
Zhang Dingcheng and Su Yu


Zhang Dingcheng, a diligent and thrifty servant of the people! A revolutionary, in a high position, but always regarded himself as a servant of the people, Zhang Dingcheng demanded that his children be self-reliant, be an ordinary laborer, and not be separated from the masses.

Zhang Dingcheng (1898-1981), a native of Xitian Village, Jinsha Town, Yongding District, Longyan City, was one of the main founders and outstanding leaders of the Western Fujian Revolutionary Base Area. He pursued progress since he was a child, yearned for the light, adhered to the revolution all his life, made outstanding contributions to the party and the people, and established indelible meritorious deeds. In the protracted revolutionary struggle and socialist construction, Comrade Zhang Dingcheng adhered to the truth, had the courage to practice, strengthened his convictions, and always maintained the fearless spirit of a proletarian revolutionary and the high demeanor of a communist fighter.

As early as the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Zhang Dingcheng, who served as chairman of the Fujian Provincial Soviet Government, set an example at all times and everywhere, was strict with himself, endured hardships first, and enjoyed last, fully embodying the virtues and self-cultivation of communists. In the struggle against "encirclement and suppression," because the Kuomintang imposed a strict economic blockade on the Soviet areas, it often made it extremely difficult to supply grain, salt, cloth, medicine, and daily necessities to the Soviet areas. The life of the functionaries of the provincial Soviet government was very difficult, and each person had only 8 taels of rice per day, 3 taels of lunch and dinner, put them in a straw bag, and hung a small bamboo with their names written on it and issued it to the canteen for steaming, and the vegetable money included cooking oil, and it was only 5 cents per person per day. In spite of this, Zhang Dingcheng mobilized the staff of the provincial Soviet government to save one or two taels of rice per person a day to support the Red Army, and also mobilized the masses in various localities to tear down the old earthen walls, boil nitrate, and solve the salt problem. Wen Yangchun is young, big, and eats a lot, he can eat two or three bags of straw rice in one meal, but he can only receive one bag, so Zhang Dingcheng gave him one-third of his name, leaving two-thirds to eat for himself. Driven by Zhang Dingcheng, the provincial Soviet government organs shared weal and woe, weal and woe, supported each other, and were like a family.

During the arduous three-year guerrilla war, Zhang Dingcheng set an example everywhere and never engaged in specialization. He and the guards and soldiers are only in the division of duties, there is no difference in life and combat, sometimes, when the guards are on guard or go on a mission, he and the cadres of the agency will help the cooks cook and do laundry; Sometimes, he also went down the mountain to carry food like everyone else. He was concerned and considerate of the agency personnel, and often got up at night to check the shop and help cover the quilt.

In the autumn of 1958, when Zhang Dingcheng inspected the work in Longyan, Fujian, he harvested rice with the local people.

In the arduous struggle life, Zhang Dingcheng suffered from severe beriberi and was very emaciated. Once, Chen Maohui and other cadres caught two fish while bathing in the river, roasted them on the fire, and gave them to Zhang Dingcheng to eat. After Zhang Dingcheng counted the number of people, he distributed the fish to everyone one by one, and finally left the fish tail, he said: "This tail is fragrant, I'll eat it!" "There was a soldier named Lai Hongbao who was sick, and when Zhang Dingcheng put the fish in his bowl, he was so moved that he cried. In this way, Zhang Dingcheng shares weal and woe with the comrades working around him. The demeanor of the leader has deeply influenced the entire revolutionary contingent, and the comrades have become more united, fraternal, and heroic in their struggle.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Dingcheng was in a high position, but he never asked for any special care, and Zhang Dingcheng did not take any of the public money, and he bought radios and wheelchairs with his own money. He has no property of his own, his desks and chairs are all allocated by the government, and the shirts he wears are always mended and mended. The guards really couldn't stand it, and once, they privately exchanged his old shirt with Zhang Dingcheng, and then took Zhang Dingcheng's shirt and handed it in, and Zhang Dingcheng told him to take it back. Zhang Dingcheng didn't have a good piece of clothing. The only one is a navy blue tweed coat that I wear when I receive foreign guests, and I am usually reluctant to wear it at all. It is said that Zhang Dingcheng's salary was relatively high at that time. However, he has to sponsor his eldest daughter in Fujian, help his nephew and relatives and friends in his hometown, and send it to his old subordinates and staff in difficulty. People in western Fujian often go to him, and he always helps, not to mention entertaining and eating, but also to buy tickets and give some travel expenses. With such a "diversion", there is very little money left.

Zhang Dingcheng's tutoring is very strict, he never dotes on children, and always teaches them not to have the idea of superiority and not to develop the habit of being lazy. Never let the little ones have anything special. He said: "You grew up in a high-ranking family, and there is no reason why you can be special from others. If there is, it means that the requirements for political ideology should be stricter, and it should play an exemplary role in all aspects. Only by studying and working diligently can one become a useful talent for the country. ”

Zhang Dingcheng's eldest daughter, Zhang Zhaodi, was born to his first wife Lai Yuehua during the agrarian revolutionary war years. After Lai Yuehua died in the revolution, her daughter was raised by the revolutionary masses in the countryside of Changting, and returned to Zhang Dingcheng after the founding of New China. At that time, she was seventeen or eighteen years old, and after Zhang Dingcheng sent her to primary school, he encouraged her to go to the side of the Great Northern Wilderness. Later, he returned to Fujian to take care of his adoptive mother. After that, he worked as an ordinary cook in the canteen of the Fujian Provincial Institute of Mechanical Science until his retirement. Zhang Dingcheng has never troubled the local leaders because of his daughter's affairs, has not found someone for his daughter to change to a better job, and does not let his daughter find someone in his own name. She always asks her daughter to obey the organization's arrangement, treat herself as an ordinary worker, and do her job well. Zhang Zhaodi followed her father's teachings, never publicized herself, did not show off her father's high position, and was always obscure and diligently did a good job in cooking. So many people don't know that she is Zhang Dingcheng's daughter. The eldest son, Taishan, often wears old clothes that have been modified, and it was not until he graduated from junior high school that he had a white shirt for the first time. The public car does not allow family members to sit, this is Zhang Dingcheng's family rule, and no one can offend. Under Zhang Dingcheng's strict requirements, all of his children are diligent and upward, and through their own hard work, they have been admitted to university. Yanzhongha graduated from military industry, Taishan Tsinghua University, and Lu Ning graduated from the Fourth Military Medical University. All did an excellent job.

Zhang Dingcheng participated in the rectification study in Yan'an

The famous physicist Albert Einstein once said: "The significance of first-rate people to the epoch and to the course of history is perhaps greater in terms of their moral character than in terms of mere intellectual achievement". Zhang Dingcheng's lofty revolutionary qualities, selfless revolutionary character, arduous and simple revolutionary tradition, and tremendous personality strength are as clear as the sun and the moon, and will always be a model for future generations to learn from.

Su Yu served as the commander, and when he heard the name of his deputy, his expression was serious: He should be the positive, and I should be the deputy. Su Yu was known to be an excellent general, he was brilliant and showed great strength, he not only performed well in the war, but also showed outstanding leadership and organizational skills in his work. Such an excellent talent, who was recognized by the organization, decided to promote him to the rank of commander. Originally, the promotion should have been a great joy, and Su Yu was also very happy.

However, when he learned who his deputy was, his expression was serious, and he frowned, "He should be the commander, and I am the deputy", who made General Su Yu admire him so much? What is the relationship between the two? Let's find out the story behind it.

This person is Zhang Dingcheng. Zhang Dingcheng was born in 1905 in Fujian. Zhang Dingcheng was born in an ordinary peasant family, and his parents were hard-working and simple farmers.

The sun rises, the sun rests, and the family is maintained by hard work. Zhang Dingcheng also has an older brother and a younger brother, and the livelihood of the family of four depends on the meager income of his parents, and he often cannot make ends meet. Zhang Dingcheng has been smart and witty since he was a child, he often asked his brother questions about learning, and developed a strong interest in learning.

Although their parents were not knowledgeable, they understood the importance of education, and they firmly believed that reading was a good way out in the society of the time. They attach great importance to education, and even if the family is in dire straits, they will scrape together to send Zhang Dingcheng to school. Zhang Dingcheng cherishes the hard-won learning opportunity.

He worked tirelessly, forgot to sleep and eat, he actively spoke in class, dared to raise doubts, often discussed and communicated with the teacher after class, worked hard, and the teacher praised him for growing up to be promising. However, the family's financial situation became more and more deteriorating, and his parents could no longer afford to pay the tuition fees, so Zhang Dingcheng was forced to drop out of school after only three years of private school.

But he has a strong desire to learn, and often listens to lectures outside the school window in his spare time. The teacher was impressed by his eagerness to learn and let him into the class to observe. Zhang Dingcheng's academic performance has always been among the best, and later he was admitted to several schools, but he was unable to complete them due to his family's financial difficulties.

After a few years, the family's economy improved, and he finally came to Xiamen Jimei Normal School to study. It was here that he began to come into contact with some progressive ideas and improve his ideological concepts.

He listened attentively to the lectures of the lecturers and became deeply interested in Marxism. At that time, his society was in turmoil, and wars were rife. He is determined to study hard, make a difference in the future, and be a valuable person. In 1928, he resolutely joined the Communist Party of China and became an honorable party member.

He has accumulated a certain amount of experience in struggle over the years, he has a sharp mind and shows super ability. The higher-level cadres appreciated him and decided to entrust him with important tasks. Subsequently, he successively served as minister and secretary. He actively carried out his work, organized propaganda campaigns, and recruited talent. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhang Dingcheng served as the secretary general of the military department of the New Fourth Army. He led by example and actively threw himself into the torrent of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

He charged into battle on the battlefield, fought bloody battles, led the army to repel the enemy army one after another, and made outstanding contributions to the formation and development of the New Fourth Army. Zhang Dingcheng was an excellent general, and Su Yu established a deep revolutionary friendship with him during the long battle. During the Anti-Japanese War, Su Yu and Zhang Dingcheng worked together for a period of time.

At that time, Su Yu served as the commander of the First Division of the New Fourth Army and the commander of the Northern Jiangsu Military Region, while Zhang Dingcheng served as the director of the Political Department of the New Fourth Army. Although the two have different positions, they have a good conversation and cooperate very happily. However, in life, Su Yu and Zhang Dingcheng also have some differences and contradictions. Once, Su Yu had an argument with Zhang Dingcheng over a trivial matter.

However, when the incident passed, both realized their mistake and took the initiative to apologize to each other. Since then, they have cherished their friendship and trust in each other even more. During the War of Liberation, Su Yu and Zhang Dingcheng worked together again and jointly commanded many important battles, the most famous of which was the Huaihai Campaign.

In this battle, Su Yu and Zhang Dingcheng had a clear division of labor and worked closely together, giving full play to the advantages of the two. Su Yu was good at strategy and commanding large corps operations, while Zhang Dingcheng had extensive experience in political work and logistical support. The cooperation between the two made the Battle of Huaihai one of the important turning points in the War of Liberation.

Su Yu has always maintained high respect for Zhang Dingcheng. Not only because Zhang Dingcheng has extremely rich combat experience and old qualifications, but also because he clearly understands Zhang Dingcheng's personality. He is talented and low-key, daring to act, and forgetting death, so it is not surprising that Su Yu asked the organization to promote Zhang Dingcheng to commander and himself as his deputy.

Su Yu and Zhang Dingcheng have always maintained a high degree of tacit understanding and trust, and in the course of history, they have written a glorious historical chapter together.

Su Yu gave way to Zhang Dingcheng twice, and Liu Shaoqi instantly understood: he was not shirking responsibility. Liu Shaoqi is Su Yu's confidant. I believe that few people know about this.

We all know that during the War of Liberation, Chairman Mao trusted Su Yu very much, and even when the war was going on, he directly instructed Su Yu not to ask for instructions, which shows his trust in Su Yu.

But Liu Shaoqi's interaction with Su Yu is as wonderful as it gets.

So what kind of interesting things are there between Liu Shaoqi and Su Yu? Liu Shaoqi bluntly said that he found two talents. Although Liu Shaoqi and Su Yu are confidants, they have not known each other for a long time.

In 1940, on the eve of the Southern Anhui Incident, Su Yu and Liu Shaoqi met, and it was in October of this year that Su Yu won a great victory in the Battle of Huangqiao and successfully joined the 5th Column of the Eighth Route Army in the south.

Subsequently, Su Yu, in his capacity as deputy commander of the Jiangbei Command of the New Fourth Army, personally presided over the meeting, and also invited Liu Shaoqi, secretary of the Central Plains Bureau, Huang Kecheng and others to attend.

It was also at this opportunity that the two units merged together to establish the Central China General Headquarters of the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, with Chen Yi as the acting commander-in-chief and Liu Shaoqi as the political commissar, which was the prototype of the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army.

It's just that Su Yu was not a military director at that time after all, so Liu Shaoqi was not very impressed with him.

However, after the Southern Anhui Incident, Liu Shaoqi served as the political commissar of the New Fourth Army, and the commander of the 1st Division was Su Yu, so the two had a real first relationship.

Of course, Liu Shaoqi's time in the New Fourth Army was not long, and he returned to Yan'an about a year later, but in this short period of one year, Liu Shaoqi was still very keen to discover Su Yu's talent.

Later, after meeting Chairman Mao in Yan'an, Liu Shaoqi immediately recommended to Chairman Mao that Su Yu should command the 1st and 6th divisions, which were the only two division commanders at that time.

Then, at a dinner table, Liu Shaoqi continued to recommend Su Yu to Chairman Mao, claiming that he had found two treasures in the New Fourth Army:

"First, Deng Zihui, political commissar of the Fourth Division of the New Fourth Army, who is an expert in rural work, and second, Su Yu, commander of the First Division of the New Fourth Army, is the commander of the seven divisions of the New Fourth Army who has fought the most and the best battles."

It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the biggest reasons why Su Yu began to emerge.

Chairman Mao was naturally happy, he knew Su Yu earlier, and now he heard Liu Shaoqi recommend it, so he was naturally more impressed, and there were more opportunities for Su Yu.

Su Yu gave way to Zhang Dingcheng twice

Su Yu lived up to expectations, and took the New Fourth Army in the Battle of Gaoyou to make great contributions. The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression ended! On August 28, 1945, Chairman Mao rushed to Chongqing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek, while Liu Shaoqi stayed behind to handle the work on his behalf.

So, during this period, Liu Shaoqi vigorously supported Su Yu to stay in Central China as the commander, and beat the war drum of Su Yu's canonization in Central China in advance.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Shaoqi announced that Zhang Dingcheng, a veteran leader who was nine years older than Su Yu and had participated in organizing the peasant uprising in western Fujian, would come to Central China to serve as deputy commander to assist Su Yu in his work.

Insert a sentence here, the Central China Military Region and the Shandong Military Region are at the same level, Chen Yi is the commander of the Shandong Military Region, and Liu Shaoqi supports Su Yu as the commander of Central China, which shows his trust in Su Yu.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu was reluctant.

It turned out that Su Yu felt that Zhang Dingcheng was older than himself, and he was a leader with old qualifications, and he was more qualified than himself to serve as the commander of the Central China Military Region. In addition, Su Yu also felt that Zhang Dingcheng's appointment as commander was more conducive to work and unity.

Therefore, Su Yu called the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the first time, hoping that Liu Shaoqi would agree to Zhang Dingcheng as commander.

However, Liu Shaoqi, who has always been well-known, still felt that it was appropriate for Su Yu to take the main position, so he rejected Su Yu's application.

Subsequently, on October 27, according to Liu Shaoqi's reply, the Central China Bureau once again announced the order that Su Yu was the commander and Zhang Dingcheng was the deputy commander.

However, the modest Su Yu still felt that it was very inappropriate, so he called the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the second time that night, hoping that Zhang Dingcheng would still be the commander and he would be the deputy commander to help complete the work.

Su Yu gave way twice, which made Zhang Dingcheng, an old revolutionary who was used to seeing big scenes, also very surprised, but when everyone was surprised, only Liu Shaoqi instantly understood the reason.

After Liu Shaoqi received Su Yu's second application, he stood in place and smiled and said:

"He is not shirking his responsibility, but out of consideration for the unity of the leadership of the Central China Military Region, he is willing to fulfill the important tasks entrusted by the central government under the leadership of Zhang Dingcheng."

Su Yu is finally understood!

As a result, Su Yu's second application Liu Shaoqi decided to pass, adopted Su Yu's opinion, and was also moved by Su Yu's public heart and humble character who did not care about personal fame and fortune.

However, because of this, Liu Shaoqi decided to form a field army in the Central China Military Region, so he appointed Su Yu to serve as the commander of the Central China Field Army, responsible for fighting in the front. Now, Su Yu can finally take office happily!

Wang Guangmei cooked a dish for Su Yu to celebrate the victory

Not long after, Liu Shaoqi made another big move. That is, Liu Shaoqi, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, made a strategic decision to "develop to the north and defend to the south", and Chen Yi decided to transfer almost all of the New Fourth Army to the northeast, and part of it to Shandong, thus breaking the original structure of the various departments.

Although this kind of troop transfer is conducive to strengthening the strength of various units, Su Yu keenly discovered that this is very unfavorable to the building and operation of the troops; taking this point as an example, the mixed establishment of various localities will have a great impact on their original combat style, and on the contrary, it will affect their combat effectiveness.

As a result, Su Yu once again expressed his opinion directly and expressed his thoughts to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Liu Shaoqi naturally trusted Su Yu very much, and made a detailed analysis of Su Yu's opinions, so Liu Shaoqi drafted all the telegrams:

"Su Yu's proposal is justified, and the division system should not be divided as much as possible."

As a result, the Central China Bureau changed the original plan, and Chen Yi also agreed.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yu's advice and Liu Shaoqi's final decision finally directly retained the strong combat effectiveness of the East China Field Army.

In 1946, Su Yu led the Central China Field Army to successfully win seven battles and seven victories in the Soviet Union and China, and won the first big victory after the start of the Liberation War, which caused Chiang Kai-shek huge losses.

Liu Shaoqi was very happy, and immediately organized a family party in person, and asked Wang Guangmei to make a few rare and good dishes, Wang Guangmei is also skillful, although there are not many vegetables and meat, but Meimei set up a big table, Su Yu and Liu Shaoqi and others were very happy to eat.

Needless to say, Lunan, Subei, Laiwu, Menglianggu ......, Su Yu took Huaye to create one military miracle after another.

To this day, Su Yu's war history is still the ceiling of military textbooks! Liu Shaoqi fought for Su Yu to be awarded the title of marshal

Soon, after the full-scale baptism of the Liberation War, the People's Republic of China was founded. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Shaoqi held positions such as vice chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, mainly working in the locality, and did not have much contact with Su Yu, who had never taken off his military uniform, but Liu Shaoqi and Su Yu did not forget each other.

On November 12, 1951, Su Yu was appointed as the second deputy chief of the general staff of the Central Military Commission.

It just so happened that Liu Shaoqi was working in Shanghai at this time, and when he learned that Su Yu was being treated in Shanghai, he immediately brought his wife Wang Guangmei to visit Su Yu, and Su Yu's secretary Ju Kai immediately entered the house to report.

Su Yu was very happy to learn that the old leader came to visit, and immediately got up and went out to greet Liu Shaoqi and his wife, and hurriedly said:

"Comrade Shaoqi, it should be the subordinates to look at the superiors, how can there be a gift for the superiors to look at the subordinates."

Liu Shaoqi waved his hand and joked Why don't you have a superior to look at your subordinates, isn't this me and Wang Guangmei come to see you, everyone instantly laughed and chatted very happily.

Unexpectedly, the second meeting of the two was actually 3 years later.

In 1954, Su Yu also came to visit Liu Shaoqi's home, Liu Shaoqi was very happy, but he still listened to Su Yu's work report first, and Su Yu also reported on the navy, air force, artillery, and armored troops...... and so on, the two also analyzed and chatted about the future prospects.

The friendship between the two has also deepened in this exchange!

In 1955, the whole army was conferred titles, and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which was responsible for the selection of marshals, held a meeting, and the members who attended the meeting were Chairman Mao, Liu Shaoqi, Premier Zhou, Zhu De, and Chen Yun.

At the meeting, Liu Shaoqi decided to recommend Su Yu to be awarded the rank of marshal, and according to Su Yu's military exploits, the title of marshal is completely deserved.

However, at that time, Premier Zhou preferred Chen Yi to be awarded the rank of marshal, because Chen Yi could represent the Southern Red Army guerrillas, the New Fourth Army and the East China Field Army.

After discussion, everyone finally decided to let the older Chen Yi serve as the marshal rank, of course, Marshal Chen Yi is completely qualified, but many people still regret in their hearts that Su Yu finally missed the rank of marshal.

But it is not difficult for us to see that Liu Shaoqi's trust and support for Su Yu, of course, Su Yu is worth it.

It's a pity that the hero will eventually be in the twilight! On November 12, 1969, Liu Shaoqi died of illness and left the land he loved forever. Since then, Su Yu has also lost a close friend, a Bole, and a confidant. Although life will eventually pass, the friendship between Liu Shaoqi and Su Yu will not change, and the stories and friendships of this great man in history will definitely last forever.

The old subordinates who had served as the deputy commander of the corps were only awarded major generals, and Zhang Dingcheng wanted to fight for him

In the autumn of 1955, our army held the first large-scale award in history. The main basis for this award of titles was seniority, position, and military exploits, and on this basis, more than 1,000 founding generals were produced. As the main founder of the revolutionary base in western Fujian, Zhang Dingcheng served as the commander of the 2nd detachment of the New Fourth Army in the early days of the full-scale outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, and served as the commander of the Central China Military Region during the War of Liberation, and was Su Yu's top boss.

Judging from his qualifications, positions and contributions, Zhang Dingcheng deserves to be awarded the rank of general. However, in order to balance the relationship between all aspects, Chairman Mao specially stipulated that those who were no longer in the army at the time of the award of the title would not participate in this evaluation, and Zhang Dingcheng also missed the rank of general. Although it was a big pity for him not to be able to participate in the award, Zhang Dingcheng saw it very openly and did not have any dissatisfaction and complaints.

Unexpectedly, when he learned that one of his old subordinates was only awarded the rank of major general, Zhang Dingcheng couldn't sit still, he thought that his old subordinate had served as the deputy commander of the corps in the Liberation War, at least he should start as a lieutenant general, and it was a bit unreasonable to award him a major general. So who is this old subordinate of Zhang Dingcheng? He is General Liu Yongsheng. Zhang Dingcheng and Liu Yongsheng are fellow villagers in Fujian, and their hometowns are only more than 100 miles apart.

Zhang Dingcheng's family background is much better than Liu Yongsheng, so he also received a better education, and worked as a primary school teacher and principal for a period of time. After the defeat of the vigorous Great Revolution, Chiang Kai-shek raised his butcher's knife and frantically persecuted the revolutionary masses and progressives. Zhang Dingcheng resolutely joined the Communist Party at this time, showing extraordinary courage and extraordinary courage. Soon after, he was ordered to go to the Jinsha area to propagate revolutionary ideas and secretly recruit like-minded comrades among the poor people.

At that time, in order to make a living, Liu Yongsheng was working as a long-term worker in a large landowner's house in Jinsha, and he did a lot of hard work all year round, but he couldn't earn a few wages. He thought that this was his life, that he was born to suffer, and that the landlord was born to be happy. After listening to Zhang Dingcheng's propaganda, Liu Yongsheng realized that the reason why the landlords were rich was all through exploitation and oppression. If you want to be free from oppression and exploitation, you must rise up and resist.

After realizing this, he made up his mind to follow Zhang Dingcheng to carry out the revolution. After a period of hard work, Zhang Dingcheng pulled up a team of more than 100 people, known as the first battalion of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in western Fujian, which was also the first Red Army armed force in western Fujian. After the troops pulled up, they knocked out several township offices and some large landlords' courtyard guards, and obtained a batch of guns and ammunition.

After having a certain strength, Zhang Dingcheng led his troops to attack Yongding County. Due to the lack of heavy weapons, the siege was ultimately lost. Although he failed to take Yongding County, Liu Yongsheng's brave performance in the battle attracted Zhang Dingcheng's attention, thinking that he was a good seedling, and began to spend effort to cultivate him. Soon after, the Red 4th Army entered Fujian, and Zhang Dingcheng led his troops to cooperate with the main force of the Red Army to conquer Yongding County in one fell swoop.

After the Red Army occupied Yongding, the Soviet power was established, with Zhang Dingcheng as chairman and Liu Yongsheng as military minister and head of the county brigade. After taking office, he paid attention to military training and actively carried out the Red Expansion Movement on the other hand, and recruited many outstanding young and middle-aged people to join the county brigade, which greatly enhanced the strength of the county brigade. After that, Liu Yongsheng assisted Zhang Dingcheng and others in fighting the enemy many times, and became one of his most relied on generals.

As a result of the continuous victories, the area of the base area continued to expand, and the number of troops increased, Zhang Dingcheng expanded the main force in the base area into the Red 8th Division, and Liu Yongsheng became the commander of the 8th Regiment of the main force of the division, and a year later he served as the commander of the Yongdong Guerrilla Command. After the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, the main force of the Central Red Army left Ruijin to start the Long March, and Zhang Dingcheng, Liu Yongsheng and others were ordered to stay in western Fujian and persist in the arduous guerrilla war for three years.

During this period, the enemy repeatedly dispatched heavy troops to launch a siege on the base area in western Fujian, and Liu Yongsheng immediately commanded the troops to crush the enemy's attacks one by one, and also helped Zhang Dingcheng escape from danger several times at critical moments. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Red Army guerrillas in the eight southern provinces were reorganized into the New Fourth Army, and Zhang Dingcheng served as the commander of the second detachment of the New Fourth Army. When he took office, he deliberately brought his beloved Liu Yongsheng.

Unexpectedly, when he was halfway there, his superiors decided to let Liu Yongsheng lead part of the team back to western Fujian, where he would continue to persist in guerrilla warfare. Following a large army can not only go to the front line to kill little devils happily, but also make war exploits, and the promotion of posts will be relatively fast. Although it is also glorious to stay in the old base areas, the number of troops is limited, and it is impossible to fight big battles, so the military achievements will naturally be small, and the promotion will also be greatly affected.

Zhang Dingcheng specially solicited Liu Yongsheng's opinion for this purpose, and Liu Yongsheng did not hesitate and expressed his resolute obedience to the order. After that, he led his troops back to western Fujian, thus losing the opportunity to join the main army. In western Fujian, Liu Yongsheng served as the captain of the detachment, and led his troops to fight the enemy many times, such as the Baisha Siege, the Wuxiang Raid, the Huangwangqiao Ambush and the Outwitting of the Tianhou Palace.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Yongsheng participated in the Liberation War and served as the commander of the Fujian, Guangdong, and Jiangxi border columns. In November 1949, he served as the deputy commander of the 10th Corps of Sanye, serving as Ye Fei's deputy, and later served as the commander of the Fujian Military Region. When the title was conferred in 1955, judging from Liu Yongsheng's special contributions to the western Fujian base area for a long time and his position as deputy commander of the Sanye Corps, it was more reasonable to confer the title of lieutenant general.

However, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he failed to follow the large army to the front line, but was ordered to stay in western Fujian, although he also fought a lot, but due to the limited number of troops in his hands, he basically fought guerrilla warfare, and the scale and results were not very large, which affected his military exploits and job promotion to a certain extent. Finally, after a comprehensive evaluation, he was awarded the rank of major general. After Liu Yongsheng's old superior, Zhang Dingcheng, learned of this result, he thought that his old subordinates had been wronged and expressed his intention to fight for him. But Liu Yongsheng refused, he was very open to this, thinking that he did not participate in the revolution in the first place to be promoted and make a fortune, and he was very satisfied with being awarded a major general. In 1984, General Liu Yongsheng died of illness at the age of 80.

As we all know, in 1955, the first award ceremony was held in New China, and every participant in the ceremony had made great contributions in the revolutionary war.

But in fact, in addition to the list of awards, there are many generals who are not selected for the list of titles because they have been transferred from the army to other departments and do not serve in the army, but this does not erase their dedication and contribution to the country. Zhang Dingcheng, who was the procurator general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the mainland, gave up the rank of general, and this choice has something to do with Chairman Mao, let's take a look at the story behind it!

The literati rector took part in the revolution

Zhang Dingcheng is a native of Fujian, born in 1898 in a peasant family, in that era, his parents did not dare to expect him to become a big man, only hoped that he would be happy and benevolent in his life, so he named him Zhang Furen.

Although the days were poor, the parents of the Zhang family tried their best to give Zhang Dingcheng the best life, saving food and clothing for him to go to school, Zhang Dingcheng is also very sensible, his grades have been among the best during his studies, the whole school knows him, the principal admires him very much, and specially renamed him Zhang Dingcheng.

After graduating, Zhang Dingcheng did not work outside, but returned to his hometown to become a teacher, and was promoted to principal in 1924 because of his conscientious and responsible work.

1924 was a year of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to seek common ground while reserving differences, and it was also a year of political turmoil, Zhang Dingcheng as the principal, exposed to new ideas, after careful consideration, he began to participate in the peasant movement and revolutionary activities in his hometown, until 1927, after the organizational test, the 29-year-old Zhang Dingcheng became a Communist Party member, starting his own eventful years.

The establishment of the base has repeatedly achieved good results

Zhang Dingcheng went deep into the people as a principal, disseminated revolutionary ideas, strengthened the organizational strength, and his leadership ability was very outstanding, not only leading the people to fire the first shot of the armed insurrection, but also carrying out an agrarian revolution and striking at the landlords to divide the land. In the process of carrying out the revolution, Zhang Dingcheng met more and more like-minded comrades-in-arms.

At that time, the situation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was tense, in order to relieve the pressure of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area and distract the enemy's attention, the Communist Party decided to establish a new base area in western Fujian.

During the Long March, Zhang Dingcheng and others once fought alone, but he did not sympathize with others, but calmly and calmly, actively responded, established guerrillas, repelled the enemy many times, and defended the base area.

It was precisely because of their persistence that the base areas in western Fujian could be preserved and provided with manpower and material support for the subsequent war. This guerrilla unit was the second detachment of the New Fourth Army, which repeatedly achieved good results on the battlefield and was quite famous, and was a major force in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

Give up the military rank and serve the people for the rest of your life

During the War of Liberation, Zhang Dingcheng steadily promoted the development of Fujian, and the process of complete liberation of Fujian Province was perfectly completed after only eight days. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Dingcheng served as the secretary of the provincial party committee of Fujian Province, and Zhang Dingcheng led the people of the province to solve the remaining bandit forces, encouraged the people to actively participate in production and operation, and the people's living standards were greatly improved.

On the eve of 1955, the selection of personnel for the award ceremony has been in full swing, Zhang Dingcheng has old qualifications and high achievements, and he can be selected as the founding general, but according to the selection criteria, he was no longer in the army at that time.

And Chairman Mao said that he should come from the masses and go to the masses, all for the people, and there is no need to care too much about military rank. Zhang Dingcheng also agrees with this point of view, so he is not in the list of awards.

In 1954, Zhang Dingcheng was elected as the chief procurator of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, holding the blade of the law and supporting the people's justice. Unfortunately, he was also persecuted during the special period, his health deteriorated, and he died in Beijing in 1981 at the age of 83.