
The most ignorant cognition in this life: without desire or desire, you can be at ease

author:Lye Happy Grass


Dogs can't be fed, people can't be flattered, and wolves can't be fed. Soft-heartedness is a disease, and deep love is fatal. The truth of human nature is: thousands of people have different tastes of the same tea, just because thousands of people have different hearts. ——Wang Zhiwen "The Way of Heaven"
The most ignorant cognition in this life: without desire or desire, you can be at ease

The picture comes from the Internet

Whoever has no intention will tolerate it, and it will also turn the hearts of villains upside down.

In this red world, it's not that you can be at ease without desires. And those capricious villains will also deliberately target you because of their own inner ghosts!

So, sometimes, the breakdown of a relationship is not because you did something wrong, but because they are finding fault with themselves!

Dogs can't be fed, people can't be flattered, and wolves can't be fed. Not all relationships in this world are managed, and if you manage them carefully, you will gain something!

And the ugliness of human nature is that if you don't go along with his wishes for a while, the demon in his heart will appear!

The most ignorant cognition in this life: without desire or desire, you can be at ease

The picture comes from the Internet

Don't believe it, some people are struggling with bad relationships?

Dirty thinking is a taboo for people to get along with. Some fathers and sons turn against each other, mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law become enemies, and friends part ways, either because one party has done something wrong, or because of the selfishness and self-interest of human nature. Leaving so many years of family affection and friendship behind, for the sake of his own selfish desires, he provoked the other party with strong words, and even aggressively accused and insulted, until the scene could not end!

Chai Yuanbiao's poem "The Heart of the People": "The hearts of the people are an inch, and the wind rises day and night." ”

Don't look at people's hearts, they are so big, but they can always cause a lot of turmoil for no reason!

Therefore, people are unpredictable, and don't keep your mouth shut or say nothing just because you have a good relationship. Because of this thing, it will fall from the sky inexplicably!

The most ignorant cognition in this life: without desire or desire, you can be at ease

The picture comes from the Internet

I agree with a passage of Master Mo Yan: "Dogs can't be too full, people can't be too good, dogs can't bite if they're too full, and people are too good to be human." It's not that you're wrong, it's the breed that's wrong, too many wolves with their tails between them. Because some people are wolves, not huskies, not Labradors, and can't be fed at all. Open guns are easy to dodge, hidden arrows are difficult to defend, if you want not to be bitten, quit the problem of digging out your heart and lungs. ”

Therefore, the depth of human nature is complex and unimaginable. Any relationship that seems unbreakable is really vulnerable in the face of the ugliness of human nature, and no relationship is an exception!

Remember: don't be the same as tea. Even if a thousand people taste the same cup of tea, there will be a thousand flavors. Human nature is complex and changeable, and the heart of prevention is indispensable, we must quit the problem of digging out our hearts and lungs! Otherwise, your kindness and honesty will be trampled on after human nature changes its face!

"Give people roses, hands have fragrance, flowers need leaves to help, people want people to help."

So, in this society where you have to deal with people. When we send a friendly light, don't forget to show our edge!

The rivers and lakes are deep! I hope that we can turn suffering into wisdom and move forward bravely! Live the most sassy life!

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