
There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

author:Entertainment gossip


There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Text | Eight melon fish

Edit | Eight melon fish

"You took a large-scale photo shoot at the age of 17, why did you make such a decision?"

Faced with the host's sharp questions.

Shu Qi did not try to hide his inglorious past.

Because she did rely on "becoming famous" to enter the public's field of vision.

However, he was pulled back to the "right path" by Leslie Cheung's words.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

01 A poor girl who "went astray".

No one will go astray for no reason.

Shu Qi is no exception.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Like most "bad girls".

Shu Qi's original family was not happy.

Her mother gave birth to her when she was 18 years old.

I'm still at an age where I don't know anything about the world.

Not to mention being a dutiful mother.

Therefore, Shu Qi's childhood education was "either beaten or scolded".

With the addition of another "younger brother" in the family.

Shu Qi's status at home has become more and more "dangerous".

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Many times, Shu Qi only needs to hear the sound of a motorcycle coming from outside the door.

You'll want to hide.

Because that was the "teaser" of my father's return.

It is also a "sign" that I will be scolded at any time.

A gloomy childhood is destined to breed a pathetic girl.

So Shu Qi has ushered in a crazy rebellious period since he was 14 years old.

Smoking, drinking, falling in love, running away from home......

She did all the things she shouldn't have done at this age.

Until there was an accident on the way to drag racing.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

The front of the motorcycle suddenly swayed uncontrollably from side to side.

Immediately afterwards, Shu Qi was thrown out heavily.

When he was taken to the hospital, he found that the bone in his shoulder had been broken.

Facing unaffordable medical bills.

Shu Qi's first thought was not her mother.

It's the owner who works in a bar by himself.

The boss who received the call rushed to the hospital to pay the medical bills.

At the same time, Shu Qi's mother was also contacted.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

As expected, Shu Qi ushered in another accusation in the ward.

Her mother's ruthlessness completely disappointed her.

Until the end of the surgery.

A friend secretly told Shu Qi.

During the time she had surgery, her mother was crying.

But this belated maternal love can no longer move Shu Qi.

She chose a more rebellious and crazy path.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

02 "I took it off just for red."

16 years old, the age of flowers.

Shu Qi walked on the street and was fooled by a talent scout into a modeling agency.

Under the praise of "sugar-coated cannonballs" one after another.

Shu Qi believed the lie of "dedication to art" in the other party's mouth.

took the first large-scale photo album in his life.

With her proud figure, the photo album sold faster than she expected.

Almost every man in Taiwan has one in his hand.

At that time, a man named Ke Junxiong also saw this photo.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Ke Junxiong is a Taiwanese actor with a "underworld background".

It just so happened that the "Fengyue film" at that time was encroaching on the mainstream market.

So he used his own power to poach Shu Qi.

On the surface, in the name of "cherishing talents", in fact, they use power for personal gain.

personally went into battle and Shu Qi made a movie called "Spirit and Desire".

The scale is staggering.

But as soon as the movie came out, Shu Qi's posters were plastered all over the streets.

At the same time, a Hong Kong man named Wen Jun is also eyeing her.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Wen Jun is director Wang Jing's agent.

The two hit it off after watching Shu Qi's performance in the film.

It was decided to poach people from Taiwan and bring them to Hong Kong for their own use.

It just so happened that Shu Qi also wanted to escape from the strange eyes of the people around him.

The two still made an appointment with Ke Junxiong to talk about the "contract change" for themselves.

Unexpectedly, Ke Junxiong suddenly turned his face.

opened his mouth and asked for 5 million Hong Kong dollars in liquidated damages.

Even Wang Jing believes that Shu Qi will create more wealth for himself in the future.

But 5 million is still a lot of money.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Fortunately, there is no endless road.

Just when Wang Jing and Wen Jun were in a hurry.

The two suddenly discovered that Shu Qi was under the age of 16 when he signed the contract with the other party.

According to the laws of Taiwan at that time, it was untenable.

Just don't do it and keep doing it.

The two of them took Shu Qi away without paying a penny.

Ke Junxiong didn't want to swallow this breath.

But he was in the critical period of running for legislature that year.

had to let the other party pick up a bargain in vain.

It's a pity that Shu Qi's fate was not saved.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

I thought it would be a different world when I arrived in Hong Kong.

I didn't expect to go around and make a Fengyue movie.

Uphold the mentality of "come and come".

Shu Qi took off his clothes again.

With the advent of Wang Jing's tailor-made Fengyue movie for her.

Shu Qi has become the goddess in the hearts of countless "otaku".

Even many "social bigwigs" covet her.

Fortunately, Wang Jing guarded the last bottom line for Shu Qi.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

At that time, Wang Jing received "messages" from many bigwigs.

Without exception, they all wanted to ask Shu Qi to "eat" through their own line.

It even said that the price can be opened casually.

Although Wang Jing is famous for her love of "just bad money".

But he still turned down those ill-intentioned invitations one by one.

And Shu Qi has also become his "cash cow" under his protection.

The film is being shot more and more, the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the popularity is getting higher and higher.

But her mother, who was far away in Taiwan, was scolded by Shu Qi's grandmother.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20
"How can you watch your own daughter shoot something like that!"

Grandma beat her chest angrily, and she was an output to Shu Qi's mother.

After all, Shu Qi's film is too widespread.

So the relatives at home also knew what Shu Qi was doing outside.

Even Shu Qi's mother already understands how to educate her children.

But she had missed the opportunity to educate her children.

Although I am sad about my daughter's current situation, I am helpless.

And Shu Qi on the other side has grown older.

As her mind matures, she also falls into doubt about her current situation.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

In interviews many years later.

Shu Qi once revealed that the reason why he agreed to shoot that large-scale photo book back then.

It's because of youth and ignorance.

Simply thinking that he is in good shape and being praised by others is "capital".

When she no longer wants to make a living by selling her beauty.

only to find that the clothes that had been taken off by myself were not so easy to put back on.

Luckily, fate finally decided to favor her once when she was 20 years old.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

03 "You don't take the sexy route, you can also act well. ”

20-year-old Shu Qi received an olive branch from director Er Dongsheng.

A script called "Erotic Men and Women" was handed to him.

Shu Qi even tugged at his hair to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

After all, she is about to cooperate with first-line stars such as Leslie Cheung and Karen Mok.

However, after seeing that his role in the script is still a model who wants to shoot large-scale scenes.

Shu Qi was not so surprised.

But what she didn't know was that the film was about to change her life.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Shu Qi, who first arrived on the set, was still a little nervous.

Er Dongsheng saw her crampedness.

Said to her seriously: "Looking for you, just because you are you, don't worry." ”

And a good crew doesn't just have a good director.

Actor Leslie Cheung also patiently guided Shu Qi to adapt to the filming rhythm of the movie.

And teach her some acting skills.

Suddenly, he said something that made Shu Qi stunned for a long time.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20
"Actually, if you don't take the sexy route, you can also act well."

Leslie Cheung's words are like a beam of light in the darkness for Shu Qi.

made Shu Qi, who was originally entangled in "taking off or not taking off", suddenly have an answer.

There is no more effective encouragement than from the recognition of a professional actor.

Shu Qi also made up her mind to "get dressed" again from this moment.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

With "Men and Women" won multiple awards.

Shu Qi also won the Best Supporting Actor Award at the Academy Awards for this movie.

Take advantage of the great opportunity.

She started the mode of filming with her life.

In 3 years, she didn't dare to breathe and filmed 25 works.

Many viewers have also changed their stereotypes about her.

Until she started pursuing love.

only to find out that in the eyes of some people, she has always been "naked".

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

04 The best people are around

"If my career is booming and a man who loves me very much wants to marry me, I will choose to get married"

Shu Qi has always retained the purest yearning for love.

Marrying her beloved is her choice above all else.

However, she met a lot of men who kept saying they loved her.

But none of them offered to marry her.

Even if it's to show your love openly and honestly.

will be regarded as a stain by others.

This experience of being hurt because of the past, Shu Qi has encountered more than once.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

After filming "City of Glass".

Shu Qi and her partner Liming had an affair.

One pass is seven years.

During this period, Liming never admitted the relationship between the two.

And Shu Qi remained silent from beginning to end.

It wasn't until years later that she talked about the reasons for the breakup.

On the one hand, it proves that the rumors of the past are not false.

On the one hand, I also want to prove that I have passed the hurdle of the year.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Because Dawn's popularity and status are on the front line of the circle.

And Shu Qi didn't want to delay the other party's career because of his identity.

So the two reached a consensus not to disclose this relationship to the public.

It wasn't until Shu Qi talked frankly about his debut experience during the visit.

Dawn had a big fight with her.

accuse her of not bringing "that kind of thing" to the table.

The two parted happily.

And there are many experiences of breaking up because of "that kind of thing".

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

After separating from Liming, Shu Qi met Zhang Zhen.

Both of them were too deep into the play, and they didn't hear the director's voice to stop during a kiss scene.

This relationship was also brought out of the play by the two.

From time to time, the media photographed Zhang Zhen shuttling through Taiwan's snack streets with Shu Qi.

The two also often take advantage of the evening breeze to drive together.

Before the window paper is pierced.

Shu Qi took the lead in front of the media and said:

"If Zhang Zhen pursues me, I will agree."

However, the bravery of one side has been exchanged for the retreat of the other.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Shu Qi's words undoubtedly admitted to the public the spark between the two.

But when the media handed the microphone to Zhang Zhen's father.

The other party said: "Shu Qi will not be Zhang Zhen's other half." ”

As soon as this remark comes out, no matter how much you like it, it doesn't make sense.

Zhang Zhen couldn't disobey his father's will.

Shu Qi can't change his past either.

Once again, because of the loss of love "once".

And this is still not the last of her love ordeal.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

As Leehom Wang invited Shu Qi to star in his MV.

The scandal between the two quickly spread through the streets and alleys.

There are even media pictures of the two living together.

However, the development of the story is always strikingly similar.

This time, Leehom Wang's mother came forward.

said that his son was talented.

And Shu Qi reads too little.

Although the words are tactful, the meaning is clear enough.

So far, Shu Qi has achieved a "three consecutive defeats" record.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

Since then, Shu Qi is no longer obsessed with the pursuit of true love.

Instead, she implemented her amazing saying:

"When people are bored, they want to find a man to play with."

She began to have scandals with different male artists.

Even she doesn't care if it's true or not.

Rather than being held on to the past, it is better to create some new focus to divert attention.

Maybe it's too much of a game.

She still got herself into trouble.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

With the outbreak of the contradiction between Zhao Wenzhuo and Donnie Yen.

Everyone in the entertainment industry has stood in line.

And Shu Qi also posted an article for the first time to support Donnie Yen.

Unexpectedly, her actions caused strong dissatisfaction among mainland audiences.

took out her past experience and began to criticize and write.

Shu Qi, who was scolded by the unprecedented storm of public opinion, collapsed emotionally.

When all thoughts were lost, Feng Delun appeared.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

The two have been good friends for many years.

Now when he is spurned by everyone, he is still firmly by his side.

Shu Qi suddenly realized.

It turns out that the best people are around.

So on an uneventful day.

Shu Qi suddenly posted her wedding photos.

The two were not dressed in fancy clothes.

Instead, there is not even a grand venue to be found.

But the happiness on the faces of the two was overflowing.

Shu Qi finally found her home.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20

After marriage, Feng Delun, who is quite "romantic" in reputation, changed his past.

has become a complete "wife slave".

No matter in any venue, as long as Shu Qi is mentioned, there is a smile in his eyes.

And often put "my wife is the best" on my lips.

He said: "My wife is always a perfect score. ”

As for Shu Qi, it doesn't seem to have changed much after marriage.

But when she was 50 years old, she still attended the event with a full of girlishness.

has given the world the best answer to this marriage.

There is a kind of "whitewashing" called Shu Qi, who became famous at the age of 16, but was woken up by Leslie Cheung's words at the age of 20


For Shu Qi, the first half of her life was almost full of thorns.

She chose to "become popular" in the fastest way.

It also bears the "price" behind the shortcut.

The most valuable thing is that she never hides her past.

Because those injuries will become her "medals".

And her sobriety is the key factor in her success.

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