person, but she still couldn't feel relieved when she put her hand under Lao Guogong's nose and felt her breath.

Ye Qingran......

Gu Jinxing......

At this time, the imperial doctor who was urgently invited by the next person came in with a medical kit, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Qing Guogong lying on the bed with a happy face, and the whole person was stunned, and looked at the eldest princess suspiciously, and then turned her head to look at Qing Guogong carefully, this looks fine.

After sending the imperial doctor away, the eldest princess looked at Ye Qingran awkwardly, "I didn't expect you to be young, this technique is okay." ”

Qingguo Gong on the side also got up at this time, rubbed his waist on the side, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, which old injury recurrence must not lie in bed for three or five days, and you have to drink medicine, this time it will not hurt so soon, Jinxing daughter-in-law, you have superb medical skills." ”

"Grandfather has won the award, although it doesn't hurt this time, but you still have to pay more attention on weekdays, and when I go back, I will give you some medicine, you can take some time, I can help you recuperate and recuperate the dark wounds on your body, and you still have to be more careful when you are older." Ye Qingran persuaded with a smile.

The two of them saw that Lao Qingguo Gong was not a big deal, and they didn't stay long because they had to go back to the door today, so they got up and retired.

After the two left, the old Qingguo Gong rubbed his waist and looked at the eldest princess, "No matter how Jin'er's daughter-in-law married in, then she is now the rightful princess of my Qingguo Mansion, and she will also take over the Guogong Mansion in the future, she has no mother-in-law, your grandmother will teach her more in the future." ”

"I didn't say how she was, and you are really, what? They bought you off after they treated you?" The eldest princess glanced at Lao Qingguo unconvinced.

"You-okay, okay, I won't talk about it, you can do it later." After speaking, he stroked his waist and got up and walked out, leaving the eldest princess alone in the house sulking.


"Sir, madam, my aunt and grandmother have returned to the door with my aunt." The subordinates trotted all the way over to report, and Ye Youan and his wife Lin were busy getting up and going out to greet them.

The main gate of Zuo Xiang's Mansion was wide open, and in the carriage, Gu Jinxing got off the horse first, then turned around and stretched out his hand to help Ye Qingran, who was about to get off the carriage, and as soon as the two of them stood still, Ye Xiang and his wife greeted him, "Father, mother, Qingran has saluted the second elder." ”

"The son-in-law visits his father-in-law and his mother-in-law." The two of them gave a salute respectively, Ye Qingran has lived in Wuzhou for more than ten years, and he was brought to the imperial capital after the death of his mother, and he has not met his father and grandmother a few times, and he can only salute stiffly at this time, Ye Xiang and the two of them smiled and let the two get up, and then prepared to welcome people to the house.

"Ye Xiang, Ben Hou brought the dog to apologize to Miss Ye." Yang Congshan's voice came, and several people turned around and saw Yang Congshan leading Yang Shaochen, who looked like a mournful woman, coming over.

In front of a few people, Yang Shaochen saw that Ye Qingran was even more angry, and blamed this hateful woman for occupying the dowry of Shoukanghou Mansion and not returning it, so that he was scolded by his own father, and he had to come to apologize to her, Yang Shaochen felt that he had never been so cowardly.

Ye Qingran was rejected by the Yang family halfway through his marriage the day before yesterday, and the matter of turning his head and visiting the church with Gu Jinxing spread throughout the entire imperial capital, because the Yang family was reprimanded by His Majesty for the loss, and the matter of apologizing to the Ye family was also spread, so today the people outside Ye Xiang's mansion were full of people watching the excitement.

Ye Qingran looked at the melon-eating masses on the three outer floors around him, and they couldn't help but sigh that it was really a good thing not to go out, and a bad thing to spread thousands of miles.

Seeing Yang Shaochen looking at himself with a resentful face, he couldn't open his mouth when he apologized, so he chuckled: "Young Master Yang's reluctant face, this is a dissatisfaction with His Majesty's punishment, even so, then tomorrow my father will go to the court to ask Your Majesty again, is it unfair to wronged Yang Shizi." ”

"You-" Yang Shaochen tried his best to suppress the blood that rose to his throat, exhaled a long breath, and bent down to apologize to Ye Qingran, "The day before yesterday, it was my Yang family who was inconsiderate, inappropriate, and wronged Miss Ye. ”

"Young Master Yang is right, those who know the times are Junjie, even if it is this time, I hope that Young Master Yang will think twice about doing things in the future, he is also a child of a family in the imperial capital, and he is so reckless, who will dare to marry his daughter to you in the future, if you don't marry someone halfway, I think it's not everyone who is as easy to talk as my Ye family."

Ye Qingran played with the beautiful Kodan in his hand without even looking at the Yang family's father and son.

"You-hmph, Ye Qingran, don't go too far, you are just my Yang family who married Chongxi, what if you are a concubine and married into the Qingguo Mansion, others say that you are not a woman that my Yang family does not want."

Yang Shaochen's mouth was silent, and Yang Congshan on the side wanted to give him a stick.

The faces of the people in the Ye Mansion and Gu Jinxing, who were watching the play, suddenly darkened, Ye Qingran stopped the people who wanted to step forward, and slowly paced in front of Yang Shaochen: "Young Master Yang, haven't you forgotten, if you didn't have me, a happy concubine, now that your first seven have passed, can you still be arrogant here?"

Aren't you afraid of being happy and sad and having another sudden illness? At that time, I will see where you can bring grace to find a young lady to give you joy, you can do it yourself. ”

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted Yang Shaochen's shoulder, and then several people turned around and entered the Prime Minister's Mansion, leaving only Yang Congshan and his son to be pointed at by a group of onlookers.

Several people walked into the Prime Minister's Mansion, Ye Xiang invited Gu Jinxing to the study for tea, and Weng and his son-in-law left.

Lin happily took Ye Qingran's hand and came to the side hall and sat down, "Qingran, although I am not your biological mother, but I also regard you as my biological daughter from the bottom of my heart, if you suffer any grievances in the Qingguo Mansion in the future, don't worry about going home directly, although my Prime Minister's Mansion is not as prominent as the lintel of the Qingguo Mansion, but it will not be unable to protect the daughter of my Ye family." ”

Ye Qingran's heart-wrenching words moved Ye Qingran, this is really different from the legendary stepmother's script.

The Lin family released kindness, and Ye Qingran was not a person who didn't know what to do, so he replied with a smile: "Mother doesn't have to worry, my husband treats me very well, and my grandfather and grandmother are also very good." ”

The mother and daughter could only talk about some polite scenes because they were not familiar with each other, and after a cup of tea, the next person came over to tell that the banquet was set up, and several people moved to the main hall.

Lin has two sons, the eldest son Ye Qingfeng accompanied his wife Liu to go back to his mother's house in Linzhou and has not returned, the second son Ye Qingrong is studying in Guozijian, and he will only come back once a month, so he is not there today, the two stayed for a while after eating, and then said goodbye and took the carriage back to the Qingguo Mansion.

The two of them didn't have much time to enter the house, and they didn't hear that Lin Mo, An Jun and Liu Han had come over, and they were waiting for Gu Jinxing in the study, Gu Jinxing and Ye Qingran walked separately to the study, and Ye Qingran took Bai Lu to the backyard.

As soon as she returned to the room, Mama Zhao came over with an invitation, saying that the eldest princess sent someone to send it in the afternoon, Ye Qingran took it and took a look, it was actually the queen's birthday three days later, and there was a banquet in the palace.

Mama Zhao said that the eldest princess said the original words: Since Ye Qingran has entered the Qingguo Mansion, then in the future, this mansion will usher in the send-off, and it is time to take care of the favors and entertainment, and let her know that the princess of the Qingguo Mansion is not so easy to do.

Ye Qingran had already figured out the temper of the eldest princess, that is, an awkward little old lady, obviously wanted to hand over the affairs of the house to her, but she couldn't pull it off, so she threw these things to her in this way, Ye Qingran just wanted to laugh but also felt warm in her heart, and felt that the eldest princess could still deal with it.

Ye Qingran wanted to lie on the bed and rest for a while after applying medicine to the wound on her head, it has been almost three days since she came here, and there is no time to relax, but at this time, Bai Lu said that she would not say anything and asked to see her at the door, saying that the prince invited Ye Qingran to go to the study.

Ye Qingran was tired and wanted to hit someone, but he could only beat the bed a few times hatefully, and then got up and put on embroidered shoes and walked out of the room.

Coming outside, a person dressed as a guard stood respectfully at the door, with a pleasant round face with a light smile, seeing Ye Qingran hurriedly stepping forward to salute, Ye Qingran came to Wuyan and looked up and down: "Did your family say anything?" ”

"Back to the princess, it was Lin Shizi who came over as if he wanted to do something, and then the prince said that he didn't understand this, so let me invite you over and let you decide." Bu Yan replied with a smile on his little white teeth.

“…… Hehe" Ye Qingran also grinned twice, then quickly put away his expression, turned around and walked out, and hurriedly followed without smiling.

On the way, without waiting for Ye Qingran to ask, he gave Ye Qingran a science popularization about the relationship between several princes and Gu Jinxing, as well as the relationship between various governments, Ye Qingran Jue's original intention of Gu Jinxing to name this person must be because he felt that he had too many words and hoped that he would talk less.

As soon as Ye Qingran entered the study, Lin Mo greeted excitedly: "Cousin cousin, the medicine you gave is really too godly, it's only been one night, a few of us went to find Qian Jing today, he said that since taking your medicine, he finally slept peacefully, and he couldn't sleep for two days when he was in pain, Qian Jing and her mother thought about buying the prescription when they saw that this medicine was so effective, and then divided you into two shares."

There are several pharmacies under the name of the county lord of Kaiyang that have been robbed of a lot of business by Yang Shaochen and his family recently, so I want to say that I am pointing to you and snatching it back, so let me come and ask you, but my cousin said that he can't be the master. ”

Ye Qingran looked at Gu Jinxing after hearing this, Lin Mo was keen on painting pigs during this time, Gu Jinxing was holding a new pig that Lin Mo had just drawn in his hand and was scribbling casually, feeling that Ye Qingran was looking at himself, so he raised his head and said, "This is your recipe to decide whether to give you or not." ”

"I'll write you the recipe later, you can bring it over to the Kaiyang County Lord, as for the twenty percent shares, it's just a casual adjustment, and I didn't do it with much care, so the medicinal effect is not the best, and I deserve to share the dividends."

What's more, it was robbing Yang Shaochen and their business, so Ye Qingran felt that he had to support him unconditionally.

Lin Mo and the others looked at each other, and they all stretched out their thumbs to give Ye Qingran a thumbs up, cousin (Gu Shizi) can deal with this daughter-in-law who marries casually on the street, such a miraculous medicine actually says that the effect of the medicine is not the best, and what is even more valuable is that it doesn't cost a penny, what a high and bright festival this must be.

Gu Jinxing didn't expect Ye Qingran to take a penny, he didn't know anything about the woman in front of him, according to the news that came back from the house, she didn't even return the dowry of Shoukang Houfu on the day of her divorce, Yang Shaochen asked her if she wanted it, she was stunned, so she carried it away in front of everyone, and almost didn't give Yang Shaochen to death, of course, it has become her private property now.

But at this time, the opportunity to make money every day was in front of her, and she actually pushed it out without blinking her eyes, the first time she saw such a contradictory woman, but Gu Jinxing didn't say anything more, these are her things, just be happy.

Lin Mo and a few people took the prescription written by Ye Qingran and left, Lin Mo came to ask Fang Zi to do business, as for Liu Han and An Jun, they were following the fun, seeing that Qian Jing said the medicine so godly, they followed and begged for a favor by the way to rub the bottle of medicine back, and it was the same as Lin Mo's original idea, first prepare for a few days less when he is beaten in the future.

Ye Qingran......

How much these goods are underwhelmed, I haven't seen anyone who is worried about being beaten.

Early in the morning, Ye Qingran sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked at Mama Zhao in the mirror to comb her hair, there was no way that Bai Lu came from Wuzhou with her, and she didn't know anything about the popular hairstyles in the imperial capital and what jewelry to wear.

Mama Zhao has taught a few times but has not been taught, and Ye Qingran, a modern person, can't be counted on, so Mama Zhao can only comb her hair these days.

Mama Zhao is worthy of being the housekeeper Mama given by Madame, and her business ability is really not to say, and Mama Zhao said that it is not a way to go on like this.

His daughter Qiushuang is seventeen this year, and she is a first-class maid in the Lin family's courtyard in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and she is familiar with these things by her side on weekdays, and the next time Ye Qingran goes back to see if she can ask the Lin family to bring her daughter over and serve Ye Qingran to dress up.

Ye Qingran listened to it and went back to ask the Lin family when he was empty, and Mama Zhao thanked her happily again and again, and dressed up Ye Qingran more attentively.

Mama Zhao is also selfish in doing this, her daughter is seventeen years old, and when she reaches the age, she will look at the little girl in the ration house in the house in a short time, and if she has a good life, she will give a housekeeper, Mama Zhao followed Ye Qingran to the Qingguo Mansion, although the two places are not far away, she can go back to see when she is free, but her daughter is not in front of her, and she always feels unsteady in her heart in the future.

Ye Qingran wore a smoky paper chest-length cloud brocade skirt today, wearing a purple jade hairpin, red gold agate tassels, and matching purple jade earrings, and the whole person looked bright and moving.

The wound on the forehead Ye Qingran has been almost good in the past few days after he mixed the medicine himself, and there is no scar on such a big wound, and the wound has produced pink and tender new meat, Zhao Mama drew a peony flower in the middle of the eyebrows to cover it, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it, Ye Qingran was very satisfied, so she went to the side hall in a good mood.

Gu Jinxing went to morning exercise again, he was right, Ye Qingran really couldn't get up, on the first day, Gu Jinxing called Ye Qingran when he got up, Ye Qingran sat up and looked at the dark sky outside, glanced at Gu Jinxing in a daze and said that it was too early, and then fell asleep directly.

The next day, Gu Jinxing deliberately got up half an hour later than usual, and called Ye Qingran to get up, Ye Qingran followed this time, but before the bedroom door came out, he yawned again and said that he couldn't bear it anymore and turned around and went back.

So today, Gu Jinxing gave up directly, and stopped calling her, Ye Qingran thought about his performance in the past two days, and then he gave up and put it directly.

Gu Jinxing entered the side hall after freshening up, looked at the woman with bright makeup today, and was stunned for a moment, and then sat down to pick up chopsticks to eat as usual, Ye Qingran raised his eyebrows at Gu Jin: "How is it?" Today, when I enter the palace dressed up, I won't lose the face of your Qingguo Mansion. ”

"Well, people have a bit of color, and you're not ugly even if you wear a rag." Gu Jinxing will tell cold jokes.

“…… Hehe" Ye Qingran smirked twice, and then picked up the bowl to eat.

After the meal, the two went to Chunhui Courtyard to ask for peace, Lao Qingguo Gong has eaten the pills sent by Ye Qingran in the past few days, and his body is obviously much easier, and he sleeps well at night and eats well in the morning, so he is in a good mood these days.

It seems that Jin Xing married this daughter-in-law, whose granddaughter-in-law is like his, the beautiful medical skills are good, and it is not her fault that day a little girl, at this time, I saw the little couple coming with a companion, the beauty of the handsome man and the girl, and it looks like a good match, so Lao Qingguo Gong was persuaded by himself in his own self-persuasion, and then became more and more satisfied with this granddaughter-in-law.

The eldest princess glanced at Ye Qingran with a little disgust: "Why is the young girl dressed up so plainly, do you want to get out and let others laugh at me Qingguo Mansion can't even afford to buy jewelry?" Mama Qian - Where's the thing? ”

The eldest princess's personal grandmother took the box in her hand, and the eldest princess took it and opened it to see a complete set of exquisite heads, which were delicate and precious at a glance from the master's hand.

"You go to the side room and take it out and replace it, it's the princess of my Qingguo Mansion, and it's as if the mainland mansion has treated you badly."

Ye Qingran took the jewelry and thanked the eldest princess and went to the side hall, Mama Qian followed over to help Ye Qingran redress, and after redressing, Ye Qingran's whole aura changed, looking more noble and elegant, exuding a strange charm all over his body, which firmly attracted everyone's attention.

The moment she stepped into the main hall, she even had a hint of satisfaction in the eyes of the eldest princess, who had always been picky, especially when she saw that Ye Qingran was wearing the bracelet on her wrist today that she asked Jin'er to bring to her when she first entered the mansion, she was even more appreciative of Ye Qingran, this is really a smart woman.

She entered the palace under that circumstance that day, and this time it was the first time she participated in the palace banquet as the princess of the Qingguo Mansion, and it was inevitable that there would be people with bad intentions who would attack her.

She chose to wear the bracelet she gave her today to tell everyone that the Qingguo Mansion and the eldest princess recognized her identity, and it was also a shock to those who were used to praising high and low.

Originally, the eldest princess was worried that she would not be able to cope with it when she entered the palace today, but now it seems that she has thought too much, this woman is good at turning crises into opportunities.

On the same day, he was rejected to marry his grandson, and today Ming Huanghuang took the jade bracelet he gave her to participate in the palace banquet, so as to avoid becoming a joke after tea and dinner in the imperial capital.

The eldest princess explained a few more words to the two of them and let the two out of the house, "Just now my grandfather secretly told me that this set of jewelry on your head was kept by your mother and grandmother back then, and said that it would be handed over to her daughter-in-law in the future, and grandmother sent someone to send a letter to her aunt yesterday, so that she could take care of you in the palace today, so as not to be bullied." ”

The two sat in the carriage, and Gu Jinxing casually picked up the book on the carriage and opened it and said.

Ye Qingran was originally lifting the curtain of the car window and looking at the stalls and vendors selling on both sides of Huangdu Street, when he heard Gu Jinxing's voice, he turned his head to look at Gu Jinxing, covered his eyes, thought for a moment, and suddenly looked at Gu Jinxing with a smile: "Grandmother treats me very well, I like her very much, although I haven't met your mother, but I think it must be a gentle and virtuous woman." ”

Gu Jinxing looked at the woman in front of him who even had a bright light in her eyes, and the heart lake, which had always been as calm as ice, suddenly rippled, like a light thrown on the surface of the lake, the whole person became warm, and the whole heart beat uncontrollably.

The slender and neat fingers were also unconsciously retracted, and the book in his hand was scratched with a shallow scratch, and the two looked at each other like this, and neither of them spoke.

Suddenly, the carriage shook, and Ye Qingran, who was sitting next to the window, threw himself uncontrollably towards the center of the carriage, seeing that his face was about to hit the ground, suddenly there was a burst of strength from his waist, and the whole person was suddenly turned around and threw himself into a warm embrace.

Ye Qingran raised her head in a daze, Gu Jinxing's cold and handsome face was reflected in front of her eyes, she saw another self from Gu Jinxing's peach blossom eyes, with a stupid and slightly shy expression, the whole carriage was lonely and silent, and some pink bubbles that could not be seen but seemed to be felt were slowly rising.

"Shizi Shizi, you are all right, a little child suddenly rushed out in front of you." I didn't hear the calm voice coming, which also broke the ambiguity between the two.

Ye Qingran immediately pushed Gu Jinxing away and sat down in a hurry, then covered up the embarrassment of taking care of the hair ornament on his head, the woman in his arms left, the feeling of sudden emptiness also made Gu Jinxing feel a little lost, he twisted his fingers uncomfortably, and then sat up and looked ahead, "It's okay, be careful in the future." ”

When the carriage arrived outside the palace gate, Gu Jinxing got off the car and turned around to help Ye Qingran down, at this moment there were already many carriages in the palace outside the palace, Ye Qingran followed Gu Jinxing into the imperial garden, Lin Mo saw Gu Jinxing's figure and waved desperately to Gu Jinxing.

"You go over, there are palace people with me, I see that my mother has also arrived, so I will go directly to find her." Ye Qingran asked Gu Jinxing not to accompany him, Gu Jinxing thought for a while, nodded, and the two separated.

As soon as Ye Qingran walked into the place where the ladies were entertained, she attracted the attention of a crowd, she ignored everyone's gaze, found the Lin family in the crowd, and walked over, "Mother." ”

When Lin heard the voice, he laughed when he saw Ye Qingran coming, and pulled Ye Qingran in front of him and introduced to a woman next to him: "Nuo, just as I was talking, this person is here, this is the little girl Ye Qingran, Qingran, this is the county lord of Kaiyang." ”

The lord of Kaiyang? Isn't that Qian Jing's mother? Ye Qingran hurriedly saluted the county lord of Kaiyang, and the county lord of Kaiyang raised his hand to stop Ye Qingran from saluting, "Oh, the princess doesn't need to be polite, if you want to thank you, I will thank you." ”

Ye Qingran gave the recipe to Lin Mo two days ago and brought it to the county lord of Kaiyang, and he didn't take a penny, the county lord of Kaiyang was also happy and hung it on Ye Qingran, Ye Qingran couldn't push it off, so he gave the county lord of Kaiyang a few prescriptions by the way, and the county lord of Kaiyang was very happy, and he had a good impression of Ye Qingran.

"Is this the new princess of the Qingguo Mansion Jin Shizi who worships on the street? is more beautiful than Huan'er, although he marries a wife and marries a virtuous man, but there are a few men who are not good colors. The implication is that Gu Jinxing married Ye Qingran because Ye Qingran was good-looking.

Ye Qingran turned his head and saw that a woman in a pink palace dress walked over with her waist twisted, followed by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman, who was also beautiful and dignified, but looked at Ye Qingran with a hint of hostility in her eyes.

As soon as Ye Qingran heard it, she knew that this woman named Huan'er had a story with her new husband, and the fire of gossip in her heart was blazing.

The Kaiyang county lord on the side sneered: "What Limei said, this emperor is better than the princess of the Jin family, but I really can't find a few, that Jinxing is not blind, of course the daughter-in-law is good-looking, it is better than finding a day that will only be sad and pretentious, who wants to open his eyes all day long in front of a bitter gourd face." ”

"You-" Limei was so angry that she couldn't speak, and Xu Huan beside her instantly turned red when she heard this, and she looked like she wanted to cry or not.

The county lord of Kaiyang is the cousin of Emperor Jing, and the grade of the beautiful woman is too low to have a hard fight with her, so he pointed the finger at Ye Qingran, "Hmph, I see that you don't seem to have any merit except for a face, you look like a fox, and when the novelty passes, see if you can still be arrogant." ”

Ye Qingran......

This eldest sister, I am a melon-eating crowd who does my duty, which eye of you sees me arrogant, you are an Israeli servant who is embarrassed to say the four words of marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous, and you are a concubine in this deep palace is not relying on your face?

"This is not to be bothered by the beauty of Lauli, the husband said that his favorite thing to look at is my face, if he can see my face boring, then he who is not as good as mine will not be able to look at it."

Ye Qingran pretended to be shy, stroked his face, and glanced at Xu Huan who was standing next to him, and the faces of the two sisters instantly turned the color of pig liver, and they looked at Ye Qingran with an angry face.

The lord of Kaiyang County couldn't be happy, so he said to Ye Qingran: "Qingran, your aunt is here, let's go find her." Ye Qingran nodded and got up with the Lin family, and got out of the pavilion behind the Kaiyang County Lord, and the beautiful woman behind her broke all the nails she had just made.

Ye Qingran only ate the melon in the mouth of the lord of Kaiyang County, Limei is the eldest daughter of Xu Zhan, the head of the household, who entered the palace two years ago, and her sister Xu Huan, who pretended to be sentimental all day long, took the book to write a few sour poems and regarded herself as a talented woman, somehow fell in love with Gu Jinxing, and also wrote poems to confess vaguely, and later became known to everyone in the Manchu Dynasty.

Limei went to the emperor to ask for marriage a few times, and wanted the emperor to give her marriage, but the emperor didn't dare to go through the eldest princess, so he asked his aunt a few times, although the eldest princess was anxious to let her grandson get married, but Gu Jinxing didn't agree with her, and she couldn't do anything, so this matter could only be counted like this.

If Gu Jinxing didn't have a crush on someone, it would be better to say something, who knew that Gu Jinxing quietly picked up a daughter-in-law on the street to worship the church, which was a bit of a slap in the face of the Xu family.

People would rather find someone on the street to worship than marry the daughter of the Xu family, and the Xu family has no face at this time, so when Limei saw Ye Qingran this time, she was angry.

In addition to Xu Huan, Ye Qingran also knew a few ladies who were interested in their father-in-law from the mouth of the lord of Kaiyang County, Liu Yuan of the Rite Department's Servant Family, and Feng Xin'er of the Soldier's Scholar's Family, Ye Qingran's eyes straightened when he heard this, didn't he say that the ancients were very subtle?

As soon as Gu Kaiyan entered the imperial garden, he saw the county lord of Kaiyang and Ye Qingran walking hand in hand to greet him, so he went up with a smile, Gu Kaiyan and the county lord of Kaiyang have also grown up together since childhood, and now the sons of the two families are also not separated from Meng all day long, so the relationship between the two families is naturally closer than other clans in the clan.

Several people gathered together, and Kaiyang looked at Gu Kaiyan's radiant face: "I said where to see you is different, I haven't seen you for a few days, why does your skin look so tender, like a peeled egg, and your complexion is also white, so I said that I secretly used something good behind our backs." ”

"It's not thanks to the skincare secret recipe given to me by my daughter-in-law." Gu Kaiyan replied with a smile, she went back and listened to Ye Qingran's what kind of mask it was called, and put it on her face, not to mention that the effect was really obvious in a few days.

Gu Kaiyan lay on the bed with a white face on the first night, and when his marquis got out of bed, he turned his head and saw a white ghost-like face, and fell directly from the bed in fright.

Lin Duci looked at the ghost of her own lady with a speechless face, and for the first time she had the idea of sleeping in a separate room, but she didn't dare to say it after a few times in her mouth, so she could only lie down, fortunately, she washed herself before going to bed, and Lin Houye breathed a sigh of relief, no one lying next to a female ghost could not sleep.

A few people were chatting happily, at this time the banquet began, the emperor came in with the queen and the harem concubines, everyone knelt on the ground and saluted, and after getting up, they sat in the positions of each house, as soon as they sat down, Gu Jinxing noticed that the woman next to him was looking at him with a kind of scrutiny, and he frowned slightly, "What's wrong?" ”

"Tsk......" Ye Qingran only shook his head slightly mysteriously, ignoring him.

Gu Jinxing......

Ye Qingran looked around the banquet so casually in a boring way, except for that Xu Huan who looked at her with a resentful gaze that robbed him of his husband, here Yang Shaochen glared at her fiercely with his murderous gaze.

Ye Qingran saw that this kid still dared to stare at him, so he also glared back viciously, and then glanced at him with a disdainful expression, and the cup in Yang Shaochen's hand was almost crushed.

Looking at Ye Qingran's expression as if he had won a cockfight, Gu Jinxing was speechless, Ye Qingran looked around boredly, and then saw a woman looking at her with complicated eyes, Ye Qingran met her eyes, she pretended to be casual and turned her gaze to look away, not looking at Ye Qingran.


Ye Qingran leaned sideways to Gu Jinxing and asked softly, "Which house is the purple-clothed young lady on the left opposite?" A burst of girlish fragrance hit, Gu Jinran was stunned, and remembered the scene in the carriage again, and after a moment of coming back to his senses, he glanced at the direction Ye Qingran said casually, "The young lady of Anguo Mansion seems to have a personal relationship with Yang Shaochen." "Needless to say, it seems to be so.

Ye Qingran......

Why do you want to find her when you have a personal relationship?

"Jin Shizi and the princess have a really good relationship, the two of them are so affectionate, and they can't stop whispering outside, looking at them like this, the concubine feels that she is old."

A glamorous woman in a blue palace dress smiled and said, as if she was joking, but in fact, she didn't understand the rules in front of the public.

Ye Qingran was disliked and was just about to get up, Gu Jinxing pressed Ye Qingran's hand under the table, and said leisurely, "Concubine Niangniang, the insider just asked me that I was rewarded by the emperor last time, do you want to thank you." ”


Yang Guifei is a young lady from Shoukang Houfu, Yang Shaochen's aunt, she entered the palace at the age of fifteen, Yang Shaochen has been favored by Yang Guifei since she was a child, and treats this nephew like her own son, at this time, when she saw Gu Jinxing say this, she remembered the dowry given by the Hou Mansion, and the expression on her face almost collapsed.

Emperor Jing on the side touched his nose embarrassedly, and the concubine made trouble with him once for this matter, saying that Ye Qingran didn't have a bad reputation and couldn't get married, so she took the dowry given by her Yang family and turned around and married herself out, so the Yang family's dowry was about to be returned to Yunyun.

But the words have been spoken, and Chrysostom Yuyan can't be changed anymore, not to mention that the Yang family's refusal to marry was at fault in the first place, so it is reasonable to give some compensation, this time Gu Jinxing said this matter to the Yang family's face, Emperor Jing said that he couldn't sit still a little What's going on......

Today is the queen's birthday, and she and Yang Guifei have never been on good terms, not to mention how could she let Yang Guifei make her own scene.

Now that he saw Yang Guifei eating deflated, his heart was even more refreshed, so he smiled and opened his mouth to play a round, "Your Majesty, it is a good thing that Jin Shizi and Shizi Concubine are husband and wife, and my aunt and her old man are relieved, the bride is thin-skinned, and if Sister Yang continues to joke like this, the bride should not be able to stay." As soon as Emperor Jing saw that the queen's steps were handed over, he also joked a couple of sentences to announce the opening of the banquet, and everyone gave up.

During the banquet, the ladies of each family came to the stage to perform for the queen's mother, so as to leave a good impression in front of the ladies of the various mansions, and they can also find a good family affair in the future, Gu Kaiyan and the county lord of Kaiyang also stared with great interest to see if there was anything suitable for their son.

It was Zhang Ruoxue's turn to go on stage, she took the stage and danced, wearing a pink light gauze dance dress, dancing with a beautiful posture as light as a swallow.

Even Ye Qingran, who was not interested in singing and dancing, looked at it twice, and the whole house applauded after the dance, except for the slightly infrared face, the whole person's breath was stable, and even the panting sound could not be heard, the dance skills can be seen to be quite skilled, and the queen was also very satisfied when she saw it, and rewarded Zhang Ruoxue with a red gold step, and was rewarded by the queen on the queen's birthday, and Zhang Ruoxue was considered to have become famous in the imperial capital after today.

Ye Qingran glanced at Yang Shaochen, only to see him looking at Zhang Ruoxue with a doting face, his whole face was full of honor, Zhang Ruoxue also smiled shyly when she saw Yang Shaochen like this, Ye Qingran remembered that Gu Jinxing said that the two had a personal relationship, so he secretly scolded this pair of dog men and women in his heart, and they both looked at each other and came out to bring disaster to other people's daughters.

After the banquet, everyone got up one after another to go to the imperial garden to play and eat, Ye Qingran also followed everyone to get up, because the rules in the palace are strict, as long as the nobles of each palace have a banquet in the palace, they will be served by the palace maids and eunuchs, and no one can enter, so Bai Lu is not by his side at this time.

Because most of the people playing by the lake are women, men and women are different, so the men are not here, Ye Qingran is tired of walking and sits on the stone bench by the lake to rest, and there is a person behind him, Ye Qingran turned his head to see that it was Xu Huan, so he ignored it and turned his head forward to enjoy the beautiful scenery by the lake.

Xu Huan walked in front of Ye Qingran: "I heard that Miss Ye grew up in Wuzhou since she was a child, presumably the girl must have something extraordinary, so that people like Jin Shizi will marry Miss Ye regardless of the world." ”

When no one was around, Xu Huan no longer pretended to be soft and weak, and she didn't even call the princess, feeling that she was not worthy of the title of the princess of the Qingguo Mansion, and the yin and yang weirdness insinuated that Ye Qingran must have seduced Gu Jinxing by some means to make Jin Shizi marry her.

"Miss Xu is too modest, what can I do as a country woman, it's nothing more than growing better and reading less, my family says that they like me like this, if someone moans like him every day without illness and like a dead father, then what happiness does he have in this life" Ye Qingran said coolly.

"You-hmph, I heard that your mother is an outer room, and she was thrown in Wuzhou by Ye Xiang and ignored it, and on the day you got married, you were refused to marry on the street, and your reputation was already rotten, if you weren't brazen and entangled with Jin Shizi, how could you marry him?"

Ye Qingran, who no one wants, deserves to be a sister-in-law, or she is assigned to an old widower to fill the house, but she actually married Jin Shizi so well and entered the Qingguo Mansion, Xu Huan was so angry that she really wanted to go up and ruin Ye Qingran's face.

Ye Qingran looked at the angry Xu Huan in front of him, and smiled lightly, "But what to do, I am now also the princess of the Qingguo Mansion, Miss Xu heard that you originally wrote a love poem to our grandfather to confess, so it seems that you, the lady, are also quite open-minded."

It's a pity that the face was sent and I didn't take it down, okay, I'm going to find our family's son, alas, we are newly married Yan'er, I really miss him if I don't see him for a while, Miss Xu will not accompany him. After speaking, he got up and walked past Xu Huan and walked out.

Xu Huan's face was hideous, looking at Ye Qingran in front of him, and he was angry and wanted to push Ye Qingran into the lake, but Ye Qingran kept paying attention to his back.

There's no way to read too many novels, there is basically this kind of bridge, the green tea bitch jumped into the river and framed herself, or pushed herself down to be embarrassed, at this time, she heard movement behind her, and thought that she really didn't deceive me, so she gently dodged sideways, Xu Huan couldn't stop under his feet, directly crossed Ye Qingran, almost fell into the lake, turned around and looked at Ye Qingran, "You slut-"

"Who is the little slut scolding?"

"The little slut scolds you." After Xu Huan finished scolding, he realized that he had been fooled, Ye Qingran grinned at Xu Huan, reached out and directly grabbed the belt around Xu Huan's waist and pulled it hard, and shouted loudly: "Miss Xu, be careful, hurry up and catch me." Without waiting for Xu Huan to react, his body was vacated and the whole person was pushed into the lake by Ye Qingran.

On the shore, Ye Qingran played with his belt, and shouted again, "Come on, Miss Xu has fallen into the water, Miss Xu, don't panic, I'll find someone to save you immediately." ”

Xu Huan struggled desperately in the water, drank a stomach of water up and down, and poured the lake water into his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth, and the ladies and ladies who were playing nearby rushed over when they heard the sound, and the palace maids and grandmothers who were waiting for dispatch nearby also came over, but no one knew how to water, and a few eunuchs who rushed over behind did know how to water, but they were afraid that their identities were not good to go into the water.

Seeing that Xu Huan was almost fluttering, Ye Qingran commanded, "What are you still doing in a daze, human life is a matter of heaven, and what do you care about the difference between men and women, if Miss Xu has three long and two short, the emperor and the Xu family will not spare you." ”

As soon as several eunuchs heard that it made sense, they jumped into the lake and fished Xu Huan up.

Xu Huan's belt was untied by Ye Qingran, and after struggling in the lake for a long time, he fainted, and was rescued by several eunuchs, and his clothes were wide open, and the pink mandarin duck's belly pocket playing in the water was exposed in front of everyone, and Xu Huan's face was lost at this moment.

Ye Qingran pretended to look flustered, squatted down and patted Xu Huan's face hard, "Miss Xu, wake up, Miss Xu." ”

Seeing that Xu Huan didn't react, he put his hands on Xu Huan's abdomen and pressed hard, so that after tossing a pillar of incense back and forth, Xu Huan spit a few mouthfuls of water in his mouth, and the whole person coughed violently, and everyone was relieved when they saw this.

After Xu Huan woke up, he saw Ye Qingran looking at him worriedly, but there was a narrow smile in his eyes. "Miss Xu, it's great that you're awake."

"You-" Xu Huan wanted to reason with Ye Qingran, but suddenly his body was cold, and he looked down at his embarrassment, so he hurriedly raised his hand to hug himself, raised his head and looked at Ye Qingran hatefully, "Don't come here to pretend to be a good person, you pushed me into the water with bad intentions, I will definitely ask Your Majesty to seek justice for me." ”

"Miss Xu, isn't she overly frightened and has hysteria? When did I push you down, obviously you accidentally fell down, although I don't know how to water, but I also desperately called for someone to save you, you have wronged me like this. Ye Qingran looked at Xu Huan with a sad and disappointed face.

The movement by the lake also reached the ears of Emperor Jing, Limei heard that her sister had fallen into the water, so she hurriedly sent someone over, Xu Huan was taken away by the palace maid to change clothes, and heard Xu Huan in the palace that Ye Qingran pushed her into the lake, so she shouted for Emperor Jing to preside over justice.

Emperor Jing looked at Ye Qingran in front of her speechlessly, she stood aside and looked at Xu Huan crying with a handful of snot and tears, as if the person Xu Huan was crying and complaining about was not herself.

Lin also looked at Ye Qingran anxiously, because she was old and didn't want to play, she had been sitting and chatting and resting with a few ladies in the pavilion, who didn't want to work hard for a while, and her daughter actually got into a lawsuit.

"Your Majesty, the courtiers are really wronged, in fact, because Miss Xu accidentally fell, the courtiers didn't have time to save her, it wasn't the courtiers who pushed her down, I have no grievances with Miss Xu, why should I hurt her?

And at that time, the courtiers grabbed Miss Xu's belt in a panic because she wanted to save Miss Xu, if the courtiers pushed her down, why was the belt in my hands? Ye Qingran's face was innocent.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Jin Shi is talking nonsense, the courtier and the princess Jin Shi have never known each other, but they passed by normally, and the princess Jin Shi suddenly stood up and pushed the courtier into the river, and also took the courtier's belt to destroy the reputation of the courtier, how can the courtier still behave." Xu Huan's crying pear blossoms bring rain.

She discussed it with her sister in the palace, and today in the palace, she was disgraced by Ye Qingran, and her body was also looked at by those low-level subordinates, and now she has no reputation, and marrying is a problem, all of which is Ye Qingran's fault.

She is now a member of the Qingguo Mansion, so the Qingguo Mansion is responsible, and today His Majesty must agree to marry herself into the Qingguo Mansion.

As long as he enters the mansion, he will definitely be able to capture the heart of Jin Shizi with his own talents, and after a long time, he will use some means to make Ye Qingran disappear without knowing anything, and the position of Jin Shifei will be his own.

At this time, Gu Jinxing and Ye Xiang came over, Ye Xiang and Gu Jinxing were involved in this matter because their daughters and daughters-in-law were involved, and Lin Mo and Qian Jing simply followed the play.

As soon as everyone saw that everyone was gone, they also came over to see the excitement, Xu Huan saw Gu Jinxing and others coming, and the outstanding figure made Xu Huan's heart beat faster, and he became more determined to marry into the Qingguo Mansion.

When Ye Qingran saw Gu Jinxing coming, he gave him a roll of his eyes, his rotten peach blossom.

Gu Jinxing......

"Your Majesty, originally the courtiers thought that it was inconvenient to explain it because of the fact that Miss Xu's reputation was involved, but since it has reached this point, the courtiers can only tell the truth." Ye Qingran stepped forward and knelt in front of Emperor Jing as if he had made up his mind.

"Today I was sitting alone by the lake, Miss Xu came up to me to provoke me, saying that I came from a small place, not worthy of the Jin Shizi, and said that I was from everyone, so that the courtiers knew each other, they asked to go down to the court to move her position, the courtiers did not want to have a dispute with Miss Xu, so they wanted to leave, but Miss Xu did not let her, and threatened the courtiers, if the courtiers did not agree to her, they would jump into the river.

Then slandered the courtiers and said that the courtiers were jealous and pushed her into the lake, so that even if the courtiers committed the seven out of the rules, the husband would definitely not be able to tolerate the courtiers and sweep me out of the house, if that is the case The courtiers still have the face to live in the world, the courtiers are really afraid of entering the door for a few days, so they begged each other, but who knew that Miss Xu jumped directly into the lake, and the courtiers hurriedly stepped forward to take her away, but only had time to grab Miss Xu's belt. ”

Ye Qingran took the handkerchief and looked down in his eyes, and looked up at Gu Jinxing with teary eyes: "Husband, you and I are husband and wife, now the concubine is almost involved in a life lawsuit, and the concubine knows that she is not worthy of you, when you go back today, you will give the concubine a letter of resignation and let the concubine leave.

He turned his head to look at Ye Xiang and Lin, "Father, mother, daughter is unfilial, I am ashamed of you, after the husband divorces his daughter, my daughter will go back to Wuzhou and guard my mother well, the second elder can rest assured, my daughter will pray for her father and mother day and night." "The little face is very pitiful.

Gu Jinxing looked at Ye Qingran's exaggerated performance, and twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Ye Xiang and Lin looked at their daughter's appearance, and they were even more angry, no matter what, their daughter was already a person from the Qingguo Mansion, it was really unimaginable that there were still people who shamelessly robbed other people's fathers, and the two of them knelt down to ask Emperor Jing to be the master.

Gu Jinxing had no choice but to kneel down with his parents-in-law, "Your Majesty, the minister has only been married for a few days, and he is in love with Qingran and his wife, and he has no idea of divorce his wife. ”

Ye Qingran......

The young man has a future, and he is even better at acting than himself.

Seeing this scene, the people around were whispering on the side, and a lady stood up, "Your Majesty, the courtiers are also by the lake today, although Miss Xu didn't know how to fall into the water, but the princess of the Jin world did call someone to save Miss Xu, and Miss Xu was unconscious after being rescued, and it was also the princess of the Jin world who rescued her, if the princess of the Jin world pushed Miss Xu down, why did she save people?" ”

Limeiren was furious after hearing this, "Mrs. Liu, isn't it because her husband is Dali Siqing that she thinks she can also solve the case, my sister is also the daughter of an official family, if Concubine Jin Shi harmed my sister in this palace, she thought she could get out of the way?" ”

"Then what is the explanation of the princess Jin Shifei holding Miss Xu's belt in her hand after Miss Xu fell into the water?" Mrs. Liu is still neither humble nor arrogant.

"That's because...... Because ......" Limei was also blocked and couldn't speak, and she began to wonder if her sister had lied to her, could she really jump off by herself?

What else do everyone not understand when they see this, they can't imagine that this Miss Xu family is a beautiful lady, and she also has some knowledge among the young ladies, so shameless, and vainly wants to rob other people's husbands.

At this time, someone remembered the rumors in Beijing that Miss Xu admired Jin Shizi earlier, and she had not been able to respond, this person was married, and she even had the cheekiness to want to enter the Qingguo Mansion, which was really eye-popping, and sure enough, this young lady who didn't have her mother's teaching just couldn't do it.

Xu Huan's biological mother died of illness three years ago, Xu Zhan in order to establish an affectionate personality, in Beijing to say that he was filial piety to his wife for three years, for which he was praised by Emperor Jing that year, and now there is only one aunt in the house, so Limei will plan everything for her sister.

In the end, because Xu Huan is daughter's family is not too harsh, and the son does not teach his father's fault, he punished Xu Zhan to make amends to Ye Qingran, and prepared another 5,000 taels to shock Ye Qingran.

Today's affairs, the ladies of the imperial capital have secretly decided that even if their sons are singles in the future, they will have to avoid the Xu family, and some people think that there are more bear children in Beijing who have been cheating recently, Yang Shaochen is counted as one, and there is another Xu Huan, and the objects of reparation are Ye Qingran.

After this, Xu Huan's reputation in this imperial capital is completely stinky, and Xu Zhan is even more angry, thinking that he must marry a continuation string and teach well.

After the matter was resolved, the mansions dispersed, Ye Qingran said goodbye to the Lin family and Gu Kaiyan and others outside the palace gate, and at present, after the Lin family left, they turned around and prepared to get into the carriage and wait for Gu Jinxing, when Gu Jinxing was about to leave the palace, Emperor Jing summoned him, and went to the imperial study.

"Hmph, some people are really going to cause trouble" Ye Qingran heard the prestige, only to see Zhang Ruoxue and a woman in green, and the woman in green looked at Ye Qingran with disdain.

"Concubine Shizi, this is Liu Yuan, the young lady of the Ministry of Rites, and her mother is the sister-in-law of Zhang Ruoxue's mother, the young lady of the Anguo Mansion." Qiushuang whispered about the relationship between the two on the side.

Originally, Ye Qingran was also going to take this opportunity to probe the Lin family to see if he could ask Qiu Shuang to come over, but before Ye Qingran could speak, the Lin family said that he couldn't bear to separate Mama Zhao's mother and daughter, and gave Qiu Shuang to Ye Qingran along with the deed of sale.

The Lin family is really thinking about Ye Qingran, Qiushuang is a first-class maid in the Lin family's courtyard, and she also follows the Lin family to go out to socialize on weekdays, and she is also familiar with the relationship between the various provinces in the imperial capital, Ye Qingran came to the imperial capital for the first time, and it is indispensable to socialize in the future, Qiushuang happens to be a helper by her side, so this time Qiushuang did not follow the Lin family back, and directly followed Ye Qingran, and one of the Lin family's mothers-in-law did this job It is really nothing to say.

Liu Yuan? Isn't it one of the rotten peach blossoms that the county lord of Kaiyang said about Gu Jinxing? Ye Qingran sneered: "Qiushuang, I thought that only in a small place like our Wuzhou can there be a vulgar and formless long-tongued woman who will be in the east and the west all day long, but it turns out that there are also in this imperial capital." ”

Ye Qingran stretched out his hand and dusted off his slightly wrinkled dress, and chuckled: "Heh, Miss Liu, you are the daughter of a little waiter, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of me, my father is the left minister, and I remember that I am the daughter of the left minister under the name of my wife, aside from these, my husband is the prince of Qingguo Mansion, and my dignified princess of Qingguo Mansion is also arranged by you at will?"

I heard that you also like my husband, heh, you have to look good, you have to be talented, how blind are my husband's eyes to see you, if that's the case, then today's position of the princess of the Jin world will not be my turn to sit. "PUA strikes people, Ye Qingran has a hand.

Seeing Liu Yuan's embarrassed and indignant face, he was in a good mood, and walked over Liu Yuan towards his carriage, Zhang Ruoxue on the side didn't say a word, looking at Ye Qingran's departing back, a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

After Ye Qingran got into the carriage, he lifted the curtain and saw Gu Jinxing sitting in the carriage, holding a book in his hand and reading it seriously, the curtain was lifted, and the light outside the carriage came through.

Gu Jinxing looked up at the woman, "You're back, I thought it would take a long time." Ye Qingran was in a good mood and greeted Gu Jin, today he really performed well in front of Emperor Jing.

"Hmm." Gu Jinxing's words have always been very few, and after a simple response, he turned his attention to the book, Ye Qingran remembered Liu Yuan, so he moved to Gu Jinxing's side with a smile, and gossiped: "Do you know what I did just now?" ”

"I don't know." The man's answer was as succinct as ever.

“…… I'm going to chop peach blossoms for you again, and they're all rotten peach blossoms, do you know Liu Yuan? Ye Qingran decided not to go around the bend with Gu Jinxing.

"I don't know." The sound of flipping books, and then the whole carriage was silent again.

Ye Qingran......

Isn't this man curious? How does this follow-up topic go on......

"I know, I know, the daughter of the Liu family, the waiter of the Ministry of Rites, has been eyeing my cousin all the time......" A figure opened the curtain and broke in.

The next trip, Gu Jinxing looked at a man and a woman in front of him speechlessly, bowed their heads and shrank in one place, saying how the women in the imperial capital were fascinated by Gu Jinxing, if they pretended to be weak and dizzy on the street, they wanted to drill into Gu Jinxing's arms.

Although Ye Qingran felt that what Lin Mo said was exaggerated, it didn't prevent her from listening, and the people who were driving outside the carriage didn't say anything and handed in a few words from time to time to add, and several people were so blatantly unanimous that Gu Jin didn't exist.

Lin Mo is the cousin of the Qingguo Mansion, so the Qingguo Mansion also has his yard, and he has to live here half of the year, so returning to the Qingguo Mansion is the same as going back to his own home.

After a few people came back, they first went to the eldest princess's courtyard to greet the two ancestors, and the eldest princess heard what happened on the queen's birthday today, and she was a little less prejudiced against Ye Qingran, the granddaughter-in-law.

can easily resolve the crisis and can also hit others, this woman is really not ordinary, everyone went back after saying goodbye, Lin Mo followed Gu Jinxing to the study, and Ye Qingran took Qiushuang and Bai Lu back to the backyard.

When she arrived in the backyard, Ye Qingran asked Mama Zhao to arrange a place for Qiushuang, and after not seeing her for many days, the mother and daughter must have a lot to say, so they let the two go down after explaining a few words, and the whole room was quiet again.

Ye Qingran stretched lazily, and suddenly remembered something and called Bai Lu in, "You go to the treasury to find out if there is a shop deed on Yongning Street in my dowry, if there is, find it for me, or the adjacent street." Ye Qingran explained.

"The slave maid will go down to find out, what does the princess want to do?" Bai Lu opened her big moist eyes and looked at Ye Qingran in confusion.

"You look for it first, find me and then add it up."

Gu Jinxing and Lin Mo walked to the study, and there was a person standing at the door, dressed in a black suit, with a face that was indistinguishable from Wuyan with a hint of calmness, "Silent? You're back, did you bring me any good things on this trip to Youzhou? ”

Lin Mo asked with a smile, the two are twins, but the temperaments of the two are very different, they are lively and calm, and the two grew up with Gu Jinxing since childhood, so Lin Mo is also very familiar.

"Shizi, cousin, young master." With respect on his face, he saluted the two of them respectfully.

"Go in and talk." Gu Jinxing stepped into the study without saying a word, and the two followed

"Back to the world, this time I arrived in Youzhou, and found that there was no major movement at the border pass, but Zhenyuan General Li Wu went out to patrol the city a few days ago, and encountered a surprise attack in Moling Town, and was hit by an arrow, fortunately, the treatment was timely, although there is no worry about people's lives, but they have not woken up, and now the affairs of the army are represented by Deputy General Xu Huai."

"In that case, the secret letter that my grandfather received is debatable." Gu Jinxing bent his fingers on the desk and knocked on it for a while, bowed his head and pondered, after half a cup of tea, he looked at him silently, "Don't ask anyone, can I come back with you this time?" ”

"No, don't ask to stay in Youzhou, so as long as there is any change in Youzhou, we can know as soon as possible, but General Li was attacked this time, and the news will reach the imperial capital in the near future, and then the court and the central government-"

"It's okay, my grandfather will definitely have a way to deal with the affairs of the DPRK and China, for now we only need to pay attention to Youzhou, you have been running around for days, and you are tired of coming, go down and rest."

"Yes, the subordinates retired." Silently, he clasped his fists and saluted, turned and retreated.

Lin Mo was like a transparent person from the moment he entered the study, sitting on the side drawing his pig, and after retreating silently, Lin Mo raised his head and looked at Gu Jinxing with his big stupid eyes, "Cousin, will you leave the imperial capital and go to Youzhou in the future?" ”

“…… Why do you ask? ”

"Intuition, it seems that you have been eating, drinking, and having fun with us every day in the imperial capital over the years, but I think the imperial capital can't keep you, and you will have to leave here one day." Lin Mo no longer looked at Gu Jinxing, and just lowered his head to paint.

Gu Jinxing was silent when he heard this, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, and the two of them stopped talking, and the entire study was silent.

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
