
When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

author:Möngke talks about health

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On a spring-like morning, Aunt Li Guihua got up early and prepared a bowl of steaming corn paste and a few crispy pancakes. But just as she was enjoying her breakfast at a leisurely pace, she suddenly felt a foul taste in her mouth, as if all her efforts to brush her teeth in the morning had been in vain.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

This has been going on for a few weeks, and shortly after each brushing, the weird smell quietly returns. Li Guihua began to be more and more troubled, because she pays great attention to oral hygiene on weekdays, how can she have such a problem?

Aunt Zhang, a neighbor who has always been enthusiastic, saw Li Guihua's sad face and asked her about her troubles. After learning about the situation, Mrs. Zhang suggested that Li Guihua go to Dr. Wang in the Department of Dentistry, who is known for his professionalism and carefulness in the local town.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

Li Guihua thought about it and decided to go to the hospital for consultation according to Aunt Zhang's suggestion, hoping to find a solution to the problem. The next day, Li Guihua came to the hospital early and found Dr. Wang's office.

Dr. Wang observed Li Guihua's oral hygiene and found that although her teeth were clean, there was a lot of white moss on her tongue, which was probably a cause of bad breath. Dr. Wong said that many people think that just brushing their teeth is enough, but in fact, bacteria on the tongue can also cause bad breath.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

He suggested that Li Guihua should also use a tongue scraper to clean the tongue coating while brushing her teeth daily, which can more effectively reduce the problem of bad breath. In addition to this, Dr. Wang also noticed that Li Guihua's gums were slightly red and swollen, which may be a slight periodontal inflammation and another cause of bad breath.

Dr. Wang advised Li to use fluoride toothpaste and antibacterial mouthwash to help reduce gum inflammation and to visit the hospital regularly for deep oral cleanings to protect her oral health more holistically.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

He also explained in detail the formation mechanism and preventive measures of gum inflammation, which gave Li Guihua a deeper understanding of her oral health. Finally, Dr. Wang also asked Li Guihua about her eating habits.

Through conversation, he found that Li Guihua has often eaten spicy foods such as onions and garlic recently, and these foods remaining in the mouth may also be one of the causes of bad breath. Therefore, he suggested that Li Guihua should try to avoid too much spicy food in her dietary choices to reduce the production of bad breath.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

After this exhaustive consultation, Li Guihua gained a new understanding of her oral problems. She thanked Dr. Wang for her professional guidance and decided to adjust her lifestyle habits and oral care methods strictly according to the doctor's advice. She believes that through these changes, her bad breath problem will be effectively solved.

In the process of oral hygiene management, Dr. Wong often emphasizes that although regular brushing and flossing are the basic ways to keep your mouth clean, there are some common factors that can cause your mouth to still stink even after brushing.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

These factors are not only related to an individual's oral hygiene habits, but also involve some health issues that may be overlooked. The first factor is the accumulation of bacteria on the tongue. Did you know that the tongue is not smooth and is covered with small protrusions and depressions, which are hiding places for bacteria and food debris.

These bacteria break down food debris, especially the part behind the tongue, which makes it easy to develop bad breath. So even if you brush your teeth cleanly, if you don't clean your tongue regularly, you may have bad breath.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

Tongue scraping is an effective solution that can help remove bacteria and food debris from the surface of the tongue and reduce bad breath. In fact, regular use of a tongue scraper can significantly reduce the amount of volatile sulfides in the mouth, which are one of the main components of bad breath.

The second factor is a dry oral environment. Saliva plays a vital role in oral health, not only helping with digestion, but also helping to remove food debris and microorganisms from the mouth, maintaining the acid-base balance of the environment inside the mouth.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

Saliva also contains antimicrobial ingredients that inhibit bacterial growth and reduce oral health problems caused by pathogens. When the mouth is too dry, these functions of saliva are affected, which makes bad breath worse.

Dry mouth can be caused by a variety of causes, including certain medical conditions (such as diabetes or Parkinson's disease), use of certain medications (such as antidepressants or high blood pressure medications), and breathing habits (such as mouth breathing). The third factor is gum problems, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. These symptoms are usually caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar at the gum margins.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

This condition can lead to red, swollen and bleeding gums and even the formation of deep periodontal pockets, which can easily harbor bacteria and eventually lead to bad breath. Preventing gum disease requires not only brushing and flossing our teeth every day, but also regular professional oral cleaning.

Occasional use of an antibacterial mouthwash can also help control gum disease and reduce inflammation. What these three factors have in common is that they can all be managed or alleviated by maintaining good oral hygiene habits. For example, daily use of a tongue scraper, keeping your mouth moist, regular visits to your dentist for professional cleaning, and using oral care products when necessary are all effective ways to prevent and reduce bad breath.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

In addition, understanding the specific biological and physiological mechanisms behind these factors can help people deal with bad breath more scientifically and improve their quality of life.

When dealing with bad breath, in addition to identifying and addressing the immediate cause of bad breath, a comprehensive oral care strategy is crucial. This section will focus on providing comprehensive advice and approaches to ensure best practices in oral hygiene to help reduce or eliminate bad breath.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

First and foremost, the key to maintaining oral health is daily dental cleaning. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. This simple habit will keep your teeth healthy and white.

When brushing your teeth, make sure that every tooth surface is brushed, not only the outer and inner sides of the teeth, but also the chewing surface. Also, don't forget to floss between your teeth to remove food debris and plaque that your toothbrush can't reach.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

Secondly, tongue cleaning should not be neglected. As mentioned earlier, the tongue is one of the common sources of bad breath because it can accumulate a large number of bacteria. Using a tongue scraper or tongue brush to clean the tongue, especially the back of the tongue, can effectively remove these bacteria and food debris.

It is advisable to clean your tongue every day, especially after brushing your teeth. Finally, eating habits also have an important impact on oral health. Frequent consumption of foods and beverages high in sugar should be avoided as sugar is a major food source for bacteria and can promote plaque formation.

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief

Additionally, spicy foods, such as garlic and onions, are also a common cause of temporary bad breath, despite being highly nutritious. With these comprehensive oral care measures, not only can bad breath be significantly reduced, but overall oral health can also be improved.

(All names have been changed)


What are your thoughts on the health issues of bad breath? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Zhu Honglai. Metabolomics analysis of the differences in tongue coating metabolites between patients with halitosis and healthy people. Xinzhuang Community Health Service Center, Minhang District, Shanghai, 2023-10-15

When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief
When I'm older, why does my mouth always stink? Or 3 factors related! The doctor teaches you relief