
Early Love (2)

author:No North South

Xia Yu has always respected his son and rarely flipped through his son's things. At most, go in and mop the floor.

But after only ten seconds of hesitation, Xia Yu pushed open the door of his son's room, and scolded with a smile: Stinky boy, what "secret" are you talking about in front of your mother? Haven't I seen your bare ass?

Should I say it or not, my son's room is really neatly tied. A wardrobe, a desk, a bookcase, a bed. At first glance, there is not the slightest sign of confusion.

Xia Yu looked around his son's room with relief, thinking: All these years of hard work on his son have not been in vain.

The son has good academic performance, is polite when he sees people, and praises whoever sees him. Even his own housekeeping rarely worries Xia Yu.

He walked over to his son's bookcase, which contained all kinds of books that his son liked. Jiang Chen divided these books into categories, and each book was stamped with his own stamp: Xiangyi Xuanzang.

The son has his own ideals: if he is not a good man, he is a good doctor. So I named my room "Xiangyixuan".

Xia Yu opened the door of his son's bookcase, picked up Haizi's book, opened the home page, and saw his son writing: Facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming; opened "Ordinary World" again, and saw my son writing on the first page: Ordinary world, but it can create real happiness.

Xia Yu admires his son, this cabinet of books has Chinese and foreign masterpieces, poetry, prose, and philosophy...... Jiang Chen has been reading carefully, so Jiang Chen's composition has always been very good, he has participated in various competitions, and often takes back a first prize, a second prize or something, which makes Xia Yu very dignified in front of other parents.

Early Love (2)

Closing the bookcase and walking to Jiang Chen's desk, Xia Yu saw a crack in the drawer of the desk. This drawer Xia Yu has never opened, she is still an enlightened parent, respecting some of her son's little privacy and secrets.

But this day, the ghost sent a god, and Xia Yu opened the drawer that opened a gap.

There are a lot of pens of all kinds in the drawer, which takes up a lot of space in the drawer.

Xia Yu scolded in disgust: Stinky boy, buy so many pens! Net waste.

Before she finished scolding, Xia Yu's eyes were attracted by the corner of the drawer.

In the innermost right corner of the drawer, there is a stack of colored papers, neatly folded. Curiosity prompted Xia Yu to pick up the top one without hesitation, unfold it, and Juanxiu's words came into view:

Dear Tatsu,

Why didn't I see you on campus today? I'm so disappointed!

How are you doing today? I ate steamed buns and soy milk in the morning, and ate the rice bowl in the school cafeteria at noon, so I was so bored in today's class!

Looking forward to meeting you on the weekend, I am waiting for you at the old place.

Kiss you!

Jiang Chen is in love? Xia Yu only felt as if she had been hit on the head, and she was a little dizzy, so that the flying kisses and smiling faces painted by the girl on the letter paper seemed to fly out of the letter paper and flew in front of her.

She put her hand on her forehead and fixed her eyes on the last signature: Miss your Wenwen.

Xia Yu trembled and picked up another letter, which was basically the same content. She felt a little dizzy, and her heart seemed to be hollowed out in an instant. She grabbed the remaining letters from the drawer, stepped back, sat down on the edge of her son's bed, and read them carefully.

There is no doubt that Jiang Chen is indeed in love!

The anger in Xia Yu's heart made her want to pull Jiang Chen back immediately, pointing at his nose and scolding him: Are you dizzy? The school teacher cultivates you as a seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University, and the 40 students in your class are all working hard, racing against time to study, you are good, and you actually fell in love! What about your ideals? Is that all it takes?

Xia Yu remembered that for so many years, in order to pick up her son to and from school, she had to get up early almost every morning, Jiang Haicheng spent almost all her time on work in order to make a breakthrough in her career, and she started to do things at home. After so many years of dedication, doesn't his son have a little gratitude? Don't you know how to repay yourself with a notice from a prestigious university?

She sat dumbfounded, and seemed to hear the voices of many people in her ears:

I didn't expect her children to fall in love? Alas, it's a pity that a good seedling.

How many children grow up in this kind of family are good? I haven't suffered since I was a child, and I can't make it into a big climate in the end......

No way! I must find a way to stop my son from falling in love! We must bring our son back on the right path. Xia Yu made up his mind.

Xia Yu was glad that she broke her promise with her son today and broke into her son's room without permission, so that she was able to discover this secret. Maybe it's the heavens who want to tell you about it. Xia Yu thought to herself.

But how can you save your son?

Call to tell Jiang Haicheng? Let him reprimand his son? Or beat your son?

From childhood to adulthood, Jiang Haicheng rarely participated in his son's growth and education. He himself has not had a father since he was a child, and he has never been educated by his own father, so he doesn't know what fatherly love looks like. When he became his own father, he thought that the most traditional education method in China: beating, was the most direct and effective way of education.

Early Love (2)

It's just that Xia Yu, as a mother, especially protects her calves, and her son can only be beaten by herself, and she can't stand it if others reprimand her.

Moreover, in recent times, Jiang Haicheng has been busy with his feet not touching the ground. Xia Yu thought about it carefully, she didn't seem to have had a meal with Jiang Haicheng in the past month, and he seemed to have only stayed at home for one night or two nights? She couldn't remember anymore. They don't seem to have lived as a couple for half a year, right? The last time I chatted with my best friend Zheng Yun about this issue, Zheng Yun's face was incredible: Impossible, right? He.... Is he still normal?

Xia Yu glanced at Zheng Yun at that time: It's normal.

Zheng Yun squeezed his eyebrows and smiled and said: Then you have to be a snack, don't he steal fish and eat outside, you want a normal man, who can endure it for half a year? Men think with their lower bodies......

Xia Yu sighed, got up and put his son's love letter as it was, and walked out of his son's room in an irritated mood.

The window of the living room has shone into the first rays of the morning sun, pale white, not so dazzling, the living room is warm and peaceful.

If in the past, Xia Yu liked this kind of weather very much, and liked the living room illuminated by soft sunlight. But today, she felt a little empty in her heart.

For so many years, I have been busy with the company and my son's education, and I have always come and gone in a hurry, and I have no time to stop and take a closer look at my family. She feels that in a family, everyone should work hard and study hard, and everyone is on their own track and doing what they should do, at least that's what she did. Is there anything wrong with that?

Now, her son, who has always been excellent in her eyes, is actually in love behind her back; What is Jiang Haicheng, who has rarely gone home for nearly a month, doing? Don't......

No! No! What is Jiang Haicheng's origin? lost his father since he was a child, and since he was a teenager, he has raised his old lady who can't read a single word; He also has an older sister, who is also the only one who is initially Chinese.

If it weren't for Jiang Haicheng's 1.8 meter tallness, his posture of playing football on the playground was full of strength and passion, and his handsome face with a rejection of indifference thousands of miles away, all of this was too in line with the standards that Xia Yu demanded of her boyfriend at the beginning of her love, and Xia Yu, who was the daughter of the director's family, would agree to his pursuit. And after graduating from university, he used his old father's connections to arrange Jiang Haicheng into a government unit.

If it weren't for Xia Yu, Jiang Haicheng would probably have to struggle for two lifetimes to reach today's height, right? Is he willing to give up everything he has now and take risks in order to satisfy his little evil desires? No, absolutely not!

Xia Yu shook his head with all his might, trying to get this thought out of his mind.

She looked up at the wall clock: it was half past seven! You have to hurry to the unit. Yesterday, she made an appointment with three companies to inquire about the steel purchased by the unit, and signed an annual contract in one of them.

Let's talk about my son's affairs in the afternoon! She told herself in her heart.

Xia Yu rushed to the company and walked into his office, and the assistant Xiao Xiang hurriedly walked in and said, "Sister Xia, do you know?"

Xia Yu said: What do you know?

Her procurement team has a total of 4 people, and Xiao Xiang has been with her for the longest time, and their cooperation is also the most tacit. In many important negotiations, we can understand each other's intentions clearly, and cooperate with each other to win many difficult companies.

Xiao Xiang said with a sad face: Sister Xia, you don't know yet, right? Today, I negotiated with Dongyi Company for the annual sign, such a big thing, Mr. Li actually let that little goblin go, can she cooperate with you? I think Mr. Li obviously fell in love with this goblin......

The goblin in Xiao Xiang's mouth is Zhang Yuanlin, who was newly recruited by Li Guangquan into the procurement department, 27.8 years old, 1.7 meters tall, and his voice is very inconsistent with his height. Although Zhang Yuanlin said that he had cut his double eyelids, he was quite successful, which added a lot of color to her, and the overall appearance was still a little beautiful.

When Li Guangquan led Zhang Yuanlin into the procurement department, he told Xia Yu that he was introduced by a related household, and there was no way, so he let her stay in the procurement department with a salary of 5,000 yuan a month.

But after getting along for so long, Xia Yu felt that Zhang Yuanlin was very scheming, but all the scheming was not used to deal with customers, but to the boss Li Guangquan, who was still single in his 40s.

As an old classmate and an old partner for more than ten years, Xia Yu also hopes that Li Guangquan will get off the list as soon as possible.

She immediately stopped Xiao Xiang: Don't talk nonsense! Wouldn't it be good not to let you participate? You went to talk to Mavericks this morning about the smart bus stop. Mr. Li asked Zhang Yuanlin to participate, probably to train her! Don't think so much, the company belongs to Mr. Li, and he has the final say!

I don't know if it's because of a bad mood, or because the first time I partnered with Zhang Yuanlin that day, the negotiation in the morning was very stalemate, and the other party refused to reduce the price. Zhang Yuanlin participated in this kind of negotiation for the first time, he was arrogant and spoke very impulsively, and almost collapsed Dongyi Company, which had cooperated for more than ten years.

It wasn't until one o'clock in the afternoon that Xia Yu signed an annual contract with Dongyi Company with difficulty.

Back at the company, Zhang Yuanlin didn't care about eating a boxed lunch, so he went to Li Guangquan's office to report the situation.

Xia Yu looked at her wearing high heels, walked over with a wry smile, and shook her head with a wry smile. Xiao Xiang and Xiao Kuang, another buyer, rolled their eyes in unison, and squeezed out two words from between their teeth: goblin!

Before getting off work at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Yu remembered his son's love letter, and a trace of bitterness appeared in his heart: Alas, why can't I save some snacks? Just thinking about it, her mobile phone rang, and she picked it up to see that her best friend Zheng Yun called.

Xia Yu picked it up, and Zheng Yun's rough and atmospheric voice came out: Rain, tell you a pretty explosive news, guess what?

Xia Yu said: So explosive, how could I guess! Hurry up and release it!

Zheng Yunshen said mysteriously: Do you know? Tao Jin, Tao Jin, Tao Jin, Tao Jin, who has not been able to lay an egg for more than ten years, is pregnant!

Yes! Xia Yu is also excited, really? Is her husband's illness cured?

"I don't know! She's in for a treat tonight, so let's ask her! You hurry up and get out of the unit, and go to that Western restaurant, I have to knock her hard tonight, that one is more expensive and that one! The old iron tree of more than ten years has finally bloomed, and it is worth the price! After Zheng Yun finished talking, he urged Xia Yu to hurry downstairs, and she drove over to pick her up.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Yu was happy for his best friend Tao Jin from the bottom of his heart, they grew up in a compound with bare butts, and they both lived in a city after getting married.

Tao Jin people are as their name suggests, busy making money all day long, they are not too rich women, her husband Jiang Hao is tall and handsome, she is the general manager of a company, honest and honest, and has an excellent temper, but God will never let you be too satisfied, they have been married for more than ten years and have no children. Once drank too much, Tao Jin cried and said that it was Jiang Hao's problem and he was listless.....

At that time, Zheng Yun and Xia Yu both comforted Tao Jin: Now that technology is so advanced, it would be good to borrow a sperm......

Xia Yu was busy with work and his son, and he hadn't seen Tao Jin for 7.8 months. She put aside her son's troubles for the time being, and went downstairs to Zheng Yun's car.

When I got into the car, I found that Zheng Yun's husband Liu Yonghai was also in the car, Xia Yu said: What, do you have to take your husband tonight?

Zheng Yun glared at her and said, "Why don't you bring it?"

Xia Yu said while wearing a seat belt: Haicheng accompanied the leader out to investigate, I don't know if I can rush back.....

Zheng Yun said: Call and call! Gotta come back! Where do so many leaders come from? Don't let him fool you, maybe you're dating that little girl.....

Liu Yonghai hurriedly interrupted his wife: Why doesn't your mouth have a lock on the door? Is Ebe that kind of person? Give him 10 guts......

You shut up! How can you interject! Zheng Yun interrupted Liu Yonghai angrily and continued to urge Xia Yu to call Jiang Haicheng.

Xia Yu had no choice but to dial Jiang Haicheng's phone, listening to the ringtone of the mobile phone, she thought to herself: It's okay to let Jiang Haicheng come back, just to talk about her son, but I don't know if he can pull away......

The call went through. Xia Yu asked Jiang Haicheng: Can you come back to the party tonight?

Jiang Haicheng said: What party?

Zheng Yun said loudly: Tao Jin is pregnant, and he must attend the celebration banquet.

Jiang Haicheng let out an "ah" in surprise, and said with a smile: Such a good thing, I will definitely participate, and I will be there soon!