
Brief introduction of martyr Xia Minghan


Let's revisit the red classics together, listen to the stories of the party's history, and understand the original mission. Today is the story of the revolutionary martyr Xia Minghan. The national first paper of the college entrance examination essay mentions four "revolutionary martyrs we admire", and one of them is him. He has become our national memory and has been deeply integrated into our blood and soul.

Before his execution, he wrote an inaugural poem that can be sung for the ages: "It doesn't matter if you cut off your head, as long as your doctrine is true." Killed Xia Minghan, and later generations. This poem has become one of the most precious revolutionary memories, which can be paid tribute to Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness": "It is majestic and majestic, and it is fierce and eternal." When it runs through the sun and the moon, life and death are sufficient. ”

His three letters from prison are extremely loving and sincere; His family was "full of loyal martyrs" and sacrificed for the country.

He is Xia Minghan, a revolutionary martyr born in Ziguizhou and only 28 years old when he died. On September 14, 2009, Xia Minghan was named one of the "100 Heroes and Exemplary Figures Who Made Outstanding Contributions to the Founding of the People's Republic of China".

On April 18 and early June, the reporter set foot on the red land of Guizhou twice, by paying homage to the statues of the martyrs, visiting the photo and document exhibitions, reviewing the moving stories of the martyrs during their lifetimes, and feeling the short but rich life of Xia Minghan's pursuit of truth and dedication to the revolution.

The original heart imprints the fist fist to report the national aspirations, Zheng Zheng's righteous poems

On March 20, 1928, Xia Minghan died heroically in the aftermath of Hankou, Wuhan. Before the execution, this arrogant iron-blooded man left a swan song for the ages with his life, which also became a battle document for "later generations" to follow the revolution!

Xia Minghan was born in 1900 in Ziguizhou, where his father lived in the official, and returned to his hometown of Hengyang with his family at the age of 12. Xia Minghan's grandfather, Xia Shiji, was a Qing Dynasty jinshi, and his mother, Chen Yunfeng, was born in a scholarly family and was open-minded. Xia Minghan, who was born in a family of eunuchs, was his grandfather's favorite grandson. However, after witnessing the miserable scene of the people's misery in the troubled times, Xia Minghan planted the seeds of revolution and serving the country in his heart, and made "foreign boats floating on the water, and foreign flags floating in the air" at an early age. Foreigners play prestige, and the country's shame and hatred are difficult to eliminate. Such verses. When he was a child, he was in Huizhou, and he also liked to listen to his beautiful mother talk about Qu Yuan's "Ode to Orange", etc., and could recite many famous works of national heroes and patriots.

When Xia Minghan was a student, he hated the Beiyang warlords, and the story of satirizing the warlords with comics and poems was widely circulated among his classmates. In 1919, Xia Minghan led the students of the Shonan Student Federation to the streets to ban and burn Japanese goods. In the autumn of 1920, Xia Minghan escaped from the family with the help of his mother and younger brother Xia Mingzhen, and successively worked and studied at the Cultural Book Society, Hunan Self-study University, and Xiangjiang Middle School. Under the training, education and introduction of Mao Zedong and He Shuheng, he joined the Communist Party of China in the winter of 1921.

From 1922 to 1927, Xia Minghan participated in organizing and launching a strike of rickshaw workers in Changsha. In February 1927, at the invitation of Mao Zedong, Xia Minghan came to the Wuhan National Peasant Movement Training Institute to serve as the secretary general of the National Peasant Association and Mao Zedong's secretary. In June 1927, Xia Minghan served as a member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and head of the Organization Department. After the 87 Conference, he was responsible for the liaison work of the Autumn Harvest Uprising. In October, he concurrently served as secretary of the Pingjiang Liuyang Special Committee, leading the Pingjiang peasant uprising.

In early 1928, Xia Minghan was a member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and was arrested on March 18 for betrayal by a traitor, and he wrote three letters home to his mother, wife and eldest sister while in prison. In a letter to his mother Chen Yunfeng, Xia Minghan wrote: "Dear mother, don't be sad, don't whimper, don't let Zigui be blinded by blood, and don't send tears to the world. The children don't see their mother's temples white, but I believe you will see the red flag we have raised fluttering in the blue sky of the motherland! ”

In a letter to his eldest sister Xia Mingwei, Xia Minghan firmly said: "What people should do, how to go on the road, there must be a correct answer." I have no regrets in my life, and I have recognized the truth of communism, which is to create happiness for the liberation of mankind, so I dare to go up the mountain of swords, dare to break through the sea of fire, and am willing to throw my head and spill my blood. ”

The last words he left to his wife Zheng Jiajun were: "Persist in the revolution and follow my aspirations, and vow to pass on the truth to the world!" ”

On March 20, Xia Minghan bravely took justice. On March 22, after his death, his younger brother Xia Mingzhen died heroically in the Shonan riots at the age of 21; In June of the same year, his sister Xia Mingheng faced the capture of the enemy, jumped into the lake and died, at the age of 26; The seventh brother, Xia Mingli, was brutally killed when he organized the New Year's Pass riot in Hengyang, when he was less than 20 years old; His nephew, Wu Yizhuang, was shot and died in a fierce battle with the Kuomintang army at the age of 19.

The red torch inherits the martyr's ambition and is a good descendant

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xia Minghan's wife Zheng Jiajun made a special trip to Wuhan to pay tribute to Xia Minghan, and wrote a poem full of affection, remembering her husband who was martyred, which wrote: "The white bones push the waves and roll the waves, and the heart will always shine on future generations." I am happy to see that the future is red, and the heroic soul looks at the morning light with a smile. ”

On May 13th, CCTV's "News Network" with the title of "Xia Minghan: Dan Xin's Forever Shines on the "Later People"", showed Xia Minghan's heroic deeds, Guo Bingqian, a party member of the Guizhou Town Government Organ, said after watching, "As a young party member in the birthplace of Xia Minghan martyrs, I will inherit the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs, conscientiously study the history of the party, inherit the red gene, take root at the grassroots level, do practical things and good things for the people in a down-to-earth manner, and be a good 'descendant' in the new era." Jiang Qi, director of the office of the County Forestry Bureau, said: "Xia Minghan is an outstanding son and daughter of Zigui, and he died heroically for the cause of the Chinese revolution. We must inherit Xia Minghan's unswerving ideals and beliefs, the dedication of putting others before ourselves, and the style of working hard, and contribute to the construction of Zigui's 'four counties and four districts' with the responsibility of 'descendants'. ”

In Guizhou New Town, Xia Minghan, like Qu Yuan, is a household name. The two of them, one is the ancestor of Chinese poetry and the other is a revolutionary hero, although they are separated by more than 2,000 years, they share the same patriotic gene. In order to commemorate this hero who formed a life and death relationship with Guizhou, in 2006, Guizhou Town Junior High School was renamed Guizhou Town Xia Minghan Junior High School, and became the Yichang City Party History Education Base. The school makes full use of this unique educational resource to unite, enlighten, educate and inspire people with the spirit of Mingham. While focusing on cultivating students' core literacy and humanistic values, we also strive to cultivate the red revolution gene. With the goal of "spiritual pursuit, cultural taste, innovation ability, and school characteristics", in the process of exploration and practice, the moral education school-based curriculum of "learning from Xia Minghan and being a good successor" has been gradually formed. Since 2015, the school has organized large-scale theatrical performances and commemorative activities around the martyr's inauguration day every year.

On August 11, 2006, Zigui County, together with Yichang media, visited and interviewed Xia Minghan's biological daughter Xia Yun in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, as a native of Xia Minghan's martyr's hometown. On March 20, 2007, Zigui County held its first grand gathering to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the martyr Xia Minghan's heroic righteousness.

On April 17 this year, the bust of Xia Minghan stood in Guizhou, and on April 18, the reporter came to the statue with the Zigui Federation of Literary and Art Circles writers and a group of writers. On April 20, the Party History Learning and Education Base of Guizhou Town was completed, which presented Xia Minghan's life and deeds with a large number of pictures, texts and first-hand documents. Since its construction, there has been a steady stream of visitors, and more and more people have drawn strength from it.

For a hundred years, orange blossoms bloom full of eyes, and the original heart will always be remembered

"To peel off an orange / is to peel off a corner of Guizhou / Juicy oranges are all over the mountains / Every petal is a Chu country." A poet wrote about Guizhou. More than 2,000 years ago, the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan used a poem "Ode to Oranges" to establish Guizhou's cultural status as a large town of navel oranges. Yes, Guizhou is a cultural town, a red fertile soil, and a navel orange town. The first navel orange base in Zigui was built in Guizhou, and one gold medal after another came out of the navel orange orchard in Guizhou. Guizhou navel oranges are sold in the north and south of the country and exported to all over the world, winning the honor of "navel orange county" and "citrus hometown" in China. The town's citrus-led characteristic agriculture, ecological agriculture and sightseeing agriculture have become a beautiful scenery of the Xiajiang River.

Located on the bank of Xiangxi, Guizhou Wangusi Village is known as "the first village of Chinese Qu family". On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, we once again visited this beautiful village with beautiful scenery and orange fragrance. Qu Jiaming, secretary of the Wangusi village branch, told reporters that there are still more than 1,000 villagers surnamed Qu in the village.

Walking into Wangusi Village, some villagers are tying wormwood and tending to calamus, ready to hang on the door. In this village, in front of the house and behind the house, on the flat slope, you can see orange trees everywhere, and even on the wall of the village committee, there is a copy of Qu Yuan's "Ode to Oranges". "We have a citrus planting area of 3,800 acres in the whole village of Wangu Temple, with an annual output of more than 7,000 tons of high-quality navel oranges, and are now vigorously promoting the backbone enterprise + cooperative + party branch + farmer model." Qu Jiaming said that Qu Yuan is the cultural source of Guizhou, and Xia Minghan implanted the red gene in Guizhou, and the economy of Guizhou should rely on these two forces to compete for the advanced position.

On November 20, 2020, the commemoration of the 120th anniversary of Xia Minghan's birth and the groundbreaking of the Red Culture Research Base Project in Xia Minghan's hometown were held at the former site of the old Qu Yuan Temple in Guizhou Town. More than 10 guests, experts and scholars, including Zhang Pu, the grandson of martyr Xia Minghan and former director of the Liaison Bureau of the National People's Congress, attended the event. Zhang Pu donated a batch of historical materials of the martyrs of Xia Minghan to Xia Minghan Middle School, including the "Glorious Memorial Certificate" issued by Mao Zedong for the families of the martyrs, and the "Poems of Righteousness" written by Zheng Jiajun, the wife of the Xia Minghan martyrs.

The Red Culture Research Base in Xia Minghan's hometown is planned by Zigui County, and the main construction content is Xia Minghan Red Culture Lecture Hall, Xia Minghan Martyrs Deeds Exhibition Room, Xia Minghan Cultural Square, Guizhou Memory Museum, Lao Zigui City Sculpture, and other supporting facilities. After the completion of the base, it can meet the functions of the research team to exchange and observe, and spread the red culture of Guizhou. According to reports, the total investment of the project is more than 50 million yuan, divided into two phases of construction, the first phase of the project is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

In 1928, in a dark and damp interrogation room, the interrogator looked fierce: "What's your last name?" The young man on the other side was calm and replied, "My surname is Dong." The interrogator was surprised: "You obviously have the surname Xia, why do you say that your surname is Dong?" It's just nonsense! The young man sneered: "I speak according to your logic. Your logic is to turn black and white upside down, to confuse right and wrong. You speak of murder as mercy, and betrayal as patriotism. I also use your logic to say that the surname Xia is surnamed Dong, which is called fighting poison with poison. The interrogator was anxious and asked, "How old are you?" ”

The young man replied loudly: "I am the Communist Party, long live the Communist Party!" ”…… The interrogator's patience was finally exhausted, and he yelled, "Where are all your people? The young man said, "Of course I know, they are all in my heart." After hearing this, the interrogator could no longer bear it anymore and tortured him to extract a confession, and the young man was tortured without revealing any information. On March 20, he was taken to the execution ground and brutally murdered. This young man was none other than Xia Minghan, who was only 28 years old when he died heroically.

Xia Minghan was born in 1900 in Zigui, Hubei, and returned to his hometown of Hengyang with his family at the age of 12. After witnessing the miserable scene of the people's misery in the troubled times, Xia Minghan planted the seeds of revolution to serve the country in his heart. When he was young, he made "foreign boats float on the water, and foreign flags float in the air." Foreigners play prestige, and the country's shame and hatred are difficult to eliminate". After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, Xia Minghan, who was only 19 years old, together with his progressive classmates, enthusiastically threw himself into this vigorous anti-imperialist and anti-feudal patriotic struggle. In the winter of 1921, under the introduction of Mao Zedong and He Shuheng, Xia Minghan joined the Communist Party of China and participated in leading the strike struggle of rickshaw workers. Subsequently, he presided over and led the peasant movement and participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising. At the same time, he encouraged his loved ones to join the armed struggle. At the beginning of 1928, he was unfortunately arrested for betrayal by a traitor. When Xia Minghan knew that his life was coming to an end, he endured severe pain and wrote three letters home to his mother, wife and eldest sister with half of a pencil and paper thrown to him by the enemy to write a "confession". In a letter to his mother, he wrote: "Dear mother, don't be sad, don't whimper, don't let Zigui be blinded by blood, don't send tears to your children's world. The children don't see their mother's temples white, but I believe you will see the red flag we have raised fluttering in the sky of the motherland! ”

In a letter to his eldest sister Xia Mingwei, Xia Minghan firmly said: "We are not guilty, we have to fight." There must be the right answer to what people should do and how to go on the road. I have no regrets in my life, and I have recognized the truth of communism, which is to create happiness for the liberation of mankind, so I dare to go up the mountain of swords, dare to break through the sea of fire, and am willing to throw my head and spill my blood. ”

Although the Kuomintang seized and burned the three original letters that had been passed on to his relatives after twists and turns, Xia Minghan's poetic language written in blood and tears has always been engraved in the hearts of his relatives. In the early morning of March 20, Xia Minghan was escorted to the Yujili Execution Ground in Hankou. Before the execution, the enemy asked Xia Minghan what else he had to say! He exclaimed, "Yes, bring me pen and paper!" So, he wrote that deafening poem with a stroke of his pen: "It doesn't matter if you cut off your head, as long as your doctrine is true." Kill Xia Minghan, and the descendants! ”

Yes, people can't stand without spirit, and the country can't stand without spirit! Let us pay tribute to countless revolutionary martyrs like Xia Minghan! This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, let us always remember - without the Communist Party, there would be no New China!

Xia Minghan's grandfather and father were both Qing government officials. In 1917, Xia Minghan went against his grandfather's wishes and was admitted to the mechanical department of the Provincial No. 3 A Industrial School. In April 1918, Wu Peifu captured Hengyang City. During this period, Xia Minghan angrily wrote a satirical painting with a poem: "The eyes are big and good at observing the wind and color, the mouth is wide and can pat the horse and brag, the long hands can make more fame and fortune, and the short body is good to bend the knee and kowtow." ”

Since the Xia family is a big local family, Wu Peifu brought the word screen of "Degai Hengyue, full of reputation and steaming Hunan" to visit Xia Shiji in Xia Mansion, intending to win over. When Xia Minghan learned about it, he immediately rushed into the hall, tore the word screen into pieces, and scattered it all over the ground.

In the autumn of 1920, Xia Minghan became acquainted with Mao Zedong with the help of He Shuheng, became the first batch of students of the Hunan Self-Study University founded by Mao Zedong, and began to read a lot of progressive books and periodicals. Because Xia Minghan was born in a wealthy family, Mao Zedong jokingly called Xia Minghan "much stronger than Jia Baoyu in "Dream of Red Mansions". In the winter of 1921, introduced by Mao Zedong and He Shuheng, Xia Minghan joined the Communist Party of China. On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek staged a counter-revolutionary coup d'état in Shanghai, massacring the Communists and the revolutionary masses. Furious and grief-stricken, Xia Minghan wrote: "The more you kill, the more daring you are, and you are not afraid to kill." If you don't behead the thief, how can you thank the world! He joined the revolutionary army of the Second Northern Expedition, served as the minister of propaganda, and drove with the army to the front line in Henan.

After the defeat of the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee appointed Xia Minghan to concurrently serve as the secretary of the Ping (Jiang) and Liu (Yang) Special Committee, and the main task was to continue to organize the uprising with Ping and Liu as the center, so as to cooperate with the struggle in Jinggangshan. In March 1928, due to the defection of the traffic officer Song Ruolin, when he returned to the Oriental Hotel in Hankou to prepare for the transfer, Song Ruolin led the military police to arrest Xia Minghan.

After being imprisoned, he underwent several trials. The presiding judge asked, "What's your last name?" Xia Minghan replied: "The surname is Dong." "You obviously have the surname Xia, why do you say that the surname is Dong! That's nonsense! "I spoke according to the logic of the Kuomintang. Your logic is to turn black and white upside down, to confuse right and wrong, and you speak of murder as mercy and betrayal of the country as patriotism. I also use your logic to say that the surname 'Xia' is the surname 'Dong', which is called fighting poison with poison. The presiding judge asked a few more questions, but could not ask anything. In the end, only "summary execution" can be declared.

In prison, Xia Minghan knew that his life was coming to an end, so he endured the pain and wrote three letters to his mother, wife, and eldest sister with half a pencil.

In his suicide note to his mother, he wrote: "You raised my childhood with a loving mother's heart, and you opened up my heart with excellent classical poetry." My grandfather scolded me and locked me up, and the reactionaries tortured me in every way. Dear Mom, you have never been out of place with them. You only teach your children to eliminate evil for the people and evil for the country. At the critical moment when my younger siblings and I joined the revolution, you gave us spiritual care and material support. Dear mother, don't be sad, don't whimper, don't let Zigui be blinded by blood, don't send tears to the world. The children don't see their mother's temples white, but I believe you will see the red flag we have raised fluttering in the blue sky of the motherland! ”

In a letter to his wife Zheng Jiajun, he wrote: "Comrades once said that only Jiajun is good in the world, and today I feel that you are a woman. I have no sorrows, no tears, no selfish thoughts in my life, you must not be sad and sad and tearful. Looking at the eyes, in this world, how many couples have been old together for a hundred years? Throwing his head and spilling blood, Minghan has long regarded it as idle. 'To each according to his needs' will come a day, and the revolutionary cause will be passed on from generation to generation. Hongzhu is longing for lovesickness, and Chiyun (Xia Minghan's daughter Xia Yun) is an orphan who hopes to be fulfilled, insists on the revolution and follows my will, and vows to pass on the truth to the world! ”

There is a scene in "Ask the Boundless", Xia Minghan gave his wife a small red bead and attached a sentence: "Giving you red beads is like giving your heart, I hope your heart is like my heart." ”

Soon after, 28-year-old Xia Minghan was arrested and his daughter was just born.

He and his wife Zheng Jiajun have been married for less than 3 years, and they have been separated from each other for a long time, and the days they have been together can be counted on two hands.


Xia Minghan was born in a feudal family, and his ancestors were officials for generations. He has lived with his grandparents since he was a child, and before he could speak, his grandfather held him in his arms and read him the "Three Character Classic" and "Thousand Character Text". He hopes that when his grandson grows up, he can be named on the gold list and be knighted. Unexpectedly, when he grew up, Xia Minghan disdained his grandfather's bureaucratic style.

Once I saw my grandfather and the Beiyang warlord Wu Peifu talking at home, and Wu Peifu also gave my grandfather a pair of autographed inscriptions.

Just when Grandpa was happily about to hang it on the wall, Xia Minghan grabbed it without saying a word and tore it to pieces.

The estrangement between the grandfather and grandson is getting deeper and deeper.

On the contrary, my father and mother supported the revolution and favored the reform. 's mother even disapproves of Xia Minghan's death in studying, and often tells Xia Minghan stories about famous generals to cultivate children's patriotism and national consciousness.

Xia Minghan's ideal of industrial salvation, during his time in school, he was determined to study hard, began to accept progressive ideas, and after the teacher's introduction, he secretly organized the revolutionary group "Xueyou Mutual Aid Association" with Jiang Xianyun and other classmates.

After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Xia Minghan and people from all walks of life in Hengyang established patriotic organizations and launched a campaign to ban Japanese goods.

He first checked from his own house, found out all the Japanese goods that his grandfather had hidden in the wall of the wing, and burned them in the yard. Grandpa was so angry with him that his nostrils were smoking, and decided to lock him in the house and let him think about it behind closed doors. also said cruelly: "If you don't think about repentance, take him to the sinking pool!" Ancestor worship! ”

However, her mother was very supportive of Xia Minghan's revolution, and she secretly asked Xia Minghan's younger brother to bring an ax and let Xia Minghan break through the window.

Before Xia Minghan left, he cut down the osmanthus tree in his grandfather's yard that symbolized official fortune, and cut off relations with his grandfather, and then left home angrily.

Grandpa was very angry when he found out and decided to cut off Xia Minghan's financial resources. Fortunately, his mother supported him and secretly sold some jewelry to fund her son's revolutionary cause.

In this way, Xia Minghan broke with his feudal family and officially embarked on the road of revolution


Xia Minghan and his wife Zheng Jiajun met in the fall of 1925.

Zheng Jiajun is a female spinning factory worker from a poor family. I haven't read a book for a day, but I have a kind heart, not only embroidery, but also needlework.

Zheng Jiajun admired Xia Minghan's courage and strategy, and admired him very much.

Xia Minghan also likes Zheng Jiajun's integrity, firmness, intelligence and sensitivity.

In 1926, the two got married. The wedding room had only one bed, a table and a few chairs. The only "ornament" is a couplet given by friends: "There is only a good family in the world, who is better than Minghan in the world." ”

Although Xia Minghan and Zheng Jiajun are not in the right household, since they got married, the two agreed that in addition to work, Zheng Jiajun would follow him to read and write, and study culture wholeheartedly.

Mr. Summerham, who had previously been a night school teacher, was teaching his wife tailor-made materials, making up stories and telling jokes to inspire her.

With the help of her husband, Zheng Jiajun can not only read the newspaper normally, but also write poems and lyrics and couplets.

After Xia Minghan died, Zheng Jiajun wrote a poem to commemorate his deceased husband:

He gave his heart to the party, and devoted his life to the people. The blood is spilled on the execution ground, and the loyal soul still surrounds Hanyang City······

After leaving the school, Zheng Jiajun served as Xia Minghan's right-hand man and helped him complete the revolutionary task together.

During the White Terror, Zheng Jiajun pretended to be different identities many times, took documents with her husband, and met comrades. Sometimes it's the daughter of a famous family, sometimes it's a rich wife, and she cleverly deals with enemies.

In early 1928, Xia Minghan was transferred to Wuhan to participate in the leadership of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, and he wrote a long letter to say goodbye to his wife and newborn daughter.

In the end, he left a bloody kiss mark on the letter, but he didn't expect that this walk would be a life-and-death parting.

On March 18, 1928, he was betrayed by a traitor and was being arrested while packing his belongings at the hotel where he was preparing to be transferred.

The inquisitor, however, said everything he knew for the sake of his elderly mother and newborn child.

But Xia Minghan reluctantly refused, and he had already decided to sacrifice his life for the revolutionary cause.

Two days later, Shamingham was shot at the age of 28.

His wife, Zheng Jiajun, promised to raise this descendant well and live up to Xia Minghan's heroism.

Although Xia Minghan was born in a family of bureaucrats, he did not have any bad habits of a young master, and he also helped the poor people fight the landlords and protect the interests of the peasants.

His marriage to his wife Zheng Jiajun was short, but it was unforgettable and moving.