
Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"You can't do this, it's not good for the heart to have an empty stomach for a long time." The doctor's words echoed in Chen Daming's ears.

Chen Daming, an office worker in his early forties, was dizzy on an empty stomach for a long time this morning because he had been in bed for too long. This fall scared him a lot.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

He sat on the floor, clutching his chest, his mind in turmoil. Frightened, he began to seriously think about his health. Usually busy work, stressful, stay up late at night and work overtime, often can't get out of bed in the morning, three meals a day are irregular, especially breakfast, often neglected. Today's fall made him realize that he couldn't go on like this.

Chen Daming decided to pay attention to health knowledge and improve his living habits from today. He remembered that Aunt Li, the neighbor's aunt, went to square dance every morning, and when she came back, she was always refreshed and her face was flushed. So, Chen Daming turned on his phone and searched for the health benefits of square dancing.

Sure enough, square dancing is not only an entertainment activity, but also an effective way to get fit. In particular, it has a good protective effect on the heart. The more Chen Daming looked at it, the more he felt that maybe he should also join the ranks of square dance.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

Doctors also often mention in the show that proper exercise is essential for heart health. So, apart from square dancing, what other exercises are good for the heart? Chen Daming decided to dig deeper.

First of all, the doctor especially recommends "brisk walking". Brisk walking is a simple and easy way to exercise, no special equipment is required, and there are no restrictions on the venue, as long as you have a pair of comfortable shoes and a heart that wants to exercise.

Studies have shown that brisk walking can effectively improve heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. Walking briskly for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, can significantly improve heart function and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Chen Daming thought that he could go to the nearby park for a quick walk after work, so that he could not only exercise but also relax his mind, killing two birds with one stone.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

Then, the doctor also mentioned "swimming". Swimming is a full-body exercise that engages muscle groups throughout the body and has great benefits for the heart and lungs. The buoyancy of water reduces stress on the joints and is a joint-friendly aerobic exercise.

Data shows that swimming three times a week for 30 minutes can significantly improve heart function and enhance cardiorespiratory endurance. Chen Daming thought that he often went swimming when he was a child, but when he grew up, he gradually lost this hobby because he was busy with work. He decided to pick up the healthy habit at the swimming pool on the weekends.

Finally, the doctor mentioned a form of exercise that surprised Chen Daming a little - "Tai Chi". Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese health exercise, the movements are slow, pay attention to the coordination of breathing and movements, it seems to be soft, but in fact it has a comprehensive exercise effect on the body. The benefits for the heart, in particular, should not be underestimated.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often
Studies have shown that regular practice of Tai Chi can enhance the heart's pumping function and improve the blood supply to the heart, while also reducing stress and anxiety. Chen Daming feels that Tai Chi can not only exercise the body, but also cultivate the body, which is really a good choice.

Knowing this, Chen Daming felt that he benefited a lot. He decided to start today and make a health plan for himself, arrange his time reasonably, walk briskly, swim, and try tai chi to see what works best for him.

On the first day of Chen Daming's health program, he woke up at 6 a.m. to drink a glass of warm water, then change into sneakers and go for a brisk walk in a nearby park. The air was fresh in the morning, and he was in a happy mood along the way, and after walking for half an hour, he felt refreshed.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

In the evening, he went to the swimming pool and re-experienced the pleasure of swimming that he had not seen for a long time. After swimming, the whole person felt much more relaxed. The next day, he learned the basic movements of Tai Chi through videos at home, and found that although the movements were slow, they required high concentration and body coordination, and after the practice, he felt his whole body was smooth and his mind was more relaxed.

After a period of perseverance, Chen Daming found that his physical condition had improved significantly. The symptoms of palpitation and shortness of breath disappeared, the quality of sleep also improved, and the work efficiency naturally improved. He feels that his heart is getting healthier and his quality of life has improved significantly.

Aunt Li saw Chen Daming go to the park for a brisk walk every day, and thought he was here to square dance. She smiled and asked, "Da Ming, why don't you join us in square dancing?" ”

Chen Daming smiled and said, "Aunt Li, I think it is more appropriate for me to walk briskly." However, I've also tried swimming and tai chi, and they feel good. ”

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

Aunt Li nodded after hearing this, and said, "Well, there are various ways to exercise, as long as it suits you." However, square dancing is our tradition, and it's fun to dance. ”

Chen Daming nodded in agreement, and secretly decided in his heart that he would try square dancing next time, maybe there would be a new harvest.

Chen Daming's healthy life is gradually on the right track, he not only insists on exercising himself, but also drives his colleagues and friends to join the health ranks. Everyone discussed exercise experience and shared health knowledge, forming a good atmosphere.

So, the question is: why do some people not see significant improvements in their heart health despite exercising?

There are many factors involved in this question.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

First of all, it is very important that the intensity and manner of exercise is appropriate for the individual's physical condition. Different people have different physiques and different ways of exercising. Some people may choose exercises that are not suitable for them, resulting in less obvious results and may even have a negative impact on the body. Therefore, it is very important to choose an exercise that works for you.

Secondly, the frequency and duration of the exercise will also affect the effect. Scientific studies have shown that regular, consistent exercise can have a positive impact on heart health. Occasional exercise or low intensity may not achieve the desired results.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

Thirdly, eating habits are also one of the important factors affecting heart health. Even if you keep exercising, heart health will not improve if you eat an unhealthy diet, such as eating too much fat and salt. Therefore, a reasonable diet combined with regular exercise can achieve the best results.

Finally, the psychological factor should not be ignored. Long-term stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on heart health. Therefore, it is also very important to maintain a good mental state while continuing to exercise.

By taking into account the above factors and formulating a scientific and reasonable health plan, we can truly achieve the goal of heart health.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Chen Ke, He Qiang, Zhang Xianliang. A meta-analysis of square dancing in improving the physical health of middle-aged and older adults[C]//Chinese Sports Science Society. Abstract compilation of the 12th National Sports Science Conference-Poster Exchange (Physical Fitness and Health Branch).School of Physical Education, Shandong University; ,2022:2.

Is square dancing good for the heart? Reminder: The heart is the 3 favorite runs that can be done often

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