
The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

author:Scholar talk

Text: Zhao Gongzi

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The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide
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The best years are forever fixed at the age of 38, this is the fate of the voice singer Wang Yunyi, and if it weren't for her friend Chen Sisi's post, many people would not know.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Compared with the news of Wang Yunyi's death, what is even less known is her past, a not-so-sunny childhood.

Those who are familiar with Wang Yunyi may be very surprised, because when she is in front of people, Wang Yunyi is always happy and has a trademark smile.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

However, in fact, only she knows what she has experienced, and after becoming an orphan, she has to face the loss and suppression of her relatives.

And Wang Yunyi, who grew up in this environment, her life trajectory is also quite rugged.

At the age of 38, he was frozen

On June 28, actor Chen Sisi posted a news on his social platform, which was that the singer Wang Yunyi of the first season of "The Voice" passed away.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

As Chen Sisi, who played Cao Guiren in the hit drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", she still has some fans of her own in the entertainment industry, and Wang Yunyi is her good friend.

However, in the dynamics, Chen Sisi did not reveal the reason for Wang Yunyi's death, but only expressed his condolences and remembrances for Wang Yunyi, hoping to be good friends in the next life.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

As soon as this news came out, it instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens, some of whom knew Wang Yunyi, and many who did not know her.

But as long as the bald female singer in "The Voice" is mentioned, most people will still immediately think of the singer whose image and voice are very recognizable.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide
The above content is referenced from the Beijing News's report on June 29, 2024 on "Singer Wang Yunyi died at the age of 38 and was the runner-up in the first season of "The Voice of China" Yu Chengqing Group".
The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Indeed, Wang Yunyi on the stage always exudes a unique appeal, which makes people feel that she is always so confident.

And the first time she appeared on the stage of "The Voice", she conquered the four mentors with her unique voice, and successfully became a member of Yu Chengqing's team.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Not only that, in the first season of "The Voice", Wang Yunyi also won the runner-up in the Harlem group and won the Charm Light Award.

Listening to the name of this award, it is as charming as a light, and after that, Wang Yunyi also successfully launched his first movie "Blockbuster".

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

And at the same time, he also released his own personal single "If Life Is Only as First Seen", which also showed Wang Yunyi's singing skills and voice.

Since then, Wang Yunyi has basically released a single of her own every year, such as "There is a Christmas Alley in Taipei" in 2014.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

And in the second year, Wang Yunyi also launched his own solo album "Forgotten Time", which can be said that Wang Yunyi's star journey is very stable.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide
The above content is based on a report on the global network on June 29, 2024 on "The Voice of China" singer Wang Yunyi passed away at the age of 38".
The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

However, what is puzzling is that Wang Yunyi, whose career has been smooth sailing, disappeared for a while, and when he wanted to make a comeback, he was met with unexpected changes.

I wanted to make a comeback but was changed

Last year, the photo of Wang Yunyi's head injury went viral on the Internet, but she herself did not come forward to explain anything, which also caused heated discussions among netizens.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Later, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily got in touch with Wang Yunyi's agent, and learned that Wang Yunyi had an accident caused by drinking.

When it comes to the reason for drinking, Wang Yunyi also said that because he is under a bit of pressure, he has to face the pressure of a comeback and recover his state.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Later, after drinking, she accidentally fell from a chair and suffered a serious head injury, and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

According to the reporter's disclosure, Wang Yunyi's injury this time was not light, and more than ten stitches were stitched in his ear, and the specific situation will not be known until he is hospitalized.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Netizens said that this was the first time they heard Wang Yunyi's name after participating in the "Wonderful Talk" program in 2016, but they didn't expect it to be in this way.

Since then, Wang Yunyi has rarely appeared in the public eye, and some people say that she settled in Shanghai and opened her own music studio to engage in music creation.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide
The above content is referenced from Qingtong's perspective on December 22, 2023 on "Preparing for a comeback is stressful, and singer Wang Yunyi suffered a head injury".
The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Regarding Wang Yunyi's experience, many people think that her real pressure does not come from the outside, but her childhood experience.

And it was also on an interview show that Wang Yunyi mentioned the long-dusted childhood experience.

Childhood experiences affect a lifetime

People often say that you don't work hard, and now this has become a stalk, but people who are really hard will never put these two words on their lips.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

Wang Yunyi is a very typical person who will bury all his past and heart, many people don't understand, in fact, Wang Yunyi has very serious depressive symptoms.

Some netizens will think that artists will more or less have some strange symptoms on their bodies, not to mention that Wang Yunyi's songs sing so well.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

But Wang Yunyi is not because of his artistic career, but because of his childhood experience, which leads to such a personality.

Wang Yunyi, formerly known as Wang Hui, is a child of an ordinary family in Taiyuan, Shanxi, and it is not too accurate to say that the family is ordinary, because Wang Yunyi became an orphan when he was 10 years old.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

lost her mother at the age of seven and her father at the age of ten, this is the pain that Wang Yunyi has to bear at a young age, but this is not the whole of the pain, but more of the influence of her family.

In Wang Yunyi's memory, because his grandfather couldn't accept his father's death, he also passed away, which means that since Wang Yunyi was sensible, only his grandmother was left in the family.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

But grandma has a great prejudice against Wang Yunyi, and has always thought that the misfortune of the family is the cause of Wang Yunyi, so she did not care for Wang Yunyi's growth.

On the contrary, grandma first sent Wang Yunyi to an orphanage, and then took her back to raise her by her side, but she still didn't like Wang Yunyi.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

In Wang Yunyi's memories, her mother committed suicide, and such a family change caused a heavy blow to her young heart.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide
The above content is based on CCTV's report on January 27, 2013 on "[Artistic Life] Wang Yunyi's Reflections on Unfortunate Childhood".
The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

These childhood experiences all had a great impact on Wang Yunyi, so in the future growth, Wang Yunyi learned to close his heart.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

But on the other hand, Wang Yunyi can bravely stand on the stage to show herself, perhaps because she doesn't want these stories to affect her life.


38 years old, this is a good age, but Wang Yunyi's time is forever frozen, although her life is short and unfortunate, but it is brilliant and dazzling.

The singer of the first season of The Voice has passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, his grandmother scolded the broom star, and his mother also committed suicide

To borrow the words of Wang Yunyi's friend, I hope that there will be no pain in heaven and go all the way......


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