
Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

author:The historical smell of copper smell

Yinyu is the fourteenth uncle of Emperor Qianlong, and was named the king of Doluo County in the thirteenth year of Qianlong. Then, among the descendants of later generations, the number of lords far exceeds the descendants of other royal brothers. Yixing is one of the great-great-grandsons of Yinyu, and he inherited his father's title of Duke of Feng'en Zhenguo.

Yinyu is the king of Doro County, the second son Hongming inherited Dorobele, and his grandson Yongshuo was surrendered to Gushan Beizi. Yixing's father, Mianling, was Yongshuo's third son and inherited the title of Duke of Feng'en Town.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

Therefore, Yixing is a direct descendant of Yinyu who inherited the title. Yixing's father, Mianling, has been holding important positions in the Jiaqing Dynasty, and after Emperor Daoguang ascended the throne, he was directly promoted to the general of Jingzhou. The reason why it can be reused is that on the one hand, it is Yinyu's great-grandson, on the other hand, among his wives and concubines, the father of his wife is the minister of Wushi of the imperial court, and the stepwife is the daughter of the first-class duke of the imperial court, which shows that they are all high-ranking and powerful figures in the imperial court.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

One: Yixing was 13 years old and became the Duke of Feng'en Town, and at the age of 22, he served in the Eight Banners.

Yixing is the youngest son of Mianling, and when he was born, his father was 37 years old. In the fourth year of Daoguang, after the death of his father Mianling, because the previous three brothers Yi Gao, Yi Song and Yi Xian were all young and did not grow up. As a result, Yixing became his father's only son and inherited the title of Duke of Bong'eun Jinguo. This year, Yixing was only 13 years old.

In the thirteenth year of Daoguang, Yixing, who was only 22 years old, was awarded the rank of Minister by Emperor Daoguang, and the rank of Zheng Erpin meant that he could take up an official position.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

A year later, he was promoted again to the rank of Minister of the Interior.

In the fifteenth year of Daoguang, Yixing was ordered to manage the affairs of the Eight Banners of the Old Summer Palace.

From the fifteenth year of Daoguang to the twentieth year of Daoguang, Yixing served in the Eight Banners, and successively served as the patriarch of the right-wing near branches, the deputy commander of the Han Army with the Red Banner, the deputy commander of Manchuria under the Zhengbai Banner, the commander of the Red Banner Protector Army, and the deputy commander of Shengjing. However, the deputy capital of Shengjing is a local substantive position, and the official residence is secondary.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

Two: Yixing was reused by Emperor Daoguang and released as a first-class general for ten years.

Yixing served in the official position of deputy capital of Shengjing for eight months, and Emperor Daoguang reused him.

At the beginning of the twentieth year of Daoguang, Yixing began to release local first-class officials, which was rare in the sect. He successively served as General Suiyuancheng, General Jiangning, General Hangzhou, and General Shengjing. At that time, there were only about a dozen local generals, and he did four of them alone, which shows that he has made remarkable achievements in the position of local generals and has been affirmed by the imperial court.

After ten years as a general, the imperial court decided to transfer Yixing back to the capital to continue to reuse.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

Three: Xianfeng Dynasty, Yixing's adjustment is more frequent.

Since Yixing was rewarded with the treatment of riding a horse in the Forbidden City in the thirtieth year of Daoguang, he has been waiting for arrangements in the military department.

In the fourth year of Xianfeng, he first relieved the rank of general of Yixing Shengjing, and later awarded the capital of the Han army with the red flag, which was also an official residence.

The following month, he was directly transferred to the post of General Uriya Sutai in the name of the capital.

A year later, Yixing had a chronic illness in his tenure as a general, and asked the imperial court to return to the banner to recuperate, and after the imperial court allowed it, he returned to the Eight Banners to recuperate.

In the sixth year of Xianfeng, he served as the minister of the Zongren Mansion and granted the right Zongren of the Zongren Mansion.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

Four: The three sons of the younger generation under the knee, except for the eldest son, the other two sons were awarded knighthoods.

1. The eldest son is called Zaihua, young.

2. The second son Zai Sen (1843-1887): The second son of Yixing, the eighth year of Xianfeng, inherited the title, was demoted to the prince of the town of Bafen, and was rewarded to the minister of the second rank of Sanzhi. However, until the Guangxu Dynasty, Zai Sen was not appointed.

3. The third son Zaiguo (1846-1905): the third son of Yixing. Born in the twenty-sixth year of Daoguang, after his brother Zai Sen inherited the title of Duke of Zhenguo, Zaiguo became an idle clan. Later, in the seventh year of Tongzhi, the 23-year-old Zaiguo participated in the examination of the title of the clan, and was later awarded the third-class auxiliary general. Although the title is a little lower than that of his brother, at least he worked hard to get it.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

Five: Yixing has three Puzi grandchildren, the second grandson is young, and the other two grandsons are knighted.

1. The eldest grandson Pu Bo (1873-1894): Pu Bo was born in the twelfth year of Tongzhi. In the eighth year of Guangxu, the 10-year-old Pu Bo encountered the big test of the imperial court, and the Guangxu Emperor rewarded the members of the clan, and Pu Bo was rewarded with wearing a flower feather.

In the thirteenth year of Guangxu, the 15-year-old Pu Bo inherited his father's title, and he was still not a prince of Bafen Town. Two years later, he was also awarded the rank of Minister of Pu Bosan. With this grade, an official position should be arranged, but Pu Bo died young at the age of 22.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles

2. Second grandson Pu Jiang (1874-1875): young age.

3. The third grandson Pu Duo (1879-year of death unknown): Pu Duo is a direct descendant of the title given to this title by the fourteenth son of Kangxi, Yinyu, and is the sixth generation. In the twenty-first year of Guangxu, he inherited his father's title, and he was still not a prince of Bafen Town. At the end of the year, Pu Duo was awarded the first-class guard of the imperial court, and was also rewarded for walking on the gate, which is not available to every guard, which shows that Pu Duo can see the emperor every day.

Yixing: Yinyu gave his great-grandson, attacked the prince of Feng'en Town, and five of his grandparents and grandchildren had titles