
When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

author:Möngke talks about health

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Li Wei, a 45-year-old middle-aged man, is busy with a busy job as an accountant who is always busy dealing with complex accounts and financial statements. Recently, Li Wei felt that his physical strength was not as good as before, and he was panting after climbing a few flights of stairs, and his legs and feet often felt sore.

At first, he thought it was just a matter of work pressure and not enough rest, so he didn't pay much attention to it. However, as the days passed, he felt pain and fatigue more and more frequently, and even began to affect his daily life and work efficiency.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

Finally, under the persuasion of his family, Li Wei decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. In the hospital, he met an experienced doctor, Zhang Qiang. After careful questioning and a series of examinations, Dr. Zhang told Li Wei that his frequent muscle soreness and decreased physical strength might be related to calcium deficiency.

Dr. Zhang Qiang explained: "Mr. Li, when people reach middle age, bone density will naturally decline, especially for workers like you who sit in the office for a long time, with less sunshine hours and insufficient outdoor activities, it is easy to cause vitamin D deficiency, which will affect calcium absorption and metabolism. Your condition is most likely caused by a calcium deficiency. ”

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

Li Wei was very surprised when he heard this, he usually has a balanced diet, how can he be deficient in calcium?

Dr. Teo smiled and continued, "Many people have the misconception that their diet can cover all their nutritional needs. But in reality, as we age, our body's ability to absorb nutrients, especially calcium, decreases. Moreover, the dietary structure and living habits of modern people make calcium intake often insufficient. ”

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

To further confirm the diagnosis, Dr. Zhang Qiang arranged blood tests and bone density scans for Li Wei. The results of the examination confirmed Dr. Zhang's judgment that Li Wei's blood calcium level was low and his bone mineral density was also lower than the lower limit of normal levels, which were typical symptoms of calcium deficiency.

Dr. Zhang explained to Li Wei in detail the problems that calcium deficiency in middle-aged people can bring, such as osteoporosis, muscle pain, and even cardiovascular health problems. He stressed the importance of calcium supplementation, noting that calcium supplementation is not only a treatment for current symptoms, but also a preventive measure to reduce possible health problems in the future.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

This trip to the hospital made Li Wei deeply aware of the importance of health management for middle-aged people. He looked at Dr. Zhang, feeling both anxious and expectant, hoping to regain his health and vitality through reasonable calcium supplementation.

He asked Dr. Zhang what he should do next, and Dr. Zhang began to explain to him in detail how to supplement calcium and what to look out for. After Li Wei was diagnosed with calcium deficiency, Dr. Zhang Qiang began to introduce in detail how to properly supplement calcium and choose the right time to supplement calcium to ensure that the effect of calcium supplementation is maximized.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

Although calcium supplementation seems simple, it actually needs to be scientifically adjusted according to the specific situation of the individual, especially for middle-aged people due to the differences in physiological conditions and daily habits, the method and time choice of calcium supplementation are particularly important.

First of all, Dr. Zhang mentioned that there are two main ways to supplement calcium: through food and medicine. The most natural and safe way to supplement calcium is through your diet and eat more calcium-rich foods. For example, you can supplement your calcium by drinking milk or eating some yogurt.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

These are not only rich in calcium, but also vitamin D and lactic acid, which help the body absorb more calcium, which is really convenient. Soy products such as tofu and soy milk are also good sources of calcium, especially calcium-fortified tofu, which is a great option for people who are lactose intolerant.

In addition, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, although high in calcium, also contain oxalic acid, which may affect calcium absorption, so it is recommended to eat them in moderation and with other foods. If you find that you don't get enough calcium in your diet, consider supplementing with some calcium tablets.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

There are many types of calcium tablets on the market, such as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, and calcium lactate, which are all good choices. Among them, calcium carbonate is high in content and relatively cheap, so many people will choose it.

However, it is important to note that calcium carbonate needs an acidic environment for absorption, so the best time to take it is after a meal. Calcium citrate and calcium lactate are relatively easy to absorb and can be taken on an empty stomach or after meals, making them suitable for the elderly with insufficient gastric acid secretion or patients who have been using antacids for a long time.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

Next, Dr. Zhang mentioned the best time to supplement calcium. He explained that calcium absorption is saturated, and too much intake at one time is not only not easy to absorb, but may also cause a burden on the kidneys, so it is recommended to supplement calcium in divided doses, and it is generally recommended to supplement no more than 500 mg each time. Regarding the best time to supplement calcium, calcium supplementation at night can better promote calcium absorption and utilization.

This is because the physiological function of the human body is relatively stable at night, and the blood calcium concentration naturally decreases, at this time, calcium supplementation can effectively supplement the calcium loss at night and promote the regeneration and repair of bones.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

Dr. Zhang also reminded Li Wei that calcium supplementation should also pay attention to vitamin D intake, because vitamin D is an important factor to help calcium absorption. For most middle-aged people, in addition to looking for vitamin D-rich foods such as fish, mushrooms, etc., proper sun exposure is also an effective way to obtain vitamin D.

Spending 15 to 20 minutes in the sun around noon each day can help your body naturally produce enough vitamin D. Through this series of detailed explanations, Dr. Zhang not only provided specific methods for calcium supplementation, but also scientifically guided the best time to supplement calcium, helping Li Wei to improve his calcium status more effectively through daily adjustments.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

After elaborating on the method and the best time for calcium supplementation for Li Wei, Dr. Zhang Qiang further added some key points to pay attention to when supplementing calcium to ensure that Li Wei can safely and effectively administer calcium supplementation while avoiding possible side effects or misunderstandings.

First of all, Dr. Zhang emphasises that while calcium supplementation has significant benefits in preventing and treating osteoporosis, excessive calcium supplementation can also cause problems. Excessive calcium intake may lead to the accumulation of calcium in the body and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with a history of heart disease, special care should be taken to control the total amount of calcium supplementation.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

In addition, too much calcium can also cause problems such as kidney stones. Therefore, the amount of calcium supplementation must be adjusted according to the individual's health condition and the doctor's recommendations. Secondly, Dr. Zhang reminded Li Wei that while supplementing calcium, he should pay attention to the balance of calcium and other trace elements, especially magnesium and zinc.

Calcium, magnesium and zinc play an interdependent role in the human body, and magnesium not only aids in the absorption of calcium, but also facilitates the conversion of vitamin D to its active form, thereby enhancing the bioavailability of calcium.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

Therefore, proper supplementation with magnesium and zinc can support bone health more effectively. Usually, these trace elements can be obtained through a balanced diet, but if necessary, a complex supplement containing these trace elements can be considered.

Finally, Dr. Zhang mentioned that calcium supplementation should also be done to maintain the pH balance of the diet. While a high-protein diet helps with muscle maintenance and growth, excessive animal protein intake may increase the acid burden in the body, thereby increasing calcium loss.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

It is recommended that Li Wei increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits in his daily diet, which not only provides rich vitamins and minerals, but also helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

Through the explanation of these supplements, Dr. Zhang Qiang provided Li Wei with a comprehensive plan for calcium supplementation and bone health, not only through simple calcium supplementation, but also through comprehensive lifestyle adjustments to help him recover and maintain a good physical condition.

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you

(All names have been changed)


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[1] Li Li. Effects of different calcium supplementation methods on serum Ca 2+ and PTH in fixed blood donors. Tianjin Blood Center, 2023-12-20

When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you
When people reach middle age, they should supplement calcium in time! How to supplement calcium, when to replenish it, let the doctor teach you