
Surprised, my father married me to a sullen uncle before he died

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

Civil affairs bureau.

Chi Nuonuo didn't expect that he was only twenty years old, the age of flowers, and today, on February 22, he became a married young woman!

The young woman is not terrible, what is terrible is to marry the person she hates the most, Gu Nanting.

Not far away, a man in a black suit was talking on the phone, his head was leaning against the light against the tree, and under his two long eyebrows was a pair of deep and charming peach eyes, a high nose bridge, and a thin and sharp lips gently picking up a smile.

Like, what a happy day today, he was very happy.

Old fox!

Chi Nuonuo smacked Gu Nanting fiercely in his heart, is he not an old fox or something?

occupied her home, occupied her company, and occupied her, and he was going to bully her in the future.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Chi Nuonuo became, and she couldn't understand why her father Chi Minghai handed her over to the person she hated the most the day before he died, and made a will:

When Chi Nuonuo turns twenty years old, she will marry Gu Nanting as his wife.

If Chi Nuonuo doesn't agree, then all the shares of Chihai Group will all belong to Gu Nanting, and Chi Nuonuo won't get a cent!

The Chi family has a big business, and Chi Nuonuo is the only daughter of Chi Minghai, a delicate little girl who grew up pampered, how can she tolerate her own things being taken away by an outsider? There is no way to protect the Chihai Group, Chi Nuonuo can only marry this old man who is eight years older than her today, on such a sunny "good day"!

Chi Nuono thought so, and suddenly, a raindrop the size of a bean fell on her cheek.

She looked up and saw that it was raining, Gu Nanting took the phone, carefully touched the two marriage certificates in her pocket, and walked towards Chi Nuonuo, "It's raining, get in the car quickly." ”

"I don't want to ride in the same car as you, I'll take a taxi back by myself."

Chi Nono turned around and left arrogantly.

Gu Nanting grabbed her wrist, and then picked up the petite her and carried her in the direction of the car!

Chi Nuonuo turned his head down and slapped Gu Nanting hard, "Bastard, you let me down!" ”

Seeing that he didn't speak, Chi Nuonuo opened his mouth and bit Gu Nanting's shoulder hard, hearing him snort, Gu Nanting just frowned and glanced at her, "Little girl with sharp teeth and sharp mouth." ”

Open the car door and leave the person behind.

He also got in the car.

Chi Nuonuo and Gu Nanting stayed in the same space, feeling suffocated and depressed, "Open the door, I want to get out of the car!" ”

Outside, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, hitting the window glass.

Chi Nuonuo was already in a bad mood, but now she was in a bad mood, so she was about to open the door and get out of the car, Gu Nanting grabbed her arm and dragged her back, "Chi Nuonuo, even if you don't like me anymore, from today onwards, we are already husband and wife." ”

Chi Nuonuo was stunned for a moment, and then she tensed a little goose egg face, and tears swirled in her eyes, making her eyes appear clearer and brighter.

Gu Nanting's heart ached, and he asked the driver driving in front of him for a clean towel, and his slender fingers gently wiped Chi Nuonuo's wet hair.

"Turn the heat up to the maximum." He ordered, took off his coat, and covered Chi Nono, who was wearing only a thin woolen sweater.

The weather in early spring is still a little cold, Chi Nuonuo is a sensitive physique, and often has a cold and fever inexplicably, Gu Nanting once summed up a reason, raising her too well, too delicate.

Chi Nuonuo stopped struggling and let Gu Nanting circle her, yes, she is already Gu Nanting's wife!

It's still legal. Although she wanted to scold her mother, the facts are the facts.

A year ago, her father Chi Minghai was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer, and he left Chi Nuonuo completely after only three months of death.

Chi Nuonuo has no mother since he was a child, his mother died in childbirth, and now there is no father, Chi Nuono is only herself.


Now there is Gu Nanting, a stinky old man.

Chi Nuonuo can't forget when she was ten years old, she just came home from school and saw a tall teenager in the family.

The young man was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, his figure was as tall as a thin bamboo, and the sun cut his back, dragging a long shadow on the ground until the boy turned around, and Chi Nuono took a deep breath.

What a beautiful boy.

He has a pair of beautiful and charming peach blossom eyes, so deep, like hiding stars.

Chi Minghai introduced to her that this was Gu Nanting, the general manager of Chihai Group Branch from now on, and he was his good helper, so he asked Chi Nuonuo to call him brother.

Chi Nuonuo stepped forward, raised his white little face, and called sweetly: "Brother." ”

Gu Nanting nodded, the corners of the young man's stiff and tightly pursed mouth, and a smile was torn apart.

That year, he was eighteen years old and she was only ten years old.

That year, she thought he was a good person.

But...... Since that happened......

let Chi Nuonuo see Gu Nanting's true face clearly, and never talk to Gu Nanting again!

In addition, Chi Minghai passed away, and he firmly asked Chi Nuonuo to marry Gu Nanting, and he also gave the company to Gu Nanting to manage, which made Chi Nuonuo firmly believe that Gu Nanting was a hypocrite!

On the surface, he is a gentleman and gentle, but in fact he is just a villain who covets their Chi family's property!

Chi Nuonuo was a little tired, and fell asleep thinking about it, Gu Nanting stroked his little wife who was asleep on his lap, and when he heard what she was dreaming about, he leaned closer to listen.

"Old man, bastard...... The old cow eats the tender grass......"

"Poof." The driver driving in front of him also heard it and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Gu Nanting's unwavering peach blossom eyes looked over, "Isn't it funny?" ”

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back."


Chi Nono slept for a day and a night.

She was going to get married, she was so sad, the night before she got the license, she and her best friend called and cried all night, so now Chi Nuonuo is tired, and she slept all day, and slept dimly.

It was dark outside, and she was the only one in the empty room, and the lack of sound made Chi Nuono a little scared.

"Gu Nanting-"

She got out of bed barefoot, stepped on the floor and called out to the old man, heard the sound of water flowing from Gu Nanting's room, and saw that the door of the room was not closed, Chi Nuonuo directly pushed the door open and went in.

Look at each other!

Gu Nanting, who had just finished taking a shower and was about to put on a bath towel, frowned and looked at the little wife who broke into his room.

Chi Nuonuo was so angry that he crossed his waist, "Gu Nanting, don't you know how to lock the door when you take a bath?" ”

"I'm taking a shower in my own house, why lock the door?" Gu Nanting slowly wrapped a bath towel around him, "Have you seen enough?" Didn't see enough, let's go to bed and take a slow look? ”

Chi Nuonuo was annoyed and angry, "Stinky rascal, your figure is very bad!" ”

Chi Nuono turned around and ran back to his room.

Gu Nanting bent the corners of his mouth, his wife broke into his bathroom, looked at his body, and scolded him for being a stinky hooligan, this ability to put the cart before the horse is none other than his wife.

Chi Nuono was in his room and covered his head with a pillow!

This pillow was bought by Gu Nanting, because when he was a child, Chi Nuonuo liked rabbits very much, and the stationery, clothes, daily necessities, etc. he bought had a pattern on it that was a rabbit head.

Gu Nanting still likes to buy bunnies for her, but she has grown up, and she is no longer the little kid Chi Nuonuo before.

Chi Nuonuo sniffed hard, and Gu Nanting's figure just now came to mind.

Fair skin, nice collarbones, abdominal muscles, a few pieces that are not counted, legs are very slender, and that ......

No, no, Chi Nono can't be lustful!

Even if she wants to be sexual, she can't be lustful to the old man she hates the most!


Chi Nono, you have to be sober.

"What are you talking to yourself?" Gu Nanting, who was leaning against the door, was looking at her with interest with his arms folded.

"What's your business!"

Gu Nanting had already changed his clothes, wearing a gray knitted sweater on his upper body and a pair of black house pants on his lower body, he rubbed his eyebrows, his movements were slow and orderly, revealing the luxury of a rich young master, "Come out to eat." ”

"I'm not hungry!"

"I made your favorite braised pork ribs and sweet and sour fish, don't eat pull-down."

Gu Nanting turned around and left, and Chi Nuonuo's stomach rumbled several times in response to the occasion.

Back then, when Chi Minghai said that he wanted Gu Nanting to live in Chi's house, Chi Nuonuo disagreed.

She admits that Gu Nanting is very handsome and gentle, but she doesn't like an outsider living in her own house, and she looks down every day without looking up.

Then Gu Nanting made a meal for Chi Nuonuo to eat, and completely subdued Chi Nuonuo!

His cooking is so delicious, especially the braised pork ribs and sweet and sour fish, Chi Nuonuo eats it every day, but he can't eat enough, every time he comes home from school, he must pester Gu Nanting to cook for her at night, but since Chi Nuonuo ignored Gu Nanting, he never begged him to cook anymore!

Chi Nuonuo sat opposite Gu Nanting and rolled up his sleeves, people, you can't get along with food, otherwise you will be a fool!

When Chi Nuonuo finished eating, she looked up and saw Gu Nanting staring at her all the time, with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

Chi Nuonuo was sick to his stomach for a while, and smiled sarcastically, "Don't look at me with such a hypocritical smile, I'm disgusting." ”

Gu Nanting immediately restrained that gentle smile, he didn't understand why Chi Nuonuo hated him so much, obviously when they first met, she liked him a lot.

"I was going to tell you good news, but since you don't want to see me, forget it."

He got up and left, Chi Nuonuo's eyes lit up, and he became interested, "What good news?" Let's hear it. ”

Gu Nanting didn't turn around, he copied his pocket with one hand, and said in a slow and logical tone: "I agree with you to change the system." ”


Chi Nuono stood up excitedly, thinking that he had misheard.

She is now a sophomore at Jingcheng University and is studying economics, but Chi Nuonuo doesn't like economics very much! This major was forced by Gu Nanting to sign up, and Chi Nuonuo wanted to apply for the art academy!

She loves music, she loves the cello, and she wants to be a great cellist in the future!

But Gu Nanting ignored her dream and resolutely revised her wish and let her go to the School of Economics!

So much so that Chi Nuonuo has been very unhappy in the past two years, every time he sees Gu Nanting, he will think of him tampering with her volunteering, and he can't wait to strangle him. Now this old man actually agrees with her to change departments?

"Do you agree with me transferring to the Academy of Art?"

"Hmm." Gu Nanting turned around slowly, his face was unwavering, "The premise is that you give me some peace and don't have a boyfriend again." ”

Chi Nuonuo is beautiful and has no shortage of boys to pursue since he was a child, and when he was a freshman, he was more rebellious, and he was in love at the beginning, so he dated one of the courtyard grasses.

However, after only three days of dating, Yuancao suddenly said that he wanted to study abroad, so he left Beijing University, and this relationship was over.

Chi Nuonuo was a little annoyed, puffing out his cheeks, "It's all others who take the initiative to chase me, I meet someone I like, why do I refuse?" ”

"I didn't care about you before, but now, you're married, Chi Nuonuo, if you dare to cuckold me, you give me a try."

"Okay, I'll do it obediently, I'm going to change the department, I'm going to change the department, I'm going to change the department!"

After shouting three times, Chi Nuono finally succeeded in transferring to the Conservatory.

Say goodbye to those top students in the School of Economics!

Great, she can spend the remaining two years of college happily at the Conservatory!


Chi Nuonuo heard this familiar voice, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw an acquaintance.

Chi Nuonuo's good-looking little goose egg face finally bloomed with a heartfelt smile: "Xiaoqi! ”

This is Chi Nuonuo's best friend Mu Xiaoqi, who grew up together from childhood to adulthood.

Mu Xiaoqi's father Mu Dazhi and Chi Nuonuo's father Chi Minghai are world friends, one of them is engaged in trade to make a fortune, and the other is engaged in real estate to make a fortune.

Over the years, the industries of the Mu family and the Chi family have become bigger and bigger, but in comparison, Chi Minghai's Chihai Group is stronger, which is inseparable from Gu Nanting, since Gu Nanting joined the Chihai Group at the age of eighteen, in just ten years, the capital has not found a second headquarters that is even bigger than the Chihai Group.

"Nuo Nuo, how did you and your Uncle Gu get the certificate?"

Hearing this, Chi Nuonuo's little face, which was still sunny just now, immediately turned cloudy and overcast, "Which pot is not opened!" The marriage certificate, I didn't even see the skin of the cover, and it was taken away by the old man. ”

Of the two marriage certificates, Gu Nanting didn't give her any of them, and swallowed them by himself!

Mu Xiaoqi was embarrassed, "Nuo Nuo, your Uncle Gu is only twenty-eight, not old at all!" ”

"No, I'm going to call him an old man, that's what I'm going to call him."

She's only twenty, he's twenty-eight and he's going to run for three, isn't it an old man?

What's more, it's still an old man turned into a treacherous and cunning fox.

Mu Xiaoqi stopped talking to Chi Nuonuo about this topic, and instead talked about Chi Nuonuo's transfer of departments, Mu Xiaoqi had heard about Chi Nuonuo's transfer of departments, Mu Xiaoqi and Chi Nuonuo both did well in the college entrance examination, and the two of them went to Beijing University at the same time, Mu Xiaoqi likes to paint, so now the art department of the Academy of Arts.

And Chi Nono transferred to the Academy of Arts, in the music department, and the two of them were not in the same class at all.

Chi Nuonuo said goodbye to Mu Xiaoqi and entered a new class.

The class guide asked Chi Nuono to introduce himself.

Chi Nuonuo did not say that she was the daughter of the former chairman of Chihai Group, in fact, Chi Nuonuo has always hidden her identity, she went to school here, she briefly introduced her name and previous college, and nothing else was said.

After class, two girls took the initiative to come over and talk to Chi Nuono.

"Hello Nuonuo, my name is Sun Lijun, her name is Fan Xuan'er, we are your new roommates."

"Oh, hello, please advise me in the future." Chi Nuonuo said generously.

Ji Nono lives at school at noon and goes home at night, so she needs to have a good relationship with her two roommates.

Sun Lijun and Fan Xuan'er took Chi Nuonuo to visit the dormitory.

Sun Lijun is a hearty person, with a big grin, very good-looking, and a little dark skin.

Fan Xuan'er is also a good-looking girl, relatively thin, Fan Xuan'er is very white, but Chi Nuonuo is even whiter than Fan Xuan'er, so Fan Xuan'er is still a little worse than Chi Nuonuo.

"Nono, what do you do at home?"

"My family." Since she was a child, Chi Nuonuo was inevitably asked this kind of question, she was used to it, "My parents have passed away, and I am now living with my uncle, my uncle has a big temper and always kills me, and he is not good to me at all." ”

"You're so pathetic, Nono!"

Sun Lijun and Fan Xuan'er couldn't help but sympathize with Chi Nuonuo.

Chi Nuonuo nodded vigorously, a cute little face, how to look at how pleasing it is.

After school in the afternoon, Uncle Wang drove to pick up Nuonuo.

Nuo Nuo looked around and saw that there were no familiar classmates around, so he got into the black Mercedes-Benz S, a little depressed, "Uncle Wang, you can drive a low-key car to pick me up next time." ”

"Miss Nono, this is already the most low-key car in the young master's garage." Uncle Wang couldn't cry or laugh.

Chi Nuonuo choked, and suddenly had nothing to say.

Chi Nuonuo had already eaten dinner at school, so when she got home, she locked herself in her room and didn't say a word to Gu Nanting all night.

The next day, Chi Nuonuo had dinner with Fan Xuaner and Sun Lijun, and received a notice from the homework group.

Everyone at the Conservatory prepares for a mid-term test in which they are required to play a piece of world difficulty, performed by an ensemble of piano and cello.

Chi Nuonuo studied cello, Fan Xuan'er also studied cello, and Sun Lijun studied piano.

Originally, Fan Xuan'er and Sun Lijun planned to be in a group, but suddenly considering that Chi Nuonuo was alone, the two of them were a little worried, "Nuonuo, who are you in a group with?" ”

"I don't know anyone in the class, and I don't know who to turn to."

"Nuonuo, why don't you go with Junjun, I'll go find someone else." Fan Xuan'er took the initiative to say.

Chi Nuonuo snorted movingly, "Thank you, Xuan'er, but don't worry, I'll find someone to be in my group." ”

After school, Chi Nuonuo rushed to find Mu Xiaoqi, hoping that Mu Xiaoqi would be her foreign aid, Mu Xiaoqi looked frightened, "You are crazy, I am not perfect, otherwise I wouldn't have learned to paint." ”

"Alas, but I don't know who to look for except you, I don't know anyone in the new class except my roommates."

"Looking for your Uncle Gu, doesn't your Uncle Gu know how to play the piano?"


There was a burst of disdain in Chi Nuonuo's heart, she did hear Gu Nanting play the piano when she was young, he was like a melancholy piano prince, sitting at the piano and playing his own score.

It was also because of Gu Nanting's enlightenment that Chi Nuonuo fell in love with music and the cello. Her original intention of learning cello at that time was so that she could stand beside Gu Nanting and be his most suitable accompaniment.

But now?

When Chi Nuonuo thought of Gu Nanting, she panicked in her heart, she usually didn't want to say a word to him, could she still beg him to let him be her accompanist?

Chi Nuonuo is a very strong and self-respecting person, she didn't want to ask Gu Nanting to open her mouth, so she simply practiced the piano by herself, planning to take the exam alone, but seeing that everyone had a partner, she was alone, and she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated and sad.

There are two days to take the exam, Chi Nuonuo has been practicing in the piano room after eating, she is very irritable today, she has played several times and has not been able to play well, Chi Nuonuo's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

He simply lay on the table with one hand covering his eyes.

"What's wrong, who bullied you?" Gu Nanting's voice suddenly echoed in her ears, and Chi Nuonuo turned her head to see the man who appeared beside her at some point, and hurriedly wiped her tears.

"You don't have to."

"Miss, doesn't your exam require cello and piano ensembles, isn't the young master playing the piano very well? Let the young master do the accompaniment for you, the young lady and the young master will definitely be able to amaze the four. ”

Zhang's mother stood outside the door and said, this is the nanny who has taken care of Chi Nuonuo since she was a child.

Chi Nuonuo has feelings for Zhang's mother, and he told Zhang's mother about what happened unpleasantly at school as soon as he got home.

Gu Nanting frowned, Chi Nuonuo's affairs at school, Zhang's mother knew better than him.

He also generally understood what troubles Chi Nuonuo was facing, and leaned over, "Which tune are you going to play?" Show me. ”

"No, I'm going to play it myself-"

Before Chi Nuonuo's words were finished, the score on the table was taken away by Gu Nanting, he sat down, crossed Erlang's legs, took a pen in one hand and sketched on the score, his expression was very serious and focused.

Chi Nuonuo stared at Gu Nanting with some distraction, his eyelashes are so long, is this person an eyelash monster, what does a man's eyelashes look like like this.

"Play it for me."

As soon as Gu Nanting raised his head, his deep eyes collided into Chi Nuonuo's eyes that he hadn't had time to retract and look at.

Chi Nuonuo sat down with a small face and reluctantly played.

Halfway through the play, the low and soothing piano sound suddenly connected with her cello, and the two of them were like a piano and a chord, obviously it was the first time to play together, but there was such a tacit understanding.

Chi Nuonuo's irritable heart miraculously calmed down little by little, and she couldn't tell whether she was pulling Gu Nanting's rhythm, or Gu Nanting cooperating with her rhythm, in short, completely following the feeling, so playing.

Just a song.

The layman's mother couldn't help but applaud, "Young master, miss, you two cooperate so well, it's a natural pair." ”

"Who is a natural match with him."

Although Chi Nuonuo was duplicitous, he had to admit that Gu Nanting did cooperate with her tacitly.

In the playing just now, she forgot her hatred for him, and was led by him by the nose, so she finished playing.

"One more time." Gu Nanting was like a teaching director, his deep voice echoed in Chi Nuonuo's ears, and Chi Nuonuo and Gu Nanting played together a few more times, and the two of them became more and more tacit.

I don't know how many times I practiced, Chi Nuonuo felt sleepy, Gu Nanting finally got up, "Rest, I'll go to Beijing University tomorrow." ”

Chi Nuonuo's sleepy insect immediately ran away and stood up suddenly, "No, we said that we would hide the marriage." ”

There is another very important reason why Chi Nuonuo did not find Gu Nanting as an accompanist.

The day before receiving the certificate, Gu Nanting agreed to her, and after receiving the certificate, she would hide her marriage and not disclose the marriage between the two people.

So now except for Zhang's mother, Uncle Wang, who is driving, and Chi Nuonuo's best friend Mu Xiaoqi, no one knows that Chi Nuonuo is already Mrs. Gu!

Chi Nuonuo didn't want Gu Nanting to go to Beijing University, Gu Nanting was a figure with a head and a face, he had been in magazines and interviews, if he went to accompany her, he would definitely be recognized in front of so many teachers and students.

Gu Nanting didn't say anything, turned around and left.

The next day, Chi Nono went to school early in the morning.

The exam was advanced, and it was placed this morning, and Chi Nuonuo's number was the last, who made her a transfer student, and it was finally Chi Nuono's turn to play.

She was wearing a white burgundy dress, her already fair skin was lined as white as snow, Chi Nuonuo's net height was 166, not short, and her straight and slender legs attracted the attention of many male classmates.

Chi Nono took a deep breath and began to introduce the repertoire he was going to play, and then sat down and prepared to play solo.

Fan Xuan'er and Sun Lijun, who were sitting in the audience, glanced at each other, and became a little worried, does Chi Nuonuo want to play solo by himself? But the teacher won't let me play solo.

The others also looked at each other, Chi Nono, is this going to be solo?

Isn't this obvious, violating the rules, not for credit?

Chi Nuono didn't care about the gossip, sat down, and started playing.

The low sound of a cello sounding like it had been torn apart, and the next second, a soothing piano sound connected with the deep cello.

Chi Nuono heard the sound of accompaniment, glanced sideways, and saw only a man in a black coat, wearing a cap and a mask, covering it tightly.

Gu Nanting.

Is this Gu Nanting?

Chi Nuonuo didn't have time to think about it so much, and her music began to be led away by Gu Nanting's nose again.

As soon as the song was over, everyone applauded, including the teacher, and gave Chi Nuono a thumbs up.

Chi Nuonuo stood up in a panic and looked at the person beside her, she saw Gu Nanting's deep eyes.

He is the only one in this world who has such a pair of deep, star-like eyes.

However, Gu Nanting just glanced at her and left silently through the back door.

Chi Nuonuo's heart suddenly hurt.

Gu Nanting is such a proud and proud person, why would he dress up to do this as her accompaniment? He did this, and it made her feel a burden.

Chi Nuonuo was hugged by Sun Lijun and Fan Xuan'er, "Nuonuo, you play well, you don't look like a new transfer student at all, by the way, who is the boy who just accompanied you?" Is your boyfriend? ”

"It's not. He-"

Chi Nuonuo was stuck, and he didn't know how to introduce Gu Nanting, so he immediately bypassed the topic, "After the exam, you can go play, right?" ”

"What are you playing, wait and go to the commendation meeting."

The results of this exam came out on the same day, and Chi Nuonuo's playing level was very high, plus the person who accompanied her, was very cooperative, so Chi Nuonuo was the icing on the cake and won the first place in the whole department.

At the same time, other faculties also hold examinations, and the first place winner is commended by the president, and certificates and scholarships are awarded.

The scholarship was awarded in advance, which was something that everyone did not expect, Chi Nuonuo did not have any idea of the so-called scholarship, and she was not short of money to spend, and when she arrived in the auditorium, she heard Sun Lijun say that this scholarship was set up by Chihai Group, and the current chairman of Chihai Group wanted to present the award in person!

"I heard that the current chairman of Chihai Group, named Gu Nanting, is only 28 years old, and he is a dark horse in the shopping mall, and he has killed many century-old industries at a young age."

"After all, it's my Gu Nanting, my idol, the top boss of the group I want to work for in the future!" Fan Xuan'er held her face and said shyly.

Chi Nuonuo was a little helpless, "Xuan'er, you are still so young, why do you like a twenty-eight old man." ”

"Nono, how can you call my idol an old man? Do you know how handsome Gu Nanting is, his peach blossom eyes, my God, I saw them in magazines, and when I looked at them, I felt that I was going to be sucked into his eyes. ”

"Well, calm down."

Chi Nuonuo held Fan Xuan'er's shoulder, she had been watching Nanting for ten years, and she hadn't seen her sucked in by those eyes!

The three of them sat down in their seats.

Chi Nuonuo really saw Gu Nanting, he changed into a coat, he didn't wear a cap and a mask, as soon as his handsome face appeared, the screams of the girls in the audience skipped over Chi Nuonuo's ears like firecrackers.

This scream is not lacking in Sun Lijun and Fan Xuan'er beside her.

Especially Fan Xuan'er's voice, like a dolphin sound, echoed in Chi Nuonuo's ears.

Fan Xuan'er excitedly pulled Sun Lijun's clothes, "Look at it, my idol is really handsome!" ”

Sun Lijun just smiled shyly, and then silently looked at Gu Nanting who was in the wind in Yushu.

Only Chi Nuonuo himself is rolling his eyes, is it so exaggerated? These little sisters, how many years have you not seen a man?

"Hello everyone, I am the president of Chihai Group, Gu Nanting."

Gu Nanting's deep and magnetic voice came through the microphone, and there was another scream and exclamation below.

Gu Nanting's eyes flew over Chi Nuonuo's side, and quickly withdrew it, as if he didn't go to see her specifically, but he knew that she was there and wanted to make sure if she was really there.

Gu Nanting's mellow voice was as deep as just now, "Jingcheng University is a famous school, Chihai Group welcomes outstanding talents to join, and I hope that everyone here will have the opportunity to work in Chihai Group in the future." ”

When the words fell, there was a round of applause.

Chi Nuonuo also applauded symbolically, Gu Nanting, an old man, an evil capitalist, came to the university to suck blood again, painting a big cake for this group of young people and girls who are like flowers and jade, and attracting them to be slaves of capitalists.

It's bad.

"Please come forward to receive the award."

Chi Nuonuo was pushed forward by Fan Xuan'er, before that, Gu Nanting had already given awards to many people, this time it was Chi Nuonuo's turn, he shook hands with Chi Nuonuo as just now, and presented her with an award, his voice was as usual, "Congratulations, I hope to continue to work hard." ”

Who would have thought that such a high-ranking person would just sneak up on her as an accompanist.

Chi Nuonuo was a little awkward, she was rarely obedient, and lowered her head, "Thank you, Mr. Gu." ”

She knew that Gu Nanting could understand what she meant.

Gu Nanting shaved the corners of his lips and tore apart an inconspicuous arc, "It should be." ”

The principal was stunned for a moment, when Gu Nanting presented awards to others, he said "You're welcome", but when he came to Chi Nuonuo's side, he said "yes".

Chi Nono took the certificate and scholarship, turned around and stepped down.

After Chi Nuonuo thanked him, he felt much more comfortable in his heart.

She has a scholarship and invites her roommates and girlfriends to dinner.

Sun Lijun and Fan Xuan'er lived on campus, and the two of them left soon, and Chi Nuonuo and Mu Xiaoqi ate here together.

Mu Xiaoqi remembered Gu Nanting at the award ceremony today, and was speechless, "Your Uncle Gu is really handsome, suave, Nuo Nuo, you have so many rivals." ”


Chi Nuonuo scoffed, "Mrs. Gu's position, do you think I'm rare?" Love who wants who wants. ”

She still wished that a rival in love snatched Gu Nanting away, it was also evil, why did Chi Nuonuo not see Gu Nanting's girlfriend or something by his side for so many years?

Could it be that he has a man behind his back?

"Hey Chi Nuonuo, I really want to know, why do you hate your Uncle Gu so much, I remember when you were a child, you had a very good impression of him, you stuck behind people all day long and called your brother, and you want people to carry you, and the princess hugs you."

Chi Nuonuo was embarrassed, this was all in the Year of the Monkey, and Mu Xiaoqi even mentioned it!

She doesn't want to lose face.

"That's because I have no eyes, I thought he was a righteous gentleman, who knows, he is a hypocrite, he is dark, he is not bright, he is a villain, he endangers good people."

The more Mu Xiaoqi listened, the more she couldn't understand.

Villain? Hypocrite? Endangering good people? What do you mean?

What heinous thing did Gu Nanting do to make Chi Nuonuo hate him so much?

Chi Nuonuo frowned his delicate brows, didn't want to say, ordered two bottles of beer, and drank it by himself.

"You're crazy, Chi Nono!"

Mu Xiaoqi snatched the wine bottle from Chi Nuonuo's hand, "You drink, I want your Uncle Gu to beat you to death!" ”

"Does he dare to hit me? He didn't dare, I am now the largest shareholder of Chihai Group, as long as I want, I can let Gu Nanting sweep out of the house now, but ...... Woo, my dad likes him. ”

Chi Nuono cried as he spoke.

Because her father Chi Minghai likes Gu Nanting!

recognized Gu Nanting, a son-in-law, and forced Chi Nuonuo to marry Gu Nanting, and was not allowed to divorce.

If she drove Gu Nanting away, she was afraid that her father, who was in the underworld, would come out of the coffin and strangle her.

Mu Xiaoqi felt that Chi Nuonuo couldn't drink anymore, and remembered that when Chi Nuonuo was eighteen years old, he slapped Gu Nanting in front of all his classmates at the graduation party because of drinking.

At that time, Gu Nanting didn't say anything, picked up Chi Nuonuo and left.

That day, Mu Xiaoqi was very worried that Chi Nuonuo would be beaten by Gu Nanting.

It was three days before she met Chi Nuono. Chi Nuonuo told her that he was punished by Gu Nanting for copying the meditation mantra for three days, and also wrote a letter of guarantee, promising Gu Nanting not to drink alcohol in the future.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoqi was a little worried about Chi Nuonuo's safety, so he took Chi Nuonuo back to his home.

Chi Nuonuo's phone rang non-stop, and Mu Xiaoqi looked at the caller ID, and the remark was: Old man!

Mu Xiaoqi stubbornly picked it up, "Hey, Mr. Gu, Nuo Nuo, she is tired of playing, and she sleeps at my house tonight." ”

Gu Nanting was silent for three seconds, "She caused you trouble, I'll pick her up." ”

"No need Mr. Gu, just let Nuo Nuo sleep in my house-"

"I'll go pick her up."

Gu Nanting couldn't be ignored, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Chi Nuonuo slept on the sofa at Mu Xiaoqi's house, his white little face was covered by the broken hair on his forehead.

After a while, Gu Nanting came, and when he entered the door, he saw Chi Nuonuo, who was drunk and red-faced, and his eyes sank.

Mu Xiaoqi hurriedly explained, "Nuo Nuo was so happy to get a scholarship today that she drank alcohol, and I drank too, and I drank with her." ”

Gu Nanting stepped forward and hugged Chi Nuonuo horizontally, the little girl frowned, and then drilled into his arms to keep warm.

Gu Nanting hugged Chi Nuonuo tightly, raising his eyebrows, "Do you have a coat?" Drape her. ”

"Yes, you wait for me to go to my room and get it."

Mu Xiaoqi was a little afraid of Gu Nanting, and she didn't know why she was afraid of Gu Nanting.

may be because he was born to make people feel oppressive, empty-eyed, but decisive to kill.

Mu Xiaoqi found a coat of her own and put it on Chi Nuonuo, and Gu Nanting hugged Chi Nuonuo and left.

Chi Nuonuo felt her body swaying, she opened her eyes suddenly, turned her head and stared at the trees outside the window, it was so dark, and there were neon lights, she turned her head again and saw Gu Nanting driving.

His angular jawline echoed in her eyes.

Chi Nuonuo snorted, and threw himself into Gu Nanting's arms with a prick, "The surname Gu, you are not allowed to leave me alone, you are not allowed to be like my father and throw me away." ”

Gu Nanting glanced at the delicate little girl, and touched her soft hair with one free hand, "No." Feel relieved. ”

Chi Nuonuo hooked the corners of his mouth contentedly, and fell asleep in a daze.

Early the next morning, Chi Nono woke up from his big bed.

Head, it hurts.

Is she having a hangover? Why do you have a hangover in your own home?

"Miss, you're awake." Zhang's mother walked in, holding a bowl of hangover soup in her hand.

Chi Nuonuo happened to be thirsty, so he took the bowl and drank it.

So satisfied, so happy.

But happiness is only three seconds......

"Are you awake, Mrs. Gu?" A demonic voice came from outside the door.

Zhang's mother retreated very interestingly and coughed twice.

Chi Nuonuo shrunk in the quilt, staring at Gu Nanting leaning against the door with a pair of big watery eyes, she remembered that it seemed that Gu Nanting drove her back last night.

She promised Gu Nanting not to drink, but she still drank.

Gu Nanting was expressionless and threw over a meditation mantra from Chi Nuonuo from a small copy to a large one, "I have already asked for leave for you and the school, don't think about going out if you don't finish copying." ”

"I don't copy this book, I want to vomit!"

"Then copy this one."

Gu Nanting threw away a thicker Diamond Sutra.

Chi Nuonuo picked up the Diamond Sutra from the ground and threw it on Gu Nanting, "Why do you always force me to do things I don't like?" That's why I hate you, I don't like people restricting my freedom, and I don't like you to do those dirty little things behind your back. ”

Gu Nanting raised his eyebrows, "Chi Nuonuo, what did I do?" ”

"I don't know!"

Chi Nuonuo got out of bed, pushed Gu Nanting away, and ran out.

She took a taxi to school, didn't want to go home, and told the class guide that she wanted a dormitory, but the class guide was embarrassed, "If you want to stay overnight, you need your guardian to come and sign." ”

Chi Nuonuo's current guardian is Gu Nanting! But Chi Nuonuo doesn't want to see Gu Nanting now!

When she returned to the classroom, Sun Lijun and Fan Xuan'er asked Chi Nuonuo what was wrong and why her face was so ugly, Chi Nuonuo just shook her head, and then lay on the table, grunting...... My stomach growled.

I'm so hungry. She didn't even eat breakfast when she went out.

"Students, another new student has transferred over today, let us welcome."

Accompanied by the voice of the class guide, Chi Nuonuo raised his head curiously, and when he saw a familiar figure, he was stunned.

Meng Yifan.

How could it be him......

When did Chi Nuonuo start hating Gu Nanting?

It's going to start with Meng Yifan......

Two years ago, Chi Nuonuo had a good impression of Meng Yifan in the next class.

Meng Yifan bought her breakfast every day, and came to wait for her after school in the evening, even if she didn't want to go with him, Meng Yifan had to wait for Chi Nuonuo to go together and go home together.

Chi Nuonuo is not a hard-hearted person, and he was gradually moved by the careful Meng Yifan.

At that time, she was already an adult, so she agreed to try dating Meng Yifan.

She happily told her father Chi Minghai about this, who knew that Chi Minghai was not happy, but Chi Nuonuo didn't take it seriously, she would date whoever she liked, and no one could stop her.

However, after only five days of dating, Meng Yifan took the initiative to break up with her!

Chi Nuonuo didn't know why, so he asked him why, and Meng Yifan didn't say anything.

In the end, Chi Nuonuo forced him to ask him the reason, Meng Yifan gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "Your brother, he is very scary, I dare not associate with you." ”


Chi Nuonuo doesn't have a brother, but everyone in the class mistook Gu Nanting for her brother.

That day, Chi Nuonuo got out of school, in the dim alley, she saw with her own eyes the scene that she could never forget for the rest of her life.

Gu Nanting, who was slender and straight, kicked Meng Yifan against the wall with one foot, he was high, his eyebrows and eyes were cold, and his good-looking peach blossom eyes hung down slightly, but the soles of his feet crushed Meng Yifan's finger joints.

Chi Nuonuo heard Gu Nanting's words, and his voice was like an emperor full of contempt and ridicule, "If you dare to get close to Nuo Nuo, it's not as simple as being beaten." ”

Chi Nuono was dumbfounded.

In her heart, Gu Nanting has always been a gentle big brother.

He is handsome and compelling, has a good personality, and is fair and fair.

But what about now?

He was dark, violent, and had a murderous aura in his eyes.

How could this be the gentle big brother Gu Nanting in her impression?

That night, Chi Nuonuo asked Gu Nanting if he knew why Meng Yifan broke up with her.

Gu Nanting's eyes looked at her, still very gentle, and his voice was also gentle and doting, "Nuo Nuo, you are good, study hard now, okay?" ”

Chi Nuonuo sneered, it turned out that he was not only violent and dark, but also pretended!

The last thing she likes is a two-faced person.

Before, Chi Nuonuo saw Gu Nanting talking to Chi Minghai, and felt that he was polite, gentlemanly, and educated.

Ever since I saw the scene of Gu Nanting's violence, and when I saw Gu Nanting and Chi Minghai talking with a smile, I felt that he was scheming, calculating, calculating, and pretending, disgusting.

Chi Nuonuo also wanted to understand Gu Nanting.

But since Meng Yifan, every time she dated a boy, it didn't last more than a week, and the other party suddenly broke up with her, saying that she would not contact her in the future.

Chi Nuonuo naturally thought that all this was Gu Nanting's ghost behind his back.

So, strictly speaking, Chi Nuonuo doesn't have a real first love yet, and she doesn't even know what the boy's mouth tastes like!

At this moment, Meng Yifan's figure echoed in Chi Nuonuo's eyes.

Meng Yifan also saw Chi Nuonuo, and the corners of his mouth opened a meaningful smile.

Meng Yifan sat down next to Chi Nuonuo's aisle.

Chi Nuono didn't say hello to him, he hadn't seen him for two years, and he didn't know what to say.

After class, Chi Nuonuo got up and walked outside.

Meng Yifan chased out, "Nuonuo." ”

Chi Nuono exhaled and turned around, "Hello." ”

"Nono, you can't forget me, do you?"

"Ah, yes...... I remembered, you are Meng Yifan, why did you transfer here? ”

Meng Yifan hooked the corners of his mouth, "Because there are people I want to see here." Nono, I miss you so much. ”

Chi Nuonuo's heart has no waves.

He saw Gu Nanting kick Meng Yifan half to death.

I also saw Meng Yifan like a dog, prostrate and begging Gu Nanting, begging Gu Nanting to let him go.

She didn't understand why human dignity could be trampled on by another person. He was beaten so badly by Gu Nanting, why didn't he fight back?

Although Chi Nuonuo doesn't like Gu Nanting, she also doesn't like people like Meng Yifan who have no dignity and no sense of resistance.

"Meng Yifan, if you really missed me, you wouldn't have broken up with me and left me in the first place, wouldn't you?"

"Me. Nono—"

Meng Yifan suddenly wanted to speak and stopped for a moment, and then smiled, "Nuo Nuo, when I come back this time, I will let you understand that I am only here for you." ”

After saying this, Meng Yifan turned around and left.

Chi Nuonuo stared at Meng Yifan's back, frowning a little puzzled, how did she think that Meng Yifan seemed to have changed? is no longer the sunny boy in the impression, but seems to be hiding a lot of things.

Chi Nuono didn't want to do so much anymore because she was hungry.

Finally got out of class, Chi Nuonuo rushed to the cafeteria to eat, and before he had eaten two bites of hot food, Fan Xuan'er on the side suddenly opened her mouth, "We don't have classes in the afternoon, let's go to the bar to play." ”

"Ahem, ahem." Chi Nuonuo was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect Fan Xuan'er to be such a restless girl in her bones.

"I'm not going, I'm going to the library to read and review, I'll go first." After Sun Lijun finished speaking, she left with the dinner plate.

Chi Nuonuo also wanted to leave, Fan Xuan'er suddenly grabbed Nuonuo's arm, "Nuonuo, you're the best, you accompany me to the bar, I recently watched the drama I saw those bars, I really want to go, but Junjun doesn't like to go to that kind of place, no one accompanies me." ”

"Xuan'er, I'm still eating, I'm also- hey."

Before Chi Nuonuo's meal was eaten, he was dragged away by Fan Xuan'er and taken directly to the bar.

This is a famous Susan bar in the North City District, which is also open during the day, and there are many people who come, although not as many as at night, compared to other bars, it is already overcrowded.

Chi Nuonuo was pulled by Fan Xuan'er to sit down at the empty bar.

The bar here is very large and long, with a full row of 100 seats, and Chi Nuonuo and Fan Xuan'er sit in the corner, admiring the world of men and women.

This is the first time Chi Nuonuo has come to the bar, she has been strict since she was a child, her father doesn't let her come to this kind of place, after Chi Minghai died, Chi Nuonuo was managed by Gu Nanting, and the bar is not allowed to enter this kind of event.

Chi Nuono's eyes are now full of curiosity and exploration, it turns out that this is a bar, there is a jumping area, and there is a DJ area, all kinds of things.

In another shadow area, several men with extraordinary temperaments were sitting there drinking.

The man in the middle has heroic eyebrows, a black shirt is noble and charming, This is Gu Nanting.

Gu Nanting was surrounded by a few young masters, a few of them were mixed-race, and a few came back from abroad to play with Gu Nanting, wanting to see how Gu Nanting was doing.

"Old Gu, my brothers don't understand what you think in your heart, let the GK Group not inherit it, and work for the Chihai Group in the capital, if you are threatened, you will blink."

Gu Nanting was too lazy to take care of these people, lightly closed his peach blossom eyes, rubbed his tired temples, and looked casual and noble, like a lazy fox.

"Stop teasing him! The second young master of our family, maybe he likes to work alone in a foreign country, or maybe he can't do it. ”

"Hey, yes, I heard that the chairman of the Chihai Group has passed away a long time ago, so this Chihai Group is now the country of our Second Young Master Gu."

The person who spoke was called Zhao Deqi, a well-known young man in S City, his father was the chairman of the board of directors engaged in the home appliance industry, and the family industry was hundreds of billions, but this person was at ease, just waiting to gnaw at the old.

Zhao Deqi is still a no-brainer, and there are very few people who can put him in his eyes, and Gu Nanting is one of them.

Gu Nanting is the second young master of the GK Group, the GK Group started in the United States, the market value is several trillions, and the top 100 Chihai Group, but I don't know what the second young master thinks, he has cut off relations with his family for many years, and he has been staying in the capital and not going back.

Is it a brain pump? Got water in your brain? Kicked by a donkey?

We don't dare to say, we don't dare to ask.

Gu Nanting raised his wrist and looked at his watch, got up and was about to leave, but was grabbed by several brothers.

"The brothers came to visit you, you didn't drink a glass of wine, where are you going?"

"I've been playing with you for a long time, isn't this level of catching the wind and washing the dust enough?"

"How can you! Go find a few girls and have fun. Zhao Deqi doesn't have a doorkeeper on his lips, he changes three girlfriends a week, and Zhao Deqi has never had much respect for women.

Gu Nanting frowned, "I don't care how you play, I'll go back first." ”

Gu Nanting copied the coat on the side and put it on.

Zhao Deqi hugged another man's neck, he drank too much, drunkenly looked at the handsome Gu Nanting, followed Gu Nanting's back, saw Chi Nuonuo and Fan Xuan'er in the direction of eight o'clock, Zhao Deqi was a little interested.

"Those two feel good, quite tender, especially the one in the white dress, look at the little face that is as smooth as jade, look at the slender waist, Lao Gu, take a look - the one behind you, absolutely amazing."

Gu Nanting glanced at it casually.

At the bar, Chi Nuonuo, who was wearing a white dress, was chatting and laughing with his roommate next to him.

Gu Nanting's brows furrowed, and his eyes sank suddenly.

"Second Young Master Gu, how do you look straight? Why, I'll just say that the white dress is good, that waist, that leg, if those two legs are wrapped around a man's waist—"

Before Zhao Deqi's words were finished, with a bang, Gu Nanting swung his fist and directly knocked Zhao Deqi to the ground.

The rest of the people were stunned!

No one dared to support Zhao Deqi!

Zhao Deqi stood up from the ground by himself, the corners of his mouth were bleeding from Gu Nanting, his face was swollen, and most of the wine was sober, "The surname is Gu, are you neurotic?" What are you hitting me for! ”

"If you dare to lust my wife again, Lao Tzu will let you die in the capital."

Zhao Deqi, Song Sichen, Huang Lin, Xiao Tingyue.

These Gu Nanting's brothers who came back from abroad were all dumbfounded.

Gu Nanting, has a wife? Really?

A few big men put down their wine glasses and stared at Chi Nuonuo quickly.

Huang Lin is short-sighted, he went out today without wearing contact lenses, walked to Chi Nuonuo's side, and stared at her.

Chi Nuonuo felt disgust and disdain for a while, "Who are you, what are you staring at me?" ”

Believe it or not, she punched him flat?

Zhao Deqi walked over, immediately pulled Huang Lin back, and saluted Chi Nuonuo, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law!" I don't know Tarzan with my eyes! ”

Chi Nuono felt that both of them were sick.

As soon as Chi Nuonuo turned his head, his mobile phone rang, and when he saw the words "old man", Fan Xuan'er leaned her head over, "Old man? Nono ...... Is this your guardian uncle? ”

"yes, it's him, he's annoying."

Chi Nuonuo didn't want to answer the phone, but the phone rang again, and Chi Nuonuo could only pick it up, "What are you doing?" ”

"Come out now."

Chi Nuonuo was stunned, did Gu Nanting know that she was in the bar, "I, I sleep in the dormitory now, I can't get out." ”

"Chi Nono, when did you learn to lie? I'll give you three numbers for me to come out of the bar now, or I'll go in and tell your roommate, what is our relationship. ”

Chi Nuonuo hung up the phone angrily, and looked at Fan Xuan'er guiltily, "Xuan'er, I'm sorry, my uncle said that there was a gas leak at home, let me go back and take a look, I'll go first." ”

didn't care about Fan Xuan'er's reaction, Chi Nuonuo ran as fast as a rabbit and escaped.

The black Maybach outside, with the license plate number of four eights, is Gu Nanting's car.

In fact, this car has been around for some years, when Chi Nuonuo was in middle school, Gu Nanting always drove this car to pick her up from school, Chi Nuonuo had feelings for this car, she said to Gu Nanting, don't sell this car, you have to drive it until it is scrapped.

Chi Nuono walked over hard, and the driver got out of the car and opened the door for Chi Nuono.

Chi Nuonuo got into the car, Gu Nanting's iron-blue face like Lord Yan made her suffocate and disgusted, "Gu Nanting, did I do something heinous?" Let you stare at me with that kind of look. ”

"Chi Nuonuo, have you forgotten the marriage code?"


Chi Nuonuo was sad that before getting married, he was forced to sign a marriage code with Gu Nanting.

Article 3 of the marriage code states that Chi Nuonuo is not allowed to stay overnight, and is not allowed to go to bars, nightclubs and other places.

"You forced me to sign that code, I didn't sign it voluntarily, I'm twenty, I'm not a child anymore, I'm coming to the bar, I'm here with friends, I didn't drink, I didn't do anything sorry for you, I have a clear conscience."

Chi Nuonuo looked like he was at home, the sheep would kick people if he was forced for a long time, not to mention that Chi Nuonuo was forced for too long, and it was understandable that he would break out.

Gu Nanting didn't laugh angrily, "Say one more thing, tomorrow I will send a wedding post to the people in the whole capital, telling everyone that you are my Gu Nanting's wife." ”

"Gu Nanting, if you dare to say it, I will kick you out of the Chihai Group tomorrow!"

Chi Nuonuo controls 50% of the company's shares and is the largest shareholder of Chihai Group, so she doesn't believe that she came forward and can't get rid of Gu Nanting, an old vixen!

"Drive me out of the Chihai Group, you yourself have to drink the northwest wind, you and I are living and dying together, Uncle Chi handed you over to me before he died, that is, he wanted you to be obedient by my side and be your pampered lady."


Chi Nuonuo seemed to hear some big joke, "You abuse me every day, don't let me do this, don't let me do that, restrict my personal freedom, where am I pampered?" If my father knew that you were bullying me every day, I guess the coffin board would not be able to hold it down, and he would crawl out of it in the middle of the night to teach you a dog. ”

"Is enough scolding?" Compared to her anger, he seemed calm and light.

"Nope! If I scold you, Gu Nanting, I can scold you for three days and three nights, I can't scold enough, drain the water of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River for me to drink, otherwise I will die of thirst because of scolding you. ”

Gu Nanting raised his eyebrows, "I'll pump the Yellow River water for you now?" Are you sure you can drink it? ”


Forget it, she doesn't waste her tongue with him, why waste her tongue with this kind of person, isn't it?

It's not necessary, it's not necessary, Chi Nuonuo, let's just say, it's completely unnecessary.

When he finally got home, Chi Nuono got out of the car quickly, rushed into his room, and slammed the door.

I was lying in bed and sleeping, but my stomach suddenly hurt.

She didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food at noon before she was dragged to the bar by Fan Xuan'er, and drank two glasses of juice, maybe she was in too much hurry on the road, or she was angry with Gu Nanting, Chi Nuonuo now has a stomachache.

Chi Nuonuo's stomach has not been very good, she is too picky, very picky eater, when she was a child, she often did not eat on time and had gastritis, these days Gu Nanting was forced to eat on time, eat reasonably, and her stomach has improved a lot.

Now it hurts, it should be an old problem.

The stomach hurts, it's almost the same as the pain of the eldest aunt, Chi Nuonuo's tears of pain have fallen, she is just a squeamish person, she is afraid of pain, she doesn't like pain.

"Mama Zhang, Mama Zhang—"

Chi Nuonuo shouted this time, Zhang's mother didn't shout, she called Gu Nanting, Gu Nanting saw her tears and pitiful appearance, frowned and turned her lying body over, "Stomach hurts?" Didn't eat at noon today? ”

"Don't worry about it, stay away from me."

"Mother Zhang," Gu Nanting called out to Mother Zhang, and ordered, "Go and cook a bowl of tempeh soup for Nuo Nuo." ”

"Yes, young master."

As long as Chi Nuonuo has a stomachache, drink a bowl of tempeh soup, and soon his stomach will not hurt, but the tempeh soup is very unpalatable, and Chi Nuonuo doesn't like it very much.

"I don't want to drink tempeh soup, you get up, I don't want to see your face now."

"If you don't want to see me, you have to watch it for the rest of your life, if you want to divorce me, I will never allow it, Chi Nuonuo, you might as well accept the fact that I am your husband from now on."

"I don't accept it, and I won't accept it when I die." Chi Nuonuo only cared about fighting with Gu Nanting, and didn't notice that Gu Nanting's hand was rubbing her stomach, Chi Nuonuo felt that her stomach didn't hurt so much, looked down, and brushed Gu Nanting's hand away.

"I'll just rub it myself, you go back to your room and sleep, I'll let Mama Zhang take care of me."

"Young master, the soup is here."

Gu Nanting took the tempeh soup from Zhang's mother's hand, and wanted to feed Chi Nuonuo in person, Chi Nuonuo didn't open his eyes, "I'll drink it myself, I'll say it again, you go out, just let Zhang's mother be here." ”

She stubbornly looked like a little calf, Gu Nanting stared at her for a few seconds, and finally compromised, "Mom Zhang, you saw her drink it with your own eyes, and then tell me." ”

"Yes, young master."

As soon as Gu Nanting left, Chi Nuonuo took the bowl and drank the soup.

After all, it was made by Zhang's mother, and if Gu Nanting's bastard boiled it, she wouldn't have stopped drinking.

"Mom Zhang, thank you for taking care of me, it's not too early, you go and rest first."

"I'm nothing," Mama Zhang smiled, "Miss, why do you like to be angry with the young master so much." ”

"Then I just don't like her, forcing a person to live with someone I don't like, isn't this torture?"

"Miss, ask yourself, do you really dislike the young master?"

"Mom Zhang, what are you kidding, how could I like that cosmic invincible and disgusting old man."

Mother Zhang saw it in her eyes, Miss Nuo Nuo clearly liked the young master, and they all said that beating is kissing and scolding is love.

The harder you scold, the deeper your love!

Mother Zhang looked like "I understand, I understand", nodded and nodded, "Miss, then you have a good rest, I'll go and report to the young master that you have soup." ”

"No, Mom Zhang, you come back, I really don't like Gu Nanting-"

Chi Nuonuo was anxious to explain, but Zhang's mother closed the door with a smile, still with a face, "I understand, I understand, miss, don't explain."

Chi Nono: "......"

After a good night's sleep, Chi Nuonuo went to school alive.

Gu Nanting sat in the office, checking the location of Chi Nuonuo's mobile phone with his mobile phone, watching her go to school and stumble in the school, her frowning brows stretched slightly.

After a while, Zhao Deqi came.

Zhao Deqi carried a check in his hand and came to apologize to Gu Nanting in person.

"Second young master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I blame me for not knowing Taishan, I don't know it's my sister-in-law. Having said that, the sister-in-law turned out to be the daughter of the former chairman of Chihai Group, only twenty years old, and she was still in college. ”

Gu Nanting raised his head and raised his lips meaninglessly, "Checked my wife?" ”

Zhao Deqi scratched his ears and cheeks a little embarrassedly, "Aren't I curious, I just wonder, why did you marry a little girl who didn't dry up, it turned out to be a repayment." ”

Zhao Deqi heard Xiao Tingyue say that Chi Minghai saved Gu Nanting's life and was kind to Gu Nanting, so Gu Nanting was willing to do things for him.

Gu Nanting remembered the past, and narrowed his deep peach blossom eyes slightly, "Managing the company for Uncle Chi is to repay my kindness, and marrying Nuo Nuo is my original intention." ”

Zhao Deqi's jaw was about to fall, "What did you mean?" My Second Young Master Gu, you shouldn't be serious about a twenty-year-old girl, right? ”

"I love her, so I married her, is this answer enough? You're good to go. ”

Gu Nanting's face was indifferent and cold, and he looked like he was not going to enter Zhao Deqi.

Zhao Deqi was about to be angry with Gu Nanting, "I have known you since childhood, I just teased your wife for a few words, and you just gave me a face." For the sake of a woman, are you going to break up my relationship? ”

Gu Nanting's eyes didn't move, "Why not?" ”

"Okay, Gu Nanting, you can do it, you can, I'm leaving, from today onwards, we are no longer friends."

Zhao Deqi turned around and left.

Gu Nanting was indifferent.

As soon as Zhao Deqi stepped out of the front foot, the back foot was withdrawn.

Gu Nanting, you bastard, why are you so good at manipulating people.

Zhao Deqi begged for mercy with both hands, and knelt down directly for Gu Nanting, "Gu Ye, I was wrong, I won't tease your wife anymore, I don't want to lose your big friend like you." ”


Chi Nono's side.

After class, Chi Nuonuo was a little drowsy, and was about to sleep on the table when she suddenly heard someone calling her name.

As soon as I looked up, I saw Meng Yifan standing on the podium, staring at her for a moment.

In front of all the students in the classroom, Meng Yifan said word by word: "Chi Nuonuo, I like you, you can be my girlfriend!" ”


The whole class began to heckle, shout, and tease.

"Promise him, promise him."

"It turns out that Meng Yifan likes Chi Nuonuo, but the two of them don't feel like they have anything to do with each other."

"What do you know, Chi Nuonuo is good-looking, and men look at their faces and look at them these days."

There are a lot of voices talking, after all, Meng Yifan is still good-looking, and his appearance in the class is one of the best.

Fan Xuan'er pushed Chi Nuonuo's shoulder, "Nuonuo, it turns out that Meng Yifan likes you." ”

Sun Lijun also smiled, "Nuo Nuo, I feel that Meng Yifan is a good person, bold, brave and loving." ”

Chi Nuonuo's little face was already cold, and he didn't say anything, got up and walked out of the classroom.

The shouts and cheers just now are wilted.

After all, the heroine doesn't want to.

Meng Yifan didn't expect that in front of so many people, Chi Nuonuo didn't give him any face at all, and chased him out.


He grabbed Chi Nono's arm and was brushed away by her.

Her eyebrows and eyes against the light at the moment are simply amazing.

It's the kind of thing, pure, firm, and a little cold and amazing.

"Meng Yifan, I didn't like it when I was a child, and I didn't like others to kidnap me morally. I like it, I like it, I don't like it, and if you think that confessing in public will make me promise you, then you are wrong. ”

On the contrary, Chi Nono particularly hates this kind of behavior.

She doesn't like the other party to kidnap her morally in front of so many people without her permission.

Meng Yifan exhaled, "Nuo Nuo I'm sorry, I'm too anxious, I want to talk to you these days, you ignore me, you look so beautiful, I'm afraid you will be abducted by other boys, I want to strike first, I just like you too much, I'm sorry Nuo Nuo, I didn't expect you to be so disgusted." ”

Seeing that Meng Yifan was about to cry, Chi Nuonuo was stunned.

She didn't scold him, didn't say anything serious, did she look like she was going to cry?

"Forget it, let's leave it at this time, I won't worry about you, let's go back to class."

Chi Nuonuo and Meng Yifan entered the classroom one after the other.

The chatter and whispering in the classroom began again.

Fan Xuan'er grabbed Chi Nuonuo's arm, pulled her over, and asked gossipingly, "Nuonuo, did you promise Meng Yifan?" ”


"Nuonuo, if you don't agree, is it because your uncle won't let you fall in love in college?" Fan Xuan'er asked worriedly, although she hadn't seen Nuonuo's uncle, but judging from Chi Nuonuo's phone call, Chi Nuonuo was afraid of the guy who remarked that he was an "old man".

"I, I'm afraid of him? What are you kidding, Xuan'er, let's not talk about him, the teacher is here, let's go to class! ”

Seeing that Chi Nuonuo didn't like this topic, Fan Xuan'er didn't say much.

At noon, Chi Nuonuo and Sun Lijun went to the cafeteria to eat together, because Fan Xuan'er had to go back to the dormitory to wash clothes at noon, so she didn't go to eat.

Chi Nuonuo has no appetite, so bored eating.

Sun Lijun watched Chi Nuonuo pick out the fatty meat, carrots, and green peppers in the dish, "Nuonuo, why are you so picky?" No wonder you're so skinny. ”

"I've been a picky eater since I was a kid, and I'm used to it."

"That's not good, Nuonuo, you have no father or mother, you don't have any family background, and if you're a picky eater, you won't be able to marry if you're so squeamish."

Although Chi Nuonuo knew that Sun Lijun said this for her own good, she still felt a little uncomfortable, she just hummed lightly, didn't say anything, lowered her head and ate by herself.

When she was full, she saw a familiar person leaning against the corner, staring in her direction.

Gu Nanting.

How could he come to the cafeteria?

Could it be that he was staring at her to eat?

Sun Lijun was also full, and looked in the direction of Chi Nuonuo, that handsome man with a long and tall head, wasn't it Gu Nanting?

"Nuonuo, isn't that Mr. Gu, let's go over and see him."

"Please? What is there to look at him-" Before Chi Nuonuo's words were finished, Sun Lijun took Chi Nuonuo's arm and walked over, because Gu Nanting's position was relatively hidden, so except for Chi Nuonuo and Sun Lijun, no one else looked this way.

"Mr. Gu, what a coincidence, why did you come to the canteen of Beijing University?" Sun Lijun took the initiative to greet Gu Nanting, and Gu Nanting opened her lips lightly: "Passing by." ”

The deep gaze was withdrawn from Chi Nuonuo's body silently.

It seems that she is here to supervise whether she eats on time.

"Mr. Gu, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, I'll invite you to eat. ”

Sun Lijun said familiarly, Gu Nanting said that he had eaten, and his eyes swept at Chi Nuonuo again, "Have you eaten enough?" ”

Sun Lijun thought that Gu Nanting was caring about her, and smiled, "My classmates and I are full, Mr. Gu, can I ask you a question?" Can I go to Chikai Group for an internship this summer? My dream is to work for Chihai Group, and I am willing to contribute my life to Chihai Group. ”

"Junjun, are you crazy, why do you want to work for the evil capitalists? Was he eaten blood? ”

Gu Nanting seemed to smile, his eyes calmly fell on Chi Nuonuo, holding his arms, "This classmate, you mean, you don't want to work in Chihai Group?" ”

Okay, you Gu Nanting, give me a set, Nuo looked at him coldly, "Even if I enter the Chihai Group, I will also be the chairman, one person under ten thousand people, I don't want to work for a capitalist like you!" ”

"Nono, how do you speak?" Sun Lijun hurriedly compensated for Chi Nuonuo and Gu Nanting, "I'm sorry Mr. Gu, she didn't mean it, then Mr. Gu has nothing to do, let's go first." “

Afraid that Chi Nuonuo would say something wrong again, so that Gu Nanting would not have a good impression of her, Sun Lijun pulled Chi Nuonuo and ran away.

On the way, Sun Lijun let go of Chi Nuonuo and became a little angry.

"Nuo Nuo, how can you talk to Mr. Gu like that? Do you know how many people want to work in Chihai Group, and your last scholarship was also awarded by Mr. Gu, if we can enter Chihai Group to work, it is a gift from God to us. ”

"Junjun, after the death of the original chairman of Chihai Group, the current Gu Nanting is a tyrant, he is selfish and cruel, but he doesn't care about the life and death of employees, why go to work for him?"

Sun Lijun disagreed, "My family has no background, I just work for people, since they all work for capitalists, it is better to work for a tall and handsome capitalist like Mr. Gu." ”

Chi Nuonuo choked, "Junjun, you can just work for me." ”

Sun Lijun snorted and laughed, "Chi Nuonuo, what nonsense are you talking about, aren't you fatherless and motherless, you are more pitiful than me, I will work for you, and I will drink the northwest wind." ”

As he spoke, he dragged Chi Nuonuo back to the dormitory, and Chi Nuono didn't explain anything.

In the afternoon, Chi Nuonuo and Mu Xiaoqi went home together, and Mu Xiaoqi's teacher assigned homework, which was a figure geometry problem, but Mu Xiaoqi couldn't and asked Chi Nuonuo.

Chi Nuonuo won't either, she is good in all subjects, but Ah Shu doesn't love her!

"I know you won't be stupid, you can help me ask your Uncle Gu, let him teach you, and then you will teach me tomorrow, isn't that okay."

Chi Nuonuo's unconvinced spirit came suddenly, "Xiaoqi, you give me one night, and I will definitely solve it and tell you tomorrow." ”

After dinner, Chi Nuono began to delve into this problem.

Gu Nanting walked past her with coffee like a ghost, and walked past her again.

Chi Nuonuo looked at it for two hours and saw that her head was big, she wanted not to talk to Gu Nanting today, but she had no choice but to soften, who made him a science bully, "You,"

Chi Nuonuo hooked his finger at Gu Nanting, and said very arrogantly: "Come here." ”

Gu Nanting pretended to be puzzled and looked back, "Who are you talking to?" ”


"Oh~ I thought that Miss Chi, who had backbone, would not bow her head to the evil capitalists."

Chi Nono: "......"

Gu Nanting didn't tease her anymore, smiled and walked over, one hand propped up on the corner of her table, "Say it." ”

In this position, he almost surrounded her, and his chest was close to her back, in fact, Gu Nanting had a very good smell of grass and trees, faint, very cool, Chi Nuonuo always felt that it smelled good.

But that's not the point.

She shook off the messy thoughts in her mind and pointed to Mu Xiaoqi's homework, "This question, let's talk about it." ”

Gu Nanting pursed his lips, just glanced at the topic, and drew two auxiliary lines in the middle of the figure with the triangle board on the side, "Okay." Do. ”

What to do? Is there anyone who talks about it like that? She doesn't know how to do anything?

"Gu Nanting, can you give me a good lecture?"

"Chi Nuonuo, can you have a good word with me?"

Chi Nono: "......"

Chi Nuonuo suddenly thought that when she was a child, as long as she called Gu Nanting "Brother Nanting", Gu Nanting would immediately meet all her requirements, as if the moon and stars in the sky would also be plucked for her.

So, call him Brother Nanting?

Let her call Brother Nanting? Think beautifully.

She didn't call it.

"Uncle Gu, please talk about it."

Gu Nanting stared at her with a gloomy face.

Of course, Chi Nuonuo knew that he was angry, why did she like to watch Gu Nanting get angry so much, Chi Nuonuo would often say these words "old cows eat tender grass" to stimulate Gu Nanting.

But this is the first time to call him Uncle Gu, of course Chi Nuonuo called him that on purpose.

Chi Nuonuo blinked his innocent eyes, "Uncle Gu, you are thirty years old, aren't you happy to call you uncle?" Or do I call you grandpa? ”

"Chi Nuonuo, I'm only twenty-eight."

"What's the difference between twenty-eight and thirty? Old man Uncle Gu? ”

Gu Nanting was really angry, glared at her, he would have defended a few words before, but now he was tired and didn't bother to quarrel with her, turned around and went back to the room.

"Brother Nanting, let's do it."

Chi Nuonuo's soft and sweet voice drilled into Gu Nanting's ears.

Gu Nanting's heart went up and down, up and down, and Chi Nuonuo could always easily pinch his heart.

"What did you just call me? Didn't hear clearly. ”

"I only say good things once, and forget it if I don't hear it."

Chi Nuonuo didn't plan to look at the broken math problem, and was about to buckle the notebook, Gu Nanting's hand held her hand, took the pen in her hand, and talked about the problem in her ear very carefully.

Chi Nuonuo's mind was muddy, she should have been able to understand, but her nasal cavity was the clear and good-smelling breath on Gu Nanting's body, which seriously made her distracted.

Gu Nanting told Chi Nuonuo three times, and Chi Nuonuo said that he understood.

Gu Nanting touched her hair, "Go to bed early." ”

Chi Nuono didn't react, he was stunned, and he didn't come back to his senses.

Gu Nanting glanced at her, hooked the corners of his mouth, and his eyes became gentle, "What are you blushing for?" Shy? ”

This sentence finally made Chi Nuonuo sober up instantly, and glared at him fiercely, "I'm shy? Shy about you? Stay away from me, don't get my breath of fresh air. ”

The next day, Chi Nuonuo told Mu Xiaoqi about this question.

Mu Xiaoqi understood, and gratefully slapped Chi Nuonuo's face, "Good girlfriend, thank you." ”

Chi Nuonuo snorted, "This kind of thing, don't look for me next time!" I paid the price. ”

"The price? At what cost? Are you dedicated? ”

"I'll your little Qizi, how could I do such a thing, in short, it's not an example."

Chi Nuonuo said goodbye to Mu Xiaoqi and ran towards his class.

Everyone in the class was looking at her with strange eyes.

Chi Nuonuo didn't understand what was wrong, and after sitting down, Fan Xuan'er and Sun Lijun looked at Chi Nuonuo worriedly.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that? Is something going on? ”

"Nuonuo, you don't know yet, Meng Yifan committed suicide by cutting his wrists."


"Sent to the hospital, it has been rescued, but it is rumored in the class that Meng Yifan committed suicide by cutting his wrists because he was rejected by you and couldn't bear the blow."

Chi Nuonuo stood up, "I'm not in class today, you help me and the teacher ask for leave, and I'll go to the hospital to see." ”

After saying that, Chi Nuono left the classroom.

When he arrived at the hospital, Chi Nuonuo inquired about Meng Yifan's ward and saw Meng Yifan lying on the bed wearing a blue hospital gown, with a circle of gauze wrapped around his wrist.

Chi Nuonuo stepped forward panting, his eyes were not good.

Meng Yifan weakly wanted to sit up, "Nuonuo, why are you here." ”

Chi Nuonuo's face was expressionless: "How is your body?" ”

"Much better, Nono...... You sit down. ”

"No need," Chi Nuono stood, holding his arms, his voice was very light, "I just came to see you, by the way, why did you cut your wrists?" Why did the whole class think you cut your wrists for me? ”

"Nuno, don't get me wrong, I didn't have the morals to kidnap you, and I didn't do anything to anyone because I cut my wrists."

Meng Yifan was about to cry when he saw it, thinking that Chi Nuonuo must have misunderstood again, so he hurriedly explained to Chi Nuonuo, "I cut my wrists because your brother ......."

Her brother?

Is Meng Yifan referring to, Gu Nanting?

Chi Nuonuo was a little puzzled, waiting for Meng Yifan's next explanation.

"Nono, do you know that after your brother found out about my relationship with you two years ago, he forced us to break up, he used violence against me and made me kneel in front of him like a dog, which caused a serious shadow on my heart! As a result, from that day on, I suffered from depression, and I had a relapse of depression, so I cut my wrists! ”

As he spoke, Meng Yifan cried bitterly.

Meng Yifan is even more sad and sad than a woman crying.

Chi Nuonuo was stunned, Meng Yifan cut his wrists, all because of Gu Nanting? Did Gu Nanting cause it?

So indirectly it's also related to her Chi Nuonuo, isn't it?

Seeing that Meng Yifan was out of breath crying, Chi Nuonuo stepped forward, her delicate brows furrowed slightly, her eyes were a little guilty, she reached out and patted Meng Yifan's shoulder.

"Don't cry."

"I apologize to you on his behalf, I'm sorry for leaving you with a psychological shadow!"

Chi Nuono is not used to bullies.

Although it is difficult for her to associate Gu Nanting, who is gentle as the wind and has an extraordinary temperament, with a bully.

However, how to explain the things in front of you?

And at the mouth of the alley she saw two years ago, how to explain Gu Nanting's kicking of Meng Yifan?

Gu Nanting, forced an originally good teenager into depression?

Chi Nuonuo's mobile phone rang just right, she saw the caller ID, and cut off the phone irritably!

Gu Nanting, it's all because of him, which made her life a mess.

Gu Nanting frowned and stared at the mobile phone that was hung up by Chi Nuonuo, and looked up her location, it was in the hospital.

Without saying a word, he picked up the coat on the sofa and left the chairman's office.


Chi Nuonuo personally fed Meng Yifan.

This scene fell into the eyes of Gu Nanting, who was not far away.

Meng Yifan was the first to see Gu Nanting, and subconsciously shrunk his neck backwards.

Chi Nuonuo stood up, protected Meng Yifan, and looked at Gu Nanting without fear, "What else do you want to do to him?" ”

Gu Nanting stared at Meng Yifan on the bed arrogantly, his eyes flashed a touch of cruelty and coldness, word by word, "Two years ago, you didn't listen to the warning I gave you?" ”

"Gu Nanting, you're enough! What else do you want to do to Meng Yifan in front of me? ”

Chi Nuonuo clenched his fists, resisting the urge to beat Gu Nanting, wanting to give him one last chance.

"Two years ago, I saw with my own eyes that you beat Meng Yifan half to death, he committed suicide by cutting his wrists because you had depression, and he almost died, you still don't feel guilty at all, are you still human?"

Gu Nanting took a deep breath, "Chi Nuonuo, you come out with me." ”

"I don't. You apologize to Meng Yifan now, otherwise, I will never go back with you today! ”

Chi Nuono also has a bottom line, she can't bear to live with a demon.

Gu Nanting's hand hanging down on his side slowly clenched, "You believe what he said?" ”

"Or else? Then tell me, why did you beat Meng Yifan two years ago, and why did he break up with me? Why do you want to pinch off all the peach blossoms around me? You mean! ”

"......" Gu Nanting didn't explain anything, slammed the door and left.

Chi Nuono was half angry.

The heart is empty, otherwise, how can you not explain.

Seeing that Chi Nuonuo and Gu Nanting had an unpleasant quarrel, Meng Yifan on the bed was not to mention how happy, and showed a smug smile, "Nuonuo, you can live with me in the future, don't live with your brother anymore, I will take good care of you." ”

Meng Yifan didn't know that the current Gu Nanting was not Chi Nuonuo's brother at all, but her husband!

If he knew this fact, it was estimated that Meng Yifan would be surprised to death!

Chi Nuonuo didn't want to explain this identity, but sighed, "You have a good rest first, what do you need, then call me, I'll go out first to breathe." ”

Chi Nono walked out, opened the window, and exhaled.

The phone rang again, it was the school teacher calling, telling Chi Nuonuo to hurry back to class, otherwise she would fail the final exam!

There was no way, Chi Nuonuo could only go back to class, but fortunately, Meng Yifan was fine now, and Chi Nuonuo was relieved, let him rest well, and then left the hospital.

After going back, the gossipy Fan Xuan'er asked Chi Nuonuo, how is Meng Yifan? Why cut your wrists? Is it really because of her?

Chi Nuonuo was already tired and didn't want to explain, so he shook his head and lay on the table.

In the evening, the driver came to pick up Chi Nono as usual.

"Uncle Wang, I don't want to go back to Yanshan Villa today, you can take me to the hospital, I want to take care of my friend!"

"Miss can't do it, the young master told me, I must let you go home today, and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

"Uncle Wang-I don't want to listen to Gu Nanting today!"

"Miss, don't be embarrassed for me, or else, I'll send you home, you stay at home, I'll go to the hospital to help take care of your friend, is this okay?"

Chi Nuonuo sighed, Uncle Wang is old, I really don't want to embarrass him, so I can only do this.

Halfway through, it began to rain, and the thunder was terrifying.

Chi Nuono was afraid of thunder, and every time there was thunder when she was a child, she would run to her father's arms and beg for a hug.

When Chi Minghai is not at home, Chi Nuonuo will rely on Gu Nanting, as long as it rains and thunders, Chi Nuonuo will hide in Gu Nanting's room and let him sleep with him.

At that time, I was still young and didn't understand anything, I just felt that Gu Nanting was a big brother, with a warm embrace and thick shoulders, which made her feel very secure.

Back home, Chi Nono was the only one at home.

"Mama Zhang, Mama Zhang—"

It was so empty, Chi Nuonuo saw a note on the table in the living room, which was left by Zhang's mother, saying that there was something going on at home, and she would go back to her hometown today.

Chi Nuono gritted his teeth, boom! There was a muffled thunderclap.

She was so scared that she almost lost her soul, such a heavy rain, such a big thunder and lightning, why didn't Gu Nanting's bastard come back?

At the same time Ikekai Group.

All the senior executives don't know what happened to Mr. Gu today, the weather forecast clearly says that today is abnormal weather, and almost all the companies in the capital have left work early, except for Chihai Group, all the senior executives can't go, and they have to go to the conference room for a meeting.

What kind of meeting is there on this big night? The topic of the meeting, I don't know.

Look at the noble and cold Gu boss again, sitting in the middle position, holding his cheeks and not knowing what he was thinking, it was obvious that he was just killing time, and he didn't look like a meeting person at all.

The key is that the big boss doesn't have enough time to kill himself, and he has to pull all the high-level executives to spend time here with him.

The rain outside was non-stop, and the thunder was rumbling, which made people panic.

Gu Nanting's brows were so furrowed that he never let go, and his two fingers tugged at his tie irritably, "Meeting!" ”

Then he ordered the secretary to turn on the computer and connect to his mobile phone, and Gu Nanting found a document from it, which was about the acquisition of a hotel.

The acquisition was originally planned to be executed next month, but suddenly it was a month ahead of schedule.

The big guys can't figure out what's going on in the big boss's mind.

In the Villa, Chi Nuonuo shrank on the sofa trembling alone, like a frightened rabbit.

Every time the thunder outside hit, Chi Nuono would cover his ears and hug himself as he was hugging him.

It's good that Zhang's mother is here today, she can hide in Zhang's mother's arms and sleep, but Zhang's mother is not there, and Gu Nanting's bastard doesn't go home, he forces her to go home on time every day, and she can't return, but what about himself?

Don't lead by example at all, double standard dog!

Gu Nanting had a gloomy face, listening to his subordinates report on the plan for the acquisition.

There didn't seem to be a plan that made him excited and satisfied, and Gu Nanting never said a word.


Gu Nanting's phone vibrated slightly.

Immediately followed by an angry and crisp girl's voice, it came out of the big screen of the computer-

"Gu Nanting, hurry up and get me home!"

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
