
When the father and daughter met for the first time, he was summoned by a little milk baby who couldn't even speak clearly.

author:Zhizhi excerpt
When the father and daughter met for the first time, he was summoned by a little milk baby who couldn't even speak clearly.

The picture comes from the Internet

Inside a hospital ward.

Fan Xingyun took a hot towel and carefully wiped the sweat from the old man's forehead.

The old man took a fever reduction injection, and his clothes were changed several times, all of which were done by Fan Xingyun himself.

After holding on all night without sleeping, his eyes were red and swollen, and he looked exhausted.


A familiar call came to his eardrums, and Van Xingyun looked up and saw the person he had been thinking about day and night.

Compared with three years ago, she has become introverted, and her naughty and sharp big eyes when she was young are now full of tenderness.

He stood up slowly, with surprise in his eyes, and his speech stumbled,

"Master... Master out of ...... Sweating, burning... Has stepped back, this time high... High fever, is... Because of gastroenteritis, it generally takes five to seven days to reduce inflammation, and this time is inevitable... Still... And repeatedly. ”

Wu Youyou calmly walked to the bed, pursed his lips and nodded.

"Thank you, you've worked hard for you this time, I will take care of grandpa today, you go back to rest first."


He wanted to avoid it, leaving time for his grandparents and grandchildren to be alone, and at the same time giving himself a buffer time.

After Fan Xingyun left, Wu Youyou was relieved.

As soon as they got off the plane, they rushed to the hospital as soon as possible, and heard Aunt Luo say that Fan Xingyun was waiting for his grandfather in the ward.

In order to prevent the father and daughter from bumping into each other, she could only ask Su Jingyi to wait in the hall with her thoughts.

Wait for her to open the Fanxing Nebula, and then let Su Jingyi take the child to recognize her grandfather.

Fan Xingyun walked out of the ward, and did not take the elevator directly to the garage on the first floor, but stayed on the chair of the nurse's station on the same floor.

Su Jingyi received the location, so she dragged three large suitcases and brought the little guy over.

It's just that the hospital is too big, there are a lot of things, and she has to take care of a small one, so she has a hard time finding it.

Van Xingyun leaned back against the back of the chair and closed his eyes to recuperate, and after a while, something touched his feet.

He opened his eyes and looked down, and a small round butt dangled in front of his eyes.

After a while, a small lump of flesh wearing a white hooded vest and light-colored denim pants retreated from under the chair in a crawling posture.

Fan Xingyun had just lifted his feet to give her more space, but the little guy sat on the ground with his butt like touching porcelain.

The hat covered her head, revealing only a fleshy face, and a pair of large, innocent eyes staring at the man in front of her.

Fan Xingyun was inexplicably looked at by her, and he squatted down and looked under the chair.

A green pacifier appeared in front of him.

The little guy pointed to the pacifier and blinked his eyes for help, "Rat, help!" ”

"You mean, let me help you get the pacifier?"

"Hmmm! Well! ”

Fan Xingyun really didn't expect that he, a big president, would be called by a little milk baby who couldn't even speak clearly.

But the rows of heavy chairs, all fixed together, could not be moved at all.

He looked around, but fortunately there was no one around.

In desperation, he had no choice but to kneel on his knees in an extremely ashamed posture, and then prostrate his upper body on the ground, stretching out his arms to catch the stubborn pacifier.

The moment the pacifier was in his hand, Fan Xingyun immediately returned it to the little guy, "Oh, give you the pacifier, no thanks." ”

The little guy stretched out his hand, suddenly retracted it again, and tapped his finger at the pacifier, "Dirty, wash the rat." ”

Mommy said that if the pacifier is dirty and can't be eaten, it will hurt in the stomach.

Van Xingyun glanced at the green pacifier, hanging with a chain.

At the other end of the chain is a five-pointed star-shaped clip, which is supposed to be clipped to the garment.

It's got some dust, and it's a little dirty.

He walked straight to the sink next to the nurse's station, carefully washed the pacifier and chain, and scalded it with boiling water.

When the little guy saw Van Xingyun's pacifier come back, she stretched out her hand and stomped her feet on the spot excitedly.

As soon as the little hand touched the pacifier, it couldn't wait to be stuffed into the mouth, and a pair of big eyes narrowed into crescents.

Seeing it, she was very happy.

The chain hanging from the nipple swayed as her chest rose and fell.

Van Xingyun sat back in her chair, picked up the chain casually, and clipped it to the neckline of her dress to prevent it from being lost again.


The pacifier was spit out by the little guy and hung right on her bulging belly.

She pointed to the clip, "Baby drop." ”

"Treasure drops?"


"You're a baby?"

The little guy comprehended, patted his chest with his little hand, and smiled with crooked eyebrows, "I'm a baby!" ”

Fan Xingyun frowned and smiled bitterly, "Okay! ”

"So, what is this?" He pointed to the five-star clip.

"Yes, twinkle twinkle twinkle."

"What is it?"

The little guy said such a long sentence in one breath, and when he spoke, his mouth was like a bubble, and he was slurred.

The little guy raised his arm, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and repeated, "It's twinkle and shiny." ”

In Fan's ears, the next sentence immediately echoed, "The sky is full of little stars." ”

Isn't this a nursery rhyme that every child in China is familiar with?

"Why are you still singing?"

"Niannian! Miss! ”

A young woman wearing a white cheongsam ran over in a panic, picked up the little one, and put him in her arms.

His eyes looked at Van Xingyun vigilantly, and he looked like a hedgehog with thorns all over his body.

"Who are you?"

Fan Xingyun looked at her a little familiarly, wasn't that the mother of the hero baby who appeared on the news in California some time ago?

The same oriental face, the same cheongsam, and look at the child in her arms......

Obviously, a few days ago, how could someone who was still in California coincidentally appear in the hospital at the same time on the first day of Xiao Zuojing's return to China?

The more Fan Xingyun thought about it, the more strange he felt, he squinted his eyes and looked at the appearance of people without saying a word, which was really a little terrifying.

Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer to her, and her hand was about to touch her chest, Su Jingyi shouted anxiously.

"Don't come here! If you come here again, I'm going to shout rudeness. ”

Although, she has rarely seen such a man with such a graceful moon.

But traditional Chinese good girls have always been reserved and reserved.

She couldn't be so easily fooled by a man's appearance.

Under the woman's astonishment, Fan Xingyun pulled down the little guy's hoodie and appeared in front of him with his whole face intact.

Overlapping with the photos in his memory, it was exactly the same.

He couldn't help but ask, "Who are you, whose child is this?" ”

"My name is Su Jingyi, of course this child is mine, I don't believe you."

Su Jingyi pulled out the little guy's pacifier, "Baby, call someone." ”


As soon as the words fell, he was stuffed with a pacifier again.

If Fan Xingyun didn't hear the mistake, the child was obviously called godmother, not mother.

The woman was lying.

But why did she lie?

"Why are you looking at me like this, I know I'm beautiful, but it's not something you stinky men can imagine, but, for the sake of you having a good skin, I'm..."

"Where's the child's father?"

Fan Xingyun interrupted her conjecture and asked coldly.

Su Jingyi suddenly felt that her face was dull, and she shook the child in her hand, "Baby, tell your uncle and dad what you do, be louder!" ”

"Daddy is a big star, on TV."

"Did you hear that, my husband is a big star, big stars know, filming TV series, old handsome......"

"Smelly smell!

Before Su Jingyi finished showing off, the little guy covered his ass and yelled at her ear.

At the end, wisps of fragrance were released, and there was still a faint amount of water vapor.

Van Xingyun wrinkled his nose, not realizing what it smelled like.

Su Jingyi was already holding the child's arm in both hands, and ran away in a hurry, shouting all the time, "Where is the bathroom?" Where are the restrooms? ”

The nurse showed her a clear path, and she pedaled her high heels from west to east.


Realizing that the child might have pulled Xiang, thinking of the terrible picture, Fan Xingyun immediately retched on the spot.

Wu Youyou waited for a while, but he didn't see anyone, and no one answered his call, so he simply came out to look for it.

didn't walk for long, but I saw Fan Xingyun holding on to the corner of the wall, looking uncomfortable.

"Why hasn't this man left yet? What if this ......"

She stepped forward in three or two steps, "Why are you still here?" ”

Hearing the familiar voice, Fan Xingyun turned his head, catching the anxiety in her eyes, and secretly rejoicing in her heart, "I... I'll wait for you. ”

"Go back and wait, grandpa can't do without people here, if you get sick from exhaustion, you can't rely on me for this account."

"Yoyo, how long will you be back this time?"

"It's been a long time, it's been a long time, you can go back quickly, or I'm going to go crazy."

She twisted her eyebrows and deliberately made a fierce appearance, but she scolded in her heart, if you don't get out, the old lady will put you in a sack and carry you away.

"Okay, then grandpa has something, you contact me in time."

"yes, got it!"

The corners of Fan Xingyun's mouth flew, and he walked much briskly, and when he entered the elevator, he deliberately glanced back.

Frightened, Wu Youyou hurriedly turned around.

She originally just wanted to confirm that Fan Xingyun really left, but she didn't expect to be caught by the other party.

Will he think that he is peeking at him, I think I have no feelings for him.

It wasn't until Fan Xingyun entered the elevator that Su Jingyi walked out of the bathroom at the other end with a depressed face.

The little guy followed behind, and as soon as he raised his eyes and saw Wu Youyou, he raised his arm, and shouted with joy.

"Mommy, Mommy~"

Wu Youyou hugged her daughter and sniffed the milk on her body.

Su Jingyi glanced at her in disgust, "Don't smell it, your daughter just." ”

"Hahahaha~" The two looked up and laughed.

"Su Jingyi, doesn't your daughter, why is it my daughter when she?"

"Don't pull!"

The three of them walked into the ward together, and the old man had not woken up yet.

Wu Youyou closed the door and pulled down the blinds, for fear that Fan Xingyun would go and return.

"Mommy, it's grandpa, it's an old grandfather."

The little guy ran to the head of the bed and pointed at the old man with a milky voice.

"Baby, this is Mommy's grandfather, you should be called Zuzu."

"Ancestor ......"

The old man was in a daze, and he heard a childish voice, and he opened his tired eyes.

In the haze, I saw a small person standing next to the bed, and his little hands were fleshy and full of heat.

She was grabbing his fingers and playing with them, muttering like her precious granddaughter when she was a child.

There are also two blurred figures in the back.

The old man thought he was going to die and saw a vision, so he saw his granddaughter when she was a child.

Although he is so old and his granddaughter has grown up, he is still reluctant to leave this world.

He hadn't had time to see his granddaughter for the last time, and if he went, his precious granddaughter would have no relatives in this world.

"Yu Yu......"

The old man grabbed the little hand tightly, and the moment he closed his eyes, tears rolled down.

"I'm not Yoyo, I'm a baby!"

The little one shook the old man's hand and tried his best to correct him.

"Grandpa, I'm here."

Wu Youyou sat on the chair next to him and held the old man's hand.

"Grandpa, I'm back, you open your eyes and see, your granddaughter is back, this time, I'm not leaving."

When it comes to emotion, tears also flow uncontrollably.

Luckily, she came back, and luckily, Grandpa was still there.

The old man opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling with empty eyes, and the sound of squeezing into his eardrums just now was like a leisurely sound.

The little hand in the palm of the hand is still moving, and the sense of substance is very strong, as if it were real.

"Grandpa, look at me, I'm Yoyo, I'm back."

"Baby ......"

The little guy leaned against the edge of the bed, tiptoed his little feet, and tried to introduce himself, "Zuzu, the baby is also fat." ”

The old man's eyes rolled, and he sat up in shock.

Wu Youyou hurriedly bent down to support his head, then pulled up two pillows and cushioned his back.

"You're Yoyo?"

He looked at Big Yoyo, and then at Little Yoyo, his confused eyes and fluttering eyelashes.

Wu Youyou pulled the chair closer to the head of the bed, then picked up the little guy and solemnly introduced it to the old man.

"Grandpa, I'm Yoyo, this is ...... My daughter, who is also your great-granddaughter, is a little over two years old, and I'm sorry to hide it from you for so long. ”

The old man didn't react for a while, his lips trembled and he pointed at the little guy, "You say, who is she?" ”

"It's my daughter, my own."

Wu Youyou's eyes were firm, and she was sure that her grandfather would definitely accept Niannian.

She carried her daughter to her grandfather's bed, and the little one grinned innocently and romantically.

The old man stretched out his hand and gently touched the fleshy arm of the little guy, this wouldn't be a dream.

More than two years old, is this little bit the reason why you insisted on going abroad and only returned to China once in three years?

What about her biological father......

No matter who her biological father is, in short, this is the blood of their Wu family, "What's your name." ”

The little one took the trouble to repeat again, "I'm baby." ”

This word is round, that proud, people who don't know, think she's reporting the balance of the bank card.



"The nickname is Nian Nian, and the big name is waiting for you to take it."

The old man took the little guy and looked up and down, as if he was admiring a jade Guanyin, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

That cautious look, for fear of bumping this little baby.

"Okay, okay, that's... Let's go home. ”

The old man lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

But he forgot that he still had a hanging needle in his hand, and the doctor said that after waking up, he would have to stay for three or two days.

Wu Youyou hurriedly stopped him, and conveyed the doctor's words, and promised that she would stay and take care of him for the next few days until he recovered.

The old man was happy and sad when he heard this, and he was happy that he would be able to see his granddaughter in the next few days.

The worry is that the granddaughter stays here, what will the little great-grandson do?

She came all the way back from the United States, she was only two years old, and it was just when she needed her mother.

But the hospital is full of patients, and even the air smells of disinfectant water, which is not suitable for children to stay for a long time.

"No, you stay here, what about my little great-grandson?"

Wu Youyou stepped forward and pulled Su Jingyi to her side, and solemnly introduced that this was her friend Su Jingyi, and she was also Niannian's godmother.

She said that in the past three years abroad, thanks to Su Jingyi taking care of their mother and daughter, otherwise, they don't know how much hardship they have to endure.

In the past few days, Xiao Niannian has entrusted it to her.

Su Jingyi, who has a low tear line, has long been moved to tears by the feelings of her grandparents and grandchildren.

She knew that Yoyo had no parents since she was a child, and it was her grandfather who single-handedly pulled her up.

Therefore, for the old man in front of her, she respects him from the bottom of her heart.

The old man nodded and smiled at her, and thanked her again and again for taking care of the mother and daughter.

"You're welcome, Youyou and I are sisters, and Xiao Niannian is also like mother and daughter, we are in a foreign land, just like a family."

The next day, Fan Xingyun stood in front of the window, looking at these four tall buildings, and he felt comforted.

His office has also been transformed from a tin room into a one-story interior.

A whole wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, facing the river, and a wall opposite, has been placed 24 hours a day for the past three years.

Fan Xingyun got coffee in the clouds, and the whole person was tired and nested on the sofa, after leaving the hospital yesterday, he waited for Wu Youyou's call.

Although, he didn't have much hope in his heart, but the result still disappointed him.

He could only console himself that caring for patients was tiring and busy.

This is already the third cup of coffee, and if you don't drink it, your eyes can't stand it.

Sun Xiaobing knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Mr. Fan."

Sun Xiaobing walked in with a pile of papers, "That Qian Fugui is here again, making a hunger strike downstairs, and threatening us that if we don't see you, Mr. Fan, he will starve to death at the door of our business hall."

Later, I asked the security guard to drag him away, and guess what, someone just passed a photo of him eating chicken leg burgers, hahaha~"

Sun Xiaobing's mouth smiled exaggeratedly.

Three years ago, they acquired a new piece of land, a forgotten cemetery, with grass growing taller than a man.

And there is a crumbling mud bungalow nearby.

The owner of the house is called Qian Fugui, and when they bitterly proposed a compensation plan to the other party, Qian Fugui repeatedly chased the code and increased the price.

In order to prevent them from starting work, Qian Fugui even quit his job as a security guard in the villa area and moved to a mud house overnight.

From then on, I don't talk about struggle in this life, I just want to lie down.

Just when Van Xingyun, who has always liked to settle things with money, decided to compromise again.

Unexpectedly, Qian Duoduo's operation broke the road to wealth for the father and son.

In the end, the company unanimously decided not to levy rich earthwork, but to use dirt to fill in the surrounding depression first.

Hundreds of machines, day and night, are constantly digging and filling, and suddenly sounding.

disturbed the father and son, not to mention the inconvenience of travel, and they were also so noisy that they couldn't sleep at night.

In the past three years, every rainy day, the Qian family's earthen house is like a pond, and it can't live at all.

Recently, due to the change of the plan of Guanren Real Estate, the land has not moved, and the people and machines have run out.

At night, in this empty mountain field, within a radius of a hundred miles, only one of them lit a lamp, or a kerosene lamp, and when the wind was strong, the fire was extinguished.

The surroundings were quiet, and there was a little movement, and they all thought it was a ghost knocking on the door.

However, the father and son had no money to find a new place to live, and the loan shark owed them, and the creditor called them every day.

They had nowhere to hide, so they moved the bench to the hall of Guanren Real Estate to make trouble, anyway, rich people love face.

After hearing this, Fan Xingyun had no waves in his heart.

Anyway, Qian Fugui is not the first time to come, and today, it will not be the last.

"By the way, Mr. Fan, two days ago, a merchant wanted to rent the opposite wall for advertising, and I refused, but the conditions offered by the other party were good."

The missing person notice on the opposite side has been hanging for three years, and I don't know how many copywriters have been changed in the middle, and the protagonist's photos have been changed one after another.

This wall has become a holy place for Internet celebrities to check in.

But the news about Hu Jingyuan was lost in the sea.

Fan Xingyun knew that Sun Xiaobing was for the company's sake, after all, he was in a place with such a strong flow of people.

With such a large wall, every year, the income from advertising alone is considerable.

"Since it is a promise to others, how can I regret it, besides, the company is not short of this money."

"That's so, but if Hu Jingyuan can't find it, this wall can't be hung for a lifetime."

Van Xingyun fell into deep thought again.

"Mr. Fan, I heard that Miss Wu is back, why don't you let Miss Wu persuade Lao Hu, let's change him to another place, just say..."

"What does this have to do with Yoyo?"

Before Sun Xiaobing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fan Xingyun, who put down his coffee and looked at him with puzzled eyes.

Sun Xiaobing was furious in his heart when he saw it.

It's been three years, and for the name Miss Wu, Mr. Fan hasn't been desensitized, and he will explode when he mentions it.

"Hey, this is not the idea that Miss Wu proposed to you at the beginning, I thought that she could talk to Lao Hu, and she came forward..."

Van Xingyun denied, "No! ”

"What's not?"

"It's not Yoyo."

It's Maggie Jiang!

"It's not Miss Wu, who is that? She had come up with the idea first. ”

Hearing this, Fan Xingyun looked displeased.

He stood up, his tall figure, and a long shadow dragged up on the ground in the sunlight.

This strong sense of oppression is similar to the pressure of Mount Tai.

"Sun Xiaobing, make your words clear!"

"I ...... This ......"

Sun Xiaobing is hesitant, at this moment he is simply Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, not a person inside and out.


Sun Xiaobing had no choice but to confess what happened three years ago.

"So, when Yoyo gave you the proposal, you were the only one present."

"Yes!" Sun Xiaobing thought about it again.

"However, when I opened the door and found Miss Jiang standing outside the door, I wasn't sure if she heard the conversation between the two of us."

Of course she heard it.

Otherwise, she wouldn't let Sun Xiaobing go, so she turned around and mentioned this idea to him.

After the matter was completed, he also refused the commendation meeting of Van Xingyun.

got a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and immediately took a photo and posted the circle of friends with unknown meaning.

Today, Jiang Meiqi is like a fish in water in Guanren Real Estate.

Because she is a woman, because she is good at reading words and feelings, because she is good at her work, even if she acts, it has gone beyond the scope of the designer's work.

For example, on a business trip to Fanxingyun to help book air tickets, contact hotels, and even deliver food, he will not refuse.

This should have been Sun Xiaobing's job.

Occasionally, Jiang Meiqi also goes on business trips with the two, and the photos posted in the circle of friends are often only her and Fan Xingyun.

Occasionally, Sun Xiaobing appeared on the scene, and he was jokingly called by other people in the company that he was a light bulb and was ignorant.

The people under the company all default to Fan Xingyun and Jiang Meiqi as a couple, even if Fan Xingyun never laughs in front of people, they still think that he is honest and honest.

Van Xingyun never bothered to make any explanations, and it would not affect his work and life anyway.

But now that I think about it, three years ago, Yoyo's change may be related to Jiang Meiqi.

He felt the need to confirm with Wu Youyou, and he was willing to explain.

Unable to wait for Fan Xingyun's response, Sun Xiaobing couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Fan, who mentioned Hu Youwei's matter to you?" ”

Fan Xingyun didn't answer, but waved his hand to drive him away, "Busy with your going first." ”

In the hospital, the old man and Xiao Niannian sat cross-legged on the hospital bed and learned to sing in front of the tablet.

"The little white rabbit, white and white, with two ears up, loves to eat radishes and vegetables, and is so cute to jump around."

The little one is bouncing on the bed, and the bed board makes a "bang" sound.

She turned around to pull up the old man, "Zuzu, come, and the baby is bouncing." ”

Wu Youyou hurriedly picked her up, "Baby, you can't jump, the bed will be broken." ”

The old man then put on his shoes and got out of bed, "It's okay, we'll be the same if we jump on the ground." ”

The little guy clapped his hands and applauded, "Yay, long live Zuzu!" Long live Zuzu! ”

Wu Youyou was speechless, this old man and young man had only known each other for a day, and the old man had already interpreted what it meant to be a next-generation pro to the fullest.

No matter what the little guy asks, he agrees casually, completely out of his mind.

She even suspected that if she wanted the stars in the sky, the old man would find a way to take them off for her.

She pressed the old man back to the bed, "You are not allowed to jump, there are still needles in your hands, what if you pull it?" Besides, you're jumping so much, are you okay downstairs? ”

The old man wants to come, the one he lives in is a VIP, and I don't know if it's downstairs.

If you don't go down and talk to someone, he is willing to pay for all the medical bills and noise bills for them.

Anyway, he still has to stay for two days, and what if his great-granddaughter is unhappy and doesn't want to come?

Just do it.

The old man got up, lifted his waist bag and mobile phone, and held Xiao Niannian with the other hand.

Mouthfully, take the little one to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment, and tell others not to follow.

Wu Youyou could guess what he was going to do with his toes, "Grandpa, if you are so used to her, we will live separately in the future." ”

The old man was honest in an instant.

"Mommy, there's a phone, there's a phone."

The little guy picked up the phone on the table and handed it over.

Wu Youyou glanced at it, and then walked out of the room to answer the phone.

The phone was connected, "Yoyo...", Fan Xingyun was a little nervous.

He has never been good at words, even if he made Wu Youyou cry when he was a child.

The only way he could think of to make her happy was to take her to buy good food, read her a villain book, or walk around the house behind her back.

But now that she has grown up, her thoughts have become unpredictable, and these methods of coaxing people when she was a child have no longer worked.

"Is there anything wrong with you?" Wu Youyou asked in a light tone.

She couldn't let Fan Xingyun know about Niannian's existence, let alone allow him to fight with herself for custody.

So she had to keep her distance from Fan Xingyun, which was why she stayed with Su Jingyi.

At least at the critical moment, Su Jingyi can pretend to be the child's mother, and no one is more suitable than her.

"Grandpa's health, is it better?"

"Thank you for your concern, it's much better."

This tone is rusty, as if the two are separated by a galaxy, so that Fan Xingyun doesn't know how to answer.

He untied his tie and tried to look relaxed, "You have it tonight..."

"Xingyun, Mr. Sheng's plane will land soon, I have already booked the hotel, I will also iron the clothes you wear tonight, why don't you try it here?"

Jiang Meiqi saw him talking on the phone from the window, and that posture was not a phone call at work at first glance.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a person as arrogant as Fan Xingyun to stick his mobile phone so close when he answers the phone, and if there is no one else, his mobile phone is a amplification that is thrown on the table.

Today, Sun Xiaobing told her that Miss Wu had returned to China, and Mr. Fan was very emotional, so she asked her to speak carefully.

Jiang Meiqi knew that there was no one else who could make Fan Xingyun lower his posture so much, except for Wu Youyou's little master.

In the past three years, her relationship with Fan Xingyun has not broken through from the inside, and she has surrounded her from the outside.

Now, the entire company regards Jiang Meiqi as the virtuous helper of Fan Xingyun.

said that she is beautiful, amiable, and does not like to ask for credit, and is every man's dream lover.

Jiang Meiqi never believed in the so-called love at first sight, but she believed in long-term love.

Her reputation and personality were not easy to stand up, but just because Wu Youyou returned to China, her three years of hard work were in vain.

Thinking of this, she didn't say hello and pushed the door in.

He spoke so loudly that he was afraid that the person on the other side of the phone would not hear him.

Wu Youyou frowned, she still didn't have a good impression of this woman's voice.

The fox is too strong.

"Not available!"

Fan Xingyun's phone call was hung up inexplicably, and when he turned around, he saw Jiang Meiqi holding a gray suit in front of him.

The corners of his lips pulled down, and his face darkened, "Won't you knock on the door?" ”

Obviously saw that he was on the phone, but he pushed the door straight open and came in, obviously seeing him on the phone, but he didn't hide his volume.

Maggie Jiang, what the hell are you doing?

Do you know how much courage it takes for me to make this call?


Jiang Meiqi didn't expect that Fan Xingyun would be angry with her because of this trivial matter, and she immediately relented.

"Nebula, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were on the phone, and besides, I have clothes in my hands and I can't spare my hands."

She raised her two hands, a blazer in one hand and trousers in the other, and pretended to ask innocently.

"Nebula, am I doing something wrong? Who was calling? Otherwise, I'll call her back and explain to her that she shouldn't be angry with you, okay? ”

"No need!"

Fan Xingyun took the clothes and put them on the sofa casually, "It's okay, you go out first." ”

"I, I've got something ...... something"

"If you have something, report directly to Sun Xiaobing, she is my assistant, you don't have to deal with me in everything."

A hint of displeasure flashed in Jiang Meiqi's eyes, but she knew that instead of bent on capturing Fan Xingyun, it was better to clear the obstacle of Wu Youyou first.

After all, they had already been to the Civil Affairs Bureau once three years ago, and it didn't hurt to go again.

Jiang Meiqi left in a huff.

In the evening, Wu Youyou just sent Su Jingyi and Nian Nian to the hospital hall.

At this time, the two passed by Jiang Meiqi.

Jiang Meiqi has a strong perfume smell and a burgundy sundress, which is particularly eye-catching.

Su Jingyi couldn't help but look at it twice, what about seeing a doctor, or visiting a patient.

The little guy's eyes were straight, she pulled out her pacifier and pointed at Jiang Meiqi and shouted, "Goblin, where to escape?" Eat, eat my old grandson...... One stick! ”

This posture is well learned.

Jiang Meiqi couldn't help but turn around, Su Jingyi knew that she was wrong, and hurriedly covered the little guy's mouth and apologized.

"Sister, I'm sorry, the child is still young and ignorant, I hope you are an adult, don't forgive me like a child."

Jiang Meiqi rolled her eyes, she has never liked children, when she was a child, her parents gave birth to a bunch of daughters in order to give birth to a son, and they also gave them up for adoption.

Fortunately, she was the first child, so she escaped the fate of being given up for adoption.

Since she was a child, she has been educated by her family that everything in the family belongs to her younger brother, even if she is her younger brother's.

She was kept to take care of her younger brother, who was nine years younger than her, for her parents.

After graduating from junior high school, her parents were reluctant to send her to school.

For so many years, in addition to work-study, she basically relied on men to sponsor her college studies.

Therefore, when it comes to pandering to men, she knows better than anyone else.

"Are children not sensible, and adults not sensible? These words are obviously not such a child, can they realize it by themselves? ”

Of course not, she usually learned these words when she accompanied the little guy to watch Journey to the West.

Every time they learn that the beautiful monster appears, the two of them will shout this sentence in a hurry, and then fall on the sofa and laugh.

For more than two years, Xiao Niannian has developed the ability to be a.

So, when Maggie Jiang passed by the two, her radar beeped.

"Hey, eldest sister, you're menopause, I apologized to you, do you speak ill of a child, besides, saying that you're a goblin, isn't this a disguised compliment to your beauty? What are you angry about? ”

"Who's your name, big sister? Who do you say is menopause? ”

If it weren't for carrying things in both hands, Jiang Meiqi would definitely have to fight with her.

How, I also have to make up for the qi I received in Brahma Xingyun today.

She is now Chinese New Year's Eve three years old, and although she is well-maintained, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes are still clearly visible.

In addition, the frequent miscarriages in the past few years, and the wine and meat have been worn through the intestines in the past few years, and the already naturally dull yellow skin can't be covered by foundation.

She is most taboo to discuss her three things, first, age; 2. Life experience; 3. Three histories.

(Literally, when three of the history.) )

Su Jingyi hugged Xiao Niannian and retreated again and again, for fear that her claws would accidentally hurt the child.

It is said that those who know the times are Junjie, so she doesn't want to compete with this kind of crazy woman, and the car she called has also arrived.

She turned around and got into the car, and when she closed the door, she deliberately rolled down the window and grimaced at Jiang Meiqi.

"It's you, what's the matter, you're going to arrest me!"

Xiao Niannian was amused by her, and leaned forward and backwards with laughter.

Wu Youyou was frightened when she hid on the sidelines and watched, and she was a little relieved until the car drove away.

She really didn't want to confront Jiang Meiqi head-on, so she simply turned around and entered the elevator, but she didn't expect this woman to follow in the next second.

As soon as the elevator closed, Jiang Meiqi found her, with a hypocritical and exaggerated expression on her face.

"Yoyo, it's you, oops, I haven't seen you for three years, you're becoming more mature and attractive, hey, I heard that grandpa was sick and hospitalized, so I came to see grandpa instead of Xingyun, there have been a lot of things in the company recently, Xingyun can't leave, I hope you don't get angry with him."

Wu Youyou looked at her swollen smiling face, high apple muscles, and wide open inner corners of her eyes.

Eventually, she did it to her face.

Why, the charm has diminished, and the seduction of the man has not moved?

Or is it that she herself has a sense of crisis.

"He's already here, if there's nothing to do, you can go back first, I want to take care of grandpa, I don't have time to catch up with you."

But as if she couldn't understand human words, as soon as the elevator opened, she followed straight out.

Before coming, she had already inquired with Sun Xiaobing about which floor the master lived on and what ward it was.

Even if there is no one to show her way, she can find her way on her own.

"Hey, what's polite, how to say, you and I have known each other for more than ten years, my grandfather was good to me back then, I remember this kindness, what's the matter, I have to go in to see my grandfather, so that he won't say I don't miss the old love."

Wu Youyou sneered, who has a relationship with her?

Grandpa probably doesn't even remember this person.

Jiang Meiqi approached the ward, and the old man was holding his mobile phone to read a video with Xiao Nian.

Really, isn't this just a few minutes apart?

Wu Youyou trotted forward, held down the old man's mobile phone, and then glanced at him.

"Grandpa, someone has come to see you."

The old man looked confused, he didn't remember when he met the woman in front of him.

Looking at the age, they are all inferior to Yoyo, and I don't think it should be a classmate or something.

Could it be a friend of his son and daughter-in-law?

Jiang Meiqi was familiar with herself, she casually put things on the table, "Grandpa, long time no see, do you remember me?" ”

The old man was also sincere, he shook his head to indicate that he didn't know, and then pointed to the water dispenser and instructed his granddaughter.

"Yoyo, don't be stupid, go and pour tea for the elders."

A sentence of elder export, it is really cool Wu Youyou.

She carried the teapot and fart-filled it with boiling water.

Jiang Meiqi looked ashamed, she really wanted to find a crack to get into.

Wu Youyou handed over a cup of tea with both hands, "The conditions are limited, I hope you will forgive me, I will return to the company to take charge of affairs in the future, and I will definitely make up for you." ”

Jiang Meiqi took the tea, her intestines were full of regret, she shouldn't have stepped into this ghost place.

Not to mention sticking his hot face to other people's cold butts, in just half an hour, he was critted twice.

It's impossible to say no.

But she couldn't show it, this old man was not only rich, but Fan Xingyun also respected him very much.

She poured a cup of tea, and then returned the cup to Wu Youyou from a long distance, obviously she could put it on the table with her hand.

Since Wu Youyou wants to serve her as an elder, why can't she treat Wu Youyou as a junior.

The old man got the moon before the water, and he reached out and took the cup, "Give it to me." ”

Then pinch it vigorously to deform the disposable cup and throw it into the trash.

"Grandpa, you are simply an accurate shot, when you quit the men's basketball team, the entire Yongzhou City will definitely not agree."

Speaking of the courage of the year, the old man seemed to have opened the conversation, and the grandparents couldn't stop chatting at all.

Jiang Meiqi knew that she was bored, she stood up, bent down to salute the master, and the eyes of the two of them pulled back to her.

"I'm sorry, the hero didn't mention the courage back then, my granddaughter just returned to China, and my showy temperament has been exposed again."

"It's okay, I am relieved to see that your old man is in good health, this is the sea cucumber I took in the Nebula office, I will give you to replenish your body, I hope you live a long and healthy life!"

Jiang Meiqi deliberately mentioned Fan Xingyun, wanting to provoke her with this, but she couldn't let her trip run away in vain.

When the old man heard the word Xingyun, his eyes lit up, "Are you Xingyun's aunt or cousin, I look at you a little familiar." ”

The Wu family has been thin for generations and has no relatives.

In the past, whenever there was a New Year's holiday, Master Wu would take Wu Youyou, and the Fanjia and their relatives to celebrate the festival together.

Wu Youyou covered his mouth and almost laughed.

"Grandpa, her name is Jiang Meiqi, fifteen years ago, you found a high school student who was about to graduate to tutor me in English, did you forget?"

The old man suddenly realized, no wonder, fifteen years have passed, and it is no wonder that he will forget.

After all, it won't have a good impression of her, and she's fooling around with men in society all day long at a young age.

If he hadn't obstructed it, the soul of Fan Xingyun's kid would have been taken away by her.

Fortunately, she was not active in class, and a few months later, she went north to university.

He didn't know that fifteen years later, she hooked up with Fanxing Yun again.

Could it be that the marriage of the two children is the woman in front of them?

Sending Jiang Meiqi away, the old man looked at the things on the table and became angry.

"Yoyo, you tell you the truth, you have a quarrel like this with Xingyun, does it have anything to do with that Jiang Meiqi?"

In the evening, the Van Nebula came.

When the old man heard that he was coming, he reluctantly put away his mobile phone again, and his big eyes were rolled, and Wu Youyou couldn't stand it.

She whispered, "If you don't restrain yourself, your great-granddaughter will be snatched away." ”

"How dare he?" The old man was furious.

The child didn't come out of his belly, so why did he snatch it?

"Then be restrained, as long as Niannian's identity is not revealed, she will always be a member of our Wu family."


Continued from the next part

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