
Auntie, don't be greedy for me

author:Listen to books


Liu Yang agreed, took Liu Ruotong back to the place where he dug the lilies before, put all the lilies on the ground into the sack, and the two went home happily.

When he arrived at home, Liu Yang packed according to Liu Ruotong's statistical data and prepared to go to the town tomorrow to deliver the goods.

This is a few hours, so that when Liu Ruotong went home, it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening.

The strange thing is that Liu Yang didn't take a bite of food today, but now he is not hungry at all, and he is still full of energy.

"Damn, is this the benefit of cultivation, you don't need to eat food, you completely rely on drinking wind and dew for a living, this is also too awesome."

"With this kind of ability, how can those capitalists cut my wine and food."

Auntie, don't be greedy for me

"Lao Tzu just doesn't buy a house, doesn't buy a car, doesn't eat, and saves money if you have it, unless you kneel in front of Lao Tzu and beg Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will consider it."

Liu Yang's self-confidence has swelled a little after cultivating, and he doesn't know who worked 18 hours a day to deliver food in order to marry his daughter-in-law.

In order to fight for a down payment in the city and become a city person.

"Brother Liu Yang, then I'll go back, take me with you when I go to town tomorrow, I want to go to town too."

Liu Yang sent Liu Ruotong to the door of the house, Liu Ruotong still looked reluctant, this girl was completely in love with Liu Yang.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Liu Yang watched Liu Ruotong walk away, closed the gate, returned to the yard, fetched a bucket of water and began to take a bath.

Now that he is well, it seems that even the air is so beautiful, Liu Yang couldn't help humming a little song.

"O people today! I'm so happy. ”

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Liu Yang hurriedly blocked himself with a towel.

"Liu Yang, I beg you for one thing, I can return the 50,000 yuan to you, but you have to promise me to leave my daughter."

"I worked hard to raise my daughter to grow up, just to let her marry into the city and live the life of a rich man, and I can't be ruined with you."

Auntie, don't be greedy for me

Liu Xin does not look down on the peasants, but the peasants' lifetimes can be seen now.

I get up early every day and farm the land at night, and I can't even afford an Apple mobile phone all year round.

According to the calculation of 1,000 catties of grain per acre of land, the annual output of 10,000 catties of 10,000 catties of 10,000 catties of grain is 10,000 catties of grain, and only 10,000 yuan of 10,000 catties of 10,000 catties of land are sold for 10,000 catties of land.

10,000 yuan is at most two months' wages for people in the city, but in the countryside, it is a year of exhausting work for the family.

She has already tasted the bitterness of life and does not want her daughter to repeat her life again.

Love, what is that, the most unreliable and human thing.

The young man who has no money thinks he is very single-minded, and you let him try to become a rich man to see if he can find a little girl.

In the final analysis, a woman is a commodity, rich people eat more and occupy more, and those who have no money can only watch from afar, this is the reality.

When you are smoothed out by reality, you will also have such a painful realization.

The rich second generation can only go home to inherit the family property if they don't work hard, while ordinary people can only starve if they don't work hard, and no one wants to be a young lady and be toyed with by stinky men.

But in the face of the pressures of life, what can a poor woman do.

If there is a way, who is not willing to be a good person who keeps his reputation and is unwilling to pay back.

"Ruotong and I are fine, it's you who think too much, you go quickly, I still have to take a bath, don't make me embarrassed."

"Liu Yang, if I give you my body, you are willing to leave Ruotong."

Liu Xin remembered that Liu Yang was looking for a young lady, and guessed that Liu Yang especially wanted a woman now.

Curious about the woman, in order not to let her daughter have an accident, she decided to let it go.

Liu Yang cautiously protected himself, feeling that this woman wanted to eat fart, and she was a cultivator.

There are infinite possibilities in the future, and now that you have made yourself a fool, isn't that too wronged?

And on the way to cultivation, the boy's body is very noble, and before he officially stepped into the realm of the grandmaster, no one should think of breaking Lao Tzu.

"Aunt Liu, let me tell you, don't try to covet my body, even if I die, I won't follow you."

Liu Yang's reaction made Liu Xin speechless, feeling that this guy was pretending, otherwise he wouldn't be looking for Miss.

I saw her walk up to Liu Yang, pull off the towel that was protecting Liu Yang's body, and couldn't take her eyes off for a while.

Liu Yang hurriedly snatched the towel back, protected himself again, and then quickly came out of the bathtub and put on his clothes tightly.

Auntie, don't be greedy for me

I almost took a lock and locked my pants.

"You also said that you are not hungry for my body, hurry up and get out, or don't blame me for calling someone."

It is impossible for Liu Yang to make a move on Liu Xin, after all, Liu Xin has no malicious intent.

If only he had done it tonight before he got the inheritance, but now, he couldn't do it at all.