
"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

author:Independent drama meow

Qin Moqing originally wanted to find out about the successive infections of the expeditionary force, and took the risk to save Ou Xiaoan, who was wearing a Japanese military uniform.

And the antibodies on Ou Xiaoan's body did successfully help Qin Moqing cure the infection.

According to Qin Moqing's mind, she naturally knew that the infection of the expeditionary force this time was very likely to be related to the Japanese plan to fall cherry, so her original idea was to find out Ou Xiaoan's identity and then bring him back.

I learned more about the Falling Sakura Plan through Ou Xiaoan, and the most important thing is that the antibodies on Ou Xiaoan's body are very critical for Qin Moqing to crack the Japanese Luo Ying Plan.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

Wei Qingming sent someone to Myanmar suddenly and confirmed Ou Xiaoan's identity, which was considered to have broken Qin Moqing's original plan.

However, it also gave Qin Moqing an upright reason to bring Ou Xiaoan back to Chongqing.

In contrast, the conditions of the military command in all respects are certainly better than those of the underground party, and the results of the military command's research on the Japanese are also inevitable.

Therefore, what Qin Moqing has to do is to keep an eye on Ou Xiaoan and the research results, and wait until the results come out, just steal the results directly.

Because he doesn't know Ou Xiaoan's true identity, Ou Xiaoan's biggest value to Qin Moqing is to help crack the research of the Japanese.

But Qin Moqing's master Wen Yishan didn't think so, in Wen Yishan's opinion, Ou Xiao'an's return was his best weapon to defeat Wei Qingming.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

And if he wants to use Ou Xiaoan to defeat Wei Qingming and regain the position of stationmaster, the first thing Wen Yishan has to do is to help prove Ou Xiaoan's innocence.

Wen Yishan made a move to prove Ou Xiaoan's innocence

Ou Xiaoan was sent by his teacher Wen Yishan to work undercover next to the Japanese Ohashi Kazuno.

In order to allow Ou Xiaoan to successfully gain the trust of Ohashi Kazuno and get the content of Luo Ying's plan, Wen Yishan tailored a plan for Ou Xiaoan.

In this plan, Ou Xiaoan not only betrayed Chongqing, but also killed the agents of the two military commanders. And the fact is that the killing of these two agents was false news released by Wen Yishan, and these two people have been protected by Wen Yishan.

The people who know that Ou Xiaoan is an undercover agent, except for Ou Xiaoan, there are only Lou Mingyuan and Wen Yishan.

At that time, he competed with Wen Yishan for the position of stationmaster, as well as Wei Qingming.

Ou Xiaoan's "mutiny" allowed Wei Qingming to find an opportunity to pull Wen Yishan off the horse.

So, Wei Qingming specially sent people to Hong Kong to assassinate Ohashi and the traitor Ou Xiaoan. Relying on this credit, Wei Qingming successfully replaced Wen Yishan as the stationmaster.

However, although Wei Qingming became the stationmaster, the struggle between him and Wen Yishan was still not over, and Wen Yishan's influence in the Chongqing station of the military command was very deep, and it was difficult to be eradicated at once.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

After being assassinated from Hong Kong, Ohashi Kazuno simply came to the shell of a golden cicada and took Ou Xiaoan to Myanmar to continue his plan to fall cherry.

As for Wen Yishan, because of Ou Xiaoan's sudden disappearance and Wei Qingming's identity as Ou Xiaoan's traitor, he did not stand up to clarify for Ou Xiaoan, but chose to remain silent while choosing to send another apprentice, Qin Moqing, to follow the expeditionary force to Myanmar to investigate as a military doctor.

This time, Qin Moqing brought Ou Xiaoan back, which was an unexpected gain, and it also gave Wen Yishan a great opportunity to fight back against Wei Qingming.

Of course, Wei Qingming also knew this, so he also wanted to take this opportunity to use Ou Xiaoan to completely pull Wen Yishan down.

Therefore, Wei Qingming's interrogation work was very targeted from the beginning, and it seemed that he was interrogating Ou Xiaoan, but in fact, every word was aimed at Wen Yishan.

While Wei Qingming was interrogating Ou Xiao'an, Wen Yishan was also observing Ou Xiao'an.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

Of course, Wen Yishan wants to save Ou Xiaoan, and he has hole cards in his hand to save Ou Xiaoan, but he needs to observe Ou Xiaoan.

From the moment Lou Mingyuan was arrested, Ou Xiaoan completely cut off contact with him, and he first needed to confirm whether Ou Xiaoan had defected.

Secondly, from Qin Moqing's mouth, Wen Yishan also learned about Ou Xiaoan's partial amnesia, so he also needs to confirm whether Ou Xiaoan still remembers the plan back then.

Only when these two points are confirmed, Wen Yishan can take action to save Ou Xiaoan, otherwise, he would rather let Ou Xiaoan die in the hands of Wei Qingming, and Wen Yishan can't cause this trouble.

Although Ou Xiaoan seems to have amnesia, he actually remembers all the important things, and it is even very likely that he is pretending to have amnesia.

There are two details about this.

For the first detail, he took the initiative to ask Qin Moqing for the strip of cloth with the number 9548 written on it.

That strip of cloth is a joint token given to him by Ye Xuanmin, that is, Secretary Chen, as long as Ou Xiaoan holds this strip of cloth, he can connect with his comrades and then pass the information back.

The current situation is that the strip of cloth is gone, and Ou Xiaoan has no way to prove his identity, so he must find the strip of cloth and then connect with his comrades.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

In the second detail, Ou Xiaoan gave up the opportunity to escape and took the initiative to return to Chongqing with Qin Moqing and them.

Qin Moqing also said that with Ou Xiaoan's skills, she and Director Mao couldn't look at him at all, and it was a matter of minutes for Ou Xiaoan to escape.

But Ou Xiaoan did not escape, Ou Xiaoan did not flee because the joint cloth strip was lost, because he also wanted to go back to the Chongqing Military Command Station to lurk.

Ou Xiaoan knows very well that now the news that he is not dead has been transmitted back to Chongqing. If he escapes as a traitor, Chongqing will definitely hunt him down everywhere, and he may even affect his comrades at that time.

Therefore, it is better to take this opportunity to go back to Chongqing and lurk in the Chongqing Military Command Station.

Because of the illness, he did not completely lose his memory, and from the mouths of Director Mao and Qin Moqing, Ou Xiaoan also knew the teacher-student relationship between himself and Wen Yishan.

So Ou Xiaoan also understands that if he is taken back to Chongqing Station, if he wants to survive, the only person he can count on is Wen Yishan, the teacher.

After confirming this, no matter how Wei Qingming tried to climb Wen Yishan and pull the matter of his betrayal on Wen Yishan, Ou Xiaoan did not accept it.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

Wen Yishan, who witnessed the entire interrogation process outside, confirmed that Ou Xiaoan did not defect, and began the rescue plan for Ou Xiaoan.

Wen Yishan's rescue plan is mainly divided into two steps, the first step is to first prove that Ou Xiaoan is not a traitor and did not kill his comrades back then; The second step is to prove the importance of Ou Hyo-an, who is a key figure in cracking the Ohashi and Norakura plans.

The first step is actually not difficult for Wen Yishan, he has enough human and physical evidence.

First of all, the human witness, the two agents who said they were killed by Ou Xiao'an were not actually dead, but were hidden by Wen Yishan.

Wen Yishan hid them back then in order to deceive Ohashi Kazuno, but he didn't expect it to become direct evidence that Ou Xiaoan was not a traitor.

In fact, in addition to these two witnesses, there is another person who can prove that Ou Xiaoan did not defect back then, and this person is Li Shaotang.

Li Shaotang was a researcher at the Ohashi Heye Health Center back then, and was instigated by Lou Mingyuan to help Lou Mingyuan get the information of the cherry blossom falling plan.

Before Lou Mingyuan was arrested, he asked Ou Xiaoan to connect with Li Shaotang, and Ou Xiaoan used his connections to send Li Shaotang back to Chongqing.

Although Ou Xiaoan did not tell Li Shaotang his name at that time, Li Shaotang must have been able to recognize Ou Xiaoan.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

Therefore, as long as Li Shaotang can stand up and say what happened back then, it can also prove that Ou Xiaoan did not defect back then.

In addition to human evidence, Wen Yishan also has physical evidence.

Wen Yishan sent Ou Xiaoan to the Japanese to go undercover back then, and this plan must have been reported to the key figures above the military command.

Otherwise, according to his relationship with Ou Xiaoan, after Ou Xiaoan's accident, it would be impossible for Wen Yishan to retreat.

It's just that because Wei Qingming took the first step to hoe Ou Xiao'an, there was no proof of death.

Now that Ou Xiaoan is back, Wen Yishan only needs to come up with the plan of the year, and it is easy to prove that Ou Xiaoan is not a traitor.

In addition to proving that Ou Xiaoan is not a traitor, Wen Yishan's second step plan is to make Ou Xiaoan a hero, a key figure who can crack Luo Ying's plan.

This can not only save Ou Xiaoan's life, but also allow Wen Yishan to squeeze out Wei Qingming and Deputy Station Chief Feng and become the number one person in the Chongqing Station of the Military Command.

According to Qin Moqing, Wen Yishan must have known that Ou Xiaoan ran away from Ohashi Kazuno and still had antibodies on his body.

According to Wei Qingming's conversation with the female subordinate, it is not difficult to know that the people above the military command have always wanted to find the base camp of the Japanese and get the results of their biochemical research.

In this way, Ou Xiaoan has become the key person for them to find the base camp of Ohashi Kazuno, crack Ohashi Kazuno's plan to fall the cherry blossoms, and get what they want.

Therefore, from this point of view, Wen Yishan will definitely save Ou Xiaoan after confirming that Ou Xiaoan has no problem.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

And with the help of Wen Yishan, Ou Xiaoan can also lurk in the Chongqing Station of the Military Command.

Qin Moqing tested Ou Xiaoan's identity

Ou Xiaoan was indeed sent by Wen Yishan to go undercover beside Ohashi and Ye, but Lou Mingyuan, the agent sent by Wen Yishan to assist Ou Xiaoan, was actually an underground party agent.

In contact with Ou Xiaoan, Lou Mingyuan decided that Ou Xiaoan was a comrade who could be developed, so he applied with Ye Xuanmin to develop Ou Xiaoan, and Ye Xuanmin also agreed.

It's just that Lou Mingyuan didn't have time to further develop Ou Xiaoan, and he was arrested by the Japanese because of Li Shaotang's exposure.

In fact, the Japanese have never fully trusted Ou Xiaoan, and Ohashi Kazuno arranged an assassination operation, in addition to making excuses for his own suppression, there is also a purpose to test Ou Xiaoan.

Although Ou Xiaoan has been tested by this assassination campaign, Ohashi Kazuno's trust in him is not 100%.

Especially after Lou Mingyuan was exposed, Ohashi Kazuno began to suspect Ou Xiaoan again. After all, on the surface, Ou Xiaoan is indeed in the dance hall opened by Lou Mingyuan all the year round.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

Therefore, Ohashi Kazuno can easily suspect that Ou Xiaoan is Lou Mingyuan's internal response. In order to confirm his suspicions, Ohashi Kazuno asked Ou Xiaoan to be in charge of interrogating Lou Mingyuan, while he watched Ou Xiaoan's reaction from the sidelines.

Of course, Lou Mingyuan knew the purpose of Ohashi Kazuno asking Ou Xiaoan to interrogate him, so in order to protect Ou Xiaoan and completely rebel against Ou Xiaoan, Lou Mingyuan denied his identity as a military commander and admitted his identity as an underground party.

Because Ou Xiaoan defected from the Chongqing Military Commandery, if Lou Mingyuan admitted his identity as a military commander, Ohashi Kazuno would easily suspect Ou Xiaoan's identity.

And Zeng Jiwu has always been dissatisfied with Ou Xiaoan, feeling that he has robbed him of his credit, and he will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Even if you can't confirm that Ou Xiaoan's identity is problematic, you can take the opportunity to find an excuse to teach Ou Xiaoan a lesson.

As for admitting his identity as an underground party, he is also paving the way for his subsequent comrades to continue to oppose Ou Xiaoan.

Lou Mingyuan has been observing Lou Mingyuan since he was in contact with Ou Xiaoan, he has always thought that Ou Xiaoan can be rebelled, and he has also reported his thoughts to the organization.

Therefore, if Lou Mingyuan sacrifices himself, the comrades in the organization will definitely continue to contact Ou Xiaoan.

And what Lou Mingyuan wants to do is to let Ou Xiaoan see the character of the underground party and the determination to oppose the invaders.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

Lou Mingyuan's unyielding approach did touch Ou Xiaoan to a certain extent, which made Ou Xiaoan very emotional.

With Lou Mingyuan's foreshadowing, coupled with his later contact with Ye Xuanmin, Ou Xiaoan completely changed his position and became an underground party.

When he fled from Myanmar, Ye Xuanmin handed over the strip of cloth with numbers written on it to Ou Xiao'an, just to let Ou Xiao'an go to find his comrades to connect.

It's just that what Ou Xiaoan didn't expect was that Qin Moqing took away the cloth strip when he was treating him.

Qin Moqing's identity has always been very clear, that is, an agent lurking in the underground party of the military command.

Qin Moqing, who returned to Chongqing, will definitely find a way to pass the news to his upline along with the cloth strip, and ask the upline to confirm Ou Xiaoan's identity.

At the beginning, Lou Mingyuan reported to Ye Xuanmin that he wanted to plot against Ou Xiaoan, in addition to Lou Mingyuan and Ye Xuanmin, there was another person who also knew that this person was Qin Moqing's upline Qiushui comrade.

Therefore, as long as Qiushui sees the cloth sent back by Qin Moqing and the news about Ou Xiaoan, he can basically confirm Ou Xiaoan's identity.

But because of the two comrades Lou Mingyuan and Ye Xuanmin, who had direct contact with Ou Xiaoan, one had died and the other was missing, this cloth alone could not fully trust Ou Xiaoan.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

And Qin Moqing's task is to touch Ou Xiaoan's bottom without revealing his identity to confirm whether he is completely trustworthy.

Write at the end

After watching the current 4 episodes of "Lonely Battle Maze", the overall look and feel is still very good, the rhythm is bright, not procrastinating, and the plot is also very attractive.

Compared with Qin Moqing, Ou Xiaoan, Wei Qingming, Wen Yishan and others revealed their identities as soon as they came up, and the most hidden person in the play is Li Shaotang.

"Lonely Lost City" Li Shaotang is an undercover agent! Qin Moqing assisted, and Wen Yishan saved Ou Xiaoan in two steps

At that time, Ou Xiaoan risked being discovered by Ohashi Kazuno and sent Li Shaotang to Chongqing, but in just a few years, Li Shaotang not only became the head of the stunt department of Chongqing Station, but also replaced Ou Xiaoan as the quasi-son-in-law of Deputy Station Director Feng.

The reason why Li Shangtang was able to rise so quickly in Chongqing under the military command was nothing more than that he used to be a researcher at the Ohashi Kano Health Center, and he knew a little about Ohashi Kazuno's cherry blossom falling plan.

But with the return of Ou Xiaoan, Li Shaotang's position will definitely be greatly threatened.

Therefore, for Ou Xiaoan, when returning to Chongqing Station, the first thing to watch out for is not Wei Qingming on the surface, but Li Shaotang hiding in the shadows.