
Brief introduction to the police


"On the banks of the Yangtze River, next to the Beijing-Guangzhou Line, in the land of righteousness to the police, the green campus, the lovely school, the place where we grew up......" Although the song is far away, it is also cordial, as if after the turn of the years, we can still listen to the surging and struggle, and be aware of the hope and pain. Even if the smoke of gunpowder dissipates today and the blood fades, that Dan heart still shines on future generations and forges us forward. Today, let us look back on history, set off again, and feel and thank our ancestors for their struggles and sacrifices. In this issue, we will introduce you to the news figure - Xiang Jingyu.

Among the many shining stars, there was also such a bright actress in China's revolutionary history. She was brave and fearless, dedicated to her ideals, although her life journey was not long, but the legend she left behind is deeply engraved in the long river of history.

Xiang Jingyu, a good story of an era, a legend among women. At that time, China was suffering from foreign aggression and feudal oppression, and it was in need of a group of bloody and responsible revolutionaries to fight for the cause of national liberation. And Xiang Jingyu is one of the bright ones.

She is not only one of the original aspirants of the Communist Party of China, but also an important role in that period of history. In those difficult years, she appeared in various important meetings and actions, and worked hard for the party and the people. But fate was not kind to her. When she was 33 years old, a betrayal left her under siege. Despite this, she never bowed her head, persevered, and finally died heroically.

However, the spirit of this legendary woman has not disappeared. Her children and grandchildren have taken over the baton and have become role models for the times, passing on her spirit and bloodline.

Today, looking back at history, Xiang Jingyu's name has long become a symbol of the revolution, a hero who gave his life for the cause of the Chinese revolution. Everyone who knows her will be touched by her unwavering faith and perseverance.

In the turbulent year of 1895, Xiang Jingyu was born into a wealthy family in Hunan. Born into such a family, unlike other families, despite the fact that there are many siblings in the family, the girls here are not embroidered and polished, but study side by side with the boys and soar into the sky together.

When she was young, her family had sent her to a private school to study the scriptures with the boys. Two years later, Xiang Jingyu has been ahead of time, becoming the first local girl to step into a new school, shining brightly. Perhaps it was the dual influence of family background and school education that gave birth to a clear dream in her heart early on: to hone herself into a resilient and responsible woman.

At a time when the Xinhai Revolution was in full swing, the new trend of thought surging in China gradually shook people's hearts. At that time, Xiang Jingyu could not escape this trend, and was driven by this wave of passion. As a girls' school, she was deeply inspired by revolutionary ideas and regarded them as a kind of responsibility, that is, to participate in the construction of the future of the country and to pave the way for history.

It was in this context that she and the fates of the two giants, Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen, converged and wrote their own revolutionary chapter together.

In the autumn of 1918, when Xiang Jingyu learned that Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen had broken with tradition and founded the Xinmin Society, the flame of revolution in her heart was ignited. Not only did she join them, but she also actively spoke out in Hunan, calling on young women to go out of their homes, work and study, and become the pillars of the country.

At that time, the world was changing, and China was suffering from oppression from foreign powers. Xiang Jingyu, full of enthusiasm, decided to come forward. She took to the streets, raising her voice and calling on young people to join her in the fight against foreign aggression.

Two years later, Xiang Jingyu embarked on a journey to France. But this is not just a simple trip to study abroad, but a baptism of the soul. Every day in France, she was deeply exposed to the power of the working class and felt the tide of revolution. The communist ideology there was like an initiation, which made her completely awaken. She knows that this is exactly what China needs, the light that can lead China to glory.

However, Marxism is still new to China, and France and Russia have proven its worth. After some fierce inner struggle, Xiang Jingyu decided to introduce this powerful force into China. In France, she co-founded the birth of the Communist Party of China with Zhou Enlai and Li Lisan. This is not only a new beginning, but also a turning point in history.

Later, Mao Zedong also spoke highly of this contribution to the police. Her name has not only become one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, but also the soul and symbol of that great red era.

In the summer of 1921, Xiang Jingyu set foot on his homeland, carrying hope and enthusiasm, for the faith and ideals in his heart. Despite being only 26 years old, there was an unyielding fire burning in her eyes. In her eyes, China is at a turning point in history, and she wants to give her strength to it.

However, the situation changed, and soon after, Chiang Kai-shek's coup d'état began, and the whole of China seemed to enter darkness. At that time, many people chose to escape, but Xiang Jingyu decided to stick to it. She believes that Wuhan is an important position of the party, and her responsibility is to defend this land. Despite the risks, she always believes that only by persevering can she find the dawn of victory.

But fate doesn't always go your way. Soon, late one night, Xiang Jingyu was arrested and thrown into the prison of the Kuomintang. Despite being interrogated and tortured countless times, she never gave in, and her eyes were always full of determination and courage. She knows that what she carries is not only her personal destiny, but also the future of the party and the people.

Until the end, Xiang Jingyu wrote a touching chapter for history with his indomitable perseverance. Her heroic deeds will always be remembered in the hearts of future generations and become a role model for generations of young people. Her descendants have also been inspired by her, inheriting her heroic bloodline, and have made their own contributions to the prosperity and strength of the motherland, no matter where they are.

In the spring of 1922, Cai Ni came into this world as a baby, and her eyes seemed to carry the fate of the times. And in the winter not long after, little Cai Bo also followed, but then there was a deep deficiency - the figure of his parents gradually drifted away. The two children were taken back to the old house in Hunan by their grandmother, which was full of childhood memories but lacked the warmth of their parents.

Grandma would tell them stories about their parents, those days of struggle for the country and the people. Listening to these heroic epics, Cai Ni and Cai Bo have had a sense of pride since they were children, although there is always a gap in their hearts, and that is missing their parents.

After growing up, Cai Ni resolutely chose the path of medicine with the wisdom of her family, and used her medical skills to bring hope to people. However, fate always unexpected, and by chance, her talent was recognized by foreign Chinese universities and transformed into a translator. With her exceptional professional skills and in-depth understanding of foreign cultures, she became a leader of her time.

Cai Bo, on the other hand, chose the path of being closely connected with the country. He carried the mission of the family, shouldered the responsibility for the country, and became the elite of that era.

But time always changes everything in silence. In 2012, Cai Ni said goodbye to this world due to illness, leaving behind not only her legendary life, but also the family's traditions and beliefs.

Cai Bo stood in the wind and snow in the northeast, facing the fire of Anshan Iron and Steel Plant, and his heart was full of a sense of mission. With the rise of the Northeast Industrial Base, he, as a technical backbone, is the hope and core of the factory. In his eyes, every furnace of steel smelting is an oath to national construction and the inheritance of his parents' ideals.

After years of tempering, Cai Bo's technology matured, and gradually jumped from a grassroots technician to a decision-maker in the factory, and became the director of Anshan Iron and Steel Plant. He used his hands to weave the prosperity of the land of Anshan, and also contributed to the revitalization of Liaoning's industrial base.

In the academic hall of the capital, Cai Ni communicates with foreign counterparts and contributes to the country's diplomatic and cultural exchanges. The achievements of the two children are just like the parents' wish before their deaths, to strive for the strength and prosperity of the country.

On this land, generations of heroic sons and daughters have worked hard for the development of the country in their own ways. It is their tenacity and perseverance that have created one miracle after another that belongs to China, making our ancient land more prosperous after storms.

Xiang Jingyu, formerly known as Xiang Junxian, a native of the Tujia family, was born in 1895 in Lipu County, Hunan. An outstanding communist fighter and a loyal proletarian revolutionary, Mao Zedong considered her the only female founder of the Chinese Communist Party. On March 20, 1928, Xiang Jingyu, who was engaged in revolutionary work in Wuhan, was arrested for betrayal as a traitor, and on May 1, he was escorted to the Kongping Execution Ground in Yujili to die heroically at the age of 33.

Knowing books and reasoning, catkins are high

Xiang Jingyu was born in the home of the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Lipu County, Hunan, the family is wealthy, the family has a brother who studied in Japan, she has been deeply affected since she was a child, she entered a private school at the age of 6, and studied in a new primary school at the age of 8, it can be said that she has received a pioneer education since she was a child.

When she was 15 years old when she was studying in Changde, she married seven girls including Yu Manzhen (Ding Ling's mother) and Xu Youlian as seven sisters to discuss social issues together, and was known as the "Seven Sisters of Changde" in history. She then entered the Hunan Provincial No. 1 Women's Normal School and the Zhounan Girls' School, known as the "cradle of female revolutionaries".

During her studies, she changed her name to Jingyu, in order to be vigilant and resist the feudal forces, and also met Cai Hesen, Mao Zedong and others at Zhounan Girls' School, and accepted Marxist ideas. They also visited Yang Changji together to discuss revolutionary ideals and social issues. When she was young, she set up a long-term ambition to save the country and save the people, and longed to achieve a great cause one day, she once said: "If I can't do a great cause in the future, I will crush myself and burn myself to ashes!"

Not only that, but she also cares about current affairs and has a deep patriotic heart. When the "21 Articles" were signed, she and her classmates did not want to be spectators watching the fire from the other side, but chose to take to the streets together and raise their arms to arouse the enthusiasm of their compatriots to save the country and save the people.

In 1916, Xiang Jingyu returned to his hometown to establish Lipu Primary School, which cultivated a large number of talents with new ideas and made important contributions to society and education.

The strength of gold and stone, carrying a hug

Soon after Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen founded the Xinmin Society, Xiang Jingyu joined the society and played an important role in the development of the Xinmin Society, which later gave birth to a group of communists. After that, she also went to France to study with more than 30 people, including Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen. While in France, she studied many Marxist works and had extensive contact with Chinese and French workers, growing up to be a staunch Marxist. When she was in France, she also insisted on carrying out activities, and participated in and led the "February 28 Movement", "Refusal Struggle", and the occupation of the Sino-French University of Lyon.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Wuhan fell into a white terror. Xiang Jingyu was in danger, and the party organization persuaded her to leave many times, but she refused, just to guard the party's important position. As a result, she was active among the working masses during the day, and at night she had to write articles, edit manuscripts, and print periodicals, often staying up all night, contributing a lot to the party and the revolution.

On March 20, 1928, he was betrayed by a traitor and arrested by the police in Sandri, the French Concession. She refused to reveal a trace of secrecy under countless tortures, adhered to the noble character of a communist, put life and death aside, and finally walked to the execution ground with great righteousness.

Drink blood and sacrifice to be benevolent

Even though her figure is thin, her posture is extremely determined. In many dark and hopeless moments, she always had the infinite strength to fight and fight. It has been said, "The hymn of humanity is a hymn of courage, and the greatness of humanity is the greatness of bravery." There is no doubt that Xiang Jingyu is indeed a warrior, because she has always had the courage to face some seemingly hopeless moments, and she will always have infinite courage for the great cause she loves, even in the face of death.

She is brave and fearless, and at the same time, her heart is full of warm and full of emotions, so she is willing to burn to ashes for this great cause. She can let go of her children's personal feelings for the righteousness of her family and country, she is always guilty in front of her parents and family, she writes to her daughter in a true word, she is completely out of love for her children, and she is full of hope that her children will have a better future. And for such a future, she left willingly and resolutely went to the battlefield.

In the face of the enemy, she bluntly said: "Revolutionaries will not survive under your butcher's knife". When facing her own life, she said frankly: "The value of life is judged by the size of people's contribution to society." Therefore, she was very calm when she walked to the execution table, just because she had already made her own choice and completed the sublimation of her life.

Revolutionaries are not afraid of life or death. She knows that this path is right, so she must go on, whether she lives or dies, just because this is for a small family, for thousands of small families, she has become everyone. She had vowed that every tear and blood would be shed for the toiling masses. And she did, and she gave her strongest and deepest affection to this country, to this people, and she sacrificed her most sincere and vivid heart to the land she loved. Cai Hesen said that she is the eternal lover of the Chinese proletariat, because she will always love her own beliefs, like her other half of the soul.

And just like her speech before her death, she can finally hold up the banner of faith, let the people see hope in the darkness, and let hope come to the eyes of the people.

Maybe we are happy today, but we can still see the snow melting from the bright spring light in front of us, hiding the sweat and blood of heroes like Xiang Jingyu many years ago.

Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu: married in 1920, and finally both became righteous.

On the eve of the birth of New China, Mr. Liu Yazi, a veteran of the Kuomintang and a famous poet, used his poems to remember the Red Revolution partners Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu, who were heroic couples in the history of the Chinese revolution, who bravely sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause, and their heroic righteousness was respected from generation to generation.

Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu, important leaders of our party in the early days, their love was regarded as a model by countless revolutionary youth. However, along the way, they also encountered reef rapids and ultimately failed to reach the other side of life.

Cai Hesen was admitted to Hunan No. 1 Normal School with excellent results, and got acquainted with Mao Zedong and Xiao Zisheng, the four of them had similar interests and were known as the "Four Friends of Xiangjiang". At the initiative of Mao Zedong, they agreed together that "in order to seek the truth of national salvation, they are willing not to marry for the rest of their lives".

In April 1918, they founded the Xinmin Society together.

After graduating from Changsha Zhounan Girls' Normal School in 1916, Xiang returned to Hunan Province to found a new "Lipu Girls' School" and served as the principal herself.

She advocated the emancipation of women, and in order to liberate women's feet, she asked girls to put their feet at school and personally unwrapped their feet, creating a new era of women's feet.

Zhou Zefan, the deputy envoy of Xiangxi Town Guard and the commander of the Fifth District, who was stationed in Lipu, fell in love with Xiang Jingyu, so he sent someone to say goodbye to his family, and Xiang Jia's family was afraid of Zhou Zefan's power, so he had to reluctantly agree.

In order to get rid of Zhou Zefan's marriage proposal and not affect his family, Xiang Jingyu broke into Zhou's mansion alone, refused the matter in person, and firmly said: "Promise the country with your body, and never marry for life!"

Since then, Xiang Jingyu has had to leave his hometown and come to Changsha, where he lives in the home of Cai Chang, a classmate from Zhounan Girls' School. Here, she met Cai Chang's brother Cai Hesen.

At the end of 1919, more than 50 young students, including Cai Hesen, Xiang Jingyu and Cai Chang, took the French cruise ship "Entlepon" and set sail from the bustling Shanghai to study in France.

During the long 35-day voyage, Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu knew each other but rarely talked to each other, but the experience of this voyage allowed them to get to know and get to know each other better, and they often watched the sunrise together on the ship, discussing study and political issues together.

When the ship arrived at the port of Marseille, France, they were both pleasantly surprised to find that they had fallen in love with each other. After arriving in France, they were placed by the Sino-French Education Association in the Boys' High School and the Girls' High School in Mondani, more than 100 kilometers from Paris, to study French.

In a foreign land, they bravely open up their romance and have the unanimous support of their peers. In May 1920, Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu held a grand wedding in Montani, France.

Cai Hesen's mother, Ge Jianhao, saw that Xiang Jingyu was dressed plainly on weekdays, so she specially made a cheongsam for her. Xiang Jingyu happily said to her mother-in-law: "Although I am not usually used to wearing such clothes, for your sake, I will wear them today, even if it is only for an hour." This precious experience has become a strong stroke in their love story. Their love is unswerving, they support each other, and they have left an affectionate and touching story for future generations.

Ge Jianhao looked at Xiang Jingyu's slightly cramped expression after putting on the cheongsam, and suggested that she should not be reluctant. So, Xiang Jingyu did not wear this cheongsam at the wedding, but she has always treasured it.

In 1928, she changed into this cheongsam before her inauguration and calmly walked to the execution ground, although she had broken up with Cai Hesen by this time, she still hoped to express her nostalgia for her past love in this way.

At the wedding, Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu respectively recited poems written to each other during the journey, which were compiled into a collection of poems and named "Xiang Cai League". This shows not only that their union is not only a love covenant between a man and a woman, but also that they are closely cooperating in the cause of revolutionary ideals.

After getting married, Xiang Jingyu sent a postcard printed with a pair of cute children to his father, and she wrote on the postcard: "He Sen is the person I really love, and our interests are exactly the same.

The two children in this postcard are also in line with me and him, we are new people born in 2000 years, and we can be said to be children of the 21st century. ”

Cai Hesen reported to Mao Zedong about his marriage to Xiang Jingyu, Mao Zedong did not criticize but was very happy, and felt that the free love between the two was worthy of emulation. Their actions affected Mao Zedong's relationship with Yang Kaihui, Li Fuchun and Cai Chang.

Soon after, Cai Hesen was forcibly deported back to China by the French authorities, and Xiang Jingyu returned to China due to pregnancy. When their eldest daughter was born, they were unable to take care of her due to lack of financial ability and energy, so they sent her back to their hometown to be cared for by their relatives, and the couple devoted all their energy to the work of the party.

At the "Second National Congress" of the Party in 1922, Cai Hesen was elected as a member of the Central Committee and Minister of Propaganda of the Central Committee, and Xiang Jingyu was appointed as the Minister of Women of the Central Committee, and their work was even busier.

On May 25, 1924, Xiang Jingyu successfully gave birth to a lovely son named Cai Bo in Shanghai Xiangya Hospital. However, the birth of the child did not bring much laughter to Xiang Jingyu, because she needed to devote herself to her work at that time.

In less than a month, the son was handed over to Cai Hesen's sister to raise. In the Communist Party of China at that time, the "Xiang Cai League" played a pivotal role, and their common ideals and beliefs attracted countless progressive young people to join the revolution.

However, it was during this period that there was a rift in their marriage, because at that time there was a man named Peng Shuzhi in the party, who succeeded the ailing Cai Hesen as the head of the Central Propaganda Department as a member of the Central Committee, and also lived with Cai Hesen and his wife in the apartment of the Central Propaganda Department.

In June 1925, the central government arranged for Cai Hesen to leave his post and go to Beijing to recuperate, and Xiang Jingyu could only stay in Shanghai due to work needs, and could not follow Cai Hesen together.

Peng Shuzhi is a merry and talented character, and his personality and work style are completely different from Cai Hesen. Cai Hesen was a revolutionary who was completely devoted to his career, and his workmania often caused him to forget to sleep and eat, so that he became ill.

In addition, his personal hygiene was slightly inadequate, and lice occasionally appeared in his residence. However, due to her busy work, Xiang has no time to take care of Cai Hesen's life, and she is not good at housework, so the family sometimes breaks the meal.

Although the relationship between the two is sublime, it lacks a romantic atmosphere. And the story of "Xiang Cai League" also made Xiang Jingyu feel pressured, and she had to look as solemn as possible.

However, Peng Shuzhi's appearance changed all that. He not only took the initiative to take charge of the work of the Women's Committee, but also took care of Xiang Police in his daily life. After Cai and Sen arrived in Beijing, the relationship between the two became closer, and Xiang Jingyu felt very fresh about Peng Shuzhi's appearance, as if opening another window of emotion, and the two quickly fell in love.

In September of the same year, Cai Hesen's condition improved, and he returned to Shanghai with Chen Duxiu. Xiang Jingyu felt guilty about her husband, so she confessed everything. When Cai Hesen found out, he was hit hard, and he was silently speechless.

Chen Duxiu turned the tide and criticized Peng Shuzhi for retaining the "Xiang Cai Alliance". In order to renew their old relationship, he arranged for them to travel to the Soviet Union together. Xiang Jingyu entered Sun Yat-sen University for further study, while Cai Hesen attended the Sixth Enlarged Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Communist International.

However, after a few months together in the Soviet Union, they found it difficult to regain their former intimacy, and they parted peacefully in Moscow in 1926. Cai Hesen remained in Moscow as the CCP's representative to the Comintern, and at this time he was alone and in urgent need of someone to take care of him.

Li Yichun took the initiative to take on this task, and they gradually fell in love, and officially married at the end of 1926. Admirably, despite Cai Hesen's breakup with Xiang Jingyu, their alliance of ideals, careers, and friendship lasted until the end of their lives.

In April 1927, Xiang Jingyu saw his two children for the last time in Changsha. Under the arrangement of Cai Hesen's parents, the whole family took a "family photo" together.

Xiang Jingyu wrote several children's songs for children, one of which reads: "I hope you are like a bird, flying in the free sky and growing up in a society without exploitation!" ”

Xiang Gongyu bravely took justice, Cai Hesen mourned: Great police, heroic police, you didn't die, you never died! You are not Hesen's personal lover, you are the eternal lover of the Chinese proletariat!

The words of crying blood to the police are tear-jerking. In the spring of 1931, Cai Hesen was sent to Hong Kong to restore the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and he and Li Yichun rented a small house instead of a separate office in order to save money, which put them in an extremely unsafe environment.

To make matters worse, Gu Shunzhang, a big traitor to the party, also came to Hong Kong. On June 10, despite the dissuasion of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, Cai Hesen insisted on attending an important seamen's union meeting.

Before leaving, he said to Li Yichun: "I have to go to this meeting, if I don't come back before 1 p.m., I will be arrested." Unfortunately, Cai Hesen's words came true, and after he entered the venue, he was identified by Gu Shunzhang and arrested on the spot.

Subsequently, he was extradited by the Hong Kong authorities to the Kuomintang in Guangdong, and died heroically on August 1 at the age of 36. Although Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu both died, their children have grown up to be outstanding talents.

Cai Bo went to the Soviet Union in 1939 to study metallurgy, and after returning to China, he was arranged to work in the Anshan Iron and Steel Plant, with his excellent skills, he was soon appointed as the director of the Anshan Iron and Steel Plant, and became the first metallurgical expert in the mainland.

Under his leadership, Anshan Iron and Steel became a leading enterprise in the steel industry in mainland China.

Born into a revolutionary family, she lived in the Soviet Union for many years and graduated from a Moscow hospital and became a doctor. In 1976, when the country was in urgent need of Russian translators, she was transferred to Beijing University of Foreign Chinese as a professor, and trained a large number of outstanding talents.

She was the daughter of Cai Hesen and Li Yichun, went to Moscow to study in 1938, and returned to China in 1953 to become a high-level intellectual struggling on the medical front.

Nowadays, our new China is prosperous and prosperous, and our sons and daughters have grown up and become talents, and I believe that Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu must be very pleased to know underground.

She was the first female member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a women's minister, and the only female founder of the Communist Party of China. She had a huge influence on the Chinese revolution, but because she was betrayed by a traitor, she unfortunately fell into the clutches of the enemy, was brutally killed by the reactionaries, and died heroically at the age of 33.

Xiang Jingyu, formerly known as Xiang Junxian, was born in 1895 in a family of giants in Lipu County, Hunan, and was the ninth in the family, and her father was the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

After returning from studying in Japan, Xiang Jingyu's brothers are all progressive young people, and after returning from studying in Japan, they have taught all the new knowledge they have learned to Xiang Jingyu, hoping that she can one day go abroad and see the outside world.

In 1903, Xiang Jingyu's eldest brother founded a new primary school in the county seat, dedicated to the cause of education and national salvation. Under the persuasion of her brothers, Xiang Father finally broke the shackles of feudal traditional etiquette and agreed to send Xiang Jingyu to school, making her the first female student to enter Lipu County.

Under the influence of his brother, Xiang Jingyu received a new education, read a lot of progressive books and periodicals, and admired Qiu Jin, the heroine of Jianhu, and fantasized about becoming a heroine like her.

In 1910, 15-year-old Xiang Jingyu was sent to Changde to study in middle school, she and Yu Manzhen (the mother of the famous writer Ding Ling) and others married Jin Lan, and the seven sisters swore to the sky: "Swear to death to boost women's morale, promote the cause of equality between men and women, and complete the purpose of education to save the country!" ”

In 1911, after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Xiang Jingyu came to Changsha and was admitted to Zhounan Girls' School. In the face of the devastated land of China by the feudal dynasty, Xiang Jingyu was full of grief and indignation, and in order to alert herself to the resolute struggle against the feudal forces, she also changed her original name to Xiang Junxian to Xiang Jingyu.

While studying at Zhounan Girls' School, Xiang Jingyu got acquainted with Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen and others. After the signing of the "21 Articles" that humiliated the country, they organized a street speech activity for young students in Changsha to oppose the "21 Articles" and awaken compatriots to save the country and save the people.

In April 1918, Xiang Jingyu went to Beijing and joined the Xinmin Society founded by Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen, and became a real revolutionary comrade-in-arms with Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen and others.

In 1919, when the "May Fourth Movement" broke out, Xiang Jingyu organized the "Ten People's Group" to oppose Japan and save the country, led the school teachers and students to march, publicized the boycott of Japanese goods, and called on everyone to severely punish the traitors.

At this time, her family was also threatened by the Kuomintang because of her revolutionary actions, and not only removed Xiang Father from his position as president of the Chamber of Commerce, but also forced him to write a letter to call Xiang Jingyu home and strictly discipline him.

When the country and the nation were in danger, Xiang Jingyu had no time to take care of the interests of his family, so he replied to his father's request categorically, and continued to go around to make impassioned speeches to stimulate the sense of national rights of his compatriots.

Xiang Gongyu's heroic spirit of not letting the women have eyebrows made Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen and others all admire it to the extreme. Not only did Cai Hesen love her, but even Mao Zedong regarded her as his soul mate and respected her very much.

In 1920, Xiang Jingyu decided to go to France to study with his lover Cai Hesen and other progressive youths. While studying at the Université de la Womans de Muntagny in Paris, she published an article entitled "Discussion on Women's Liberation and Transformation", which shocked China and the rest of the world, and was the first to put forward the theory of combining China's women's movement with social transformation, showing her absolute height of understanding of the Chinese revolution.

In May of the same year, Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen became revolutionary partners. The two like-minded people, known as the "Xiang Cai Alliance" made in heaven, stood at the forefront of the struggle hand in hand.

In July 1920, Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen clearly proposed the establishment of the Communist Party of China, and practiced this matter with Zhou Enlai and Li Lisan in France, which coincided with the founding time of Mao Zedong and others in China. Therefore, she Mao Zedong called the only female founder of the Chinese Communist Party.

In 1922, Xiang Jingyu returned to China and entered the work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, becoming the first female member of the Central Committee and a woman minister in the history of our party.

In June 1924, Xiang Jingyu presided over the work of the women's movement in Shanghai, led more than 14,000 Shanghai women workers, carried out a huge general strike movement, and won the final victory of the strike movement. Not only have women workers won their due rights. It also closely united the broad masses of the women's class and laid a solid foundation for the development of the Chinese proletarian women's movement.

On May 30, 1925, when the May Day Massacre broke out in Shanghai, Xiang Jingyu actively organized and led the women of Shanghai to participate in the struggle, and personally led the women's department to take to the streets to carry out demonstrations and speeches and other propaganda offensives to expose the despicable crimes of imperialism in suppressing the workers' movement.

In October 1925, Xiang Jingyu and Cai Hesen were sent by the Central Committee to study at the Eastern Workers' Communist University in Moscow. While studying in Moscow, she and Cai Hesen broke up because of personality differences.

In March 1927, Xiang Jingyu returned from his studies and entered the Propaganda Department of the Wuhan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Soon after, the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke down, and the situation became treacherous and extremely dangerous. However, at this time, Xiang Jingyu had already put his personal life and death aside, and asked to continue to stay in Wuhan to carry out underground work and fight the Kuomintang reactionaries to the end.

On March 20, 1928, the traitor betrayed Xiang Gongyu's secret liaison point in Sandri, the French Concession in Hankow, to the Kuomintang, resulting in her being arrested by reactionary agents.

In order to obtain important confidential information from Xiang Yu, the spies tortured her to extract a confession, but she always strictly guarded the party's secrets and adhered to the ethics of a Communist Party member, showing the heroic righteousness and lofty character of a Communist Party member.

On May 1, 1928, a holiday belonging to the working class all over the world, the Kuomintang reactionaries decided to publicly execute Xiang Jingyu on this day to suppress the revolutionary fervor of the working class.

On the same day, Xiang Jingyu, who regarded death as home, was escorted by the reactionaries to the Kongping Execution Ground in Yujili. On the way, Xiang Jingyu stood in the prisoner car and gave the last speech of her life to the crowd. Looking at Xiang Jingyu, who was tortured to the point of being completely decent, the crowd who saw him off along the way was all staring.

Because Xiang Jingyu had a huge influence among the masses, her speeches and shouts made the Kuomintang reactionaries go deep into extreme fear. In order to stop her from speaking, the agents brutally stuffed her mouth with stones, sealed her mouth with duct tape, and slapped her cheeks with the belt, torturing her until she passed out in full view of everyone.

After Xiang Jingyu was sent to the Kongping Execution Ground in Yujili, the anger of the masses had been completely ignited, and they demanded her release. In order to suppress the revolt of the masses, the reactionaries mobilized heavy troops to suppress the formation, and quickly shot Xiang to the police.

Xiang was only 33 years old when he died heroically. Although she has left us forever, her revolutionary spirit is still like a happy dawn breaking through the dark night, brightening the way forward for future generations. Let us remember history, cherish the memory of the martyrs, and pay tribute to the martyrs in the hearts of the Chinese people, immortal.