
Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"It's good for the elderly to exercise, but it's too much to do." The doctor's words came over the radio.
Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

Aunt Wang was sweeping the floor at home while listening to the health knowledge column. As a retired teacher, she has always taken her physical health seriously and insisted on exercising every morning. Today's health talk caught her attention because she has been feeling a little strained when exercising lately, and it seems that her body is not better because of it, but she feels exhausted.

The doctor on the show continued, "Some exercises may seem simple, but if they are too frequent, they can put a burden on the body of the elderly. ”

Aunt Wang stopped the broom in her hand and listened carefully. Doctors list three common forms of exercise for older adults and explain in detail the problems that can arise from overdoing each of them.

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

The first is square dancing. Square dancing is very popular among the elderly, not only as a way to exercise the body, but also as a platform for social activities. However, the high frequency and long beats of square dancing can put too much strain on the knees and hips.

Doctors noted that a survey showed that nearly 30 percent of older adults who regularly square dance reported knee pain. In particular, dances with a large range of movements are more likely to lead to joint wear.

Aunt Wang recalled that when she danced the square dance, she did feel a little sore in her knees. She realized that maybe she should reduce the frequency of square dancing and dance two or three times a week to avoid putting too much burden on her knee joint.

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

The second is a long jog. Jogging is good for the heart and lungs, but for older people, jogging for long periods of time can put an excessive strain on the heart and joints. The doctor mentioned that in one case, a 60-year-old gentleman insisted on jogging 10 kilometers every day, which resulted in severe wear and tear on the knee joint and had to undergo surgery.

Moreover, prolonged aerobic exercise can also increase the workload on the heart, especially for older people with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, which is more dangerous.

Hearing this, Aunt Wang secretly congratulated herself that she did not choose jogging as the main way of exercise. She understands that the cardiopulmonary function of older people is different from that of younger people, and that proper walking or brisk walking is a safer choice.

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

The third type is excessive strength training. Nowadays, many older people are beginning to realize the importance of strength training, believing that increasing muscle strength can prevent aging. But excessive strength training can also take a toll on the body.

Doctors emphasize that some elderly people blindly increase the intensity of training in order to pursue quick results, which leads to muscle strain, fractures and other problems. One study showed that 20% of older adults who did high-intensity strength training more than three times a week experienced sports injuries of varying severity.

Aunt Wang nodded and wrote down this important information. She also does some simple strength training, but never thinks about the risk of overtraining. The doctor's words reminded her to choose the right intensity and frequency of exercise according to her physical condition.

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

After the show, Aunt Wang decided to adjust her exercise plan. Instead of square dancing every day, she switched to twice a week and at other times did moderate walks and gentle yoga practices.

In addition, she bought some light dumbbells for moderate strength training and avoided overexertion.

A few months later, Aunt Wang's physical condition improved significantly. Her knee pain is no longer and her mental state is better than before. She shared her experience with the community, and many of her friends began to adjust their workouts to avoid the risks of overexercising.

However, Aunt Wang still has a question in her heart: since excessive exercise is harmful to the elderly, what kind of exercise is most suitable for the elderly in daily life?

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

In order to answer this question, Aunt Wang consulted the doctor again. Doctors told her that the right exercise regimen for older people should follow these guidelines:

  • Moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking, slow cycling, and swimming, can help improve cardiorespiratory fitness and strengthen physical fitness, but will not put too much stress on the joints.
  • Gentle strength training: Moderate strength training with lightweight dumbbells or elastic bands can build muscle strength and bone density, but avoid overtraining for 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • Balance and flexibility training: Tai Chi and yoga are good options, these exercises can not only improve the body's flexibility and balance, but also reduce the risk of falls, and are suitable for the elderly to adhere to in the long term.
Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

The doctor also emphasized that any form of exercise should be done according to one's ability and gradually. Pay attention to rest and recovery after every workout to avoid injuries due to fatigue. After hearing this, Aunt Wang suddenly realized, and she began to formulate a new exercise plan based on the doctor's advice.

Aunt Wang goes for a walk in the park every morning to breathe in the fresh air and feel the beauty of nature. Twice a week, she participates in community-organized tai chi activities to practice and exchange ideas with her friends. In the evenings, she would do some simple yoga poses at home to relax.

Through these moderate exercises, Aunt Wang not only maintained a good physical shape, but also got better and better in her mental state. She also often organizes health lectures in the community to share her experience and insights, helping more elderly people to exercise scientifically and stay healthy.

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!

However, in the process of communicating with the doctor, Aunt Wang learned some interesting health knowledge. For example, moderate social activity has great benefits for the physical and mental health of older adults. Studies have shown that the active participation of the elderly in social activities can not only improve the quality of life, but also effectively prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Question: Since moderate social activities are beneficial to the health of older adults, what are some specific social activities that can help older adults maintain physical and mental health in their daily lives?

To answer this question, Aunt Wang consulted with a social worker in the community and consulted a lot of information. She found that there are many types of social activities that are suitable for seniors, such as:

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!
  • Community gatherings: Regularly participating in community-organized activities such as tea parties, film screenings, and crafts not only enriches the lives of seniors, but also makes new friends and increases social interaction.
  • Volunteering: Participating in volunteer activities, such as community clean-ups, volunteer docents, etc., can not only give full play to their own strengths, but also help others and enhance their sense of self-worth.
  • Interest groups: Join interest groups such as calligraphy, painting, photography, etc., cultivate your hobbies, meet like-minded friends, and exchange and learn together.
  • Fitness Club: Participate in a senior fitness club to exercise and exchange fitness ideas with your peers, which can not only maintain good health, but also increase social opportunities.

Through these social activities, seniors not only maintain their physical and mental health, but also increase the joy and satisfaction of life. Aunt Wang decided to actively participate in various social activities in the future to live a healthier and happier life.

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Kang Guangtao, Jiang Cai, Xu Pan, et al. Research progress on the central mechanism of Tai Chi in improving cognitive function in the elderly[J].Rehabilitation of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2024,1(06):16-19.)

Elderly people get sick from exercising? Don't practice these 3 exercises too diligently, your body can't bear it!