
Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are indistinguishable, and the septuagenarian confesses the wrong disease and almost causes a catastrophe!

author:Ye Feng, Director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine


A few months ago, a childhood friend from my hometown came to see me in the outpatient clinic, he was three years older than me, 75 years old this year, and when I was a child, I often ran around with the back of his buttocks, went into the water to fish, and went up the mountain to pick fruits.

When he came to my clinic, he had a very severe cough, and he joked that he didn't expect to see me one day, I saw that he was pale, and observed his tongue, dark red, white and greasy, and his pulse was slippery. Auscultation: crackle may be heard at both lung bases.

Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are indistinguishable, and the septuagenarian confesses the wrong disease and almost causes a catastrophe!

According to him, after the second recovery of the new crown, he has been coughing, often spitting white and sticky sputum, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and he will get better for a while after taking medicine, but it will relapse after a while, and he went to the hospital to check it out, saying what kind of lung fiber foci it is, and he checked it himself, and he also felt that this disease was not a big problem, so he didn't care.

But during the auscultation, I heard a crackle and realized that it was not that simple, but I glanced at the report and directly saw that something was wrong, this is obviously pulmonary fibrosis, and according to my brother's description, he is obviously pulmonary fibrosis combined with infection, where is the pulmonary fibrosis?

Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are indistinguishable, and the septuagenarian confesses the wrong disease and almost causes a catastrophe!

Although pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are one word, the impact on people is very different.

If there are no symptoms in the pulmonary fibrosis, it basically has no effect on people, but pulmonary fibrosis can be different, once it appears, it may cause irreversible damage to lung function, which will cause difficulty breathing and breathlessness in severe cases, and the damage is irreversible, and it will not return to its original appearance after being cured.

I diagnosed him with "pulmonary impotence", which was characterized by qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm and stasis. The treatment is to replenish qi and invigorate blood, dispel blood stasis and clear the channels.

I still use my own more confident meridian acupuncture medicine to superimpose immunotherapy, using traditional Chinese medicine such as sulforaphane seed, Chuanbei, melon, Qianhu, Suzi, Schisandra, Chuanxiong, salvia, etc., and directly apply the medicine to his sickness.

Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are indistinguishable, and the septuagenarian confesses the wrong disease and almost causes a catastrophe!

After a course of medication, I watched him see that his symptoms were significantly reduced and his spirit improved, and when I was about three months old, I told him to do a lung CT, and the results were very good: there was no obvious abnormality in both lungs.

He joked that he would go back to the village and give me more publicity, so that everyone in the village would know that I was promising.

Pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are indistinguishable, and the septuagenarian confesses the wrong disease and almost causes a catastrophe!

That being said, but at our age, the older generation is basically gone, and those of the same age either left early, or moved to live with their children, and there are no acquaintances.

As for the next generation, in the early years, I followed the organizational arrangement and went to the countryside early, and after work, I basically stayed in the hospital for more than 50 years.