
The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

author:Late life

The afternoon sun shines through the curtains and sprinkles in the cozy small living room, Granny Li sits on the sofa, playing with a string of Buddhist beads in her hands, and her eyes reveal a hint of contemplation. The eldest son Li Qiang and daughter-in-law Zhang Li were chatting with her, and the atmosphere was relaxed and harmonious. Suddenly, Granny Li spoke, with a hint of firmness in her voice: "I decided to give Xiaowei 200,000 yuan and let him buy a car." ”

Zhang Li's smile suddenly froze on her face, and she hurriedly said, "Mom, why are you doing this?" Xiaowei is still young and should work his own. Granny Li shook her head lightly, with unquestionable persistence in her tone: "Xiaowei works hard, and it will be much more convenient to have a car." ”

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

Zhang Li was unhappy in her heart, but she still kept a smile on her face, and she tried to persuade her mother-in-law: "Mom, we all understand your kindness, but if you give money now, I'm afraid it will spoil him." Granny Li seemed to have made up her mind, she slowly stood up and patted the back of Zhang Li's hand: "I know you are all for my good, but I also have my considerations." ”

Seeing this, Li Qiang hurriedly played a round: "Mom, let's discuss this matter again, don't rush at this time." Granny Li sighed, didn't say anything more, turned around and walked slowly back to her room. In the living room, Zhang Li and Li Qiang glanced at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. This home, because of Granny Li's words, suddenly became a little heavy.

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

At dinner time, the atmosphere at the table was unusually dull. Zhang Li put a piece of braised pork in Li Qiang's bowl, and whispered: "Qiang, you have to talk to your mother well, you can't spoil Xiaowei so much." Li Qiang frowned, and responded while chewing his meal: "I know, but you also know my mother's temper, and it is not okay to come hard." ”

After the meal, the two sat on the balcony, and the night breeze brought a touch of coolness. Zhang Li looked at the starry sky, with a little worry in her tone: "Look at Xiaowei, you know how to play games all day long, and you don't care about work." How can this continue? Li Qiang sighed, he knew that what his wife said was reasonable, but he didn't want to hurt his mother's feelings.

The next day, Zhang Li took advantage of Li Qiang's work and found Granny Li. She cautiously mentioned the matter of buying a car: "Mom, I don't think Xiaowei is suitable for driving now, he doesn't even have a driver's license." Granny Li was watering the flowers, and when she heard this, the kettle in her hand paused slightly, and then continued to water: "I know you are for his good, but I have also thought about this problem." I'll push him to learn how to drive. ”

Zhang Li was unwilling to give up, and said tentatively: "Mom, can we consider helping him save first?" Wait until he really needs it. Granny Li put down the kettle, turned around, and looked at Zhang Li with a firm gaze: "I know what you're worried about, but it's my decision." ”

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

Zhang Li felt powerless, she knew that once her mother-in-law decided, it was difficult to change it. She could only reluctantly withdraw from the garden, leaving Granny Li to stand there alone, looking into the distance, a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes.

When Xiaowei learned that his grandmother was going to buy him a car, he was so excited that he almost stayed awake all night. He imagined himself driving down the street in his new car, and his heart was full of anticipation. The next day, he quit his job, citing "no longer the hard work."

At the same time, Li Qiang and Zhang Li's lives are as busy and fulfilling as ever. Their son, Xiao Ming, has always been at the top of his grades in school, and the couple often discuss together how to better educate their children and how to give him more love and guidance after their busy work.

One night, Xiao Ming ran home with a math test paper with a perfect score and excitedly showed it to his parents. Li Qiang smiled and touched his son's head: "It seems that our efforts have not been in vain. Zhang Li added gently: "Xiao Ming, you have to remember that no matter what you do, you have to rely on your own efforts to fight for it." ”

Xiao Wei occasionally comes to his brother's house, and every time he sees Xiao Ming working so hard, he always disagrees: "Children, play is the most important thing." Li Qiang and Zhang Li always looked at each other and smiled bitterly after hearing this, and sighed silently in their hearts.

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

As time passed, Xiaowei's life became more and more leisurely, he began to frequent various entertainment venues, and his circle of friends gradually changed. Li Qiang's family, on the other hand, pays more attention to the fulfillment of their spiritual life, and goes to the library or museum together on weekends to enjoy the fun of knowledge.

Two very different lifestyles have quietly taken shape in this family, and behind all this is Granny Li's hidden worries and expectations. She hopes that Xiaowei can wake up as soon as possible and embark on the right path in life.

Three years have passed like a white horse, and Xiaowei's life trajectory has not improved as Granny Li wanted. On the contrary, he became more and more addicted to pleasure and careless about his work. Granny Li's 200,000 yuan has long been squandered by him, and the car he once dreamed of has only become a tool for him to show off.

One evening, Granny Li received a phone call from Xiaowei's friend, saying that Xiaowei owed a lot of debt outside and was being recovered. After hearing this, Granny Li hung up the phone with trembling hands. She never thought that her kindness would actually fuel Xiaowei's indulgence.

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

At the same time, Li Qiang and Zhang Li's family is a different story. Xiao Ming has always excelled in school, and he has also participated in the school's science competitions and won awards. The couple always adhered to principles in educating their children, not doting or conniving, which made Xiao Ming learn independence and self-discipline from an early age.

Granny Li watched Xiao Ming's growth, and couldn't help but make comparisons in her heart. She began to reflect on her original decision and whether she was really responsible for Xiaowei's future. She remembered Zhang Li's opposition at the beginning, maybe she was right, sometimes excessive generosity is not true love.

Xiaowei's debt problem weighed on Granny Li's heart like a boulder, and she knew she had to face it. But she is more worried about whether Xiaowei will be able to learn from the setback and get back on his feet. And all of this will take time to give an answer.

Granny Li sat on an old-fashioned wooden chair, clutching the yellowed passbook in her hand. Her brow tightened, and the tangled knots in her heart were as hard to unravel as a mess. She knew that if she handed over this last savings to Xiaowei, it would undoubtedly be a drop in the bucket, and it might even exacerbate his problems. But if she doesn't help, how can she, as a mother, bear to watch her son fall into trouble?

At this moment, Li Qiang walked in, he noticed his mother's strange appearance, and asked softly, "Mom, what's wrong with you?" Is there something uncomfortable? Granny Li shook her head and sighed deeply: "It's Xiaowei's business, he's causing trouble again." ”

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

Li Qiang sat down and listened carefully to his mother's account of Xiaowei's debt problems. After listening, he was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke: "Mom, I know you're worried about Xiaowei, but we can't always solve the problem for him. He needs to learn to take responsibility for himself. ”

Zhang Li also joined the conversation, her tone was gentle but firm: "Mom, we all love Xiaowei, but love is not connivance. We need to make him understand that everyone has to pay for their actions. ”

A tear gleamed in Granny Li's eyes, and she knew that what the children said was right. She slowly stood up, walked to the window, looked at the moonlight outside, and seemed to have a decision in her heart. She turned around and said to Li Qiang and Zhang Li: "You are right, I can't always protect him. This time, I'm going to let him face it himself. ”

At that moment, Granny Li felt unprecedented relief. She realizes that true love sometimes means letting go and letting the person you love go through through the ups and downs and grow on their own. And this night, everyone in the family is mentally preparing for the changes that are coming.

Faced with a growing debt problem, Xiaowei finally realizes that he can no longer rely on his grandmother's help. He started looking around for job opportunities, but the indulgence of the past few years made him look uncompetitive in the workplace. The interview failed again and again, and each blow made him more aware of his current situation.

By chance, Xiaowei met an old neighbor who ran a small courier company. The neighbor saw Xiaowei's predicament and decided to give him a chance. Xiaowei seized this opportunity and started working as a courier. At first, he was uncomfortable with the manual work, and he was exhausted from the daily rush. But instead of giving up, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

After a few months, Xiaowei's efforts began to pay off. His work efficiency has gradually improved, and his attitude towards customers has become more and more professional. His superiors noticed the change and gave him more trust and responsibility. Xiaowei also began to have savings, although not much, but enough for him to see hope.

After Granny Li heard about Xiaowei's changes, the stone in her heart finally landed. She looked at her grandson's maturing back, and her heart was full of relief. She knew that this time she didn't give the money was the right choice. What Xiaowei needs is not monetary relief, but to win the dignity of life through his own efforts.

Li Qiang and Zhang Li also saw the changes in Xiao Wei, and they celebrated Xiao Ming's scholarship at home while also being proud of Xiao Wei's progress. This family has become warmer and more harmonious because of the efforts and growth of each member. Xiaowei's story proves that as long as a person has determination and perseverance, he can always find a way to overcome difficulties.

A few years have passed, and Xiaowei has completely shaken off the shadow of the past. He is now the regional manager of a well-known logistics company, managing dozens of employees. On his desk are all kinds of honorary certificates and trophies that he has received, which he has accumulated bit by bit by his own efforts.

Granny Li sat in the spacious and bright living room, holding a photo album in her hand, looking through the photos of her family. With a smile in the corner of her eyes, her heart filled with satisfaction and peace. She knew that both of her grandchildren had grown into men she could rely on.

The mother-in-law wanted to buy a car for her younger son for 200,000 yuan, but the eldest daughter-in-law disagreed, and the mother-in-law was glad that she didn't give the money after 3 years

Today is a special day, Xiao Wei and Xiao Ming have returned home. Xiaowei wears a neat suit, looking capable and confident; Xiao Ming carried his college diploma with a bookish face. The two brothers sat around Granny Li and shared their experiences and plans for the future.

Xiaowei said with emotion: "Grandma, it was you who made me understand the importance of self-reliance. If it weren't for the hardships of that time, I probably would never have grown up. Granny Li held his hand with tears in her eyes: "You can do this now, grandma is really proud." ”

Xiao Ming also interjected: "Grandma, thank you for always supporting me in my studies. I will continue to study hard and live up to your expectations. Granny Li smiled and nodded: "You are all grandma's good grandsons." ”

On this day, the house was full of laughter. Granny Li looked at her two grandsons, and was extremely glad that she didn't give money back then. This family has become stronger and better because of everyone's persistence and hard work. The story ends with this heartwarming scene, which sends a message: true love and care are sometimes about learning to be self-reliant.