
I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

author:Yijia Viewpoint 818
I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees
I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

On the Internet, seeing a video makes people's hearts warm!

A group of children played happily in the martyrs' cemetery, but it did not make people angry, but it was very harmonious.

The meaning of the martyrs' cemetery is like this, and the heroes of the older generation also want their children and grandchildren to be around their knees.


The martyrs paid with their lives so that our descendants could play happily and freely, instead of being underfed and clothed.

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

How happy the martyrs should be to watch these children grow up!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees
I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees
I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees
I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

I would like to believe that all this is providential, predestined in the dark!

The martyr also wants to see the changes in the world after his sacrifice, and he also wants to live again.

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

This suggestion can be mentioned by the deputies to the National People's Congress!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

I think that's great!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

This parent's idea is really amazing! We can't say that he is lazy, we can only say that the name of the martyr is good!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

This young lady is also very loving in her heart!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

Indeed, the heroic spirit of the martyrs endures!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

For the martyrs, this habit really needs to be cultivated from an early age!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

This passage really brought tears to my eyes!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

The martyrs deserve to be remembered forever

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees

In the torrent of time, there is always such a group of people, who have great ambitions, carry their family and country, shoulder morality with iron shoulders, and forge loyalty with blood. They are the heroes of the older generation, they once dreamed of their children and grandchildren around their knees and sharing the joy of family, but fate pushed them to another battlefield, where there is a lot of gunsmoke and war, full of sacrifice and dedication.

They are the witnesses of history and the creators of history. Their names may not be well known to everyone, but their achievements are forever engraved on the monuments of history. They used their lives to interpret what is a real hero and what is a fearless sacrifice.

In that stormy era, they left their wives and children at home and resolutely embarked on the journey. They knew that this departure might be goodbye, but they did not flinch or hesitate. Because they have a belief in their hearts, that is, for the independence of the nation and the happiness of the people, they are willing to give everything, even their lives.

They fought valiantly and fearlessly on the battlefield. They used their flesh and blood to build a strong line of defense. They used their lives to compose magnificent songs of triumph. Their names may not be loud, but their spirit will always inspire us to move forward.

However, the pages of history are limited, and it cannot fully record the deeds of every hero. Those heroic and fearless figures, those touching stories, in the long river of history, may only be turned into short words, or even forgotten in the corner. But even so, we must not forget them, and we must not forget those martyrs who sacrificed for their ideals.

Their greatness lies not only in their exploits and sacrifices, but also in their spirit and quality. They have firm beliefs and selfless dedication, and they have an indomitable will and a courageous spirit. These spirits and qualities are the treasures of our nation and our eternal wealth.

Whenever I think of those heroes of the older generation, my heart is full of respect and emotion. They have paid too much for the independence of the nation and the happiness of the people. They gave up their small personal family and chose sacrifice and dedication for the sake of everyone. This spirit, this quality, is worth learning and inheriting from each of us.

In this era of peace, we may have stayed away from the smoke of gunpowder and the flames of war, but the spirit of fighting for ideals and the quality of sacrificing for the nation and the people will never become obsolete. We should always remember those heroes of the older generation, whose spirit will always inspire us to move forward.

Perhaps, we cannot be as heroic on the battlefield as they are, but we can fight for ideals and beliefs like them. We can study and work hard for the prosperity of our country and the happiness of our people. We can contribute to the progress of society and human civilization. These are the best commemoration and inheritance of the heroes of the older generation.

Let's remember the heroes of the older generation! Their names may have faded from our sight, but their spirit is forever etched in our hearts. Let us follow their example, strive for our ideals and beliefs, and work hard for the happiness of the country and the people!

When we look up at the stars, we can perhaps imagine the souls of those heroes watching us from above. They have witnessed our growth and progress, and we look forward to continuing their legacy. Let us not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, and meet the challenges of the future with firmer beliefs and higher morale!

In the long river of time, the heroes of the older generation will always shine. Their spirit will always inspire us and be an inextinguishable beacon in our hearts. Let us take them as an example and use our actions to write a new chapter in the new era!

I suddenly felt that the meaning of the martyrs' cemetery was like this, and the heroes of the older generation also wanted their children and grandchildren to go around their knees
