
The Past in the East Gate (250) - The robbery of the marriage has just begun to change

author:A drifting bottle chasing the light

No one knows what kind of gift Jiang Gui will prepare, and it is estimated that no one cares about what kind of demon he can do at that time. The reason why the people who eat melons can ignore this hidden gossip is still so simple that it can't be simpler, because the old Dong family and the old Cui family during that time can ensure that they can continue to provide the village with a steady stream of big melons that are always fresh and continue to refresh the heat. There are more eye-catching ones there, and of course no one will pay attention to the little waves that Jiang Gui may turn over. It wasn't until this heartless and lungless thing really made a big deal that the neighbors suddenly realized it.

Then he chattered while chattering, they really underestimated Jiang Gui, who was a father, and the prodigal son wanted to vent his anger for his daughter in the heart of his uncle after he turned around! Since Cui Er nodded and agreed to let Wang Xiujuan marry Guoming, he has hardly seen Jiang Gui's figure, and no one knows what he is doing when he goes out early and returns late to his nerves. Some people are curious and ask what he is busy with? It's such a quiet class in the town, and you don't need to go out at dawn and come back after it's dark, right? Seeing someone ask about this, Jiang Gui never responded positively.

Just nodded and smiled and prevaricated a few words before leaving, but when he really ran into a thorough inquiry, he had an unfathomable look on his face, saying that he was born different from mortals! People who are destined to do great things, how can they reveal half a sentence before the great cause is accomplished? This is really a clever way to dispel the idler, neither red-faced nor impatient, a few jokes can dissuade those who are curious about his whereabouts. A few times I came down to see that he really didn't reveal the meaning, as long as it wasn't a person who had a problem with his brain and couldn't see the height of his eyebrows and eyes, he would know each other and stop annoying people.

Besides, during that time, not only Jiang Gui had gossip that could be excavated, but one of the centers of the topic of Mrs. Lao Dong was also the focus of everyone's attention. She was quite active in the marriage of her niece, and sent Wang Xiujuan to Lao Cui's house the next day, early in the morning, before the rooster crowed for the first time, she was already dressed up and humming a little song, and came to Lao Cui's house with light steps. With a high voice, he harassed his niece who was still asleep, his future niece-in-law and in-laws, as well as several neighbors who were connected.

After the confused niece came over to open the door for her while yawning, she bypassed them and squeezed into the house with the displeased and obviously unwelcoming expressions of the three members of the old Cui family. After rubbing a breakfast mixed with countless white eyes, Mrs. Dong grabbed her mother's hand again and stopped her and Cui Er from hiding out in time. Then he called his niece to call the village chief and told him to be a middleman. But Wang Xiujuan ran twice and didn't invite anyone, no matter how well she spoke, the village chief always pulled her face and only said one word, "I can't control this matter in your family!" ”

Mrs. Dong was angry that the village chief didn't give her face, and while muttering, she saw me still calling my sister-in-law, and at this time she just begged him for a favor and asked not to move, so she stood up angrily and prepared to go in person. But before she could open her mouth to explain her intentions, she was stimulated by the village chief's daughter-in-law in front of her. "Oh, sister-in-law Dong, why did you come to the door in person! It's really a rare guest, what do you say you have to tell others to run errands, I'm just going to go over! You are usually busy running the house, and you are helping to discipline your younger brother's children, and you are more outstanding in training your niece! ”

"Just look at this radius of a few miles, how many girls can compare to her! Have the courage and courage! You don't even have to worry about finding your in-laws, my old daughter can't compare with her. is as wooden and honest as her father, not to mention that she took the initiative to find a partner, even if the matchmaker introduced her, she didn't even dare to say a word. It's like your Xiujuan, look at this thing, you need to worry about it! When you identify the target, you know that you want to recruit him, so who does it matter? Pry into your own hands is your own, who likes to say what to say! If you cover your ears, you can't hear! ”

"No, my grandfather also sees that his daughter is too honest, so he always wants to save a few more money, and thinks that it is a big deal to accompany his daughter when she gets married. When I got to my mother-in-law's house, my waist can be straightened, you see this chop pulling a bite of food and leaving, and this big mess outside the house has been thrown to me. I complained to him for a few words and was anxious with me, saying that it was better to live a good life than anything else, and if you want to live a good life, you have to rely on yourself to do it steadily. Don't always try to cut corners and pick up ready-made ones! said that he would never look down on such a person in his life! ”

"He also scolded me for driving me back to my parents' house if I dared to learn from these people who were not in the stream and wanted to learn from them without hard work! didn't let me stay in front of him, saying that it was troublesome! That's how he has been in his life, everything is written on his face, and he doesn't even pretend to be on anyone's face. Ah! Look, why am I just patronizing and complaining to you, why are you here so early? I heard Xiujuan say just now that you want my grandfather to go to Cui Er's house? I didn't take it seriously! Isn't this just a joke about a child who is young and ignorant and comes over early in the morning to be our elders! ”

"My grandfather is also an official, although he is usually enthusiastic and always likes to run errands for his neighbors. But there are a lot of things all day long, and no one who knows anything about things has never come to call us at every turn! My grandfather is not the long-term worker of the landlord's family, who wants to use it on call? You have always been the most numerous person in your heart, and even more so can! I guessed that Xiujuan was so happy that she was going to get married, and she came to me to make a joke with her uncle. So I didn't take it seriously, sister-in-law, what are you doing here? ”

Since Mrs. Dong entered the house, she didn't have a chance to say a word, so she listened to the crackling chatter of the village chief's daughter-in-law. At first, I was a little angry that the village chief didn't give face, but the more I listened, the more I felt, how did this seem to be almost gone? Obviously, people didn't name her name in her words, but why did she blush-face and fidget? Not only her, but even Wang Xiujuan felt that her face was getting redder and redder when she listened to the village chief's daughter-in-law, and she didn't dare to look up. This aunt and nephew are not stupid people, even if they are stupid, they can hear that they are referring to Sang scolding Huai!

When the village chief's daughter-in-law finally said that she was happy, Mrs. Dong's face turned blue with anger. After seeing that the village chief's daughter-in-law had enough people, she was still there with innocent eyes and asked innocently, sister-in-law, what is the matter with you? She insisted on suppressing the swear words that were about to rush out, and she couldn't even maintain the calm on the surface, so she immediately stood up and said with some yin and yang weirdness, "What else can I do!" Even if you do, you don't dare to say it, and then delay your grandfather to earn a dowry for his daughter! I can't afford it! After speaking, he pulled Wang Xiujuan, who was still stunned with her hair down, and also pointed at Sang and scolded Huai, but she didn't dare to talk too much.

"I said, why are you so wooden? I didn't see that everyone was busy, so why stay here! You don't have an official man, who can look down on you! After speaking, he pulled Wang Xiujuan and walked out of the village chief's house in a huff. They walked in front, and the village chief's daughter-in-law followed behind, continuing to smile and tell them to come back when they were free! As long as you don't be like those ignorant ones, just bother her with bad things! Seeing them go away, they pulled their faces and chatted with the neighbors who came up to see the excitement, what do you say this aunt and nephew is thinking?

"If my niece does this, I'm embarrassed to be an aunt. I don't stop being a cat at home, and I lick my face and come out. It's not too hard to do that, and I always want to let my grandfather go over to wipe his ass, don't say that my grandfather is unwilling to get involved in this matter, even if he wants to get involved, I don't agree! The men who snatched it from others really took it seriously, thinking that everyone had to get used to them! ”

I really saw that the village chief's daughter-in-law was really angry with Mrs. Dong, and stimulated this usually smart person, regardless of whether anyone heard it or not, she scolded angrily on the way back to Lao Cui's house. scolded the village chief's daughter-in-law for speaking too mercilessly, and scolded Wang Xiujuan for having to cause trouble for her, which made her angry! Let the family scold the number of Huai! Wang Xiujuan began to wipe her tears again when her aunt told her, and Mrs. Dong couldn't feel bad when she saw her like this. While comforting her niece with a relaxed attitude, she said angrily that even if she didn't use the village chief as an intermediary, she could still marry her niece according to the rules!

After speaking, he took Wang Xiujuan to find the eldest elder in the village, Second Grandpa Qi, and even pretended to be stupid and sold miserably, so he almost knelt down and knocked a few times, before finally persuading Second Grandpa Qi, who was full of reluctance, to be a middleman in this disgraceful marriage. Follow her to Lao Cui's house and talk about various details of the work. The neighbors looked at the aunt and nephew, one left and one right, supporting the trembling second grandfather Qi, and walking towards Cui Er's house while desperately saying good things without money, they knew what they were planning. While lamenting the bad luck of Grandpa Qi, he also sincerely praised Mrs. Dong for her flexible brain.

After the heart of asking the village chief to be the middleman after death, she can immediately remember when her husband was alive and have a little friendship with this old man. The age and generation are there, even if the Cui Er family doesn't take Wang Xiujuan seriously, there is Qi Er's grandfather who says that he has to give some face. No matter how old you are in the village, as long as you marry someone or marry a daughter-in-law, you have to have such a middleman to run errands back and forth between the two families. At that time, most of them were introduced, and there were also people who worked outside to bring the object back, and if there was no matchmaker, the elders would go to the village head.

If the village chief is busy, he will invite the elders in the village who are old enough to speak. This is an unwritten custom in the east gate, even if it comes to the link of meeting the in-laws, the two parents sit together. If you have any opinions on marriage or bride price, you will not say it face-to-face, and it will be passed back and forth by the middleman. Listening to grandma, I am also afraid that there will be some differences, if the two families communicate directly, in case they are unhappy, they will leave some pimples in their hearts. Both sides are satisfied, and then what should be done is what to do, and everyone is comfortable.

If there is any disagreement, then the intermediary will pass the message back and forth, even if it ends up unhappily, it will not be a red-faced dispute. It's not like this hasn't happened before, because the bride price hasn't been negotiated. There is an intermediary next to him to say peace, even if the family affair is not successful, the two families met on the road later, it is still the same as in the past, should say hello, how to get along, how to get along. So I think this is a very careful custom in the East Gate, a very subtle and quite harmonious method. Wang Xiujuan and Guoming getting together is not glorious, and it can even be said to be quite embarrassing.

It is estimated that matchmakers within a radius of several miles will not agree to be this middleman. Mrs. Dong also thought of this, so after the village chief refused, even if she was cheeky, she pulled Grandpa Qi over, and it is not only a custom to have a middleman to talk about marriage, but it can also be said to be a kind of face. If no one is willing to be a middleman in a marriage, it will be a joke. really let everyone guess correctly, although Cui Er didn't want to see Wang Xiujuan, but in the end, it was also for the sake of Grandpa Qi's face, and he reluctantly changed his plan not to hold a banquet.

But only for this, Widow Zhang directly said that agreeing to hold a banquet was already their biggest concession. It's still for the sake of the old man, so he will be embarrassed and hard-headed. As for the bride price, what is like other daughters in the village getting married, the in-laws buy a few clothes and a few pairs of shoes, these are all gone! The reason is also ready-made, because Wang Xiujuan mixed Guoming and divorced, so Su Fang will take away a lot of money! The family still has to live, there are so many flue-cured tobacco planted in the field, and you have to keep money ready to use medicine and repel insects at any time, if it is not enough, maybe you have to go out and borrow it!

I don't know where to get the money for the banquet, where is the money to fix all this uselessness? Mrs. Dong said angrily, "Don't think I don't know what's going on!" His daughter-in-law took the money from the restaurant for two years! Your son has been driving for so many years, and he can't save at all? Widow Zhang glanced at her and asked, don't you have to touch any of the money you have saved? Such a big family doesn't have to eat or drink? Don't you need money to buy water and electricity at the restaurant? Do you think that if you are in the village, you can just go to the field to eat whatever you want?

Mrs. Dong was still a little unconvinced, "Then it has to be about the same!" When Su Fang got married, you took out all your private money to buy gold earrings! Xiujuan doesn't want such expensive things, she just wants to buy a few clothes. That's it, you're still crying poor! Do you want to marry a daughter-in-law? Widow Zhang sneered speechlessly, "You're right, it was your aunt and nephew who were doing the whole thing, and they had to die to live and rely on our family!" It's not like we want to marry! Can she compare with Su Fang? Su Fang is being married by Ming Media, what's the matter with her! ”

"I can spend my money on whoever I want, and my rare daughter-in-law can buy whatever I want! Stop inking! On this condition, you can marry if you are willing to marry! If we feel wronged, we are not reluctant! We are not afraid of stumbling, and it would be good to agree to hold a banquet! No matter how dissatisfied I am, I can't do it, what do you want! I'm not going to serve anymore, and it's not easy for anyone to say! Mrs. Dong wanted to quarrel with her angrily, but was persuaded by Wang Xiujuan, saying that as long as she could live a good life, she didn't care about these things outside her body.

So with Wang Xiujuan's active facilitation, Mrs. Dong's helplessness with a face of suffering, and the coldness of Cui Erzhang's widow, this grievance was finally negotiated. After finishing the matter, Mrs. Dong walked out of Lao Cui's house, not wanting to deal with her niece at all, carefully pleasing her, and only turned around at the gate and said, "I have such a great ability, this hard-pressed marriage, whether it is good or bad depends on yourself." Don't blame your aunt for not taking care of it for you, I'm worthy of your father if you're doing well. If you have nothing to do in the future, go back less, and your sisters-in-law will be unhappy if you go back. ”

After finishing speaking, she bent over and walked away with her hands behind her back, Grandma Zhou looked at Wang Xiujuan, who had stood there with tears in her eyes and looked at her aunt for a long time, and sighed with hatred for Mrs. Yang, "I don't know what she wants, some men have to worry about others." At this point, I got married under the fingers of others, and no one in my mother's family didn't like it, so how would I live in the future. Mrs. Yang glanced at her, and said that if you plant melons, you will get melons, and you will get beans, and even if there are fierce beasts on the road you picked, don't you have to insist on going down? It's not all her own choice! Grandma Zhou nodded and agreed with her best friend's statement.

Then I chatted with a few other aunts and aunts while doing work, of course, the focus of the chatter was still the old Cui family. Because everything is improvised, there are not so many places that need to be paid attention to. So the date was set in a hurry, and after only a few days, I watched Wang Xiujuan's door-to-door notice to drink her wedding wine tomorrow. Although I don't look down on her and Guoming, I really don't want to attend her wedding, but I still have to go to this wedding wine. The reason is inevitably cheesy, and everyone has said that they can't look down on people's use! Cui Er went to the ceremony when the family was doing errands, and now let alone the second marriage of the son, even if it is the third marriage of a dog, he has to go and return the gift to others!

Even if you are not satisfied, you can only hold it in your heart! Everyone here is still muttering together, tomorrow I will go over to write a ceremony and finish the matter, and I will not stay to eat the stumbling seat, this statement has been unanimously affirmed. Jiang Gui, who had been listening silently beside him, said coldly, "Don't, why don't you eat the banquet after the ceremony!" If you don't stay, I'll be alone there. After speaking, he ignored the surprised and puzzled eyes of the crowd, smiled with an unfathomable face, and walked away slowly. Only Grandma Zhou and Mrs. Yang glanced at each other mysteriously, and they couldn't hide the expectation on their faces.

Originally, Guoming suggested that he should set up a few tables in his yard, let Widow Zhang take charge of stir-frying a few dishes, and then find a few neighbors to help. But Widow Zhang said with a look of resistance that she didn't want to serve Wang Xiujuan. So Guoming could only reluctantly find a small restaurant in the town, as for why it wasn't his own, the neighbors guessed that he had to make a little face, for fear that the neighbors would look at the jokes. There were quite a few people who went on the day of the wedding, just in time for the village to finish weeding and spraying the fields some time ago. Don't be so busy, some people really want to come out and hang out.

But most of them still came to see the excitement, and when everyone went, they only saw Widow Zhang and Cui Er entertaining guests, and Guoming and Wang Xiujuan were not there. I heard that Wang Xiujuan went to the town guest house last night, and it was predetermined that this morning Guoming took a few people to take her to the house she had rented with Su Fang before. Then come to the hotel together, and whoever holds the wedding at that time has to pick an auspicious time first, and wait for the witnesses to finish speaking before they can have a banquet. It was almost 90 o'clock in the morning, but I saw everyone sitting at the table eating a stomach of melon seeds, pouring drinks and going straight to the toilet, and I didn't see the bride and groom.

Mrs. Yang rarely revealed the watch that Xiao Ningning bought for her, and after glancing at the time, she poked Grandma Zhou, "It's past eleven o'clock this time, why haven't you seen anyone yet?" After a little more delay, after twelve o'clock, it will be considered afternoon. What is the whole thing about their old Cui family? Second marriage is not auspicious? Before Grandma Zhou could speak, Zhao Da on the side also muttered dissatisfiedly, "It's not a problem!" I didn't eat in the morning for this big meal! What is this grinding in his house, if you let me pour soda like this, I will almost become a big-bellied toad! ”

A few people were muttering, just to see Wang Xiujuan and Mrs. Dong coming in a hurry, and after entering the house, the two of them could find it somewhere. After finding enough, Wang Xiujuan looked at Widow Zhang and Cui Er and asked, "Where did Guoming go!" It's time for him to change his hexagram, and it won't be authentic! "The two people who were asked about the head were confused and said at the same time, how do we know where he went! As soon as Mrs. Dong wanted to be anxious, she heard the noise at the door, and everyone also stood up and looked at the door when they heard the movement, and saw Guoming standing there and pulling and pulling with a woman, who was shouting, "Cui Guoming, let me tell you, even if you get married today, you can only marry me, and you can't ......marry anyone except me." ”