
Introduction to Teng Daiyuan


Wind and rain and go to the hometown, Zhan Sidai worships Mayang. Pingjiang uprising rejuvenated the army brigade, and Hunan and Jiangxi planned to fight the enemy. Sitting in Yan'an, the good generals are in charge, and the wisdom and talent of China and the United States are strong in mediation. Rooted in the railway to create a foundation, Geng Geng's loyal soul regrets to the sky. Today, I drove to Mayang, braved the rain to visit the Teng Daiyuan Memorial Hall in the county, and the former residence of Teng Daiyuan in Yanmen Town, and gained a lot. Teng Daiyuan was the early founder of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and the founder of the New China Railway. He devoted his whole life to the cause of liberation and construction of the Chinese people, and made outstanding achievements. A special poem is given to show the cup.

A native of Mayang, Hunan. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1925. In 1927, he participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising on the Hunan and Jiangxi borders. In 1928, he participated in and led the Pingjiang Uprising. He successively served as the party representative of the Fifth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the deputy political commissar of the Red First Army, the chief of staff of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, the vice president of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, the chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, the deputy commander of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region and the North China Military Region, and the commander of the Railway Corps. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as Minister of Railways and Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is a member of the 7th to 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

1. Teng Daiyuan: The first director of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang

Teng Daiyuan, who entered Xinjiang twice, was the first director of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang. Today, the memorial hall of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang, located on Shengli Road in Urumqi, has become a famous red tourist attraction in Xinjiang. In the memorial hall of Sino-Soviet architectural style, the Russian-style iron bed, wooden sofa and other furnishings still maintain the original layout, and the exhibits displayed in the exhibition room bear witness to the significant contributions made by early members of the Communist Party of China, including Teng Daiyuan, in actively carrying out the anti-Japanese salvation movement in Xinjiang and supporting the national anti-Japanese war.

The first entry into Xinjiang: to receive representatives of the Chinese Communist Party

At the end of 1935, for various reasons, the communication between the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Comintern was interrupted. In order to report to the Comintern on the political situation and the situation of the Party in China and to obtain the support and help of the Comintern, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to send Deng Fa to the Comintern on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in early 1936. On April 13, Zhou Enlai telegraphed this decision to Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai, who were commanding operations on the front line, for advice. On April 20, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai telegraphed back and said: "Comrade Deng Fa should go to the Soviet Union to leave as soon as possible and arrive in the summer and achieve results. ”

At the beginning of June 1936, Deng Fa left Wayaobao for Xi'an under the pseudonym Yang Dinghua and arrived in Ganzhou on June 27. For more than two months until early September, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China lost contact with Deng Fa. On September 8, Luo Fu called Wang Ming again and said that Deng Fa had left Yumen and arrived in Anxi, and then transferred to Dunhuang. Since Dunhuang is more than 1,000 miles away from Hami, he needs to send a car from Hami to pick him up or send him the documents to Xinjiang. Later, Deng Fa continued to move forward as a disaster investigation commissioner appointed by the Gansu Civil Affairs Department. After receiving the telegram, the CPC delegation to the Comintern immediately replied to the CPC Central Committee and sent people to Xinjiang to pick up Deng Fa. In September 1936, the Chinese Communist delegation to the Comintern informed Teng Daiyuan, who was studying in the Soviet Union, that he was going to return to China and asked him to return to Xinjiang from the Soviet Union to pick up Deng Fa.

Teng Daiyuan accepted the mission and secretly went to Xinjiang from the Soviet Union. First by train and then by car, and then by driver, we arrived at the Sino-Soviet border. With the help of the Soviet Red Army, an old Uyghur man drove him to Tacheng in a carriage. After being greeted by the Soviet consul in Tacheng, I took a car to Dihua (now Urumqi) and found a chief of civil affairs who had been contacted in advance to stay. Later, he approached Wang Baoqian (also known as Zhao Shi), the head of the foreign affairs department of the Xinjiang authorities, to inquire about Deng Fa's situation. Teng Daiyuan lived in Dihua for more than a month, and when he arrived at the agreed place, he did not see Deng Fa coming, so he had to return to the Soviet Union. It turned out that Deng Fa went to the border area of Gansu, unfortunately he was seriously ill and could not continue to advance, and after his illness was slightly better, he set off from Anxi on October 16 to continue his westward journey, and went through many hardships all the way, and only arrived in Dihua in early November, and then transferred to Moscow.

The second entry into Xinjiang: to aid the Western Route Army

It was mid-October 1936 when Teng Daiyuan returned to Moscow, and the CCP delegation to the Comintern asked him to go to Xinjiang again to participate in the delegation to welcome the Western Route Army. The head of the regiment is Chen Yun, and he is asked to serve as the deputy head of the regiment, and the members of the group are Li Chuntian, Feng Xuan (that is, He Xiaoli), and Duan Zijun. Chen Yun is in charge, Teng Daiyuan assists, Feng Xuan is the translator, Duan Zijun is in charge of the radio station, and Li Chuntian is in charge of the translation. The five of them set off from Moscow, took a train to Almaty, took off their suits, changed into padded jackets of the Soviet army, and changed trains to Khorgos. At this time, the "Xi'an Incident" occurred. The CCP delegation to the Comintern told them to stop and wait for instructions. Teng Daiyuan and others lived in the house of a battalion commander of the Soviet border guards. It was the middle of winter, and they couldn't go out casually, so Feng Xuan read Russian newspapers to them every day and chatted. When talking about the Xi'an Incident, Duan Zijun, Feng Xuan, and Li Chuntian thought that this time they had captured Chiang Kai-shek's hearts and minds. However, Teng Daiyuan and Chen Yun believed that in order to prevent provoking a new civil war and unite to resist Japan, Chiang Kai-shek could not kill.

On October 25, 1936, Xu Xiangqian and Chen Changhao led the West Route Army to cross the Yellow River from Hebaokou (Hubaokou) in Jingyuan County, Gansu Province, and marched to the Hexi Corridor to carry out the combat mission of the Central Military Commission to open up international communication routes and establish a base area in the Hexi Corridor. On March 23, 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent a telegram to the Left Detachment: "Unite as one, preserve strength, advance in the direction of Xinjiang or Mongolia, and try to go to Xinjiang." and will send Chen Yun and Teng Dai to meet them. In late April, Li Xiannian and others led the rest of the left detachment of the Western Route Army to fight in Xingxingxia in Xinjiang. At this time, Chen Yun, Teng Daiyuan, and others, who had been waiting at the border for more than four months, entered Xinjiang from the Soviet Union and took the opportunity of rescuing the remnants of the Western Route Army to make contact with Sheng Shicai, the Xinjiang border defense supervisor, many times, and formally established the united front between our party and Sheng Shicai.

On April 28, Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan took more than 50 large cars, loaded with weapons, clothing, and various foodstuffs, to Xingxing Gorge. He was accompanied by Soviet military advisers, a battalion of armed forces, a section chief of the border service, and a telegraph translator. While resting on the way, Sheng Shicai's adviser proposed to disarm the left detachment of the Western Route Army to avoid accidents. Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan resolutely disagreed after discussion, saying that we were going to train cadres, and we agreed only after the prosperous world, we do not interfere in other affairs, and the Western Route Army cannot put down its guns, and putting down its guns will not become surrender! After a struggle, it was agreed not to hand over the gun.

In Xingxing Gorge, I met Li Xiannian and other commanders and fighters of the Western Route Army. Following Chen Yun's speech, Teng Daiyuan said to everyone: We are here to greet you on behalf of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao. When Teng Daiyuan shook hands with Lu Liping (Chief of the Intelligence Section of the Western Route Army Headquarters), Li Zhuoran, who was standing aside, introduced Lu Liping to Teng Daiyuan. Teng Daiyuan let go of his hand and took a step back, looked Lu Liping up and down, and said: Lu Jixi? Isn't it Lu Jixi? "It turned out that Lu Liping's name was Lu Jixi, and when Teng Daiyuan was the head of the General Mobilization and Armed Forces Department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, Lu Liping was in the Operations Section of the Military Commission and had frequent contact.

On the afternoon of May 1, more than 400 people from the left detachment of the West Route Army, led by Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan, set off by car. On the evening of May 7, he arrived in Dihua and first lived in a factory in Xidaqiao. In late July, it was moved to the barracks outside the east gate, and was called the "new barracks" to the outside world. Teng Daiyuan and Chen Yun organized the commanders and fighters of the Left Detachment of the Western Route Army to study military technology, political theory, and scientific and cultural knowledge. Since most of the comrades in the left detachment of the Western Route Army had a relatively low level of education, it was quite difficult to study. Teng Daiyuan told them that the purpose of studying cultural knowledge now is to better master military technology and to win the victory of the revolution. We call on everyone to march towards culture as if they were charging on the battlefield.

He was the first director of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang

Around 1937, the Communist Party of China successively set up offices of the Eighth Route Army in Nanjing, Wuhan, Xi'an, Lanzhou and other places. In order to further strengthen the work in Xinjiang, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to set up an office of the Eighth Route Army in Dihua, Xinjiang. On October 10, Zhou Xiaozhou, a representative of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, flew from Shaanxi to Dihua via Lanzhou, and held many negotiations with Sheng Shicai, and formally established the Eighth Route Army office in Xinjiang in Nanliang, Dihua in October 1937. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided that Teng Daiyuan would be appointed director of the Eighth Route Army's office in Xinjiang.

On November 27, 1937, Chen Yun, Wang Ming and Kang Sheng left Dihua and returned to Yan'an on the same plane. Teng Daiyuan took over Chen Yun's post as a representative of the Central Committee and presided over the work of the Eighth Route Army Office. In addition to running the new barracks, Teng Daiyuan also contacted and negotiated with Sheng Shicai and the provincial government on several occasions, and agreed to support our Eighth Route Army with 50,000 sheepskin coats, 10 cars, 12 antiaircraft machine guns, and 120,000 rounds of ammunition.

In December 1937, the Party Central Committee ordered Teng Daiyuan to return to Yan'an. At the end of December, Teng Daiyuan, together with Li Xiannian, Cheng Shicai, Li Tianhuan, Zeng Chuanliu, and Guo Tianmin of the Western Route Army, flew from Dihua to Lanzhou, and then returned to Yan'an via Xi'an by car, carrying four antiaircraft machine guns, 20,000 rounds of ammunition, and 400 kilograms of Western medicine.

Second, Chen Yunteng went to Xingxing Gorge in Xinjiang to meet the Western Route Army

Through studying Mr. Teng Jiuxin's "The Unquenchable Flame", I have a deeper understanding of Comrade Teng Daiyuan's life and deeds, and I have a deep respect for the indomitable revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs!

When I attended a gathering of the descendants of the "Xinjiang New Barracks" of the Western Route Army in Beijing, I met Comrade Li Chunlin, a veteran of the Red Army who had studied and lived in the automobile team of the new barracks, who was still in good health and had a clear mind, and who was still in a wheelchair and enthusiastically attending the gathering despite his old age, and he gave us a tremendous encouragement to the younger generation.

In October 1936, the 1st, 2nd and 4th Front Armies of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army successfully joined forces in Huining, Gansu, and more than 20,000 people from the 5th, 9th, and 30th armies of the Fourth Front Army and the headquarters crossed the Yellow River westward under the instructions of the Central Military Commission. On November 10, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission decided to form the Western Route Army, and at the same time established the Military and Political Committee of the Western Route Army. The members include Chen Changhao, Xu Xiangqian, Zeng Chuanliu, Li Zhuoran, Li Te (the above is a member of the Standing Committee), Xiong Guobing, Yang Keming, Wang Shusheng, Li Xiannian, Chen Haisong, Zheng Yizhai and other 11 people. Chairman and Political Commissar Chen Changhao, Vice Chairman and Commander-in-Chief Xu Xiangqian, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Wang Shusheng, Chief of Staff Li Te, and Director of the Political Department of Li Zhuoran. The Western Route Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was formally established.

In the area of the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province, the connection between the Western Route Army and the main force of the Red Army in Hedong was cut off by the Kuomintang troops, and in the course of the march they smashed the encirclement and interception of the Kuomintang Second Horse (Ma Bufang, Ma Buqing) and other units, forgetting their lives and deaths, fighting the stubborn enemy, killing and wounding more than 20,000 enemy troops, and still indomitable and heroic in the face of running out of ammunition and food and helplessness, and composing a magnificent poem that can be sung and cried for the history of the Chinese revolution. In the end, due to being outnumbered, the number of people who crossed the Yellow River in the west was reduced from more than 20,000 to more than 2,000.

As early as the end of November 1936, Wang Ming, head of the CPC delegation to the Comintern, where the CPC delegation was stationed in Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, informed Chen Yun: "We have just received an urgent telegram from the Central Committee that the Red Army's West Route Army has encountered heavy resistance from the Kuomintang army in the Hexi Corridor, and has been fighting continuously, with heavy losses in troops and a grim situation, and is now advancing in the direction of Xinjiang. The central authorities instructed us to quickly try to get help from Xinjiang." Wang Ming continued: "The CCP delegation decided to organize a delegation to Xinjiang to be responsible for the task of transporting weapons and personnel. You will be appointed as the head of the regiment, and Teng Daiyuan, who has military talents, will be appointed deputy commander, and the members include Duan Zijun, a radio operator, Li Chuntian, a translator, and Feng Xuan, an interpreter." Before leaving, Comintern General Secretary Dimitrov hosted a banquet for Chen Yun, Teng Daiyuan, and other members of the delegation, and asked them what difficulties they had and what they needed. Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan pointed out that the Western Route Army lacked weapons and ammunition after entering Xinjiang. So Dimitrov, through the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, promised to give them 90 tanks and 90 cannons. This decision made the Chinese comrades very happy.

On December 8, 1936, Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan left the Liukes International Apartment on Gorky Avenue in Moscow and took a train to Almaty to meet the soldiers of the local KGB system. Here he took off his suit, changed into a padded jacket and leather jacket of the Soviet army, and secretly arrived in Khorgos, the border of the Soviet Union, waiting to enter Xinjiang. My father wrote in "My Memories": We took a train to the border between China and the Soviet Union in Almaty, and stayed at the home of a battalion commander of the Soviet Red Army. Chen Yun was bleeding from his nostrils very badly at this time, and he was sent to the hospital for half a month. After returning, Chen Yun found that everyone was not used to eating the meals brought back from the garrison canteen every day, and after discussion, he decided to cook by himself. Ask the landlady's wife to help go out to buy vegetables, Teng Daiyuan is in charge of stir-frying, and occasionally stews a pot of braised pork to improve it, Li Chuntian is in charge of stewing rice, Duan Zijun is in charge of burning the fire, and Feng Xuan is washing the dishes. Not only did they improve their food, but they also filled the small collective with the atmosphere of a revolutionary family. After a long time, sometimes I wanted to watch a movie, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR sent someone to pick up the five of them to watch the movie, and in order to keep it secret, there were only these five Chinese in the huge cinema. While waiting, the "Xi'an Incident" occurred in China, and Chiang Kai-shek was detained by patriotic generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng.

On February 20, 1937, Mao Zedong pointed out in a telegram to Peng Dehuai, Ren Bishi, Zhou Enlai and others: "The Western Route Army has reached an extremely dangerous time, and the reason for this is as Peng and Ren said. If the army fails, the impact will be great." On March 14, 1937, the Military and Political Committee of the West Route Army, chaired by Chen Changhao, held a meeting of cadres above the regimental level in Shiwo Mountain, Qilian Mountain, and after careful discussion, made a decision: (1) Chen Changhao and Xu Xiangqian left the army and returned to northern Shaanxi to report the situation of the West Route Army to the Party Central Committee; (2) The remaining troops were scattered in the Qilian Mountains to fight guerrilla warfare and preserve their existing forces; (3) Establish a working committee of the West Route Army, composed of 7 people, including Li Xiannian, Li Zhuoran, Wang Shusheng, and Li Te, with Li Zhuoran as secretary. The rest of the 30th Army was organized into a left detachment, led by Li Xiannian, Cheng Shicai, and Li Zhuoran to the west, and dozens of remaining leading cadres of the troops directly under the corps moved with the left detachment. The Ninth Army and the rest of the cavalry division were organized into a right detachment, led by Wang Shusheng and Zhu Liangcai, to carry out guerrilla operations to the east. That night, under the leadership of Comrades Li Xiannian, Cheng Shicai, and Li Zhuoran, the left detachment of the Western Route Army continued to move westward, and arrived at a village called Tashi on the 23rd. Coincidentally, the telegram was called and passed. Contacts were made with the Party Central Committee and the situation was reported. This is really: "The mountains and rivers are exhausted, and there is no way out, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village". On the same day, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent back a telegram instructing the left detachment: "Unite as one, preserve strength, advance to Xinjiang or Mongolia, try to go to Xinjiang, and will send Chen Yun and Teng Dai to meet them." The news spread, and the whole army rejoiced. The left detachment, after studying, immediately decided to advance to Xinjiang. On March 27, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Zhang Wentian sent another telegram to Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai, and Ren Bi, pointing out: "The situation of the Western Route Army is extremely tense, and it is impossible for them to advance eastward and westward, and there is a danger of being wiped out." On 18 April, Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan, who were anxiously waiting on the Soviet border, suddenly received a telegram from the Chinese Communist delegation to the Comintern, asking the five of them to "advance rapidly and immediately go to Xinjiang to rescue the Western Route Army as originally planned" and "catch up with the contingent at Xingxingxia so that they can return to China." They immediately packed their bags and prepared to set off for Dihua (present-day Urumqi, the same below), the capital of Xinjiang Province.

Things have changed, from the beginning of receiving the Central Committee's telegram at the Comintern in Moscow instructing them to quickly try to "help" from Xinjiang, to the current "rescue" indicating that the situation is urgent. My father recalled: "After receiving the instructions, I marched to Dihua day and night with Comrade Chen Yun. Sheng Shicai sent an advisor, gave a car, gave each of us a cowhide coat to wear on the outside, and a sheepskin coat to wear on the inside, and a total of six people went to Dihua together." On April 20, the Western Route Army received instructions from Comrades Mao Zedong and Zhu De: "Yuanfang (referring to the Comintern) has decided on the issue of the Western Route Army entering Xinjiang and transferring to distant places to study. For this reason, at present, the Western Route Army must reach Xingxing Gorge, and they (referring to Chen Yun, Teng Daiyuan, and others) are waiting for you there." On April 24, Li Xiannian, Cheng Shicai and others led the left detachment to attack Anxi County, and fought fiercely with the enemy all night without success. The Western Route Army fought a final battle with the stubborn enemy at Hongliuyuan, and the troops were scattered by the enemy, and by the evening of the 26th, only 420 people broke through. The soldiers walked west along the telephone pole at night, starving until the end of the month, and then reached the Star Gorge.

Among these personnel are more than 10 cadres of the army and division, about 70 cadres of regiments, battalions, and companies, many cadres of squads and platoons, all of whom are veterans of more than three years, about 260 members of the party, and about 50 technical personnel such as radio professionals, translators, and doctors.

Xingxing Gorge is located at the junction of Gansu and Xinjiang, is a gorge in the middle of the mountains, since ancient times it is an important pass from Xinjiang to the mainland, and it is also a necessary intersection of the ancient Silk Road. Although it is an important place, there are actually only a few dozen yellow mud houses, inhabited by more than 20 peasant families. Even though it's May, the sky is still covered with snowflakes from time to time.

Speaking of which, it is necessary to introduce Sheng Shicai, the superintendent of Xinjiang. He studied in Japan, was an officer of the Northeast Army, was appreciated by Guo Songling, a subordinate of Zhang Zuolin, and was again sent to the Japanese Army University for further study, and after returning to China, he served as the chief of the operations section of Chiang Kai-shek's General Headquarters. In 1930, he was hired into Xinjiang, first as a colonel staff officer, and later as the chief of staff of the Xinjiang Frontier Supervision Office. In April 1933, he seized the supreme power in Xinjiang by force, proclaimed himself the "superintendent" of Xinjiang, and became the emperor of Xinjiang. In order to maintain his rule in Xinjiang, he disguised progress and sought assistance from the Soviet Union. In 1936, Sheng Shicai put forward six major policies: "anti-imperialism, pro-Soviet, people's peace, honesty, peace, and construction", consolidating his rule over Xinjiang. Comrade Chen Yun said: "Sheng Shi is a warlord, and he has great ambitions. He established ties with the Soviet Union and our Party, and he wanted to use the Soviet Union to consolidate and expand his own power and seek independence from the Kuomintang. In the Soviet Union, he wanted to stabilize him and seek peace on that section of the border; We want to expand the anti-Japanese united front and maintain a channel for material and personnel exchanges with the Soviet Union." His father also commented on Sheng in his article recalling the situation of welcoming the Western Route Army, saying: "It may be that Sheng's estimation is too high, we have always thought that we can't overestimate Sheng, that person is a politician and a warlord."

Before leaving, Sheng Shicai proposed: The rest of the Western Route Army entering Xinjiang should lay down their weapons to avoid accidents. My father recalled: "Comrade Chen Yun persisted in fighting for a long time...... (Western Route Army) It's not easy to get here, isn't it surrender to put down the gun? In the end, we won." The victory in this struggle laid a very favorable foundation for the rest of the Western Route Army to open a new barracks in Dihua.

In the early morning of April 29, 1937, Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan, as well as members of the delegation Feng Xuan, Duan Zijun, Li Chuntian, and a Soviet adviser sent by Sheng Shicai, led a battalion of troops under Sheng Shicai to Xingxing Gorge in more than 40 vehicles, loaded with clothing, food, and medicine, to meet the Red West Route Army. As the convoy passed through Hami, it engaged in a battle with the forces of the local warlord Yao Lebos (commander of the Hami district garrison), which routed them and cleared the way to Xingxing Gorge.

Lu Liping, a former soldier of the Western Route Army (chief of the intelligence section of the headquarters of the Western Route Army), recalled: "As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the village, we saw two people in civilian clothes walking over quickly. Like a child who has survived the tiger's mouth and returned to his mother's arms, everyone rushed forward to warmly shake hands with Comrades Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan.

Comrade Chen Yun told everyone that the Party Central Committee had sent him an urgent telegram from Yan'an, instructing him, Teng Daiyuan, and five other comrades to enter Xinjiang from the Soviet Union as soon as possible to meet the comrades of the Western Route Army who had broken through the encirclement. Teng Daiyuan said loudly: "We are here to greet you on behalf of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, you have worked hard and suffered crimes, and now you are back in your own home."

When Teng Daiyuan and Lu Liping shook hands, Li Zhuoran, who was standing on the side, introduced Lu Liping to Teng. Teng Daiyuan let go of his hand and took a step back, looked Lu Liping up and down, and said, "Lu Jixi? Isn't it Lu Jixi? It turned out that Lu Liping's name was Lu Jixi, and when Teng Daiyuan was the head of the General Mobilization and Armed Forces Department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission in 1934, Lu Jixi was in the Operations Section of the Military Commission and had frequent contact. At this time, when they met on such a special occasion, they had mixed feelings in their hearts, and their father tightened their eyes to Lu Liping and said, "Xiao Lu, you have suffered, you have all suffered." ”

Yang Nangui, a veteran Red Army soldier, recalled: "Comrade Chen Yun and Comrade Teng Daiyuan came to Xingxing Gorge from Dihua, they greeted the comrades with a smile and cordially shook the hands of each comrade. Many cadres and fighters laughed while holding the hands of Comrade Chen Yun and Comrade Teng Daiyuan, and tears flowed from their eyes."

This day coincides with May Day. After the troops of the Western Route Army assembled, they stood in a phalanx and invited Comrade Chen Yun to speak. Comrade Chen Yun suppressed his emotions and said to everyone: "There are victories and defeats in the revolutionary struggle, and as long as we preserve the vital forces of the revolution, we will develop and grow. Your current tens of hundreds, in the future, can be expanded to tens of millions of people, and you will strive for greater victories in the revolution! These battle-hardened soldiers burst into tears and cheered. Huang Mars, former head of the Enemy Engineering Department of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Front Army, recalled: "The concern of the Party Central Committee is a great encouragement to us. Everyone was even more elated when they listened to Comrade Chen Yun's speech at the May Day rally, and we were greatly comforted by the spirit of the Red Army soldiers who had gone through arduous and long journeys in the wilderness of the Qilian Mountains. ”

Li Tianhuan, former director of the Political Department of the 30th Army, recalled: "After Comrade Chen Yun finished speaking, we unloaded the things loaded on the car, which were what we needed most, a set of jackets, a set of shirts, a bowl, and a pair of chopsticks for each person...... There were also large quantities of cantaloupe, which we immediately handed out, put them on, and munched on them with joy. Subsequently, these Red Army soldiers were replenished with 200 rifles, more than 200,000 rounds of ammunition and two light machine guns on the spot. On the way, 10,000 taels of Xinjiang yuan (equivalent to 1,000 copper yuan in the mainland) were given to each person as pocket money, and everyone was very happy. In view of the very weak health of the officers and men of the Western Route, Comrade Chen Yun asked them: "If there is anything to say or something, I will talk about it slowly in the future, and you will first perform two tasks for me: first, I must eat well, and second, I must sleep well." My father, Feng Xuan, Duan Zijun, and Li Chuntian went around selling rice, vegetables, eggs, and fresh beef and mutton, hoping that their comrades-in-arms would recover their strength.

On the afternoon of May 1, 1937, more than 400 people from the left detachment of the West Route Army, led by Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan, drove to Dihua by car. After several days of marching, on May 7, they arrived at Hongyan Pond, which is more than ten kilometers southwest of Dihua. As twilight slowly descended on the earth, forty military vehicles took advantage of the night to drive into the city and parked in a courtyard called Fuxin Yarn Factory near the West Bridge. This is a newly completed textile factory of Sheng Shicai, which has good equipment and conditions, and has not yet been put into use after completion, and it is first used as a barracks for the comrades of the West Route Army. (In late July, it was transferred to outside the East Gate, now Wuxing Road). The Western Route Army's entry into Xinjiang was secret, and there was neither a mass greeting nor a welcoming meeting. Comrade Chen Yun asked the Central Committee for approval, abolished the number of the left detachment, and established a general detachment, with Yang Xiukun as the captain, Liu Qingnan as the political commissar, Rao Zijian as the chief of staff, and Yao Yunliang as the director of the Political Department. Judging from the appearance, this battalion is almost all young men in their twenties and thirties, most of them are southerners, and they are not very tall, and they really look like a battalion of "recruits". However, although they are young, most of them are veterans who have been in battle for a long time. Three times over the snow-capped mountains and meadows, transferred to the Hexi Corridor, climbed over the Qilian Mountains, and crossed the iceberg cliff as part of the Red Army's Western Route Army. After moving into the barracks, the main work is to rest, check the body, treat the wounded and sick, and gradually recover health. In terms of food, there is rice and white flour every day, and Sheng Shicai also takes care of the adjutant to send seven or eight fat sheep every day. At that time, the food standard was 50 taels per person per day, and Comrade Chen Yun thought that this money was not enough, and after discussing with Teng Daiyuan, he decided to take out the allowance for the two of them, and to increase the vegetable fee by 150 taels per person per day, and also asked to ensure that they could eat fresh tofu at every meal. In terms of daily life, each person was given two sets of clothes, and each person was given another 5,000 taels of Xinjiang yuan per month as pocket money, so that they could buy socks, tooth powder, soap and other items by themselves. During the Dragon Boat Festival, 10,000 taels of Xinjiang coins were given to each person as pocket money. When the weather became colder, each person was given a fur coat, leather shoes, a leather hat, and long and short felt boots.

During the period of rest and recuperation of the troops, Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan paid special attention to the ideological and political education of the troops. At first, the mood of the troops was not very stable. They went deep into the dormitories of cadres and fighters, talked with these comrades, learned about their ideological situation, and talked with more than 30 cadres at and above the regimental level to get a preliminary understanding of the main problems at present. Chen Yun and Teng Daiyuan decided not to discuss the reasons for the defeat of the Western Route Army in Dihua, but to "convey to them the new policy of the Party and the report of the Seventh Congress of Comrade Dimitrov and Comrade Manuilsky, so as to unite them in the Party's policy first." The implementation of this method has played a good role among commanders and fighters. Yu Xinhua, former director of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the 30 th Army, recalled: Comrade Chen Yun "often used the method of setting up a dragon gate formation in doing ideological work. Sometimes he asks questions, and the comrades can't answer them, so he explains or answers. ”

The Party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong attached great importance to and cared for the contingent of the Western Route Army, and Comrade Chen Yun and Comrade Teng Daiyuan were responsible for organizing and studying, and made political reports to cadres two or three times a week. During the study period, Comrades Deng Fa and Xu Jie read out more than once the letters written by Comrade Mao Zedong from Yan'an to the comrades of the Western Route Army, and each letter was full of cordial concern and great encouragement to the soldiers of the Western Route Army. According to the instructions of the Party Central Committee, these comrades were required to study aircraft, tanks, artillery, cavalry, radio, culture, and other knowledge. In terms of culture, basic courses such as Chinese and arithmetic were set up in the "new barracks", and later courses such as modern Chinese history, geography, and physics were added. At that time, there was a shortage of teachers, and in order to solve the difficulties, Comrade Chen Yun and his father personally taught the troops, Chen Yun took political classes, Teng Daiyuan took Chinese classes, and Feng Xuan and Duan Zijun also served as teachers to give lectures.

Yuan Bin, the former captain of the 267th Regiment Health Team, wrote in his reminiscences: "Comrade Teng Daiyuan looked no more than 30 years old at that time, medium height, slightly fat, wearing a suit, with a smile on his face, and a few wisps of military majesty. …… When we saw that we, the young soldiers who had gone through the Long March and had seen the red with bayonets, could not even write some commonly used words, we showed an imperceptible love and anxiety. …… Instructor Teng lectures for one hour a day in our three brigades, and then goes to other brigades to give lectures. From reading and writing, to grammar and rhetoric, writing, and reading newspapers, he explained carefully until we understood. At night, he also has to correct our homework, mark the right ones in red, cross the wrong ones, and mark the correct ones on the side, and we often see the lights in front of his window never go out at night. ”

Comrade Ran Zhengquan, a former soldier of the Western Route Army, recalled: "After studying, the comrades' political and ideological consciousness was quickly improved, and they learned the principles and policies of the anti-Japanese national united front. Everyone is more serious in cultural learning, learning by comparison, competition, and learning day and night. The walls of the barracks, the canteen, and even the sandy ground were covered with new words. That kind of fiery energy is really like charging on the battlefield. ”

In October 1937, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to set up an office of the Eighth Route Army in Xinjiang in Dihua, and Zhou Xiaozhou, a representative of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, came to Dihua to discuss the establishment of an office with Sheng Shicai. After obtaining the consent of Sheng Shicai, on October 10, the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang was established in Nanliang, Dihua, known as the "Third Guest House" to the outside world. The office was presided over by the representative of the CPC in Xinjiang, and Chen Yun served as the representative of the CPC Central Committee in Xinjiang and was the first director. On November 29, Chen Yun, Wang Ming and others returned to Yan'an to succeed Bogu as head of the Central Organization Department. Later, Teng Daiyuan took over as the representative of the Central Committee and the director of the office. During his tenure as director of the Eighth Route Army's office in Xinjiang, in addition to running the new barracks, my father also contacted and negotiated with Sheng Shicai and the provincial government on several occasions, and worked hard to win support for our Eighth Route Army 50,000 sheepskin coats, 10 military trucks, 12 antiaircraft machine guns, and 120,000 rounds of ammunition.

In December 1937, the Party Central Committee ordered Teng Daiyuan to return to Yan'an, and Deng Fa took over the work of the Central Representative and the Eighth Route Army Office.

"I really want to go back to Yan'an." This is my father's heartfelt voice. In July 1934, my father was appointed by the Party Central Committee as a member of the CCP delegation to Moscow, Soviet Union, to attend the Seventh Congress of the Communist International. Many changes have taken place in the country, my father learned a wealth of knowledge of revolutionary struggle and advanced military struggle skills in the Soviet Union, and he was eager to apply the knowledge he learned in practice, he was unwilling to learn Russian and Russian, he did not want to live in a high-rise building in Moscow for a long time, he did not want to eat bread and wear Western clothes, and he did not want to find a partner there to marry. After tacitly cooperating with Comrade Chen Yun and completing the task of welcoming the comrades of the Western Route Army, he really missed Yan'an and the revolutionary comrades-in-arms there. Reluctantly, he shook hands with his comrades-in-arms and comrades in the "new barracks" of the West Route Army, said goodbye, explained his work to Comrade Deng Fa, who succeeded him, and then boarded the plane from Dihua to Lanzhou with Li Xiannian, Li Zhuoran, Cheng Shicai, Huang Huoqing, Li Tianhuan, Zeng Chuanliu, Guo Tianmin, Song Kanfu, Wang Zigang and others. Sheng Shicai behaved very politely and went to the airport to see him off. After arriving in Lanzhou safely, transfer to a bus via Xi'an and return to Yan'an.

Returning to Yan'an from Xinjiang coincided with the Spring Festival in 1938. Comrade Mao Zedong cordially received these comrades. According to the record of the conversation with Comrade Song Kanfu in 1987, Comrade Mao Zedong said: "The Fourth Front Army is the party's army, and the commanders and fighters of the Four Front Army are good, follow the party, make heroic sacrifices and struggles for the party, and make great contributions to the Chinese revolution. "The scene was very quiet, and the pins were ringing. After a pause, Comrade Mao Zedong said: "Zhang Guotao made mistakes in the work of the Four Front Army, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Region, and the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Region, and that is Zhang Guotao's responsibility, and Zhang Guotao is mainly to blame. The central government is also responsible! …… You are not responsible. At that time, you didn't listen to Zhang Guotao, who did you listen to? When the comrades of the Western Route Army who were received heard this, they were already full of tears. Mao Zedong lit a cigarette and said loudly: "The reference to the remnants of the so-called Zhang Guotao line is wrong and wrong. We must not look at it that way. …… The responsibility lies with Zhang Guotao, and it is Zhang Guotao's fault if there are mistakes, and it has nothing to do with you. You are good comrades, don't carry your burden when you arrive in Yan'an, study hard, work hard, and make greater contributions to the party and the revolution. ”

With Mao Zedong's gesture of pushing forward, the leading comrades of the Western Route Army present applauded excitedly.

Before this meeting, Comrade Mao Zedong also met with Teng Daiyuan separately and listened attentively to his father's report. My father recalled: "When I met Comrade Mao Zedong, I felt very cordial and happy. The chairman first asked me about the situation and asked me to take up the post of chief of staff of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. At that time, I told the chairman that I could not do the work of chief of staff, but the chairman still decided to ask me to do it, and the chief of staff should not be in front of the word "general" and should be in charge of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army with him. I said nothing more to obey the order. Reading between the lines in my father's memories shows the trust and support between comrades-in-arms in the process of establishing the Jinggangshan Base Area, and it is also an affirmation of the successful completion of the task of welcoming the comrades of the Western Route Army.

Subsequently, my father took up a more responsible position, served as the chief of staff of the Central Military Commission, and under the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee, he threw himself into the War of Resistance against Japan. After a short period of study, recuperation, and entrustment of important tasks, the comrades of the Western Route Army who returned to Yan'an took up leading posts one after another, continued to play a revolutionary role, and weaved a magnificent picture of "the wildfire is inexhaustible, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates".

Third, Teng Daiyuan added a special train for Mao Zedong's first visit to the Soviet Union

Mao Zedong loved to move around, and he liked to visit all parts of the country, but he didn't like to go abroad. The leaders of many friendly countries, such as Kim Il Sung of the DPRK, Sukarno of Indonesia, Sihanouk of Cambodia, and the heads of state of Africa, Europe, and the United States, have invited him to visit more than once, but they have all politely declined.

He has only been abroad twice in his life, both times to the Soviet Union. One time I took the train was from December 6, 1949 to March 4, 1950, and went for 89 days. The other time was on November 2, 1957, by plane to the Soviet Union. The reason why Mao Zedong's first visit to the Soviet Union was possible was on the one hand because of the warm invitation of the Soviet side, and on the other hand, because of Mao Zedong's unremitting efforts. According to Mao Zedong's character, as long as it is what he wants to do, he must do it; On the contrary, what he doesn't want to do may not be able to be done.

In April 1948, Stalin invited Mao Zedong to visit the Soviet Union. He also sent a special envoy, Mikoyan, a senior member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, to visit China and make a special trip to Xibaipo to meet Mao Zedong. The two of them held several meetings, during which they briefed their countries on the situation and analyzed the current development and changes in the international situation, and exchanged their views. This time the talks with Michael Yang did not go well, and the Soviets did not make a clear statement on some major issues of principle, and Mao Zedong was very angry about this. This time, Mi came to China to find out the bottom of our Communist Party of China, and second, on behalf of Stalin, invited Mao Zedong to visit the Soviet Union. Mao Zedong accepted Stalin's invitation, and land reform in rural China was in full swing, given that he was busy directing three major domestic campaigns. He said to Mikoyan: "Please return to China and tell Comrade Stalin that when we have almost wiped out Chiang Kai-shek's army, it is more appropriate for us to visit the Soviet Union on the occasion of Comrade Stalin's 70th birthday." ”

In March 1949, Stalin sent Kovalev, Deputy Minister of Communications of the Soviet Union, and Tsikhvinsky, head of the Soviet Consulate General in Beiping, to meet Mao Zedong in China, and once again conveyed Stalin's message inviting Mao Zedong to visit the Soviet Union. Mao Zedong immediately decided to send Liu Shaoqi to lead a delegation to visit the Soviet Union.

After deciding to visit the country in person, Mao Zedong confessed to Wang Dongxing, chief of the security department: "New China has just been founded, and the social situation is very complicated. This visit to the Soviet Union must be kept secret and not used for propaganda. You go to Nie Rongzhen, Teng Daiyuan, Li Kenong, Luo Ruiqing and other comrades to discuss the security work along the way. ”


One day in the early winter of 1949, night shrouded the city of Beijing. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the lights in Zhou Enlai's office were bright in the West Flower Hall of Zhongnanhai. In addition to dealing with the heavy daily work these days, Zhou Enlai is also planning a major operation - Mao Zedong's first visit to the Soviet Union.

On November 1, 1949, a direct train between Beijing and Manchuria was opened, which laid the foundation for Mao Zedong's visit. This visit was the most important foreign affairs activity of the top leaders of the party and the state after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was also the first time Mao Zedong went abroad in his life. Mao Zedong and Stalin will meet in Moscow, and the world's attention will be on these two giants. Therefore, it is all the more remarkable for the world, and it must be foolproof.

Minister of Public Security Luo Ruiqing and Vice Minister Yang Qiqing pushed the door into Zhou Enlai's office, and Zhou Enlai pointed to the sofa: "Please sit down, sit down and talk." ”

"How? Put the situation together. ”

Luo Ruiqing took out a map and spread it on the coffee table, and reported in a solemn tone: "The three eastern provinces were liberated early, and the Japanese ruled there for a long time, and there were many bandits along the railway. Hebei Province is relatively safe, after all, it is an old base area. ”

Zhou Enlai asked: "What precautions have been taken?" ”

"According to the Prime Minister's instructions, we have implemented it one province at a time. First, the troops were organized to wipe out the bandits along the three eastern provinces, and they have already carried out several rounds. At the same time, troops of three corps were mobilized from the General Staff to protect the railway, and along the railway through which the special train passed, there were sentries of troops every few meters. Patrol units were also sent to patrol the railway line and prevent outsiders from approaching the railway. Suspicious persons are questioned by sentries and, if necessary, detained. ”

"Good!" Zhou Enlai praised after hearing it.

Then he said earnestly: "We must be meticulous in the safety and security of the chairman, and we must not be careless in the slightest. At the same time, we must also believe, rely on, and mobilize the masses of the people. ”

Yang Qiqing said: "Please rest assured that the Prime Minister will do a good job in the safety and security of the chairman's visit!" ”

Zhou Enlai finally said: "The safety of the country is at stake!" It is necessary to do a good job in the security work of the chairman's visit to the Soviet Union, which is an order of the central authorities. ”

In Luo Ruiqing's many years of public security work, there is a very important content, that is, to protect the safety of the central leading comrades, first of all, Mao Zedong. In this work, Luo Ruiqing poured a lot of effort and spent a lot of energy, often to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. Luo Ruiqing is a person who thinks about problems carefully, is very courageous, solves problems quickly, and does what should be done immediately. The specialty is to be simple and decisive, not dragging mud and water. In order to protect Mao Zedong's absolute security, he did everything himself, spared no effort, and was meticulous and impeccable. People say that Luo Ruiqing is one of Chairman Mao's big guards. Mao Zedong once humorously said: "The eldest son of Luo is by my side, and he is on top of him when the sky falls." This fully shows his trust in Luo Ruiqing.

On the eve of Mao Zedong's foreign visit, Taiwan's Kuomintang Secrecy Bureau, under the auspices of its head Mao Renfeng, carefully planned a detailed plan to subvert the special train in an attempt to assassinate Mao Zedong.

In this conspiracy carefully planned by Mao Renfeng, there is a key person - Ji Zhaoxiang, a hidden radio agent of the Beiping Radio Station of the Secret Bureau, who has just been promoted to major, and the intelligence reflects that their activities have been very frequent recently.

Zhou Enlai pondered for a moment and said, "Has the Kuomintang hidden radio detected it?" I have reported to the Chairman on this case. The chairman's instructions: 'Suppress this counter-revolution before I return home.' ’”

"Please rest assured, Prime Minister, we promise to remove this hidden danger before the chairman returns home!" Luo Ruiqing and Yang Qiqing replied together.

Before leaving at the end of the report, Zhou Enlai told again: "The two of you and Teng Daiyuan will go to Manchuria with Chairman Wei." I usually report to my family every four hours, and I am always informed if there is any important situation. ”

Not long after, a plane with no international logo hovered low over a mountain village not far from Harbin. Two parachutes slowly descended from the tail of the aircraft. As soon as they landed, they fell under the guns of our surveillance personnel and were captured. These two people were the commissioners sent by Mao Renfeng to lead the Northeast Technical Column to carry out sabotage and assassination activities. From their luggage, American-made carbines, radio stations, weather forecasters, explosives, and other spy supplies were found.

These two people are named Zhang Daping and Yu Guanqun.

The day after the public security minister's car drove out of Zhongnanhai, Teng Daiyuan, the minister of railways, arrived at the call. Before the car stopped, the anxious Teng Dai opened the door and got out of the car, and walked quickly up the steps of the West Flower Hall. Zhou Enlai was already at the door to greet him: "Comrade Teng Daiyuan, come and sit in the house." Teng Daiyuan walked in and took off his coat, and said to Zhou En: "Prime Minister, you have to pay attention to your body!" ”

Zhou Enlai rubbed his eyes and diverted the topic: "Luo Ruiqing and Yang Qiqing came to discuss the security work along the way with me yesterday, and they made proper arrangements with the General Staff. You have to play the leading role in the safety and security of the railway! ”

"We've researched and worked out some plans, but I don't know if it's appropriate?"

"Tell me about it."

Teng Daiyuan began to report: "First of all, it is necessary to purify the internal and carry out a major review, adjustment, and cleanup of the railway workers along the line. All personnel participating in the work of the special train must be politically absolutely reliable party and league members, and no suspicious elements are allowed. The Ministry of Railways made specific arrangements for this action directly to the two railway bureaus in Beijing and Northeast China, and the top leaders of the party committees and provincial and municipal party committees in various localities carried out the action in a unified manner and reported directly to the ministry. ”

Zhou Enlai nodded and said: "Okay, I'll send you a few more words: the party committee is in charge, the whole party is mobilized, carefully deployed, segmented and responsible, strictly confidential, tight inside and loose outside." ”

After Teng Daiyuan recorded the content, he continued to report: "The second is to rectify the equipment, mobilize all cadres and workers to carry out major inspections, repairs and maintenance of all equipment on the whole road, including vehicles, machinery, engineering, electricity, and vehicles, designate a special person to be responsible, and strictly hand over the shift system, so that the train is in good condition at any time." Third, we are responsible for the maintenance of the special train, and we ask the army to send engineers to use radar scanning to detect inflammable and explosive materials, and then implement closed guards and print a "special pass," which will be allowed to be used only after the Ministry of Railways has sent personnel to pass the inspection. ”

Zhou Enlai interjected: "Comrade Dai Yuan, in the past two days, you can take time to accompany me to the garage to see the car." The chairman will be in the car for a few days and nights, and he must be comfortable. ”

I heard that a soft bed was prepared for the chairman in the car, and Zhou En said: "You don't know the chairman's living habits, he can't sleep on a soft bed in his life!" Hurry up and change to a rattan bed, which should be straight and elastic. You have to do it yourself. ”

"Yes!" Teng Daiyuan replied in the tone of a soldier, and then continued to report: "Fourth, troops will be sent by the General Staff Department to guard the railway lines and inside and outside the bridges and tunnels. The local garrison dispatched a guard unit, and each telephone pole set up an armed guard post to carry out joint defense of the post and the sentry. and dispatched mobile patrols to strengthen patrols along the line, and no one was allowed to approach the railway; Fifth, the special train is composed of three trains, and the departure order and time can be adjusted at any time according to the situation, and military wireless telephones are installed between the trains to maintain contact with the command platform of the special train. ”

"These measures are very necessary, and the soldiers are not tired of cheating!" Zhou Enlai approvingly.

"Sixth, in order to prevent accidents, before the special train is not passed in the transportation scheduling, all passenger and freight trains will be stopped, and if necessary, the nearest station will be avoided, and after the special train, the special train will be regrouped and opened."

Hearing this, Zhou Enlai admonished again: "You still have to believe and rely on the masses." It can't be said that you should be vigilant, there are enemies everywhere in your eyes. Otherwise, as soon as our car drove past, the people scolded their mothers in the back. This is a very strong policy issue, and we must grasp it well. ”

Teng Daiyuan nodded and said, "We must follow the instructions of the prime minister." Then he continued to report: "Seventh, we must strictly keep secrets. The Ministry of Railways stipulates that the special train code is 9002, and Minister Luo of the Ministry of Public Security stipulates that the special train will be used by Li Desheng and used on the telegraph telephone to facilitate communication between the upper and lower levels. At each station along the way, passengers are not allowed to enter the platform. ”

Zhou Enlai solemnly added: "In order to achieve a high degree of secrecy, the responsible persons of the party, government and military in various places are not allowed to enter the station to greet and see them off. When departing from Beijing, the central leadership should also reduce the number of people to see them off. ”

Teng Daiyuan finally reported: "Eighth, the Ministry of Public Security will have unified leadership and command in the security work. The Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Railways is solely responsible for the railway public security department, and shall report to the Ministry of Public Security for instructions at any time. After departure, follow the command of Vice Minister Yang Qiqing. ”

Zhou Enlai was satisfied with Teng Daiyuan's report and emphasized: "Comrade Daiyuan, you are personally in charge of the Ministry of Railways, and you will directly deploy specific tasks to the Beijing, Tianjin, and Northeast Railway Bureaus. The secretaries of the local party committees at all levels shall personally report to the first secretaries of the central bureaus and provincial and municipal party committees, that you are a member of the Central Committee, and that all localities should report to you on the implementation of the situation in a unified manner, and you will report to me. ”


In late November 1949, Teng Daiyuan convened a meeting between Feng Ji, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, and Ren Yuan, director of the Political Security Division, to convey the overall deployment of the safety and security work of Mao Zedong's special train to the Soviet Union and Zhou Enlai's instructions, and required all preparations to be completed within a week. In order to maintain confidentiality, no special meetings were held, and the implementation of various preparations began by using the railway's highly centralized and unified communication equipment.

One day, Zhang Zhiying of the Beijing train section suddenly received a notice and immediately went to a compound in Liubukou, Xicheng District, for a meeting to accept an important task. Zhang Zhiying and the relevant comrades of the train depot attended the meeting on time. The meeting was held in a bungalow in the compound and was attended by Liu Yingcai, deputy director of the Beijing Railway Administration, the Beijing Railway Branch and several leaders of the train section. Yan Zhao, head of the Organization Section of the Party Committee of the sub-bureau, presided over the meeting, and said: "There is a special train task for everyone present. This is no ordinary task, and we must get it done. ”

Yan Zhao began to arrange the task: "The operation captain and passenger commander of this special train mission are Zhang Zhiying; The director of the dining car is Kong Fuzeng, the personnel director of Beijing Station; The chef is Wang Yulin of the Travel Service Center; The porter is ...... by Wang Yingxian, the director of passenger transport at Beijing Railway Station. There was silence in the conference room, save for the sound of assignments. When the task was announced, people lowered their heads and whispered, and the usual special train tasks were arranged by the leaders of the train section, and the conductor and conductor were responsible for it. This time it was directly arranged by the leaders of the road bureau and the sub-bureau, and the staff were all middle-level cadres of various units, which is a rare fact!

"Everyone, be quiet, and I'll announce a few more disciplines." Yan Zhao waved his hand to everyone and said, "You are not allowed to go out alone, and you will ask for leave when you go out; I can't go home during the time of preparation, and I live in the Zhushikou Driving Apartment on standby; Eating, sleeping, and bathing should all act in unison. ”

After the meeting ended, Yan Zhao found Zhang Zhiying and asked with great concern: "Where have you been the farthest in the northeast?" "Shanhaiguan." After listening to Zhang Zhiying's answer, Yan Zhao patted him on the shoulder and said, "This time the road is far away, wear more clothes." ”

These people are worthy of being veteran comrades who have worked in the railway for many years, and they know that "those who know do not speak, and those who do not know do not ask." ". Although everyone felt inexplicable and confused, they were all silently making their own preparations after going back, waiting for the moment of departure.

This special train, numbered 9002, was a gift from the United States to Chiang Kai-shek. The equipment is very high-level, and Chiang Kai-shek has not yet sat down, and it was captured by our People's Liberation Army during the War of Liberation. The special train has a lookout car, which hangs at the rear of the train, with large floor-to-ceiling glass windows and dark green curtains hanging all around, and when the curtains are opened, the scenery outside the train can be seen at a glance. There is also a boardroom-style carriage. In addition to a few soft sleeper cars and high-end dining cars, Mao Zedong rode in the carriage, with reception rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms, and you can also take a bath in the car at any time, which is very comfortable.

Under the supervision of Teng Daiyuan, in order to keep warm from the cold, the railway technicians strengthened and renovated the insulation equipment of the special train, equipped it with special heating boilers, overhauled all kinds of heating and pipes, and the temperature in the carriage could be adjusted freely. The floor was covered with a thickened red carpet of pure wool. According to Mao Zedong's living habits, the original soft bed was canceled and replaced with a single rattan bed that was both elastic and straight. The reception room has a square table and a sofa that can be used as both an office and a dining table.

On November 26, Ren Yuan took people to the garage in the eastern suburbs of the Beijing Railway Bureau, and together with the engineers sent by the troops, they used radar detectors to inspect the carriages one by one, and then affixed seals and sent guards to guard them with arms.

After the vehicle inspection is completed, the selected crew members are reviewed one by one. After the review, it shall be signed by the person in charge of the Beijing Railway Public Security Department and the Party Committee of the Beijing Railway Bureau, and shall be submitted to the Ministry of Railways for the record and awaiting final approval. The main staff were all interviewed by Ren Yuan, informing them of the precautions and driving discipline, emphasizing the importance of this task and the need for a high degree of confidentiality. After talking and holding meetings and discussions, everyone was highly motivated, striving for meritorious service, and unanimously expressed their determination to the party: resolutely complete the task! Two days before departure, a rehearsal of the mission was also carried out, and after the Ministry of Railways and the Railway Bureau came to inspect it, they were all satisfied, and the preparations for the entire special train had been completed and entered a state of first-class standby.

At the end of November, Teng Daiyuan personally made a detailed report to Zhou Enlai. One evening, Teng Daiyuan accompanied Zhou Enlai to the garage for inspection. Zhou Enlai carefully inspected the facilities on the bus, and even stood on a wooden board prepared for the chairman to board the car.

Zhou Enlai was very satisfied with the preparations for the railway.

December 21 is Stalin's 70th birthday. One of the main tasks of Mao Zedong's visit to the Soviet Union was to celebrate Stalin's 70th birthday. The relevant departments have carefully prepared some gifts, including handicrafts: Hunan embroidery Marshal Stalin's full-body portrait, Hangzhou silk weaving Stalin statue, Jiangxi porcelain burning Stalin statue, Jiangxi Jingdezhen 24 Western tableware, Fujian lacquerware, Beijing copper-bottomed porcelain longevity plate, Kangxi blue and white porcelain vase, cloisonne five-piece tea set, copper hot pot, Hangzhou embroidery, Hunan embroidery quilt, pillowcase and various textiles, fabrics, etc.;

Ivory products include carved pagodas, heroine statues, dragon boats, ivory balls, statues of the eight immortals, chopsticks, etc.;

It also brought some vegetables and fruits that were in short supply in the Soviet Union at that time. There are 5,000 kilograms of Shandong Huangya Chinese cabbage, radish, green onions, and Yali pears; 2,000 pounds of famous tea such as West Lake Longjing and Anhui Qimen; 1,000 pounds of Jiangxi Nanfeng tangerines and 500 pounds of winter bamboo shoots; Kweichow Moutai liquor and Shanghai famous brand cigarettes.

Due to the winter, these things are difficult to find, and they are required in large quantities and quality. The staff around Mao Zedong ran before and after, and they were very busy.

On the same day that the leaders of the Beijing Bureau and the train depot assigned tasks to the staff, the operation room of the Qianmen Railway Station received an order that "the luggage cars with the code number XX and XX will stay at your station and stand by, and your station will be responsible for the insulation of the car".

Before and after the birth of the People's Republic of China, Qianmen Railway Station was responsible for the pick-up and drop-off of important trains for many times. Station employees are used to this, but this time is different. Only the second lane of the station's lanes has insulation equipment, and the shunting staff pulls out the luggage cart loaded with cabbage and green onions from the second lane at 5 a.m. every day to make room for the day's operation. In the evening, at the end of the day's operation, two more cars are transferred back to the second lane. At least one out and one in a day, when encountering tight transportation, the shunting machine has to go back and forth several times. The vehicles that the shunters usually transfer are generally pulled away by the locomotive after a few hours, and these two luggage cars are put in for a whole week, and they are transferred out and in, which inevitably causes some complaints from the employees.


On December 6, 1949, it snowed heavily in Beijing for several days, and the weather seemed very cold. In the afternoon, Zhou Enlai issued an order to Teng Daiyuan, Minister of Railways: The special train departed from Beijing at 9 o'clock that night. Leaders and staff at all levels, as well as railway workers, immediately began intense preparations.

At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Feng Ji and Ren Yuan first entered the special train parked in the large warehouse and conveyed the departure order to the staff.

At 6 p.m., three trains were quietly parked on the platform of Qianmen Railway Station.

The first was a forward-drive train, consisting of 5 carriages with 50 cadres of the guard unit, soldiers and a part of the railway staff on board.

The second train was the main train, consisting of 10 carriages and a company of guards on it.

The third train is the Guard Train, which also consists of 5 carriages, in addition to 50 soldiers of the Guard Unit, and two baggage cars loaded with various gifts, vegetables and fruits.

Each train is equipped with high-power military radio stations to keep in touch at all times.

Teng Daiyuan arrived at the station first at 7 p.m., and then got on the train for inspection, thinking it was very good.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Enlai, accompanied by Luo Ruiqing, got into the car to inspect and thought he was satisfied.

After dinner on December 6, Mao Zedong took his entourage Chen Boda, Shi Zhe, Ye Zilong, Wang Dongxing, as well as doctors, cooks, and security personnel Chen Chengcheng, Shen Jianxin, Li Jiaji, and Tian Shubin, a total of nine people, and set off by three cars from Fengze Garden, Zhongnanhai, at 8 p.m., and arrived at Qianmen Railway Station at 8:30 p.m., and then boarded the train. Mao Zedong was accompanied by Soviet Ambassador to China Luo Shen, Soviet Minister of Communications, Soviet General Adviser, and Railway Expert Kovalev. The Chinese comrades who escorted Mao Zedong to the border line also included Li Fuchun, Li Kenong, Yu Guangsheng, Mao Anying, and other comrades.

The central leading comrades who saw them off at the station included Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and Nie Rongzhen, mayor of Beijing, director of the Military Management Commission, and commander of the Pingjin Garrison.

Mao Zedong, wearing a fur coat and a fur hat, stepped out of the car, walked briskly to the special train, smiled and greeted the comrades guarding the door of the carriage, and then was guided by Zhou Enlai and Teng Daiyuan to board the train. The two sides of the door were guarded by Luo Ruiqing, Yang Qiqing, Feng Ji and Ren Yuan, so that others could not see which carriage Chairman Mao had boarded from the side. The entire station platform was unusually quiet, and there was not a single idler or person walking around.

Zhou Enlai reported to Mao Zedong: "Comrades Dai Yuan, Ruiqing, Qiqing, and Kenong will follow you to Manchuria. There are also Feng Ji, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Railways, and Ren Yuan of the Political Security Department, who will also send you all the way to Manchuria. Would you like to get acquainted? Mao Zedong smiled and said, "Are they the two you saw at the door of the car just now?" We've already known each other! Zhou Enlai asked Mao Zedong what other instructions he had, and Mao Zedong said happily: "It seems that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed." ”

Mao Zedong lit a cigarette, looked at Zhou Enlai and said affectionately: "How hard you have to work at home!" ”

"Rest assured, Chairman. We will send you a telegram in time for instructions, please take care of your family all the way. ”

"See you in Moscow!" Mao Zedong ended the conversation with these words, his hands clasped tightly together.

Zhou Enlai stepped off the special train, and called Teng Daiyuan, Luo Ruiqing and others together, and said in a serious tone: "The chairman will be handed over to you." Be careful along the way, don't be sloppy and slack! After getting into the car, Zhou Enlai rolled down the window and said to them: "I am waiting for the news of your victory in Beijing!" ”

Zhou Enlai's car quietly drove out of the station.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a woman arguing at the other end of the platform, and Ren Yuan immediately rushed over after hearing the news. It turned out that Jiang Qing was blocked from entering the platform to see him off at this time, and he was arguing with the guards very angrily. Ren Yuan showed the "Concession Pass" to the sentry and said, "Let her pass, I will be responsible for the problem." The guards let them go.

Ren Yuan accompanied her to Mao Zedong's carriage. As soon as Jiang Qing got in the car, he complained: "Chairman, you don't say a word when you leave, I'm in a meeting." Mao Zedong replied: "This morning, it was stipulated that no one would come to see him off, so I didn't tell you." There are many offenses, forgiveness, forgiveness. ”

10 minutes later, Jiang Qing got out of the car, it was already raining and the sky was clear, and her smile was blooming. When I walked to the exit of the station, I didn't forget to stare at the guard who was standing guard just now.

At 21 o'clock on December 6, Mao Zedong's special train codenamed 9002 departed from the first platform of Qianmen Railway Station. Just half an hour ago, the avant-garde train stopped at the second platform had departed. The driver of the special locomotive should be Bian Guanghui, the head of the Tianjin Locomotive Depot, but when driving from Beijing, Lang Juemin, director of the Locomotive Service Department of the Beijing Railway Bureau, personally took on the duty task, and he drove the "Mao Zedong" steam locomotive with his skillful technology, pulling Mao Zedong's special train, and driving steadily on the Bac Ninh railway line at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

This was Mao Zedong's first visit abroad, and it was also the first and most important special transportation mission after the founding of New China. Mao Zedong went abroad by train, which was the highest honor for railway workers. Along the railway, on both sides of the railway, next to every telephone pole stood a heavily armed PLA soldier, standing guard with his back to the railway, because Beiping had just been liberated, and the security department had no bottom in his heart, and the security work was still carried out by the tactics of crowds. In many places, the secretary of the county party committee and the county magistrate personally went out to stand guard and guard the roads and bridges.

Mao Zedong's main train consists of 10 carriages, Ye Zilong, Wang Dongxing, and Li Jiaji take an official car with Mao Zedong, in fact, this car is also a wang car, which is generally hung at the end of the train, and this time for safety reasons, it is added to the penultimate section. There are 4 rooms in this car, Mao Zedong used the middle one, the front one was a slightly spacious reception room, and Ye, Wang, and Li used the two rooms in the back.

Chen Boda and Shi Zhe shared an official car;

Teng Daiyuan and Luo Ruiqing shared an official car;

The rest of the staff were in first-class sleeper cars, and the main train also included dining cars and luggage cars.

According to the regulations, in order to keep it secret, the conductor was asked to arrange Mao Zedong's carriage in advance, and all the items were placed properly, and there was no need to go in without ringing the bell.

Feng Ji and Ren Yuan knocked on the door and entered the carriage, asking Mao Zedong to prepare for a break, and they raised their hands and saluted, "Report to the chairman, I am ......." Mao Zedong waved his hand, smiled and said, "You are Feng Ji, you are Ren Yuan, have we already met?" After a pause, Mao Zedong said to himself: "Ren Yuan, there is a long way to go." All right! Just now, you relieved Comrade Jiang Qing of the siege. Ren Yuan smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's not early, please rest the chairman!" The car has everything on board. ”

Mao Zedong saw that there were towels, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. on the train, and immediately asked them to put away their official things. He took out the toiletries from a small cloth bag he carried, checked them and said, "I have my own, and I don't need the government to prepare anything else." "Mao Zedong was so serious about the trivial matters of life, and the distinction between public and private was clear, so that the staff respected him.

The front of the train arrived at Tianjin Station, and after the stop, the comrades of the guards came up and reported: "A grenade was found in the middle of the tracks through which the special train was going to pass!" ”

Luo Ruiqing was furious when he heard this, "It's just playing the piano!" ”

Yang Qiqing also said: "How did you find out? Hasn't it been cleaned up a long time ago? ”

Luo Ruiqing said angrily: "How did you do your security work? If something goes wrong, how can we explain it to the central authorities and the people of the whole country? ”

At this time, Li Kenong, who was standing on the side, asked someone to take a look at the grenade, which turned out to be an old bullet covered with rust, rusted into an iron lump, and it was impossible to explode again. It was later found out that it was a Belarusian "worker". During the strict internal inspection of the railway, an explosive package was also found on the pier of the Yangcun Railway Bridge under the management of the Tianjin Railway Bureau, which was eliminated in time.

Luo Ruiqing immediately discussed with Yang Qiqing and decided to get off the train at Tianjin Station temporarily to conduct a thorough investigation of the matter. When leaving, Luo Ruiqing said: "After I go down, you have to worry about the security work of the guards in the car, and we will contact you at any time if there is any situation." "Minister Luo, don't worry!" Yang Qiqing suddenly felt a heavy responsibility.

After Luo Ruiqing took people to get off the bus in Tianjin, he made a serious investigation, and found no suspicious circumstances, and determined that it was unintentionally discarded. That's an afterword.

The train stopped at Tangshan Station for coal filling and water operation. The railway staff are busy in a tense and orderly manner, with three steps and one post on the platform, and one post at five steps. For the first time, passengers and locals saw such a beautiful carriage, with dark green curtains, and many people looked at the platform through the glass windows in the waiting room.

Zhang Zhiying, the running conductor, walked off the train as usual, checked the direction of the front of the train from the rear of the train, and walked through two carriages, he inadvertently looked up and saw a familiar face in the window of one carriage looking out of the window, as if he had seen it somewhere? It's hard to imagine for a while. Look again, ah! He almost shouted out in surprise: "Chairman Mao, it's Chairman Mao!" At this moment, the mystery that had been unsolved for many days disappeared, the blood around him was boiling, and there was an invisible force pushing this young Communist Party member. He secretly thought: We must be careful and meticulous in the operation of the special train.

The temperature outside the car is already quite low, and thanks to the special coal stove on the car for heating, the inside of the car is still warm like spring. In order to check the temperature of the carriage, Zhang Zhiying gently opened the car door, walked into Mao Zedong's carriage, saw Mao Zedong reading the newspaper, and tried not to alarm the chairman, but the chairman still found him in. Zhang Zhiying immediately stood up and saluted Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong looked at the young and handsome conductor and nodded. In order not to disturb the chairman reading the newspaper, Zhang Zhiying reluctantly walked out of the carriage after checking the temperature.


Early in the morning, a red sun rises over the eastern horizon. After a night of operation, the train arrived at Shanhaiguan Station to stop, add coal to water and replace the locomotive, the locomotive crew transferred here, the special train task from Beijing to Shanhaiguan was successfully completed, and the next section was driven by the Tianjin locomotive section Changbian Guanghui.

Mao Zedong had already gotten up. When he opened the curtains, he was in a good mood when he saw the ice and snow outside the window, and the morning glow was full of sunrise. I heard that the special train will stop for half an hour, so I have to get off the bus to see what the famous "No. 1 Pass in the World" looks like. The guards did not expect Mao Zedong to get out of the car and take a walk here, so they did not make any guard deployment.

In the blink of an eye, Mao Zedong wore a fur hat and a fur coat and walked off the train to the platform. Teng Daiyuan, Li Kenong, Yang Qiqing and others hurriedly stepped forward and asked the chairman if he was cold? When Mao Zedong saw the flyover, he said: "Where is the first pass in the world?" Take a look at the flyover. As he spoke, everyone followed him closely. As soon as Mao Zedong's tall and burly body appeared on the overpass, it immediately aroused people's infinite joy! "Chairman Mao went abroad on our train!" "Let's drive a train for Chairman Mao!" At this time, the comrades on the special train knew that it was the great leader Chairman Mao who took the train to visit abroad, and an indescribable warm stream spread all over them.

Because Shanhaiguan is the demarcation line between the railways inside and outside the customs, all locomotives have to be transferred, and the front-wheel train that departed earlier also stops in front. The soldiers of the guard unit looked at Chairman Mao from the window one by one, and their mood was really incomparably happy and excited.

Mao Zedong stood on the overpass and casually chanted in the slight north wind: "Shanhaiguan, north of Yanshan, south of the Bohai Sea, because it is closed between the mountains and the sea." After that, when he saw the big characters "The First Pass in the World" written on the city tower not far away, he immediately proposed to Teng Daiyuan: I want to go there to have a look. Because Mao Zedong knew that the legend was written by Kangxi himself, and it was also a place of interest. "The first pass in the world" was built in the early Ming Dynasty and is the famous pass of the Great Wall. The majestic arrow tower stands on the tall city platform of the east gate of Guancheng, there are the herd camp building, the Jingbian building on the south side, and the Linlu building and the Weiyuan hall are built on the north side. These buildings watched over each other on the ancient Great Wall, and they were magnificent. Because he was unprepared for this in advance, Teng Daiyuan was quite hesitant. The chairman was in a very good mood, and it was not easy to dissuade him from going to see it. Agreeing to go, but afraid that it would be unsafe, Teng Daiyuan asked Ren Yuan: "Is there a car?" Ren Yuan replied: "I didn't prepare a car." Mao Zedong said, "Then forget it." Mao Zedong asked again: "I heard that Meng Jiangnu's grave is also here?" Ren Yuan reported: "There are no graves. There is a section of the city wall outside the city that has collapsed, and legend has it that it is the place where Meng Jiangnu is looking for her husband and crying to break the Great Wall. "I see!" Mao Zedong smiled and said. After looking at the sea and the ancient Great Wall, the group got off the overpass and returned to the train.

The special train restarted, Bian Guanghui held the handle of the joystick, and drove the locomotive out of the Shanhaiguan platform smoothly.

In the interview, the author learned from Comrade Lin Yi, who worked in the Ministry of Railways at that time and later served as the second secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Railway Bureau: Half a day before Mao Zedong's special train departed from Qianmen Station, she and her comrades went from the office to the station to guard the turnouts, and each group of turnouts was locked and sent special personnel to take care of them. Gather all kinds of problematic old railroad retainers in one room for study. She also recalled: When everyone heard that Chairman Mao's special train sailed out of the Shanhaiguan demarcation line safely, the leaders at all levels on duty in the stationmaster's room were very happy and excited, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and cheered together, and a deputy stationmaster named Guo Hengshun even turned his head on the carpet.

Mao Zedong returned to the carriage and sat down, and asked the translator Zhe: "Why is Luo's eldest son missing?" Shi Zhe reported Yang Qiqing's report to him, and Mao Zedong said after hearing it: "Luo Ruiqing is still very responsible!" In the past, Mao Zedong once humorously said: "The eldest son of Luo is by my side, the sky is falling, and he is on his side." This sentence fully shows his trust in Luo.

After a while, Mao Zedong looked at Shi Zhe with some mystery: "I found a situation. ”

"What's the situation?" Shi Zhe listened to it.

Seeing Shi Zhe's puzzled face, the chairman said slowly: "Why is Anying also in the car?" Who brought it? ”

Shi Zhe knew that Mao Anying was brought by Minister Li Kenong. Because Kishi spent time in the Soviet Union as a child, he spoke Russian very well. With him by his side, it will be easier to work. Shi Zhe told Li Kenong about Mao Zedong's inquiry, and Li Kenong pointed with his hand and said: "You didn't see the Soviet ambassador and adviser coming with the car, with Anying here, it is convenient to work." However, Li Kenong also beat a drum in his heart: Mao Zedong led a high-level delegation of the Communist Party of China to visit the Soviet Union and brought his own son.

The two of them walked up to Mao Zedong together, and Mao Zedong said sternly: "No matter who brought it, in short, don't let him cross the line." "It was this Mao Anying, who signed up for the Chinese People's Volunteers to fight in Korea shortly after his return, and 11 months and 18 days after this day, that is, at 10 o'clock on November 25, 1950, enemy planes attacked the headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteers in Daeyudong Town, North Korea. As soon as the air raid siren was lifted, he was the first to rush into the war room and work intensively, regardless of the danger of another bombing by enemy planes. At this time, the cunning enemy plane suddenly turned its nose and dropped a large number of napalm, and the inside of the cave was covered by a high temperature of 800 degrees at the moment, turning into a sea of fire, and the flames were difficult to extinguish for a while, and Mao Anying, a great patriotic and internationalist fighter, a combat staff officer of the Chinese People's Volunteers, a Russian translator, and Mao Zedong's good son, bravely sacrificed his life at the age of 28.

Soon after the drive in Shanhaiguan, Teng Daiyuan said to Liao Shiquan, director of the Jinzhou Railway Bureau, who had just gotten on the train: "This section of the car is the most stable. Liao Shiquan said: "Other bureaus don't let the old drivers come, but let the cadres drive the chairman's special train." Teng said, "Why?" Liao said: "Cadres are nervous, and technology is not good. "How so?" Teng Daiyuan asked suspiciously. "I let the old drivers with good skills drive, and I personally mobilized them, and the old drivers thought that this was a political trust in them, so the car drove very steadily. If the public security department mobilizes them, they will definitely be nervous, and of course they will not be able to drive well. Teng Daiyuan laughed after hearing this, and said, "Blind Liao, you are so bold!" ”

Li Kenong and Mao Zedong chatted in the carriage.

"Chairman, do you know what the President of the United States does first thing every day after going to work? ”

Mao Zedong: "Oh", but did not answer, as if waiting for Li's next words.

"The first thing is to read "Intelligence Essentials", otherwise I don't know what to do this day." Li Kenong said unhurriedly.

Mao Zedong laughed and said, "You, give me a lesson." I'm different from him, I come and watch as I go, not afraid of more, only afraid of less. Now in Moscow, I'm going to talk to Stalin about your intelligence. ”

Not long after the car crossed the Shanhaiguan, the temperature had dropped to minus 42 degrees. Mao Zedong's carriage froze and cracked the heating pipes because of the cold weather, freezing several sets of heaters. This was very bad for the Minister of Railways Teng Daiyuan, who instructed Zhang Yu, the head of the train section, to roll up the carpet, start the dining car to boil the water, and wanted to use hot water to scald the frozen pipes from both ends, and tossed for a long time without effect, so he had to ask Mao Zedong to rest in another carriage. Because there are no emergency repair conditions in the driving, we have to wait until Shenyang to repair.

After Mao Zedong changed the carriage, he had to work while riding the car. In addition to handling some domestic telegrams, he proposed to conduct some investigations and studies and find a few party and government responsible comrades along the way to get on the bus and talk. Secretary Ye Zilong immediately conveyed Mao Zedong's instructions to the relevant counties and cities through the radio.

After the conversation, the secretary of the county party committee of Suizhong said humorously: "The information I have learned about working in Suizhong for several years has been taken away by the chairman." The mayor of Jinzhou City also said with deep understanding: "There are too many questions in the chairman's examination, and the questions are too detailed, and even the statistics including percentages are not missed." ”

Teng Dai saw that Mao Zedong was looking for party and government leaders along the line to understand the situation, so he telegraphed the directors of the Shenyang and Harbin Railway Bureaus to prepare in advance, and conveyed them to Yu Guangsheng, Zhuang Lin and others (who respectively served as the second director of the Northeast Railway General Administration and the director of the Harbin Railway Bureau).

On the evening of the 7th, the train arrived at Shenyang Station. Gao Gang and his entourage got into the car to visit Mao Zedong, and he offered to accompany Mao Zedong to Manchuria, but the chairman did not agree, so he had to get out of the car again.

After the carriage of the frozen heating pipe arrived in Shenyang, personnel were immediately organized to make every effort to repair it. As a result, because there were no spare parts, it could not be repaired, so I had to trailer and move on.

The special train stopped at Shenyang Station to change the locomotive and replaced it with a steam locomotive No. 1861 to take on the traction task. It was a 1940 locomotive built in Japan, which was relatively new at the time. Now, this steam locomotive is preserved in Locomotive Square in Manchuria for tourists to visit.

Feng Yazhai, director of the locomotive department of the Shenyang Railway Bureau, was ordered to act as the driver on duty. At first, he didn't know which head was on the train. While inspecting the locomotive, he saw several chiefs walking on the platform with a man in a fur coat, and heard others say that this was Chairman Mao. This was the first time he had seen Chairman Mao so closely, and he was very excited. He gripped the valve handlebars and started the car steadily. This time, none of the people on the train sensed the train moving.

After driving from Shenyang, Mao Zedong summoned Huang Duo, director of the Railway Bureau, to get on the train to talk. Because he received Teng Daiyuan's telegram in advance, Huang's heart was prepared. Mao Zedong had a detailed understanding of the situation of the Shenyang Railway Bureau's transportation, production, management, and workers' lives, and in particular, he focused on the experience of the Zhongchang Railway in establishing a relatively complete set of scientific management methods with the help of Soviet experts. Mao Zedong was quite satisfied after hearing this, and instructed Teng Daiyuan: "It is necessary to summarize the experience of the Zhongchang Railway well, which can be promoted in various railway bureaus." ”

When the train arrives at Changchun Station, the report ends. Huang Duo asked Teng Daiyuan for instructions on the work, and Teng Daiyuan said: "You should immediately summarize it conscientiously according to the chairman's instructions, and the party committee should discuss it first, and then mobilize cadres and workers to work together, concentrate the experience, sort it out and report it to the Ministry of Railways." "Yes!" After Huang Duo saluted Teng Daiyuan, he turned to leave.

The special train drove through Changchun and continued to drive north, and a scene of thousands of miles of ice came into view. Looking out from the spacious, bright glass windows, the snow covers the black earth of the Songnen Plain, covered in silver makeup, and the wind is howling. Looking into the distance, there is a northern scenery of "mountain dancing silver snake, original Chi wax elephant" everywhere.

At Taolaizhao Station, the boundary station of the Harbin Railway Bureau, Zhuang Lin was ordered to board a special train, and after reporting to Teng Daiyuan, the two came to Mao Zedong together.

Teng Daiyuan reported: "Chairman, this is Comrade Zhuang Lin, director and secretary of the Harbin Railway Bureau. ”

Mao Zedong shook hands with him cordially and greeted him.

Teng Daiyuan: "He was also the Eighth Route Army, and later changed to a railway. ”

Mao Zedong said: "Many comrades have to engage in things that they were not familiar with in the past, and this is the need of current and future work. Comrade Dai Yuan, you have to take the lead in studying. ”

After Mao Zedong learned from Zhuang Lin about the transportation and production situation of the Harbin Bureau and learned from the advanced experience of the Soviet railway, he said with satisfaction: "I once said that the key is to study!" ”

The train arrived at Anda Station, the demarcation line of the bureau, and before Zhuang Lin got off the train, Teng Daiyuan advised: "You must keep in mind Chairman Mao's words, and we must all strengthen our study." ”

Stations, bridges, culverts, commanding heights, settlements, and all the woods, dirt bags, and underpasses that are easy to conceal along the line are all set up with sentry posts. Under each pole on either side of the railway line stood a heavily armed PLA soldier with a gleaming steel gun, with his back to the roadbed, vigilantly guarding where the special train passed. Mao Zedong's special departure and return passed twice, and the guard troops arrived at the scene six hours in advance to set up control, and the car was withdrawn after an hour without any circumstances.

After 3 days and 3 nights of operation, the train arrived at Manzhouli Station on the Sino-Soviet border on December 9.

In April 1900, the Russian Trans-Siberian Railway extended from Sabaigor to the mainland, and the Russian railway personnel crossed the border, calling the Chinese land "Manchuria". After the railway station was completed in 1901, it was named "Manchuria". Later, it was translated into Chinese, and the light sound "Ya" at the Russian end was gradually removed, that is, it became Manchuria, which was under the jurisdiction of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and was the only interface between the mainland and the Soviet Union, and was also the largest land port city on the mainland. The station is facing the Changchun Railway in China to the south and the Soviet Railway to the north.

We saw that a dark green Soviet high-level special train was parked in the station and stood by.

Teng Daiyuan entered the carriage and reported to Mao Zedong: "Chairman, Manchuria has arrived. It's too cold outside, please rest in the car. I first met with the Soviet comrades to handle the handover. ”

Mao Zedong nodded and said, "Okay! ”

Teng Daiyuan and Yang Qiqing respectively handed over to the person in charge of the General Administration of Railways of the Soviet Union and the person in charge of the Soviet security department through translation, and then boarded the Soviet train and carefully inspected it until they were relieved and walked off the train. Ordered our personnel to immediately begin carrying luggage and other items.

Teng Daiyuan and Yang Qiqing entered the chairman's carriage again and asked Mao Zedong to change the car. Teng Daiyuan reported: "After the preparations are completed, please ask the chairman to change to a Soviet train." "Ahh It's finally here. Mao Zedong stood up and said. Then, with the help of Ye Zilong, he put on a fur coat and hat, and walked out of the car with the secretary, translator, security chief and others. At this time, the door of the Soviet special train was just aimed at our door, Mao Zedong smiled and shook hands cordially with the comrades who were present to see him off, and said: "Thank you for your hard work along the way." The temperature outside was already minus 50 degrees, but when everyone shook hands with Mao Zedong, they still felt a warm current suddenly spread throughout their bodies. Someone proposed: "Let's take a picture with the chairman!" Mao Zedong said happily: "Okay." With excitement, everyone stood in a row in front of Mao Zedong's carriage and left a precious group photo.

Mao Zedong, accompanied by the Soviet ambassador to China, Luo Shen, boarded the Soviet train and was in no hurry to get into the carriage. He had been standing at the door of the carriage and waved to the comrades who saw him off on the Chinese side. Li Fuchun, Teng Daiyuan, Li Kenong, Yang Qiqing, as well as Yu Guangsheng, Mao Anying, Feng Ji, Ren Yuan and others lined up, raised their hands to Mao Zedong, saluted, and invited the chairman in. Mao Zedong looked at everyone, but still did not move. It wasn't until the Soviet train captain sounded a long whistle and slowly started to drive north, and everyone raised their hands above their heads, wishing Mao Zedong a smooth visit to the Soviet Union. Mao Zedong kept waving goodbye to everyone in the glass window of the closed car door. The comrades stood still and watched the train go away until it disappeared on the horizon.

Teng Daiyuan immediately assigned a task to the staff of the railway department: He asked the relevant railway bureaus to make full preparations to meet the return task of the chairman's special train at any time and ensure the safety of the train when returning to China.


Zhou Enlai led a spectacular delegation of the People's Republic of China from Beijing on January 9, 1950, to Moscow, the Soviet Union, to participate in negotiations with Stalin, arriving in Moscow on the 20th. Those who arrived with the group included Li Fuchun, Ye Jizhuang, Lu Dong, Zhang Huadong, Wu Xiuquan, Lai Yali, Ouyang Qin and others.

From the letter written by Zhou Enlai to Deng Yingchao on January 12, 1950, we can understand some of the circumstances at that time: "It was not too cold on the way, and my coat was a little too heavy and bloated, but once I wore it, I didn't need to change it." After passing through Harbin, the North Manchurian Plateau, the climate is warmer, and there is no snow, and the production will be carried out this spring, which may have a great impact. Wen Xing'an Lingbei, the climate is extremely cold. It's night, and I can't find out what the snow looks like. ”

China and Vietnam are neighbors who are close to each other. In early January 1950, shortly after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam, President Ho Chi Minh made a secret visit to China to request China's economic and military assistance to Vietnam. After Zhou Enlai cordially met with Ho Chi Minh in Beijing, the two took a special train to Moscow in the Soviet Union under the pseudonyms of "Da Hu" and "Xiao Hu" respectively to meet with Mao Zedong and Stalin.

During this period, Mao Zedong also had to find time to deal with domestic telegrams and participate in the revision and approval of some important documents. Chen Yun and Bo Yibo reported to Mao Zedong the plan for the construction of the railway and the restoration of the railway in the "Financial Bulletin" from December 27, 1949 to January 7, 1950. ”

The chairman also sometimes had telephone conversations with Stalin through the female translator Sun Weishi. Once, when Sun Weishi received a phone call from Stalin to Mao Zedong, she was so nervous that she said: "I don't understand, I don't understand." Stalin did not get angry this time, and sent someone to call the translator Zhe, who was accompanying Zhou Enlai in the Kremlin to negotiate with the Soviet side, to his office. Stalin said: "I will speak here, and you will translate it to Chairman Mao." Stalin said that Shi Zhe translated and told Sun Weishi on the other side of the villa by phone, and then passed it on to Mao Zedong, which was quite difficult.

On February 14, the signing ceremony of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance was held in the Kremlin. At the same time, the Agreement on the Changchun Railway of China, Port of Arthur and Dalian was signed, which clearly stated that "the parties agree that the Government of the Soviet Union shall transfer to the Government of the People's Republic of China free of charge all rights and all property belonging to the Changchun Railway of China, together with all the property belonging to the railway." This transfer took place no later than the end of 1952. The news of the signing of the friendship treaty between China and the Soviet Union spread to the whole world along the airwaves. This is a big event that shakes the world! When everyone learned about this on the radio and in the newspapers the next day, they were not only excited and happy, but also realized that the chairman and the prime minister were about to leave for their homeland. Teng Daiyuan instructed: Strive for the initiative, do not wait for orders, and immediately make overall preparations. The railway employees were again engaged in the glorious task of welcoming the special train back.

February 17 is the traditional Chinese festival - Spring Festival. Mao Zedong ended his visit to the Soviet Union, boarded a Soviet train at 10:30 p.m. Moscow time, and left Moscow to return home. Many Soviet workers who served them did not hesitate to put on their overcoats and stand in the ice and snow to see them off. It later became known that these service personnel were all people who were close to Stalin. Valya covered her face with her hands and cried to tears. Soviet servicemen praised the Chinese leader for being kind and approachable. Mao Zedong won the respect and love of the staff with his high morality, kindness and amiability; Zhou Enlai conquered everyone with his unique liveliness and loyal demeanor as an elder. After Mao Zedong's visit to the Soviet Union, Stalin once said to the people around him: "I didn't expect Mao Zedong to be so young and strong!" ”

On February 22, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai met with Vietnamese leader Comrade Ho Chi Minh on the train on their way back to China.

After 10 days of travel in the Soviet Union, the train arrived at the Soviet border city of Ottoborg Station on the 26th, and Comrade Ho Chi Minh also arrived with the train. Soviet guards escorted the special train to the Manzhouli station on the mainland and helped the Chinese comrades to change and load the trains before leaving.

Thanks to the conscientious and responsible security work provided by the Soviet side, Mao Zedong's visit went very smoothly. He instructed his secretaries Ye Zilong and Wang Dongxing to thank and bid farewell to the security personnel and staff on the Soviet train on behalf of himself and Zhou Enlai, and also sent 20 boxes of oranges, bananas and other fruits to express their gratitude.

A "Guis" brand limousine given to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai by Stalin also arrived in Manchuria with the special train. Because of the cold weather, one of the cars froze and cracked the water tank because it did not release water.

According to the relevant information that the author has searched, in order to welcome Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai back from their visit to the Soviet Union, the Central Committee has decided to send Li Fuchun, deputy secretary general of the CPC Central Committee and deputy secretary of the Northeast Bureau of the CPC, to Manchuria to greet them in a car on behalf of the Central Committee; It was also decided that Zhu De, vice chairman of the Central People's Government and vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, would take another special car to Shenyang to greet him.

Teng Daiyuan wrote in his reminiscences: "On February 17, 1950, Chairman Mao returned by Soviet train and delivered a speech at the station of Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, announcing the news and news, which was more public than when he set off. It also increases our responsibility to protect the safe return of the great leader Chairman Mao. In addition to personally arranging the relevant work, I also organized a special train to meet him at Manzhouli Station. ”

After the special train arrived at Manzhouli Station on the afternoon of February 26, "Mao Zedong was very happy to meet Gao Gang, Luo Ruiqing, Teng Daiyuan, Zhang Ce, Yang Qiqing, Wang Jinxiang and others who had come to greet them. Wang Dongxing said in his diary.

Also returning with the special train were Vietnamese leader President Ho Chi Minh and the Chinese youth delegation's female interpreter, Sun Wei Shih.


Class enemies at home and abroad did not miss this rare opportunity. In late February, they ripped open a section of railway line on the outskirts of Changchun in a late night attempt to subvert the train. It was discovered by our local public security department in time and immediately organized personnel to repair the line.

Late at night on February 26, Mao Zedong's special train departed from Manzhouli Station, in order to ensure the safety of the train, confuse the enemy, and achieve "foolproof", the first train was all empty, and the task was to open the road; The second column is the front-wheel drive vehicle that performs the guard duty; Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ho Chi Minh and all the returnees were in the third train, and the chairman's carriage was hung in the last section.

At 10 a.m. on February 27, the special train arrived at Hailar Station, and because it was on the mountain, the temperature was colder than that on the flatland. It was cloudless, the sun was shining, and there was snow all around. The locomotive of the train was about to be replaced, and except for President Ho Chi Minh, who did not get off the train, the rest of the comrades walked down the train slowly with the chairman and the prime minister, and went to the platform to breathe fresh air while enjoying the gorgeous and colorful scenery of the northern part of the motherland. Everyone casually walked around Mao Zedong and talked.

Teng Daiyuan followed closely beside Mao Zedong and briefed the chairman on the situation at the station as he walked. When they came to a set of turnouts, Mao Zedong stretched out his right hand from his fur coat, pointed to the turnout with his index finger and asked Teng Daiyuan: "What is this?" What is it for? ”

Teng Daiyuan immediately reported: "This is a turnout. It is specially used to pull through the tracks so that the train does not hit its head. ”

"Really?" Mao Zedong took a closer look.

Teng Daiyuan said: "The one who pulls the turnout is called a triggerer, and he is very difficult to work, and he can't pull the one with little strength." ”

"Ah, it's not easy!" Mao Zedong said with a smile.

Teng Daiyuan smiled and said: "There are a lot of things on the railway!" ”

"yes!" Mao Zedong nodded.

The conversation between the two of them was heard very clearly by Feng Ji and Ren Yuan, who were following behind the chairman. At that time, Wang Jinxiang of the Ministry of Public Security of the Northeast People's Government held a camera in his hand and vividly captured the situation of Mao Zedong's questioning of Teng Daiyuan with excitement, leaving us a very precious photo.

In the process of collecting materials, the author also found an unknown situation in the past, which is excerpted here: Teng Daiyuan wrote in his reminiscences: "On the way back, the responsible comrades of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China at that time decided to go to Qiqihar without consulting with me, and I stopped them after I found out. In the presence of Gao Gang, secretary of the Northeast Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Northeast People's Government, Ouyang Qin, secretary of the Luda Municipal Party Committee, Wang Jinxiang, minister of public security (of the Northeast People's Government), and others, I seriously criticized his unorganized and undisciplined behavior. As a result, the special train was slightly delayed at Aung Aung Creek Station. Subsequently, Teng Daiyuan immediately reported the matter to Zhou Enlai in the car. Zhou Enlai agreed with the handling of the matter.

The special train arrived in Harbin on the evening of 27 February, and the responsible comrades of the province and city went to the station to greet them and invite the chairman and the prime minister to get off the train and rest before leaving. Mao Zedong and others agreed to get out of the car and rest for the night. Ye Zilong bought him some bacon flatbread, a specialty of the Northeast. Mao Zedong hadn't eaten Chinese food for a long time, and while eating, he said, "It's delicious!" Delicious! The comrades stayed in the two largest hotels in Harbin, took a shower and slept well.

On the 28th, in Harbin, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai met with provincial and municipal leaders and wrote an inscription for the cadres of Heilongjiang Province: "Don't be contaminated with bureaucratic style. In the afternoon, accompanied by Teng Daiyuan, Mao Zedong visited the railway factory with great interest, met with the cadres and workers of the factory, shook hands cordially, and said: "Hello comrades! The workers were overjoyed and shouted excitedly with tears in their eyes: "I wish Chairman Mao good health!" ”。 It's just that this visit was not planned in advance, it was not well arranged, and because the workshops after work were empty, Mao Zedong did not have a good time.

Early in the morning of March 1, after Mao Zedong got up, he called Wang Dongxing and said: "You go and inform Teng Daiyuan and Luo Ruiqing to prepare a special train, and get on the bus and set off in an hour." ”

The train arrived at Changchun Station on the same day, and the responsible comrades of Jilin Province and Changchun City went to the station to greet them, and the chairman and the prime minister went directly to the office building of the provincial party committee after getting off the train. After lunch, we took a car tour of the city. They visited the Changchun Film Studio, the Puppet Manchurian Palace, and the bank built by the Japanese. At that time, Changchun had just been liberated, and the social order was not good, for the sake of safety, martial law was implemented in some areas, and when the car passed through the city, the street appeared very quiet.

Mao Zedong asked the mayor: "There are very few people in Changchun City, where have they gone?" ”

The mayor of Changchun was speechless for a while, and replied: "It's time for lunch, and people are all at home." ”

Mao Zedong humorously said: "The common people eat more strictly than the army discipline? Don't go out alone while eating? ”

The mayor was speechless, his face full of shame.

Mao Zedong said: "Don't be afraid of the common people. "It seems that he is unhappy with this security measure.

On March 2, he arrived in Shenyang and stayed here for two days. Vice Chairman Zhu De, who came to Shenyang from Beijing to greet him, and Li Shuhuai, director of the Zhongnanhai Security Department, greeted him at the station. Responsible comrades from the Northeast Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Liaoning Province, and Shenyang City all went to the station to greet them.

Mao Zedong and his entourage stayed at the Shenyang Railway Hotel (Yamato Hotel). In the evening, Gao Gang and others came to report to Mao Zedong on the relevant work. At the same time, the chairman also found time to pay a special visit to Soviet experts working in Shenyang and to speak at the local party congress.

In order to celebrate the successful signing of the "Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance" and to welcome the chairman and prime minister back to China safely, the Northeast Bureau held a grand "internal banquet" at noon on the 3rd. All the greeters headed by Li Fuchun and the central staff members who came to Shenyang with Vice Chairman Zhu De were invited to attend. Mao Zedong's mood was obviously much more relaxed, and under everyone's wishes, he drank a lot of wine, and he looked full of spring breeze and full of energy!

On the evening of the same day, the Northeast Bureau held another small dance party in the auditorium of the institution. Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Li Fuchun, Luo Ruiqing, Teng Daiyuan and others attended.

At 10 o'clock in the evening of March 4, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai arrived safely in Beijing, the capital, and after the band played the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, they inspected the guard of honor and shook hands with Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Li Jishen, Zhang Lan, Lin Boqu, Vice Premier Dong Biwu, Chen Yun, Guo Moruo, Huang Yanpei, and others who came to the station to greet them. Also at the station were Li Lisan, Wu Yuzhang, Peng Zhen, Bo Yibo, Luo Ronghuan, Xu Teli, Cai Chang, and other members of the Central People's Government.

For 89 days, from December 6, 1949 to March 4, 1950, Mao Zedong led a delegation of the Chinese Communist Party to complete this historic visit, which will forever go down in history.

Looking back on the whole process of Mao Zedong's first visit to the Soviet Union, it can be described as "a safe journey". The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to it, Zhou Enlai personally takes command, the heads of the Central Social Department, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Railways directly participate in the leadership, and the party, government, military and people in all localities are unanimous, united and cooperative. Adopting the mass line and cooperating with the public security organs, combining the military and the people, mobilizing thousands of troops and horses, and all the combatants worked with one heart and one mind, day and night, to ensure the smooth and successful completion of Mao Zedong's visit to the Soviet Union!

This year marks the 93rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and our party has overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, led the Chinese people to achieve brilliant achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and stood tall in the east of the world.

The moon lacks the full moon, and the stars move. It has been 65 years since Mao Zedong visited the Soviet Union for the first time. China remains a socialist country under the leadership of the great Communist Party of China, while the Soviet Union was formally dissolved in 1991 and divided into 15 CIS countries.

Fourth, remembering the late father Teng Daiyuan (dictated by Teng Jiuxiang, compiled by Teng Mingrui)

Teng Daiyuan Profile:

His father, Teng Daiyuan, went to study at the Second Provincial Division in Changde in the autumn of 1923, and then joined the revolution, and had no contact with his family for more than ten years, and his grandfather and grandmother missed him very much. One day in April 1938, a villager came to his family, who had served as a company commander in the Kuomintang army, and was tired of war due to defeat, so he left the team and went home, bringing the news that Teng Dai was far away in Yan'an. My grandfather was very excited when he found out and decided to go to Yan'an to visit Daiyuan. So he took the good land at home as two acres as a coil and walked with the fellow. With the help of the Eighth Route Army Office in Wuhan, Xi'an and other places, after a long journey of nearly a month, I finally arrived in Yan'an and met my long-lost relative Teng Daiyuan.

At that time, it was the period of the Anti-Japanese War, and Yan'an had become a revolutionary center that attracted the attention of China and foreign countries and the aspirations of the people of the whole country. According to my grandfather, after returning to his hometown, he told his family: There are quite a lot of people who defect to Yan'an from all over the country. The people of Yan'an lived in caves, and Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu lived in caves. Long Zhao (Dai Yuan's nickname) is no longer a peasant baby who wore coarse cloth shorts more than ten years ago, but a mighty general of the Eighth Route Army. He was very busy with his work, riding out at dawn every day to practice, and sometimes returning late at night. Whether it was eating or sleeping at night, as soon as he received the phone call, he hurriedly rode his horse and left. Grandfather said with emotion: "During the war years, Long Zhao's salary was very low. The day before, he asked the guards to buy a hen and personally do it for me to 'wash the dust', he first saluted the head and tail of the chicken, and then sandwiched the chicken legs and chicken breasts for me to eat. Although Long Zhao became a big official, his temperament was still the same as when he was a child, and he always honored the old man with good things. My grandfather said, "From the day after I arrived in Yan'an, I ate with them. Long Zhao and the other officers and men all ate miscellaneous grains, but I was the only one who ate rice, and every once in a while he fried a little chili pepper and soaked a little sauerkraut for me, so as to make my life a little better. Later, Chairman Mao knew that I had come from afar, and personally wrote an invitation to invite me to dinner. At the table, Li Fuchun asked long and short questions on behalf of Chairman Mao, and if he didn't understand, Long Zhaodang would translate it. Being a guest at Chairman Mao's house made me feel extremely warm. When Grandfather said this, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Due to the frequent fighting, my grandfather stayed in Yan'an for only 20 days before returning home. Before leaving, Chairman Mao approved 10 yuan for Guangyang as travel expenses and gave an old fox fur robe. My father gave my grandfather the only four pentagonal bills and a red cloth lock pocket, and invited a comrade from the General Staff to take a picture in front of the cave where he lived. Grandfather sat peacefully on a wicker chair, father stood on the left side of grandfather in full uniform, and on the right was the fellow who accompanied grandfather, this was the only time that grandfather and his son took a group photo, and it is now displayed in the Teng Daiyuan Memorial Hall. When saying goodbye, Dai Yuan also specially reminded his father that if there is excess food, don't forget to distribute it to the villagers around who are short of food. After my grandfather returned to his hometown, he remembered his son's words and became closer to the hearts of his fellow villagers.

The first time I went to Beijing to visit my father

In September 1950, when Political Commissar Xu Xiang of Mayang returned from a meeting in the provincial capital, he handed me a free ride permit and said to me cordially: "This is brought by Minister Teng when Comrade Huang Kecheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was holding a meeting in Beijing, and your father would like to see you!" ”

When my father, Teng Daiyuan, left home in 1923, I had just turned ten months old. At that time, the situation was difficult, and the civil strife continued. My grandfather was the housekeeper, but he didn't let my father go to Changde, saying that he was in a hurry and what kind of books he was studying. He also said, a family of eight, you go to school, which one supports the family? He also challenged my father: "If you insist on going, you can, but you must divide the family." I had no choice but to separate from my grandfather, and my father was able to get out and go to Changde. While studying in Changde, he participated in the Progressive Student Movement. After embarking on the revolution, Rong Ma was handsome, traveling from north to south, for many years, and occasionally a little news came, and it was "Teng Daiyuan is dead!" Teng Daiyuan sacrificed!" Bad news. The grandmother thought of the unknown life and death of her son who went far away, and often looked at the shadow sadly, secretly weeping, and during the New Year's holidays, she inevitably burned some paper money, and kept chanting Dai Yuan's milk name: "Long Zhao'er!" Come, too, to receive some money. "Grandmother Si'er was so heartbroken that she wept too much and later went blind......

One morning in February 1950, I was returning from the field when the township postman delivered a letter with the words "Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China" printed in red on the cover. It turned out to be a handwritten letter from my father from Beijing, and since then I have been in contact with my father who has been absent for a long time. After that, I often wrote letters about my thoughts, work, and study to Beijing, which won my father's favor. My father told me to care and hope, and encouraged me to listen to Chairman Mao, learn to be an upright person, and don't boast about myself, lest others gossip. But this is just a piece of white paper written in black letters, the paper is short and long, I can't hear the sound and see the smile, and my grandmother can't rest assured. This time, with the message brought by Political Commissar Xu, it was just right to go to Beijing to say goodbye, and to see what his father who had been separated for 28 years was like. So the family made up the travel expenses, and on September 20, Ruan Shaotang, vice chairman of the County Federation of Industry and Commerce, took me on the sailboat and rested in Chenxi at night. The next day, he took a car and arrived in Changsha on the 23rd. We stayed at the West Pailou Hotel for two days, and on the third day we took the train to Xiaowumen Railway Station. There was a liaison office at the train station, and I took out a free card and a photo, which was a recent photo of my father, and a comrade in the liaison office took the photo and looked at it, recognized it as his immediate boss, and shouted happily: "It's Minister Teng!" It's our Minister Teng! However, ......" comrade from the liaison office said in embarrassment: "This free card is for the general express, and you have to spend another 8,000 yuan (old currency) to reissue the special express." "I took out 8,000 yuan to make up for the express ticket, and Ruan Shaotang sent me on the train.

The train was speeding through the vast wilderness and arrived in Beijing on time on the morning of September 26. I called at the train station to find my father's residence, and it was a young man who met me (I later learned that it was Secretary Yang). I was interrogated for more than half an hour before I reported to my father by phone and said, "The old bag is here." "I had lunch, took a shower, and didn't meet my father until two o'clock in the afternoon when he was on vacation in the Summer Palace. Father and son didn't know each other, I just cried at that time, forgetting all the words I had thought of, and finally my father spoke first: "You are not simple, the doll in the ravine has run to the imperial city." Then there were long and short questions, and my father talked a lot. Every word he says sounds fresh, reasonable, and empathetic.

It's autumn, and the weather in Beijing is getting colder. My father was afraid that I would catch a cold, so he made me a new set of cotton clothes, a set of blue cloth tunics, and gave me a belt. At that time, I saw that it was an old belt, and I said something unpleasant, and my father reprimanded me. It turned out that this belt was awarded to him by his father during the big production in Nanniwan, and I knew that I was at a loss, so I tied the belt with a smile. It was the National Day, and I watched the celebration parade on the second floor of the Ministry of Railways, and I saw Commander-in-Chief Zhu solemnly inspecting the three armed forces in an open-top car, and heard the heartfelt cheers of hundreds of millions of people. This is the National Day that has begun the first anniversary of the beginning of a happy journey, and how can I not be excited.

I have lived in Beijing for more than ten days, and I have never dared to talk about one thing on my mind. One night, I tentatively said to my father: "Dad, you know that Mayang is a poor ravine, with a hard life and inconvenient transportation. I...... I'm looking for something to do in Beijing, do you think it's okay?"

My father paused for a moment and said to me with a sigh, "Yes! Our Mayang is a ravine, poor!" Speaking of this, my father's words were the first to say: "But it is precisely because it is poor that you should go back, to help it, to build it, to contribute to it." Besides, there is still a family of people in the family, so you can't hand over this burden to the government. Now that the United States has launched a war of aggression against Korea, the Korean people are suffering. Our country has only been liberated for a year, and we still need a lot of manpower, material, and financial resources to carry out construction, and construction is like fighting a war, and how these two battles will be fought is unpredictable. So in any way, you shouldn't stay in Beijing. ”

After listening to my father's words, I was resentful and excited, thinking that I couldn't arrange a job, so I would go home. Secretary Yang asked me how many days I had been walking in Beijing and how many days I had been in the car, and he had calculated my travel expenses and expenses for going home. On October 16, my parents sent me to the gate and repeatedly admonished: "When you go back, you must work hard, don't break away from the masses, and don't stretch out your hand to the government with my signboard." My father handed me a large cloth bag and said, "It contains old clothes and some tattered clothes that I used to disguise myself in the past, and you will be good things when you bring them to the house." ”

As when I went, I returned home after a tiring journey of several days and nights, and when I opened the baggage, it was really a tattered bag, and my grandmother was very angry when she saw it, and asked, "Jiuxiang, how much does your father pay you?"

I said, "Get off at Chenxi, it's only 15,000 yuan (old currency), and if the road is a little farther, your grandson will go home hungry." ”

"Alas," the grandmother sighed, "I really don't have a single pepper, but I look for three catties of ginger!" ”

The "communist wind" must not blow

In 1958, during the Great Leap Forward, in accordance with the instructions of the higher authorities, the county culture and education section sent three representatives (myself and two leaders of the No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School) to Beijing to visit the exhibition of the achievements of combining education with production and labor. Unexpectedly, the day after I arrived in Beijing, I suffered from acute appendicitis and was admitted to the railway hospital, and after the operation, the doctor told me to stay for a while before I could be discharged. At that time, my father was recuperating in Hangzhou, and my mother, Lin Yi, sent me to live with my father in Hangzhou with my father's consent. One day, my father asked me very seriously: "How do you feel about helping the Communist Party rectify the situation this time?" What's the point?" I replied, "It is hard to avoid that the small meeting of the General Assembly has put forward some opinions, right and wrong, and right and wrong. However, I believe that the party believes in the masses and will not just wronged good people. ”

My father was silent and paused for a while, and then he asked me to talk about communalization. I said: On the surface, the situation in the rural areas is good, but there is indeed a flashy style. Let's just talk about the commune, a large corps fights, there are many people, the heat is high, the work efficiency is fast, but the quality is poor. Father said: This is a "swarm of bees", a waste of labor. I said: Now we should practice deep ploughing of one or two feet, two or three feet, and wheat production will be overturned and sown on demand, and the denser the better. My father said: That's "blind command", anti-science. I said: The Great Leap Forward is putting satellites in all walks of life, and the grain yield per mu is over 1,000 catties, over 10,000 catties. Eggs can't fall off even if they are placed on the ears. Father said: It was "pompous wind", bragging. I said: The commune has been collectivized, public canteens have been set up everywhere, two masters have cooked meals for dozens of people and more than 100 people, and an old woman has taken care of a few children, squeezing out labor to engage in production. The three levels of the county social team can be adjusted at will, and the members of the club do not need money to eat, there are doctors for medical treatment and medicine, and there is a total of school and study. My father said: This is called the "communist wind", and some people only know that it blows from below, and it doesn't cost money, which is really unacceptable.

Two days later, my father took me to the Xiaoshan Brigade near the West Lake to visit the public canteen. Just in time for the members to have lunch, the old and the young, some eat dry rice, some eat gruel, and those who eat gruel plus two steamed buns. There is a full table on the table, with shredded cabbage and radish, and kelp tofu soup, a table of eight people, which is also lively. My father looked at me and asked, "Jiuxiang, how is the cafeteria in my hometown?" Is it better or worse than here?" I replied, "Our canteen is simplified, and we don't stir-fry the soup without soup, and we don't stir-fry the soup without stir-frying." Meals are provided in rations, the elderly and children are the same, the members are not full, and they are not energetic to work. When my father heard this, he was very angry, and he said, "This is a transition of poverty, and in the long run people will die!" The public canteen can't grow, and the 'communist wind' can't blow! ”

It's better not to go back

On September 12, 1960, my grandmother passed away at the age of 80. On the same day, I sent an urgent telegram to my father, begging him to return to his hometown immediately for the funeral. It has been thirty-seven years since my father left Mayang, and his children and grandchildren are looking forward to his return. But I waited left and right, and on the day of the funeral, what I was waiting for was a call back, and the call back was to call me, to the effect that:

Xiang'er: I was very sad to hear that your grandmother had died. Please send my grandmother up the mountain on my behalf, everything is simple. Condolences! Dai Yuan.

Later, when I went to Beijing, Secretary Bu Zhanwen said to me: "After your father received the telegram of your grandmother's death, he was going to go home, and several of our staff members were really busy for him all day. But the next morning, he suddenly changed his mind, saying that he was not going, and asked me to call you back and send 100 yuan for funeral expenses. Your father said: "When your mother died of illness, she should go home to mourn in order to do his son's filial piety." After careful consideration, there are two problems that are difficult to solve: First, we need to ask for leave, which must be approved by the Central Committee and the State Council. Second, the people of the whole country are now living a hard life, and as soon as I go back, I will inevitably add a lot of trouble to the local government and increase their unnecessary burden. I am a member of the Communist Party and a leading cadre, so I should take the lead. So I decided not to go back, not to alarm them. Several of our staff members were very touched by these words, so they had to refund the original booked tickets. ”

The bacon you make tastes good and good

In May 1964, his father's condition worsened, and with the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, he left his post and came to Beidaihe to recuperate. One day, the weather was fine and the wind was good, and my father was sick, so he asked me to go hunting with the guards and the secretary. The three of us went to the hill on the side of the runway of the airport with great interest, and saw a pheasant foraging for food from a distance of about thirty or forty meters. When he took it home, his father happily said to the cook, "This is a mountain delicacy, and it is very delicious." Unexpectedly, the chef cooked according to the chicken, that is, he cut the pheasant into several large pieces, added salt with water, and steamed it in a bowl, which was colorless and tasteless. The father ate only a little bit and said loudly, "It's not delicious!" It's not delicious! It's not well fried, it's a pity a good pheasant! ”

The next day, when lunch was about to be eaten, the guard walked in with a smile and a turtledove, and my father asked, "Where did you get it?" The guard replied, "At the back of the house, I had just arrived at the back of the house when I happened to meet this unlucky turtledove. My father was afraid that the chef would not be able to do it, so he said to me: "Jiuxiang, you still want you to fry the turtledoves for me." "I make it according to the flavor of my hometown, remove the hair and impurities of the turtle dove, cut the meat and bones separately and chop them, and fry them with crispy and fragrant bones when stir-frying, and then stir-fry them with the turtle dove meat. When it is almost out of the pan, add the chili, Sichuan pepper, wine, soy sauce, salt, minced ginger, garlic, etc. Finally, simmer a little hot water, and a plate of fragrant turtledove meat is fried. I brought the food to the table, and it was so full of flavor and taste. My father was full of praise while eating: "Well fried!" Well fried! It's the same as the bacon you did earlier, it's very good!"

Why did my father mention making bacon again? This can be traced back to a few years ago, when I went to Beijing from Changsha to see my father after a meeting, and brought a few catties of Hunan bacon with me. He was very happy to see it, and told Master Feng to make this bacon for him to eat at noon. When it was time for lunch, Master Feng sent the finished bacon to his father, and Master Feng stood aside, waiting for the word "good". Who knew that my father ate two slices, but he didn't think so. Master Feng asked anxiously, "Chief, how does this dish taste?" My father shook his head and said, "The taste is light, it's not delicious." "Master Feng is a master of national cooking, with excellent skills, don't talk about bacon, even the state banquet He has done too much, and he is tired of watching it, but today he missed it, but he doesn't know what the reason is. My father understood Master Feng's mood and hurriedly said to me: "Jiuxiang, you can help me get it in the evening, and ask Master Feng to also come and appreciate the flavor of Xiangxi." "I thought about it, why is the bacon made by Master Feng not delicious? The main thing is that he steam bacon in a bowl, and a lot of soda is dripped into the bowl, which dilutes the taste. In addition, the bacon slices are cut small and thin, just like eating beef, and you have to sandwich several slices in one bite, of course, it is not enjoyable. I did it differently from Master Feng, I first burned the bacon skin with fire, washed it, cut it into two large pieces, did not need to hold a bowl, put it on the bamboo in the steamer to steam, and then changed the knife after steaming, cut into large pieces, Master Feng couldn't believe it when he saw it, and said: "Such a large piece of bacon can be eaten?" I couldn't help but laugh and said, "Ahem! Master Feng, you don't know, bacon is to cut such a big and thick piece, without soda, without vitality, you can feel the strong aroma of bacon, chew carefully, and feel that the bacon has a long aftertaste. Sure enough, my father ate the bacon and exclaimed: "Very good!" Very good! Master Feng looked at me in surprise and said, "I have been working all year round, and it is easy to get the word 'good' for hospitality." He ate what you made, and the word 'very' was added in front of the good word, which is really rare! ”

Since then, every time I go to see my father, no matter where I live, whenever I have the opportunity, I always have to give him one or two "authentic Hunan flavors". Such as bacon meat, steamed pork, braised pork or something, which makes the elderly happy and satisfied.

Hot Spring Detective

Less than a year after the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, that is, in March 1970, the Jinhe Hydro Pumping Station where I worked sent the three of us to Guangdong to visit and learn the advanced experience of Luoding County in terms of power generation and pumping and construction of ship locks. In advance, I wrote a letter to my father, who was living in Conghua, Guangdong, to ask for his advice and ask him to contact the relevant units to find some information about the construction of the water wheel pump.

The three of us arrived in Guangzhou on March 8 and stayed at the guest house of the Provincial Department of Water and Electricity. After I took a short rest, I hurried to Conghua. Conghua is a county near Guangzhou, located in a mountainous area, lush greenery, pleasant scenery, extending along the mountain col, revealing a remote and quiet mountain village, the village has built a unique Yun small building, which is a place for senior cadres to recuperate. My father lived in the second building of Cuixi in the hot spring hotel. After completing the formalities at the hot spring office, I was instructed by the service staff to cross the stone bridge and bypass a small playground to my father's residence. When my father saw me coming, he put down a very thick book that he had not finished reading, and asked me, "How many of you have come?" How many days will you visit?" I replied: "Three people came, and they stayed at the city guest house, and the date of the visit was not set." While listening to me, my father handed me a large stack of materials that he had recently found for us, and said in a serious tone that these materials are all advanced models and advanced experiences that have been popularized or are being promoted, and that you should study and study them well, rise to theory through practice, and turn spirit into material, then your work will be very fruitful. I said that I would do as my father said, but my father spoke very heavily, and I seemed to have a premonition of uneasiness, and said to my father: "I saw Comrade Zhu De basking in the sun in the small lawn by the stone bridge. "You know him?" Father asked rhetorically. Then he told me worriedly; "You can come here to watch, you can't ask, you can't talk when you go back, there is no task for you to report." In the afternoon I went around the outside of the house, and all the small buildings were not too far away from the sentry posts. I felt very uncomfortable, and I wondered in my heart, what crimes did people like Commander-in-Chief Zhu and my father and mother commit? Why is it necessary for so many armed forces to spy on them like spying agents? When and how long will these veteran cadres regain their freedom? A series of questions hit like hailstones, making people tremble and puzzled.

After Lin Biao's counter-revolutionary clique was completely smashed, in May 1972, my parents returned to Beijing on the instructions of Premier Zhou, and I learned that my father was still elected as a member of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Prior to this, Lin Biao, out of the need to "seize power" and under the pretext of the tense situation on the Sino-Soviet border, issued the "No. 1 Order" in October 1969 to mobilize the whole army into a state of emergency. Under this order, parents and a large number of veteran comrades who had contributed to the revolution were "evacuated" to various places in the capital. This is a new political persecution played by Lin Biao. My father later told me, "At that time, they were staying in the hot springs under surveillance, and there were clear regulations in the area where we were active, and we were not allowed to cross the river for a walk. If we want to take a walk through Meicun, we can't cross the sentry post in Meicun in Hexi, which is supposed to protect our safety, but in fact restricts our freedom. ”

Listen to your father's last teachings

The sad news of my father's death came from the airwaves of Beijing, and I was overwhelmed with grief and tears. With infinite sorrow, I hurried to Beijing with his grandchildren to attend a grand memorial service held by the party and the state for Teng Daiyuan. The memorial service was presided over by Ye Jianying, and Deng Xiaoping delivered a eulogy, speaking highly of Teng Daiyuan's outstanding contributions to the revolution and the people. My mother and five brothers stood quietly beside my father's spirit, listening to Deng Xiaoping's deep eulogy, the sound of the stone falling to the ground, and brought my thoughts back to August 1973. When I visited his old man, he was being elected to the 10th Central Committee, and although he was sicker than before and could not speak clearly enough, he still insisted on living a hard life. In addition to eating a small half bowl of rice, he always has to go with a black nest nest head at every meal. I was really worried about him when I saw him, remembering that he had been fighting in the north and south for decades, and his old age had been bumpy, so I persuaded him not to eat this kind of coarse grain, it was not easy to digest after eating, and he had to eat it until he was cured. After a long time, he said in an intermittent voice: "Jiuxiang, you hurt me, Dad understands in his heart." But you know that since 1960, our Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou have been eating wowotou, and rarely eat meat. They can live a hard life with the people of the whole country, can't we? I have been eating Wowotou for more than ten years, I learned from the chairman and the prime minister, and eating Wowotou will make you think that the happy life you have now is not easy to come by, and this is the true color of our communists!" When my father said this, he cheered up, and he continued to teach me: "Therefore, our Communist Party officials are not Kuomintang officials, they only serve the bureaucratic landlord class, while we serve the people, and we should always be loyal servants of the people." "I was touched by my father's spirit, and I understood that this is not only to eat a few nests to fill my stomach, but also to warn myself not to forget the party's good tradition of hard struggle. At this time, I realized that my father had endless words, but he could not say them all for a while. I suppressed my excitement and whispered to my father, "Dad, I must remember your old man's words and serve the people wholeheartedly, so you can rest assured." ”

Only a year and four months later, my father passed away. Little did I know that this meeting would become a lasting success, and that this conversation would be my father's last instruction to his eldest son.

Although my father has left us, his spirit, his voice and smile are deeply imprinted in our hearts.

Fifth, Teng Daiyuan: He was on an equal footing with Mr. Peng, his name was not awarded by the founding of the country, and there were 3 marshals under him, why did he not have a military rank?

"It is not possible for children to go to school, go to university, rely on their parents or personal connections, there are many jobs to serve the people, and they can ...... as workers, soldiers, and farming."

When an old subordinate wrote a letter to Teng Daiyuan, hoping that he could use his connections to arrange for his children to enter the "Kazakh military industry", he was politely refused.

Perhaps it was this mentality of looking down on everything, thinking that he could do anything, that Teng Daiyuan didn't care about one thing: his subordinates had three founding marshals, and as one of the founders of the Red Army, he did not receive a military rank.

There were three founding marshals under his subordinates

Teng Daiyuan, like Su Yu, is one of the few minority generals, Su Yu is a Dong person, and Teng Daiyuan is a Miao person from Mayang County, Hunan.

In 1924, Teng Daiyuan joined the Socialist Youth League, and soon after joined the Communist Party of China, officially participating in the revolution.

After the Ma-Ri Incident, Teng Daiyuan, along with other party members, broke away from the Kuomintang and went underground.

In the summer of 1928, Teng Daiyuan was appointed secretary of the special committee of Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, and soon led the "Pingjiang Uprising" with Peng Dehuai and others to create the Red Fifth Army, with Peng Dehuai as the commander and he as the party representative. Thus, Teng Daiyuan became one of the founders of the Red Army.

In May 1930, the Central Committee reorganized the Red Fifth Army into the Red Third Army Corps, and Teng Daiyuan served as the political commissar of the corps. Soon after, in order to coordinate operations, Peng Dehuai proposed the idea of creating a Red First Army, which Teng Daiyuan deeply agreed with and also participated in the creation of the Red First Army.

In August of the same year, the Red Front Army was born, with Zhu De as commander-in-chief, Peng Dehuai as deputy commander-in-chief, Mao Zedong as general political commissar, and Teng Daiyuan as deputy political commissar, becoming Mao Zedong's deputy.

At that time, most of the orders issued by the Red Army below used the words "Zhu, Mao, Peng, Teng", and Teng Daiyuan's status was unprecedentedly improved, second only to Zhu De, Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai.

Not only that, Lin Shuai, Luo Ronghuan, and Chen Yi, the three later founding marshals, were also members of the Red Army and once obeyed Teng Daiyuan's orders.

However, a month before the Long March, Teng left for the Soviet Union and did not return to Yan'an until December 1937.

The fate of Teng Daiyuan and the three marshals also had a major bifurcation during this period.

During the Long March, the status of Lin Shuai, Luo Ronghuan and others was gradually highlighted, and they were deeply used and became a powerful armed senior general, while Teng Daiyuan continued to do political work.

In 1940, the Central Committee made Teng Daiyuan the vice president and deputy political commissar of Kang Da, and two years later General Zuo Quan died, and he was transferred from Kang Da to serve as the chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army, and once again formed a partner with Peng Dehuai.

During the Liberation War, Teng Daiyuan mainly worked in the North China Bureau and the Central Ministry of Railways, and was appointed Minister of Railways and Commander of the Railway Corps. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Teng Daiyuan continued to serve as Minister of Railways, managing the country's transportation arteries.

In 1955, Lin Shuai, Luo Ronghuan, and Chen Yi were awarded the rank of marshal, while Teng Daiyuan, as one of the founders of the Red Army and an important leader of the People's Liberation Army, did not participate in the award.

Teng Daiyuan's status is so high and he has a lot of influence in the army, why didn't he participate in the awarding of titles?

He was a good comrade-in-arms of General Peng Dehuai and a revolutionary party member who made great contributions to the country and the people.

He once said to his son: "There was once a person in the Soviet Union who held the same position as me, and he received the rank of marshal. ”

However, such a revolutionary hero with great military achievements was not awarded any military rank, and even Mr. Lin felt that he was the most qualified person to be awarded the marshal.

Who the hell is this person? Why did everyone give him such a high rating? Why wasn't he given a military rank?

The Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area was created

This revolutionary hero, who was not awarded a title, was actually one of the founders of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area.

Teng Daiyuan was born in Hunan in 1904, his parents were local wealthy families, and there was a Qing family mansion in his hometown, and he lived a relatively wealthy life.

His parents attach great importance to the education of their children, and as the eldest son in the family, he is also particularly competitive, in 1923, relying on his own efforts, he was successfully admitted to the Hunan Normal School, since then, Teng Daiyuan has become more hard-working, and embarked on the road of saving the country and the people.

After graduation, Teng Daiyuan joined the ranks of the Kuomintang and devoted himself to the construction of the Chinese revolution.

But with Chiang Kai-shek's coming to power, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke down completely, and Chiang Kai-shek's ambitions and desires were gradually revealed. Teng Daiyuan was unwilling to help the abuse, and decisively withdrew from the Kuomintang.

At that time, Teng Daiyuan already had very strong organizational and leadership skills, and successfully became one of the leaders of the Hunan peasant movement.

He also accompanied Chairman Mao and Mr. Peng to inspect the specific situation in the local area and discuss various matters of the rebel army. Later, he launched the Pingjiang Uprising with Mr. Peng and made great achievements.

The news of the Pingjiang Uprising immediately spread to the north and south of the motherland, and Chairman Mao and Mr. Zhu personally wrote a letter inviting them to come to Jinggangshan for a rendezvous.

After receiving the letter, they led the army to break through the encirclement of the Kuomintang, came to Jinggangshan, and established the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area.

With the continuous growth of the revolutionary ranks in Jinggangshan, this also aroused the hostility of the Kuomintang, and in early 1929, the enemy troops surrounded the revolutionary ranks, intending to trap our troops to death.

Teng Dai was far from being afraid of a strong enemy, and led his troops to resist the enemy, successfully crushing the enemy's plan, but also causing great casualties.

Only more than 300 people survived the battle, and Teng Daiyuan was also seriously injured.

Later, Teng Daiyuan got the opportunity to study in the Soviet Union, but failed to participate in the Red Army's Long March, missing an important period in the history of the Chinese revolution.

Anti-Japanese heroes

In 1937, during the critical period of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zuo Quan unfortunately died in the battle, and after repeated discussions in the organization, it was decided to let Teng Daiyuan take over the vacant position and become the chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army.

Teng Daiyuan is well aware of his heavy responsibilities and has never been sloppy in his work. He always paid close attention to the situation on the battlefield, inspected the enemy's situation, and pointed out a reasonable offensive line and strategic objectives for our soldiers.

At the same time, he was also responsible for the reorganization of the army, giving detailed tactical explanations to the team members to improve the combat level and combat capability of the army.

Teng Daiyuan must do a good job of coordinating with each army to ensure that the information and intelligence received by each unit is accurate.

Teng Daiyuan must do a good job of timely integration and summary of the operational situation of the day and the needs of the army, so that the goals and information between the higher-level leaders and the army are clear and transparent.

Railroad work

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state prepared to build railways in Chinese mainland to speed up the process of China's railway modernization.

As early as the end of 1948, Chairman Mao began to prepare for the national transportation work, and Teng Daiyuan was entrusted with an important task before the road ahead was clear.

After the domestic situation stabilized, the Party Central Committee directly decided to let Teng Daiyuan manage the construction, transportation, and management of the railway in a unified manner.

In the face of the task assigned by his superiors, he can gladly accept it and ensure that he will be able to complete the task smoothly. Subsequently, Teng Daiyuan was appointed Minister of Railways of the Military Commission, responsible for the work related to China's railway affairs.

After Teng Daiyuan took office, he immediately began his work. At that time, the central government wanted to move from the Xibaipo area to Beiping, which also became his first important work.

Teng Daiyuan organized the construction and operation of the railway, investigated the dangers of each station, and ensured that the railway could run safely and reach the destination without fail.

In the end, under Teng Daiyuan's arrangement, the central government successfully arrived in Beiping, for which Premier Zhou also specially praised: "This is the first task you have successfully completed, and you have done a very good job, and you must make persistent efforts." ”

When Chairman Mao was going to take a car to a foreign country, Teng Daiyuan specially arranged three trains to secretly send Chairman Mao to his destination.

Although railway work was a completely unfamiliar field for Teng Daiyuan, he still obeyed the organization's arrangement and devoted all his energy to the national railway cause.

With his ingenuity, Teng Daiyuan completed the integration of all railway data in China in a very short period of time, greatly promoted the development of the mainland railway industry, and made great contributions to the formation of the new Chinese railway network.

Missed ranks

In 1955, the Party Central Committee decided to award titles and decorations to these people who had made great contributions to the Chinese revolution.

In terms of merit and position, Teng Daiyuan and the marshal are not equal, and the minimum should be a general, but why didn't he participate in the evaluation of military ranks?

In fact, Teng Daiyuan's combat command ability is not comparable to those generals, he is an all-round talent, no matter what kind of work, he can do a particularly good job, which is why Teng Daiyuan is engaged in the railway industry.

Because of this, his performance in his military career is not very dazzling, and he cannot be compared with Mr. Peng.

The main reason why Teng Dai was far from conferring military ranks was that the party stipulated at that time that if he did not hold a position in the army when he was awarded the title, he would not be included in the list of awards. He left the army before the first award of the rank in our army, so he missed the opportunity to be awarded the rank.

Although he was not awarded a military rank, Teng Daiyuan still served the people wholeheartedly, accepted the arrangement of the superior organization without reservation, and held an important position in the state.

Even in the later War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he transported a large number of weapons, ammunition, food, clothing and other materials to the Chinese volunteers, ensuring the logistical supply of the battle, and showing his outstanding talent.

When his son asked him what Teng Daiyuan could be rated if he could be awarded the title at that time, Teng Daiyuan said with a smile: "There was once a person in the Soviet Union who held the same position as me, and he received the rank of marshal. In his opinion, fame and fortune are not important, and he is already very satisfied to be able to see the founding of New China with his own eyes.

On December 1, 1974, Teng Daiyuan died of illness in Beijing at the age of 70.

As a pioneer of China's revolutionary cause, although it is his regret that he did not receive a military rank, compared with the interests of the country and the people, personal gains and losses are not important, and as long as the country needs it, he will do his best to make contributions to the motherland.

During the period of the Chinese revolution, there were too many heroes, who were selfless, not afraid of sacrifice, and conscientiously fought for the revolutionary cause, no matter what position they held in the army, they could fight for the revolutionary cause all their lives.

They were great pioneers, and the revolutionaries of the older generation forged ahead in the arduous years, and they made great sacrifices and efforts in order to win the war and defend their homeland and country.

In the face of the brutal war, they did not flinch, and in the face of the enemy's butcher's knife and oppression, they fought back hard, not afraid of life and death. They led the people through an epoch-making battle and saved the people from misery.

In an era of peace, we must not forget those revolutionary fighters who fought bloodily, it was they who allowed us to enjoy the peaceful and happy life we have today, and their unwavering will will always inspire us to keep moving forward.