
The rival is a scholar. I heard that he was out of love and crying in the live broadcast room, so I was busy in the live broadcast room to mock him

author:Little Plum pushes the book

The rival is a scholar.

I heard that he was out of love and cried in the live broadcast room, so I hurriedly entered the live broadcast room to mock him.

But I heard him crying,

"At the awards ceremony, I dressed her as a couple.

"But she said that Dolly the cloned sheep only lived six years.

"I'm sharing her favorite song in space, so I can't take her down?

"As a result, she talked to me privately: steal Sima again!"

The rival cried like a boiling kettle in the live broadcast room.

I looked at the chat page with him and was blinded.

This seems to be what I posted.

The rival is a scholar. I heard that he was out of love and crying in the live broadcast room, so I was busy in the live broadcast room to mock him


After taking a shower at night.

I lay in bed and watched Tik Tok.

Suddenly, my girlfriend sent me a link to the live broadcast room.

[Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death, you go and see.

[Your nemesis' crush made him cry angrily!!]

[The live broadcast room was crowded, and millions of people watched Shen Xianzhi cry in the live broadcast room! ] 】

As soon as I heard it, tonight's Emperor of Desire Phoenix should be here.

Who doesn't know that in the entertainment industry, Shen Xianzhi and I are notoriously incompatible with each other.

Put the two of us together, and the space can be torn apart.

My rival is in trouble, and I have to laugh at it!

I rushed into the live broadcast room.

There are too many people, resulting in a bit of stuttering on the screen, and the sound and picture are out of sync.

Before I saw him, I heard his "whooping" cry.

It seemed to have eased up, and he regained his expressionless appearance, except for the red tip of his nose, there was no trace of crying.

My heart fluttered slightly.

It's hard to imagine that Shen Xianzhi would cry like this.

In the live broadcast room, he sorted out his emotions and continued to ask netizens:

"Every time my sees me, they keep their eyes open, do they want to show me their best?"

[Brother, is there a possibility that people will stare at you? 】

Shen Xianzhi's expression froze.

The emotions were not contained, and they cried.

I laughed so much that I immediately recorded a video to record his most embarrassing side.

But suddenly I heard him crying:

"At the awards ceremony, I dressed her as a couple.

"But she said that Dolly the cloned sheep only lived six years.

"I'm sharing her favorite song in space, so I can't take her down?

"As a result, she talked to me privately: steal Sima again!"

Netizens in the comment area couldn't laugh.

[You're done, you're in love with a straight daughter who has been incomprehensible all your life! ] 】

[May I ask? Brother, what kind of crush are you playing with this face? 】

[Does anyone know who this brother is talking about? Insiders? Can anyone pick it up? 】

[What's the matter, I haven't seen anyone more self-disciplined than Shen Xianzhi in the circle, there are few friends, but there is one rival. 】


I shook my lips.

Open the WeChat chat page with Shen Xianzhi.

The last time the message stopped at:


[Steal the whole family again! ] 】

I looked at the chat history and was blinded.

He seems to be me.


Shen Xianzhi has always disliked lyrical and pretentious songs.

But right after I shared that song.

The next day, he also shared it in the circle of friends.

also accompanied the text: [It's really good. 】

There are even more likes than me, and I'm angry.

Who doesn't know that in the entertainment industry, I am incompatible with Shen Xianzhi, and I am a well-known rival.

This dead scholar is obviously declaring war on me by posting such a circle of friends.

I chatted with him non-stop, scolded him, and then blocked and deleted a dragon.

I haven't added it back to this day.

I repeatedly confirmed that what Shen Xianzhi said in the live broadcast room was completely compatible with mine.

That's when people were added back.

was ready to ask Shen Xianzhi what he meant by what he said in the live broadcast room.

His voice sounded again in the live broadcast room.

"I've known her for 12 years, and I like her very much and cherish her very much, so I sincerely hope that everyone can give me ideas."

But I've only known him for nine years.

I didn't expect that the scholar would not only learn from me, but also from other girls.

As a result, we both scolded him.


My fingers twitched, glad I hadn't finished typing, let alone sent out.

Otherwise, if Shen Xianzhi knew that I suspected that he had a crush on me, it would be a stain on my life!

I clicked to stop the screen recording, and I lost the interest to see him make a fool of myself, so I quit the live broadcast room directly.

Shen Xianzhi took the lead in sending me a question mark.

I re-edit the information.

[Isn't it? Are you really crying? 】

He replied in seconds: "Crying, and then what? 】

I "snapped" the button: [Crying so quietly, didn't you eat? ] 】

In the live broadcast room, Shen Xianzhi's storm cried, like a boiling kettle that made a roar.


The hot search exploded.




It's all about Shen Xianzhi's live broadcast this time.

He has always been a powerhouse, whether it is singing or acting, he strives to be the best.

But since his debut, he has never hidden the fact that he has a crush.

I had always suspected that he had made it up.

I looked at the overwhelming information, and netizens were speculating about who Shen Xianzhi had a crush on.

I was inexplicably a little stuffy and irritable.

I put this emotion down to – jealousy.

Why does Shen Xianzhi have a crush, but I don't?

I'm going to have it too.

I opened WeChat and rummaged through the list for a suitable crush.

finally fixed on another guest of the next variety show.

I hurriedly sent a message to one of the best netizens in high school so far.

[I decided, I want to have a crush on Gu Song. 】

[Gu Song? Hehe, wait until I beat him into meat floss. 】

I thought he was deliberately teasing me, and continued: [In the circle, I look at him the most pleasing to the eye. 】

[Do you remember that I can order fortune telling?] 】

[Of course, you still figured out where my lost rubber band went, and guessed my college entrance examination results. 】

[I just calculated a hexagram for you, you and Gu Song, you can't make it, but it's more compatible with Shen Xianzhi's eight characters, and his eight characters will make you prosperous at a glance! ] 】

I stared at Shen Xianzhi's WeChat for a long time.

Silently deleted the person.

My life is up to me!

And then give it a hair: [Hee-hee, you must be jealous that I have a crush, you won't have it, right? Wouldn't it, wouldn't it? 】

Of: [......]


The speed at which netizens investigate the case is unparalleled.

When I woke up, netizens had already picked up the award ceremony that Shen Xianzhi attended this year.

Pick up the brand of his clothes, and pick up the brands of other participants' clothes.

The state is comparable to that of Sherlock Holmes.

In the end, ten celebrities wearing the same brand and color were screened.

Both men and women.

I'm among them.

Which of the ten? Still is...... Both? 】

【Guiquan...... A bit of a mess? 】

I'm in the list, and I see a familiar figure.

It is Zheng Qiao, the heroine of Shen Xianzhi's debut play.

Later, before he released the album, he also invited her to be the MV heroine.

And when I was filming with Shen Xianzhi before, I saw her come to visit the class.

When I couldn't find Shen Xian, I went outside to look for him.

But I saw something sneaky and didn't know what I was doing.

Shen Xianzhi likes her.

But I don't have time to pay attention to what happened between them.

My next variety show is a love variety, where all the members are locked on the island and spend seven days together.


The program is four men and four women, and it will be broadcast live.

said that it was a love show.

In fact, it is a large-scale immersive filming scene without a specific script.

The person I decided to have a crush on was the guest this time.

According to the director, he is the most popular among the male guests this time.

The program team separated us and didn't meet each other.

Before I went to the island, I met with Gu Song.

He told me that when he went to the island, he would choose a fox mask.

Later, when we choose each other, the two of us can have a partner.

I agreed.

When it came time to choose a mask, I decisively chose the falcon.

After everyone had finished choosing, they finally went outside to sit around.

The waves were blowing in the salty, damp wind.

I saw a man sitting across from him wearing a fox mask.

I always feel that I look taller than Gu Song.

Maybe I came to the beach and soaked it.

I didn't think much of it, and everyone introduced themselves one after another.

I was still a little blindsided until the man in the wolf mask spoke up.

Why is it so similar to Gu Song's voice?

He seemed to be looking at me.

But Gu Song said that he didn't like wolves.

When they chose each other, I was chosen by both the fox mask and the wolf mask.

I was about to bring the love silk in my hand to the fox mask, and the man in the wolf mask kept coughing.

I subconsciously paused.

The hand hung in mid-air, and the ribbon was still fluttering.

The man in the fox mask grabbed my wrist: "If you choose me, you can't change it."

The sound was so familiar that my brain hadn't even turned a corner.

The hand had already passed the ribbon.

His aggressive gaze cannot be ignored even through the mask.

The wolf mask seemed to sigh and pair up with the others.

Others also choose each other after success.

It's time to take off the mask.

The man in the fox mask suddenly grabbed my wrist and led it towards him.

"Good partner, can you please help me take it off?"

I walked over and put my hand on his mask.

teased him with a voice that was only the two of us: "Gu Song, you still blame you for doing variety shows."

The mask is taken off.

I was stunned.


[I'm relying on me, this fox mask won't be Shen Xianzhi, right? ] 】

[No, how can it be Shen Xianzhi? He should be participating in another more famous variety show at the moment. 】

[Old fan, but this figure really looks like Shen Xianzhi! ] 】

[If this is Shen Xianzhi, I will eat live broadcast! ] 】

The next second, the mask was removed.

revealed Shen Xianzhi's shocking face, and the entire live broadcast room was quiet for a while.

More than ten seconds passed, and everyone frantically brushed the comments, and Aite just said that he wanted to broadcast live to netizens.

Netizens silently posted a video.

[I'm honest, please let it go.] 】

The picture of the little stickman crying.

I looked at him in astonishment, "Didn't you take over the variety show on the next station?"

He replied lightly.

"Oh, I let someone else take it."

The corners of my eyes twitched.

The popularity of these two shows is not at the same level at all.

With my current heat, I wouldn't be invited to go next door.

It turned out that this man didn't care at all!

I punched him angrily, "Damn, won't you push me if you don't go?" Fertilizer and water don't flow into outsiders' fields, don't you understand?"

There was a light cough from the side.

That's when I looked at you.

only to find out that Zheng Qiao was also here.

No wonder Shen Xianzhi is so resolute, he would rather push off the popular variety show next door and come here.

No wonder I was stunned when I saw Zheng Qiao just now and saw that I chose him.

I guess people said it in the morning.

Who knew it would be intercepted by me.

After the first round of mutual selection, the program team asked the partners to start choosing a dating scene.

Everyone else is a western restaurant, a ship dinner, a seaside barbecue.

But I don't like Shen Xianzhi, a scholar.

simply proposed to share a table with Zheng Qiao and Gu Song.

They agreed, the program team agreed, and Shen Xianzhi and I also agreed.

But netizens disagreed.

[Didn't I say it, this sister paste should also be, Shenjing Bing? You have to share a table with someone! 】

[Don't worry in front, I see these people with big teeth and happy eyes, it is estimated that they are also friends in private, so they don't care at all. ] 】

Even so, the Internet is still scolded.


I expected that Shen Xianzhi had many fans, and I would definitely be scolded.

When eating, I deliberately avoided suspicion and took the initiative to serve Zheng Qiao with vegetables.

Zheng Qiao was stunned, and the other two were also stunned.

She hesitated for two seconds, glanced at Shen Xianzhi, picked up the dish and ate it silently.

I reached out to wipe the corners of her mouth: "Little gluttonous cat, eat slowly."

She choked and coughed, and kept peeking at Shen Xianzhi.

The case was solved, and the two really had an adulterous relationship.

Then I can't have any contact with Shen Xianzhi.

This meal made me tremble, and I was scolded without thinking about it.

[No, Wen Wanxia saw that Shen Xianzhi couldn't do it, and wanted to sell rot again? 】

[No, look at Shen Xianzhi's worthless appearance for yourself, who is upside down? 】

I lay under the covers in the middle of the night and secretly swiped comments.

I laughed angrily when I saw the comments.

Laughing to death, they didn't know where they were when my sister sold rot!

I suddenly swiped one of my die-hard fans, and I was one against all odds.

Kill the group of netizens who scolded me!

[Shen Xianzhi's worthlessness, being able to climb Xia Xia is his third life's luck! ]

[Being able to look at Shen Xianzhi means that you have poor vision, so it's normal to look down on us Xia Xia! ]

[Xia Xia ugly? I think Shen Xianzhi's old monster is ugly!

[Can you have longer eyes?] Although Shen Xianzhi is ugly, which one is good-looking in the show? The only one who can be worthy of Xia Xia is Shen Xianzhi! 】

I really didn't have the money to hire a sailor, and I didn't pay him.

I asked him with a trumpet how he could open his eyes and tell nonsense.

He replied: [Xia Xia, I cover it, understand? 】

I posted another red-eye emoji.

When I met such a die-hard fan who could carry things, I felt that the corpse was warm.


The next day, I woke up and found that Gu Song and I were the only ones left in the villa.

A few others went out to pick up other tasks.

The program team called us over and gave us a task.

Let's match men and women and plant the flowers and plants we bought in the backyard of the villa.

It is normal for partners to go on tasks together to enhance their relationship.

I wondered how we had come together.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Gu Song's eyelashes under his eyes.

"You have an eyelash under your eye, you look down, I'll take it off for you."

He bent over obediently, almost eye level with me.

I just reached out to help him take it off, and I was worried about how to do so much work and how we two big grudges were going to do it.

Suddenly, he noticed a hot and intense gaze.

Almost the desire turned into substance, piercing my back.

I felt a chill inexplicably, and subconsciously turned around.

But I saw Shen Xianzhi staring at me and Gu Song silently.

He looked increasingly depressed and eerie.

Suddenly, a blank laugh erupted:

"Haha, I didn't come by luck.

"Wen Wanxia, have you forgotten that we are partners."

I felt strange and beckoned to him.

"I didn't forget, you came just in time, come here."

If it's too late, who will do the work assigned by the director?

Shen Xianzhi clenched his back molars when he heard this.

glared at Gu Song, and then glared at me.

The atmosphere was extraordinarily dreary.

Finally, his expression was resolute, as if he had made up his mind.

Pray softly, "Mom and Dad, I may have to make a decision that goes against my ancestors."

I persuaded, "Actually, it's not that serious......

Gu Song took the lead in front, and I pulled Shen Xianzhi to follow.

When I saw the tools and flowers, I was just about to step forward, but I was clenched by Shen Xianzhi's wrist.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Good! Two is two!

"But first, I have to be the main palace."

He glanced at Gu Song with slanted eyes, and said, "If he makes me unhappy, I will sell my concubine in the main palace."

"Is there a possibility that we asked you to come over and plant flowers and grass together?"

Shen Xianzhi was silent for two seconds: "My brother is pregnant, I'll pick up my dad from school, I'll go first."


I seriously suspect that Shen Xianzhi did it on purpose.

What to say about the concubine of the main palace.

In fact, it was to let Zheng Qiao's group get a high score and deliberately confuse me.

For Zheng Qiao, he can get out like this!

At the end of the two days, the program team asked each guest to enter the small room one by one and rate the date.

When it came to me, the program team asked me how much I would give Shen Xianzhi.

I pouted, "27 points, he happens to be 27 years old."

Lowest score ever.

The program team asked puzzledly, "Was yesterday's date bad?"

I thought, "Okay, you know?"

I met the puzzled gaze of the previous group.

"As a man, he can breathe!

"Moreover, he can also blink his eyes, and at a glance, he knows that he often blinks and discharges at people, and he does not abide by male morality!"

The atmosphere was a little silent.

The program team hesitated: "This ...... Is there anything wrong?"

I continued to avoid suspicion.

"I'm sorry, I can't accept a man who can blink and breathe, let him be paired with someone else next time."

Fans can't scold me like this, right?

didn't think about it, and the fans scolded even harder.


I poured all my anger on Shen Xian's body.

I can't wait to let him go quickly, delaying me from selling CP with others!

Everyone gathered in the living room, knowing that they were going to choose their next date.

I was about to sit down when I was suddenly grabbed by Shen Xianzhi's wrist.

He stared straight at me:

"Next time, can you continue to choose me?"

I never seemed to be staring into his eyes like this for a moment.

I could see every eyelash of his, as well as the tear moles under his eyes.

His mind wandered for only two seconds.

I pushed him away, frowned, and said:


He saw that I was angry and deliberately asked, "What are you angry about?"

"You give me a 27 and I'm not angry."

"You like Gu Song so much? I agreed with him what mask to wear before I went to the island, and if I hadn't heard it in advance, would you really be planning to use this show as a honeymoon trip?"

No wonder it's so coincidental!

It turned out that he did it on purpose!

I glanced back at Zheng Qiao.

She sat upright, clenching her palms, obviously seeing this scene.

But due to the disparity between the two coffee positions, they couldn't speak, so they had to endure as much as possible.

I punched him: "Dead scumbag!"

Dead learners, and learn from Gu Song to wear a fox mask!

He looked cloudy.

I ignored him and sat down on the couch.

The program team asked one by one which guest they preferred.

When it's my turn.

I glanced at Gu Song's chest and replied, "Number three, it's my favorite type."

That group of netizens only knew that I was paste, but they didn't know how good I could sell!

I had a big cold with Gu Song's CP.

Unpopular CP grain production, I have to measure it up!

The sight on the side was like a torch, I chose to ignore it, and suddenly I heard a sneer.

Soon it was Shen Xianzhi's turn.

He raised an eyebrow and glanced at me.

Then he said firmly, "I'll pick number three too."

Everyone, stiffly, turned their heads and looked at him in unison.

Especially Gu Song, his eyes were extremely frightened.