
The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"Lao Liu, have you ever felt uncomfortable lately?" Doctor Zhang asked with a frown.

Lao Liu sighed helplessly, "Doctor Zhang, my stomach has really not been good recently, I always feel bloated, and I often have diarrhea." ”

Doctor Zhang nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "Lao Liu, do you usually eat a lot of coriander?" ”

When Lao Liu heard this, he was stunned for a moment, "Yes, I like to eat coriander very much, and I have to eat some every day, whether it is mixed with cold vegetables or making soup, I feel that there is a little less taste without coriander." ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and explained: "Actually, although coriander is a good seasoning, excessive consumption can also have adverse effects on the body. Recent studies have found that people who eat coriander every day are more likely to get sick than those who never eat coriander. ”

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

Lao Liu looked puzzled, "Isn't coriander a good thing?" What else can it be harmful? ”

Dr. Zhang smiled and began to explain: "That's right, coriander does have many benefits, such as it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and antioxidants, which help to strengthen immunity and promote digestion. However, excessive consumption of coriander poses several problems. ”

1. Allergic reactions

Dr. Zhang explained in detail that coriander is a common allergen, and excessive consumption can increase the risk of allergies. Especially for those who are sensitive to coriander, consuming coriander may cause allergic symptoms such as itchy skin, red rashes, and even difficulty breathing.

In order to make Lao Liu more understanding, Dr. Zhang told a case. A certain Miss Li, who is in her 30s, especially likes to eat coriander, and eats a lot of it every day. As a result, I have been feeling itchy skin lately, and I have even had symptoms of difficulty breathing.

After examination, it was found that she was allergic to coriander, and the doctor advised her to stop consuming coriander, and the symptoms were relieved.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

2. Gastrointestinal discomfort

Then, Dr. Zhang talked about the second problem, "Excessive consumption of coriander can easily lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, especially for those with weak digestive function, some ingredients in coriander can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing problems such as gas, abdominal pain and diarrhea. ”

Dr. Zhang explained that coriander contains more dietary fiber, which helps to promote digestion, but excessive intake will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to indigestion. Especially in the elderly, the gastrointestinal function is weaker, and excessive consumption of coriander is more likely to cause uncomfortable symptoms.

In order to let Lao Liu know better, Dr. Zhang talked about another case.

Mr. Zhang, a middle-aged man, eats a lot of coriander every day, and as a result, he has been feeling bloated and abdominal pain recently.

After examination, the doctor found that his gastrointestinal tract was irritated and advised him to reduce his intake of coriander and adjust his eating habits, and the symptoms gradually eased.

3. Interfere with drug absorption

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

Finally, Dr. Zhang touched on the third problem, "Some ingredients in coriander can interfere with the absorption of medicines, especially for those who need to take drugs for a long time, excessive consumption of coriander will affect the efficacy of the medicine. ”

Dr. Zhang explained that coriander contains a lot of vitamin K, which can affect the effectiveness of certain anticoagulant drugs.

For those who need to take anticoagulant medications, excessive consumption of coriander may weaken the drug's effects and increase the risk of blood clots.

In order to make Lao Liu more clear, Dr. Zhang talked about another case. Uncle Zhao, an elderly man, needs to take anticoagulant drugs for a long time and usually likes to eat coriander.

As a result, a recent blood test found that the effect of the drug was weakened, and the doctor found that he had overeaten coriander, and advised him to control the intake of coriander and readjust the dosage of the drug, so that his blood indicators gradually stabilized.

After listening to these cases and explanations, Lao Liu was deeply inspired and decided to start eating coriander in moderation from today to adjust his eating habits. He understood that health is not only dependent on a certain food, but also on scientific diet and lifestyle.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

In the daily diet, how to consume coriander scientifically to avoid burdening the body?

Although coriander is rich in nutrients, a scientific and reasonable way to eat it can avoid the burden on the body and give full play to its best health care effect.

1. Eat in moderation

First and foremost, controlling your coriander intake is key. In general, a few sprigs of coriander per day are sufficient, excessive consumption can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, leading to indigestion and other health problems.

2. Pair with other foods

Coriander can be eaten in combination with other foods to be nutritious and avoid excessive intake of a single food. For example, cilantro can be added to salads, soups or stir-fries as a seasoning to add flavor without overdoing it.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

3. Pay attention to allergic reactions

Coriander is a common allergen, and you should pay attention to how your body reacts after consuming it. If you experience allergic symptoms such as itchy skin and rashes, you should stop consuming coriander immediately and consult a doctor if necessary.

4. Avoid eating on an empty stomach

Consuming coriander on an empty stomach can easily irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort. It is best to consume it after a meal or with other foods to reduce gastrointestinal irritation.

5. Pay attention to drug interactions

The vitamin K in coriander can affect the effectiveness of certain medications, especially anticoagulant drugs. Patients taking such drugs should control their intake of coriander and regularly monitor their blood markers and adjust the dose if necessary.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

6. Observe your body's reactions

Everyone's physique is different and they react differently to coriander. After consuming coriander, you should pay attention to the body's reaction, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, allergies, etc., you should adjust your intake in time, and consult a doctor if necessary.

Through the above methods, you can eat coriander scientifically, avoid the burden on the body, and give full play to its health care role. Although coriander is good, it is too much, and scientific and reasonable consumption is the way to health.

How can you get nutrients similar to cilantro from other vegetables in your daily diet?

Coriander is good, but it's not the only source of nutrition. By combining other vegetables in your daily diet, you can get nutrients similar to coriander and avoid the problems caused by excessive consumption of coriander.

1. Vitamin C

Coriander is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. Other vegetables that are rich in vitamin C include broccoli, bell peppers, tomatoes, and spinach, among others. Eating these vegetables every day can effectively supplement vitamin C and maintain good health.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

2. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and bone health.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

3. Antioxidant substances

The antioxidants in coriander help fight free radicals and protect cellular health. Other vegetables rich in antioxidants include carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and blueberries, among others. Eating a variety of these vegetables can provide a wealth of antioxidant nutrients.

4. Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber helps promote digestion and prevent constipation.

In addition to coriander, other vegetables that are rich in dietary fiber include celery, carrots, peas, and whole grains, among others. Eating these vegetables in moderation can help maintain good digestive function.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander

By properly matching a variety of vegetables in your daily diet, you can get nutrients similar to coriander and avoid the problems caused by excessive consumption of coriander.

Maintaining a varied and balanced diet is key to maintaining good health.

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Ancient Oasis

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander


[1] Why does coriander make people love and hate? Teaching Examination,2024,(05):39.

The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander


The study found that people who ate coriander every day were more likely to get sick than those who never ate coriander