
The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

author:Qin Jiangyuan is Yan Zhongke

When we look up at the starry sky, the endless universe always triggers our endless reverie. It seems to encompass the whole mysteries of space and time, allowing the human imagination to soar freely. However, when we try to delve deeper into the origin of the universe, we find it a difficult puzzle to solve.

The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

From ancient myths and legends to modern scientific hypotheses, people are always looking for answers about the origin of the universe. Although the Chinese legend of "Pangu opened the world" is full of poetry and imagination, it is only a beautiful vision of the origin of the universe of mankind. Today, although science and technology have made great progress, we are still in the stage of continuous exploration and hypothesis about the origin of the universe.

The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

Among the many hypotheses about the origin of the universe, the "Big Bang" theory is undoubtedly the most influential. This theory was proposed by the famous American astrophysicists Gamov and Friedman in 1948, and it believed that about 15 billion years ago, the matter that makes up the celestial bodies we see today was concentrated in a very small area, with extremely high densities and temperatures of more than 10 billion degrees Celsius. This state, known as the "singularity", after accumulating enough energy, had a big bang and matter spread around at superluminal speed. As the universe expanded and cooled, matter gradually coalesced into galaxies and stars, eventually evolving into the universe we see today. Scientists have found that other galaxies are still moving away from us at a rapid pace, further confirming the hypothesis that the universe is still expanding.

The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

However, not everyone agrees with the "Big Bang" theory. Some scientists have proposed the "eternity of the universe" hypothesis, which holds that the universe has been in a stable state since its inception. They believe that on a large scale, the matter and forces in the universe are in a state of equilibrium, and the birth and death of stars are only local phenomena that do not have much impact on the entire universe.

The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

In addition, there are theories such as the "cosmic level" hypothesis and the "infinite parallel cycle model of the universe". These theories attempt to explain the origin and evolution of the universe from different perspectives, providing us with more directions to think about the universe.

The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

In "The Infinite Parallel Cycle of the Universe Model", the Chinese scientist Lugo proposed a completely new view of the universe. He believes that the universe is made up of an infinite number of cosmic units, each of which has undergone a cyclical process from the Big Bang of a giant black hole (singularity) to expansion, to being swallowed by a black hole, and finally merging into a new giant black hole. This process is repeated over and over again, constituting the transformation of the entire universe. In this model, our universe is just one of countless cosmic units that have their own beginning and end, but the entire universe has no beginning, no end, and no end.

The Origin of the Universe: A Quest Across Time and Space!

Perhaps one day, we will be able to travel through the "time tunnel" and explore other "cosmic units". But until then, let's continue to look up at the stars and feel the vastness and mystery of the universe!