
Lu, don't draw the eyes of the police flower when you look at it

author:Zhang Yu Xiaowanzi YXC

The punches and kicks fell on his body like raindrops, and the pain spread all over his limbs, Su Yu curled up on the ground holding his stomach, his slender and thin body trembled, and the bright red oozing from his abdomen continued to spread.

It's like a beautiful and bewitching painting.

The pitch-black muzzle was aimed at the fragile abdomen, and the man who looked at her condescendingly sneered, and pulled the trigger without hesitation-


"Just you? Alone and want to be a hero to rescue these scumbags? What police? What justice? Is the so-called justice to protect this group of garbage! ”

"You claim to be righteous, and you claim that the murder case will be solved, but why don't you show Xue for my daughter?! Why let her die with hatred! ”

Fang Yu questioned hysterically, quickly stepped forward and grabbed her hair to force her head up, and the hand holding the photo was trembling, "My daughter is young and beautiful, and she has been practicing Latin hard for ten years. ”

"Just because a video of a game was posted on the Internet, it was attacked and slandered by these keyboard warriors! They spread rumors and slander as a slut! In the end, he couldn't bear the rumors and jumped off the building to commit suicide! ”

In the sight, the girl in the photo was smiling brightly, looking like she was only a teenager, Su Yu endured the idea of rolling in pain, and silently greeted his ancestors for the eighteenth generation in his heart.

The keyboard man provokes you, you go and beat the keyboard man!

How can middle-aged people not talk about martial arts?!

His brows furrowed, his eyes surveyed the huge space around him, and his eyes finally stayed on the hostage who was tightly guarded by the man in black not far away.

It just fell from the sky so suddenly that I didn't have time to figure out the situation.

The kidnappers' actions this time were completely revenge on society, they had guns in their hands, about ten people were visually inspected, and the number of hostages was also more than five, all of them gathered on the third floor, and ......

In the middle of the empty factory, above their heads, a rickety bomb hung overhead, held in place only by a rope.

As if in the next second, it will fall.

The woman's face was pale, the corners of her mouth were covered with blood stains that flowed down, she looked fragile and bewitching, her dark eyes looked quietly, and her voice was weak, "They publish bad remarks, slander and slander, and the law will make them pay." ”

"Stop it as soon as possible, your daughter doesn't want you to do anything hurtful."

"Phew!" Throwing people to the ground with force, Fang Yu carefully brushed off the dust on the photo, his eyes were full of cherishment, and he took out a detonator and laughed, "They say my daughter is lewd and vulgar!" Say she's scantily dressed! ”

"The dance moves are charming, and I will be a wanderer in the future! Hiding behind the Internet and wearing a vest, standing on the moral high ground to criticize everyone! ”

With his chest rising and falling, anger burning in his eyes, Fang Yu's voice was raised, and he asked, "My daughter committed suicide because of their irresponsible remarks!" Aren't they intentional homicide? Shouldn't life be sacrificed? ”

"Why are you protecting them?! You haven't seen dirty humanity at all! ”

Su Yu frowned, his eyes darkened.

"But I admire you very much, my secret base is so hidden, I still let you find it," Fang Yu's eyes were red, and he muttered, "Since you are so powerful, why can't you save my daughter......"

His gaze paused for a few moments on the woman's beautiful face, and he suddenly asked, "Your name is Su Yu?" ”

"Eh, your grandfather is here."

Fang Yu: "......" is such a bold policeman.

Su Yu: "......." accidentally exposed the sand sculpture and the person was swollen? !

Waiting online, it's in a hurry.


A crisp dagger landed sounded, and the male voice was cold, "If any of you can kill this policeman, I will let him go." ”

Su Yu felt that this kidnapper was definitely taking revenge on her with a cautious eye.

The men and women in the corner looked at each other, each with different expressions on their faces, and the little girl hiding in the innermost opened her mouth wide and was about to call for help, but her mother covered her mouth.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, a man with trembling lips stepped forward slowly, and in the eyes of everyone, slowly stepped forward and picked up the dagger.

Looking at the woman on the ground, the hope of looking at the savior at the beginning became vicious and vicious, "Yes, I'm sorry......."

"Anyway, if you get shot, you won't survive...... I, I want to live......"

Fang Yu showed a smile that was "it should have been like this".

The man got closer and closer, Su Yu looked at the cold dagger in his hand, his red lips raised, and a dark light crossed his calm eyes.

The dagger was raised high and swung down with all his might!


With the man cheering himself up, at the last moment, the slender figure lying on the ground suddenly got up, the figure was as vigorous as a ghost, dodging the dagger, and swept his legs lightly-

The man fell to the ground with a bang!

That's the price of hurting allies!

Putting on a defensive posture, Su Yu did not see the slightest weakness on his face, as if he was resurrected with full blood in an instant, and only the detonator in the man's hand was left in his eyes.

As the saying goes, catch the thief first and capture the king, don't be crazy about being a man.

A hundred causes will have fruit, and your retribution is mine.

Quickly stepped forward, extremely fast, and before he could come back to his senses, he kicked over mercilessly with a high leg!

Fang Yu couldn't defend himself, and there was a strong pain in his wrist, and the detonator instantly took off his hand and fell towards the ground like a free fall!

The eyes quickly took it, and before the smile on the corner of Su Yu's mouth could be hooked, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air behind him, and he reflexively retreated.

The man in black's fist brushed her hair quickly!

It's dangerous!

Luckily, she doesn't have a big head!

Su Yu's eyes were full of retribution, his arms were quickly bent, and with the help of strong inertial force, he quickly strangled the neck of the man in black and exerted force in the opposite direction of him!


The crisp sound of bones parting rang out.

Decisively dodged and bent over, the big black lump flashed in front of his eyes, Su Yu didn't do anything, imprisoned the arm of the man in black, and his waist was forced, and he bent over and buckled his shoulders neatly!

A beautiful over-the-shoulder fall!

The action blockbuster scene made the hostages look stupid, huddled in a small corner, the young man's eyes reflected the woman's stubborn resistance, clenched his fists and made up his mind, "Go! A little girl can fight against the bad guys. ”

"There are so many of us, what are we afraid of?!"

The rest were ready to move.

As if hearing their conversation, Fang Yu raised the gun in his hand and shot at the corner, his voice was grim, "Don't move!" Otherwise......"

The next second the voice fell, a sharp pain suddenly came from the abdomen.

"Bad guys die of talking." Every time the man beat her, Su Yu wrote it down in his heart with a small notebook, and he spared no effort to call at his face with an uppercut fist, which was not polite at all.

The angle of her attack was tricky, and she specially picked a hidden and extremely painful position to attack, Fang Yu was beaten and had no power to fight back, and the severe pain made his mind clear.

In the chaos, the whole person kept rolling on the ground, a cruel smile raised at the corner of his mouth, and the gun in his hand was raised!

The man in black saw the opportunity and stepped forward to entangle the woman who was about to dodge!


The bullet hit the abdomen firmly, the strength in Su Yu's hand disappeared instantly, and his body fell uncontrollably, and his facial features were tightly wrinkled together.

it! It hurts!

The detonator falls to the ground.

The black muzzle raised high in the afterglow was aimed at her, and Su Yu swallowed the fishy sweetness in his mouth, and had to quickly roll in the opposite direction of the detonator.

A succession of bullets hit the ground, sending up a lot of dust.

Fang Yu's eyes were blood-red, full of desperate madness, and he stretched out his arm in an attempt to pick up the detonator!

Let's die together! Let's bury his daughter together!

Sensing his intentions, Su Yu reacted extremely quickly, regardless of the danger, he rushed towards the position of the man in black, grabbed his wrist and raised it to the ceiling!

The knee bends and slams his soft abdomen!

The action of snatching the pistol smoothly seemed to happen in an instant, and his hands trembled uncontrollably, aiming at the moving man and pulling the trigger!

Bullets hit the ground solidly!



What do I wipe?!

I know I'm not good at marksmanship, but I won't drop the chain at a critical moment, right?!

The man was only a few steps away from the detonator, and the bullet in the pistol had already been successful, Su Yu stepped forward quickly, trying to scramble.

The man in black chased after him, pressing his thin shoulder hard, his fist seemed to be blessed by physics, and with a flash of critical strike, he swung down mercilessly towards her face!

The small flame in Su Yu's eyes burned, tilted his head and easily dodged, gritting his teeth and simply raising his feet!

Cut off the legs of children and grandchildren!

The sound of heavy objects falling was especially obvious, and the man in black fell to the ground with a painful face, completely losing all ability to struggle.

The other side.

Fang Yu only had the detonator left in his eyes, imagining the spectacular scene of fireworks flying and flames soaring into the sky in his mind, and stretched out his arm with a wild laugh.

Your finger is about to touch the detonator!

Su Yu's pupils suddenly constricted!


A deafening loud sound came, and the glass shards fell all over the ground, and then, the figure that was so fast that it was blurry made a decisive move, and it was completely impossible to see his movements, and could only hear a miserable scream-


It's Fang Yu who is crying out!

The turn of events happened too suddenly, Su Yu frowned slightly, his brain was running quickly, and he decisively stopped the man in black who wanted to help, and all the fighting moves he had learned in the police academy beckoned to them.

Lu Qingyan looked at the slender figure with vigorous skills, picked up the detonator unhurriedly, and played with it in his big bony hands, his deep eyes were full of coldness and indifference.

It was as if he was not holding a bomb detonator that put everyone's lives at stake, but an equally beautiful little handle.

The force of stepping on the man's back increased, and his eyes looked coldly at the bright red overflowing from the corners of his mouth, and his brows were tightly locked.

"You let him go!"

I don't know where a figure suddenly came out, the woman trembled her arms, her eyes flashed with crystals, and she restrained her nervousness, "You let Fang Yu go, otherwise I will kill them!" ”

As he spoke, the pistol was directed at the hostage's position.

Su Yu decisively solved the trouble in front of him, his eyes stayed on the mysterious man, and his brows furrowed slightly.

His back was straight as if he was standing in a military posture, exuding an aura of alienation and coldness all over his body, and judging from his simple movements, he had undergone rigorous and high-intensity training.

Friend or foe.

The rapid operation of the brain came to the conclusion, three steps and two steps around the man's side, keeping a safe distance, vigilantly reminded, "She is Fang Yu's wife." ”

Lowering his eyes to look at her, Lu Qingyu quickly retracted his gaze, his thin lips opened lightly, and his voice was clear and low, "Will you shoot?" ”

"Do you dare to kill?"

His eyes were as wide as copper bells, and Su Yu looked at him in disbelief.

Big brother, do you have a wit in your head?!

Is this the tone of the way it should be for the kidnappers?

The person next to him had a small expression of "I'm afraid you're not wrong", Lu Qingyan ignored it, looked at the miserable white face of the woman opposite coldly, and stated in a general tone, "You don't dare." ”

The woman was already about to cry, holding the gun tightly with both hands, as if she was about to reach the limit, with a cry in her voice, "Let Fang Yu go!" ”

Fang Yu's eyes were cracking, "Run!" Leave me alone! ”

Ah, what a sad scene this is.

What "you go quickly", "I don't go", "I want to go together", Lu Qingyu's face was unmoved, and he picked up the man's neck with one hand, easily like carrying a chick, and pressed the person on the stairs!

Most of the man's body is suspended in the air, and as soon as he lets go, the whole person will fall from the third floor!

The strong feeling of weightlessness accompanied by the suspension made Fang Yu desperate to survive, grabbing the man's hand, his knuckles turned white, like grabbing a life-saving straw.

With deep eyes as if looking at the lifeless clown, Lu Qingyu casually lowered the person again, and his tone was cold, "Put down the gun, otherwise you will not only not be able to bring the rumor-mongers to justice, but you will not only lose your daughter, but also your husband." ”

The woman's shoulders were trembling, her husband's life was hanging by a thread to completely break her last line of defense, the pistol slowly slipped down, and the whole person fell to the ground, covering her face with her hands and crying silently.

Su Yu: "......" can still be like this?

Thousands of high-rise buildings rise from the ground, and the clown is actually myself?!

Sirens sounded outside the warehouse, red and blue lights could be faintly seen, and the door was opened from the outside, and well-armed police officers rushed in.

In an instant, the reversed battle situation was completely a foregone conclusion, and the sound of footsteps and painful cries came and went.

took out the silver "bracelet" he carried with him and gave it to them, Su Yu's movements were neat and crisp, and with a soft "click", a weak voice came from his ears, "You, you were shot, why didn't you die?" ”

"There is a thing in the world, called body armor," Su Yu stood up nonchalantly, unzipped his coat to reveal the black bulletproof vest inside, "I prepared a few small blood packs with me, and I was hit by a bullet, and I faked it as a bloody injury to let you relax your vigilance." ”

"Body armor is made of the skin of someone I don't know, it's very practical, it's human wisdom."

"Oh my God."

A chuckle suddenly came from above his head, Su Yu quickly turned his head, and Yu Guang watched the mocking arc of the tall man's mouth flash.

What did she feel like he was sarcastic about her?

Could it be that body armor can still be made of her face?!

Lu Qingyu's eyes reflected her resentful eyes, and she lowered her eyes inadvertently, her gaze fell on the thin figure, and slowly fell, locking her trembling hand.

Skinny, this woman is too skinny.

Looking at her just now, she was thin as if she was falling down in a gust of wind, and now she took off her heavy body armor, and the whole person was even more slender and weak.

I don't know how she brought down the tall man in black just now.

Fang Yu didn't notice the undercurrent surging between the two, coughed twice, his face turned pale, and his voice was very soft, "Su Yu, there is someone, ask me to bring you a message." ”

"He said that if the angel high above the clouds falls, he will become the most vicious devil in hell."

"I will not die, I will be in your decaying heart until you are buried for your pride."

From an angle that no one could see, Su Yu's movements stopped, the dark light in his dark eyes quickly flashed, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and the trembling amplitude of his fingers increased.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he tried to bring himself back to normal from the suffocating state of pain, put his arms on his knees, and said in a deep tone, "You and your wife are both middle-class workers, and the mainland's standards for controlling guns and ammunition are exceptionally strict. ”

"You're never going to get guns and bombs in a short period of time, so isn't the person who helped you the one who asked you to bring me a message?"

Although it was a question, the tone of the statement in the words was too obvious, Fang Yu closed his eyes, revealing a desperate smile, looking crazy, "Yes what, no what?" ”

"Su Yu, I'm waiting for you in hell."

There was chaos all around, the police were busy cleaning the battlefield to pacify the hostages, and the sirens were accompanied by frightened cries, making noise and noise.

In the corner, the tall man stayed away from the crowd, his big knuckled hands tugging at his neckline at will, and his simple movements had a sense of Su, which was in stark contrast to the noisy and lively surroundings.

But Su Yu is a skinny and cheap dog.

Running over quickly with his hands in his pockets, tilting his head to observe the beauty of Sheng Shi up close, Su Yu's eyebrows were crooked, "Thank you for saving me, what's your name?" ”

"Lu Qingyu."

"Are you a cop too?"

"Sort of."

The cold and indifferent tone is lazy, the eyes are plain, the eyebrows and eyes are delicate and deep, with strong alienation, like an indifferent demon.

Cold and lustful, cold and abstinent mixed with sultry Su feeling.

If this face had been placed in ancient times, it would have been able to exchange for at least three hundred years of peace on the border.

Unconsciously swallowing saliva under the temptation of beauty, Su Yu politely stretched out his hand, and the QR code was clear, "As the saying goes, the grace of saving lives should be promised by example." ”

“关关雎鸠,在河之洲,帅气美男,what‘s your VX?”

A set of words seemed to be talking about cross talk, Lu Qingyan raised his eyebrows upward, lowered his head to look at her, lazy and cold, "You have to look at your face." ”

"You should repay me as a cow and a horse in the next life."

Su Yu: "......" Why don't you follow the routine?

"If I'm not mistaken, you're calling me ugly?"

Lu Qingyan's tone was light and breezy, "I didn't say it, you admit it yourself." ”

"Persuade you to drink more wine, if you say I'm ugly, I'll go," Su Yu puffed out his cheeks with his hands on his waist, took a few steps forward, and then fell back, swearing in a solemn tone, "Do you believe it or not, I can make you open your heart for me in three sentences?" ”

She will never admit that it was the crit of her appearance that made her give up her backbone.

didn't answer, Lu Qingyan's expression was calm, and he looked like he was ignoring, as if he was a little mosquito chattering non-stop.

Very good, man, you caught my attention.

Coughing lightly twice and opening his throat, Su Yu could feel the male hormones with a cold and hard aura emanating from the man, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and output frantically-

"Brother, you're 179, right?"

"Your shoes look fake."

"And you know what? There is no Ultraman in this world at all. ”

Lu Qingyu: "......"

Time stood still for a second, two seconds.

Su Yu is ready to run away at any time, these three sentences, every sentence with crit, every word with punishment, use it well, can you get the boy's backward chase, or the backward chase of eight streets.

If you don't use it well, then congratulations, you can get the hospital inpatient experience card.

Carefully paying attention to the man's expression, as long as there was the slightest bit of wind and grass, Su Yu would run away.

However, he didn't, but the corners of his mouth rose and hooked a shallow arc, releasing his damn charm At the same time, the poisonous tongue skill was full, and he returned the words to her in the same way, "Brother, which page of the Book of Mountains and Seas are you on?" ”

"You're stuck with liquid foundation."

"And, eat more papaya."

Su Yu: "......." Although she is not human, you are also a real dog.

It's not love around the corner, it's a swishing physical attack.

The little heart was violently attacked by the knife, Su Yu felt that his IQ had been insulted, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "This Mr. Lu, I feel that you are hostile to me." ”

"Be confident, remove the two words of feeling," Lu Qingyan stood up straight, bowed his head condescendingly, the strong sense of oppression on his body was cold and aggressive, and his voice was cold, "As a policeman, you are in danger alone, not waiting for rescue, and not obeying commands, which is the biggest taboo." ”

"You can't be a personal hero, didn't your predecessors teach you?"

Sunny's lively expression became serious, and Su Yu was neither humble nor arrogant in the face of his coercion, "Don't miss the opportunity, if you wait for the plan to be perfected and the rescue is ready, that person will already be dead." ”

The man sneered, his attitude was upright, "Acting recklessly will only make them die faster." ”

Shrugging his shoulders, Su Yu didn't care about his disapproval at all, and looked up at him, "I admit that your idea is correct, make sure that nothing goes wrong, and it is responsible for the hostages to make the perfect plan." ”

"But I also think that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if you miss it, you will miss the best time to save people."

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air, and the silent smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, and the smell of gunpowder was full.

There was not the slightest warmth in Lu Qingyu's cold eyes, the cold goblin had a cold attitude, and the afterglow swept over her hands hanging by her side, and she turned around in silence.

proved with his actions that he was unwilling to have a senseless quarrel with her.

The sharp gaze was like substance, Su Yu subconsciously hid his hands behind him, restrained the unconscious trembling of his fingertips, and the man's back was tall and tall, gradually disappearing from sight.

Interest — 200%

Su Yu put his hand back in his pocket, exhaled a breath of turbidity, skillfully adjusted his emotions, and soon returned to his confident and flamboyant self, forgetting the unhappiness just now.


The immature child's voice drilled into her ears, and in the next second, her waist was hugged by her soft arms, and the little girl in the skirt had red eyes, and when she saw her bow her head, a snot bubble bubbled out with a smile.

The voice was glutinous, with dependence and fear, "Thank you, sister, for saving me just now, my sister is so amazing!" ”

Su Yu squatted down, held her little body in her arms, and gently stroked her face with her hand, "Don't be afraid, don't cry, don't cry, children, believe in the police uncles, we will come to save you." ”

The little girl nodded desperately, looking at her as if she were looking at an idol.

The fear when she was held hostage, the uncontrollable crying, and the appearance of her mother kneeling and pleading, the little girl's hysterical struggle and crying, but only the anger of the robbers was exchanged.

The cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against the door of her head.

At this time, her great hero descends from the sky and saves her and makes her return to her mother.

Although the big hero was very embarrassed when he was beaten, he was still the most powerful person in her heart.

The chubby little hand tentatively touched the flat lower abdomen, the little girl's eyes were red, and the moment when she was shot and fell to the ground repeatedly appeared in front of her eyes, puffing out her mouth and snorting hard, "Sister doesn't hurt, Huhu doesn't hurt." ”

"It doesn't hurt, my sister is a policeman, she won't die," Su Yu comforted softly, "Good boy, study hard in the future, go to find your mother." ”

The little girl nodded like a chick pecking rice, hugged her face, and expressed her liking in the purest way.


The touch on his cheek was obvious, and Su Yu looked at the disappearing short and fat figure, and chuckled happily.

"Oops, it seems that our Su Hao is very popular, all ages can eat," Lin Bai didn't know where he came from, and smiled as much as ever, "Are you okay?" ”

"Ten thousand years of scourge, you can't die," Su Yu raised his eyebrows, covering his heart and playing cheap, "I'm really glad you care about me so much." ”

"Hehe, then you're too happy too soon."


Lin Bai pretended to be a sissy, gently patted her shoulder with a small fist, and blinked her eyes.

Su Yu: "...... It's really easy to hide, but it's hard to prevent it. ”

Rolling his eyes, Lin Bai took out a bottle of safflower oil from his pocket, "Well, our new captain asked me to give it to you." ”

Su Yu frowned with a puzzled face, and the safflower oil in his hand was heavy.

New captain?

Who is it?

In the dark and damp basement, only the dim white light bulbs flickered, and the smell of blood mixed with the humid air made the huge lonely space suffocating.

A piano sits in the corner, and the girl is dressed in a pure white dress, with tears on her face, and the ten fingers of the black and white keys have left bright red marks on it, and the terrifying scars on her wrists are eerie.

The melodious piano sound gradually becomes fragmented, staggered, and the scales are left behind, so that the complete tone cannot be composed at all.

Tears kept rolling down her cheeks, and she couldn't stand the imperfection of the tone at all, and the girl sat on the piano bench and wept bitterly, covering her head and breaking down hysterically.

In the next second, the scene changed, the man put the dagger on the girl's neck, and his voice was as ethereal and dangerous as a ghost, "Once the angel high above the clouds falls, he will become the most vicious devil in hell." ”

"I will not die, I will live in your decaying heart until you are buried for your pride."


Woke up from the bed in an instant, a fine and dense cold sweat broke out on Su Yu's forehead, and the feeling of fear was like a big hand pinching her heart, making her breathless, and the desperate pain of suffocation kept coming.

His chest rose and fell, leaning on the head of the bed decadently, his eyes became hollow and dull, he raised his left forearm, and slowly ripped off the sleeves of his pajamas, revealing his slender bones.

Above the wrist, a hideous scar was imprinted on the white skin, the imprint of a half-skull, a black hole in the eyes like a demon in hell staring, and a few fragmentary fangs stretched to the wrist.

The imprint was surrounded by burnt newspapers, slightly raised and pitted, and it was her skin.

Because of the permanent scars caused by the high temperature of the branding, the contrast between the pale pink new skin and the black scar is inexplicably eerie.

The nightmarish memories she wanted to forget countless times, but the real ugly imprint on her arm reminded her all the time-

That's a fact.

"The sound of sizzling, the white smoke rising, is really exactly the same as when you barbecue meat." Su Yu seemed to be able to feel the heart-wrenching burning sensation, put his hand in the air, and the corners of his mouth hooked up a self-deprecating smile.

"Jingle Bell Bell Ring~"

The phone rang suddenly, which was exceptionally clear in the silent night, and Su Yu's heart lifted.

It's been several years, and she still hasn't been able to adapt to the deadly serial calls in the middle of the night.

Press the turn button, "Hello? ”

"Su Hao, we are downstairs in your house, if there is a situation, call the police immediately," Lin Bai's voice came from the earpiece, "You only have five minutes." ”

Five minutes is not long or short, enough for Su Yu to clean himself up, quickly open the wardrobe and choose from the long sleeves of Yishui'er, and rush downstairs to the familiar reconnaissance car.

Fingers knocked on the car window, pointed to the watch, "The time is just right." ”

The window fell, revealing Lin Bai's big teeth and trademark sneer, and he raised his chin towards the co-pilot's position, meaningfully, "Good evening, Su Huh, get in the car quickly, but I suggest you be the co-pilot." ”

As soon as he heard his words, Su Yu's action of preparing to go to the front seat stopped suddenly, and he was naturally rebellious, and he was about to open the door of the back seat, swearing, "Of course I have to enjoy Lin Da Forensic as a driver." ”

"Su Huh, you really don't want to go to the back seat."

"What's wrong? Are you still in the back seat of the Tibetan? ”

Lin Bai smiled but did not speak.

Su Yu snorted lightly and opened the door of the back seat, and the cold face that suddenly appeared in her sight made her pupils shrink suddenly.

The man raised his eyes unhurriedly, and his angular side face was even more alienated and sultry under the moonlight.

The action of closing the door was done in one go, Su Yu touched his heart with his hand, his face was full of shock, ", it's really not human!" ”

Lu Qingyu: "......"

After a long time, Su Yu still couldn't escape the fate of getting into the car, so he could only curl up in the back seat, trying to treat himself as a quail.

But why! This dog man's presence is so strong!

The breath of male hormones drilled straight into her nose!


Rao is back seat is very spacious, Su Yu also felt that the space was stingy at this time, Yu Guang looked at the man's long legs as if he couldn't stretch, swallowed his saliva in disguise, took out his mobile phone and took a picture of him.

, the lights are dimmed like this, and they are still so beautiful.

Put the Bluetooth headset into your ear, open your girlfriend's WeChat, and press the send button.

Lu Qingyu was keenly aware of her movements, looked at it casually, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Lin Bai introduced with a grin, "Su Hao, let me introduce you, this is our new criminal police captain, named Lu Qingyu." ”

"Team Lu, this is our team's Su Yu, nicknamed Su Yu, you should have seen it."

His eyes were dark and smooth, Lu Qingyu turned his head sideways, a faint smile rose at the corner of his mouth, and his voice was low and cold, "I've seen it." ”

"But Comrade Su Yu, I need to tell you seriously."

"I'm 188 tall, the shoes are real, and I don't like Ultraman."

Labeled him as a "grudge" in his heart, Su Yu was very knowledgeable about current affairs, smiled very shamelessly, and raised the tail note, "Okay~"

The words sounded good, Lu Qingyu looked at her hand pressing the keyboard on the screen but did not stop, raised her eyebrows upward, and continued to say coldly, "The Jinyu community received a call from the police and found a female corpse, which could not be confirmed whether it was a murder or not, and needed the support of the criminal police team." ”

"The informant claimed that he heard the eerie laughter and help cries of a woman coming from next door, which lasted for a while, the lights flickered on and off, and it looked as eerie as a haunted house, and there were even rumors of haunting in the community."

"At first, I suspected that someone was playing a prank, but the police who arrived at the scene found a female corpse, and it was ......"

"The scene of the crime is a secret room, and there is no sign of anyone else entering."

"Suicide, that is?" Su Yu nodded thoughtfully, listening to the pleasant male voice in his ears, using two minds, complaining on WeChat while thinking.

Su Yu: [Picture.] 】

Su Yu: [The scene of the social death! Sisters! I met that iceberg man with facial paralysis who is not human! 】

Su Xuan, "He turned out to be my captain! ] We're going to go to the police together, and this time the situation is very strange, and eighty percent of them have hidden secrets. 】

Pan Pan Bun: [Voice.] 】

Fingers pressed the play button, but there was no sound in the headphones, Su Yu frowned and raised the volume, not noticing the deep gaze of the man beside him.

Hey? Why is Bluetooth not good?

The sound ringing in his ears became louder and louder, Lu Qingyu's expression was cracked, he couldn't maintain the image of a cold and beautiful man, he couldn't bear to hand over the headphones, and his voice was cold, "I'm not human?" Am I paralyzed? ”

Su Yu was stunned, motionless like a little robot.

Lu Qingyu simply stuffed the Bluetooth headset into her ears, and her best friend's screams came clearly-

"it! With such a face modeled by God, you even say that he is not human? You even said he was paralyzed?! ”

Su Yu: "......"

It's not an exaggeration to say that this situation is a crematorium, right?

Lin Bai was not in the group chat, he looked through the rearview mirror in the clouds, "What kind of dumb riddle are you two playing?" ”

"It's a little secret," Su Yu was about to crack, and hurriedly disconnected the Bluetooth connection, pretending to be mysterious in a hurry, "You don't understand." ”

The Bluetooth display was disconnected, and it was connected again in the next second, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the long voice from his girlfriend, and pressed the play button.

There was still no sound in the headphones.

The excited female voice sounded from the car's Bluetooth -

"What kind of clothes does a beautiful man wear when he looks like this! Wearing a sack can lead the way! Sister, pick him up! ”

Lin Bai: "......"

Lu Qingyu: "......."

Su Yu: "!!!!! ”

Now, uh, it's not an exaggeration to say it's an Asura field, right?!

The scene of the crime is a residential building with one ladder and three households, and there is a cordon outside the open gate, and the police are guarding the surroundings, and you can see the busy figures in the house.

Showing his ID to show his identity, Lu Qingyu skillfully put on a mask on his feet, his big knuckled hands were covered by white gloves, and his voice was cold, "What's the situation?" ”

Hearing this, a tall figure walked not far away, with neat short hair that was shorter than a boy, as sassy as her, "Hello, my name is Li Younan, I am newly transferred from the trace inspection department, and I also asked the criminal police team for help." ”

"The situation is like this, the next-door neighbor called the police, saying that he heard the sound of shouting in the next room in the middle of the night, that is, the scene of the crime, and could vaguely hear the sound of the woman laughing and shouting for help."

"She felt terrified and scared, and she didn't dare to go in to see it and called the police, and when the police arrived at the police station, the voice had disappeared, and after entering the house, she saw that the deceased had no vital signs."

Lu Qingyan nodded, his eyes looked around seriously, and his fingers rubbed slightly.

Su Yu and Lin Bai followed closely behind, and when they passed by the gate, they deliberately paid attention to the intact door lock, and frowned, "Was the gate opened by the police?" ”

Nodding, Li Younan's voice was calm, "The police knocked on the door for five minutes, but there was no sound inside, but the lights were on." ”

"I was afraid that there would be some accidents, so I contacted the property and got the key to open the door."

His eyes were rolling in his sockets, and Su Yu continued to ask, "Was the door locked at that time?" ”

Li Younan shook his head.

"Then why do you think it's a secret room?" Lu Qingyan didn't know when he walked into the house, carrying a watch on his slender fingers, and suddenly made a sound.

"First of all, no fingerprints and footprints of the second person were found at the scene for the time being," Li Younan's face became solemn, "Secondly, and most importantly, the most important point-"

"The deceased died in the bathroom, and the bathroom door was locked."

Hearing this, Su Yu had a bad premonition in his heart, and walked to the bathroom in three steps and two steps, frowning when he saw the scene inside.

The female corpse in a bathrobe curled up in the innermost corner of the bathroom, red handprints scattered on the surrounding walls, hair scattered over her shoulders, and her eyes wide as if she had seen something frightened and desperate.

Her hands hung limply at her sides, her fingertips could see a distinct red, and on her side was a huge bathtub, in which she could see small pools of diluted blood.

Lin Bai squatted next to the corpse, carefully examining the surface, his gaze slowly falling from his wrist, "The face and limbs of the corpse are cold, corpse spots and corpse stiffness have just begun to appear, combined with the words of the informant, the time of death is about an hour." ”

"There are scars on the fingers, two finger nails turned out, wrists and ankles without restraint and coercion injuries, and no strangulation marks on the neck, so it is not possible to determine the cause of death for the time being."

"Directly opposite the bathtub is a large mirror, next to the door," Su Yu squatted down next to the corpse, picked up the broken projector on the ground, and stroked the small yellow light on it with his fingers, half serious and half joking, "This deceased of ours understands life very well." ”

"There was no sign of a fight at the scene, huh? These bloody handprints are from the dead, right? ”

Shaking his head uncertainly, Lin Bai skillfully extracted the DNA, revealing a cheap smile, "There is a occult blood reaction, the bathroom is a secret room, and the fingertips of the deceased do have fresh scars, which are in line with the characteristics of bloody handprints, and the preliminary judgment is yes." ”

"But the exact answer still needs to be done back."

His eyes swirled around the bathroom, sweeping the pink towel and a single toothbrush, the corners of Su Yu's mouth hooked up with a smile, and he asked affirmatively, "The deceased is the head of this house?" Living alone? ”

Li Younan nodded, the surprise in his eyes flashed quickly, "How do you know?" ”

"Because there are only female products in the whole room, and there is only a pair of chopsticks in the kitchen sink," the cold male voice replied first, Lu Qingyan casually glanced at the woman who was about to speak, and continued, "The valuables and cash are still there, and the possibility of robbery and murder can be ruled out." ”

"The identity of the deceased can also be determined, the head of this house, named Wu Yingying, is a hotel receptionist, and the specific social relationship needs to be investigated."

Su Yu puffed out his cheeks and spoke objectively, "According to the current situation, it is impossible to judge the cause of the deceased's death, let alone the nature of the case. ”

Looking up at the side, "Do you need to do the ideological work and autopsy of the deceased's family?" ”

The tall figure stood at the door of the bathroom, the strong male hormonal aura on his body made the whole space cramped, Lu Qingyan did not answer her words, and quietly stared at the corpse in the fall, and his eyes flashed on the bloody handprint next to him.

The appearance of the deceased crying for help came to mind, she curled up in the corner, struggling desperately, she wanted to escape, and subconsciously scratched the wall with her hands in fear.

Fleeing from the source of fear, fleeing from danger, is an instinctive human reaction.

But what is she afraid of?

His eyes looked at the door lightly, and his deep eyes reflected the bright and flickering mirror, and through the reflection, he could clearly see the appearance of the forensic research corpse.

She's scared, mirror?

Or is it yourself in the mirror?

A bold thought emerged, Lu Qingyu's brows furrowed, he saw something inadvertently, and stepped forward quickly with long legs, "What is this?" ”

Following his gaze, Lin Bai responded, "Oh, the scar on the deceased's left arm." ”

"Lu team, this is an old scar, arranged in parallel, the scar is thick on the outside and thin on the inside, it looks like it will take about half a year."

Lu Qingyu lowered his eyes and pondered, his fingertips rubbed lightly, and he opened his mouth in a deep voice, "This kind of wound can also be formed by yourself." ”

Lin Bai nodded.

"Be careful! Officer Su, slow down! ”

"Come down!"

The worried voices of the police officers outside sounded, accompanied by the creaking of tables and chairs, Su Yu stood on the table, stood on tiptoe and studied the chandelier on the ceiling, the corners of his mouth rose and his tone was calm, "Don't worry, it's okay." ”

In the next second, the lights flickered on and off, inexplicably with a terrifying feeling.

Lin Bai instantly jumped behind the man, carefully tugging at his coat, and cowardly, "Lu team, protect me!" Ghosts! ”

Yu Guang glanced at his fingers, Lu Qingjun's face was tense, with the taste of gnashing his teeth, "Let go." ”

"You're a forensic doctor who is afraid of ghosts?"

“....... Is it illegal? ”

The flickering light shone on his face, and the familiar feeling of horror permeated, Su Yu's dark eyes crossed a trace of darkness, and he had an idea in his heart, and he opened his mouth and was about to say something, when the whole person was hugged from the chair.

Although Li Younan is a girl, it does not affect her boyfriend's strength at all, with a cold face, and his words of concern are blunt, "The electric switch is still open, be careful that you are electrocuted." ”

The little heart was warm, Su Yu's favorability for her doubled, and he raised three fingers with an innocent expression, "But I really didn't move anything." ”

Everyone gave her a little look of "I believe you are a ghost".

"Investigate the social information of the deceased and visit nearby residents," Lu Qingyu calmly issued an order, his mind clear, "Pull the body back and conduct an autopsy." ”

Lin Bai shuddered and raised his hand weakly, "Team Lu, we can't determine the nature of the case, we are not qualified to dissect the corpse." ”

With a light smile, Su Yu's eyes were serious, "Whether it is a case or not, the deceased has passed away, what we have to do is to restore the truth." ”

"Life is not noble or cheap, they should leave innocently."

The woman's focused and serious appearance is completely different from the usual unreliable and funny, Lu Qingyu's frowning brows stretched, and he nodded in agreement.

The thin lips opened lightly, and the tone was affirmative, "Moreover, this is a murder case." ”

It can be said that one stone stirs up a thousand waves, Lu Qingyu's words, the busy police officers in the room all seemed to have pressed the pause button, and after two seconds, they all said in unison, "What?!" ”


"That's right," there was no panic on his cold face, Lu Qingyu nodded calmly and affirmatively, and the confidence in his voice was convincing, "The trace inspection department continued to look for clues at the scene, and the body was pulled back to the police station for autopsy. ”

Lin Bai nodded bewitchedly, and with the help of his assistant, carefully carried the body into the body bag.

The man's calm and calm appearance seemed to have his own light, and Su Yu kindly stepped forward and reminded, "Captain Lu, if it is not a murder, if it is not a murder, the autopsy without the consent of the victim's family will be punished." ”

Seeing her cunning, the corners of Lu Qingyu's mouth raised a faint smile, "No." ”

"It's so firm," Su Yu also smiled, snapped his fingers with an angry expression, and patted his shoulder with his hand raised high, "But even if you don't have confidence, I won't let you write a review, don't worry." ”

Lu Qingyu lowered her eyes, and threw away her hand with an unusually noble and cold face, "Do you also think this case is strange?" ”

The dog man hated her.

Su Yu pursed his lips and deliberately sold Guanzi, "It's better like this, let's compete and see who finds the evidence first." ”


I don't know what's going on, Lu Qingyan inexplicably wants to play this childish game with her, and her voice is calm and sultry, "Okay." ”

While the police officers were busy, the sun came out of nowhere, hanging slowly in the sky, waking up the earth and the whole world full of life again.

The bloody handprints on the walls of the bathroom had shown signs of blackening over time, and the white outline of the human figure next to it silently showed the tragedy that had taken place here.

Su Yu was the only one left in the room, walking slowly in the room, his eyes scanning the neatly arranged bottles and cans on the table, going around to the balcony, and drawing the curtains.

The pouring sun was tightly blocked, and the whole room was once again plunged into darkness.

Press the light switch and the lights are as bright as day to illuminate every corner.

Su Yu raised his wrist and looked at his watch, silently calculating in his heart.

Three, two......

One and a half o'clock?


All the lights went out instantly, and then, began to flicker and flicker, and all the lights in the bedroom, living room, and bathroom seemed to be pumped in the wind, rendering a terrifying and eerie atmosphere.

That's right.

A light smile rose at the corner of his mouth, Su Yu ignored the light, didn't feel scared at all, and walked straight to the bathroom.

She really didn't touch the lights, but everyone didn't believe her truth.

"It's really a vicious prank to deliberately control the voltage and turn the room into a haunted house in an instant," Su Yu stood at the door of the bathroom, looked straight at the opposite corner, and muttered to himself, "What is it that makes you afraid to flee from the door?" ”

When I close my eyes, my brain begins to storm, and the scene of a girl taking a bath appears in front of me.

Unguarded, the lights were uncontrollable, and a feeling of fear permeated her heart, and she wanted to escape from the door, perhaps because she saw something, and did not dare to approach the door.

She could only curl up in the corner, scratching the wall with her hands, frightened, frightened, shouting for help while watching the fear that made her desperate.

But the door was locked, the only thing that scared her......

Fingers lightly touched the big mirror on the side of the door, Su Yu looked at the gap in his fingertips, his brows furrowed slightly, with a little frustration, "What, it's just a simple one-way mirror, it seems that I think too much." ”

She thought it was a two-way mirror, and then someone could scare the dead behind the mirror.

No, wait......

A bold idea formed in his mind, and coldness crossed his dark eyes, Su Yu gasped, took the shower, turned on the hot water, and sprayed the bathtub.

Soon, a thin layer of heat filled the tiled walls, and on the huge mirror, a blood-red handwriting appeared—

"Blood debt and blood payment."

The other side.

In the high-end office building, Lu Qingyu sat in the corner and waited patiently, his big hand with distinct bones playing with the medicine bottle in the evidence bag, looking at the big words "psychological counseling" not far away, and there was no temperature in his deep eyes.

The phone vibrated suddenly, an obvious red dot appeared on the message, the finger was pressed, and the voice came from the earpiece, "Team Lu, the test results are out, and antidepressants have been detected in the medicine bottle you sent." ”

"Got it, hard work." There was not much surprise in the voice, but a natural affirmation, Lu Qingyan hung up the phone, and his eyes were locked on the basic information of the girl on the mobile phone screen.

Soon, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer sounded, and the psychiatrist in a white lab coat politely sat down across from him, "Hello, what do you need help with?" ”

took out his documents, the big words "Criminal Police Detachment" were particularly conspicuous, and Lu Qingyan's voice was full of official coldness, "Hello, police." ”

"Do you have a person named Wu Yingying here who has come to consult?"

The doctor hesitated, "We can't disclose the patient's privacy without permission......"

"Because I am suspected of a murder case, I hope you can cooperate with the police," Lu Qingyan interrupted him, and his unsmiling side face was serious, "Wu Yingying has sleeping pills and antidepressants at home, and she still has self-harm scars on her arms." ”

"I think, why is she like this, you know the real reason."

The scars on the deceased's arms are old wounds, but they are arranged in parallel, and the scars are thick on the outside and thin on the inside, not coercive injuries, but self-inflicted.

The only explanation is self-harm.

After thinking about it for a while, the doctor nodded, got up and walked to the bookcase, took out a thick stack of medical records from it, and sighed softly while rummaging through it, "I remember that girl, who came to me more than half a year ago. ”

"She is anxious and insomnia, often has nightmares, and has mentioned to me that she always feels like there are a pair of eyes staring at her in her sleep."

He flipped out a medical record and handed it over, and the doctor sighed faintly.

Looking at the medical record book at a glance, Lu Qingyan put the medicine bottle in his hand on the table, "Is this the medicine you prescribed to Wu Yingying?" ”

The doctor nodded, and suddenly remembered something, adding, "Because of the psychological shadow of her childhood, she often feels scared, and occasionally has nightmares and hallucinations. ”

Rubbing his fingers slightly, Lu Qingyu keenly caught the words "Childhood Shadow", and knew in his heart, "What is she afraid of?" ”

"Water," the doctor sighed, "and the people in the water." ”

"Wu Yingying told me that whenever she saw rivers and lakes, including when she was bathing, she would be unconsciously afraid, recalling her friend who accidentally drowned when she was in junior high school."

Forensic Doctor's Office.

The lifeless girl was lying on the cold dissecting table, her bright and youthful facial features lost their former brilliance, and her skin became abnormally grayish-white.

Lin Bai and the others stood next to him and bowed their heads in silence, leaving the last trace of dignity for the young lives that had passed.

"The deceased Wu Yingying, 24 years old this year, from H City, hotel front desk, living alone," Li Younan's voice was cold and hard, and he said the results of the investigation with a straight look, "She came to work in the city after graduating from high school, and her parents made a down payment for her on a house, which is the scene of the crime." ”

"Colleagues and neighbors had a good impression of the deceased, praising her as an honest, down-to-earth and hard-working little girl, who had never made enemies with anyone, and had simple social relations."

"Because of my introverted personality, in addition to dealing with my girlfriends and people at work, I am only familiar with my neighbors."

Lu Qingyan raised his eyebrows, and the sense of alienation on his body formed a strong aura, "In other words, there are no suspicious people to investigate." ”

Li Younan nodded.

Although the male voice was light and fluttering, and the clouds were light and breezy without the slightest majesty, Lin Bai just felt the solemnity of the atmosphere, and hurriedly coughed twice, deliberately changing the topic, "The cause of death of the deceased can be determined." ”

"It is sudden death caused by the rupture of cerebral blood vessels, and in short, it is scared to death."

"Scared to death?" Li Younan obviously hadn't heard of this unbelievable way of dying.

Lin Bai nodded, put his hands behind his back, and looked serious like an old professor, "Most of the scare to death is because of the original cellular vascular disease, under the effect of fright, as the cause of the acute recurrence of the underlying disease, the blood vessels are highly constricted, resulting in poor blood flow or increased blood pressure. ”

"It causes the rupture of cerebral blood vessels or myocardial infarction, and sudden death occurs."

"Apparently, the deceased was the former, and she had a hereditary heart condition, which she had once at the age of fourteen."

As he spoke, he took out a hospital report from the table, "This is the medical record of the deceased Wu Yingying, transferred from the H City People's Hospital." ”

Flipping the paper with his fingers, his eyes quickly locked on the big words "June 20th", Lu Qingyu's thin lips pursed, looking at the corpse thoughtfully.

Lin Bai dutifully continued to report, "The deceased did not have any coercive injuries or restraint injuries on his body, the time of death was four hours after the last eating, and the tomatoes and green vegetables could be seen through the stomach contents. ”

Responding affirmatively, Li Younan frowned, "We found leftover scrambled eggs and fried rape in the refrigerator of the deceased's house, and we can be sure that the deceased's dinner time was around eight o'clock in the evening, and he ate alone." ”

Rubbing his chin lightly, he completely fell into thought, "I looked up the surveillance video, the deceased returned home at 6 pm on the day of the crime, and until the police came to the door late at night, she didn't go out, and no one went in or out of her home." ”

"The monitoring technicians at the entrance of the residential building have also done an investigation, and there are no strangers entering except for the residents of this unit."

"According to the current leads, no suspicious persons have been found."

There are no suspects, no clues, no evidence, and the case is like a dead end.

Lin Bai faced the two iceberg-faced Buddhas, one on the left and one on the right, and felt that he was surrounded by two open-door refrigerators that exuded cool air, trembling, and unconsciously sighed.

It would be nice if Su Hao's tease was there.

Only then can I remember your good wow.

"Change the direction of the investigation to nearby residents," Lu Qingyu opened his mouth suddenly, and his cold voice was not angry and arrogant, "Focus on investigating the people who were friends with the deceased." ”

"This person may also be from H City, or have lived in H City for a long time, and knew the deceased many years ago."

Li Younan frowned, obviously not understanding his decision, "Why? ”

The thin lips opened, and before the words could be spoken, a crisp female voice sounded in advance, "Because she is an acquaintance who committed the crime, she lives near the deceased's house." ”

Su Yu walked over with his hands in his pockets and walked with six relatives unrecognized, with a confident smile on his white face, and snapped his fingers towards the man's position, "Team Lu, I found a clue!" ”

Her eyes reflected her unbeaten appearance, Lu Qingyan heard the calmness in her words, and the gentleman made a "please" action, "I would like to hear it in detail." ”

"The deceased called for help in extreme panic, resulting in bloody handprints under the bathroom wall, and the cause of her death also confirmed our conjecture on the side," Su Yu replied calmly, thinking clearly, "I checked the electrical box in the house, because the voltage was controlled. ”

"That's why the light bulbs flicker on and off, creating a haunted feeling."

Pulling out his phone from his pocket, a small video was playing on the screen, "This was accidentally discovered when I visited nearby residents." ”

Lin Bai poked his head out, looked at the dog abuse video of the little couple showing affection under the street lamp, his nose wrinkled, and teased, "Su Huh, I know you are a single dog, but there is no need to eat dog food together with our heads." ”

The corners of Su Yu's mouth twitched, and he replied unreliably, "This is called sharing blessings and eating dog food." ”

Taking advantage of his height, Li Younan clearly noticed the corner of the video and pointed to the difference, "The flashing house in the northeast corner is the deceased's home, right?" ”

"Only one of them has abnormal lighting, while the rest of the residents' homes are normal."

“binggo!” Su Yu gave her a thumbs up, "Finally, there are smart people who understand what I want to express." ”

I found a picture from the photo album of my mobile phone, and explained very quickly, "Each residential building in the community has a unified large electric switch, which is the one I photographed." ”

"I checked and there were no problems, and the small video can prove that only the deceased had a problem with the circuit."

"Then it must be her own home circuit!" Lin Bai suddenly realized, patted his head, and boldly guessed, "Destroyed by someone?" ”

A smile flashed in his dark eyes, and Su Yu's finger slid across the screen, revealing another electricity meter, "This is the electrical box in the deceased's home, and the voltage is artificially controlled." ”

"That's why I just said I wanted to investigate acquaintances."

"This person had a grudge against the deceased, and was able to enter and leave her house smoothly and help the deceased repair the electrical circuit."

Li Younan analyzed objectively, "But what if the electrical technology is wrong?" ”

Raising a finger and shaking it, Su Yu was full of confidence, "Don't forget, the deceased is introverted and doesn't like to contact outsiders, which is what we often call social fear." ”

"I'm sure there's another very important reason."

As if juggling, he took out a photo, the bloody red handwriting on it was particularly conspicuous on the mirror, and the female voice was mixed with coldness, "I found something interesting at the scene of the crime." ”

"What the dead fear is these four big words—"

"Blood debt and blood payment."

The blood red on the mirror looks eerie and terrifying, and in the heat, it seems like a ghostly curse, especially the scene that shows up little by little, which is terrifying.

Imagining the terrifying picture, Lin Bai shuddered unconsciously, and subconsciously approached the man with a sense of security, wanting to grab the corner of his clothes and beg for shelter.

Eh, the Marines seem to have changed their coats.

It was not the same dress that was worn at the scene of the crime.

Lu Qingyu was the first to notice his small movements, and quickly panned to the side, trying to protect his coat.

He really didn't understand why forensic doctors were still afraid of ghosts.

Legal, but there seems to be something wrong with it.

Lin Bai could only approach another iceberg pitifully, his voice trembling, "This, isn't this a big mirror at the scene of the crime?" We didn't have blood when we went, huh? ”

"Could it be that there really are ghosts?"

Li Younan glanced at him casually, and handed him his arm in disgust, especially bold.

This scene inexplicably has a sense of déjà vu between the domineering criminal police and her squeamish little husband.

"It's lipstick," Lu Qingyu calmly gave a scientific explanation, his voice was cold, "The base tone of lipstick is oil, grease and wax, and it has excellent adhesion. ”

"These words were left by the murderer," Su Yu echoed and continued, "The murderer can control the circuit in the deceased's home, and can also enter and exit her bathroom, and the words 'blood debt and blood payment' determine the nature of the case." ”


"So what we want to investigate is the people who went in and out of the deceased's house the day before the crime, or even on the day of the crime," Li Younan frowned and pondered, "Because the electric lights flickered on and off, it could make the deceased fearful, and it must be an emergency." ”

"If it is a frequent flicker, the deceased will not panic strongly."

Lin Bai followed her train of thought and continued to think, "The surveillance video shows that no stranger entered or exited the unit building on the day of the crime, which means that the murderer is from this unit. ”

Li Younan looked at the photo on the mobile phone screen, his brain was running rapidly, "The shooting angle of the photo is level up, according to the height analysis of the handwriting, the height of the murderer is about the same as Officer Su." ”

is familiar with the deceased, is about 1.65 meters tall, and has a grudge......

This range is already small!

The hope of solving the case is close at hand!

The wonderful reasoning was reasonable, and even the deeply hidden physical evidence was discovered, and Lu Qingyan looked at her with a little praise in his eyes.

looked thin and weak, as if he fell down with a gust of wind, but he didn't expect his ability to be good.

Su Yu raised his chin arrogantly, like a little chicken who had won a fight, "Team Lu, I won!" ”

Lu Qingyu was amused, unfathomable, "Don't say it too absolutely, otherwise it will hurt when you slap your face." ”

puffed out his cheeks, and Su Yu had an expression of "let the horse come".

"Jingle Bell Bell Bell Bell~"

The mobile phone rang, which was exceptionally clear in the quiet forensic room, Lu Qingyan looked at the caller ID on it, and pressed the hands-free with his finger, "Hey?" ”

"Lu, the murderer has been caught! We're on our way back! ”

The elated voice came into his ears, and Su Yu, who was still swearing a second ago, only felt a little pain in his face.

The slap in the face came too fast like a tornado~

The corners of Lu Qingyu's mouth raised a shallow arc, and he was not surprised, and his words were polite and detached, "It's hard to bring people directly to the interrogation room." ”

Lin Bai and Li Younan's faces were shocked, "Lu, Lu team, someone caught?" ”

"Hmm," Lu Qingyan nodded, perceiving the resentful aura exuding from the people next to him, and his mood was even happier, like a mischievous little boy, and his tail tone rose slightly, "Su Yu, are you convinced?" ”

Su Yu didn't answer him, but there were big words "baby unhappy" written all over his face.

"If you don't believe me, come with me to the interrogation room?" Lu Qingyu's belly was black, and his indifferent and alienated aura added even more charm, "How is it?" ”

"Go, of course you have to go," Su Yu was full of doubts in his heart, and shook his head with a big grin, "Let the storm come more violently!" ”

A smile appeared in his deep eyes, and Lu Qingyan corrected it seriously, "It's a slap in the face." ”

Su Yu: "......"

A slap in the face may be late, but it will never be absent.

This sentence is particularly appropriate for Su Yu.

In the interrogation room, the middle-aged woman sitting opposite them had a kind face, put her hands on the small table, and looked panicked, "Why are you arresting me?" What the hell is going on? ”

Turning his gaze slowly, Su Yu had an expression of "I'm afraid you've caught the wrong person".

Lu Qingyan handed over a cold look, and his slender fingers tapped lightly on the tabletop, making a dull sound, "Name." ”

The middle-aged woman replied honestly, "He Mei." ”

"Does Wu Yingying know each other?"

"Acquaintance, the little girl next door to my house, what's wrong with her? I've seen police coming in and out of her house since the middle of last night. ”

Staring at her eyes with a cold and sharp gaze, Lu Qingyan asked casually, "You really don't know?" ”

He Mei shook her head.

"Rumors have spread all over the community, you really don't know?" Lu Qingyan's tone was very cold, and he couldn't hear joy or anger, "I remember that when the body was carried out on a stretcher, you saw it clearly at the door. ”

His eyes dodged, He Mei's hand clenched unconsciously, and quickly changed his words, "I, I saw you carrying the corpse away, but I don't know who it is......"

"You're lying," the unmistakable male voice rejected, his eyes as sharp as knives, as if he could see through her heart, "we carry bodies in body bags, not stretchers. ”

"Moreover, when the body was moved, there was no crowd of onlookers around, how do you know that there is a dead person?"

Isn't this a deception?

She really underestimated the madness of this dog man!

At the angle that the man could see, Su Yu gave him a thumbs up, and his eyes seemed to be able to speak-

Big brother, you're really not a person.

Lu Qingyu raised his eyebrows, and the cold and detached aura around him became more severe because of the interrogation, "He Mei, what are you hiding?" ”

He Mei pinched her fingers harder, and her bones began to white, "I don't know anything, and I don't understand why you called me over." ”

Rao is expression is very hard to calm down, but the panic of being a thief is still revealed from her small movements, Lu Qingyan is not in a hurry, and he is not in a hurry to take out the monitoring screenshot.

As if chatting, "Did you go to Wu Yingying's house yesterday?" What was done? ”

"Help her fix the water pipes," He Mei replied calmly, "about half an hour, and I'll go home." ”

"Have you been to her bathroom?"


"Then you, have you ever connected to Wu Yingying's Bluetooth projector?" Lu Qingyan took out the destroyed Xiao Qiao projector and casually told the shocking secret, "Why, I found your mobile phone equipment in the projection record at the time of the crime?" ”

As soon as these words came out, not only He Mei, but even Su Yu was shocked.

Lu Qingyan didn't seem to see their stunned expressions, and his big bony hands continued to play with the projector, his eyelashes trembling, "Why do you want to borrow Wu Yingying's projector to play a video of a female ghost?" ”

After saying that, turn the laptop screen on the desktop to her, press the spacebar, and the paused video starts to play—

It was a pure and clean girl, dressed in red, with waist-length hair draped over her shoulders, blood spilling from the corners of her mouth, her eyes red, accompanied by an ethereal and desperate ghostly voice.

"Help...... Help me...... Who's going to save me...... Yingying, save me...... I'm so scared......"

"Yingying, you save me...... It's so cold in the water......"

The majestic interrogation room was filled with ghost screams for a moment, and his back was cold, and a layer of goosebumps appeared, and even his calves were trembling.

He Mei bit her lower lip, her eyes staring at the girl's face on the video, and her hands were trembling.

The woman only needs the last straw to face the collapse, and perceiving the man's gaze, Su Yu instantly understood, picked up a blank piece of paper and pen from the table, and strode to her side.

Put his hand on her shoulder, his voice was soft, and he added the last fierce medicine, "He Mei, it's very simple to prove that you are innocent, write a few words." ”

"The current handwriting inspection technology is very mature, which can restore your innocence and can also be used as ironclad evidence."

"Well, just write, 'blood debt and blood payment'."

The moment the words fell, He Mei's psychological defense line completely collapsed, and she covered her head with her hands and roared in despair, "I killed her!" I did it! Say no more! ”

"She killed my daughter, and I'm going to let her die!"

Su Yu raised his eyebrows, returned to his seat and sat down, ready to listen to the story, "What the hell is going on?" ”

Tears slid down uncontrollably, and He Mei's voice was full of remorse, "I am from H City, ten years ago, my daughter was in junior high school, and on the way out of school, when she was playing with children, she accidentally fell into the lake. ”

"By the time the adults find out, the child is already out of breath."

"And that little kid was also scared stupid, had a heart attack, was rushed to the hospital, and picked up a life."

Combined with the clues of the case, Su Yu guessed the general situation of the matter, "That little friend, is it Wu Yingying?" ”

Nodding, speaking of the sad past, He Mei's whole person was shrouded in despair, "I didn't want to be angry with a child, she was only a teenager back then, not to mention heart disease, I am also a mother, and I feel sorry for her." ”

"Later, I got divorced and left sadly to live in City A, and by chance, I unexpectedly learned that she actually lived next door to me."

"She is the same age as my daughter, beautiful and well-behaved, and I don't want her to remember the painful memories, so I have always taken care of her as a neighbor's aunt and did not talk about the events of the year."

"I love her as my daughter, and when I see her, I feel like I see my child."

Lu Qingyu's expression was not moved in the slightest, and he still looked cold-hearted and cold-hearted, "Why did you kill her?" ”

The fists clenched instantly, and He Mei's eyes flashed with resentment, and she replied through gritted teeth, "A few days ago, when I was chatting with Wu Yingying, I knew that she had a mental illness because of her daughter's death, and she often had hallucinations and even nightmares. ”

"I felt very sorry for her and wanted to persuade her to let go of her knots, but what about her? What did she say?! ”

In my memory, the girl, who has always been shy and introverted, suddenly became irritable, threw the pillow on the ground, and complained hysterically, "If you die, you will die, why do you still come to torture me in my dreams!" ”

"She died well! Death deserves it! ”

"I just want to watch her struggle in the water in pain, desperately screaming for help at me! I don't want to save her, I want her to die! ”

The resentment of nightmares for ten years was said by Wu Yingying, and He Mei heard it, but it became a different meaning.

"She deliberately didn't call for help! She did it on purpose! He Mei was emotional, her fist slapped the small table hard, her eyes were red, "If she could have shouted for help at that time, my daughter would not have died!" Someone will save her! ”

"Wu Yingying, she should die, she killed my daughter!"

Su Yu glanced at the man beside him and asked clearly, "So when you repaired Wu Yingying's circuit, you already had murderous intent?" ”

With tears flashing in her eyes, He Mei didn't regret it at all, and readily admitted, "Yes, I deliberately changed the circuit to make the light contact poor, and then used lipstick to write on the mirror when I repaired the bathroom light bulb." ”

"I knew that she had to take a shower every night before going to bed and watch TV with a projector, so I simply secretly used my phone's Bluetooth to play the prepared video at that time."

"I just connected the wrong Bluetooth and projected the wrong screen, I wasn't at the scene, I didn't have the time to commit the crime, the police wouldn't suspect me, they would only think that Wu Yingying's death was an accident."

Outside the interrogation room, Lin Bai looked at the woman's hateful expression and shook his head regretfully, "A woman is weak, but a mother is strong." ”

"But it shouldn't be that way."

Li Younan clasped his hands on his chest, and the two brothers bumped into his shoulders as if they were knocking on his shoulders, "Wu Yingying, did she ask for help back then?" ”

"No," Lin Bai was almost knocked off by the girl, staggering to stabilize her figure, "I have seen her medical records, as well as the police records back then, Wu Yingying suffers from hereditary heart disease, she is emotional or frightened, and she is very prone to illness." ”

"She saw her little friend fall into the lake, had a heart attack, and fainted on the spot, how could she have time to shout for help."

"Wu Yingying is also quite pitiful," Li Younan sighed, "I have been tormented by nightmares for ten years, and I thought that I wanted to vomit my unhappiness when I met my intimate aunt, but I didn't expect it to end my life." ”

The door opened, and Su Yu jumped out of the interrogation room, echoing, "So, how important it is to communicate with people." ”

"Lu, you won this time, but can you tell me, how do you know about the projector?"

Lu Qingyu followed behind, her steps were more calm than her joy, giving people a sense of maturity and reliability, "Guess." ”


"I said, I guessed," Lu Qingyan looked down at her confused expression, and explained in a faint voice, "I guessed that He Mei was the murderer, but I didn't expect her to use the projector." ”

"I just think that just because of the blood words and lights, it is not enough to scare an adult to death, but after successfully arresting He Mei, I found the video in her mobile phone, and there is also a record of the deceased's projector connected to the Bluetooth in the deceased."

Suddenly remembered something, Lu Qingyu's eyes were full of joy, "Su Yu can even make a mistake with Bluetooth, maybe this is not an accident." ”

"So, I cheated on her, but I didn't expect it to be a real trick."

After being reminded by him, Su Yu recalled the scene of the social death, gasped exaggeratedly, his expression was funny, and he covered his heart, "It seems that we will stay away from the land team in the future, this man has 1,800 hearts and eyes." ”

If you turn away from him, you will be free from misfortune.

Lu Qingyu raised his eyebrows teasingly, his light and delicate eyebrows were stained with aggression, and he said word by word, "Really?" Sue, police, officer? ”

Keenly aware of the danger, Su Yu wisely made a zipper gesture on his lips.

Although his voice is very sultry and sultry, she doesn't want to be cheated.

She is not cowardly, but bows to the evil forces.

In the quiet office, the computer console buzzed, and the sound of crackling typing on the keyboard could be heard, and the tall man sat behind the desk, his big bony hands tapping on the mouse.

The warm rays of the sunset shining through the windows shone on his deep facial features, even if he was not smiling seriously, he could not hide his eyebrows and eyes that had been carefully carved by God, and the coldness was mixed with contradictory sultry.

Su Yu held his chin in a daze, looked at the beautiful face of Shengshi not far away and fell into deep thought, touched his cheek with his hand, and sighed with emotion, "Team Lu's eyebrows and eyes are so delicate that even I can't reach a woman, but this dog man is not feminine at all." ”

"Nuwa Niangniang, you are too well-known for double standards."

"The wide shoulders and narrow waist of the army team walk like a soldier kicking a straight step, and his momentum is two meters eight," Lin Bai sighed twice, slumping on the seat, "I feel that his back is like he can't bend, and he will always be straight." ”

"Isn't he tired?"

Nodding and shaking his head, Su Yu asked herself, this dog man is definitely a high-quality man she has ever seen, not as handsome as he is more handsome than him, not as handsome as him, and stronger than him......

Well, not yet.

The door was opened, and Li Younan walked in with a takeaway bag, and his voice was cold, "Su Yu, your takeaway." ”

"Thank you," Su Yu's eyes lit up, quickly opened the bag, and took out the milk tea inside to share with them, "Come, the spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River, I will send milk tea to you to like." ”

"Come, follow me and read ha, milk tea with ice, raise your salary sooner or later, a cup of milk tea, emo kick away! Spring sleep is not aware, drink from head to toe! ”

Li Younan listened to her smooth stand-up comedy, couldn't help laughing, and added, "What I want all my life, milk tea is free!" ”

Looking at her gaze was like looking at a confidant, Su Yu took her arm, "Those who know me, Younan also." ”

"Eh, Lin Bai, that cup is not allowed to move, I specially bought it for the Lu team."

Lin Bai withdrew his hand and teased, "Yo, Su Hu, I know you are Yan Gou, but there is no need to treat you so differently." ”

"That's not good," Su Yu picked up the milk tea, his brows playfully about to fly, "Your appearance is very different from the Lu team." ”

"The land team is a little clay figure carefully made by Nuwa, and you are the mud idea that Nuwa pulled out as she wants."

"So the looks are also very freewheeling."

His eyes were full of shock, and Lin Bai showed his signature cheap smile, blackening himself, "I am me, a different smoke and spark." ”

The smile on the corner of his mouth never went down, Su Yu walked happily to the office with milk tea, stood at the door and knocked on the door, "Ding Dong ~ Team Lu, it's time to be happy~"

didn't even hand her a straight eye, Lu Qingyan's gaze was still on work, and his voice was cold and serious, "Please come in." ”

In the next second, there was a warm touch on the back of the hand, and the female voice in the ear was playful, "Lu team, have a cup of milk tea every day, and all the troubles make it fly!" ”

"Here, have a good time!"

"I seriously suspect that you were talking about cross talk before you became a policeman," turning his stiff neck at will, making a slight clicking sound, Lu Qingyan ripped off the collar of his shirt, polite and detached, "Thank you." ”

Su Yu replied as a matter of course, "It's all a family, what's polite." ”

"Family?" Lu Qingyan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"We all have a home, the name is Zhonghua~" Su Yu's eyes were innocent, suppressing the deliberately flirtatious Pipi Jin, "I heard that you like sweets, I specially added sugar to you." ”

The word "heavy sugar" on the milk tea cup was particularly conspicuous, and Lu Qingyu's fingers rubbed lightly, quite interested in teasing her, "Who did you listen to?" ”

Stretching out his hand and pointing to the sky, Su Yu said serious nonsense, "I calculated a hexagram against the sky, and he told me." ”

"I still figured it out, you, Marine, I am missing in my life."

It's time for the daily repertoire again - to make a shit.

What could be more fun than flirting with a beautiful man?!

The eyes reflected the woman's eager little face, which looked particularly unreliable, Lu Qingyu smiled lightly and hooked the corners of his mouth, and the simple action had a sense of Su, "Yes." ”

"I lack virtue in my life."

Su Yu: "......"

Lack, lack of morality?

I seriously suspect that you dog man is scolding me.

Revealing a smirk, Su Yu tried to defeat magic with magic, and teased, "You lack virtue in your life, and I am still cheap in the five elements!" ”

Lu Qingyu interlocked his fingers, "It's good that you know." ”

Su Yu: "......"

Dog men don't play cards according to routines.

It doesn't matter, she's the best at repaying grievances with virtue.

"Compete with you to find clues, I lost, today the little one offers milk tea to show his admiration," Su Yu spoke one by one, as if he had eaten a burden in his stomach, "Team Lu, how sweet you drink this cup of milk tea, how deep my admiration for you is." ”

The male voice was as cold as ever, "That must be diabetic." ”

“...... Marine, if you're not talking, it's actually quite like a person. ”

"Su Yu, if the Great Wall is as thick as yours, ten Meng Jiangnu won't be able to cry."

Once again, unlocking the man's poisonous tongue skill, Su Yu's little heart was full of holes, and he decisively closed the microphone, disguised as a gloomy appearance, and prepared to leave the scene with a sad feeling.

Seeing through her exaggerated acting skills, Lu Qingyan was obviously ready to carry out the words "not a person" to the end, "Su Yu, help me throw away the garbage at the door, thank you." ”

Su Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and clicked a song "The Light of the Right Path" in his mind to wash his soul, and when he saw the black coat in the garbage bag, he asked unexpectedly, "Huh?" Marine, why did you lose your coat? ”

Lu Qingyan's voice was indifferent, "I have a habit of cleanliness. ”

Cut~ Isn't it just being touched~

Big eyes dripping in the sockets, Su Yu turned his head cheaply, "If, if I step on your shoes......"

"Then don't want your feet." Lu Qingyan saw through the essence of her cheapness, and smiled threateningly, "Throw away the garbage, this is an order." ”

"When is Mingyue, look up and see for yourself," Su Yu, as a social animal, resisted the overtime invitation issued by the capital with his real name, and was very brave and rigid, "Now that you are off work, you are not my boss." ”

Lu Qingyan turned a deaf ear to her resistance, and her voice was cold and lazy, "I don't mind letting you work overtime." ”

Su Yu was skinny and cowardly, carrying the garbage bag and stomping his feet, "I pulled out my knife and smiled at the sky, and I went to sleep after laughing." ”

"Marine, bye-bye."

(Tweets only, such as invasion and deletion ~ [heart])
