
The United States will pass the Crazy Act, not to support Israel, but to put Israel to death


The White House and Congress in the United States, which are controlled by the Jewish plutocracy, have lost their bottom-line support for Israel, resulting in the superpower almost becoming a vassal state of Israel. According to the Global Times, the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed an amendment bill prohibiting the U.S. State Department from citing death statistics from the Palestinian health sector in the Gaza Strip.

The United States will pass the Crazy Act, not to support Israel, but to put Israel to death

If the amendment bill is signed into law by President Joe Biden, it will mean that the U.S. government will stop discussing the death toll from Israel's military operations. Obviously, if the US government does not say it, and the so-called "mainstream media" in the United States controlled by Jewish capital does not report it, the American people will be ignorant of the death toll caused by Israel's military operation in Gaza. There is no doubt that in order to quell anti-Semitic sentiment in the United States, the United States is racking its brains to block information on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and deceive the American people as fools.

In fact, the crazy amendment recently issued by the US Congress has a lot to do with the recent outbreak of anti-Semitic movement in the United States. In the eyes of those American politicians, the anti-Semitic wave will surely subside as long as the news is blocked and the soaring and alarming death toll in Gaza is not irritated to the nerves. White House officials have previously said that there is a powerful and unstoppable Jewish political force in Congress, and even the US government's Middle East policy cannot avoid being controlled.

The United States will pass the Crazy Act, not to support Israel, but to put Israel to death

This is also a major factor in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's willingness to repeatedly assert the authority of the Biden administration, after all, American politics is firmly controlled by the Jewish plutocracy, and the US government is nothing more than a political tool they use to help the Netanyahu government achieve its military goals. Therefore, whenever the Biden administration wants to force the Netanyahu government to cease fire by cutting off the supply of Israeli weapons and ammunition, it will not only be insulted by Tel Aviv, but also disagreed with the members of Congress.

It is clear that the weakness and incompetence of the US government in the face of the Jewish plutocracy is a major factor in Israel's unbridled military action in Gaza and the inability to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Now that Israel is preparing to take action against Lebanon, the US House of Representatives has introduced this amendment at this sensitive time, which is obviously to clear the way for a new round of Israeli military action, that is, to reduce anti-Semitic sentiment in the United States and encourage the Biden administration to continue to provide weapons and ammunition to Israel.

The United States will pass the Crazy Act, not to support Israel, but to put Israel to death

However, the US Congress will not only exacerbate the disaster of the Palestinian war, but it may also put Israel to death. After all, unlike Hamas, which is armed only with AK-47s and rocket launchers, Israel is now facing a regular army unit Allah. According to public information, Allah not only has about 200,000 rockets of various calibers, but also hundreds of missiles of various calibres.

With military equipment far more formidable than Hamas, Allah has shown no weakness in its threat of military strikes against Israel. Clearly, while Allah may not be able to defeat the Israeli army, they can also inflict far more severe blows on Israel than Hamas. What's more, Israel is now in a predicament of being attacked on all sides, and armed forces across the Middle East, including the Houthis, have recently stepped up their attacks on Israel. As a result, people in Israel near the Lebanese border have fled their homes. It can be seen from this that once the Lebanese-Israeli conflict breaks out, Israel will not be better off than its opponents.

The United States will pass the Crazy Act, not to support Israel, but to put Israel to death

Objectively speaking, the Biden administration does not want this conflict to continue indefinitely, so they were recently accused by Netanyahu of "withholding weapons and ammunition supplied to Israel". At the same time, Israel does not want the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to expand and prolong the war, and protests against Netanyahu's military actions continue to erupt within the country.

It is clear that both the Biden administration and the Israeli people hope that this conflict, which has lasted for more than half a year, can be stopped as soon as possible. Because everyone knows that if this conflict continues, it will not only be Palestine but also Israel that will be destroyed in the end. Therefore, the United States will introduce this crazy amendment at this time, saying that it is helping Israel, but in fact it may be destroying the country.

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