
At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

author:Pound the ink

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At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

Ho Kam Tsung in the game.

Last night, on the 100-meter track of the National Track and Field Championships and the National Track and Field Grand Prix Finals held in Rizhao, a strong youth storm once again blew up. First of all, 15-year-old Chen Yujie lived up to expectations, in the women's 100m final, with a time of 11.29 seconds, beating her predecessors Liang Xiaojing, Ge Manqi and other domestic 100m experts, and won the first national championship of her personal sports career. While setting a new personal PB and this year's best result in Asia, it also set a new Asian junior record.

At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

Chen Yujie won the women's 100-meter championship.

Yesterday's women's 100-meter final gathered all the current domestic masters, which is extremely rare in recent years. Liang Xiaojing, Ge Manqi, Wei Yongli, Li He, etc. all have the strength to win the championship, especially Liang Xiaojing and Ge Manqi have almost swept all the women's 100-meter championships in official competitions in recent years, and they are the favorites to win the championship. In the face of a strong opponent, the 15-year-old Chen Yujie was untimid, calm and calm, showing maturity beyond his years. As soon as the starting gun sounded, all eight runners rushed out of the starting line almost simultaneously; After 30 meters, Liang Xiaojing showed a strong halfway running strength and began to lead far ahead, while Chen Yujie followed closely and struggled to catch up; After 80 meters, the two were almost neck-and-neck; In the last ten meters, Chen Yujie overtook Liang Xiaojing, won by a narrow margin, and won the final championship. Once again, he wrote the legend of his sports career. is also worthy of the title of "the strongest female middle school student".

At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

After the game, Ho Kam Tsuen was interviewed.

Another surprise yesterday came in the men's 100m final. He Jinyan, a young man from Fujian who is not yet 18 years old, took the lead and finally won the 100-meter championship with a time of 10.06 seconds. improved the national youth record by 0.09 seconds. He Jintong is the sixth and youngest Chinese men's 100m runner to run 10.10 seconds. This result is tied for fourth place with Chen Guanfeng in the Chinese 100-meter all-time rankings. The top three were Su Bingtian 9.83 seconds, Xie Zhenye 9.97 seconds, and Zhang Peimeng 10.00 seconds.

At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

Chen Guanfeng in the game.

10.06 seconds, another 10.06 seconds. Seeing this 10.06 seconds, I can't help but think of 2021, three years ago. At that time, Chen Guanfeng, who was only 21 years old, ran this result and became the first post-00 runner to run into 10.10 seconds, which cheered up the people of the whole country. "Su Bingtian's successor", "the strongest post-00" and other titles followed. Just when everyone had high hopes for him, Chen Guanfeng came to a flash in the pan and never ran into 10.10 seconds again. At present, Chen Guanfeng's time is basically hovering around 10.40 seconds, and he has completely withdrawn from the ranks of the 100-meter championship competition, which is a pity.

At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

The scene of the men's 100-meter final.

The ancients said: Taking people as a mirror can tell you the gains and losses. The rapid rise and fall of Chen Guanfeng has brought us a lot of inspiration and reflection. At the age of 17, the score of 10.06 seconds is enough to show that He Yan's talent is better than Chen Guanfeng. He is another rising star in the Chinese men's 100 meters after Chen Guanfeng. It is hoped that He Jintong can learn lessons from Chen Guanfeng, correct his mentality, train scientifically, improve his skills, make up for his shortcomings, steadily improve his performance in future competitions, break the 10-second mark as soon as possible, and become another leader in the Chinese men's 100m after Su Bingtian and Xie Zhenye.

At the age of 21, Chen Guanfeng ran 10.06 seconds before slumping. What will happen to him at the age of 17?

The scene of the women's 100-meter race.

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