
His Majesty and the concubine went to the horse training farm together, and the concubine was pregnant with Liujia, and despite the dissuasion, she galloped on the horse and finally got aborted

author:Little Plum pushes the book

His Majesty and the concubine went to the horse training farm on the outskirts of Beijing to play.

The concubine was pregnant with Liujia, and despite the dissuasion, she galloped on the horse, and finally had a miscarriage.

His Majesty was furious and slashed all the officials of the horse farm.

My father and brother are all among them.

Three years later, His Majesty came to the horse training farm alone.

He took a fancy to me, who was riding a horse.

His Majesty and the concubine went to the horse training farm together, and the concubine was pregnant with Liujia, and despite the dissuasion, she galloped on the horse and finally got aborted


When Wang Xilai, the great eunuch next to His Majesty, was passing the word, I was brushing the bristles of one of my favorite ponies.

It's moulting time for the ponies, and the soft brown fur is flying through the air as I move.

Wang Xi hurriedly covered his nose with a handkerchief.

He screamed, "Congratulations, little master! Your Majesty has taken a fancy to the little master and plans to take the little master into the palace!"

I ignored him and brushed the pony twice harder.

The pony snorted and rubbed its head against my hand tamely.

Wang Xi stomped his feet anxiously, and urged repeatedly: "Little master, this is a great thing, you must know how many good families are looking forward to entering the palace and serving Your Majesty!" The little lord still doesn't receive the decree of thanksgiving?"

I turned my head to the side of my face and glared at him.

"This great good deed is for you, do you want it?"

Wang Xi was taken aback by my words and quickly silenced.

At the same time, he quietly turned his head sideways, glancing out of the stable.

Faintly bright yellow clothes flashed.

Seeing that I didn't have the slightest intention of thanking him, Wang Xi really had no choice but to move out of his power and oppress people.

"Little Lord, Your Majesty's grace, you can take it if you want to, and you have to take it if you don't want to! If you don't obey the order, your whole family will be affected and you will lose your head together!"

My movements slowed down.

seemed to be frightened by Wang Xi's threat.

Seeing that I was hesitant, Wang Xi said a lot of threatening words one after another, and promised heavy benefits, saying that Your Majesty values me, and my family will definitely be able to soar in the future......

In the midst of grace and power, I finally lowered my head and bowed.

The next second I relented, the emperor strode in from outside the door and grabbed my shoulders proudly.

"Since you are willing to enter the palace with me, I will naturally not treat you badly, let alone your family. I will reward them abundantly, for they have brought up a woman of true nature like you!"

The emperor walked out of the stable with me, and at the same time scolded Fang Xuan, and said a lot of good and obedient words.

The attendants and eunuchs next to them all looked honorable.

But the more I listened to the emperor's promise, the more I felt that my heart was as cold as iron.

My family was killed by your own order three years ago.


The emperor welcomed me into the harem with great fanfare.

Not only did he make me a concubine, but he also arranged for me to live in the best Zhaoyang Palace.

Before he could sleep, the reward was carried into the courtyard like a flowing water.

The palace maids and eunuchs who were sent to serve me sighed one after another.

"Your Majesty is too good to Niangniang!"

"It's just...... Why doesn't the mother look happy?"

"Niangniang has been looking outside the palace wall, is she homesick?"


I don't have a home for a long time, so how can I talk about "homesickness"?

I'm just waiting for someone.

I knew she was going to come and see me.

Look at me, the horse trainer who can make the emperor get out of control.


"The concubine has arrived!"

After about half a burnt incense, the little eunuch at the door pulled his throat and passed it through.

In the next second, the courtyard door was pushed open forcefully, and a shadow hurriedly walked in.

The visitor was dressed in a light pink palace dress, with exquisite and perfect makeup, and the beaded flowers on her head were dazzling, swaying with her walking movements.

Noble and elegant.

is worthy of being the emperor's favorite concubine.

The moment the concubine appeared, the originally lively courtyard was instantly quiet.

Whether it was the palace maid beside me or the favored eunuch sent by the emperor, they all saluted respectfully.

In the midst of the black pressed human head, I was still standing, very eye-catching.

The concubine's already unhappy face became a little gloomy.

She looked me up and down, jealousy and disdain in her eyes.

"You are the horse trainer who charmed Your Majesty and asked him to make an exception to bring you into the palace?"

The concubine gritted her teeth, "That's it."

After evaluating herself, the concubine raised her head and asked me again:

"You're just a concubine, why don't you pay a salute when you see this palace?"

"Someone, take her ......"

Before the concubine finished talking about the punishment that followed, Wang Xi, who had been keeping her head down, hurriedly stood up and trotted to the concubine's side.

Wang Xi had a humble smile on his face and whispered to the concubine for a long time.

The concubine listened to what Wang Xi said and looked at me, and her eyes changed from the original disdain to shock and disbelief.

"She'......" the concubine stretched out her hand and pointed at me tremblingly.

Wang Xi nodded: "Your Majesty likes Xi Concubine very much, and Niangniang still pays a little attention to her words and deeds. Don't make Your Majesty angry."

There was already a warning in his words.

The concubine gritted her teeth, her eyes breathing fire, eager to burn me to ashes.

But no matter how angry she was, she still forced herself to hold it down.

only threw down the sentence "This palace will see how long you can pretend", and left unhappily.

After the concubine left, Wang Xi had a flattering smile on her face and immediately came over.

"Concubine Xi Niangniang, the concubine Niangniang acts wantonly, Niangniang must not be angry."

I looked indifferent: "What am I angry about?"

"Who Your Majesty likes, it's his business, and what does it have to do with me."

Hearing my indifferent words, Wang Xi's face stiffened for a moment.

But he quickly came back to his senses and said with a smile, "It's good that Niang Niang is not angry."

I didn't want to be false with him anymore, so I made an excuse and went back to my room.

The moment I walked into the room and withdrew from the people around me, my face distorted uncontrollably.

Unfolded my palm, and the palm of my hand was cut out by my fingernails.

I lied to Wang Xi just now.

I'm very angry.

Almost as soon as I saw the concubine, the hatred in my heart surged uncontrollably and completely captured my brain.

I hate her.

hated her for "acting recklessly", and made my family pay for the consequences with their lives.


Three years ago, I was a little girl who loved to laugh and make trouble.

I live with my parents and brother in the horse training farm on the outskirts of Beijing, although it is located in the middle of nowhere, and the living environment is not good, but my family loves me, and I can play with the ponies in the horse training farm at will, and I have a happy life.

One day, the emperor had a whim and brought his concubine to the horse training farm to watch the horse race.

The concubine was already pregnant, and her belly was high and bulging.

And the emperor carefully supported the concubine throughout the whole process, and the pity in his eyes was almost overflowing.

My brother and I huddled in the corner of the horse training farm, peeking at the interaction between the emperor and the concubine.

"Wow, Your Majesty and Niangniang are so affectionate." I couldn't help but sigh.

The elder brother looked up at the figure of the emperor and the concubine, clenched his fists and said, "If I marry a wife in the future, I will definitely take care of it like this!"

When I heard my brother's words, I turned around and teased him, "Aren't you going to get married next year? Maybe the year after tomorrow, I'll be able to be an aunt!"

My brother has already been betrothed to an older sister of the same age at the horse farm.

That sister, who is my future sister-in-law, has a gentle personality and does things quickly, and I like her very much.

Hearing my quip, my brother's face blushed like the sunset on the horizon.

I thought that was the beginning of happiness for our family.

Unexpectedly, it was the end of all happiness.

Marseille was over, and the emperor and the concubine did not leave.

They were in the mood to gallop on horseback.

The emperor chose a tall horse and planned to ride it twice.

The concubine then stood up and said coquettishly, "The concubine also wants to ride a horse."

Hearing the concubine's words, and then looking at her high bulging belly, everyone in the horse training farm was frightened.

They all knelt on the ground, let the concubine take care of her body, and don't alarm the dragon fetus.

was reminded by everyone, and the emperor showed a hesitant look.

But the concubine is rebellious, and the more people persuade her, the more she wants to do it.

So the concubine gritted her teeth, pretended not to hear the rest of the people, and only held the emperor's sleeve to be coquettish, saying that she would only ride a horse for a while, and there would be no problem.

The warm fragrant nephrite was in her arms, and the emperor was soon captured by her, and let people bring the most tame foal over to give the concubine an addiction to horseback riding.

It was a foal that I was taking care of.

Its character is the most docile and never rebels against its owner.

Even when the other foals fled in all directions in danger, they only fuged the ground with their hooves restlessly and snorted again.

The foal also seems to know that it is a pregnant woman riding it, so it walks unusually smoothly.

But no matter how careful the foal is, it can't stop the concubine from dying.

She rode happily, and when she passed the emperor, she turned sideways, intending to interact and flirt with the emperor dexterously.

But she was heavy, and when she leaned to the side, she fell straight to the ground.

The emperor was taken aback, subconsciously led the horse and took a step back, and watched the concubine and the imperial heir in her womb, and fell to the ground in a daze.

A pool of blood bloomed on the ground.


I don't remember the rest of the story.

After the concubine gave birth, the Son of Heaven was furious and washed the horse training farm in blood.

Countless smiling faces that I am familiar with are gradually blurred in the shadow of swords and swords.

Father, mother, brother, sister next door...... They were cut into several pieces by sharp swords and scattered on the ground.

My sister next door stuffed me into the cellar of her yard before she was taken away.

By the time I came out, the horse farm, which had been full of life, had completely changed.

I retched as I collected their bodies.

When I got to the very center of the farm, I saw my foal.

The mane that I combed every day was soaked in black blood.

Even if it was beheaded and fell to the ground, its limbs were still obediently stretched, and it had no intention of resisting.

…… I'd rather it rebelled.

Later, the emperor sent a new wave of people to rebuild the horse farm.

I blended in with the crowd and pretended to be a homeless orphan girl who was successfully adopted by a childless couple.

For the next three years, I stayed honestly in the horse training farm, taking care of the foals every day, and being filial to my godfather and godmother.

At the same time, he silently planned a revenge plan.

I'm waiting for an opportunity.

Therefore, when the emperor came to the horse training farm in civilian clothes to ride a horse to relax, he would see me galloping on a horse in the corner.

I would pretend I didn't know who he was and laugh and talk to him.

And he said, "Even the fiercest horse in the world, I can tame it."

I know that the emperor likes women with this kind of character.

As it turned out, I was successful.


The emperor came to me several times.

Because I was forcibly taken into the palace by him, he felt a little more guilty about me.

As long as I had a slightly cold face, he didn't do anything, just sat on one side, spoke to me, and left.

I'm not afraid of him being annoyed.

Because many years ago, he treated the concubine in the same way.

At that time, the concubine was the daughter of the princess, arrogant and domineering, and extraordinary.

His Majesty the prince fell in love with her at first sight, stalking her every day, guarding the concubine, even if the concubine said that she wanted the moon in the sky, she sent someone to pick it for her.

In the end, he finally hugged the beauty and made a good story.

In the following decades, the concubine was undefeated, and the emperor spoiled and indulged her to the fullest.

Perhaps in the eyes of the concubine, I am just a clumsy copy.

So she didn't care about my appearance, and only let the palace people mock me a few words at my door in the name of gossip, saying that I couldn't succeed in picking up people's teeth.

"The noble concubine is as vast as the moon in the sky, and some concubines imitate it clumsily, I'm afraid they can't even count the stars in the sky."

The two palace maids in the palace of the noble concubines appeared outside my palace gate for some reason, raising their voices to "chat".

The sound of their conversation drifted clearly into my ears.

The big palace beside me was angry, and I was going to step forward and reprimand her.

I stopped me.

"It doesn't matter." I said, "What they want to say is their business."

The palace maid looked at me helplessly several times.

She thinks I don't have the heart to compete in the harem, so I don't care about it.

In fact, the reason why I remain calm is because I know that the so-called "grace" that the concubine has received is nothing but an illusory bubble.

It was all sustained by the emperor's love.

If the emperor doesn't love it, the "grace" will be broken as soon as it is poked.

If the emperor really loves the concubine to death, how could he demote all the concubine's family after centralizing power, and force the concubine's father-in-law to return to his hometown?

I'm younger, more beautiful and easier to control than the concubine.

As long as I am a little soft, the emperor's favor is easy to come.


The emperor accompanied me for a few days in a row, and my attitude softened slightly, but I was still sullen.

Even if he was mentally prepared, but seeing that he couldn't attack me for a long time, the emperor was still a little frustrated.

One day, he came to the gate of my palace.

I was heard chatting with the big palace maid.

"Niangniang is sad all day long, depressed, and not good for your health." The palace maid persuaded me bitterly.

I caught a glimpse of a bright yellow corner flashing outside the window.

But I pretended not to see the emperor outside the window, and only sighed.

"I miss my pony." I said, "Without me taking care of it, I don't know if it's lost weight lately, it's losing its hair lately, and I don't know if the people who take care of it can brush it every day."

"Look at this palace, the boxy sky and the boxy earth make people look uncomfortable. I want to ride a horse."

After saying this, I looked out the window again and found that the emperor was gone.

I curled the corners of my lips.


The next day, a small horse training farm was built in the Forbidden City.

Several of my well-cared for horses were brought in and laid neatly in the stables.

The emperor happily came to me and took me to see the surprise.

And I gave him the reaction he wanted.

I stood there in a daze, looking at the familiar horses, and couldn't help but cry.

The emperor took the opportunity to hold my hand and take my waist.

I didn't say no.

The emperor took advantage of this opportunity and carried me into the inner hall.

I hesitated, but didn't struggle.

Thanks to the fact that I rid, train and take care of horses all day long, I am thin but not weak, and my whole body is covered with thin muscles.

gave the emperor a unique experience and made him call for water three times in a row.

When the water was called for the third time, there was an exclamation from the palace ladies outside the door.

What followed was a series of greetings from the "noble concubine".

The concubine pushed open the door of the palace and walked in menacingly.


I shrank in the emperor's arms and pretended to sleep.

In fact, the eyes have quietly fallen on the concubine.

The concubine is still dressed in a gorgeous dress, but her hair is messy, and the makeup on her face is not perfect, showing the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, rugged and sinking, very eye-catching.

She is thirty-five years old, and she used to be the best in the capital, but she continues to age as she grows older.

Even I, who had only met her a few times, found out.

But she was the only one who didn't feel it.

The concubine stepped forward angrily and ripped open the bed curtain.

Seeing me and the emperor shrinking together in the quilt, I was even more furious.

"Your Majesty!" The concubine stretched out her hand and pointed at the emperor, unwillingly accusing: "In the Forbidden City, why is there a horse training field?"

"And right in the middle of the Forbidden City!"

Faced with the concubine's fierce questioning, the emperor rubbed his eyebrows impatiently and explained: "When Concubine Xi first came to the palace, she was not accustomed to the water and soil, so I transported a few of the horses she often domesticated into the palace. You're a concubine, don't mess around, let some new sisters go."

Hearing the irritability in the emperor's tone, the concubine's body stiffened for a moment.

Then, she softened her tone: "Your Majesty knows, the concubines are very afraid of horses because of what happened three years ago, and when they see horses, they will think of our unborn children......

The concubine wiped away her tears: "Because of the assassination twenty years ago, the concubine was injured and it is difficult to have children. I finally conceived a child, but I was injured because of riding a horse, and the concubine was really sad."

I pressed against the emperor's chest, and I clearly felt that when the concubine mentioned "assassination", the emperor relented.

She also talked about "heirs", and the emperor's attitude was more gentle.

I know, it's time for me to speak.

"Your Majesty," I was sleeping in the emperor's arms, but now I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the emperor slightly, "Since the concubine doesn't like horses, just send them away, I don't care."

I said, "It doesn't matter," but in fact, my hand holding the corner of the quilt gradually became stronger, and my eyes were filled with sparkling water.

The emperor can see that I actually care about and like these horses very much.

So after hesitating for a moment, he turned to look at the concubine.

"Since you don't want to see those horses, I will send someone to move them to the corner of the Forbidden City, far away from your palace, so that you don't feel uncomfortable when you see things and think about people."

received the emperor's response, and the concubine's originally uneasy expression was once again occupied by pride.

She hung her head, half jealous, half ostentatious, glaring at me.

seems to want to tell me that the emperor's favorite is still her.

But looking at the appearance of the concubine, I just want to laugh.

If it was before, the concubine said that she didn't want to see the horses, and the emperor would not hesitate to dismantle the horse training farm and throw it outside the palace.

But now, the emperor just moved the horse training farm to the corner of the Forbidden City.

What this means is obvious.

It's a pity that the concubine is still indulged in the dream of "the emperor loves her the most", and she has never realized the change in the emperor's attitude.


After moving the horse farm to a corner of the Forbidden City, the emperor felt guilty and gave me many rewards.

He even promised me a grace.

I can ask for gold, silver and jewelry, beg for a promotion to a concubine, or let my parents be officials, and the whole family will ascend to heaven.

But I didn't.

In the emperor's curious eyes, I said, "The concubine has an acquaintance sister outside the palace, she is a veterinarian, and she is good at treating diseases born to horses, and she is even better at delivering mares. Can Your Majesty take her into the palace?"

The emperor was stunned.

Then he came back to his senses, stroked his palms and laughed, and the emotion in his eyes was, "That's exactly what happened."

What he liked most about me was that he didn't care about anything but just wanted to take care of the horses.

This made him feel comfortable, as if he was no longer a man with a heavy burden, just an ordinary man who wanted to pursue a woman he loved.

Soon, my good sister Liu Rou entered the palace to accompany me.

When the emperor and the concubine washed the horse training farm in blood, she followed her master out to study and escaped.

But who can accept the ruin of a family?

So she willingly accompanied me into the palace and fought side by side with me.

Liu Rou is not only a top veterinarian, but also very good at solving some minor gynecological problems.

In this Forbidden City, there are many palace maids, and there are always some palace maids who suffer from gynecological diseases, but because of their identity or gender relationship, they cannot find someone to treat them.

Liu Rou's appearance made them ecstatic, and they tried every way to find Liu Rou every day, hoping to get Liu Rou to help solve some unspeakable problems.

Coupled with the deliberate promotion of the palace ladies in our palace, Liu Rou is more famous among the palace people, and her social circle is extremely extensive.

Even the palace maid in the cold palace, she is familiar with it.

One day, Liu Rou suddenly hurried back to the palace where I was.

She slammed open my door.

"Found it!"

Three simple words made me stand up straight from my chair.

"Did you really find it?" I was pleasantly surprised.

After hearing Liu Rou's affirmative answer, a smile curled up on my lips.


As I spoke, I lowered my head and stroked my lower abdomen.

"In that case, it's time for the plan to begin."

I didn't ask, and Liu Rou didn't say it directly.

But we all know what Liu Rou has been looking for.

What she was looking for was evidence that the concubine had murdered the imperial heir.


Recently, the harem has been very peaceful.

My favor is very prosperous, and no one in the harem dares to mess with me.

The concubine had secretly poked and poked at me several times in front of the emperor, but she was beaten by the emperor immediately after.

Realizing that the emperor likes me very much recently, even if the concubine is not angry, she is still honest.

In fact, the other main reason is that she is very confident.

I think I'm just a stand-in for her, and even if I'm temporarily favored, it's just a blink of an eye.

It will soon fall out of favor.

…… The main thing is that she has no way to deal with me.

Just when the concubine pretended to be as indifferent as a chrysanthemum, the news of my pregnancy suddenly appeared in the palace like thunder.

At this time, the concubine couldn't sit still.

Paid card points


The emperor didn't like the smell of stables, but in order to show his affection for me, he would occasionally follow me around.

After this walk, he noticed that I was taking unusual care of a horse.

The rest of the horses were washed and cared for by the palace people, and I only had to supervise them.

But this horse, I took it personally, carefully grooming it and arranging a place for it to live.

The emperor was curious, so he asked me, "What is so unique about it that makes you love it so much?"

I laughed, "It's a pregnant mare."

"Oh?" The emperor asked suspiciously, "Although it is pregnant, it is more precious than the horse next to it. But there's no need for you to do it yourself, just do these menial jobs and let the palace people take care of them carefully."

Instead of responding to the emperor's concern, I turned around, lowered my head, and stroked my lower abdomen.

"The main thing is that I'm also pregnant. I have a baby, and when I look at the mare who is also pregnant, I feel so close that I can't help but take care of it more."

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