
The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

author:Late life

In one corner of the town, there is a cosy little house where a kind old woman lives, and people affectionately call her "Grandma Wang". Her husband has passed away for many years, her son has also settled abroad, and only her daughter Li Hong often visits on weekdays. Grandma Wang's life was uneventful and peaceful, and her greatest pleasure was walking in the park with her neighbors, chatting, and enjoying her retirement.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

One day, Grandma Wang was sitting by the window, holding a pension card in her hand, and there was a hint of worry in her eyes. She knows that she is old and her health is not as good as before, and this card is a peace of mind and a guarantee for her. She decided to give this card to her daughter Li Hong for safekeeping, after all, her daughter is the person she trusts the most.

When Li Hong took the card, a subtle light flashed in her eyes, and she smiled and said to Grandma Wang: "Mom, don't worry, I will take good care of this card." Grandma Wang nodded, the big stone in her heart seemed to fall to the ground, and she believed that her daughter would keep her promise.

As the days passed, Grandma Wang would occasionally ask about the money in the card, and Li Hong would always answer with a smile: "Mom, I haven't touched any of your money, it's all there." When Grandma Wang heard this, she always smiled from ear to ear, feeling that her daughter was really caring. However, she didn't know that the number on this card was no longer the number she remembered.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

On a cool autumn evening, Grandma Wang was sitting in the living room knitting a sweater while her favorite opera program was playing on the TV. Suddenly, a sharp headache hit, the needle and thread in her hand slipped weakly, and the whole person staggered and collapsed on the sofa. Aunt Zhang, a neighbor, happened to come over to borrow some candy, and found that the door was open, and when she pushed the door, she saw that Grandma Wang's face was pale, so she hurriedly called the emergency number.

The white lights of the hospital were cold and harsh, and Grandma Wang was lying on the hospital bed, confused. The doctor's words echoed in her ears: "The old man needs immediate surgery, otherwise the situation will be dangerous." Nurse Xiao Liu was busy on the side, preparing the instruments needed for the operation. Grandma Wang's heart fluttered, and she remembered the pension card, which was her only support.

After Li Hong received the news, she hurried to the hospital with an anxious look on her face. She held Grandma Wang's hand and comforted softly: "Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Grandma Wang's eyes were full of trust, and she nodded weakly, but she felt a faint sense of unease in her heart.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

As the doctors and nurses were busy, Grandma Wang was wheeled into the operating room. Li Hong stood outside the door, the mobile phone in her hand kept vibrating, it was a message from her friend: "Are you still here for tonight's party?" She hesitated for a moment and replied with a message: "It may be late, my mother needs someone to take care of her." But she knew in her heart that she had to go to tonight's party, because there were her "business" partners. And Grandma Wang's pension card is lying quietly in her wallet, and the number on it is no longer the number that makes Grandma Wang feel at ease.

The door of the operating room finally opened, and the doctor took off his mask and reported the good news to Li Hong, who was waiting outside the door: "The operation was very successful, and the old man was very strong. Li Hong breathed a sigh of relief, but the stone in his heart did not completely land. She knew that the next thing she would face was the cost of her mother's rehabilitation.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

After a few days, Grandma Wang's consciousness gradually became clear, and the first thing she did was to ask about her pension card. Li Hong hesitated, but still handed the card to her mother. Grandma Wang used her trembling hand to guide her daughter to check the balance, and the number that popped up on the screen made her stunned - there was only 145 yuan left. Her heart pounded suddenly, puzzlement and panic intertwined on her face: "Hong'er, how is this possible?" What about my money? ”

Li Hong's face turned pale, and she explained hesitantly: "Mom, I... I just borrowed it temporarily and will be returning you soon. Grandma Wang's tears welled up in her eyes, she couldn't believe that her daughter would do such a thing. Her voice was choked: "How can you do this to me?" That's all my savings! ”

The atmosphere in the ward was extremely solemn, and Grandma Wang's crying and Li Hong's explanation were intertwined, forming a suffocating depression. Other patients and family members cast curious and even sympathetic glances, but none of this mattered to Grandma Wang. She felt a loneliness and helplessness like never before, and her trust was as empty as a card that had been drained.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

The air in the ward seemed to freeze, Grandma Wang's tears slipped quietly on the pillow, and her heart seemed to be hammered hard. Li Hong stood aside, at a loss, her voice choked: "Mom, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect this, I just wanted to... Just wanted to help us solve some difficulties. ”

Grandma Wang turned her head, the disappointment and pain in her eyes were indescribable: "Difficult? Are your difficulties more important than my life? Her words were like a cold blade, piercing Li Hong's heart. Li Hong knelt beside the bed and held her mother's hand tightly: "Mom, please forgive me this time, I promise to make it up to you." ”

However, once trust is broken, it is like broken glass, and it is difficult to be complete. Grandma Wang closed her eyes and stopped looking at her daughter, her heart had been filled with disappointment. Li Hong realizes her mistake, and she starts running around, trying to raise money to make up for it. She contacted her younger brother Li Qiang, who was far away, hoping that he would lend a hand.

When Li Qiang heard all this, anger and worry were intertwined. He immediately booked a ticket back home and decided to deal with the issue himself. He said to his sister on the phone, "Sister, how can you do this? Mom's hard-earned money all her life, how can you..."Li Qiang's voice trembled, unable to continue.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

Li Hong was speechless, and could only silently bear her brother's reproach. She knew that what she had done had caused irreparable damage to the family. And Grandma Wang could only lie quietly on the hospital bed, the crack in her heart was more painful than the wound on her body.

Li Qiang rushed back to China in the dust and came directly to the ward of the hospital. When he saw his mother lying on the bed, his heart was like a knife. When Grandma Wang saw her son, a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes, both relieved and guilty. Li Qiang sat on the edge of the bed, held his mother's hand, and said softly, "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm late." ”

After Li Qiang learned about the whole thing, he didn't blame his sister, but began to plan how to solve the problem. He knew that the most important thing now was to restore his mother's body and rebuild the family's trust. He talked with Li Hong all night, and the two decided to face this dilemma together.

Li Qiang took out his savings to make up for his mother's medical expenses. He also helped Li Hong develop a detailed repayment plan and supervised her to strictly enforce it. Li Hong also began to change her attitude towards life, she found a stable job, and no longer pursued those illusory prosperous lives.

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

As time passed, Grandma Wang's body gradually recovered, and she saw the efforts and changes of her children. In her heart, the rift created by disappointment was slowly filled. She began to accept Li Hong again, although she still had some reservations, but she was willing to give her daughter a chance to mend her ways.

Relationships between family members have been strengthened during this crisis, and they have learned to communicate and understand better. On Grandma Wang's birthday, the family sat together, and although there were no luxurious gifts, there were sincere smiles and warm hugs. This home, although it was once stormy, was eventually rebuilt in love and responsibility.

The footsteps of spring are quietly coming, and the season of recovery has also brought new vitality to Grandma Wang's home. Grandma Wang sat on a rocking chair in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine and the fragrance of flowers. Her grandson, Xiao Ming, ran around, chasing butterflies, and laughter filled the yard.

Li Hong stood at the door of the kitchen, holding a plate of freshly made dumplings in her hand, and said to her mother with a smile: "Mom, today is your birthday, I made dumplings with my own hands, can you taste them delicious." Grandma Wang's face bloomed with a smile that she hadn't seen for a long time, she took the dumplings, tasted them gently, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's delicious, my Hong'er craftsmanship is getting better and better." ”

The mother-in-law handed over the pension card to her daughter for safekeeping, and when she got sick, there was only 145 yuan on the card, and the mother-in-law was dumbfounded

Li Qiang came out of the house, holding a small gift box in his hand: "Mom, this is the gift that Xiaohong and I selected, I hope you will like it." Grandma Wang opened the gift box, which contained a delicate scarf, and she hugged the two children with emotion: "Thank you, my children." ”

At dinner, the family sat around the dining table in a warm and harmonious atmosphere. Li Hong took the initiative to mention the past: "Mom, I know that I have done a lot of things wrong, which makes you worried. I've got a job and I'm trying to pay you back. I want to start over and be a better daughter. ”

Grandma Wang held Li Hong's hand: "Child, mom believes in you." We all make mistakes at times, and it's important that we learn from them and get better. Li Qiang's eyes also flashed with pride, and he knew that his sister had really changed.

There is no shadow of the past in their smiles, only a bright expectation for the future. This home, after going through wind and rain, finally ushered in a rainbow.