
It's so convenient! Involving 60 cities and more than 2 million car owners!

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

It's so convenient! Involving 60 cities and more than 2 million car owners!

Since July 1, eight new measures for the reform of public security traffic management, including the pilot electronic motor vehicle driving license, the "one-pass service" for motorcycle registration, and the online precise guidance service for traffic management business, have been officially implemented. On the first day of the implementation of the new reform measures, the public security and traffic management departments across the country handled more than 6.8 million transactions involving the new reform measures.

  • Beijing and other 60 cities have piloted the electronicization of driving licenses, and 2.153 million car owners have enjoyed the convenience of electronic license applications. Beijing, Tianjin, Suzhou and other 60 cities piloted the implementation of electronic motor vehicle driving licenses, on July 1, the pilot cities through the national unified "traffic management 12123" App for 2.153 million car owners issued electronic driving licenses, for motor vehicle owners and related industries and management departments to provide online "bright card" and "bright code" services. When handling traffic management business, the masses can show the electronic driving license for vehicle registration, illegal handling, accident handling and other businesses, and no longer need to submit a paper driving license, which is more convenient for the masses to do business and drive and better serve the development of the enterprise industry.
  • Four new measures to reduce certificates and facilitate the people, including the "one-pass application" for motorcycle registration, have been accurately implemented, benefiting 67,000 people. More than 1,100 motorcycle owners are exempt from submitting proof of temporary residence for cross-provincial and non-local motorcycle registration and other businesses with their resident ID cards. Through the "Traffic Management 12123" App, local public security traffic management departments issued electronic versions of motor vehicle cancellation certificates to 63,000 owners of scrapped motor vehicles, making it more convenient for the public to apply for car trade-in subsidies online. 65 cities have piloted the implementation of express delivery door-to-door services to facilitate the masses. More than 2,700 people have enjoyed the convenience of optimizing the driver's license and re-applying for test subjects.
  • Optimize the organization of non-motorized vehicle traffic at urban intersections and implement them smoothly to better serve and ensure the good travel of the masses. Local public security traffic management departments optimize the organization of non-motorized vehicle traffic at urban intersections in combination with local conditions, expand the waiting space for non-motorized vehicles, scientifically set up non-isolation facilities, guide non-motorized vehicles to wait in an orderly manner, pass smoothly, and reduce traffic interference. More than 100 intersections in Beijing have adopted measures for non-motorized vehicles to turn left and cross the street once to facilitate the safe and fast passage of non-motorized vehicles. Many cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and other provinces have promoted chronic integrated design at more than 200 intersections, effectively improving the continuity, comfort and safety of non-motorized traffic.
  • Two "Internet + traffic management" service measures, such as online precise guidance, have been operating steadily, providing accurate and convenient online services for more than 4 million mass enterprises. Relying on the "Traffic Management 12123" App to provide business notification and guidance services for 4.583 million people, the masses can realize "one login, all prompts, one to-do, and full guidance". 33,000 government agencies, legal persons of enterprises and institutions, and security administrators have opened "Traffic Management 12123" App unit user version accounts in the public security traffic management department to reduce the burden of service and reduce the cost of service at the window.
It's so convenient! Involving 60 cities and more than 2 million car owners!

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Source: CCTV news client

Editor: Liu Xiaoyu | Review ▪ and Producer: Yang Yong

It's so convenient! Involving 60 cities and more than 2 million car owners!
It's so convenient! Involving 60 cities and more than 2 million car owners!


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