
When flunarizine + betahistine is used together, is it repeated medication or reasonable combination?

author:Doctor Qingbin

During today's ward rounds, the director suddenly asked: "Xiao Zhang, tell me, flunarizine + betahistine is used together, is it repeated medication or reasonable combination?" When this question was raised, the audience was instantly quiet, and the atmosphere was tense as if a medical version of a "spy war drama" was about to be staged.

Dr. Zhang pondered for a moment and began to answer: "Flunarizine, which is a calcium ion antagonist, can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier, improve cerebral blood supply, and treat migraine, dizziness and other symptoms; And betahistine, which is similar in structure and pharmacological properties to histamine, is mainly used to treat vertigo caused by Meniere's syndrome, etc. ”

The director smiled slightly and motioned for Xiao Zhang to continue. Xiao Zhang is full of confidence: "Although these two drugs can treat vertigo, the mechanism of action is different. Flunarizine is mainly antagonized by calcium, while betahistine is antagonized by affecting histamine receptors. Therefore, their combination is not simply repeated, but can complement each other to improve the therapeutic effect. ”

After hearing this, the director nodded and praised: "Not bad, Xiao Zhang!" These two drugs can indeed work synergistically through different pathways to better improve the patient's symptoms. In clinical practice, we should reasonably choose the combination of drugs according to the specific situation of the patient to achieve the best treatment effect. ”

When flunarizine + betahistine is used together, is it repeated medication or reasonable combination?

Flunarizine and betahlastine: Repeated or rational combination?

During today's ward rounds, a discussion about the combination of drugs has aroused everyone's attention. Flunarizine and betahistine, whether these two drugs can be reasonably combined in the treatment of symptoms such as dizziness, has become the focus of discussion. Below, I will give you an in-depth analysis of this problem and popularize the knowledge of related diseases and drugs.

1. Drug introduction


Flunarizine, as a calcium antagonist, is able to selectively prevent calcium ions from entering the cell, thereby inhibiting smooth muscle contraction. In cerebral blood vessels, it can effectively dilate blood vessels, increase cerebral blood flow, and improve cerebral blood supply. Therefore, flunarizine is often used to treat migraines, dizziness, and other symptoms associated with cerebral insufficiency.

In addition, flunarizine also has a certain antihistamine effect, which can reduce histamine-induced vasodilation and increased permeability, thereby alleviating histamine-induced edema.


The structure and pharmacological properties of betahistine are similar to those of histamine. It is able to activate histamine H1 receptors in the body, producing a weaker histamine-like effect. At the same time, it can also stimulate H3 receptors, thereby inhibiting the negative feedback regulation of histamine, increasing the synthesis and release of histamine, and increasing the content of endogenous histamine. These effects allow betahistine to significantly improve the microcirculation of the vestibular system of the inner ear and increase blood flow to the cochlea and anterior floor, thereby effectively treating vertigo and balance disorders caused by Meniere's syndrome, vascular headache and cerebral arteriosclerosis.

When flunarizine + betahistine is used together, is it repeated medication or reasonable combination?

2. Analysis of drug combinations

As Dr. Zhang said during his ward rounds, although flunarizine and betahistine can both treat symptoms such as vertigo, their mechanisms of action are not the same. Flunarizine mainly dilates cerebral blood vessels and improves cerebral blood supply through calcium ion antagonism; Belastine, on the other hand, increases the amount of endogenous histamine by influencing histamine receptors, thereby improving the microcirculation of the vestibular system of the inner ear.

Therefore, the combination of these two drugs is not a simple repetition, but can produce a synergistic effect to improve the patient's symptoms from different ways. In practical clinical application, our doctors will formulate a reasonable medication plan according to the specific condition and physical condition of the patient.

3. Diseases and Medications

Common causes of vertigo:

Vertigo is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of causes. Common causes include cerebral insufficiency, Meniere's syndrome, vestibular neuritis, etc. These diseases can cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, which can seriously affect the quality of life.

Importance of Medication:

For symptoms such as vertigo, medication is one of the important treatments. Through a reasonable combination of drugs and treatment regimens, patients' symptoms can be effectively alleviated and their quality of life can be improved.

Principles of rational drug use:

In the process of medication, we should follow the principle of rational drug use. First of all, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and choose the appropriate drug according to the condition; Secondly, we should pay attention to the side effects and interactions of drugs to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions; Finally, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the treatment effect and adjust the treatment plan in time.

Fourth, answer to doubts

Q: Does flunarizine and betahistine increase side effects when used together?

A: The combination of flunarizine and betahistine is usually done under the guidance of a doctor. Doctors will consider the patient's specific condition, physical condition, and drug interactions to develop a reasonable medication plan. Under normal circumstances, the combination of these two drugs is safe, but if there is any discomfort or abnormal reaction, medical advice should be sought immediately.

Q: Is it okay for me to take only one medicine?

A: The specific medication plan needs to be formulated according to the actual situation of the patient. In some cases, a single drug may be able to achieve a good outcome; In other cases, a combination of drugs may be more appropriate. Therefore, patients are advised to make medication choices under the guidance of their doctors.

Q: Do I need to take these drugs for a long time?

A: The cycle and dosage of the drug need to be determined according to the patient's condition and the doctor's guidance. In general, if a person's symptoms improve significantly and remain stable, the doctor may consider tapering or stopping the medication. However, the specific medication regimen needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the patient.

5. Summary

The combination of flunarizine and betahistine is not a simple repetition of the drug, but can have a synergistic effect that works together to improve the patient's symptoms. In practical application, we should formulate a reasonable medication plan according to the specific condition and physical condition of the patient, and follow the principle of rational medication. At the same time, patients should also actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment recommendations, regularly evaluate the treatment effect, and adjust the treatment plan in time in order to recover as soon as possible.

When flunarizine + betahistine is used together, is it repeated medication or reasonable combination?

6. Medical insurance policies and drug costs

While discussing drug combinations, we cannot ignore the economics of drugs. For many patients, the cost of medication is an important consideration. Fortunately, with the continuous improvement of the medical security system in China, more and more drugs are included in the medical insurance list, so that patients can obtain the necessary treatment drugs at a lower price.

Flunarizine and betahistine are two drugs that are covered by medical insurance in most regions, which means that patients can enjoy a certain reimbursement ratio when purchasing these drugs, thereby reducing the financial burden. Of course, the specific reimbursement ratio and policy may vary depending on the region and the type of medical insurance, so it is recommended that patients learn more about the local medical insurance policy before purchasing the drug.

In conclusion, understanding and making reasonable use of medical insurance policies can help patients better manage drug costs while treating diseases, so as to achieve more economical and efficient treatment.