
That year, that month, those things

author:Weishui Mountain Wild People

Text/Zhai Jianmin

That year, that month, those things

The spring of the year is coming earlier than usual.

Spring and sunshine are beautiful, the wind is smooth, everything is revived, the earth is pregnant with green vegetation, and the natural world is full of new scenes. People stepped on the festive gongs and drums, and fell silent in the joyful spring tide of the New Year.

On the fifteenth Lantern Festival of the first lunar month, the family gathered in the living room of the county unit building, and they were very happy. There is a bright moon in the sky, and thousands of lights in the world. In the past, the whole family was busy making a living, and it was rare for the whole family to be reunited. It is this Lantern Festival that the family members meet, the young and the young are happy, the old and the young are happy, laughing and laughing, and enjoying it, so that the living room adds a sense of happiness. The family spoke freely, talking about the past of Chenlong, feeling that the road of life was not smooth, looking forward to the current situation of the Year of the Snake, full of passion and confidence.

Listening to the words of my family, I always feel that the speaker is not doing what he meant. When I asked the children what their plans were for the new year, they did not answer positively, and the innocent and lovely little grandson preemptively said: "This year, I will study harder, listen to the teacher, strive to be a good student, and come back with a certificate." The young child's words amused the whole family, and then the daughter put forward the idea of buying a house in the county this year with a smile on her face. Therefore, everyone spoke freely, expressed their opinions, and put forward suggestions and opinions on the topic of buying a house. During a festive season, families who have a Lantern Festival will discuss buying a house. As a member of the family, I also spoke my heart and talked freely about my opinions.

The house is a necessity of people's life, and it is also a symbol of home, and people attach great importance to it. Back then, my grandfather often told us that it was a big deal for a family to build a house and buy land. Now, the idea of buying a house in the county is undoubtedly the top priority for a small family of ordinary people. At this time, the idea of having a room came to my mind.

My family used to be poor, and what impressed me a lot when I was a child was the suffering of not having a house to live in. In that year and month, poverty and ignorance went hand in hand, hunger, cold and hardship, and I tasted hunger, experienced the pain of not having a house, and suffered the hardships of being under the fence. That year, in order to marry her uncle, my mother reluctantly gave up the house where she had lived for many years, in order to solve the urgent needs of the family, endure humiliation and grievances, and moved to the small house behind the old house where wheat grass was stored.

In the midsummer of 1965, it rained all night. When the morning dawns, the lanes are a sea of water, the residents of the low houses are flooded with rainwater, and the houses are also flooded, and the walls in the village are heard from time to time, the houses collapse, and the exclamations are heard. I remember that evening, the hot and humid summer night was upset. I was chilling in the yard with my grandfather and grandmother, when suddenly there was a dull loud noise, which frightened us all, and suddenly my mother screamed, "Save the baby!" We hurried to the broken grass house, and heard the mother's panicked cry for help, quickly catch the baby, the mother, with her nature of protecting her son, regardless of personal safety, rescued the younger siblings from the small window one by one, and finally left the house, and the three of them were spared.

When the morning came, the family went to this dilapidated house again, and the tragic situation made the family cry. The small dilapidated house was tilted to the south due to rain erosion, and the side wall fell to the jujube tree near the house, which saved the roof truss from collapsing and saved the lives of his mother and younger siblings. With the help of the neighbors, they took out the bedding and belongings from the collapsed and dilapidated house, and stood in front of the ruined house, which made people cry sadly. My mother said with tears in her eyes, "Although the grass house is broken, it can still shelter from the wind and rain and the scorching sun. "The family is in a desperate situation without a house to live in. In desperation, he begged for help, and his mother and younger siblings temporarily lived in the Li family's house in the neighboring lane.

When I left home, a rickshaw was loaded with all my belongings, and my grandmother tearfully took out the dishes and chopsticks from the stove room, put them into the coarse cloth bag, and handed me the cloth bag without looking back. At this time, the whole family's heart was like a knife, and it was separated, and we left the door to start a new business. Mother pulled the rickshaw, took heavy steps away from home, I then helped the cart, when the line to the turn of the alley, my mother suddenly looked back at the old house, looking at the grandfather and grandmother bowed their heads and grieved, she couldn't help crying loudly, this cry broke people's hearts, at this time who can understand the pain of abandoning home and leaving the door.

I saw my grandfather crouching on the stone in front of the gate of the old house, holding his knees with his hands, and bowing his head helplessly, and my grandmother grabbed the placket of her clothes with her trembling hands and wiped away her tears. Room, room! When I was younger, I dreamed of a spacious house where my grandparents, mothers, and siblings could live happily. In the winter of that year, the production team, the brigade, and the commune were investigated. My family's application for the Zhuang base was approved, and in the back lane of the temple, according to the Du family as a neighbor, measured the house foundation, asked the neighbors to help pull the soil, hit the wall, hit the adobe, and pulled back fifteen "city bricks" from my grandmother's house in the north of Chaoyi, and began to raise materials to build a house.

One day, my grandfather called me and said that he was going to Anren Town to buy wood, and the next day when the East wanted to know, my grandfather woke me up and pulled a rickshaw to Anren. There seems to be a kind of guilt in his words, many years ago I still remember what he said about the eldest son not leaving the door, how did our family become like this, what can we do! I bought a few strings of sticky foil at the Anren building materials market. I went to the production store of the supply and marketing cooperative, and purchased four bundles of hoes at the price of two dimes a wooden hoe. At this time, the sun was westward, Fang Jue was hungry, and the grandfather and grandson were reluctant to spend money to go to the canteen, so they bought four baked cakes for only two cents, and two bowls of tea for five cents would be a meal, and the sun went down and returned home.

At that time, my grandfather felt guilty in his heart, and he worked hard with his strong personality, strong sense of family responsibility and courage to take responsibility, and planned to build a house under the very difficult family situation. It was him, who pulled the rickshaw and went to the alleys of the village to pick up those small bricks that others did not use, it was he, who pulled the soil and filled the foundation of the house with a cart, and it was he who personally unraveled the board and hit the wall, and it was he who discussed with his mother to borrow the wheat straw on the team and built three thatched houses. Although the room is simple, the interior is skillfully decorated by the mother, but it is also spacious and tidy. When we moved to a new home, we felt a sense of peace of mind. Although he lived in a humble room, he finally had his own room, ending the worry of sending people under the fence. It was in this thatched house that the third brother and the younger sister were born, and it was in this house that I became a family with my second brother, and it was in this house that my grandfather and father finished their lives.

In the 80s of the last century, the younger siblings grew up one after another, and it was also the year to talk about marriage. The only house in the family is difficult to survive, and the house has become a difficult thing in the family, my mother planned to build a house according to my father's 300 yuan retirement settlement fee that year, and I went to the county building materials market with him many times to buy materials, often bargaining for a few dimes. Under the careful planning and management of his grandfather, he built three unilateral houses with civil structures in the east of the house, and was the second brother, and the third brother got married and started a family. In this room, my grandfather and father lay peacefully on the bed and passed away.

In 1984, the rural areas implemented the household responsibility system for the production of goods, and great historical changes took place in China's rural areas, with the peasants' livelihood guaranteed, economic development, family improvement, and more families building houses in neighboring villages. At this time, the situation of my family is that the population is large, and the house is small.

At that time, although the family of four generations lived together and enjoyed happiness, it brought inconvenience to the normal family's life and restricted the family's economic development. For this reason, I eagerly submitted an application for homestead, year after year, the application was silent, I was anxious to resubmit the application again, go to the brigade, find the commune, go to the county, fill out the form, stamp, and urge approval. With the assistance of my classmates from our party school, the application for homestead was finally approved.

In 1989, the construction of the house began, and after planning, I also went to the Chengxian Brick Factory, the County Materials Bureau, the Planning Commission and other departments to run the indicators, prepare materials, and negotiate craftsmen several times. My high school classmate and friend were working in the Weinan No. 2 Prison at the time and helped me buy steel. After several hardships, a brick-concrete floor bungalow was completed on the newly approved homestead, which fulfilled my dream of looking forward to a house, thinking about a house, and building a house. Looking at the newly completed house, I breathed a long sigh of relief. I finally have a new home, my mother is in this room to spend her old age, my niece is in this room with her grandmother, in this room for the children to get married, in this room for my mother's birthday, how many Chinese New Year festivals have been spent in this room, our family is not rich, but the family can live in the house created by themselves, and the family members live in harmony, and the happiness of that family is only experienced by me.

At the end of the last century, reform and opening up set off a huge wave, and state-owned enterprises comprehensively implemented restructuring. Dali County Supply and Marketing Cooperatives are like a boat in the tide of a leaf, swaying in the waves of state-owned enterprise reform, and the Chaoyi Supply and Marketing Cooperatives at the grassroots level have declared bankruptcy in this great change, the unit no longer exists, and the workers are laid off to make a living. In order to steadily restructure, calm people's minds, and promote the smooth progress of reform, the county government decided to lease, contract, and auction the state-owned and collective assets of Chaoyi Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.

The introduction of this policy, first of all, to consider social stability, to stabilize the mood of the laid-off personnel of the unit, the introduction of the policy priority over the staff of the company, so, I and my lover declared, after review and approval. In the center of Chaoyi Zhengjie, where the former Chaoyi state-run canteen is located, a homestead with a length of 26 meters and a width of 3.7 meters was drawn in the form of an auction. So the design, material preparation, and construction began.

The house foundation is narrow and long, to the design, construction are brought a certain degree of difficulty, after several hard thinking, many consultations, painstaking brains, finally drew a sketch, and the two neighbors negotiated the joint construction, to solve the problem of narrow house foundation, difficult to construct. After several hard work and efforts, we have completed the people's heart project of our home, and built an integrated street house for business and accommodation. What has never happened in the older generations of our Lao Zhai family has been achieved in my generation. My own family, several generations of farming-oriented, Zhuanghu people have their own façade, I named it "Yu Xiangyuan" as the number, which means the jade of the wife (Yuxian), the homonym of the daughter (Yuanyuan) Yuan, and the source of wealth and peace. This store solves the confusion of the wife who was laid off and finds a place for the children to find employment in the future. His wife worked hard in her own store, worked hard to start a business, and dared to make a trend for the market economy. A hard work, a harvest, God rewards diligence, and virtue is loaded. Now, my daughter has taken over the store business, started a society, and strives to explore the business path of the market economy in the new era.

The ancient city of Tongzhou has a long history. Sanqin is an important town with a prosperous culture. The county seat left a deep memory on me. I have lived and worked here for decades, and I have always had a special affection for it. My workplace, my classmates, colleagues, and friends all live in the county.

In 2007, I reached the age of 55, and in accordance with the cadre personnel system, I will be relegated from my leadership post to the second line. At that time, my colleagues and friends suggested that I buy a house in the county. To tell you the truth, when it comes to housing, I feel tired, and I have spent most of my life building houses. Thinking about a house, looking forward to a house, and building a house are all in my hard work, hard work and dedication, and now I am making it difficult to buy a house, and I think a lot about the lack of financial resources. This huge investment is deeply afraid of falling into it, and he will become a "house slave" in the second half of his life, and now he is entering the year of sixtieth. In the past, most of his life was difficult, and his life was burdened for 60 years. If it is said that hard work is a livelihood in the first few years, then it is also the best choice to live and work in peace and contentment in the second half of the life.

Besides, the law of life is difficult to violate, and in his old age, he is like a cow and falls into a predicament ...... that is difficult to extricate himself. My mind was chaotic and emotionally unstable, and at this time, my lover enlightened me with reason for three reasons: First, urbanization is the direction of future social development. Urban-rural integration is an inevitable trend of social development in the future. Second, compared with the countryside, the county is better than the countryside in terms of economy, culture, medical care, schooling and public facilities. I didn't expect that the person who served as the leader was persuaded by his family, and he didn't dare to say that he listened to your words, and he was better than reading for ten years, but his words were in love, reason, and rules, all three were clear, and finally chose to settle in Lidong New Town.

Today, the Lantern Festival is the fifteenth day of the first month of the first month of the year of the Emperor's reign. Around the New Year's vision, the family with the theme of "house" will be so solemn and lively, children can talk about the idea of buying a house to adults, I think the words reflect a kind of trust, a concept, a kind of responsibility, I see a kind of hope. The children's words are like passion and enthusiasm colliding, flashing sparks, generating heat and warming the hearts of their families.

When my grandfather felt guilty for his eldest son leaving the house, that kind of concept was nothing but a shackle, restricting people from keeping pace with the times. At that time, my grandfather was eager to find someone to dig adobe and build a house in the old house, and my mother had the foresight to leave home wisely and look for a way to start a family. My fathers were like that, and so was I. Now, when children want to buy a house, it seems to be a little bit like I was thinking about 30 years ago. If the children love their families and rely on their parents as their backers, they will develop a kind of inertia, lack of progress, and no ambitions, which is a kind of sadness. At present, buying a house is not commensurate with your financial income, which will inevitably bring pressure. We must dialectically understand the transformation of pressure and motivation, promote the development of things, and only under pressure can we mobilize people's subjective initiative, and only then can we have reasonable arrangements for our daily life, so as to proceed from objective reality, not to compare, not to admire vanity, and to consciously develop a good habit of thrift and thrift. All members of the "Family Association" can express their opinions with emotion and reason, and form a consensus with their families. In order to make the vision come true, we will work hard to realize our long-cherished wishes.

That year, that month, those things are like a running account, a closer look, it from one side to see the changes in China's social history, to see the economic development of the countryside that year, to see the progress of the Zhuang family from poor to rich, from weak to strong, the detailed accounts in the account reflect the hardships and diligence of the family in different eras, I and Hou Kun remember this account, be prepared for danger in times of peace, create the future, and strive to continue to write the history of family entrepreneurship with our own efforts.

That year, that month, those things

Written by Zhai Jianmin

About author:Zhai Jianmin was born on November 22, 1953 in Majiazhuang, Chaoyi Town, Dazhu County, Shaanxi Province. College education, member of the Communist Party of China, has a military career of six years, and served as the captain of the second team of Majiazhuang. He has successively worked in the county cotton fiber inspection station, cotton company, the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Shadi Township, Huxiang Township and other units, and has served as the head of the political work unit, the secretary of the office of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, the secretary of the Township Commission for Discipline Inspection, the chairman of the Township People's Congress, the full-time member of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, a member of the Provincial Association of Middle-aged and Elderly Books, and a member of the Provincial Association of Middle-aged and Elderly Books. Editor-in-chief of "Application of Ritual and Customs" - book, "Love for Shaxiang Gongs and Drums", "Neighbor's Aunt Ninety Not Confused", "Hundred Filial Piety Songs" and other poems published in newspapers and periodicals.