
The ticket price is 5 yuan! Shift adjustment!

author:Rizhao Daily

Not long ago, "mountain and sea linkage"

The tour bus is in operation

It has built a fast passage from the sea to the mountains

The scenery along the route is breathtaking

Loved by the majority of tourists and friends!

Taking into account the travel needs of tourists

and the opening hours of tourist attractions

From June 28

Adjustments to the frequency of "Shanhai Linkage" tourism through buses:

The frequency is adjusted to: two shifts from Wanpingkou to Wulian Mountain at 8:30 and 9:30 every morning, and two shifts from Wulian Mountain to Wanpingkou at 14:30 and 15:30 in the afternoon.

The bus stops remain unchanged, specifically: ✅ Wanpingkou, ✅ Dongyi Town, ✅ Wangjiasoap, ✅ Bailuwan Town, ✅ Wulian Mountain Tourist Service Center.

Fares and preferential policies

The ticket price of the "mountain and sea linkage" tourist through bus is 5 yuan.

During the opening of the tourist through bus, Wulian County also launched a series of preferential policies:

The ticket can also be used as a voucher, and tourists can deduct 5 yuan when purchasing tickets for the Jimi Train Park in Bailuwan Town, or tickets for Wulian Mountain and Jiuxian Mountain.

Tourists can enjoy great discounts when they stay at Wulian Boutique B&B and buy tickets for Wulian Mountain and Jiuxian Mountain.

Wulian Mountain Tourist Scenic Area (Wulian Mountain, Jiuxian Mountain tickets)

and Bailuwan Town (Jimi Train Park, Egret Ranch) two major scenic spots have launched a preferential policy of 7% off ticket purchase by virtue of each other's tickets.

Wulian Mountain Tourist Attraction also issued ticket purchase vouchers with a face value of 30 yuan in Wanpingkou Scenic Area.

Many "travel discount gift packages" allow visitors to enjoy the beauty of the splendid five lotuses.

Stopover attraction introduction


Wanpingkou Scenic Area

The ticket price is 5 yuan! Shift adjustment!

Qiu Jiantao/photo

Wanpingkou Scenic Area is one of the iconic scenic spots in Rizhao, the blue sky, the blue sea, the golden sand beach contrast with each other, the pine waves and the waves are intertwined, and the song of the sea is interpreted, where you can feel the clear and gentle seawater, the delicate and soft sand, and enjoy the leisure and joy of the holiday.


Dongyi Town

The ticket price is 5 yuan! Shift adjustment!

Dongyi Town's antique buildings are scattered, it is a comprehensive tourism service carrier with the theme of Dongyi culture and marine culture, integrating leisure and sightseeing, folk customs experience, accommodation and catering, entertainment and shopping, and is known as the closest coastal tourist town to the sea in China because it is only more than 600 meters away from the coastline to the east.


Egret Bay Town

The ticket price is 5 yuan! Shift adjustment!

Located on the bank of the Chaobai River, the town of Egret Bay hides a fairy tale world. Get on the bell car, swim with Jimmy's bear stationmaster, embrace the protagonist of the fairy tale enthusiastically, walk into the dreamy reading space, and unfold your own fairy tale with brisk steps.


Wulian Mountain Tourist Scenic Area

The ticket price is 5 yuan! Shift adjustment!

The total area of Wulian Mountain Tourist Scenic Area is 68 square kilometers, which is composed of Wulian Mountain and Jiuxian Mountain, with a forest coverage rate of more than 90% and dense vegetation. In the middle of summer, the peaks and mountains are stacked on top of each other, and the birds in the forest are singing thousands of times, which is the perfect summer resort in mind. Walking in it, between the green mountains and green waters, smell the fragrance of the forest, inhale the high-oxygen air, listen to the song of pine and birds, find a quiet, look for a coolness!

Come and experience it

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