
Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

author:Brother Cong, gotta gotcha

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Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

Big S's two marriages

Da S, the once smash hit Taiwanese actress, but her married life is full of controversy and drama. The marriage and divorce with Wang Xiaofei sparked extensive discussions; remarried and married Gu Junye, which became the focus of heated discussions in the media. Her life seems to be a modern version of the "broom star" story: as soon as she enters the Wang family, the Wang family's career declines; As soon as he came out of Wang's house, Wang's Ma Liuji became popular. And the combination of her and Gu Junye was ridiculed as a laughing stock. What kind of marriage philosophy and social thinking are hidden behind these phenomena? The wedding between Da S and Wang Xiaofei was called the wedding of the century, but soon after the marriage, Wang Xiaofei's career began to decline. South Beauty, a once-glamorous restaurant business, struggled during their marriage. Some people blame this on the "broom star" effect of Big S, thinking that her arrival made the Wang family unlucky. However, the deeper reason behind this may be the incompatibility of the two personalities and the contradictions in their married life.

Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

Bounce after divorce: Wang Xiaofei's rebirth

After the divorce, Wang Xiaofei seemed to have a new look, quickly regained her career ambitions, and launched the successful Ma Liuji brand. Is all this really related to the departure of Big S? Or is it just Wang Xiaofei's self-reorientation after the shackles of marriage are lifted? After the divorce, he is no longer the emotionally unstable and disgraced man, but has regained his confidence and direction. The remarriage of Da S and Gu Junye once again set off a storm of public opinion. This transnational romance may seem romantic, but it is actually full of controversy. Gu Junye, the once popular Korean idol, gradually became a laughing stock in his marriage to Big S. The combination of the two is considered to be the self-depreciation of the "big bald head", which also makes Big S the focus of public opinion again. Big S's married life puts forward an ancient but eternal proposition for us: "marrying a wife and marrying virtue". In modern society, many women claim to be princesses, pursue luxury life and romantic love, and ignore the responsibilities and virtues in marriage. Big S's experience is a lesson for these "princess disease" women. Marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the fusion of two personalities and two values.

Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

Reflecting on the Modern View of Marriage: Looking at the Role of Women from the Big S

Through the story of Big S, we can't help but reflect on the modern concept of marriage and the role of women. Should a woman in a marriage only play the role of a beautiful princess, or should she have more virtue and responsibility? Big S's failed marriage reveals that relying on looks and romance alone is not enough to sustain a long-lasting marriage. Modern women need to pay attention to their own moral cultivation while being independent and self-reliant. Big S's two marriages not only reflect her own problems, but also reveal the role of men in marriage. Wang Xiaofei's loss in marriage and her rise after divorce, and Gu Junye's depreciation in marriage are all phenomena worth exploring. Marriage should be mutually fulfilling, not mutually depleting. Husbands and wives need to grow together and support each other in order to achieve true happiness.

Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

The "broom star" myth in marriage

To sum up, Big S's married life is full of drama and controversy. However, blaming the "broom star" solely for the failure of the marriage is obviously too one-sided. The problems in marriage are often multifaceted, and both spouses need to take their due responsibilities and obligations. Da S's story is not only her personal tragicomedy, but also a profound reflection on modern marriage. Perhaps, the real "broom star" is not a certain person, but disharmony, incomprehension and irresponsibility in marriage. Through an in-depth analysis of Big S's married life, we have seen many problems and challenges in modern marriage. I hope that everyone who is struggling with marriage can get inspiration from it and find their own path to happiness. Da S's marriage story is certainly full of negative colors, but her experience also provides us with an opportunity to reflect. While modern women pursue independence and freedom, they must also recognize the complexity of marriage. Big S's experience reminds us that marriage requires not only love and passion, but also understanding, tolerance and a sense of responsibility.

Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

From princess illness to self-growth

Princess disease is not only an attitude to life, but also a psychological state. Many women expect to be pampered and cared for in marriage, but neglect their own growth and responsibilities. Big S's marital failure makes us see that only by constantly growing and perfecting ourselves in marriage can we truly have a happy and stable lifeBig S's two marriages make us realize that trade-offs and compromises in marriage are essential. Whether it is a personal pursuit or a family responsibility, it needs to be faced and resolved by both husband and wife. Happiness in marriage is not just a one-sided effort, but a joint effort and support from both parties. Marriage not only affects the career, but also profoundly affects the individual's mood and state. During her marriage to Da S, Wang Xiaofei was frequently exposed to emotional instability, and even lost her temper in public many times. All this makes people wonder if Da S has given enough support and understanding in this marriage?

Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

A new life after divorce: Wang Xiaofei's freedom again

Big S is known for his strong personality and unique lifestyle, which may have put pressure on Wang Xiaofei to some extent. What marriage needs is mutual understanding and support, and Big S's high-profile style seems to deviate from Wang Xiaofei's inner needs. As soon as the news of the divorce between Da S and Wang Xiaofei came out, it attracted widespread attention. After the divorce, Wang Xiaofei's emotional state seems to have improved, and she has gradually returned to her former demeanor. Whether in her career or in her personal life, Wang Xiaofei has shown a more positive and optimistic attitude. This change begs the question, how much does marriage affect the individual? Big S's departure may have allowed Wang Xiaofei to regain her freedom and find herself again. Such a change not only benefited Wang Xiaofei, but also made the outside world reflect more on Da S's marital performance.

Some women are broom stars, such as as when Big S entered Wang's door, Wang's beautiful Jiangnan was gone

The marriage of the big bald head: The remarriage turmoil of the big S

Soon after the divorce, Da S remarried and entered the marriage hall with Korean artist Gu Junye (big bald). However, this marriage has not escaped public doubts and ridicule. Gu Junye has become a laughing stock on the Internet because of his marriage to Big S. Some people think that Da S behaves too high-profile and self-conscious in marriage, and such an attitude not only does not bring glory to her husband, but makes them the object of public ridicule. Big S's remarriage experience once again confirmed her image as a "broom star". In his marriage to Da S, Gu Junye's situation is also not optimistic. Whether in his career or in his personal life, Gu Junye is particularly embarrassed. Big S's high-profile actions and frequent exposure make it difficult for Gu Junye to find his place. The life after remarriage does not seem to bring the expected happiness to Da S, but instead puts her and her husband in a new predicament. The various problems in this marriage once again made people question Da S's concept of marriage.

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